Newspaper Page Text
. •reuefielo LE lil.l KI IKl.l), \V. V A. THURSDAY, AJTEUXOAX, DEC 9. 1000 Instructions Issued that if Necessary to Piezo All Ports cf Republic NEW REVOLUTION OF HONDURAS Reported that Zelaya Or de>;3 Americans Cou ture d Shot Colon, IX-c. 9.—The American war . e assembling off the coast of Nlcarag ia with inst ructions that if necessry t«. tsioxe all Nicaraguan porta. Tl»'.' American government is tak ing every precaution to protect tho lif- and property of its citizens, and the s*'ight< t demonstration against Amerlcj'W will mean tU<■ opening of fire from the battleships. Bliiiiii'ids is the base of opera tions. Americans Ordered Shot. Pe.iatirt, I>cc. !•. — It is reported hrr^ that Zelaya bus issued orders tv shoot ill Americans captured from the ranks of the revolutionists. New Revolution. San Juan D 1 Sur. Nicaragua. Dec. 9 A new revolution has broken out in Fiend -ra* and a fierce battle is raging in at* Tortuga. President Da viFa today proclaimed a state of siege excitement In the republic NOT wapm. In rpo'ikfrig c>f the recent cold spell Captain Bill O’C nnor stated ho re meri'lieied a trn’n load of Irish «tni Ktan's. that landed In Virginia In tho winter of 1787. he undoubted] in tend'd to say 1887. who were told be fon New York that it was the “Sunny South” they were going *n. and tVere was nevor anvwinter In that country. The Captain stated that whet he Interviewed one <»•’ Irishmen, ho sa'd "Bf 1 knowetl th.* wither was so culd down here, I would tov '<1 that emnlovment man to -o to a certain warm region whero lie conM not find an Iri-hman OFFICER SHOT AND KIllED IS FIRED UPON WHILE ATTEMPT ING TO SERVE DIVORCE PAPERS. Kansas ( ity. Dee. 9—Deputy Sher iff Charles II. Lukens was ehot and Instan* ly killed today by Charles Dal loway while attempting to serve di vorce papers on the hitler. A jioi a puts'tied Oalloway who fled and barricaded himself |n his hotis« He opened fire through the door and wounded tit fecfh'e Harr\ An.ler op Oalloway was himself wounded in the stomach. BLACK HAND WRECKS FACTORY Niap>t"ti Kalla, l)ee. !* — A bomb ex ploded :n flu- macaroni factor/ or S. Oeve.c today wrecked the !miilrl In?. vr» one was hurt. The act i$ aftr'.nif<'cl to the black hand, an De vote :i «| io h i' e r< < ■ : \ > <\ | In , <niut: • r fi . the ori 'uiiz-t ,on. The ',i«tory w as completely, demol ished en.ailing a I >**• of acveral thous and doll i CO Ml NO TC THE RESCUE OF DR. FREDERICK COOK \>w York. I» c !• Friend-- or' ' r Cook arc com it n to h<J<s rescue tc refute ihe alorv that hla records re garding fhe dlaeover\ of the north polo have been doctored. Lady Shackleton. wife of the Antarctic explorer, and her little daughter Cecily. On her husband s ret urn from his exped tion she refused to alter,u his home coming reception because she did not v/ant to detract from the full acclaim for the hero. Since ner husband har. been knighted and sh,. has become Lady Shackle- 'on she has lost her usual shyness. Board of Affairs Ini it it is Being Held up in Matter of Cor. n cting with County Road In view f thi J.rotra. !• <1 delay in the xt* ns on of Prlmetoii avenu to nnecl .• it:. , ,e n w . • -•< a t a r e »■ iHt<*rn limit of the < py of nine field, we think it nothin hut prop* i and just l rat the eiti/em it M«-r*.