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^5 She would prefer that San ta Clause bring her a Doll, one j of the pretty Bisque, Kid Body jl Jointed Dollls with Natural Hair, the kind that she saw at PEP I G 0~S $ I his year we are carrying I a Large Line ot Dolls in a va riety that will please any of die little ones: China Dolls, Bisque Dolls, Rubber Dolls and Celluloid Dolls, the kind baby likes to play with when taking her daily bath It Floats DOLLS FROM 25c TO $1.00 E S. PEDIGO CO. 325 and 327 Princeton Avc Bluefield, : : : : West Va. j Great Exhibition J j OF ! HOLIDAY GOODS There can be no doubt that we are cxhibit ; ing the*Greatest Line ot Fine Holiday Go or \ before shown in l31uelieli, Such was the concen sus of opinion expressed by the peup’e who visited our Holiday Show on last week, j Look Elsewhere—Then Come to Us If you are at all in doebt as to what you need \ for the Gift Season now approaching it is a real pleasure lOr us to show this Splendid Stock, 1 Greater anQ Grander than ever betete; Newest Imported Line of Toys and Fancy Goods at the Lowest Possible Price, Presents 1 to suit the old ;nd young. Come early: select ' vour goods and We will put them away for you. SAMUEL TURK, Turk Building Princeton Ave. Blucfield. W. Va ' *WM Bi,;^. ?r, -40^Rli *f ATT:., vice Pre#'t A F. LAUD S *♦< ;• Cit^en^ Undervrriters Agency * ? GENERAL INSURANCE * V* igr* ■■——r V A « k 11 :. i ii i, M\hiu'M. *<i;;t\i i«>iM.;{. •»- V III \ I,ll. V ll)»;vr. iiOVliM. ( liimtT. •*« *;*WE RESPECTH’.LY SOLICIT A PORTION OF YOUR BUSINESS. Y /.AA AAAAA. * ♦. AAAAAA ♦ « . . . f ^ 'V > i' *• *' fc* « ♦ ♦ V ♦ V l/IHT YOtll <*H4»FKItTY WITH f«. |C. O'LEAPY & SONj 44 * * • Rejal I.state unci Rental Agent*. £ V. Minefield, W. Va. Gcr>. Af r F. ireka nd Hale I and Co. & ♦>’/vvvv»i‘vvvvv v<mXm; PERSONAL I I Miss Mary Maynard is visiting rela tive.-, at Hotiakcr for a few days ^ W. li. Thomas left for Width ibis morning on business. T. !’ Farrell general manager of Mfe Pocahontas Fin-, Company is in tin* city today on business. M i's. Itohci : Mencbey left for Roa P'die this mottling where she "ill sp d * ral day with relatives. 1 __ I Me. .M I loch 11 i limed to tin- city today af’ •• a few day's \ isit with re la t ives in . in- i oaili* ids. k S. It. Weoiwinc "ho ha*. been in the city for “vettil days left for Davy II his morning. Mrs. 't irges- left for Roanoke this morning sp< tfd a few days with relatives. i Cli •<> Corner is confined to his home tn South ..Hid with a i^ld tiM.'ck t.f tonsilitis ( I’’ II I’atross of Willianvson f.x '< illtng i n his Irfends in the city ! today. S M William* who has been a • i*plent at the Santarlum lift for bis home at Thacker last night very much nr i roved. ■I' - Fanny Woolwine who attended .’)■> tunernl of her sister Mrs. <Jear 1 : rt. left for Huntington this morn ing. Clms r. Kesif-r. manager of gon ora I advertising for stone Printing and Maiiufitrtnrfng Company of Roa noke war, in tie. city today. Mrs. M. A. Morgan left f(,r Fast Radford litis afternoon to spend ten days wPh her son C. II. Morgan lo cated in that city. ^ 1 Hall and W. Rdwards of Welch passed through tin* city this afternoon going to Lttrieh to hunt for a few day Hr. C. 0. Mallard brought a patient from county to St. Luke's hospital > lis afternoon for an opera tion. Mrs. Maurice .Icier