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BLUEFIELD |£V}ENING LEADER 1 ESTABLISHED APRIL 1906 _ BLUEFIELD. W. VA.. MONID/ AFTERNOON^ OCTOBER’3l7l9IO " PRICE TWO CENTS . ' -.-m ■■ -■ - ■ .... . . V AT ANAWALT John Wade Shoots to Death Will Emerson, Aged 20, in Syrian Res taurant SHERIFF'S POSSE AFTER THE MAN Trouble Originated Over Slight Matter in the Eat ing Place Saturday Will Emerson, aged twenty years, a white boy, was shot Saturday night at 9 o’clock in a Syrian restaurant at Anawalt, on Tug River by a negro named John Wade, and died Sunday afternoon-at 5 o’cIock. The negro who did the shooting is at large, but on account of his physi cal impairment, he having two peg legs, his capture will likely take place this afternoon. Deputy Sheriff Hep ford, of McDow’ell county, with a posse is searching in the vicinity of the No. 12 operation, where it is said the alleged murderer is in hiding. The trouble is said to have started when the negro walked into the res taurant, and in an effort to get close to the stove pushed Eniercon away from it. Emerson heaped a few oaths on the negro, for his obtrusive ness, which the negro refused to take. Wade jerked out a revolver and before any of the bystanders could interfere shot Emerson three times, nil of the shots taking efTect. The (Contnued on Page Three) BIG SPOOK ARMY HEADED EARTHWARD Spook City, Witchland, Oct. 31.— An army of 45,647,389,326,403,123,761 witches, spc/oks, evil spirits, gnomes, spirites fairies hobgoblins, imps, dev ils and hants, headed by John J. Beel zebub. left here shortly after mid night this morning, bound for the earth, where they are due about 10 o’clock tonight. The army would have been larger but the supply of Continued on page throo -1 OUTBREAK IN ' — Eight Christians Are Killed in a Native Uprising Against Foreigners • in Islands / i Washington. Oct. 31.—Eight Chris | tians, one American and two Chinese < have been killed in a native outbreak I against foreigners on the west coast of Gulf Pavoo, Sout^| Bolton, accord ing to cable dispatches received today at the war depatment from Major | General Duvall, commanding military forces in the Philippines. General Pershing is operating against the reb- \ els. Duvall does not believe the situa- , tlon is serious. _ l SUDDEN DEATH \ OF H. LMTSONi H. B. Watson, aged 34 years, one of the most popular business tnen of, this city died shortly after noon to day of pneumonia at St. Luke's hos pital. where he was taken last night ' in a dying condition. Mr. Watson had been ill for a week i but his condition up until last night I was not considered serious. Manager of the Domestic uel 1 company Mr. Watson was in a posi tion to make many friends who re gret his untimely death. He 1ms been Ip this city neurly four years, coming from Richmond where, he was born r*id raised. Ht* relatives in Richmond have been, notified and his brother. James Watson, cashier of the City Nat 1 lonal Bank, is expected here tonight oi No. 3. ECKUN YARDS John Broyles. thirty-five yeas old, a miner was instantly killed while trespassing on the Kckman yards of the Norfolk & Western Saturday night. In company with Will Cbanler of Eckman he was returning from Key stone when he stepped in front of extra 'J93. Boyles was married and his wife resided at Coeburn. His father, Kd ! Broyles, lives at Gla^e Springs, Va. BEN PENDLETON TONIGHT! W. B. Pend*eton of Princeton, T>emoeratk: candidate for the house of delegates will address the voters at the E. L. Bailey hall on Bluefleid avenue this evening at 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Minefield Dem ocratic Club. Mr. Pendleton bis been billed on several occasions by tie j club but contingencies have arisen which prevented his coming. This time, however, unless sudden death, high water or something elso of s I calamitous nature Intervenes. Mr. Pendleton will be here. A telephone I menage from him this morning stated as much, and the voters may ex- I pert to hear one of the best speeches of the campaign. .Mr. Pendleton is one of the heavyweights In this pari of the state I and his ability as a speaker Is too well known to require comment. He will deal with the issues In a fair and square manner And he has them at | his fingers' ends. Everybody is Invited, and a special invitation is ex* , tended to ladies, even If it is Hallowe'en. CONFIDENT OF MOTION Henry Stuart, candidate for con gress on the Democratic ticket In the Ninth District of Y'lrgtnia, was in the city Saturday night and Sunday, and In an interview' with a representative of the lender stated he was satis fied he would be elected b> u good majority. Mr. Stewart left for his