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ttlUEFfEtp ’ _ EVENING LEADER — ,JS,1Kl> APRtL _BLUEPHS.*, WEST VIRGINIA MONDAY APPKRNOOX, XOVKMmCR m“' T'RIdi’ TWO <'K\Ts Natives of Admiralty Is lands Make a Square Meal on a Party of Tradesmen. butchered for HEATHEN HOLIDAY. Englishman and Chinamen on Trading Trip Victims ^of Strange Appetite. .Manilla, P. I., Nov 1.—A tramp steamer entering port here today re ports that two Englishmen and three Chinamen were eaten by the eannibays or the Admiralty Is lands. The officers of the steam er say that the story as learned from European and American resi dents of the Islands is that the En glishmen and the Chinamen went into the interior on a trading ex pedition, and their failure to re turn excited suspicion. A searching aprty was organized, and conclusive proof was established that the party was organizd, and conclusive natives. At a point many mile8 in land, a recent camp with the bones of human being® scattered around was found. Letters and other evi dence picked up show conclusively that the bones were those of the missing men. The disappearance of the men oc cured about- 'lie time of a. religious festival among the cannibals, and the belief is that, these enters of human flesh hutched the party to help enliven their holiday and inad u,ventually give thorn a square meal. 'English and Chinese residents in this city will make an effort to got their government* to organize an expedition for the purpose of punishing the cannibals. BURGLARS ARE . GETTING BUSY Enter House on Bluefield Avenue and Steal Quan tity of Clothing. The house of N. J, Morris, at the corner of Spruce street and Blue fleld avenue, was entered last night while the members of the house hold were attending church and was ransacked from top to bottom, the burglars taking several articles of wearing apparel, belonging to Mrs. Frank Helve, who rooms at the house When the members of the family went to church they left the front door open and the burglars had an easy time making an en trance to the house. Among the articles taken were a blue serge suit, n pair of trousers, a princess dr^s*, -a toilet aet, two black skirts, a smoklog Ret, a pocket book without any money in It, and a few ther arMcles. When the members returned from church they found the pooiiib In dis order. Thv robbers overlooked a wateh that was In a trunk they had gone through. The police are working on the rasr and will llkey catch the Ihlefs tp h few days. POLICE REPORT FOR OCTOBER The following Is the report of K. Crockett, i*>1len Judge, for the month of October: Number of Arrest* 144: number dismissed 40; number fined 104. As follows: street* $9*.20; rash $284.79; Jail $373.81; total flues, $/5« 80.' bar* collections $10.33; total rash for month $295.12. King and Queen of Greece The King and Queen of Greece and Crete part of whose navy has revolted and have captured a fleet of torpedo boats. Lieutenant Ti balds. leader of the rebels, declares that unless he is made Minister of the Navy, ho will overthrow (ho government and establish a dicta torship. Salamis. the scene, two thousand years ago, of the defeat by rhemistocles of the Persians, was the scene of the first engagement of the rebels with the government. The government recaptured the arsenel at Scaramenga where the rebels wore entrenched. The lat ter then took their torpedo boats and shelled the government field bat teries. and were in turn shelled by the loyal warship*; STINSON' IAL IS POSTPONED Matter Which Led to Shoot ing Saturday Night to be Heard Wednesday. The trial of Fred Stinson for creating a disturbance at. his place of business Saturday night which terminated Into a shooting affray. Charles Stinson a brother of the ac cused receiving a slight wound in the abdomen from a gun that, was In the hand of Officer Fred Stafford, was postponed until Wednesday at 2 o’clock. * Several witnesses were absent, on both sides «nd It was deemed neces sary to put It off until the witness. !es could be secured It was learned from some of the bystanders that Fred Stinson had a row with Cooley Alley, who has been a flunky at the Klondike saloon