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BLUEFIELD EVENING LEADER ' W _- - ___ ESTABLISHED APRIL 81 1906 BLUEFIELD, W. VA.. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 2, 1910 * PRICE TWO CENTS jj 0. E. FRENCH REFUTES UN HOUS LIE OF REPUBLICAN MACHINE MOUNTAIN messenger, charg es THAT HE WAS CONNECTED WITH QUESTIONABLE TRANSAC TIONS IN KEYSTONE WHICH THE SENATORIAL CANDIDATE SHOWS IS UTTERLY FALSE The, Republican machine has just sprung one of itu most desperate and deliberate lies of the campaign In re gard to I). E. French. Democratic can didate tor the state senate In the seventh district. The lie found ut terance through the Mountain Mes senger uder the caption "A Memory of Keystone.” which together with Mr. French’s reputation is given be low: A Memory of Keystone We notice that Keystone Is putting in an up-to-date sewer system, which shows the change worked In that town since Charley Harman used to be its Mayor and D. E. French, our present DePioc»-ntic candidate for state senate Its city attorney. Away back there four or five years ago when Charley and Ed. ran Keystone there were high old times, the town wide open and the lid—aye, they never even had a lid in those days. 9nd “Mid way,” if our memory serves us right, ■ It was our own candidate Ed. French and a man named Hanks who owned "Midway,” where the barroom and red light element dwelt and did business. “Midwi|r” was the tenderloin of Keystone, the great white way of de bauchery and immorality when Ed. and Charlie Harman ran Keystone and Ed. raked in the rents and profits of Midway. And how many bartooms were in Midway we forget, but there were some three of four, one of them belonging to a colored man now a res Idtnt of this city, although‘E<U was (Continued on Page bix.j™ SUFFRACf WOULD REDUCE BABY CROP 4 Washington, Nov. 2.—Opponents of the ballot for women who hold that .v.ifTrage woiiri rjJ 4' the <r»y cr >p < are now pr»vi?1 with fad.i '( prove ! such a theory. Ar/hr'ipo'-V^Dra who have been jnejs condhkas in Nunivak inland, off the Alaska coast In the Hehring sea, report :i cur ious state of affairs. It is alleged that the women of the tribe are in complete charge of ail important af fairs affecting the welfare of the fam ily or the entire peoply, and that the men have no voice in such mat ters, having been reduced to a condi tion almost resembling servitude. The women wear trousers, literally as well as figuratively, as skirts are unknown. Now comes the point that will In terest the anti-suffragettes. There are practically no children on the island, as out of an average of ten marriages only one child is bom. During the last decade only seven children have been born, and the population of the island has been reduced to less than 200. Unless conditions change, it is predicted that the Island will be depopulated within twenty years. QUESTION AS TO HEADQUARTERS It is reported on the streets, hut how much truth there is attached to the report cannot be definitely as certained that the Republican me chine headquarters have been remov ed fro mthe city hall or somewhere else to the Ff»t\ral building. If such is the case it is understood a govern ment investigation is Hely to follow since such procedure would be in violation of civil service rules. The question Is asked that if this is not Republican headquarters thaf the place be named. . * ** • Get In The Leader Contest. HOOD IS II REFORMED TOWN Dead wood. S. S.. Nov. 2.—If Dead wood Dick should return to the town he made famous, and. entering a place of liquid refreshment, salute the company with the genial invita tion, "Step up. gents and name your pizen." one shudder.) to think what would happen to the hero. For it has come to pass—with the election six days away—that Deadwood is a re formed town, wearing a lid and other habiliments of effete civilization, and conducting itself according to the laws inude and provided by the ten derfooted mollycoddles inhabiting the eastern portion of the state. An anti treating law is amopg the statutes, and the cheerful salutation of Deud w'ood Dick above quoted is taboo. Suloons are now' forced to close their doors at 11 o’clock, an hour at which things usually began to liv?n up in | the Dead wood of old. The gamblers have been ordered to move on, and many have done so. The same re form spasm has hit the neighboring city of I^ead. Many "good old times" will return again when the battle of ballots is over. Officials of the Black Hills cities declare that the lid is a permanent institution and that It will never be removed. Dilworth R. Lppton representing the Oliver Iron and Steel company of Pittsburg was a business visitor in the city toduy. SALE DF HISTORIC DID PETT HOUSE aril » 1 - London, Nov, 2.