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\ DEMOCRATIC GAME BIRD I Taditions Are Battered and Republicans Rest Under Under a Tidal Wave of Ballots — 1 ■ * STINGING REBUKE TO REPUBLICANS Next House Will Have a Majority of 47 and May Be More Washington. Nov. 9.—A political revolution which has shattered the tradf'lons and deluged the Republl rays under a tidal wave of Democracy has swept the country. It has upset the precedents of a generation, chang ed the political complexion of the national house of representatives and ptossaged the national political fight in 1912. The Socialists made amazing gains, electing Victor L. Berger of Milwau kee to Congress. Stinging rebuke has been admin ostered to the Republicans for the high cost of living, caused by the tar iff bill. The great national pivotal states of New York, Massachusetts, Ohio, and Indiana are Democratic, nix's majorlly is about 70.000. Bald win's election in Connecticut is con CO OK IS SHOT . BY WHITE BOY Charles Robinson, colored, a cook on a cook car located on the Norfolk & Western at Lindsey was shot and instantly killed by an unknown white boy yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock. After the shooting the hoy escaped and has not been seen since. According to the report received hero that the boy was bothring the cook, and Robinson ordered him away from the camp car. A few words ensued between the two and the boy Jerked out a revolver and shot him. Accord ing to the statements made by the ne groes who live on the car at that point, the hoy lias been loafing around there for several days. Officers are after the youth. Little Effect on Market. -- New York, Nov. 9.—Contrary to‘ expectations the sweeping victory ofi the Democratic party and little ef fect on the Wall Street market. Trad-I ing during early stages was Irregular and the small fractional gains scored were wiped out during the first hour. Soifthern Pacific was weakest of market and the Southern railway the strongest. ceded by the Republicans by plural ity of about 000. Massachusetts is safely Democratic and will probably elect a Democratic senator to suc ceed Ix>dge. Harmon has at>out 50, 000 plurality but the Republicans have probably carried the Ohio legls lature. Woodrow Wilson in New Jer sey is safe. Democratic by 47, Washington, Nov. 9.—Josiah Shinn, statistician of the Democratic nat ional congressional committee, who for several days has been in charge of the Democratic headquarters non-, said this morning that the next house would have a Democratic majority of forty-seven and mey be more. BUNCH OF NEW AT GLEN ALUM •». 8 Terry, a foreman employed by Moorman Brothers, contractors. of Lynchburg fn track construction for the Norfolk & WoHtern at Devon was fired today according to a report re ceived here, for shipping a bunch of negroea to Glen Alum to vote. A wire. It la stated, was sent yestorday by Mr. Terry to M. C. White at Wfl Hannon, Republican candidate for tbe state senate as follows: "Do you want _ me to fake my negroes to Olen Alum tomorrow? If so. send mo expense money for name.” If Is said the wire was answered by Mr. \\ hlte and the money forwarded. It is further stated tha' the negroes arrived as per agreement and were voted. When Moorman Brothers heard of the transaction they prone ly fired their boss. * I I _ ^ - I Claim I'our C ongressmen Out of Five—Next Legislature Will Be Democratic by a Good Majority—Big Gains in All Parts of the State United States Senatorial Possibilites are |Col. L.j L. Tierney, John T. McGaw, John Cornwell and W. E. Chilton tosucced Scott—Both Con stitutional Amendments Defeated—Both Iowa and Indiana Democratic—D. E. French’s Ma jority for Senate Over 1,200. Wheeling. No/. 9.