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Bluefield evening leader. [volume] (Bluefield, W. Va.) 1906-1911, December 04, 1909, Image 1

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Guns Are Trained on Pro
vincial Palace of Nica
raguan Government
at Corinto.
Germany or Japan Believed
to be Intriguing
With Zelaya.
Panama, Dec. -The Gunboat
Vicksburg lr> cleared tor action off
Corituio and the guns are trained on
the provincial palace. Tiie comman
der of the Vicksburg has served no
tice on the governor that Americans
iro’St not >‘c molest , d. The first
movement made toward interfering
v’tli the r*trL.• w of Ymerlcan citizens
will mean a botnbardiiu nt of the
It is reported her- that Germany
Is backing Nicaragua because whe is
interested iit the digging of the
Nicaraguan canal, am^ has business
intcre*.ts in Nicaragua.
On Germany’s Account.
Washington. Iiec. 4.—A rport giv
en out today state's that, the, reason
bo many ships and such large forces
wore sent to Nicaragua by government
was not on account of Zelaya or the
revolution but on account of the re
ports that either Germany or Japan
Is Intriguing to get control of the
Nlcargur. canal
Battle Raging.
nVuefleldi, Nicaragua, fDcc. * —A
batt’o is reported to be raging near
Rama between EMrada’a forces and
Zelaya's troops. Estrada has inr
sonal command of Ills army, and it
is believed that the war will end In
a short time.
International Trouble Maker.
Washington, Dec. t.—The inter
nal and international quarrels in
which the Zelayan government of
Nicaragua is now involved have
brought forcibly to the attention of
th s and other gvenments the arre
gant ruler of that turbulent Central
American republic-Jose Santos Z<*
laya who mor nearly a score of year
has been one of the most troublesome
gurca in international affairs.
That the latest difficulty in which
he has become Involve i, through the
execution of Grace and Cannon, citi
zens of the nlttal States, will le
. tilt in his final elimination from the
field t/ |olltics. is now generally be
1 eved by diplomats here In Washing
I no long I1KI 1)1 lilfiuil,** IJU nu;i 1
various nations have boon subjected
by this troublesome executive, and
which culminat°d in hhc k Him; o
i/conard Grace and Leroy Cannono
Atnoricnn resident* of Nicaragua, will
undoubtedly be avenged by Uncle
Sam. While a substantial in iernnlty
undoubtedly w II be demanded for
their eath•>, the Intervention of this
nation is expected to r«-sult in the
success of the present revolutionary
movement, under General Juan l>
flada. This would mean Belay a'r
dopo-dtlon a pres dent and indoubt
edly hi* exile Ifrom Nicaragua
F*or nearly a score of >\ irs »bl*
autocrat h ruled Nicaragua with nr
iron bnnd substituting mil » r v rr,m,
where moral suasion prove | i.., .<
live, and rw-ing tlie seel of d'icord
among the other Central \m«rle»r
stnte« which would ultimately be
harvested to h a advantage.
All industries whether it-»five or
foreign have been compelled to pi.
toll to this avaricious ruler, wh<
supports hit various military move
ment* with the proceeds The moc
profitable of the*e, such «- sugar, to
hncro and coffee, are controlled by
h nis'-'f or hi representatives an<t
the V3»‘ returns have made hint im
mensel/ wealthy
Orie source of revenue, however
ha« been unable to get, e
of namely v"* m' terni v >ttf| cm
the eastern coast. Yankee ingenltr>
Coal and Timber and Sheep
and Blue Grass on a
Thousand Hills.
Judge \V. A. Ayers and his law part
n-r Cyrus H. Smithdale of Lobauou,
\a. were in the city last night on
business, and they are full of en
thusiasm regarding the material re
source* of Russell county. Av'C >rd
i lug to the report of the State Com
mislson lof AgilouMuro Russell is
t'h*:- banner *4heep toounty of the
Old iiominion, and in iK>int of coal.
! blue grass and timber it i» there
with thu gtxkls.
