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Newspaper Page Text
1 YOU SEE IT AT PEDICO’S ITS WORTH THE PRICE Bhe would prefer that San ta Clause bring her a Doll, one 01 the pretty Bisque, Kid Body ! jointed Dollls wilh Natural I lair, the kind that she saw at P E D I G OS \ I £ f C I Ins year we are carrying 1 a Large Line oi Lolls in a va- § riety that will please any of § the little ones: China Dolls, | Bisque Dolls, Rubber Dolls I and Celluloid Lolls, the kina | baby likes to play with when 1 taking her daily bath It l loats | DOLLS FROM J25c TO $1.00 § E S. PEDIGO CO. 325 and 327 Princeton Avc | Bluefieid, : : : : West Va. Mb.. jaMBB—iiiihiiir^ h£A»vm/ea n~r iwipw iiiimimuM imi 3 DAYS ONLY "•c: 9 2c This Elegant Hydegrade Pet ticoat, 10 inch if* Flounce, with Dust Prot f Ruf I lies, worth and sola tor $2.00 OUR PRIC E FOR 3 DAYS ONLY 92c * Bring this Add with you. * This is unques ti nably the Greatest Skirt Offer made in Blucfield We cannot sell more than two to each Purchaser. SAMUEL TURK, Turk Building Princeton Ave. Blucfield, W. Va * wr*** »♦* »*♦ >*♦ ♦/ *1* »>*t* •> ♦> *1* *1* *1* *1* >WV 8£JRY, ?rcs MORRIS #ATTS, Vice Pres’t A F. LARD SccV \ Citzens Underwriters Agency GENERAL INSURANCE MKK MAlill.I I V, -41. \,\| |i*HLKJL I f. \ i> OI.AMK lIl ATUf. lllf N/. JiOVDS f'l.KIMT. * y v y y V RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT A POHTICH OP VO'JR BUSINESS.? y % ♦♦♦ *!♦ ♦♦ > *1**1* ♦♦♦ ♦/ v ♦/ ♦> ♦> ♦;* UhT YOt'll 'UOI’Finv WITS !■ V .jfe : ;• C. O LEAPT & SON, | > Real Estate and Rental A Rent*. > Blucfield. W. Va. Gen. /\ge its f ,r Eureka and Hal<; l and Co. I t PERSONAL 'I**’ N. .V- \\ w:iin Hu* oil; tinlay. M A1 W w.i Kin lii> i• jiv iwilfty * I’1 'v<* «*f tile It list* I.limit i* 1*0111 !*;i»iv was in ll;«> oily this inotninv S. H It«*1ch<*i let f f»r RwohIh (i<‘K thfd moHituif r* (un>tiiK tonutht, 1. F. .larkson n lnmliii man from l{<ian ,ko is in ih eiiv (oilay. »___ Uni l.f-fkii* (o iipia! n).ma«i r oi * 1* * •! 'I * and ('oki* ('<ini|iaii> is ‘ii the ciu today. ' Marks anil .1 l» Wills Ion •'"i Ik’d lord f'lfv law night on busi ness I 'Iff"- llaz 1 Palmer loft for F,ynch liurr this ninrnlit's; to visit her broth er Futreno for two weeks. i I ho IOlk's will hold memorial sor vi<- •• in the IOlk's Opera Mouse to morrow aft* moon at 2:h0 V Kvans wife ami son Armcnf ! It f for Konnoke this morning to .spent | a ffw flays with relatives. f- founts. assistant pros* rut. i*»- attorney or Weloh. was in th< | f*ii> last night. Mr Whit Perkins left for Hunt ington ’his morning where site wll visit r<-lalives Tor a few tlavs. ^rw 1* " Morgan who has beet lu iting In r sister Mrs. T. H. Hock • i l* ri for her home at Kooky Ha] tl i afternoon. f M Williams of the William: *' nstnirtion Company left for Kan - nok • this afternoon to spend Stintin' , with his. family. lames Chirk and wife who wen 1 ..»»ly married at ivdford Cit; l-:o-s <1 tlirough the eitv this mornini returning from an extended trip t, 1 hi 1 idelphiii and other eastern ritlet Mi" I'rnnkle Hopkins who teaoiio seln- d at Peterstown pas.-ed throng] ih • eitv this morning going to Kioli ,flnds to spend a few days with he parents. 