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V - : • • — Delivers Some Telling Raps to the Bosses in Mercer and McDowell Counties MAY DISFRANCHISE THE WHITE VOTERS Negro Registrars Appointed Will, He Thinks, Ope rate to this End Bramwell, W. Vn., Oct. 27. 1»10 Editor Bluticld Evening Leader: With the great transition going on In the minds of the voters, due to high cost of living, machine politico, broken pledges, ever Increasing taxes. Cannon and Aldrlchism, Republican Congressmen of West Virginia voting for free coal, negro domination and graftersin West Virginia, no won der we are having “Insurgency" io combat these terrible evils ttiat are eating into the body politic of this section. We find in Mercer County Senator Baker asking the voters to return him to the Senate. Pour years ago his vote 'decided that the Prohibition Amendment should not b> submitted to the voters of the State, two years after we find him voting dry when his vote was Of no avail to the Prohibi tion movement; now he sasy, if elect ed, he will vote dry. How in the name of common sense can he be trusted? The poor fellow dors not think for hirn self politically, as Isaac T. Mann tells * him how he must vote on all ques tions. No wonder he is known a? “off again on again Baker.” His back bone politically is like a rope of sand Lightening change Hawley is tarred with the same stick, absolutely under the domination of Isaac T. Mann, the titular leader of the Republican Party of thiH section. Two years ago Haw ley won on the election for Legis lature by promising, if elected to vote and present a hill for the passage of a Jim Crow car law. He lied then, now how can you trust him further? The gray haired congressman, Jim Hughes who has Just ns much ability as a ten year old boy, voted for the free coal for the Pocahontas region, now can he be trusted to represrnt this great section and will the Repul»* ncans again swallow this trio? I hardly think so. You will find on the 8th of November enough Insurgents to drive them to their political graves. The titular Republican leader, Isaai T. Mann, favors dry in Mercer coun ty, wet in Pocahontas, Virginia, when* he operates mines, and also we; In McDowell county where he has s.mi lar Interests. It is because the sa loon keepers do not. eat. out of ti e hands of the machine In M* rccr conn ty, as they arc prone to do in Mr. Dowell on Ail occasions and for all occasions for the benefit of the Re publican party, that ho wants it dry in Mercer? I am quite sure the titular leader knows this and feel sure his hench man are on quite familiar terms with (Continued on Pago St*.; ASSISTANT TO PRESIDENT DEAD •~f. ; ; -- . I \V. W. Slahy, special re present Hive for the Brotherhood of Locomotive Premen and Kngijpu »_ in the cl*«y yesterday on buxinesj. Mr, siabv Ik a» present 'Ui >ag *1 in orrnnlziug this lodge. In speaking of the Pocahontas di vision, Mr. Fllnhy stated to a repre sentative of the Leader that this di vision Is in excellent shape and that there are but a few men eligible who are not In the order. The Virginian, Mr. fllaby stated Is rapidly increasing Its members, and wtll soon take rank as one of the best organized railroads In the South, lie left this morning for Roanoke. mmm of w Arrested in St. Louis cn the Charge of Stealing Cam eras from Store in Washngxon . St. Louis, Oct. 27.—Oebrrtli Glad i stone, who rlaims to be a grandson ! of former Premier Gladstone of Eng land and who admits being n former ‘remittance man," is under arrest "remittance .man." is under arrest here charged with fraudulently se curing two cameras from a store in Washington. Gladstone said his remittance stop ped because he failed in his studies at Harvard. He will be taken back to Washington. THUNKS LOCSL POLICE FORCE Tho following letter has just been received by Chief of Police Pestle w-Cte from tho Prosecuting Attorney R- O. Crockett of Tazewell county thanking the force for Um efficient work in capturing Charles Buchanan, accused of murdering his brother in Pocahontas about ten years ago: “I desire to extend to you and your force the thanks of this office for the services you have rend red in this mattor. , “I understand that certain evidence for the prosecution in this <ase has come to the knowledge of your force; and I shall thnnk you to let mo have such Information as you have pro cured and also the names and addres ses of the witnesses. “Any information you give me will be grentfully received; and you can rest assured that this office will aid you in any way It can, at any time you may call upon it.” THE MEL IS FIFTY-TWO TODAY Gloverville. N. Y., Oct. 27.