Newspaper Page Text
1 - • • I WATCHES, DIAMONDS. RINGS, BUTTONS, STERLING SILVER, LEATHER GOODS. TOILET GOODS AND EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE J iWELRY TRADE IN FINE QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICES AT RANDOLPH &. MITTENDORF LEADING JEWELERS BLUEFIELD. WEST VIRGINIA - m —— BPB——I ——1 100 Miners Wanted By the Virginin-Pocahontas Coal Com pany at Coalwood and Garetta Mires. Me DowelllCounty, West Va. Have 5 mines k which are running full time and can give you steady work. Have plenty of houses for men with families: Coalwood is the cleanest anil most healthful mining town in the Pocahontas field. Schools tor both white and colored. Men earn J 3.00 to £5.00 daily, Large commissaries, goods sold at reasonable prices, kwill pa\ you to in vestigate above bv calling on us at Coalwood and Garetta mines, or write to VIRGINIA POCAHONTAS COAL CO., Jc.iv Sit.warr Sur/t., I Coalw oiu I, W«st Va. f __ ’ * SV W. M. BEURY, Pres MORRIS WATTS, Vice Pres. A H. LAND, Sfo. V* ;j> Cit/ens Underwriters Agency * | GENERAL 1NSCRAKCE | Y Fill K, LIFE LIABII.ITY. STU.AM BOILER. I'LA » H V ^ <*LASS, UFATLII, ACCIDENT, BONDS, CREDIT, •£♦ Ywe respectfully solicit a portion of your business/:* \ .A # • « • A A A A ^ . - LOTS FOR SALE John M. Wirgman, Apply to wm. McCarthy, phjlaoelphia - BLUEFIELD. W VA. ji THE GRAND OPKN—2 TO fl. 7 TO 10:20. Two Reels-Illustrated Song Entirely New Film Service Programme Changes Daily _ Up-to-Date Vaudeville ALWAYS GOOD. DON’T MISS THIS SHOW money to burn l IF YOU HAVE MONEY TO BURN keep it i„ the house | where it may be burned, lost or stolen, but if you want to keep it I safely where it will always be ready for you when needed deposit I it with us- A bank account will give you a better btninem stand* 9 :ng in the community and a prestige that you mav never have cn- I joVed before. If youi name j-, t ot on our books, ue wi ) be ;>!<•; • *i cd to see it there before the clove of the rca 909. ^ Flat Top National Bank ] BLUEFIELU, W. VA. Resources Nearly On Million Dollars Officer* | E. erney, President; Kdw. I'. I yrte. ( asrre; W. 1 * If. Th unas, v'.*e President: IV j;. Hick-, A t. Cashier, IH RECTORS J. I). Honaker I Pecry C. IS. Hancock. IV. H. Thomas, tt Wright, J\ J. Kellv, , E. L. Bailer, W. O. Thornhill, F. s. Pedigo, R. Tierney, K M. Garrett* IS. A. Heller. Strongest Organized bank in his Section* The Rroj^re**- 9 Ivc Notional Hank of lllncfield, v CLASSIFIED COLUMN, ___ PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW DOR CHRISTMAS FLOWERS WITH EAST END PHARMACY. f - -L— I *-i V • w. ’ t WANTED:—To rent a teven or eight room nodorn furnished house. I Kca<jv or occupancy abouttJ^h. l.j See C. VLeary aud Sou. 12-14-Gt. CiWk. FOR SALE at a bargain. Doaning to accept a position elsewhere, l off." for sale my job printing office with established trad*, also 1k>u»c and lot. Vidro*-* 15 1 a*w is »trvn. or u;ffl -u South Lluethld News Office. Gil bland street. W WTKIl:—To buy coal tu.d tint her lands on either Norfolk and j Western oi Virginian railway. I Addro s “Chicago.