for some time, Alley refusing to do some work that 8Un«op asked him | to do, whereupon Stinson Jumped | otV Alley. I Officer Stafford heard of the wrrap and wenf In the saloon. He *um ■ monod Stinson to appear af the jcourt house Monday morning. He ^refused to listen to the officer and seeral wordp ensued, whou Charley Stinson appeared on the scene and tried to corner the officer, then Staf ford pulled his gun nud ‘-hot. him. . He was tak«*n to St. Luke's hospital i where It was found «Lhn wound as not a dangerous one. lfc loft after having It. dressed. • .fames O'Keefe, yard master al Vivian, spent Sunday In th« city [visiting his brother Felix. TO INCREASE COKE OUTPUT 4 Blowing in Furnaces Means j Greater Production at Tom's Creek. The blowing in of two new fur naces by tlie Virginia Iron, Coal U Coke Company, one at Radford and t.he other at Roanoke, means an in creased output of the company's coal operation at Tom’s Creek from which the coke supply is dc I ried. The furnaces which have been started have been out of blast since ‘the panic, but Increased business ac tivity w’arraats a i^sumptloa 8ov* evrnl oven* at Tom’s Creek which j have bee^ idle for a long time nr* 1 being charged. RESTING EASY. i Annapolis, Nov. 1. Midshipman 1 Wilson is rating easy today. Mr ; may undergo an operation for a broken neek in a few days. IN POLICE COURT. .lames Carr, ,f. F, Rrunner, \f j Washington. <t,e#* Mowing, Warn Mc.Vay were all fined $ . for belns drunk Saturday night. M Wash ington and T/ec Rowling paid their Ones and the re^t went on the ehabi £iln for thirty days. REFUSE TO PROSECUTE i In* Stinsons bad a warrant sworn out for the arrest of oncer Stafford charging him with felon ious ehootlng, but at 2 o'clock thii afternoon, the hour set for trial refused to prosecute Tor somo un known reason. ALL THREE CLAIM THE TOO LY On The Eve of Election The Candi dates For The Mayoralty of New . York Appear Confident Charges of Fraud I New York. Nov. 1.—A registry Uou found, It Is calmed, has boe.u t discovered Involving two-end re peater^ In the election tomorirvv. I '1 lie attorney general is behind the proseeut lous. and 200 oases will bo placed in the hands of the grand ) jury tomorrow. The campaign for the control of this city is practically at an etui, although! the light, under strict ot dors of the heads of the various or ganization committees, Is to be con tinued right through until late to night. If there lg one spot where It was perhaps, more lively than else 1 where today that spot was in Fom teenth street, where the Tiger has i its lair. Notwithstanding Tammany was passed through one of the worst tussles it lias experienced In years, Murphy professed absolute confi dence that .fudge Gaynor Hnd the entire local ticket would bo elect i ed. |-_ William M. Ivina, manager of the Hearst. eampalgu. put It thN way to.light as ho loft for dinner: "Her rat, 243,000; Gay nor. 183.000 or 18C.000 and Hansard 107,000. IIcurst will lose none of his old »Up port and will draw to him a lot of the Republican votes that went to McClellan your years ago Thoro’s 1 nothing to it, but Hearst." | Charles E. Oehrlng. chairman of tlie Civic Alliance, gave out his linn' eat 1 mate this way: "Hearst will have nl least 270.000 and possibly 310,000 votes. (Jay nor has gone hack steadily nil the week, and will run third. In the last week ho has lost lietwoen 30,000 and 50,OHo votes, all of hich have came to our candidate. Uannard will hove about iso.000." Farther down town, whero con gressman Bonnet holds forth, no body hut Uannard appears to bo In l the running. "Baimard's plurality | will not fall below 4 5.000", said Mr. | Bonnot. SECRETARY FAVORS A DEEP WATER CHANNEL , - New Oreans, Nov. 1.