—Colonel Roosevelt was fifty-two years old to day but he didn’t let the event inter fere with his work. He made six set speeches and several others. He made his usual attacks on Dix, alleging the i pooling of tho interests by Tammany ' and Wall Street. MAY INCREASE ITS OPERATION A. («. Siyler of New York general ( superintendent of the eastern division of the Western Union Telegraph com pany, K. M. Mu I ford, of New York, di vision commercial superintendent, S. Calvert district commercial super intendent of Richmond and W. C. Walsfrum of Roarfoke superintendent of telegraph for the Norfolk # West ern were in the city yesterday on n general inspec tion trip, which in all | probability will result In an Increase I force of operators In this city, and better wre facilities. The party left on No, 2 for Roanoke. i ■ ——mmm m ■■ ■■ [ *v__ _ t' * JuMWIB Ancient Seat of Learning Sustains a Loss of Sev eral Million Dol lars T°day FAMOUS LIBRARY WAS DESTROYED Was Largest and Most Com prehensive to be Found in the World Taulouec, Franco, Oct. 27.—Tho fn mouB University of Taulouse. founded In the thirteenth century, was swept by lire today. Two thousand students helped light the lire. The famous library of tho universi ty, biggest and most comprehensive in world, was completely destroyed. Several other buildings were con sumed with their contents. The ac tual loss in buildings is said to bo <1 000,000 and the loss in works of art, books of medicine, etc., several times as great. SPEAKING BATES The Democratic Executive Commit* tfe announced public ppcaklng at the 'following places: Hatcher, Oct, 2'J at 7 p, rn., by J. M. McGrath, Hartley Sanders and J. R. Henry Nemours Oct 2D at 4 p. m. by John K€»e, Geo. L. Dillard, and W. E. Ross. Rock Oct. 21t nt 1 p. in W H. Tho mas ond John R. Pendleton. Flat Top Oct. 31 at 2 p. in. by D. E. French and J. R. Henry. Dunns Oct. 31 at 7 p. in. by D. E. From h and J. R. Henry. K< gley Oct. 31 at 7 p. in. by J. R. Pendleton, J. R. Henry and Hartley Sanders. Gap of stoney ridge Nov. 1 at 7 p. m. by 1). M. Easley, W. E. and J. R. Pendleton. Spanishburg Nov. I at 2 p. in. by I). E. French and 11 W. Pendleton. Gardner Nov. 1 at 7 p. in. by II. W. Pendleton and 1). E. French. FREIGHT WRECK AT BLUESTONE The derailment of an engine on time freight No. 84 at Hluestone Junction tills morning delayed traffic about thirty minutes. No. 4 was thirty minutes late arriv ing here tiiis morning on account of congested freight at Coaldab*. ARE SUSPENDED UNTIE MARCH 1 Washington, Oct. 27. Advances on all freight rates on 251# railroads ope rating in Southern and Southwestern Official territories which were to have become effective November I. wer* today sniffpciided by the interstate commerce commission until March 1. An Appeal for Campaign Funds Hie f>emo<"'iatlc Executive Committee of .Mercer County appeals to Its supporters for campaign contributions. It must rely upon the people. I( i* not backed by any wealthy or machine Interest* which will help It. Ft is necessary to wage a vigorous campaign of educa flon In order to overcome the Immense amount oi money that will be exp nded by the machine politician*. The Executive Committee appenlA to all who are interested In overthrowing machine rule fbr help. It doe* not seek large contri butions. but desires sufficient funds to make a fight for the common people In the Interest of better government. Let thos * who desire to give the sum of $1 or int>rc send it to TFFK DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE, rare Evening Leader or I)r. Vermillion. Treasurer Princeton. West Virginia. Democratic Executive Committee ---—I The above photograph is that of one of the beautiful “manniquina” or models, who French dr css maker* use to exploit their garments In the fashionable "Tur parade,” which taki* place every afternoon between the hours of five and six o'clock on the ituu de ia iJulx, during tho winter months. GAS MATTER IS The board of affnira again hung fire at it.H special meeting held last night in the matter of reconsidering the building permit granted the Rluefleld this $ Kuo I company, :• <1 a .t;:one I r ent until the region: tree .::r. to-! j morrow was anouneed. 