-L... iHaoriLui, VR \ .\. V\ hilJX KSD.VV VFTEKXOOV DKr s
Z-----. vxa k._ NUt'E TWO TENTS
111 nm/inr
Reported that United States
is Preparing to Bottle
up Coast
Orders Execution of General
Vazquez on Account
of Defeat
Rluctie.js, Nicaragua. Dec. 8.—The
A'mcricao News service's .-|»eclal cor
rcsponden* today filed a report hero
stating that the United States is pre
paring to blockade all Nicaraguan
ports. This it is belbvcd, will great
ly aid Estrada.
Zeiay army ts believed to be
marching on Hluefielda, and it is
thought 11-at lie is Irving to avoid a
d'eis vc action at Rama..
DesuPory lighting is tie ng c >t i i
ed at Rena today A part of 7a lava’s
forces ren-ain behind, but thvy are
practical’** routed.
Effort Foils.
Washington, Dec. s — /<-;*'a e ’orts
V> stir "p an art!-American 'e-tlng
In Nicat igne ncc- rd'ng to -*ep >r;s r -
ccived heir hav< failed signally.
Sentenced to Death.
Panama, Dec. 8.— It is rejiorted hero
today tii it Zelaya hns sentenced (J n
eral Vazquez to death because he was
defeated by Estrada at Rama. It is
■Ho r ported that Mexico Is backing
Nicaragua a alnsf tlia United Sfat-s
win. sfi m
Washington D e -TV' r;
-nr.' ..
<•(1 by >ho 1' g i-i ]> r s). *>
erect a memorln’ t the Virgin a -ni.
tilers who fop i’ that blood > bat !»
will moot (da- i tji r>-vr Un
in Washington, for the iirp se o
select ing a silo f<■>» the monument.
Gov r*hI -do * • • n on >«■ ••
Prinia. a me n !)■ r e»r the c.initni- shut
arrived 1 ' r< In t r!f»ht for the iwM
inp. 8?n»tor John \V. Daniel, o
Lynchburg also arrived in Wo himr
ton last i. pht for the meoHpg a,.(j
attend tIm session of for Trees
The eommisison selected a site
some time ago for the Virginia mon
ument. This site was on the "Bloodv
Angle" of Hi-- Gettysburg bnftlefl'ld
Tlie War Department refused to
grant a |>ermlt for a monument on
that sjwP. saying that a rnlinp had
been made that no memorial shall he
erected noon the "Woody Angle,"!
and Secretary of War Dickerson le
clnred h • did not care to revok the
Boston. ft c. R.—The election* In
Matrach.* > ft® yosferdny resulted In
four ci'le, r< r *r b irk In the wet col
Haverhill n'r.re roturne a majority
In fi*v of ehlhlfIon
MISS roiejvrAN ON
1 n<
the anrd'ist, dec! ires she.* will d< vote
ntneh of 1 e r tonli'ht'a address to ex
coriatin - etjs (». M p. Itelmint, the
society I: -dor of New Y'ork. suffra
"Wom n Mioiiin have- ji hatlot, hnf
It will do theni no coinI,’’ declares
Emma. * '-r* Itelmont's natron /.Inv
the* we»men shirtwaist strikers lti New
Y'ork la an outran and an In. i|t to
their pride to have - nch person hob
nobbing «ith them ‘
Strut her?, Ohio, I)< c. 8.—A house
occupied hv the.striking tin workers
was blown up today wi'h dynamite
find -nany were injured.
Tile sti ke Of Aetna Standard and
the American Sheet and Tinplate etn
p’oyes continues. The results of the
Pittsburg conference held yesterday
have not been made public. It is is
timated ‘hat th«* strike so far lias cost
the state, the companies and the
strikers nor $100,000. The state
troops n v still on the seer <, and will
probably r •main until a settlement Is
Mexico City. Dee. 8.—Enrique C.
( reel, formerly Mexican ambassador
to the ni‘ *d State* and now (Tovernor
of Chihuahua, will leave Mexico City
tomrrro v night for Washington, where
he goes o,i a special mission for the
Mexican g ivernbem In regard to C n
trai Americnn affairs. This fact was
admitted br officials at th<• For« ign
office he’*<» today There is no doubt
but thuf Mr. Croci goes on an errand
directly connected with the Nicara
guan situation.