and two children Thelma and Leuis Montgomery, left | this morning for Maltlmoro where i they wid spend the Christmas hull* I days with relatives and friends. .1. \\. Matthews who has L'cn eon i, neeted with a grocerf firm at Graham lias accepted a position with Huff Andrews and Tlmmas and will move his family to this city in a few da vs. n M ivRord treasurer of the On tario Milium company left for Lynch burg this morning wh« re he will meet l I, Cochrane, vice president of the company. LOST Oi, ti'ieeton avenue or Miami " ill lock gilt-beaded iei.ol bag comaining small purse 'i’h Pi _n in cash. Phase return '■ 'l'-- b’ • • W . Mallard at Leader '■(Ik and receive reward. I»ltS. .1. K MihSON \\|) s. T, |||MMi .. DSiTTISTS ... Off r Their ’-rotteslomU services t< e peoj e r*f Mlurneld and vlclr.l’y Itooniv oo v . . (yiij, # Moyei Midi/ THOS.E. PEERY.M. 0 SPECIALIST lye, Par, Nose and Throat Bltiefield, West Virginia. Oceiilivt for N. A W Railway , ■ MORRISON BROS. I Civil and Mining Engineers ■ w Thornton Building MBLUEFIELD : WEST VA I Make Your Selection Today ' The Best Prices The Most Complete Line l A Few Suggestions from our Complete Stock: LADIES l Hand Painted China, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver Manicure and Toilet Sets, Huburt and Colgate's Perfumes anJ Toilet Watsrs, Put np in Holiday Packag es luyl er s Candies, all sizss, from l lb. f up. Holiday Boxes, Most Complete l ine ever shown ir, South W«st Virginia. GENTLEMEN Card Cases and Pocket Books, Pass Cases, Oilett I Safety Razors. Smoking Sets, Pipes, All Standard I Brands Cigars, any si/e Boxes you desire. Forty fhousa lid toS!ecl from. A full and Complete Line of Waterman’s Fountain Pens. You have to see our Line to Appreciate it. Do not fail to see it before making your Holiday Purchase. AH Ix’trs Slop at our Door (l r Fountain Serves the Best Brinks THE WHITE PHARMACY Perscriptions Filled by PHONE NO. 40 All Packages Delivered Registered Pharmacists Promptly (Continued from Page One.) in favor « i tIn* improvement of all he waterways of the country, hut not the improvement of any one sec tion at. t;ie expense o fotlicr purts of ho country. Nation il sentiment for Improved waterways will h»« aroused by the J present Conge ss as never yvfftro, '•ut the majority of the edlegates at euding this Congress believe iliat until thee lias he n put into effect a general waterways policy Tor the whole country, special projects, no matter now beneficial they might lie, will not move forward to completion any faster in tin* future than they have in 11»«» past, unless a national policy is rdopted. '•'he dominant note of the Congress is that special projects for the Im provement ut waterways must give Wily to .1 general policy, which will lie of immediate benefit to every sec 1 *°n of ill * country that has a gen tlin'* claim for the deepening of a harbor, the building of a canal, or tile improvement of a river. I ho * engross advocates a watcr wn * po'lcy that will provide regular ami adviunto Congressional appro priations of not less than $10,0f>0,• 000 annually, for the next Un years f'*r improvement of the country's waterways. 11s plan, as announced '•el .