tome in Russell county yesterday af ternoon. BODY IS CUT IN TUN BY CARSi Silaa D. Voting, aged 24, waa found dead on the Norfolk and VVeatern tacks near Hemphill Tunnel early Sunday morning. The man wai evidently killed late Saturday flight, as the body was cold when found by a train crew. He was rut in twain. Nothing la known of 1 I the man's re'ativea. Hwas employed l as a ear repairer on the Williamson '■■UW mP11—j‘i dj* 1 The following paper was prepared >y a committee of representative Re publican Insurgents. so-called, or >ler ■er county, at H meeting receutly leld: To the voters of Mercer county: Shall the peopl^ RULE? This is the issue now being waged n Mercer county, which must be de eded on the 8th of November The Republicans who aro not wili ng to sacrifice their manhood at the ;rack of the whip of the ring politi cians, and who stand for good gov 'mment and clean politics and claim ho right by fair and honest primary lections to select men to administer Iby affairs of the government, are branded as being bolters and Insur gents. Those men are the true Re publicans, advocating principles, Which must bo udvocated nnd carried out. dec the party will eventually be de itroyed. No man can claim for mm »ulf that he la a Republican If ho condones fraudulent nominations and indulges In fraudulent practices In meeting men to administer the af fairs of the government. Every man. »** matter of what political party ho belongs, should condemn fraud and jnfalr dealing whenever and wrhero> er found. That is what the so-called Insurgents are doing In this election. The time has arrived whon the peo ple feel tho necessity of of selecting capable, honest men to till otfleeH. This can be done only by fair means. If corrupt methods are resort<U to, pose is searching In the vicinity, o? hv« nc wayj*jqwn corrupt. uu-om r<*» .r.t men *s:.x result. *t Ik being isserte 1 that many, or rI’.rOst all. of'the so-called insurgents 're* falling' in Mine with the ring poli ticians. this* statement Is not -true, 1 ut Is made for- the purpose of trying I 'o unduly atur improperly influence those who art standing out, advoent | '■'•K t he causa that Is right, to go with ! •he ring antf aid thorn in their do •a'gns to eJctjt a ticket and thereby ’intinue the pm chine in pow. r/vTlie people who oppose the ring politician* people who opposed the ring politicians1 ’.:i the primary election are opposing I them now, porsfbly one or two exceptions; itod, in fact. It In believ ed that there arc many more who have rvwakened to the situation rincc the primary election and who are openly declaring themselves against the kind and character of political warfare ■hat the I^p^ublloans of this county •i‘e now Waging. Many mon whom the litigator* think are with thoip are going to the election amluiloxitly clauglj er rhjhm. A des|>erato flgiit is 'wing made ly tlic lligaters apd tboetQ in office, ani those who arc ftxpeot mg to hol;V .Office, because tlujy (eel «'»c power iftrplng away from theiq; but, aside ftxni these, tlury ane vert V-w peo]>le 'Who are taking any ‘ in ‘.eivst In thf alleged Hepubliean tick et. Hut wflfli nil their effort.! it. wjjl | be thoroughly demonstrated on cW ion day thet the peppio are migliTy ppd that ftt(*y will no longer sujrn&ji May Yohe ono :>f *ho font victim* of tfc© ,4tfi infiueti. © of n,» More liamond; the Urdu *ft*if, and Marie Antoinette who wa« ptk-. iffi he first persons to wear It and who was one *«#>the first persons 10 r*ar t and who was beheaded. The revival of the history of this atorfcJwhMtt J * 6« I *. <aiats, And which has brought death Qf misery to nearfyl »erson who has owned t* ts due to Its reappearance In a Paris jcwelryst ” I Vh. rr. It 1 mg offered for - om pa rarely low pi PASSENGER DELAYED Passenger train No. 4 was delayed htrty minutes at Davy morning Pn account of a draw ht*d a being* pulled out on tbo baggttfce car. The 'ar was side tracfe^ and anchor one was picked up tier*, \ * **■ .. » _, Iff — - — - • •- ^ . ■■■»■ TO ADDRESS STUDENTS Rov. R, W. Moore of tho T’r<;HTl$1’ ♦ar‘an obumh left for Davidson, N. C„ this morning. Ho will ho thorn for a week making nddrosso.