If is known in Mexico iC'ty that the
Mexicnn (5overtini< nt has received a
reply to the letter sent by Foreign
Minister Marlscal to the United state*
Government in which he outlined a
plan Tor the peaceful settlement of
fhe Nicaraguan problem, but the For
eign Office rofuf'-s to divulge its ct
It Is U Moved horo that Governor
Ur<H‘l Mr going to tlie capital of the
United S'ntcs to state eloarlv and
concisely the attitude of the Mexican
Government In this matter.
XX I i .rue,n to) o'vn ■ tty con
•roiling ■ t II u 0 .ere-. -,f e
l'n-I or y K< 11 tear Fnglisli ,t
tion, tlvv mil* v- t ,.f p r \*
xlrit.d today t|:’ m«-n are citllng
t tlg • aib nrenatory
to opening up an operation, and will
l*e shipping coal by spring. Tie. land
has a six foot v- in of coal. Idential
in annly with flic Pocahontas coal
Mr. Harmcn left for his home at Five
Oaks on fie afternoon train
Washington, Deo. 8.—The interstate
com mere ’ commission today d'*cid d
that Die railroads cast of the Mlsals-s
ietarging . < xci sii. <
freigM rate on hriek damaging to
the building Intere-ts of the country.
N*. i. H one vris toda\ appoint ri
•tatlatlci .u of tin- tariff commission.
e.xijt-! ctaoishrdsMilijp Dr luinf
( 0| end. r i. Dec. s.—Dr. Frederick
A (’< V ’•■’cord1* of his Arctic exp«■
d.iioa ard iit.< di-covcry of the North
J'ol’ were |iro”rhf here today and de
posited in a bank uttfil such time as
tlie university 1.4 ready to review
< onsdab says tha* Dr. Cook Ik no’
sirk bet just worn out and tired, lie
r. fu -ed to reveal his re'- lng place,
w C Trail president ot the Board
of Fdueati >n at Welch was in the city
for a short while this afternoon and
st iti d Mist bnsint s was on the i»oom
■'! Wele ). The annex to lhe court
house and the pew la if will lie com
plotmI within thirty days
Edwin Mosby is Instantly
Kil!ed at Iaeger Last
Night by Frank
Murdered Man Stood High
in Community—Well
Known in Blueefild
A report reached the city this
morning of a shooting affray at Ineger
last night in whim Edwin Mosby pro
prii tor of the hotel at that place was
phot to d< ath by Frank W. lch, i
well known local character. It was
learned that the trouble started d .r
ii.« a cati game in one of the rooms
at the Intel Monday night ovi r the
division ot a winning made. Mu; .1 m n
wet.- si peralifd without any s-rioas
result, ' it it was thought at the time
that Welch wax bent on doing .\1osb>
an Injury.
They met last night in from of the
hotel and aft *r a fey. words were
spoken between the men \V< leh whlp
lt d otti a revolver and shot Mosb.
throvgh the h< irt, killing hint in
Ht .ntly. \V« !' li made his escn-| n af
ter the iruRisly, going in the direction
ot l»-voii and at this hour has not
bee n apprehended. The feeling is hot
against \V* leh, as Moaby was one of
the beat, tbought of men In that com
munity r ml has iiorn a resident of
Iaeg r for many years, lie was neve/
known o have had nny %t rouble bo
I!" leaves a wife and family who
an* grief ricken over the tragedy.
f't’lei rs -ire in search 01 \V leli and
it is tlMiighr ho will be captured by
.Mostly v.ns well known In Hhlof’eld
t ’ " I f,bl lr. high e teem by nil.
X' risbliie V p <• r T*ie o nsilK
1* <r an v* port si * nil'ted thi morning
*hr vs *i a* t V7 "77 ba'e of eo Ion
: 'i* • h< ■ n . i", d tbi :i to I>* eeni
t •• I The r< r r* la I ear for the
: ..ne , < i b.d si o-< d 1J 1 l ab
Wishin/'on, Dee. ? Looking hale,
feeling hearty, and still active. Cot
John Singleton Mnc!*y, (ih< not'd
Conf' d* r»t <• ehleftan, lawyer, public I
speaker, rrd football reformer pa* « d 1
the neveuiy-sixth mile i-te'ie -
eventful career yesterday.