|e. is dip authorization of bonds 1 '-v ’i"' vernment to tin* amount of H.oiMMmo.r.. to he sold from time to time in inch amounts as may ho neeessurv. the proceeds to he used as Coi gn * shall direct. The plan eni • raecs provisions for t 1m• issuance of iionds in a manner, similar to the I’anania « i.nal bond issues. t Pie of the princi)>al aims of the campaign, which it has t>eeii carrying on since tlie tirst convention is an • •it 'it to show the farmer; and mer chants in tin interior of the country, •hat monev spent by the government in providing better inland navigation wili res ilt in cheaper transportation lilt's, an 1 direct benefit to all produ* • • i and consumers. The demand for :ln or i.i'/ation of tin* ConfrcM came Iroui in timers of Congress, who felt tin need for discontinuing the pres •■iit wu- • nil policy of annually ap i’tO 'iia ig small sums for waterway ill' prov "ii. nt in different sections of '".it* country \iiiong the waterways improvement usoeiationa re-presented at Uiis ( , eri *■» an* flu* Ohio Valley liuprove i no nt Association, which sent nearly Inn delegates; tin* l.akeo-tto-tlie (fitif A soeia. Ion, represented by 1 <!* "-gat. . t,lie Atlantic t- < h a,i , pre < lit; t he Mls ‘ > • Improvement \seociation, ( '• Itiv* r Navigation (Vm i " Conn* client Itiv * r Itnprove. • A **o«iatIon and several oth Hold exclusively |>y Hhit, Andrew# jfc Thomas C», W holesale—Cnr I*°t—Local Lot. IN A PICKLE We m»|>e .lot,but 1C you want pic k . Just the k'ntl mother used to make with plenty of good spices an 1 ill the things that make good pic iJ' s good, come to sot* us or phone i * I or 3 11 tor Mrs. Kidd s Pin money Pick 1**8. >ii:i.o\ Mwc.ors < t < I M III lit m i\(;t)i;s, MIXKD I’K KI.I S. (*H KICK INS, m it <*iii:kki\s. MAIITYNIA. pKArif. W.- have a full line of bulk pickles, Chow chows.Sauces. Uellsheg, an:11 ( on (I intents of all kinds Sublette & Barnes Two ’phones, is| and 341. NOTICE. . I’u whom it may c iicern Notice is hereby jiveu to the pub lic that we, the indersigned. will apply to the Hoard »f Affairs of the Pity of Minefield. W«t Virginia, for a franchise to fuv:'*h and sell or illuminating evd beating pur poses to the City or Hlueileld, West Virginia, the citi/.Ms. n-idetit# and inhabitants thereof and for the prh ilege of constructing and erecting a plant fop the manufacture of ua and of entering unv ami all streets and alleys of the said City of film Held and lay down gas mains and laterals. l he conditions and term# upon which said franeiige 1- to bo re quested can be found In the appli cation c.r tli« undersigned. nkkh cpplicalion is How on file In the of. lice of (he Auditor of the C|f> o' Minefield, West Virginia. W /iKKIlrt. T. KPLINO. P. -i MeKLIlATil. P I. KALLKY. » M. HAXDKRH. It. M (JAl'tlfTT W. .1. .MONKS. KAMI, MILKY, Nv« »thc r |C,. lf»09 How Often Dors Pay Dav Comp? >! A ! ‘ 0,1 ( ' ,,*»l li»»w much you save is the all U L ni t,1,‘ wa^e-earn-r— “Little and , . "*tf ' I" A most commendaldc practice > ■ • ;-os!t a portion of his vveek " ’ ao (Hint—it provides a com ii,t! ’ 1 d.i \ . • Ikinn your s,iv* -j* o tnod* -411,10intoe safety ’! Till: FIKST NATIONAL B^NK •V -hi ;»nd a half doihn , "• •«• • •;< •X-J-K-J'-S'-w~x* + POINTS FALLLN WOMEN TO LIFE The revival meeting last evening! at the Ch. Lan church was of special interest. Mr Galloway told of the neds of !> talln and wh:r. good comes to Christ la 1 • eople who make an ef fort to i't them. The h rnion by Evangelist Rad was on ‘The Way of Life 'I't'i 'Le Way of Death.’