'll" \ A Skeen. Mrs. J. W. Woo 11,1,1 ,,,,l Miss Xelln Woo Irnin wli lave liet'ii Hie guests of Mrs ,J. |. Charlton left for Pi nrislnirg this af 5ERI1IICS AT THE CHURCHES Catholic Church. Mae* will |i<> celebrated at *>:;{( i ■' 1,1 in the church of the Sacret li ‘an llenediction after Mas-. Sun -I t\ school alter Henediotlon. Calvary Baptist. I'reach! uk Calvary is c’mroli S a ml ay 7: :to p. nt. Subject 'Drawing Near to Cod" Sunday school tit !»: a m. Ail an cordially invited. Christian Church. <>n account of a severe cold con 'fueled las' night. Hud will rot preach at Graham tonight. He will however preach at th< farisfian cliuicif on .Mercer * re. totnorr >w night. Special Meeting of the Minister* Association. A I *i I n Tnere Mill be a n>' 'ting of th itiis’crs' Association at the V M A building Mondav evening, U> ( h promptlv at 1 o'c’oek A f|j] tendance is dosdred, as there nt a'tem »,r important 'o con d th a i>N i:r,L p » Grace Methodist Church. <la v school at It ?,(» a. m .f I I low Oflcii I >oes Pay Day Come? M liovv much you cam hut how much you save is the all <|uestion of the wa^e-earner —“Little and . , " ,l*'s f,u' Pnrs<!* € A mo-r commendable practice , lhf’ ,rt™ 'vmn, r of .oclay is to deposit a portion ot his week ' or m°nt*dy wairet in a saving* hccount—it provides a com p*t- ncy lor old uflci relief fora rainy day. « Hi in* yoursav tn^ m the bank wher^ conservative methods guarantee safet\ l lllv KIKST NATIONAL BANK of lit,I I I’l | (.1), \\ . \ * Resource .1 million * <1 n half dollars + * 4 iStop, Look, Listen! |*We 11 Make Clothes for You; $We’ll Clean for You; £ We’ll Press for You: !'We’ll Repair for You; ♦>Yes, We 11 Dye for You. ♦ ❖ THE QUICK REPAIR SHOP! EASLY & FRENCH, Proprietors !*{•* Phone 408 31 Bluefield Ave.t V V* y v y -L- - Hicks, Superintendent. Prr-flohiiiK •*> 11»«* pastor at 11 * a. |m. and 7: HO p ni. Jmtfor Kpwojth I.eapue (at :i |p. 1 in. A welcome rot you to all of ihete i set vices'. Christ Episcopal Church. Illld<> class and Sunday school at it: 4*i a. m. MnrnltiK ><>rvice (Communion) and sermon at 11 a. m. i BvcnlnK service and sermon at 1 7:.‘I i p. nt. St. Andrews Hrntherhood Wedn s 1 day at. 7 p. m. I.ilany scrvlcs Wednesday at $ p. m. Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian church. Sunday im.rn injA.vt 11 a. in., Ex-Governor J, Doge Tyler, of V’irglnla, will give a talk on tli»> Lynchburg Orphanage ho re cently burned. Sunday school at ' 9:a. in. All are cordially Invited ' to attend. There wi?l be no services • nt night. Associated Charity Meeting. ' | All the officers and all the direc tors and all the superintendents ol r Associated Charities are asked to meet in tile llhiofleld Furniture (' ni| any store on Prlnvoloni avenue * next Monday evening ut b p. n\ By order or Pr|s. C. H ilancock t*rl> if at ion Coiuniiltec. Lutheran Church Services. S.inday Sctiool at 9:4.'. a. m. Ofer ing for orphan home. Divine servi cer at II a. m. At 7:.‘!0 p. m. a missionary song t __ 1 .... si rvice. Subjco^ or sermon. “The Sl'nis of Christ’s Sec ,n<l Coming.’’ Iinvite .1 by Ki v. C. H. \V. K* gjey, Pastor. □ land Streit \,\1cthodist. Tin Little* Fores Hint Spoil the* Vi-ios," will ho the pastors subject f<« • iIm* morning se rmon and ‘The j Cj ;>w *• of Life and Them that Wear It," the theme at niyht. 'rti>rmth sr'he.vl at 9:30, individual el: in looms and interested teachers! at e’ eiiHcers Majfltew. Junior 2.30, Senior 7 p. m. I If y u have chosen no church home* m: ko one with us. ORIGINAL BLACK PATTI. A trip to Africa" in which the original “Hlack Patti" show is appear lug vi.l conn* to the Elks Opera House Die. 7. with the entire production in three acts written hy the only ".l My" John Larkins with all its or , l«Minl music, scenic and otii r ef | f< :carrying a a superior compan*' j ol tortv-LhrCe pc ojde, including j M.i lame* Sissieretta Jones and “Jol ly J'; >tt Larkin, and the upportiug company. w’hich inchtt'i s "Jerry .M is." Will Took. Anthony Hyrd, C.ias. I(>ugia, Geo. Taylor. Hose II. Vkius, Fannie* lien, Ella Dunn, and a dashing, dandy singing chorus of •In -k> belles. They will apepar for • it night only. How Is This? I't gilisiVi is barred in most of our is; :er now." “And yet the\ say the Constim ti i guarantees the* right of free «; cell."