-r county and of Hlm-fleld should know ur position in this matter and tti reasons for tills hold up against fln de Ire of '.)i who stan i f >r th |m provement of roads in the county and of sfrcrts In the city From th< . ginning the nuthorltie- of the rhv ••'injiorfe I hv it- cjtixrn-, hav u more than anx-ns t,, grade and in - * f *he r-x tr-M -Ion or I • liner ton 1 venue t.coon<(! Wit- f ;v- nr w on! tv rn^d r-aMzieg the gre -t < ml* *.•' j tills road to th punli -r-eratiy - i | particularly to property owners • >ui ; ting on the -nm<\ S o. n ntV , n| In ample time to complete tip •extension of Princeton avenue l.e the wint r weather set in, *} <> hr,-. ( Instructed tor cltv engineer to p j feed Immediately nd with o’’ • ’j; gr-nrc to gr de an I open «11, »h. - x> *1on of Prim ton avenue, hut n in Jveatlgation .t was found tha* no St reft h'ld been provided for and f,i-*t private propert|p* entpe togeth. .* v ItllP line r»f t o Id ?ht-of-w-V of the Norfolk and West rn Itaifyav Form ■ mv. in iih r to t» root ire the ri-t'i‘ I of-w iy at th*- eorl|e>t moflten ud with the i fi-i nerat loti of the oun'.y 'officials and tii it n - *» p,;ij* fh-h1 til hoard of'afT.iit . .p« ah t f<» Mi chatnher of common ■*• of til. < i-y of libiefieid and c iu flee w • . oj j minted to i onfer with at) Mine pron |ertv owners. T'l committee with the m mhr r% of the hoard of nlTalrs and the rit engineer railed on the proar-i otV M of the railway rotm-mv at R<>or nd the railway o nu. nv on e<p a c»*rtain rights of w *y to the rity, ■ • in view of t e eontempla* d imp'o\* meet, w- u!d v d»> » .f fa .n' ami r i«f gt In dole?; fht* voir of f inflecting Ait.I the .nun ‘at. v. i. u us uri*,j e bndly r> I' I W ‘ » oil iuei (tfl i:» Vs ,• d< hh d step toward road imptov no nJ throughout tiie «■ unity. 't ie < Jty < i, i i found : i u in order to wfd* > • tr«.u t i tv props r width, so t. eonn< . t. properly u t!i the county II 'i :i) ' v. ' v nils and slopes through tee prope.ty of Mr. s. s Coffman. on< of th«• abutting nwneis. i' v.'«.,|tf| nee ury that Mr. ('off e n dm are • the s ify a strip of land t ty fe< t *ld' runnlnh alon.r h V nt. ire bv she railway eomp ny' ? '!-■■■ A to tiie donation of ; Is til of and. . e wro i tred ! I.y Vi. \t l( < off nun, fine i I e n in .'- i ,od i o<jds pronmt rs n this •'.lint;, that them would h* no tfoubl* Van •’ th* same and a proper deed wn*. fevci I w * ks pa* I nfcr ttitm •f i e \« d th • inf‘ rtnat tt t i;s Mr. Id. \ c dfinan MnijJd n t sign fie derd, to p rthui r r* i »n t nir iv n at ' Iip tinuj. ft# *1 "Gentlemen lr r*t*irl to * .> pr iir ed * ■•;(* oaten r*f t'i in* ton avenue, will give ttt«>nfy f#•* I on front, '( ■ re* t 1 i file a»wl < rr, * * tlnn, tie v being amtzlrg. Or will 1\ « Irnirty v f r ft jpo.on (Tnatl u**d on last peif ) SAID WELCH IS A BAD MAN MURDERER OF HENRY MOSBY IS NOW IN JAIL AT WELCH. The rciUH im oT Horny MoAbV who 1 wan mud. rod by Frank Welsh ut i larger ye* rdny afternoon at 2:30 were uk-n thriugn the <..t> {till o' morning t oin^ to Culimpper. Va.. | where the funeral will be held to morrow*. The remains were accom panied e>- Mrs. Mostly and son and ! <*■ F. Moiby, a biother of the mur- I den d man. It wa> learned today that Frank Welsh who is lodged in tho .Welch Jail for the murder of Mot>by. has the name of b im; a coward ur.d the kind of n an that, would lie in wait I in a <la k sj*ot, and wiylny an enemy. Welsh has been running n tran.ldlnr room at laeger for several year*, and j has the name of being more dr * *s I quaia iBoiue, Welsh and a painter em ployed t; larger had a quarrel Tues