Col. Morby resides in Washington.
He is no v an attorney in the t'nltcd
Slates It nnrtment of J|j irr ||n
enn often b<* «' -m n ovine u . r '
to^aith s'lucf toward hi street
home in be afternoon o'1 tin d ivk j
walking * *th an r« »ve at' do that
does Josfi*' fo a young man. As a
rule, he carries a small ling in his
hand. This iltfti true show- another1
of n°ar .» ! ilf renfttr; ai o I‘ ron
tnhis c ndy for bin little g andrtlll
dren, the idol of his l»lg heart.
Althougn lining a qeh life in Wn h
Ington, ( cd. MorSr nr in bur*' Into
the lim dlght r'e* j |y, jr- vrofe a
loti r to ;4 mi. n»i»er of 11"• hoard of
I visitors ef 111', f Vff--.lt • of Vir 11 j
ia. his a’eria mu'1 • 7 > > I< ‘-t w,»
an Ofm!utight on fc^oti.a i. ■ .. e)i
wa - characterize ! as v th i d
ern war. He a ted t, \. ,
taken to nbolish the game
A Iad> cfclhd up a well known -.o
erry ttmh y»*sterclay anrl asked hint
if he had any hams, and wha kind.
The gr<> cry n an wht mind w
evidenf’v on something <) •, probnfd
By par r or Igfll sflv.fi-s, said "We
l»ave til'# latest brail i of burns in
cluding * be faugh foot and argrtment
brand**'’ It was not learned what
I brand fft Indy order - d
- -- — -
Washing on lvc. R.~Tho mom I ary *
"omnii; slon ls preparing an extant-,
\ • i eport n ,.r.rdlng Its inve'tv*;-;
' ‘i 11 < I i t.nclal resources cl
t’u' • oi.rrr.. Tic report shTtw.n that1
th.' 'sinks o; ine United States have j
•o il re .in cos amounting to twenty
oni? b'l Ion cl i* . ,•»
On necmnt of their being no water |
on the Him Held yard the road and
yard engines have to go to Flat Top
for water. It jH claimed the peinpa
ut Graham arc out of order.
O. I*. DeFord connected with the
Otlturlo .M'.nfl-ng Company 'of '”wir
Lakes (VI. In which several local
people are interested stated to>!.ty j
a »me!*er at Twin Lakes won Id «>i*
complied by the first of August.
Atlanta, Ga„ Dec. s. (’No Hvarn
a strikingly handsome young AtJan'u
woman, confessed to the ik>I1c« today
that she was an agent In the white
►lave irnttlr and asked the officer* ‘o
detain two young women who w< i>
to It ay© for Columbus, Ohio, :4i *
evening. The |K*1ici* found tin y > tec
girls at ilie tutlon, waiting for M- h
•'Ivans . The latter had two tickets'
to Cohim uts, w hich she aid had bn n
sent to her for the girls’ us© by 4,je
kecjK'r ot a disorderly house there i
Tr>© Evans woman was formerly a
liiKikko'.i' r in this «• ity, hut said . !>
had In o</-,minis and w,r
here to recruit young women. Th •
girls she had selected were hut fti-’
teen years ofvagc. They at in court
are! laughed and giggled as though
Hi ■ whole affair Was a joke. The
1 *v ns womon said:
”1 strayid away myself, 1 nit at the
n t moment 1 had not the cottrag*
to lead 'lose two children into that
li'e. r want you to know w(,,4t i
lee,, -ton* ind I want to have those
ehlpren raver!
Police .'mh i. Ipo* ]e believe that
'he woman thought rhe was under
n-plelon and bud this im nnK rf *«.
r ‘»i»ig uni hmenf, but be was forced
to dlsml-’i her. IPs suspicions w< r
*r ng'h oi'd bv ih« fact that th<
brother of one ef the gir w» fol
lowed hr th,. trio. The VOlinger girt'
v H hr1 Kept to the House of tin
flood Shepherd
In fllsroisslng th** Flvana woman
*h<* mrif;| trate sub!:
"If f ever hear of your d do,, thhi j
a train I will do wlmt I run to • onrf
von to 'he penitentiary.”