•• Care Evoriiig | Leader. 11-17-U'J-ef. LOST:—A small gold locket, mono gram. A. It C. Howard if returned to Leader Office. REWARD of 1 K) ’ ■ t!<e re t •* t4»o person turning in flr«. alarm ' from Mo\ :t I Dec. 1*. id* •• FOR RENTt—Residence, mx foonis j No. 17 Rteif street—Apply <) >L ] Strader i 5t. • . . _ » -»»> * KINZER ASSIGNMENT. I have received f.VKMV ifc’n**v abort* ! in exchange for unsalable goods The»o goods go at the regular V tifur%$i I prices, . Specials for this weoty—ll-K Solid i CJold Casi^s and ir.-J \V4lt *wun nr Kj« gin movements. Regular* prI"o7 $4;* | Now $25.00. Twenty-live \ear ease T-J movement 1 $ io.r,o. Twenty year ram*, Walt ham or El- I gin movement, 10.50. 2o0 St and :iftd Watches, twenty-one! to twenty-three jewel* at $20 to $20 | Formerly were $:LS to $ tK. Everything specialty »e(lyc%fl{ ing Ik knowing! Comennrt set** .1. I/, jCROCKETT. PLACT. VC U R ORDER NOW TOR I CHRISTMAS FLOWERS VV'TH EASt ( END PHARMACY. BURNED PAPER MONEY. ! Source of Great Profit to the Govern meat and Bjfihft. M the redemption window* 1 f the \ treast$»y ami «f the snVitrta^tfi :m <.f . Ml" ceimti\ any sllvuy eyin that tin* I not I ren n nttinted wltfViitfy ,vd wf»i Ii -tir i- re. "Ctiiralde m«, fiom the mints Of the T'liited Stale- u ill I udeerngd •if fare V. litv, this 11» strife of 1 fie fuel that H *-i 1 v«• r in t(ie tviru iejp tn«\ not lie ".Mill tillf I|> fare Value. 1 \- to gold <Min. the l >d o:hti.(4it 4in'pi < "lily a -mull portion of the Ions from f abrr.aloii. lint, nceonllrtg to ivi’l|;hir these worn gold s a!"ays rtfe re 1 deenulde. In 1 Ik* cnsu of (!m* fuJprr <uri**nc#v fwo fifths Of a note mu ( I, • pre'enfr d If It lie redeemed *,,• .1 ije \v lioti* , Issued, iiml, in, II’.r ;et what the evi- i donee may lie ’is to tot destruction • of lids p;ipel »ill rein > the _,<• nrnunl regards It as the h-Idcf- Imlivldwi! j * loss xvilli which t* I no f*ir»f.or eon- 1 coined. Tiro may melt $ 1.000 xvortti of silver coins and it Is worth It.-4 metal value. If may melt «l.fX0 in gold • ulns and tho mint will pay $1,000 in new twenty dollar gold pieces fop thy < man* I'.ut the nalics of $1,000 In pa per currency Is without value In the thousand' «*f tires oxer the country every year involving *f*j< «• buildings, fjirfo'-fe lm (no I i iiaes i nod family residci cm an untold total ef legal fonder note <’i‘ ff'f t’ • -d» destroyed f'rorr | lore 1 f such j t 1 lo> t |s loss 10 thi li ly , Hi. 1 t < the }foiorr*nxoijt ,,r 0 >1 <r,j* tiuiird »>m't£ 1 It is a prnrnl-.<nrv n«»le b .adc.-eoy to the holder. If In even mote for in ninny an individual unm might redeem bin debt obligat' m> if be ’v<*ia« assured by the holder of if rhr*'the piece of paper to which In* had signed Ids name bad been destroyed bv a< n dent and by no chance could mm 11 ft again against biru.—Chicago Tribune. Pope as n Witness. I’ope. like epirrick. mad ■ but ; a figure In the witness bon ff» was < lt«*»l to tipp ’nr in tlcfe.isr of Klstiop Alferbury when that j.rel lie w as f y!