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money to burn IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO BURN ke.-P it n the I where !t inay l>c burned lost ov stolen, but it \ott want to keep it safely where :t will always Ik* rca«i\ t 'r you when needed deposit it with us- A bank arrount w ijl irivc von a better business stand* .n^' in the community and a prestige that vou mat neve: have en* ; •>’•••• I re. If 5 e<l to see it there befon e . 1909. BLUEFIELD, W. VA. Resources Nearly On Million Dollars Officers L- E. Tierney. 11- I lumas. \ ice I'retiklcDt; 1 15. 11;« t.s. Asst, ( ashler DIRHCTORS J. 1>. Honaker T. 11. Feer\ W . 11. Thomas. «% < > \\ ri l.t. E* L. Hailey, \\*. 1 >. Thornhill. 1.. K. Tierney. K M. (iarrett. W Strongest «)rj ani c<: 1 ive National Rank »*i Itlttofiu'tl. t\ H- I latlcoc k. 1‘. J. Kelly. 1 • S. Feui. • >. 1>- A. Heller 'Plte* I'rOjrresS' — Flat Top National Bank By the Viiyinia-Pocahnntas Coal Com pany at Coaiwood and Carctta Mine*. Me DowellJConnty, "V^est Va. 5 mines which are running full time an J can give you steady work. Have plenty of houses for men with families: Coaiwood is the cleane t and most healthful mining’ town in tlie Pocahontas field. Schools lor both white and colored. Men earn ^3.00 to :-5.00 daily. I.arge commissaries, goods sold at reasonable prices. It will pa yon to in vestigate above hy calling on ns at Coaiwood and Garetta mines, or u rite to VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS COAL CO.. J' .in Stkw \kr, Siipft-, Coahvood, West Va. KELLY & MOYERS, f DEALERS IN 1 fi f >> WHISKEYS. WINES. BRANDIES, AI.ES. * BEERS. Porterj and all Kind? of I/fouor*. FIRST CLASl* t BILLIARD &. POOL-ROOM CONNECTED OUT OF TOWN ORDERS SHIPPED PROMPLY '» 7 * I Oh, I just willed for that Every woman ..;>pr< i.• t It «a gift that iiiMin Ion and Wiss sci>.stn ami -in n ■ fabrics ami stay .harp Wo have a grca» \aruty of useful gifts. ■ts which n i|»pr and W. H. HAHRY &. CO Mo » Bluofield, yy rginia mm**® .m~ Elks Opera House Tuesday, Dec. 7 The Black Patti Musical Comedy Company IV ToMr.W, < l\(;iN(, HlTdiss A Trip to Africa i mi: okk.iwl iti. u k i \iri) AND t<k.ktiii;i5 \vn it The Htifl \KKrei{Hilon of I'Oiiirrd Tnl' iii Rver f«nf li<re.| To* Ucili' r in tlu* not lrl. Kvoifllilng now! (i*r(il ( horn • f in r*i (^mwllon*! IMII« i;s. 23, r,o. T.v. in <1 s:i on. Balcony reserved for eolnre l poopii WITH Sissieretta Jones Jokn Larkins EYE GLASSES AND SPECTACLES '< » »•* I .iijmI. and ii tv1. (»r< nlK*liplJoiiN filler) spr-r ini I |ive.» rlllpllr jilfe), (jnl( k llv/tnlrftiff. • ’ Moderate Prices. SGe Us ard Sea Bette'. HENRY KODlilN, OPTiCSAN Jeweler und Pawnbroker, 221 Princeton ,Ufri:e. Ml .... ' Ksr Little Bluff. "Ethel." said Lionel Itertrauj^ Jom« as he dropp»*d his slice of bread in the plate with n noise ttfht set the canary | ia the gilt cage overhead ehinuntr liter* ril\ "Ethel } have something to say j to > ou ” find bet'll married oulv four weeks, mid the time had uot arrived when >he did all the saying:. "l»o you remember th** day on \\ liit-li , 1 proposed to you?" "Yes.” she replied. *1 will never for I gel it." 1 A "l»o you remember." he cm as he abstractedly drilled a hole h. the loaf with the point of a eafttri Ag<kuife, ^ "how when 1 rany: the bell you came to the door with iiKvt|s:'*^tickv with don kb and s4i$ y|u tUi^iht it was your little bro<$#t$fho w)iffi*d to t yet iu?’1 "Yes.” “Oh. Ethel! How could you? How could you?" "How could 1 what?’’ alie responded as a guilty look crept into Lor face. • Mow could you make me the victim of such a swindle?’* It Was Mistaken Charity. The athletic girl hftfl been out in tie* woods taking pietnrof. and at evening she started for tin* car, wearily lug ging the e-t incut and tripod. I'lo * were thronged with wbikmen return ing: to their homes, and she had to wait some time before there came one with even standing room Inside. She pushed her way across tin* pint form and Just inside tin* doorway. The ler;s of the tripod rested ou tin* Moot at her side, and she was try ing t«> brace her self against the door when a woman will had been sitting in tin* earner suddenly r<>se from lior seat and gen tly lint Hr inly pushed fin* yonng wo man into it. with tin* remark. "Now you sit right there, you poor thing!" The girl remained scaled passively and looked puzzled for a moment. Then a dull ilu.sli covered her face, "liow awful!" she thought. "That wo man mw I In* tripod legs an\l thought they were crutches. She thinks I’m in me." Then sin* shrunk back in tin* scat and tried not to show Iter face • \changc. Impossible. Hr. t'hnrpnm Your friend uecds \ i>;. omus treatment. I m>u>r saw a man in siii li a .stall? of mental depression. I’ai.'l yon c.mvinee lilm tiiat (lie fu ture holds some brightness for him? Sympathetic Iriend That Is unlortii luite ;, impossible. lie lias drawn his salary for three weeks abend aud spent the money MxehaU|;e. Police and Pres,,. It was Senator Mvarts who paid this roinp'imeut to t tie pi,lir e of New York .i! an annual dinner <>1 tile fmve: "As ompaivd Mitli the press you exhibit a striking eontrasi. \oii know a "real many tilings alioui oin citizen? that >mi don't tell, a id lin* piv-vs tells a proat many things about our citizens that it doesn't know ’ Torture. \ eoWhov -t(-pped a sla'cif full ,,f pa^ entrees and made them all wait v Idle In* read a poem of thirty two verses dedh'atod to liis Mary .lane I ' re are Home ilili ns bad as slioot hur. -Argonaut. Ti." Iiest excuses are never given. — rreiieh Proverb. Mis Claim to Fane. “Who v ns this fctlAtv popys, nr.d what is Ids claim to t ime?” "It: elaim to fa e-j* jfcnndeil. ny friend. He's I he ai*#, . t'O kept s diary for more than ti ye^ as < ity Journal. Sense and Senslbtfity. F"i- some dn\: tlm dining room ' d l.foi <li sturhed Ii) flie lina.-don of the new hoarder. Site fra * fa:, fifty and m i .v sentimental, and Ji.»r i na *»Iled lu r t » Will'd. r 9'. nin'ily rap fnrnii , t niiliili'ijf < s i|i I cr hd# Idior's ear that all I In* ro>| i f (jjo'fuhty l'elt il'a-.n fi t 1 11 ija'V/inJ '‘i'ljibU’ that "ii»- day after K r’r ' | IdKnltfad '!