— (Special) The Democrats have swept West Virginia electing four congressmen, Hughes in the fifth being the only Republican pulled oik of tho fire. Davis’s plur-' arlly over Carrignn In the first Is .1271; Drown over Sturgiss in second 3260; l.ittlepage over Gaines in third 1200; Hamilton over Woodyard In fourth 1625. The Republicans elect only three out of fifteen state senators, electing llearne in the first, White in the sixth and Hood in the fourteenth. The Republicans have eleven hold overs, Democrats four, giving the Democrats sixteen and Republicans fourteen in next senate. The Democrats elect fif ty-four members of the house of dele gates and the Republicans thirty-two. The Democrats thus have a majority of thirty-two on Joint ballot insurging the election of a Democratic succes sor to Senator N. U. Scott. The next United States senator will he Col. L. 10. Tierney, John T. McGraw, John J. Cornwell or W. E. Chilton. The Democrats swept Ohio and Kanawha counties, electing the en tire county tickets and sending solid Democratic delegations to the legis lature in tho eighth senatorial dis trict. Gov. W. A. McCorkle, Demo rat, defeated Grant 1*. Hall in one of the bitterest fights ever waged In the state for ihe state senate. J. O. Hearne, Republican, is saved In the first district by carrying Hancock and Drook counties. He lost his home county, Ohio, by 34G to Caldwell his Democratic opponent but the plurality in the other two counties gave him a plurality of ninety in the district. Although the returns are incom plete the indication are that both con stitutional. stitutional amendment# are (defeated. The result of the legislature fol lows : State senate First district, J. O. Heame K, 90; Second district O. B. Hlemaker I). 647; Third district. In doubt; Fourth district, in doubt; Fifth district H A. Holmans 1), 900; Sixth district M. E. White R, unopposed; Seventh district I). K. French D. 1400; Eighth district W. A. McCorkle F), 760; Ninth district John A. Preaton I). 700; Tenth district R. F. Kidd i>. 1900; Eleventh district J. H. Phillips It, 2100; Twelfth dlstrlot. O. W. Hland D, 1140; Thirteenth/ district H. V. Woods I), 300; Fourteenth district O. A. Horn! ft, 600; Fifteenth district Orayslever it. 2050. Senate, elected and hold overs. Total Republican 3— M —14. Democrats 10 4—14. In doubt 2— 2. Mouse of delegates Re publican 29. Democratic 50 In doubt 7. House and Senate, House 50— 29-7. Senate 14 2. 64—43 9 Stuart’s Majority. Pulaski, Va., Nov, 9. — (Special) — Returns received at noon today give Stuart a majority of about 150 Stu art's counties are, Giles 225, Pulaski 275, Washington 200, Mristol city 275, Russell 150, Huchannn 69, Total 1194. Slemps counties arc Wise 210, Taze well 350, Dickenson 59, Smythe 183, Scott 200, Wythe 1 Rland 38. Total 11044. Stuart's majority 160. A report from Scott county say* that two precincts will ho thrown out on account of illegal voting by the Republicans. This will materially in crAano Stuarts majority. Good Poll in Raleigh. A telephone message from Raleigh county this morning states that D. E. French candidate for the senate has made a great race in that county, and will probably receive a small major ity. Mr. French carried Monroe coun ty by about 390. Summers gave him about 600. I Democratic Majority A telegram received today by \V. P. Hawley from Governor Glasscock snys the Democrats will have a ma jority of twenty-five on joint ballot In tho next legislature. Slemp Probably Elected Roanoke. Nov.—(Special)—The last returns from the Ninth Virginia dis trtet are lor Stuart, Giles 225, Pulas ki 274, Washington 191. Bristol 275, ' Russell Bid, Buchanan 51. For Slemp Scott 250 (estimated), Lee 90, Wise 225, Tazewell 285. Smythe 185, Bland 88, Wythe 1. This gives Slemp a majority of rinety-two with Dickenson to hear from. Dickerson probably will give Slemp o small majority. Both Demo crats and Republicans admit that Siemp'g majority in Scott will be I about 850 It looks as if Slemp is electee by about 100 majority. Colonel Clamlike. Oyster Ra>, Nov. 9.—Colonel Theo dore RoCacvelt went into seclusion to day. He would see tio one uud make] no ccmniuit on the election. Belief Delegation. Ashvilk*, N. C., Nov. 9.—Indications I In tho Teuth congressional district ar ? that (iudgcrs majority over Grant, congressman, is 600 to 800. This moans, a solid Democratic delegation in tongrevs from North Curolina. Another State. Do* Moines, la., Nov. 9. Another state added to tho Democratic list is Iowa. The Democratic candidate tor governor lias a majority of about 10.000 and tho state has elected four Democratic congressmen. Slemp’s Majority. PulMki, Nov. 9.