One iHTtilhir thing is the fact tha
on one side of the river there are
, tin* finest coal veins to be found any
, where, and on the other the coun
try stretches away into blue grass
! areas. As a. usual thing coal and
blue gras* do not mix, and It's hard
: ly a mixture in this instance, but
! the line of separation Is better de
fined than in most instances.
Judge Ayi«s says he undi islands
| that there Is some show for How
l ard Little to get a new trial. This
drm was a°Iced in take Little's ease
originally but declined. • \VbH«* the
Judge is net expressing an opinion
I for publication, the t n« rinfer
I etice irom ld« con versa lion is that
I-ittlo is cm I Med to a new trial. In
■ atl this t»p|*ears to he tli«» general
opinkn of lawyers.
Cruiser Still Stuck.
Nr»’ York. Dor. 4.—Tiu* transport
Prairie with marines al*>nrd for .Jlen
ragun Is tsill stuck in the mud on
the bar of the Delaware river. The
cruiser I>ixlo bus been s^-nt to trans
fr th men to Panama.
New fixtures 'have been ms tailed at
White's Pharmacy and the average
person would hardly know ihe place.
It is aplck and span lu all kinds of
new things, and it is to he doubted
of a more up-to-date drug store cm
be- found in the state*.
The opening days will bo Monday
and Tuesday, and these daya the
ladles calling at the store will bn
served soda water free.
Ex-Governor J. Hogo Tyer and
daughter Miss Lilly arrived In the
city today coming front Norton, where
lion. Champ Clark was to make an
address las* night. The train coming
front Hristol ro Norton was late and
Mr. Clark did not arrive until nine*
O’clock. A large crowd had gather
d at the Opera house to hear the
distinguished Democratic leader, but
he was unable to speak on account
of a serious throat trouble,
Mr. Tyler will make an address at
th** Presbyterian church tomorrow
morning at 11 o'clock. He Is here
in the interest of the orphanage that
will be built at Lynchburg to replace
'he one that was burned down sev
rai weeks aso.
has developed fhU section and dea
pHto the /heart-breaking tar** and
various other Zela/an scheme*, the
Americana have managed to ret a n
thir hold.
r/‘* laya has blamed the Americana
for the many revolutions atlrred up
against hint, and when the re< • nt
ind mo t serious uprising broke o»rl
n the Blneiielda district, it did not
'**'to increase hi* afr*c‘ on. This
ria-j been tb»* basis for the report.
Mint the execution of Grace and
•tnnoii was purely a matter of i* r
o.-ial revenge on the part of the
v,cara*uan xeeutlve.
Z«*’aya |r a man with ,a purpose,
sml for many years even before h s
advent to the presHncy. has had in
tnittd the union of the Central Ameri
can state with himself their
Born 4 ,wealthy parent-*, very
little Is known of hi v e arly life ex
'•ept. that he was of “unm xed"
blood. The date of his birth is fixed
between I K4and 1 x.'O.
According to the beat information
obtainable, his early da\s were sis-nt
In the dirty little cB.- of Managua
• ho cup 'o of Nicdtagua. where, with
(Continued on Page Six.)
Six Members of Constabuary
and Seventy Filipinos
Are Slain in
Reinfoi cement Have Been
Sent to Aid the Gov
ernment Forces.
j Manila. Dec. 4.—Six members ol
i tho constabulary atul twenty natives
were killed la a battle near Mount
i Malindlng, Mindano, today. The con
l ntabulary was commanded by Lb-ti
lenant Klarts, end the enemy con
I nlated of Moron and Sana nos.
The uprising was due to the fanat
ical natives who can usually count
ed upon to do ev rylhing In their
l>ower against the government. Th«
natives are speedily collecting their
forces and it is feared that the re
bellion may b come general among
the various tribes.
Reinforcement* have bee: sent to
aid the const aim ary In putting down
the Insurrection*
According to a report n-ceivnd hero
I today the .V <y VV. will atari double
tracking from Wyoming ('Ify to TV>
von. a distanc of t»ixt« -n mileh the
i lit t of ttio year.