day nig ' in Mo by* saloon and Welsh «• is about to hit the p tintor over Hi*' heart with a he* r Lottie,! when Mogby en tig lit iiiH dim. pron nidy pr'venting murder. Wclsn was incensed because Moh1j\ hit rbri. d anrt tlir.Mfomd to get oven with him Mosby's h.other advised him to |... y away front W *ls!i ns Welsh wus a >k and would ambush and kill him. Itul Mosby. who wa* known to he a f< l.less man, stated that he was not afraid of Welsh doing Jiin; any harm. Vo • »y showed his ganv'iioss by pulling his gun lifter lie had b* « n pi* reed by three Imlb i holes through tl>e lire 1st, mid shoot'ng three Hums at tJm M“'rtng murder* *1. HIDGFRITZ ; WINS HIS CASE , : PI CA, rc FPAUr- IN */feC,U.;lNQ HIS NAME TO $">000 NOTE SUSTAINED. Tho car.- of \ni< i lean \'a ii.iml Bank ftgain-t .1 dr • II. A Hit/, of ilrlx (city resulted in a verdict in favor of (Judge Hi /. In tie* circuit court at ( Princetoi today. The bank awed as nh, Holder of a i $3000 non made by th flout hern Went Virginia Fuel Company, now defunct, ei lor.-ed by Wm. F. jr0 ]<r Mm. KhnnUs and Judr<* Hit/ Jt is said tii-*' .Judge Hit/, is the only sol +t nt Indoi: i. Judge Hit/ i-udor od the nolo at the instate- of U rn 13. Fowler, who aval president, o! botii tlie hank and Fu« I Company. II.- went to Judge flit/, and told him Hirf the Fn ! Cofripmiy i deed'd iMincy and that his bank would make the loan If tho note was endorsed by all the directors, and | Judg" Hl'« wro e out ;i memorandum o t|ii »fleet for nil endorser* to i sign with In triiclion* to Fowler tiot , to us* tin* note iinl« • - all (he din c. i lorn of Hi' fuel company endorsed the note i:r.d dgned the memorandum of agreement tha* all should )*Kir ;' finally tl.0 pnym nt of note in the 4 vent. It. went by default. If appears that Fowler dlseount-d the note ns .•one li«- / cured Judge Hitz’s e i lors' inetit, wiHtotr gelt!:, ■ i endornemf re of Hu other direct #r i aft-lug In a dual capacity at nre.ddeuf of lo'h coucern*. Judge T.i'z entered a plea of fraud in the j ocuroment of thr note end ; alley* d that, the bank through it a i r» sfd«-n» l ad knowledge of the !mj * r f*r»l*,ii ef the note, \fr, Kowle/'n «! •-position was read denying fhta. and j then Jud r*‘ Rlfz Introduced »om«* rather Interesting featimony a« to Min. K. Fowler'* reputation for truth and v i ir ' v, a number ttf prominent jClU/er j iTying thil* they would not | r : -;o him on on Mi. Tl An 'If m .Vfttloflal Hank w. r* i-i n < d try Hander.-- A> ( r#ek* > and dud 'o llltr wa« repre*. nl--d M A \V\ Reynolds, t> |*; Ki • n« h ' rid J. M MeUrath. ».‘r>0 000 FIRE AT RUSTON. LA It ' i. l/i t> e f -Property d jar- %' ivly In exr* a of f.'iO.OOU re rul I be -e torch hi from a lire whleb d* >t d n larg- po Mon of the Pr li e e -niprialry wral bnlldin oeruj i *♦ by mere »nMV» firm* and off - . rf««so''.i| tenant**. About half th*» t 1 's b revered bv In* uraoce. MURDERS HIS CHILD BRIDE 20 YEAR OLD BOY SHOOTS HIS WIFE TO DEATH AND KILLS HIMSELF. Martin- burg, NY. Yu Dec. 9 —Charles Cromwell, a»rod .’0 \r,ir.j, a young far- ; liter living lieu here, the morning shot and killed hls child wife, Kiln Mfy Cromwell. ll y. ars old. and then turned the same weapon upon him- ■ self 'v th fatal result*. The couple 1 had lo-en married only three month*. Several dn.v« ago .Nlrs. Cromwell made complaint against her hu band, charging him with the theft of her wedding clothes, wh eh In- claimed he had sold. The couple became ! reconciled In court ami i. turne,! home, togelc, apparentIv happy and t.