—Secretary , of War DUJckerson In an address j fore the Deep Waterway convention here today approved the plan of a | channel down the Mississippi, but suggested some concertpil plau«*pf j action before ^preliminary matters | progress further, Congress, .he thought, would be asked to approve a bond method for raising money to j dig a fourteen-root channel. Tin- Southern |'<m.ij ^..uservn tlon congress is also in session, and (Jifford Plnchot, head of tho Force «ry Department, was the leading speaker. The burden of Mr. Pln chot's address was the necessity of guarding the forests against the on aluught of timber and land thieves. Governor Wil*on of Kentucky was In attendance at the waterways convention but loft for Frankfort on account of the impending feud trouble at the Hreathott county, Ky., election tomorrow. MAY ABANDON THE PIG SKIN Death of Cadet Byrne May Cause West Point to Give i Up Game. West Point, Nov. 1.—In view of tho death of Cadet Byrne, the West Point athletic council will hull a meeting Wednesday to decide whether or not to abandon foot bail permanently The death *,f Byrne ha* brought the matter to a focus, and there Is a belief now that the council will decide to put a ban I on t he game. SHOOTS AT DOG KILLS COMPANION. Washington, Pa.. Nov. 1.—Alvfch I.enlf# who was out driving with Norndan Patterson today shot. at. a , doc and accidently killed Patterson. THEY CELEBRATED. The traveling men at Northfork, celebrated Hallowe'en by playing numerous trick* about town, The crowd took the night clerk from tho hotel and locsed him up In Robert's grocery store. They then went to the dining room of the hotel and carried every chair and table out on the afreet, and got a goat and <ied him to the radiator In the offlee where he was left until Sun day morning. NARROW ESCAPE. i New York. Nov. j.—One hundred j and fifty men had a narrow' escape ; today In the burning of tho piano factory of. Beck & Miller. If.-avy damage was sustained in the burn ; tng of the building. NEW PRESIDENT. Chicago. Nov 1—Crla O. Rawn I aw-umed the presidency of tho Ma | Hon Railway today. GRAHAMITES TO CROSS SANDS L Bunch to Break into Acca Temple Via the Blue field Brewry. There in a bunch In Graham tho palm* of whoso ifoef—well soles may bo aro aching to hit the burn, lug Hands which pave tho trail to tho Acca Temple of Mystic Hhrln era at Richmond, and it will por babiy bo arranged within tho next thirty days to give those Grahaml te» a touch of high life. Tho present plan Is for Area Temple to repair to Graham, hold ItK business session there, march In proroKidon via the brewery and do the work at tho Blueflold skat ing rink. To do this—no, not to pass the beer factory, but to hi It late tho candidate—a dispensation will be necessary, since the skating rink la a native of W**st Virginia, or a! leant, owes Its allowance to this state The plan* am not complete and tho dato has not been get, but tho program will probably he arrang ed within the next few dayn. SERIOUSLY STABBED. •lock y /if Hfieepshead Track Radiy Wounded find May Rio. Vow York, Nov. I.—R. L. Thom In an altercation today at. the Hhceiwhead track stabbed Jockey ' f arroll Shilling. It. la believed that I Shilling will (He BURIED YESTERDAY, i - I , The remains of 1). C Calloway, i who died at. St. Luke's hospital Haf-‘ urday afternoon, were tako(1 to pot- j ( erabown jiestenlay morning where) tho Interment took place George Calloway, a police officer1 of t bid city, la a son of the decaafc-l i Mrs. Charles GIen Collins, who divorced her husband Capful * Char les Glen Collins, of the British A**my, a few years ngo upon .their return from their horsy moon trip nround tlie world, and whose mar* Cac.* ic William Lalmbeor, a New York broker, whose first wife, a su rety woman, commit* v! rCeide in '•♦Ulmon* eighteen motrhs ago, is announced. The news i<’ ilio L 00. 0 I!R wedding ramo a.4 .1 surprise to the high circle of focle'.y In which Mrs Collins .t ovt» as her future husband Is almost unknown In that set and Hi" t amos of t|ie couple have never before I teen link ed in any way. Mr. Lalmbeor Is a graduate of Hnrnrd, bn* a sent oil the New York Stock LvchAngo, and Is a member or many New York clubs. THE ELECTION TOMORROW Virginia Democrats And Republicans in Ferment Over Glass-Kent Matter. Richmond, fVa.. Nov. I._The 1. 