^, in tli* students of the Davidson cyllrjo, nit* alma mn'er, i ft (lor Into tho hands of ring politicians tho affairs of this county to be furth er administered. The ring politiciai s go broadcast over the community nss rting that j ♦l*o Republicans ought to support the I fiileged Republican ticket. In the I l*rst place we charge that there is i no Republican ticket, because all of the nominations were brought about by fraudulent practices and a fraudu lent primary election. Fraud vitiates j nil contracts in law, and why not In politics? So, if there was fraud in tho primary election, then every lion et man who haB any intelligence is bound to admit that the Republican party in this election stands without! % single candidate nominated. Why should wo listen to the appeal tb support the alleged Republican tickot wh» n we feel thi|t it does not represent u majority of the votes of the Republican party? The candi date may lie a good Republican, lint! that is a matter of no concern. Why? I Recause tho people are entitled under our form of government to say whom j we shall have to administer the af-1 fairs of our government, and tho ques tion as to whether or not he is a good Republican dorp not enter Irtc It. or flip people are the only o irs to determine whether o- not he is ,'l.eir choice to administer their at i fairs. These people, too, who are now, glamoring loudest that all Republi cans should £iand together and sup-1 ;port tho ticket are men who have no [rigl'ft to Insist on regularity( because. I they have boon guilt/ of more irrpg-| ularitlea than any one who now claims the right to chastise them in this election because of their fraudu lent practices. In the year 1904 the men. or most of them, who arc now most strongly advocating the election of the alleged Republican ticket, or ganlzed tho coal field in this county against the state ticket, or a part Of it. Yet, they claim to be Republi cans; they claim to tie aide to advise us now how- to vote. Some of these 'same men worked and voted against L. ft. Farley for county clerk, and de feated him after he became the nom >nee or the party by compromise* Some of these same men fought Wil liam Seymour Edwards for Congress because ho would no) promise to give them oQice. Some of these same men voted against, and defeated, Dav is Thorn for county court, who had to bo nominated throe times in the ton vent Ion before the chairman would (Jet' la re ills nomination, and yet they declare they are In favor of honest and fair nominations. And there aro many such Instances which couhl h * given to show the irregularities or at. least most of the ring politicians who are now howling about supporting the alleged Republican ticket. Hoginning with the first name on the ticket, the alleged candidate for congress. How was his nomination secured? He started out with a pack ed congressional committee, loaded down with postmasters and other men who were trained to do his bid ding; and they denied his opponent the right to a primary election afraid ,of the people. They not only do nled him a primary election In the district, but they refused him a pri mary election In his home county; re fused to give him a primary election in McDowell county; refused to give him a primary election at any point in the congressional district, and re fused to give him a minority repre sentation In any county In the district where th»* alleged Republican nomi nee for Congress fop sure he could carry the county;'but in those conn-1 where Mu alleged Republican nominee feJt that, lie was In the ml ucrlty and where he coui/i control the committee, he claimed for iiinisclf minority representation <n all the /ounkles except Mercer county, and in this county the ringsters were at that time trying to make It appear ffhaf they were fair or it would not *ligwe beep done here, nut in doing ho they felt ure tlof* the> could carry the county under the same schemes' and practices which resulted in the defeat, of the other candidates for ^he nomination, which had they not been indulged in. Mr. Lilly would have arrled this county by at leaf,, ‘a* thousand majority. Rut, after ail th|p. they became so desperate that (Continued on Page Four.) CIS PERMIT IS 1 \ Board of Affairs Rescinds Its Former Grant and Company1 s Bond is Cancelled l.ato Sat unlay afternoon the board of affairs In a vote or three to one decided to rescind (ho building per mit originally granted the Uluefleld (!as & Fuel company. The member voting against tho motion of Mr. Pe ters to rescind was James Kahle. Tho motion did not aet fortli on what ground the permit was rescinded, but it is to bo inferred that the action was taken on account of n petition signed by forty-one property holders and residents in tho vicinity of the proposed location in the wost end. praying a reconsideration of tho per mit on tho assumption that a gas plant would prove a nuisance. W. E. Ross, attorney for the gas company, asked tlint it he relieved of the bond of $1000 guaranteeing the Bt art lag of work and the completion of the plant within specified time limits. Tills request was granted. No definite action lias been taken by the gas people and it Is not known on what lines they will now proceed. BRIDOE EMPLOYE LOSES HIS LIFE W. II. Webster, employe^ by the Virginia Bridge company at Bckman. had both legs cut off by extra 849 on the west ond of Bckman yardrt Saturday night. His homo is at Hoa noke and has a brothor living at Bek man. COIL SHIPMENTS TB HUE POINTS Washington, Oct. 31.