When finlsht-d (hi** will jflvo the
i comi»any a doutd** tuick from ♦ • *i-«
Cliy fo W iMhiii«oii ;*rid w|t| Tetl*>\e
j th< congestion of fi.dgut iraiu* and
j tend to ect ‘IiO {.asftchg t Irwins
i n on time.
A civil quince j-inpr corps n eking a
l>r*'llmln<vr) survey for iitOi'iSfil
I Street car line from ParlsburK o the
! N. Ar W. station, a distance of one
| and n half miles, and |t |s reported
that the lirw* will h«« rxtended la.er
ion to Narrows and Klppleimade.
( H. ami W. h. Stowers Nwcnt i<j
jVlp Top on business today.
John D. Rockefeller, his wife and son, photographed on their arrival
in New York^from Clevr'and Mr. Rockefeller laughed at the reference
to the story of a p! jt to kidnap him, "Oh shaw” said he with a chuckle,
‘‘Why there's nothing *o that story."
Highland l.lght, Maas., Dee. -I.—
Throe men were washed overboard
and downed today from 1 li<| Itrlt
l«h steamer MlHira.h which Is ashore
! hero. Four other member a of tho
crew were also washed overboard,
| but they were rescued
After an ahoenoe of wix month*
from the N. £ \V. system “Hoh"
Daugherty the welfl known Pullman
conductor wynt through On No. 13
I this nmrnlng. He 4as been on the
Virginian for several months and Is'
glad tl get bar It among his old j
friends on this ro»d
Columbus, Ohio, Pec. I *\it.»
trooi*« wore sent to Br1dgej>ort today
because of a strike on among the tin
plate workers. All the men oonmcted
with the Industry have unit and vio
lence Is feared.
Several Ships Are Ashore
and Mpny are Seek
ing Ports
fx>r<(lot), Doc. 1.—A violent ’'orro
J Jo sweeping over tho (on of 1’iiropc
and thf Kticlwh charm*-' - r-hltiK an
| tar sot HD an Gibraltar.
I nnd the hnaHah charm* J n.ielilnu a 1
j ashore*, and many at- p< kinr i>ort«s
| 1' is foart*d that bhorr- naa bo*-n aj
I fi^vy loss to vTHnpSne and rations
ooaaf. towns mtj Tvy ' <1 » * .‘have
IxuwUined hvavy prop* rtj Jos*.*.
VV. M. Koemc, a teamster employed
b(y the' .Superior (Supply Com parly,
Irroko his lea yesterday whll«> mi
loading *>heet Iron at thn freight de
pot, a welching about a thous
and pouude falling on 'his left leg
IJo was taken to St, Lukes' hospital
.. * -- . —- ... —
Miss Mary Weaver of Tip Top who
was taken suddenly ill at a local ho
tH a few days ago was operated on
for appendicitis at the Mlueeld flSanl
tarlutn yesterday and Is gutting along
W.IImJ'iitfioii, Poe, 4.— Scv<-n
Iukm are trying to i*ul| the Auxiliary
enUaor Prairie ofr the bar of the
Delaware river today. Part of tho
cargo may have to bo taken out!
N*jtv York, Tno. Andrew ('a -
’•Us fn 'f>o!Ir»«* court fhIh moni
I'lfct mil,r fiH chauffeur, and wh' n
*■ d'f%,l:.‘.o hl» ]K>ck^«f« :o r* * the*
money ' found ♦ha* ho had '»n1 v
>v'n./ r.gntr;.
I>«c. 4.—A boat load of
ji*UV'(^*<»'r4rm fin Ini? conveyed ’n
thp* oily (jh the Ohio river tcxl;• ** •:•
f<Tt>d< d an4 'IHow Frank Hirr!* *o
af*»inn. The explosion ahook 'ho ci’>
nml doffloltafted many windows.
'l^io <.art»o «-,f the er,do*ion Is rot
5u&»crit>« to the Evenlnq Leader.
I 1 _
Campbell Will Introduce
Resolution When Con
gress Meets.