<•«! for high treason In the house of f/ird In IT’.'i', "I never could speak fit pub Me," lie fold Spem* n flee ward, ‘and l don’t believe that if it *a. a »*d tiling i could give a.i nccotin! of any Ktory to twelve friend* togdller, fh<n!gh I could t'di it t" any three of them with 1 great deal of pleasure. When I u.c to appear foi the bishop of Ho'-lieot' : In his trial, thou *h i fntd huf ten xvord* to «ay nud that on a plum point (how t he hi shop spent liia litre when I \x a i vxj.h Inin at llroTofeyc >-mad** txvo or three blunder* in it gnd thg* trot withstanding (he lirsl rowf of lofds i (Which was all 1 could fee) were raosf ly of my acquaint line#." - London 1 standard - - — RICHEST COUNTRY IN MINERALS IN WORLD ( apt. 1>. U. Halit w in Tell* of |tlnclleld\ (•rowill From Hlacicrass Farm lo Hu*} (it}, — v.Tliia day, t .e Z2nd of (December, twenty-one yearn ago I land'd In the' clly of Him Arid. Mercer oountv. W. Va.. and have dwelt ocniltiauly In ft sine* i whs born In thlSTgrcut Ap-j pakv'hiun chain of mountains nearly svventy-elght y* ura ago. have been an active business man for 0\er s|\|\ y< ars. t.nd have traveled over almost tin entire section in which Its rich.1 numerous and gig untie nun* s are lo cated. and while | do not propose, to ay that all of then* treasures can * he found within the eor|>oh«tc limits i t HIUetiehl, v. l I do say that it Is as wondrous in its rapid growth in twi i ty-three uvs from a bluegrnss farm to ., Imsy city of from AfUii'U thouu l and to twenty thousand inhabitants. V.. are now erecting a United States court house and pOstofllee;. the Mat.:-, ti> Id Hotel, seven stories high, and a public school building which will .al together cost four hundred and Ally thousand dollars; we have twelve w aolesnlc houses, seven!v-siirht re tail stores; live hotels; we also !u»\> «•!< v< n churches, two national banks, two trust companies, two baukini ■ < •lupmies, eleetrlc light-, -that cars,} ■ h’phone systetu. and tin np-to-dat water works which can tlijuw, whiv j necessary, Into our city o\» i tom , million gallons of spring wafer per day from t.u* mountains just soot I I u us Wo have three sUmm laun* , h and two <’lili!' e I . adrl -a; i%... large min supply rompafttes; ov« | fifty uille* of railroad track, w itl | large round-house, railroad shops m,. terminal division ottices, and a i irg' nuitther of coal company ofljccs To give • *» Idea of our .bud. • growth in .h* '< .r lss« w, . Id ' eighty-eight dollars and n;n*tv 1 - T** bO) in postage stain,>.«. In tin last lineal year the sale of gtsmpa u i.iiietieid po-t. dice ending jpn :ti«tu ibob. amount* d to thlrty-l’mfr ttu/.is ' md two huudred <$:U.20o.0(Vi dollar* I Seven yearn :ip<» the real and personal I proper! \ in M'mdleld was *.sn*'ss*d at «*n<' million tight hundred and scv n- | tv thousand dolalis. Tli h j»-ai it was «-n million two hundred ; nd eighty-I two thousand dollars. in {>• >iiit oi educational advantage* ! few If any cities in the stata of Word Virginia cun off* r to tlielr citiz .1 \ ■ ■ iieh facilities for tiie education ot tin I rising generation. We have on • h'.ta i ifiiI brick school house which, t>. k tlier with tile grounds