'utlro state is in a ferment ovor the controversy between Kepresen Latlve Carter Glass, of Lynchburg, ind vv 111 lam P. Kent, Republican candidate for governor, relative to barges launched by Glass a month ago respecting Kent’s moral tlt nes» to bo governor of Virginia and Glass' rep;j| tljefreto. yuude public Saturday The Democrats claim the Demo rat Ic. majorities in the state will be Increased by thousands of vot«-s tomorrow. Heretofore it had h« on practically conceded that the Demo cratic majority would fall to 25.000. duo to the large gains made by Hie Republicans ju recent, years and Hie apathy of tie* vole. itTiMi iiv tiihiic (it<n\un. So aeiilo ha* t!u> situation become In regard to Kent that I ho balance of the iftato I lck<'t,bot h Heniocra t Ic tnd Republican, baa to all Intents *nd purpose* been forgotten. Moth rH»Kn and Kent Saturday camelled tbelj. speaking engagement* to give I heir undivided attention to the mat. ter In hand. * The Democrat * hero are of the opinion that >(Jla 4^hns made his ra«e out against rapt. Kent. TO WED TOMORROW. Mr, H M. Meriting left for Char lotte r. if. \'n.. latl nigh.i where to morrow morning he will br» mar ried to >|lm Addle Hunter a.t 10 30 o'clock. He wa ateomi*.aril#al by 1». W. Hancock Mi«t Hunter has visit. t*d In Rlucfleld »nd ha: a large clr re of friend* here Mr. and Mn.! Meriting will make their home In I the r|ty, I W. VA. POSTMASTERS. Washington. Nov. 1. William ft.! ante appointed today post master of Angerona; Jame* -. Hunt at Klk IW'k; Anna U l^ewls ?,t Magnolia; • rK .1 Palmer at Tfarber, WEATHER. Shower.-, tonight and Tue day; tvaruier tonight and cooler Tuesday, i IN KOH I j y.«.fc . . Rioting in Seoul and Active Revolt Against Japan Believed to be at Hand. ADDITIONAL TROOPS SENT. Clamor Throughout Em pire for Annexation of tho Dependency. Toklo, Nov. 1.—Revolting today is reported at Booul, and tho Korean cl<y la anld to l»o In a state vorglng upon actual revolt. Additional Japanese tioops havo been sent to Korea, and the unrest following tho assassination of I’rlnco lt.o it is bo Moved will result in a revolutionary attempt on the dependency. General Okulie of the Japanese army and his stair are considering j menus for the suppression of tin* Ko rean revolutionary party )>ut ho fur no plans havo been announced. It It believed that Korea means to make an attempt to go through with "'Mat has been started, and the sit uation look:; like war. * More Is a clamor throughout! Japan for tho actual annexation of Korea, hut there lH a fixed belief among tho foreign officers that the Mikado will proceed wisely In tho matter, GIRLS PULL OFF! I HAZING STUNT Fairmont, W. Vn., NoV. I. Fol lowing tho football game between 1). and |<J. college and Fairmont .State Normal school the girls of tho Womans Hall are charged with hax jiig one of thelr number because sho rooted for tho victorious l>. and ]C. MIsk Mattie Taylor, the alleged vic tim, was taken from her room In tho dormitory and carried nude to the path, placed in the tub and cold water turned on her, then her body was painted with red chalk. Dur ing the fracas Miss Taylor is said to have broken a pitcher over the Mead or one of her assailant#. BIx well known girls from all parts of the slate are elalnied to have car ried out the hazing. The girls are Misses Fay Mesteller. Illnnclie Law mn, Resale Lawson, Nellie Kid, Ho.-ie Chalfant and Vlvlo Klliott. SON WILL NOT HELP FATHER f hleago, Nov. 1. Th*> prospect® rtf John Griffin, eighty-seven year® oM, becoming a charge on bln fam ily, when ho deserted thirty-seven yoar^ ?fgo. were spoiled when Judg® Williams made tho following rul ing: A father not wiling to regard hi® children a a liability when they ®ro powerle s to h*dp thoinaelve® Is n**t entitled to consider them six when the, ar» enjoying th® fruits of prosperity." Griffin' four children told th# roiirl of th. v retched elxrteace of Ohotr 'dead mother, and how sh* labored at the n.iFhtub to edtioat* a tnl < lot he them. Griffin disappeared In tv72. w he* a warrant was sworn ont. for him for beating hN wife, and return* ed only t few day® airo, saying h# had been all Kt the world. fn leaving the courtroom th© So 3 PHld: * I am worth ft* least *20,00*) and am willing to make a donat' to any worthy person who appllo* to me for aid, hut that, old m » will ne*©r got a cent from me i d go to Jail flrat ”