Washington, Dec. 4.—Tim mlnno*
Kota delegation will urge thu ap
polntmnt or Judge W. II. Sanborn
Tor tin* p?uoo on i he supremo bench
Umdo vuonnt l*>- th^ 4uto Justice
lleprcscutailvo Campbell of Kan*
suh aiimiimo'H after a call it the
Will to I louse, that when eoag.v <r
assemble* he will Introduce a con
current. resolution to Investigate tho
»unnr trust frauds and also tho en
tire customs service.
HepivsentttMvo Maim will relntio
dnoo the bill abolishing tlu* Istlitulau
canal commission providing for one
eblef engineer and <*lv11 governor,
A delegation of pronchorn called
fnu tho J oT Affairs al Us weekly
| nutting ycalord.lv in City Hal, and
• 'urgeti that tho city oltldnlR make ra
i r,fruTt to pel rul of tin* bonnes of
| HI fame. Chief Newkirk saya Unit
j < bo morning paper inisropnesonb il
his is?port of lho iiuiii'Ihm* of bawdy
I lu>u' • dc in Mua city, when it a.iid
[ there were thirty two. . I• wn:r b urn
ed tuer<* ino but four houses in tho
<* 11y Hint, have been condemn'd, while
there are twenty woven lewd women
cleat< d here, according to Hat of
tames wccuri d by Ohlef Newkirk.
| The proMcliera staled they would
furnish traiiHporlatIon for any fallen
woman that wanted to enter a refuge
home, one being located In Clnciu
, nail! and ono in Pittsburg.
Tin board allowed for all of the
billH approved by hhe comnilstdounr
of fliiaucc. An uixpllcution wus made
for tin' erection of a building at tho
corner of Union and JUaud streets
to cost. $10,000. It. was referred to
tin* eafoty comtnlHHloner.
W. F. Palmer applied for permis
sion to bulbl a one-Htory building
on .Touch street. Tills wan referred.
A IIcenso was granted the Fkiglos
lodge to conduct a social club an
IHand street.
Tho samples of brick furnished by
fl. N. Worley to rough tho stoop
streets were found unsaitlsfuctory.
Tin* report* of tin* police Judge and
OomtnlulHoner were accepted hy tin*
boa rrt.
The bond of I>. A. Fudge for a re
tail liquor license wus accepted.
German Professor Believes that the
City Will Surpass Gotham.
Berlin, fv-o. 4.—"Chicago will sur
pass New York In size and impor
tance one day" \h (lie opinion of Pro
tensor Albrecht Penck, tho German*
Iloosevelt professor, who has Jnn* re
turned from New York, In a lecture
delivered a*, tho Iiuvtituto of Nau
tf<# tflcktnce 4>y tho distinguished
After commenting on the geograph
Ical mid geological conditions) of th*
capital. Professor Ponck baaed the
aliovo rtAtefnont. on I he far ? that r. i
l bough New voi k had a brilliant f •
(lire for the n^xt f.;vv d"Ciiij< , yr‘
when if; <'Oua«M|uinco of !.o n
ceasjn.: In migration Into tl.< In' r1 a
of Amorlcr. !»»•«• own r 'ju!'njent**
.vili Cm)umo n porta t<# KuiO|/e to d •
cr* ar» . Tlion tho tim will CO'; •
when (ihicago will lead *ho n:-"/,
i AlttK og!' ivofoec or IN • xpp jv
I hi. idm-lriMon of tlio technical dig!.
|oultie,-> that h.ul !,»en overcome in
building modern ^kvacrai^r", b*» dt-t
iaprott'-a vf Mh hot)' i In which N’W
! Yorkers live, ‘'OcspHo various la'tte
I ia*rMa, n«H»ple Hvn h'jditt • ^ together
J !n M»eir private dWCl'lngS, and u.o
I ''"barrel fioni enjoying th» benefl3l*l
’ Influence of the hau hreca •<» by n^ni
’ ere»m tsrsoi building;* on tho whfltvo!
which scarcely permit, i gl'rrp^o of
' wafer.