**i-,iv- ! ing. lbit Cromwell la . »:d io have horliored vengeance again* h1 ; prei.- 1 1/ bride, whom lie enticed from their home this morning and Killed . Having hidden a double ban I -hot i gnu In a Ihiekef near the house ibis morning. Cromwell Induced Ills wife to aeeompany him hiosh the Ibid to | the home of hii uncle, under pretense I of 1,crowing nmmty from the eldoi ! man. Nri lying a' the roim where he had j s"Cia ted the gun Cromwell s -eniei; * j-os easion of It and emptied both barrels into the body of wife. The! brat Hhot R'mngt coni pi tcly lore away ; the head 01 the girl. The husband tln-n reloaded ibo » nn and. discharging Hie ( weapon yvitli hls reel, killed himself Wigihons. who were attracted by i tho axp < slon of the weapon, found ! Mrs. Cromwell dead and her husband dying In agony near her body. The dead loives around were drenched with the blood of both. A gaping wound w is found in Cromwell'* breast ' I'h* mail died in lf-sx than live min utes afte- assistance P-aclnd Jilin, The dead girl was a daughter of j Adam Jordan, a w l! known iierko !fy coumj farmer. She was very j pretty. I — Shrove, Ohio, Deo. ft. Roy l.«*> after te. roi-i/.iiur hi family nil niylit IflHt thin in*inning shot, ami kill'd 1 i oh Hull, i deputy -h* illf, who we, alUniptlii?* lo ariosi him. It Is VI d that 1,00 Ii Jllri.'l lit*. II r Dmi.'H’ on, secretary arid Doaaur. r of the S. M j’ Ii ur anio i ('ornpany rot tiro'll In i niyhi from a hi) ill* S f ;| »o H i: imore. Pf1 l'.i •*. Wash. I)'c. P An aviation in*'ii, vldrli fho world's mo t. fa- J If.OII < hil *] ' e| .' ,11 j j • lo|?i,i ' e, | , |,o ! ins; |!ani<d for which thi; ci.y pox’ . uminor. Thero will le* a i ;* • of contents,! il«C)i:dil. - Join* :in*l til:;ri fle;M a v. I j a: spo jd endurm and tlnio lo s Hatha n, Kirn in, DarolH-rt and Du* , mont nr t oni* **f tho aviators, w ho it J j Is *. at"d hnvo agreed lo enter. COLD WAVL HIT3 NEW YORK. ' \*'w ’> ,rk. ft* **, fl A cold w ive I hit the <i(y tori a :■ and (lure 1 much! • tfT*• riu■. report* d among fho jioor. i j Ii 1 th*. rold* ' **>aH,Ar of tho h i* son o far. FIVE SAILORS ARE DROWNED II»H 0 If trxl.'i . fid ®\*r TiP'ifc rt Of iho Cr> v dto-.’O'mL. I’ourf ' II i SUFFRAGETTE SUER ALLEGES SHr WAS PORCED TO TAKF. POOD IN PRISON. London, I)><v '» at f,« i. i j. .ocr Charley W. Fowler, representative! in congress from a New Jersey dis- | trict, w to issued a statement con demning Cnnnonism. He as«ertr that a thunderbolt of rightcoun in dignation and punitive wrath will strike • latter and pnralyre the Repub , Hem party unless it utterly repudl- j atra Ald-lchism and its subservient complement, Cannonism." WORLD 13 LED BY ARGENTINA W i hin;;lnn, lire. !*. Arpcnllnn 11<a public (n\< A lend |1)!h year a ; 1 hr i t- it. st. rrain exporting country in t hr world. Thlu Tap I Is discin'.* <1 by Hr rrr nl report of uralii exportation t>\ 1 hr I' .idinK coutitrloH. I’or hr yrar ended .Itilv .'II. lonji Argentine r-: port rd IT,,700.000 qualm u of w Ir* i i::.rnon.oo(» qnaicra from tin* I'nilrl Sl it. and I 112,100,000 qualm, Rusi ia. Till - th»a firs* linn that Arpnn Mn*> ha. Ini n (n firm plan and while. Mi! Ir"id 1 mainly diir to I ho poor <’ al - in Mi*' Miih.