* One came forward and took i***.mbershlp at the cltnm This evening the exun- i gclist will take tip the special sub ject. •'Hov To I Know mat I An. Saved?” everybody given a warm welcome. LITANY SERVICE. Litany service will be held at Christ's Episcopal church tonight at 8 o'clock. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICES. Prayer and praise service with n lecture on the 9th Commandment to day at 7:4.'< p. m. Children's reher sal for Christmas services today at 4 i>. m. Public invited. tEINFORCED CONCRETE WORK k’rwalk., Floor., .Wall., Collar. 1-to. All Work Gu.rauf erd W. E. McARTOR. 11 Highland Avc. Bluetluld, W. V* PHONE 420. NOT ?E. | DAYS I and your craving for liquor la gt)ne If you take the McKanna CURE There la none like I; offered anywhere outside of McKd-anaa No Dangerous I Hypodermics Cal! or writ DR. J. J. McKANXA 225 Princeton Avenue Blueflcld, W. Va. : lhe | | DENTAL COMPANY \ FOR THE PAINLESS :! ; EXTRACTION OF j j TEETH j ; Tne Surest, Safest at.d i\ ♦ Best Method ever used • no »«ie guniN or ill pITcolt follow It* U***. 4 j ; F ull set of^tseth $5 ♦ Very finest set ♦ o* te?th; no ♦ better made at anv price . . $8 ;! Gold crown . . $4 \ : Gold Fillings. . $i j l Silver and Ce ment ‘Fillings 50 <P t ♦ EXAMINATION FREE \ ; We nvite yQu to ♦ ♦ inspect cur parlors and ♦ ♦ have youi!”eeth exam ♦ ♦ »ned free. Will tell j ♦ you in advance what ♦ \ your wort will cost. ♦ ♦ All work done by ♦ ♦ skilled, experienced op- ♦ l eritors by our im- ♦ ♦ proved methods We ♦ ♦ give you a guarantee ♦ ♦ in writing on all work. ♦ | IDE CINCINNATI DENTISTS! | D COMPTON. MKr : ■' Over Grind Leader Store, i ♦ THE FASHION) 425 Princeton Avenue | We announce to the | public that we have price.. ij; cut in half in all depart ments, especially for the i| Christ nas Holiday trade. | Do your shopping early i| and avoid the rush. Be- j| ginning Nov. dOth until if Christmas, for one dollar j| in cash Two Dollars worth in if Merchandise now if you have to buy ijj ijj any Christmas Presents ;jj jjj >n Ladie s and Misses* ijj ijj Tailor Made Suits, Long | j|j Coats, Furs, Beautiful a ij; Waists, Silk Petticoats ij ij: Milita ry Capes, Millinery | ij: Ftc-, you can select your ij] I» goods now and we could ijj hold the same, with a de posit, until Christmas. ij S. TURK PROPRIETOR Muenchener BEER I It contains a suitable pro ^ portion of solid, nutritive mat ter, predigeated, and is a pos itive boon to people with weak ened digestive organs. Eminent physiciaaB and oth er competent authorities recom mend the modeate use of beer. It contains malt sugar, which Is easily digestible, healthful and strengthening. Be sure the be* r you use has been properly brewed. We take extra care iu evjery detail. Try a sample case. III.I EFIEI.I* BREWING CO., Bin* flcl.1, W. Va. 'Phone No. 210. The otnce and furnltare make fj an 'mpre4slotl. Tlie clothes and fl pe;*jnal appearanceftnake an |( Impression. I A Typewriter conveys the sort I of Impression which all these K thlffps at their beat, produce i-j It s as lasting a- <an he made ■ aru! as elenarit ns bns'nes E iMtrhf to be. ■ Blufiffild Typewrltfir Exchange | A. A. WTO ALL, Manager. 2HA Princeton Ave. p ROBT.E. MOORE A1T0HNEY-AT-LAW, (Hlnefied, West Virqlnia. Col cclio is a Specialty Mars tn Mat-Top National Bank