atul unrAfihei- J nulla nee*ssar.v, tost one bandied and ' 11 * > thousand dollars; on< Luel. : building coating HI vcllteell t boili .out I dollnis and one stone and two addi- , lion primary school buddnr/i costing • aeli six thousand dollars, all t>e. | above buildings being for whites. \V« • iso lia.e the tun !. colored institute, i a state inalitntion. with tw’y dorinl* I lories and grounds, coating forty ' thousand dollars; one stone i.ud on* 1 large frame primary building for' tli** colored p^rt {,X the citizens. These \ educational anvantagea are among the 1 most attractive feat ores of r.lueflc|d, Kdneat ion Is the t»o<>r man's friend and tli** working man's opportunity, Kd il eal e your child, then those who rise r-> higher sphere., in life, by industry, economy and strict attention to btiHi-j Hess, will be able l»> 1:11 I licit posi tions with honor ami ability Kdiuoit* your child, then should misfortune bn taii it financially it lias one of the nob- I I ♦■Sit gift1-' of God, the cultivation of: the mind, bit to sVirt again in life, j liefore • ui< ring upon a detailed ad- ! count of the buried triasim , abovei referred to, I propose first to desru iiie j lie* geographical position ?• i whh b tie .-' r* sources at* locnfi d hlie count!*:'. in wlilcii tli* tirnler n kiiciI mentioned minerals an t < oai fb Ids are located. a «• what w. kjjyyjl in ante-bclluni days as southwest Vn - ginia, and a poition <>f .his country • ti iw 'V#•.-■» Vlrn uia. Th i ml begin i:i I/-*- county. and si m <«•!••» i in wardiy through Wo * , Pick naon. Itu si II. Tazewel1 and M*i*er conir if c. all Iving <ic»uth of in** Plinth Vail* y branch of the Norfolk r.d WcKi« ro ri-Hwny. which road runs from Norton Virginia, and connect-, i with tin main line of lh* Norfolk nod VV**Htcin at Him ;i* ld. Went Virginia. Th* main line of the Norfolk .'til W< stern road runx through die west '■in * ml f t‘i<> Mercer cnun y coal fl*d !, anl throng.) the «u *ir*• * ountleH nt McDowell, Mingo and Wayii**. The Him ton*- branch of the >rfo|l: :*nd W< i t< 'tii,-. to th* »a:;i t i limit of t M- r' < r * > n* . c i I field. wl* r<- It * onn« < * w; ;, th** V.i i ginian railroad. which pns-s throng tie- Merer I. Wyoming. Log: ri. llah-.gli ^ ltd l-Yy* ft** coal i i l(|u, ;ul he ■* ;■ ■ rent ir* oj ala ,t J note* or tit* | », i i v tli> .0, I, iih Vir/'r ii i Vh *•* »d. I,'., i.,il, . on tl-ej • It* i.i «» :' * 'oik .. o i n 1 Hnih'HV tron ISliK-li* Id t > I. oox, In ad*i,t ion to t he cont ,u t > ■ •• i *•*,.,Mien, which *■ ll:l*i«.c* , iif i lit * «i * oklt." f i* 1 in M I nil* i Btateg, we !,;.*• wpl< ndld dom* nlic ait 1 steam cots! In the mid-Ii • "hi *•1 MJUthwcHf Virginia We lav ft f.t i * tch of Virginia anthra* ,o < ,. beginning in .m.ythe < cunt • i.d n,n ning through Wythe, I'ulaaki, Mor,' ;ii* i>, Uoanoke arid flotetnutt * onti tie . In tie . oufhern tier of ),.