The Mat In had of five rooms In
Now York, cost Jurt as mtieh n’t h'*
flat in IP rlln, although h!« Rortin
dlnli.K ro«>rn w w larger than T! iha
room* put together.

PresidenH W. H. Thomas
Says Secretary Should
Devote ntire Time
to Work.
Thinks This Is Line Along
Which Body Can be
\Y\ II. Thomas, president «f tli»
Chamber of rnninifrco, Is of oho de
ridi d opinion that .'Mutation of the
ilanly J'und its futi^m ucoiiMno&s In
iii«» community depends upon the
oinployinent of a Uvu iip-to-<lTUje s«o
ivtnry wlm can d«»voto Itlr entire
*to the boninostf. PrssblfWH
Thomas »ayi» t.hut person ally t».J
ou ubiittli or I'bo ilrnis In wind) h»
•I*4 I»i« rostc<i he will ffuavantce $tu'»
V< itr toward rho iNtymoiil of 3ucb
» man’s salary. No reflection l*
c.aMfi on Iho pvosoiK Boerotury, out
ho Inis other bnalnoBu, nud therefore
*♦* In a position to devote but a small
amount of bis tlnm to tlio work.
Mr Thomas says:
It has b> on demonstrated beyond
aub' ifuedion of doubt that fho
elmmber as it is beiug run, amounts
• o but little. A few of ufi attend, but
bho average uiun/bec ban come to
think Hint, there probably won’t be a
quorum, and thervforo It Is U-.elMU
lor him to ffo. Tbw result Is tflia.
mootings are rare, and those that
havo (boon (hold* arc* more or less
"I agree that ouo of the principal
duties of a chamber of commeroe Is
to advertise the city, to Induce the
Investment or outside capital, and t<
attract new enterprises. This can
not be done unless wo have a aecre
lary who oun devote bis entire time
io i/be work, and ho most be a man
familiar with ibis lino of business. Ho
must bo a man wlio Is able to get
out. at tractive advertising matter cal'
li>K attention to the advantage* of
Hluefleld and tllie surrounding coun
try. Moreover, ho must l>o on the
Job all the time looking for firms
•that contemplate making or estab
lishing branches and get In ton^i
with them.
I am familiar with tlio work** •
of the Roanoke Chamber of r
merce, and 1 know that If h**
i he Kourco of Incalculable r
dal good to the city. These ary
claoly the lines along which It \ ••
worked, and they are the Hues along
which all up-to-date bodies of this
character opomte. I ain In favor of
gating a secretary who can glvo us
his entire time and pay him a salary
of. say $ir,n a month. The members
will never miss this, and they can
afford to do It If* to th< !r Re
Itifj! rnond, fv»<; 4.—Tho tflomnnth
of i»'*. ,llanMVt-r, of *’Vrt MU l*’. 410\illd
VfttiKtt bt.ia <»lli f*i»> oId ol. T.ilkC** lie<
;• .ai r>■{•••"O'; uso.J a* a linipj p^jrJ
♦i'.riui' wt;r Uiii**n h* n infnf, w«g
t »*<••'!♦ r'i /Hc mat niluioit rikoid*
)[ l')n» w'T<« fornid, Ofio oi a and
M*' *,1 *<r of a xr.,,.uu. A scaled
I 0 • ’npc into tii<* room.. of Lite
3otr| di.;cli*.K*M tho pUyntlv ivuutln"
VoL th i sIItV t clu© r >u b* ob
fn: fif'd >• ; to Low fho Mk ole 1 on a ram©
to 1m» Iti tho tomb. Hovoral whip#
of r< <1 balr and frasrment of ©loth
wr«4 nil bogldftt, tli« bon**K t«ft to tell
’b. t»tory of two unknown liv#s. Th©
fond* i« of solid brick with i>«7**d
1 fTi>or.
Washington, Dec. 4.—Fair tonight
slight'/ warmer in southwest po*>.
♦ion; Sunday partly e"»udy variable

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