—(Special.)—Re-' turns at 3 o’clock this afternoon give Dascornh Hlemp a majority of about ! 293. The Democratic committee has I conceded defeat. Roanoke. Va.. No. . 9. i sp> ( a!) I Slomp is claiming a majority in the Ninth Virginia district oi Nlnoy-two wth the offic ial vote of Dickerson and 'Hnckhaoun counties to hear from. These counties will probaldy give Stuart h majority in this count. Prom Last Night's Extra. From the election returns at this time It npepars that there has been a .Democratic landslide all over the country, Dix has carried New York by a majority of about 75,000, and both NfciMH&chuHetfs and Connecticut are Tietnocratlc by safe majorities. Woodrtew Wilson Is elected governor of New Jersey by a good vote. In the local senatorial fight, D. K. French lias evidently been elected, and that, both Akers and Pendleton are elected to the legislature. Mr. French'* majority in Heaver Pond dis trict was 400 and in the city 241. He carried Humhers f»y 600. Indications are now that the I>emo-, orafs have elected the entire county ticket. Concedes Dix's Election. New York, Nov. 9. New York state today followed Massachusetts out of the Republican ranks and elected John A. Dix governor over Henry I,, I I Htimson. The returns at 7:30 show-( ed his majority would be between 80.000 and 90.000. The New York Journal concedes the election of Dix. New York, Nov. 8.—One hundred and sixty election districts out of 591 in ilrooklyn. Htimson 19,602; Dix. 26,516; Hooper. 3.272. New York at 7; 16 the New York World flashed the election nf Dix. New York In Great er New York 330 election districts out of 1.700 give Htimson 34,170. Dix 55. 107 Hooper 7.033, Rome CRy and town of Rome com pete gives Dix 1996, Htimson 1718. (Continued on Page Six) TAFT 70 VISIT ! THE CANAL ZONE Washington. Nov. 9.—Preisdcnt raft returned to tho capital today from Cincinnati, where lie went to cast his note in yeserday’s election, but spent 3nly a few hours in the city, leaving [his afternoon for Charleston, S. (\. wh /.e he will board tho warship which will take him to tlie Panama ['anal zone. It is expected that 1 lie President will be gone about twelve Jays. Ah four days are required for tlie trip in each direction, tills will give him four days on the Isthmus. President Taft was urged to make ihe tour of investigation by Co. tJoe Llials, chairman of the canal commis sion and chief engineer of tho big ditch Tlie latter declared that tho visits of tlie chief executive were al ways a source of enthusiasm and in spiration to the men engaged on the work, and tha a visit at litis time would result in renewed energy and determination on the part of tlie offi cials and workmen. Tlie President will also be asked to decide many important problems whieh have arisen in connection with the work. NEW PRESIDENT Af TRINITY COLLEGE Durham, N. Nov. 9. Heads of leading Institutions of learning from many parts of the country took part in od.iy's exercises attendant upon the naiiguration of Dr. William Pres ton Few as president of Trinity Col lege. The exercises began with the presentation of the new Washington Duke building, the llrst of a group of magnificent new buildings. Craven Memorial Hall was the scene of the formal installation ceremonies. Hlsh • John C. KJingo, the retiring prep blent, of Trinity, presented the char ter and seal to the new executive Ad dresses were delivered by ov. Kiteh en, In behalf of the state, and Dr. Harry PraU Jiidson, president of the t'nlverslty of Chicago, In behalf of the visiting educators. President Fowl then delivered his Inaugural address, j Trinity College was founded In 1 ,' and with its new buildings and en larged facilities will take a place as one of the leading educational insti tut ions of the .South EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. j New York, Nov. 1* New York dio cese of the Kplscopal church began Its convention In Synod Hall today and will take up several imi>ortnnt ' matters. The project of dividing the! dloeese ami forming two such orgnnl-j zAtlons, on** of up-Mate and one for j the city, will probably come up again for consideration. A n*w suffragan bishop will be elected. Bish Kinsolving of .southern Brazil, Bishop Brent of the Philippines and Bishop Lawrence of Massachusetts will address a bishops' meeting to night at Carnegie Hall. The subject will be ' The Great Commission.” CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. New York, Nov. 9.