—Reflections as to what might have been” are suggest ed by the sale at auction today of the historic Pitt House, originally known is Wildwood*, a mansion that had its l>art in one of the most epoch-making events lr the history of the world. It was in this old house on Hamp stead Heath, then the property of Lord North, that William Pitt, “the (treat commoner.” retired in August, 1766, within a few dayR of his elev ation to the premiership of England Find the earldom of Chatham, remain ing there in close retirement for many months at the most critical per iod of English history. A mental and physical wreck, he was unable to see or advise king and ministers, and, lacking his advice and Influence, the clash with the American colonies was permitted to reach an acute stage. Historians have frequently alleged that had Pitt been able to look after affairs of state during the memorable rear of 1767 the history of Great Brit ian and America would have a vastly different tale to tell. Indeed, man) British students of history hold that had Pitt retained his mental vigot during the troubled times, what h now the republic of the United Btate* might even yet be a part of the Brit i«h empire. Pitt House has been altered a great deal since the days when it was thf home of the “great commoner,” bu sll that pertained to the life of Plti there has been as far as possibh kept Intact. The apartments occu pied by Pitt remain a* they wen when he occupied them. On the dooi of one of the chambers is a padlocl of ancient design which Pitt, in hit moiirs of mental aberration, used t< lock himself In and secure hltnsel from Intrusion. conference successful The conference of the Lutherai church in the l.ustortc flt. Paul’i church near Rural Retreat was ver: successful In every way. The atten dance* reporta and addresses* etc were line. Rev. Kegley lead aa goo< ae any. - - - - H, - - ♦ Get In The leader Contest. OCTOBER WES 1 Coal Shipments Exceed those of August, the Former Banner Month of the Field - —" 1 i I The coal shipments for the month of October exceed uny month in the i history of the Norfolk & Western and according to present Indicat* ms No vember surpasses October. The total shipments for the past month 32.f>9<> cars of which 21,503 ; were taken from the Pocahontas Hods i a gain of 1194 cars over the month of j September. According to the oflicial report the | fields show a decided increase over [ the previous/month. MOORE ACCUSED OF FOUL MEANS Billy Adams, the local pngallst re turned from Montgomery last night, feeling Hue and without a scratch. Adams stated lie was sorry Moore broke ills arin in the fourth round as he (Adams) felt confident he would i put his opponent to sleep before the i bout went many rounds longer. .Moore, according to the illuefield men who saw the light, used every foul means in the pugs category to put Adams out of commission. In the second round Moore grahhod Adams and threw him to the floor. When Adams attempted to get up Moore stood over hipi and as Adams raised his head hanged him. A cry was rhised by Adams’ backers hut the referee did not pay any attention to i them. A return match will likely he made as soon as Moore’s arm gets well. SNEAD SANITY INQUIRY BEGINS I New York. Nov. 2.—Mrs. Caroline Martin and her slater, Mra. Snead, who were indicted for the murder of Mrs. Ocey W. M. Snead, the Kast Orange. N. J.. "bath-tub victim," about a year ago, will he examined us to their aanlty ut Newark today. Since their confinement in jail await-] Ing trial on the murder charge the Ms-1 tera, especially Mr*. Martin, have ex hibited pronounced Mgn* of serious mental disturbances. Not long ago another sister who was also charged with romplb :ty in the mysterious crime, died in \* * ark hospital. It was alleged i .