—Pittsburg Post. I No OLD GOODS q No LEFT-OVERS from the years long past. CJ Every piece in our stock has Artistic Merit. C]J Every thing pertaining to the JEWELER’S ART now > shown by t t i * • >, * **■»« ! RANDOLPH & MITTPNDORF Leading Jewelers Bluefieid. W. Va. Sol«l Kxi'luslvly l»y IIulT. Andrew*- & Thomas C’«, Wholesale—C« . I/u—Local l**t. -tn.l your dtfving for liquor 1b Roue If you lake the McKanna CURE There Is none like I; offered anywhere outside of McKaanaa No Dangerous Hypodermics Ca’.: cr wrtt nil. .1. .1. McliANM 225 Princeton Avenue ll'ufftfld, XV. Va. I i IN A PICKLE We nope £Ol.but If you want pic- 3 kle •, Just the k'nd mother used to i make wHh plenty of good spices and j all the things that make good pic- ] kies good, come to see us or phone j 1 H 1 or "4 I for Mrs. Kind’s Pin money j Pickles. < MKI,<)\ MANCiOES ciciMiiKit ma \<;oes, MIXED PICKLES, (ill ERKINS, lU'lt (illERKIN'S, MAKTVXIA, PEACH. We have a full line of hulk pickles, Chow Chow Sauces, Relishes, and condiments of all kinds. Sublette & Barnes Two 'phones. 181 and 34 1. ? FOR THE PAINLESS : : EXTRACTION OF f : TEETH T ♦ The Surest Safest ai.d ♦ ♦ Best Method ever used £ ♦ i.o so if* i'iiiiin or ill p|tfrt<i follow Inn*®, * ; Full set of t?eth $5 ♦ Very finest set ♦ o* te?th; no better made at ahv price . . $8 : Gold crown . . $4 ; ; Geld Fillihgs . . $ 1 ; Silver and Ce ♦ ♦ m?nr rinings MJv EXAMINATION FREE We invite j/qu to inspect our parlors arid ♦ have yourteeth exam ; »ned free. Y\ ill tell ♦ you in advahce what ; your worlr will cost. All work done by : l skilled, exp<?r ehced op ; crators by our im ♦ proved methods. We ♦ give you a guarantee ^ in writing on all work. THE CINCINNATI OENTISTS; D : ' ( PTO.M. Mgr t Over Grand Leader Store, i ♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦! ♦♦♦**♦ «««4 THE FASHION! 42 S Princeton A venue dgVVe announce t » Ithe public that we have pricA cut in half in all depart ments, especially for the Christmas Holiday trade. Do your shopping early and avoid the rush. |‘e ginning Nov. dOth until Christmas, for one dollar in cash v Two Dollars worth ih Mcrchand se now if you have to buy any Christmas Presents ii Ladies and Misses’ bailor Made Suits, Long Coats, l*u ns, Beautiful V\ aists, Silk Petticoats Military Capes, Milliner} Ltc , you can select \ our goods now and we could hold the same, with a de posit, until Christmas. J. S. TURK PROPRIETOR Muenchener BEER on it (»'• • It contains a suitauie pro portion of solid, nutritive ipat tor, predigested, and is a pos itive boon to people with weak ened digestive organs. imminent physicians and oth er competent authorities rStorti mend the modeate use of beer. It contains malt sugar, which is easily digestible, healthful snd strengthening He sure the beer you ire has been properly brewed. We take extra care in every detail. Try a sample case. W-l KKl:•;!.!» j; Ul«i fleld. ’Phone No. L'lo I5KW1XO W. Va. V (>.. The otfUe uud furnlturt* make an Unpr* attiNUll* cir>Ut*9 and f*pr»<r;f|u appearance make an l,npreMl<v«.-> v’**"<•*».» .* A Typewriter conveys the sort of lmpre«§:on which all these •Huge a t their ho it, produce, it * as lusting n* tan bo made arid ns elegant as buslnena ti’ight to ho. Rliicffild TypewrlTHi Flange A. A. WVIIAMj, Manager* ‘<^1^ I’rlnrrton Are, OT. E. MOORE momr-mii, Bliii llfid, West Virginia. Collections a $peclalt> ffeftrs to Flat-Top National Renk