••• n-uahlinr <i<r < i 1 (;e . mi:iI <• n Htriif-uia for liberty ah ft '& ron V«T-atinti. 11 i* G|iJ/ullJll}6 v vufit • that niylit at dinner • . ’.vent Dowel uf *• murmured tl * "ntiitn iilalr- *, *:I'O. : r /d . (he noddiir' <lnTod;|"f| wfi-Vii -J ‘Arcn’l tIm.v deal- ' So .‘ it I hf fv.<- y! And don't. > ■ ii tliiuk that wt 't'lfhV alv i,v * I" ‘ all tlnao dallatloiMidn k , instead ■ Of dtlfToflllsV1’ hi vhl1 jrt»r« d. No. I don’t, ’* n ns we red Uie neigh , j ..r i^i< mnyryin»i*li>.fly un.j quite out ‘‘.Iu*t, t .link |h»;.v awkward It V.vd'l have 'fif-nji for WmMoworth If ifr' d had t*> write: ' It in\ h. 0ft (|lh) |>l< iNlii'' flllie* And .lai r . * wan It.., duffadoVv lalilllCK!” I or onre the sent mV«i|iH» (inf was si lenced Youth's ( Mmu*.. —*• * *-i * i.V facts AbOwt Hailstone*. If it was fa * fur ihn .eionttrta tr.I li"i ■; of du-t e-11 111[’ft* sop ar itely, invisilde~ f;i loo aTmAsphore, then; eould lie fin I alfidropff, snow <i> t a Is or hdlftk.ite Protft u per r< 11V duMIr j» t mospiiciv t4io tnoi-i till-' Mould descend la • * .Isej wH rn ll without dr- p I lie alA- 'p'irfh les serve na iiiiokrf aliotjf vTTiT Ti vapor yathei . The ‘•nqv » lystnl ia the most beautiful i reall<ui of the imfiflJ tnoh turn, utid the hnll*tortfe t-/tin* most e\ traordlnnry. Th** heart td < /er\ I i : shun . a tifij spi I dusi. Six Ii i speeh. with u little tnoldiire enftden«*f.) tlhotlt I.. Is th.' «< rru Ir»*ei Wbi-h mt.i he formed » bad tone (finable . r fe : Im: n man or snuiMhintf a window. I*.ti» flit it mutt I !*• en i ;lit tip by a u r* "•! ill* . I ♦■hi I'i.hI !•* sin* lev the lofty elm* ■ *« u. s . f,y<. ..»<• r.r t" ' li ten mile* 1»(-. h ' l b fc, t'0> flmial Ijr "PiWiiiK hy fi n ,<* .f tuoi tifr«*. if heuitiH its lojij; iilnnce to tfi»* earth, xplnt uk ihfon«ti the fi.-ud and hiiahlnur in tfir dm llbe'A dlatnor d holt shot from .a r w Vork | Trihmie. tfy Rzduc ng all Regular Stock to Make Room for BIG CHRIS rMAS DISPLAY! ♦haUhi^ancrThLV'^^ 'VaU f°r thiS Sa,e cvcry yc,r- Thay know from cvpcnenc* .hat ihis after Thanksgiving clearance means vclucs not obtainable atanv other tim^ Don't Fail to Come! Hundreds of Bargain V. lues not Advert Ded! Men’s Suits ! ? -vu.s, 1;,. c? AQ L 11 need •■> , & ., t '* '•°n s ’5 \ JiQ i 1/ !l.MO j S-MlOSm: i.- «n Art (II I ec “< I t <) » W* • »* W J S**0,OO Sui; r<- rj '%(» \ din. i'i 1 *.*» l v, i O | "' 22.50 ; dneetl t* Overcoat s at i la’ii Price ! .adies’ anil Misses’ Suits A i>ig new lot of I .adies’ mhI Misses’ Suits just ar- *1 nved. \X in nave a i;ieal / clearance sale of (Ids !)!•.> lot oi Suits: $20.00 Suits h <lt l id t,» J|| JJQ 15.50 1S.5Q 72.50 . $ >.00 Suits n (itu'uil to $S0.U0 Suits jvi.t nl to $ *5.00 Suits mluoul t< We arc Sole Agents for Boy den Shoes for Men Known tin- wor.M ow r as the lhviiiu r f,'** ft Shoe lor Men, SMS-USp _IO Per C’ent off on all Hoyden Shoes We are Sole Agents for Sorosis Shoes Known the world over ns the Premier Sim for Women, $3.50, $4.00 and $5 00 T~ Special Price, $9.95 I^tidic's *111(1 Misses> lor v t i\rt