• Mi»* l/id deliberately starved h**i . It to death. The trial of the surviving sis ters has been set sev ral ttm*-*, but on each hearing a postponement was granted. If today's tanit/ in<|iry should result in sustaining Che theory that the women are mentally afflict ed, they will be sent to an asylum and the prosecution will he dropped. In any event, it Is probable that the aged sitflers will never have a Jury, as both are in poor health. The victim, Ocoy 8nc ad, was a daughter of .Mrs. Mar tin. The young woman s life was j heavily insured in favor of her moth I er. and this Is alleged to have sup j plied the motive for the crime. HAS FERRETS OF NOBLE BIRTH Stewart Stowers received today two English ferrets of noble lineage, male and female, direct from the old coun , try. The animals have a pedigree longer than lhat of King George, and while they are not much better look Ing thnn the average ferret, their working qualities are said to be most. ; excellent. While Mr. Stowers expects to breed ferreis to exterminate the varied and assorted rat and mouse crop in Itlue field, the first use he 3aye to which he will put the pair will be to run the Republican bosses out of theii ‘holes after November 8. I v Oet In The I/eader Contest. This remarkable photograph of John Tl. Molsant passing over th< Statute of liberty was »Ai;eU from the bnse of the statue, lie can be seer just about to make the turn for hjs return trip to llelmon* Park, a tota distance of atrout hlrty-fh mile*, r.r the crow flies. The »11 watt Cv n prlz#* of $10,000 offered by fhoonas F. Ityan. Moisant had tva opponents, Claude Qrabamo-Whtte, ihn Cegilnh aviator and Count de Losscps, * p*-e. Renting France. , SOT RESCUES TWO CHIU Dsperate Fight in a Burn* ing Tenement Build ing In New York Early Today New York, Nov. 2 Men were overpowered and worn- n and chil dren struck them with their fists and kicked them as they tried to go down I the fire escape of a five storv tene ment house to esca|»e from fire eatly today. When fire began ther.* wns i mad rush for fire escapes. One boy, however, In hare feet, climbed tlie burning steps of a floor above where ; there was a family of five and awoke 'them, carrying out two children. —± | N. & W. EARNINGS The following figures show the earn i ings of tht Norfolk & WestfW fef I eptember 1910, It gives the,month an Increase of six per < *-nf over the same moufh In 1909. Passenger, mall and express (fot 1910 $f»ir,.4tl.7* for 1909 Freight, for 1910 $2,706,202.83 for 1901 $2,r>61,488.14. Total for 1910 $3,220,804.11. for 1908 $3,038 844.88. MOST STOCKS QUOTE cum Standard Railroads Tern Upward With Consider able Activity Among Industrials Today * - New York, Nov. 2. Most stocks t< day quoted gains of from 1-4 to 3 nd In some stocks a point or mot above the closing. Most of the stai <tard railroad stocks were quotlr fractional ga'us. Southern Pacific wi the leader owing 3-X. Cot*;' lotah activity was displayed b4 Irdut-lnal Cotton Steady New York. Nov. 2. While the eo ton market started steady three seven points higher there was eo slderable cotton for sale, the hu from Wall Street commission hotis< for K>ral traders which eventual caused a recession of a few pole from the top. Opening Nov. It t offered; December 14.4 r»; / Jannai 14.3f*; March 14.41. LADIES AID SOCIETY. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Kir IJaptlst church will meet at the hon »f Mrs. M. M. Kasley at 2:30 (pmo 1 rorfi afternoon. All members a urged to attend. LUTHERAN CHURCH SERVICE! At 7:30 p. nt. tod a/ a prayer at ,prai#e servjee. A special reformat h service is planned for next Sunday the chapel. Subscribe for The Trader. HEMOIE POLICE Strikers Encouraged by this' Action and Say No More Men Will Be Called Out Now York, Nov. 2.- B yorder of the officials the police were today remov ed from express wagons. Hereafter mounted police will accompany wag ons to prevent disorder but will have nothing to do with hnndllng them. This order wn« made in response ti a demand of the teamsters who threatened to call out all drivers In the city If the police were not taken I off wagons. The strikers are encour aged by this action anil say no more men will be called out. WILL VOTE WITH THE DEMOCRATS William II. TbonmH, Democratic can d Ida to for prenldeht fiv the board of cdueatlon In Heaver Pond district. fJohn Kee, president of the Hluetleld Democratic Club and William E. Ross add rental u good assemblage of vo ters at the (Jap of Stoney KIdge last ^nlght. The speakers were enthusi astically received.. ( A number of life-long Republicans .who have never voted for a Demo crat announced publicly their Inten tions of voting the Democratic tick et this year. The said high taxes and boss rule were too many