-d Stales and Ruh i'la, il s confidently expected Mint within a frw yearn Argentine will ttnnunHy In* thr on alu. i of the world:; prO'lueiTH. L.KES CLIMATE. H M. I atvrer wlia linn been In Clorldn. for llm oust two nmiillui ar rived in fho r\iy Ir nfrhf. arid will In- hero t< n day3 looklnpr after bln 'meresta a id will limn roturn to Ida family n fvf.rmd Fla. Mr. Ilarger lik' -i llm ellmale of Florida MORE PAY AND Co Ion, IV e. !i 'I'li,. railroad Ore- | no a i f <a ♦ h.• Ohio and north of 11•, Poiimiai* r< iiff.'irlnc a. .«-/• h«•«fm!• do ff an i in' lr rronsi d and ahorlor ' "iii . | i. demands me not vel n>ni fd^le. In*' fovoral rad lea I u’li.-.ii are < on'empliiled HESCUE WORK. Chari t Han i >.n offlmr In eharife of Cm Salvation Army at ffiinfln.'f mi will apeak In ih CbH lian eh it re h Sunday aP ernnon a* oelo k Snl)|eet. “IfodpIrtK Hand nr the Social and l{< anm Work of ’he Salv.i lot* Army." BURNED !N A HOTEL EIRE K ilt?' izon, Mlfb., l>.<* y omi n ii; w lmnu*d h, (Jr i'll and prop erty amounting to n million dollar* o' t ' ir<IIH ho*'I. Two hmnlr<d U‘ I ' fa; i In ’If ni Mil rlo'li- u wb«*n U t flr« drok'* oof. cr.MAN ouocr r. op in I '< ■ fi-'h to 'in * * ii i<i LOSSES CAUSED BY CONSUMPTION o h I* •. ft The National # ‘I? t , ubl,?, Attachment from Circuit Court Served Last Night at the City Jail UNABLE SO FAR TO GIVE BAIT. Trying to Get in Touch v» 4 His Brother to go on Bond An attachment from Uiu circuit court ,va • served on Noriuan Cox last nlgnt. r(r>ulrlu« tlio sheriff to re turn h|in to Jail to await. the next torni of ti e circuit court winch ineoi* mi May. Tlio attachment was sworn out on tin1 grounds that tlio detail - dant wa- about to leave tlio male, that, ho had concealed money with intent l dot.mid Ins creditor*. Tlio i lain(ifTri gavo a bond for S.iOtMt. ilid fox cannot bo ivlctuu d tin til lie executes a eounlur bond lor Du- am* amount. lb* hml asked some pi »plo to go with luni Immodl itlely to New Mexico, and It. Is stat ed had ills belongings already packed, lie a<1 ini a having collected the money from Hi* milestone Traction Cum puny on compromise for tlio d alb Of Ills Hill. It ii rumored that there aro oth ers wli.» l.avo Kottou a jmri of thk mono > oni Cox, and it is slated that a motion for the removal of C*jx oh adm Inis', re lor on nis son’s inlato win )»•• n ; ii* , a ne wad min 1st ra< or 1 upoplul -J, and that all persons who know anything about the transaction will he examined under oath and ri «| n I red .u pay whatever money they may h.ive received to the now ad ministrator aro i.. apoplntiil. it is 1 aMmute I that there ate at leant two others who ma> go.I Into trouble over the tl* tiisa.ClIon. It is believed they have a portion of the money. An « if or t was made today to i;ei in com,ii.miration with William Cox brother of Norman Cox and ipd him to t’.o »ti hi* brothers bond. Tin* police wi'i'u unable to rpi hold o him odav a= In i at Winding OuIf. hut It is ex pc’ted h<* will return tom i row aft *inoon. TWO KILLED HANOI ING DYNAMITE WHEN IT WENT Orr BLOWING THEM INTO ATOMS. Cary', IW (Special.)—llohrrt ■ h Hoi k t of ,N< w Canton, Va., and ; Hunt AI >> ril of Clary wore killed tIjIh oioiiwfr; In an accident U e.xpi t|ou of dytii'ii.le at No. II works of Hie •'iiiltd HI i Coal aid Coke Com pany, The •’non, It » w' e employod by h»» company v. ■ Itloslv. When It w lilt off blowing t|.( in o atom CAPTAIN AND 12 Holn IV I< odii-,*, r ti a frr ni r-port 'he t! t , ;dl ;; i | t ,v<lvo an ng, H et|f. - ti \ , u GOOD SKATING. ' r '< ] ■ ’ nlffht fro: the on. The | ,,id a< rc. ! !? .0 Alto froxea over.