'I!> :ml 'stands two and two on <i. prop ra tion of granting the p »it ion lor . o ■ consideration. The (Jas people feel that they are being subjected to a needless delay, and their attorney 'W, K. Ross says that he prefers a settlement at once even if It goes a\iinst him arther] than be k*|t waiting. Those* who have invested their money In the) i enterprise- are somewhat ho re over the frequent postponements of a decision In the matter. CONFEREENCE TG | RE HELD SOON Poston, Ocf. U7 Plans arc near ing completion today for 11»*■ first nn tlonnl conference over held to con sider the question of lie choice of vo cations by the young men and women j of the country. Ho*ton will for the scene of the gathering and Nov. Ir. and 16 have boon .elected an the dates. Miss Jane Adams. Samuel ! Howies, Dr. (J. Stanley flail. Senator l/odge. Prof. (Sraham Taylor and Prof. It. C. Metcalf are among the mover* in the matter. At the u^^tlng her*' a bureau will be organize^ to supply the younsr peo ple of the nation with reliable flgur m and statistics and sound advice on the , choice of a profession, business or trade. The demands of various fK:cu patlons and tlo- conditions of attain* l Ing success in them and other useful Information will be suppled free of charge to all aeekors for a lfe work. I. IS MAIN ISSUE Portland, Ore., Oct. 27. The pros-! ent week finds tlie “wot’’ and "dry" forces lined up in battle array and from now on until election the liquor qii 't-tion will be the political bone of contention. As in other states, wo ir.en ard children have enllated for the <n i alfii under tin- prolilbitlon banner, and parades and demonstra tions an* of almost dally occurrence. The "wets" are by no means Idle and are confident of winning tlie at nig gle, although they do not underesti mate the strength of their opponents. Besides tlie const hit ionn I amend ment to prohibit the sale of liquor, tie voters will pass on an initiative hill having file same object, and an amend ment giving cities and towns control over the sale of liquor. Thirty-two measures In all are up for decision this fall, including a wo man* taxpaying suffrage amendment granting to all taxpayers, regardless of sex. the right of suffrage. Another novel measure provides for a const I tut tonal amendment requiring that three-fourths of a Jury may return a verdict In a civil case, and generally modifying flu- system of legal proce dure. PENDLETON TO ADOflESS CLUB The Democratic Club will be ad dressed on Monday nig lit by llnr It. \V. Pendleton. Democratic candidate . for tho legislature. The club will meet ht the Hall* y building at R. p. ni. DIRECTORS’ MEETING. Tho dlrec’ors of the Pnc ihontar Coke company held their monthly meeting In tho office of the Coal and Coho building this morning. Leader Want Ads bring results. 11.000.00 FIRE Entire Business District Was Threatened at Earlv Hour Today in Cana dian City Victoria, ll.C. Oct. 27. Whole bush ness district of Victoria was throat* o«.d by Are emriy today, but after several hours of lighting tho liromcn succeeded in getting tho flames under control. Borne of city’s finest buildings are in ruins. The loss Is $l.r>OO.ooO. , MAY LOSE ITS MAIL CONTRACT The mail clerks on tho Norfolk & Western have been making complaints according to advices received hero today, to the traffic manager In re gard to the many delays of passenger No 1G. It was stated thin train for the first nineteen days in thin month arrived at Norfolk once on time, while the Seaboard was late Only on.ce. Most of the delays, it was snid, on c n- on the Pocahontas division whero the freight traffic Is heavy, and where in many cases No. IG Iiuh been com pelled to push freight trains for u considerable distance. The Norfolk # Western bus a con tract for carrying tho mull between Petersburg and Norfolk and If the present delays continue It Is thought thoAmboard will get it. n'»xt year. Th#- Norfolk & Western traffic man ugcr has taken the matter up, it. is understood, nnd will mako an effort to eliminate the delays. , METHODISTS PUN ORGANTIC UNION Baltimore, Md., Oct. 27.