for them. TO OPEN UP BIG . UMBER ACREAGE Advices received today state that J tiie Blackwood Coal and Coke com-j pany located at Blackwood, near Norton, Is preparing to open up an ' extensive timber tract on Roaring 1 Fork in the near future. Its holdings, it Ik reported consist of ubout 15,000 acres of poplar, oak and chestnut. The company at present operates about nlue miles of railroad and in order to reach the timber land It will • be necessary to build a six mile ex tension jilong Powell river. It was learned from an official source this | morning the company is about to ipurchase r>00 tons of steel mils •Itrourle flared 1 AMONG GREEKS Athens. Nov. 2 A great mass meet-1 ing of Greek malcontents who are urging the overthrow of the present government, ha* been advertised for i- tonight and the authorities are pro* 4 paring for serious trouble. The gatii p erlng Is for tile purpose of opening i- Hie opposition campaign preparatory g to the election on tie* 2Xtli of the month, when the n<-w revisionist cham Ip >pr will he chosen. ■i.' Popular discontent with the present ' regime lias assumed a serious c har t- actor and the speedy overthrow of o the monarchy Is predicted In many n 'cjuarters. Disaffection is spreading Ik rapidly in both the army and the navy. The recent revolution In For ty tuga I lias been seized upon hy the la Republican leaders as an exarnpl of >; wi>at may lie accomplished by decls* •y Ive and fearless action It is admit ted hy many of the leaders of the o|r position that the King has honestly tried to serve the best interests of his At adopted land, but they assert that he ip has miserably failed and that the r- time is ri|»e for a change. Few oh re servers of the trend of events In Greece believe that the Republicans are strong enough to put their theo \ ries of government into effect, and a id revolution would probaftly result only m in a change of rulers. W. M. W. Spring of Host on presl I dent of the Soring Coal ompv*' was |the city last night. •••■1 HIS OFFICE Premier Briand of France Tenders Resignation As a Result of Sociatis tic Attacks FORMER FRIEND OF SOCIALISTS Attitude in Railroad Strike Caused Party to Brand Him As Traitor Paris, Nov. 2. Premier Hr land to ay tendered Ills resignation from the 'uhlnet to President Fallieres. The Mmtry now faces a ministerial crls s us tiie result of the socialistic at ucks upon the Koverntnent following all road strike. Hrlnnd was forced to abandon the tllce by assaults of socialists who de lared he had betrayed them. The (resent cabinet was formed July 24, 909. Socialist ts who rejoiced when Bri ind was chosen premier were Jubl ant today. For IiIh work in crushing lisorders during the recent strike he lad been branded ns traitor to party (■nets. Ilriand will probably be ask mI to form a new ministry. CLUB RUN FOR FARMER FRIENDS The regular monthly meeting of the rwo States’ Motor dug was held last evening at the Fidelity Hanking & Trust, company’s building ami was well attended. A number of very Interesting matters were discussed of which the city will hear Inter. A club run for the funner friends of the club has been arranged for next Saturday afternoon at 2 p. m. November Fi. The plan is for all the farmers, wives, children and friends to meet tin- club members at Snyder’s store at the Hap and he driven to and around Minefield, then back to the Oap. If the weather is rainy or unduly cold the run will he postponed until the next clear Saturday. A number of the country gentlemen have already stated they would he on hand with their families end the club is prepared to take good care of every one. SUPERINTENDENT OF IKE MONON News received h re toon;- states, IV G. Walton, formerly superinten •lent of the Southern at Greensboro, j N. and later superintendent of the Chicago Alton at Mlootnlngton, III., has been appointed supernlten dent of operation on the .Morion at. Chicago. Mr. Walton is well known iti tins city to the railroad men. Mrs. Walton is also well known here hav ing visited friends In the city last summer. YARDMASTERS TO TO GET VACATION Notice has been received at the Norfolk & Western office that all yard masters and assistant yardmasters who have been In the employ of the .company for three continuous years are to he allowed fifteen days vaca tion with pay the same to take effect at once. This is glad news to the yardmasters who nre already making preparations to get off.