PrtiH‘>1|y, IV*c. Klnt' f/’opold of
Hc-l«rftim ’s reported dvinp of par'll vn
i- 'flu* kiov Wu gt rick* n 1
days wro, and b!« rond’t Ion h*i ’■
Fomn ra;ddlv wor tint I |t i, >mt<
lu liuvcd that lie ran Uvo pip „
Arizona Cxptorers Return Not from
Island of Tiburon.
Kl Pa -o, I»i r s Mj on | r a
:ior:'h ‘it tho rat nibal I J in I rr 7i
on, 'n 1 - <\v. ' of c ilif- r■■
\tlzon i and •(" Mmdran , h
r> In IJf-v»d t*» tv v» nil || i..<*,
fat“ a*1 Ptof Tom (JrlnelrJl, who w,
kitted on th' l«1 md tuwrnl y#-tn , a, •»
V !»■ lu Kill V H f*X 1»I«»ri »1 K ptirt 'J
I i ml i *. \ oral I ufti * to t • h
•f If'" M< xiran Parlfto mi;, . p
fluavamaz. and H Inhabit'd tho
raoni * * 1. 5t<*ri Indian", a remnant ot
moo 'Hd dilv n from thn m;»lol lt d,
K ver; a'ti nipt to explore or ;»■ <•*
Mu* island rii'o-tx with r> huPT. >nd
i any sturdy nirn haw iv. n kill d
by the# Indian';
N°rroan Cox Gets Money
from Traction Company
on Compromise for
Death of Son
0 -
Serious Offense and Stated
Other Warrants Will
be Sworn Out
Norm'in CY>\ of Sen! if Him Mold was
arrest'd today and plac'd in Jail on a
warrant sworn nnt by Attorne; ^ Hale
and Pendleton of l’rincoton. charging
ldm wi b 'l»r rmding witii money paid
to hint by tin* Him stone Ttactlon Coni
pn»> « n i eompr >tui. . for the death
of Ids soil Oox la tin* father of the
boy tlii was electrocuted In South
Kluvieid m v rui months ago, caused
by a to icbing a chain used to lower
the lnuiiis on ekctrlo light poles. It
will be r mrmbend that the cherged
chain was near the gioniid when t'a
hoy who v to. playing with several olh
‘T boys (ate. in contact with it. Cox
through his attorney# entered #ult
against ih • Itlnc.-douo Traction Coni
uan.v for $1O,00u damages. Sanders
Ufi Crook* 11, ll i.e and Pendleton
and Kilty, Kush and Knhlo, were the
lawyers 101 Cox mid lilts? and Hit/, for
tlio tractlon company,
A few days after tin* affair the
true Won coiuypuiiy’rt imp re son La five
tried to compromise tlio matter font.
Cox rel ayed »o consider *1 lt« or*Cr and
led ili«» innit<*r entirely in the hands
of his attorneys,, who went to !t
"•'* ni >ei in taking depo-itlojlK
M'ailiiur several trips to Richmond
ami oilier point*.
I' idle:;* i Wiaf rwo men ap
i p 'ctr-d r.,x hi d iirped him to com
proml «> with the Traction companv
and leave t| cily. |i was learned
th. he c( iiipromiscd with the trae
• ion company for %2 Slip a r< w days
an I way pr< parin ' to Ic;i\ ||je
ci'y win a trre ,,tecj hy romdahle VV.
' I’.'dm i’ ’ hi ifierncion at his home
("In .• warrant ; will tic \* orn out foy
• 'ancle r ,'ia| Cmc , M .and Riley Ross
and Kakle. cliarning him with ah
sconcling and tl> . hires n of *i|nn
<"h •« screed to nay his attor
ney if ’I ' won ill. uii or secured
a nr aide compromise. Cox is in
ail In I lie city and refn ej< to rtiv
nnvt’Jng ir rciriird to th-. matter. It
is thong it h<. has hidden the money
ns ? ' 0 w a al' he had cm him wlum
search 'd . » the 1nil this nffemoon
Thp r . of hr St, Clali nr.Mirr
t’f. WHImh, r»>i r. iir> for Ijcnrini' af
Pri -—f *r-n t* mri vfu rant In
’• ! until t hr n< \‘ irrm of th<> clr
■ni* four*. Tlo- (i.a.itiiff i -uiijiir to
r*'fov r 000 damage for alt rtf' *1
<1 iwUr 'o I* in prof* sis on a I mputu
John l) R.'ihfo jr of Hunting
on, Wt S« V;- 1 P Anting »b« Ann r
* .at T- • Found,' ('uni inv. orrlv
mo ||"| ! i - in* i- : ( Ivlty it IfiinUne*
M’ of our IrnlusfrWs am
'»i; Inv ♦till ‘inr r >ul pi, ..f oft!- n mo
!■”» Ml r O' IM fom* i for night work,
rill r.( » fo rntry fp W< si Virginia.