-*<• eoun ties we have lead * o! Iron Or* , . ml ,tg from W'a hington county i<* itol* tour* county. In Waabingfon county tie great gypsum miner an toumi n**ar tin * t »<m limit of raid • and extending from eight to t«n mile# through Si,i the cniin'i A* | along th< Iin«- of this atr* t*h of gvp tnitu it h«*a been developed ahm>* dx hundred feet deep At Haltvllle, Virginia, in Hn. y* he1 county, the greet Booth v* urn lalt Work.-, are l«* al*d. This It ,< ,u 'I’ ll y;-i tliix bed of gyp: jrn i' that P**int. and i.x suppos'd »** * <• m* x «tn 'lh|e At thia point on- *,i lie ' ork n the- v. ortd"*s t at*-I. vi , | * rail wan rnanufa* 1* > «d on an < xt'-n ' < ' ale ita by*pro<ftK t , consisting ot bicarbonate of a<.b, hi* k Ii rig powder* and other by-pro ducts of ill, by a company with v • r*l niillion* of dollars in «*ted The typsum is now handled for two pur poses It is well known fertilizer, ttt'l is ground into a sttbat tnoe ns line ns Hour. This substance Is also converted Ijr bent Into n hydraulic ‘ment. which is manufactured by ell mlnntinr. from It the ..ntl-hyixiulU leaturca by It is then mixed wttb good flltrc, ttnd makes on.) of the most desirable preparations evet known for pl.vtcriiiK houses, and Is I ies’!> ms haul , lid si long on the \\;illf iis wood. In t’:. c unt\ of Craig, wiilei is one 'f the midland counties of southwest I \ Irg'r.'a. tliey are Uow iteVelo) ittg one nl (In greatest b ads ot i >n ore to l»c . 'in ! in the sie.nh. It is estimated to | *>•' from thitt\ to forty miles long, lu! fiat is km m as the l»ott . creek vai !*•>' ln the » snIy of W*the v, ba\« i m;c ]. d niimx, w Weh were ot . msl by | ord. i of ('■•urge Washington an.* j which have been In constant operation I vrr since that tfnn* They al:o hav. ! large deposits of trine us veil, which | 1 \t< lid in large quantities b< von ’ i these mines in Wythe and miast, , c umtles. Tl.< re nr. also In th<* cm t> I y of Wyt do) .-Its of th M v si i j '•*«> end cornu imi. ( to tb* count l.'H of 1111^ - •nd Ta«.ewi 1! ve Ha t lai g. d* | e.its ot j ’’i '• s ard in the county of t’u r« Il vve h ivc 1 i ip- dopn if.; of • ue "I . , . Cl III i' l » l . uo nd 'in large ! net oil mlm of u • i.n in tie t ait ! . i it'-s. with a vein f gold running ttv >i eji said coan > "to Moati;.’!: i v county. Ilerch eg ’lot. *ourt eouiity v fin I he;.,it 1 !*!:•« 1 luWr l>- an.! black etiyx; ... '*< « >nt> of M. rcer we hav • mi.u i l.ijht . in \ iiiel marvelous .1. poults ■ f carbonate of Iron. r< I and v.uic at. I 11 .•hie, W<- also lav. extending t.irov. rro . Its Miuthwi > rn limb into Hoamd • i ounty bad-. f s( itmevtoiie and . of si |< high gt ado. alto dej iti Of ll • “ * '• i • a. imir.guii. ■ '.do be Is i *■ .1 kfol, .ii a, terra alba and :s Iverdos Now we lime almost every kind of vatcr. bu«'li i>h ’!iu* .lone, freestone, ed \. Mo. Mi i gray, preen, null huI hur, chalybeate. alum and uKdldnui wairra. These count le. are situated In Mie re; l \pp dachlitn range of mount;!.). Il*i tn rv unsiirpaamd, free of •P >f|Ilft.o< »; and miasmatic disc <'St ind Im one of the (in« <1 grump Hen Ions in tin I ’lilt e I Staten, which nn ertioii e;ii. I< mj 'h good hy a '1 it '* these count lea to see grazing the horouphhr-si tattle, Porto :i and ->l|ei-|*. Tine e lands ui< sd.t| ifil not •nly to