—The ship ments of coal during the month, while also lower than the month before, compare favorably with correspond ing 1909 figures. Hard-coal shipments for the month, 375,391 short, tons, des tined mainly to Superior, Chicago, and Milwaukee docks, were consider ably in excess of the September, 1909 figures. The season shipments to the end or Septeml/br, 3.038.434 short tons, were about 22 per cent larger than a year ago. The soft-coal ship ments during the month, 2,457.721 short tons, of which over 60 per cent wan destined to Duluth Superior and Milwaukee docks, were also lower than the month before, although near ly 25 per cent larger than during September of the preceding y» ar. The shipments for the 9 months or the season, 13,697,705 short tone, by far exceeded corresponding totals for any of the preceding years. LEG BROKEN FROM FALL THIS MORNING Mrs, .1, H. Walker of Noth Powell street, In ilick*town, sustained a broken I'g tbls morning from h fall In front of tho Mercer Merchandise company’s store on Hlueflctd avenue. She was Immediately taken to her homo where she was given surgical attention. She fa resting easy thin a fterroon DEEP WATERWAYS PROJECT REPORT St. I/Oufs. Oct. 31 The preliminary report of the hoard of engineer*! ap pointed by the War Department to *n vestlgate the feasibility of the lakes to tho gulf waterways project will he the principal subject of consider ctlon at the annual meeting of the l akes to the Gulf Deep Waterways Association, to bo held « i< on tie 2-"th of next month. Whether n great project over becomes a i . depends largely on the decision of the engineers, who have spent the last month In lookiDg over the route. THROUGHOUT Desperate Efforts of Ex press Companiesto De liver Goods on Ac count of Strike MANY PERSONS ARE INJURED Strikers Plan to Make the Conflict National in Its Scope New York, Oct. 31, Wild rioting throughout tho city followed tho des perate efforts of the express compan ies which have been crippled by the strike of drivers and helpers to de liver goods. Hevon thousand police are on slrlko duly end they are kopt checking fre quem outbreaks. Many persons wero hijt^d and shots wero fired In sharp conflli *h. Mohs attacked express wugons in all parts of tho city. BuaineMs Tied Up. Now York, Oct. 31. —With tho ex pos* business completely tied up in Now York, Jersey City and Hoboken, the loss to tho various companies iu Contlnii'd «*n page three MPIONSHIP" } IN DOOR MT New York, Oct. 31.--Athletes wear ing tho colors of leading clubs and colleges from Boston to the Gulf and J’uciflc coasts will be seen In action at Madison Square Garden during tho national championship indoor meet of the. Amateur Athletic Union, commencing today. Never before have the entries for this meet boon so large and classy and representative of so large a score of tho country. Montreal and New Orleans. Chicago and HI. Ix>uls, Seattle and San Fran cisco. will pit. their gladiators against the best in New York and the Fast. The finals and most important events on the program are reserved for to morrow, while the Junior events will supply snappy sport for those who hold today's admission pasteboards. In all thirty-two events will he con tested. which is a record for nntional Indoor meet*. Never before In the his tory of sport has a governing body or any individual asosclatlon ever attempted to give ho many events at one meeting. If Is, of course, practically certain that tho Irlsh-American and Now York athletic clubs will win first hon ors. At the recent national outdoor meet In New Orleans tho two New York clubs led In number of points, and the rivalry between them Is keen. . The western clubs have a number of ^ good men. however, and the Gotham* ifes will have to work hard fo every advantage gained GUN MAN GETS i SOAKED FIFTY —"■ 1 *1 I '1^ Hen Washington, colored. did not get soaked fifty plunks In police court this morning for carrying an ax, but. for making of himself a smoko wagon conveycnce. Washington had all tire negroes on a jump in Parker's restaurant on Raleigh street last night and It is said he snapped the lead holder at he* lfe tin f ; b fate I nor gt *■ liis town the into riety Kouiiokr .. .mg at present - the gun refused to go off, Hen was sent to jail for thirty days in default jof the currency.