t’lsp I Of), Die, Colon*-!
11 1 i rt*-d of i , v
■11. 0 w * > *■ '>Ubi t fojj 0 ut
. ' V,, Ara l ArnU rKWl to flvr
t n K »?ifiw'h>i in*orm«'dlritf
to,j;. Coni! oi for Hutson will
*• . ni to ; .* Cl.-c itt rouft In in of
rort In yrt, p wtflal.
A hoii»«. f. fonrfpor to F T. OHv**
mi Fills <• •-.* ( in ^o.,fh Rl-iffi M w..
• (mvn oi o |»y ; wind rarl • y< Ur*
' •’ V rni’> ' Tl f bongo was m.nrf'j
Richmond. Va . Her. Judge ,r
i tt Willi un«. who has b'< n <*i .It. i;
• r iih prospective Ctiarluiaii «»r r.<
j l«dnt IV moo rat to caucus of the u. \t
I *•• ” * rnl ' scmbly, t(*ok *n>« i .
to .1 <ny that In* whh an ;» ,■.■.<• 11
j l°r the honor. Ho oni:«*t at tb<* diet.
U'iiplIol today and lit reply «n.d «.»
j nues'tiono:
••sine.' coming to Richmond I find
ilmf mv nr*nio H**h be. n tneiKlon* i in
t’ k connection. I appreciate ihl*.
of course nnd would deem |t a i, gh
hot.or to preside over this body |>
|’ve never thought of being an a*i i
j i ant. for it.
"Resides I h ard that t .y friend.
I !..'ward I’ ('ox. Is tolrg v>* n'ton.l
; for tin* partition, nnd regr.r* .ok Mr.
Coy as eminently Itted for < bo place !
I think lie should hn\.> It t>y hi Imp
experience In the Hons*. 5 will «up.
port him heartily.”
No Requisition M.ido.
Meraiiflc ol the illness of Governor
Glasscock, of West Vlrglntr who I • at
, ti>e Vligiria Hof Springs reeu iwral
iug from mi attack of ptomaine pots.
[ r'nl"K. no requisition ban been
made upo'i th,. Governor of Virginia
for .Indie* Sami.el W. Williams,
nen- general-elect of this jt^s. who
is under Indictment for felonious aa
euit* upon Jndg.. Jos eph M Sam! r
formerly a Supreme Court Justice of
; V. i m v Irg.nla, who was the opposing
1 Winsel »n a n il! cas. In which Judge!
i Williams u-n.s Interosted at a recent
R>riii of court at Wo loh The lie Is
aid to lave passed Jutweep the
j‘'vo mop anj blows fit' ,ck. Judge
" 11 Hants \\ nleirvd to nave h< aved an
‘ilk woll il rudw
Nothing win ik> jrjvon out at tho
ofllee or the (lovornor until such tlni,,
n' a l' rirul requisition In received
T!r rt »Pi>,-ar:i to hfi ..doubt ho**
'Mr. as to'- wh- Mo J J
w || return to Welch without extra
ditlon. I' OHerMitln r \ttorne\ h. w.