- Under the aus pices of the American Institute, a national exhibition of chrysanthmums was opened today in the Berkeley Ly ceum. Various other plants and flowers are also shown and handsome prizes will be awarded. D. E. FRENCH SENATOR ELECT IN SEVENTH DISTRICT. Mm cow) mom Fif.i; me present re.;i**ris of Mcr* I cor comity Pendleton In elected to the legislature, and I). HJ. French, Dem ocratic candidate for the senate, re ceived a majority of about !7f» over Maker. The returns are incomplete und the figures cannot be given us exact, but they are substantially cor rect. According to advices from Mon- j roe today Mr. French carried ttint county by 1190, and Ifinton gives him a majority in Summers of 800. A telephone message from .foe Smith of the Raleigh Register says that the re turns from Raleigh have not been [completed, but it looks as though Mr. French will receive a small majority. This gives Mr. French a majority in the district of about 1200. In the county on the face of the returns so far an received Mr. Akers for the legislature is defeated by a very small majority, and u recount will probably be demanded. Both William II. Thomas and A. E. Bivens, K< hool commissioners, wore elected In this district by good majorities and Judge Dillard for Justice and Jerome Mitchell for constable bad walkovers. The following are the approximate county and district majorities. Hughes . 340 French .170 Pendleton ..100 Steele . 35 Hilly .400 Ifolroyd .230 Thomas .275 Bivens. 290 Dillard .325 Mitchell . 350 SITUATE IS URL SLRifiUS New York. Nov. 9.- The strike situ-J fit ion is more serious and complicated than at any time since the trouble with the express drivers began. Home of tin* department stores asked for protection for tii**lr drivers and more taxi-drivers ar** exported to go out today. A RECEPTION. Tin* Indies of ('land Street Metho dist church will tender a reception to tie- new pastor and ills family on Thursday evening from X to II o’clock a* the church. All members and friends of tho church arc invited to attend. ____A_ ST. CHARLES HOTEL DAMAGED BY FIRE The Hi. Charles hotel at. Norton sus hi inod about a three hundred dollar >*•■* by fire yesterday afternoon about five o'clock. The partitions divining the rooms wore burned and the fur niture was ruined by water according to a reiibrt received here today. The tire was started by some one earless* ly throwing a clgaretto on the floor, BREWSTER HAS BOTH OF HtS LEGS CUT OFF John Brewster of Modjeska was Turk bv a west hound freight train r l,ini i v e-nTday afternoon and had both tegs rut off below the knees Ili right arm was also broken. Brew ster was walking along the Norfolk £ Western tracks and did not hear the approaching train. Iln was taken to the Miner's hospital at Welch. Welch, Nov. 3. (Special)—From [ present indications It appears that James Hughes Republican candidate for congress In this district has car ried the county by 3700 majority and advices from Mingo stato that he has carried that county by at least 1000 Tho voting, however, was irregular and much of it illegal. It la stated, on good authority. Negroes repeaters were herded from precinct to precinct and voted without any regard to law. A good hard blow was delivered the machine when its negro candidate for school commissioner at Gary was de ft a ted by a majority of 700 by Mr. Spangler, the Democratic nominee. it is altogether probable that the Democrats will make an effort in both McDowell and Mingo counties to throw out the vote for illegality in registration and \oting. It is stated that people long dead were registered itid in one instance in Mingo a man serving time in tho pen was duly reg ist< red.