—November 150 next has been definitely decided upon as the date for the Meeting In this city of commissioners represent ing the Methodist Kplscopal Church, th« Methodist. Kplscopal'. Church, South, and the .Motliofllst. Protestant Church, with the view of effecting an organic union or dose federation of ' the three bodies. Hinco the war, when the Methodists split on the sla very question, the northern and south ern organizations of the denomina tion have been entirely asperate or ganization*. Gradually the breach has been healed, however, and If Is not Improbable that the Novomlier meet ing will lay tin- foundation for n new church structure which will Include nearly all of the Methodists of the country. The Methodist Prfttestanf Church separated from the parent body on differences regarding church government, and this quarrel Is nlso In a fair wav to be settled satlsfac torlly to both parties. MEETS DEATH Italian Was Hurled from a Great Height and Dies in a Short Time Hon.c, Oct. 27. Idout. Saglletti of Italian army wan killed today while making an aeroplane flight at (Yt. tosolll. He in the second Italian army aviator to meet death In flights. His machine was overturned when at a great height and the aviator wan hurled to the groud. Ills sVilll wa? fractured and he died In a short time Subscribe for The leader. 1 Evening News Gets $100 for Printing Stuff Alleg-1 ed to Reflect Upon Officials £ ALL EDITORS OF PAPER WERE HELI They Como Acorss Witl Fine and Were Released from Custody London, Oct. i!7. Another newupa per was lined today for publicatloni about the Crippen case which war ofTontdvo to the public oltklals. A line of 91 OoO was imposed on th« Evening Nowb for publishing u state ment during t ho course of the Crippei trial that the quartermaster of th« steamor Montrose wau In l<ondon con stilling with the crown prosecutor, lllchard A'iiir, \\*?h a view of testify ing. All editors of th> pai»cr were held in court until the line was jmJd. NEGRO IS KILLED IN CRAP CAAAE — One negro was killed and another wounded at Lindsey Into yesterday, ns a result ot a dispute which arose during the progicss of a crap gRine. The names cf the combatants have not lx<n learned. The negro who was shot through the heart, a steel ball going clear through his body. The tvcgro who did the shooting was cut with a knife, but was able to make his escape, and ho far has not been ap prehended. Moth men were employed by Mormon Brother^, contractors. SAYS BIGOTRY BEHIND PULPIT Geneva, Oct.. 27. Several hundred persons, Including n number of prom inent delegates to the recent Inter national Congress of Free Mi inkers held memorial services hero today to ■emmemorate the aniversary of 110 burning of Hervotus by order o\ Cal vin. Hervetne who wa» \ liberal H.ookwlnn and opposed to the doc trine of the l rinlty, was laude 1 b t'm speakers. . Mr. Wulsonhaeli, a German sciemht arul university professor, presided. “My honoring the memory of the mar tyred Hervotus, fre thinkers accotn lillsh a double object," lie deelarod. "They call attention to the fact that all religionists, of whatever creed# tie they Catholic or Protestant, Mos lem or .few, have always persecuted heretics to the full limit of their pow er. It hi not enough that the free thinkers be anti-Catholic. The Church of Tome is no more dangerous than any other. The asles of Servetus cry out to us to beware of the beast of bigotry which lurks behind every pulpit." AMBITIOUS HENS ENTER CONTEST 8t, Louis, Oct. 27. Ambitious hens anxious to capture the egg-laying i chompionsliip of the world should lose no time In engaging passago for Mex ico, Mo., where the big contest Is to be pulled ofT next week. Hens all over the country have entered and the struggle for the tlile promises to he an exciting one. Your interest will he best snrved by insuring with 10. H. Easley Insuv* jance Agency.