'hllitll, of McDowell count v, W. V» ,
' nccordliifrly made application to
Governor tJIawMeoek for requisition
pa pern. tJovernor Olasscoek hns
' »* no Intimation .a- r» wheth r or
cfit lie V'II honor llio application,
and he will not detde until he has 1
' -ifiin. i Ms offiH i! duties at Char
t’lmrle .ton, i». r 8 \ileKlnK d!«- ,
' ■‘ i 'ti' i of more than $1 j.uoo in the
public uers util of Mitr.p* County, u
' (■oi <l t' jort. of the accountant.- who
lave he n f-nnnReil in the work of!
and!' inv the hooka of that country
• ' II' !'■ P'lhlle tod I hy Tax (,'om
niisioii r Townsend, su|»crvisor of j
public UCCOUtlfK.
I lu| financial t; u action', *,f
n-'.'il ul th.. count- officials * from '
1!U»» to Ipca are cal c.| to qu< atlon
n He • epoch and they are ordered
to r< tn'iiit the county for mom .r
r ci iy. r| Improperly.
Dnrffe nmti Wet paid tho comity
official-, h-. the court; , contrary to
law, and lecal Mf..| s will be taken to
ha. »• the juoftny paid hack.
f'harloU* vn;< T t., n<r ti i .
c il r»j»t!<.»i <•!< r i 't < >•
yo l*T(Jay r» \ in nn k
I UK viet . y 0f i* flic- rlr
('harlott. *vlll. < <i i
drv r< in v.l(h < w
madr Th pn
Two year
Sixth Annual Convention of
the National Rivera and
Harbors Congress Con
venes Today. t
Distinguished Visitors from
this Country and Abroad
Attend Meeting
w »« hlngum. I» < h — With about
600(1 del gates pioacnt, Including gov
einora >f Bt At oh, high public nHlotalu
foreign di| lotiiAtH nn<1 men dl«t!ngui*li
od’ln vi.toua occupation* in alt ice.
ttona of *|i(. country, tli*« atath annual
National Rivera and HurOnra I'onifrvaf
\ tumbl'd hern Ulla morning f‘rrwl
drill Taft delivered the pr1noi;«nt a I
df'J'trt III th eeonv. ntl ui hall of the
.Vi w NVIIlnrd Motel.
JoBeph E. Rtumdell >»f l.ako »*rovi
dcnce. Li , president of the Gongr.**,
occupied the chati On the pUtforni
with I’roaldent Tnft wor** moii thno
loo *cn ror*, govTuorn, and other
prominent public men \t the *. . mui
th'a afternoon Count .1. von Hern < i ff,
(Jerinnn nmbar/uulor, delivered i! .1
principal address, describing (;>(» fj' i -
man oniplr. iyateni of Inland v ucr~
wa y a
Seanlo ih of lit foOgn ah will held
Thin d «y and Frida . It la ll.. , .-u
eral oplnl >n of thot w ho are Attend
ing, to at Mil* Congie-. |a the lurg'at
and mo,hi uitccpaaful that has ever
’tyw-n ?icf*p *
Amour those who will deliver id
divsHe.s .«r< Recretiry Nagel. ,,f the
Deportment of Commerce to I 1,-iicr.
Secrcilary Dick in on or the War Ik.
I>.1 ritn< n•; Ear! Gray, Governor <}. rt -
eral of C u ad i t n ifoi Morton, of
<>hlt*. Chulniinn of tie- National Wat
erways Com ml anion; Governor* Chatrl
herltiilli or Ongon; Harmon4 of Ohio
Everhart of Minnesota; liorke of
Dakota; lladh »»f Ml* nurl and
MtiD non of ... |(, prison fa
lire: M"\!ni(|cr, of New York; Chair
man of tie House River and llarbo
Commit' ■« ; l ruD'dl of I*, an > |v 1, j «.
H.nall of North Carolina Murc rs <.f
I' x.as, and oth> t ne mh of it -
lower Iiot i. of Congre-H e do * o
for addrmtscvv euvariomi p? -e ,r
1 lie waterways movement
'• M *»•• '<• ■ Ion? I i » ■ »». r
over «u!(lr<. o 1? .ohm <
loading editors of the ootllltrv \n >n
Hio-.o who Hl’o to p< o ;n ■ l|e. >
M Scott, «if Portland ami f af t <r
Yonrft of J~>o •> \tn!iv , to i \
Hamlin end l ” <*n- . of -
<»' < r • <!•!« . •• n, I.
fX-Oov. Tv rdon MeM II - <■ T • ?
Fr'nk Hate AlT'ii f tv
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