wear, inform- j a! house wear and dressy fminions. You will 1 find this correct and fashionable. ] ■M.SOO value at $9.95 Ladies’ Priestly Raincoats, j l our ( hoice Cloth, Shades and Styh s from ^7.50 to $ 16.50 ! A linrftui n! DrenWiny the Fjtt i 'J ho Am to* sii .v Ka nan! *n; i ■ HfllllS lUid Turks : l > I '.ily.i, n J nil observe llirou^rlmut tin- mun. species of fast tint t,;;x n<> pit i counterpart in the ut i > ,• the sun is In the sky fond or rim t nny kind may n« t | t j .• ■ t(, u> lirver’s life IP* i i i. t , v,.|i at *. a* *i the sweet solace I a < , * I I |e. Ill from the tiring; of tin* im>e| ^• i• n til If is light einaivh t<> <11*1, -_,e n black Iniir from a v me n mi.-. i. t surfeit I m.'. \V:ii i) . P « *' •: til*‘ streets with dr,, i !■ warn I ' n that tils moment.' n| • ,:;«*»• ;,re i hoi -d. and camcui o , . ,iim<i..n tie ,,* eird ♦Nothing i • n <ii e < Pa r.•; . i.; t. nnortlooiiH in ll'ini 7, it , , nr tions for the <n« prcnectipy all Moslem those who work with their h ■ <1 the sun nears in.- h r a lighted, tallies nr* , n" *, l>r» i In t on. vv*if r i pie i«; <ii. < n , i»to rolled, end l i • ■ ; n, w. P* the month hi e\j < *ni , | t hr* nking of tin* day time t , • i ;i, j ift r and is an m* iltation , r t,, he invited to li ter is a * *rt of friend hip S ilhn , M.i - * V< ' lefhn In tlr C! sr* ill'* ore;’ ; i! Of Me • i 1fg| j f|; r saying "A skeleton in (tie cheol,'' which is found in almost every ; mgun;.. in I. i rope. Is found in otn of n»oso curiotiH collection - of stories Unit have come down from the middle litres. In one o* Mi to eo Meet loin, com idled p. an an known I end about tie* ml Idle of the to ii|) century, there P a sf<>ry of a w« dthy Judy who. having a secret ai ' f. confided It to a frlen | who was dp J,refi a perfectly happy’ w arm. i'M ' d in his I nsfle p| | ,%■ *.-,,11111 ef I i nee. She end her lin'd' ad were outwardly on tie |ovlnr; terms. N * n • re f h ud Seemed to en-i a 'h.idow on her path. After hearing the story of free r<1i t od friend tie* notilc lady t.cii»u py the ha ml and led In r to a se, ref < hani* her adjoining her Pcdrooifp t.htti ** often C<I lie floor of a dost t and r*p» < I a «V*' ytou ' Know, my friend." * i ■ said, "no otic h happy, livery day I am fm od by my husband i(. k,.* i|,is grinning death head, which is Hint of i confirm m who was ray host ind’h rival and whom I would have irtiifTI'd had not my parents willed ollioiwltc." His Reason. ' iu*can- It U the only •toy poor." i&semm wmm.m WA M ANYTHING? ' Z'WT m IT: f i,i; \ i>i;!t W ’; sut A * I ~ <y i»I\ I >( i l! i^Sd i/!’S * /v.ri' •• A’ - ■:-. .. . roi* *• \u:. ■samtx.m JW. i ■ II > I illWl1 !■! ?M-i. «*-«*«• f m MHW { •') /',!' > ••»' • Try Our Home-Made Candy.. .Strictly Pure Our f f'uni.ain Serves «'jic bo-. Ice Crcviii1 Delivered lJr mp ' . i all par ■ of trie City. Wi- p n 6, 1900. Come in art! sc us. Town. Ou' ruitv, to rd; y, I > comb r Akers Dairy & Confectionary Co. p»ig; sL 115 bluer: 1.1, bi» a,id 71 lil UFMEI f) / Vi ' Uli WEST VIRGINIA. KTflNmPm tX* aftMnaMKiNHHBMVtlslft