tin- highest order of grn/lng, ut to pm (lin ing whrnl, coin, out i nd jilme- t every kind of vegetal ie nd their fruit embraces i wrylldng r nvn except a few ol the tropical iriiita. At t'•« I* cit' on' :a cok“ works car bonate of iiinmonla lias been manit twiure expensively from tin* smoke of I lie OVt IIH. At a point known ua Warfield is one tile the g pa test gas wells In the I'nft ert rttat»a. At hi. point Oovprnor John M. Floyd, of V irginia, and In i brothers bored for salt nearly \fy ve.trs ago They : truck ins tn .'e el of salt, and it waa so eoploua and t* r liltc tied it blew the in.ietilie i v out «f tin wll, and could be heard roaring for miles around thnt )>«• in I. A few months after sonic one a< t thin well nine, and it buin-d jnc ..sail ly ' t iIkuji |i tv yiur W'lhbi the hint few >c. rs it ha be< n gotten under con trol by a company, and it pumped to Ashland, Kentucky, also with :• pipe Ur.* unning from Cut left.sbttii "is Lucky, to Huntington. Went Virgin! There is no fiucstion In my mind. t»ut v. I t (din r gas and oil wells will bo loillld I M’oiigbost tills HIM I loll • 'I In laud - contaIning many of t!i< <■ 11>in r !: < ait I •• pun a * d -it re. u» - *• I»1 ( pi i- i . 'J’bt i i great open0)1* - for liiick works, gla a factories., • • • ( 1 < onvi rt« i nd ot • tino’i s'-ir- |( itl ' !11 ' ie'l Ac com i i/loLI. I (!' lie to ; »y . 1 fducfP-ld Is the giilev, to c ' vhi (<al and coke op '.ifloro* ill ft.** world. < mi on* It it (i I .i I . > - ir,c . ,i, e open* d <-ii t *• s > ml \V* till ' 'iu Among, 11>< n the t'nited Slates S*< I ('ooii ’-ny tuts I /if! fifty-five thousand acre* and tl • great Ikrwind Whit* Company t > IP.e thoie i 1 ;•(■!' i i le i, -. ■,, the Norfolk mul Western R Ulway t'omiuny. I venture to nay that then is not a city ot tUteen to tweat> toons. n«! inhabitants within un« thousand miles of Rlueth ld. that cun show, within us abort distance from it. the vast wealth (routing llluctleld. We have many parties In the coni field near us worth from $.*».uou.OOO to $7, 000,000. We have men in llluefleld who drove wagons in the street eigh teen ♦.* twentv years ago. who are now worth over $100,000 Wo have the finest educational advantages of any ■ It.v n.*ar our str.e In the state, uud can show on our streets tunny of tin iargotii and handsomest store houses n Wert Virginia, all tilled with up io-d-iiu ..tucks, In every department ol trade. We also hs\e an up-to-date now tire slat tit system, with splendid new wagons tine hotses for same, aim . heinii al ppurntitn. We have ginno llihlc pavements, vitrified s.ii*»»ts, c'ty sewerage with septic tanks in th east and west ends of the city. Our opera house is one of the finest In tills -... e. w ti.i its Mika < oih n oma attached. *. > have also two \.n.u< \me an.) mo\ nr ph tut*' theatre! We hm I'nl d 1 « Mtt.'oils, l\ >>jil Aieh ... ms Cnighta Templar Mnnotis, Knights o Rvtliiu.'-, Odd r How s, K< -I Men. Wood ei.'ti, Magics uod every known rallroa. f-*tern t> comfortably situated t halls In oui eily. We have the It. telephone, home and long distune, i system. Western I’nlon I' legr. phi ollli "ts and *l ii hern I*;xpress i om i any Among other Intort mi- n titles lii Rluetteld, we l.a\ < an , ♦<> i > dre.%. ry, U >• nil . old t. . u;;< i I .at and llotirlng mill. We li.i\< two. !ai,;e iiiiliher companies wild plaU mills and oilier much . ;at < ... 11 are d\ ' o i i in i • tt v t iiik, In* norm Mil' u mi > Him ,1 . ' V of | n> i".' \ > . il n i W i •' ••• • nil'1 (. i dit" In i>v • i y . i si’iTH <• )>: l ,f tip, * »•!• iraiu.i ,>. < mi, »•» .« , t \vi .tin i vi ni> ;n twi'nty-flvc i : .i.ti.ti in min! m ml > r i • any llmt lint on. Item pi I ft uioi ■* t t If . t.i Pi overdrawn, and frvther I w III i nv Ui.’t paiues d'Milr'nr; In lo 1. info win 'a i.. .. ; • i <>m • i i' i . i * con , !• v t at IjI i. i. n’t. V. \ a Wl>il* I Pave tail tin o inlnv'Vjil trial; 'll I > hilt .1 till all , 1 Will ..ill. pirn aura f it r n P '» I ifui tn i tlnil of «,:u,,i of tP in. I’roi' ity ill IMiirlli •' ! ,: .ll.H lt>i il i If I*IH't lo* ilrslili , hi tnaUr goo I lino; fluent* ill ' it' ( 1111. i 11 \ will ilo wo 11 to vialt our city. I H UALPWIN, I 'Ion. or I ' .ii lai.tiito Akoiii. f'wi nly-otio yi-nru in lilmdlold POTTED FERNS AT THE EA6T F.NI) PHARMACY. it-Hiil'iutH and (’lllzeii* of llluo Mol l Wt hnvo friends "back homo" In other ooi.MnunitloH, may ronfor .» .nvor to both thorn and u by kIv lug uu l-htdr addroan no wo can mall thom oil) circular . flood Htono arapliorH n’ld Hookkeopern are al way* In donian 1. fltudwiit!'. miiy on tor any time. Pay nnd Night !h»m lionn nil ih« year Hlueflold Normal Did HuBinoH* College. Have you ararnged for your Chdist mns Tree? I can furnish promptly any elze, either for church or family oee. Pi'fccs reasonable. Phone or | writ* J. L. HUTCHINSON, Jr. Rich Creek, Ve, EYE GLASSES AND SPECTACLES Accurately oiado and n ted. Occullat'a prescription* tilled Npecial Ihii'm duplicated. Quick ltcpairltit;. Moderate Prices* S6f Us and See Bette. WNRY ROlifilN, OPTICIAN Jrweterahi* Prw tr< hrr 221 fiinceicn Avenue. * The otlh’a iiimI f n nlnn* m:u« < mi !mpr** slon. The ciothoa ami *3 i »•••!-j»ml tippemmin* make an ). i I'liprcHKion, L| , A Typewriter cimvijB the eort W •»f Impri'gHon which all thnee jjj ’'inrfH «t their he'll, produce fl ll !a ;ih 1 latlriK a-* <«n he mn.le and hh elewtfhl ak hualiuoiM M • 'Kht to he, j BhidRirt Typi'wrltnr EvcTinmfe j t. A. IV V*»A lili, Man««rer. W?m Prlnrrton Aye. nrunniaa.i • I Place your Order for a New ! Y ears Supply of Stationery with the POLAND FEINTING CO. 23 i Princeton Avenue Phone No. 1 66 Iks dairy a confectighei..' \ IN NEW QUARTERS j %]\ Our High Grade Home-Made Candy is I Strictly Pure. <j Leave your Christmas Order j Now. C$ Is yc .ii Milk being fl)eliv<red Prompt ly.J 1 ry Our Service. 3 I A Complete Line of raity Supplies, Confectionaries and F uits y Our Fountain Serves the best Drinks in Town. \ Ice Cream Delivered Promptly, in any Quantity, to $ all p*r?s of the City. Come in and see iis. Akeis Dairy Confectionery Co. \ PHONE lib b9 and 71 DLUEFIEED AVEV.UK BLUEFIELD, WEST VIRGINIA ] ww—imufr. —pm jjwwi.^wn i—m u mmmwmammmmummmmmmm