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Cist of <um6t6atii | Name. Address Votes Dr. 1'. II. Thompson. Blueiield 09.975 .Miss Dorothy Shirev, Blueiield 72.423 .Miss Hazel Mocker. Blueiield..72,073 James S. Clark. Welch. 27,000 John Hall. Minefield.211,000 V. O. Hill. Blueiield.15,275 J. B. l.atuanca, Blueiield. n.noo TWis? Berulee Howard Craliun) vj..> SETTLE ONE THINS ACTIVITY AMONG LEADER CAN DIDATES WILL NOW BEGIN IN EARNEST—PROMPT DELIVERY OF THE LEADER NOW GUAR ANTEED Getting one thing settled at a time and settled seemingly in the right, and keeping them settled, soon cleans on the slute of unfinished things. Elec tion matters settled to suit, the major ity, leaves everybody little to do now but get interested in The Leader sub scription contest, which will engage Hu* attention of candidates and their friends until just before the joyful Christmas Day, when nearly $1.'00 in Prmelums will be distributed among the contestants. With a complete revision of The 1 Leader subscription list both in the city, i nthe state and county, this j paper is now prepared to make prompt and regular delivery every evening, especially so by our carrier boys, who have entered into the con test with a spirit which show? that * hey want The Leader in every hoanc in tills section. Subscribers at Gra ham will be supplied with The Lender regularly every evening from this date, a special carrier direct from this office covering this Held accurately. Several contestants took advantage o' an oft day yesterday and made many of their friends forget the mat ter oi saving the country long enough to settle for a year's Aibscription to this paper. ’Twas a wise thing to do — never let a day go hv without doing! something to boost your vote in the contest. — I t The Prizes. The grand prize offered in the sub- 1 script ion Contest is a $12."jO Hudson Touring Car. mil model—a perfect tpxchine in every way. Dl L y > 1 k— r-: EKEfiise LtsOi sBBtarnu avs Good For 10 Votes VOID AFTER DATE PRINTED ON BOTTOM Bluefield Evening Leader, Contest Editor: Kindly place this coupon, good for 10 votes, to jj the credit of Name______ Add i ess -_ !\ oted by ______________ ^ /Address ________________________________ \ °’\cr-5 may clip as many coupons from 1 he Leader as t.vy desire; they all count for any candidate nominate d. 1 his ballot void after November I 1th, 1910 | DOMINATING BALLOT j _ Counts 1000 '. otes Bluefield Evening Leader, Bluefield, West Virginia. Gentlemen:- 1 desire' to enter the following candi date as a contestant in your Subscription Contest as per your published statement: Name_ Add rcss_ Vouched for and recommended by Name_ Address__________ Two other prizes are offered to the/ second and third successful candi dal ,s. The second prize will be a #1"0 bedroom suit, while tlie third1 prize will b:> an §8r, diamond ring 01 gold watch, as tlie candidate may desire. Any respectable person is eligible to enter The Leader contest and candidates will bo given receipts for ill cash paid into the office, thus al each contestant to rest assur '1 that their vote will be correctly abulated and counted, and then re »orted from day to day in the Con est column of the Bluefleld Evening I Leader. Nominations must be made on eon-! >n which is printed elsewhere in this ’ isMir. This Nominating Coupon prop 'tly filled out and sent to the Contest Lditor of the leader, will count for 1,000 votes in nominating a candidate costing the person making the nomi nation absolutely nothing. Hut one t.on-ir.ating ballot can be counted lor any one candidate. Another ballot printed daily in The Loader, properly tilled out and mailed »r brought to this office, will count Id votes for the candidate and there is no limit to the number of these coupons that may be credited to any candidate. Buy as many of The Lea ders containing this coupon as you di-.sir* they nil count 10 votes for any candidate you may desire to help. HUDSON TOURING CAR TO BE -.-.GIVEN AWAY BY"—— BLUEFIELD EVENING LEADER 11 | HUDSON 1911 TOURING CAR, $1,250.00 [ I | Two Additional Prizes ^ill Be Caiven I | TToto cc^lcL ■Worlr for ^rc-cir Pc.-rcrite CarL cui cLa/tc «*••**■» ^,... __ __ Second Prize $ 150 Bed Room Suite I hird Prize $85 Diamond Ring How Subscriptions Count After a candidate lias beep nominal* * d. lie or she is eligible to solicit sub scriptions for Tin* Leader. Subscrip tions will count as follows: On«* years’ subscription... 5000 votes Six mouths' subscription 2000 votes 1’hrce months’ subscription 1000 votes . One years’ subscription to week ly Leader .1.500. votes ; Candidates who induce old sub scribers to pay ail arrearages and ; either three, r,lx or twelve months in j advance will receive th.- same propor j tlunate number of votes ns if the sub j script ion were a now one. Receipt books will be furnished all candidates in order lo give subscrib ers un official receipt for nil monies paid by them to a candidate. Subscription Rate*. Tiie subscription price of The Lender is >fls follows: One year, by mail.$3.00 Six months, by mail.$1.50 r Three months, by mail.$1.00 One year by carrier in ei(y.$1.00 Six months by carrier in city..$2.00 \ Three months by carrier in city $1.25 S Leader, one time per week, per y**r .. now Nominations Are Made. Anyone desiring to enter tho con test can clip the nominating blank Printed in every Isftue of The Leader and nominate themselves; or a can didate may be nominated by a friend who desires them to enter the Lea der Subscription Contest. Candidates must report and make payment of all cash collected by them) ; every three days. No promises to | settle later In the contest will be re ceived or counted. How To Send Money. In sending money to The Leader make all checks and money orders payable only to the IMuefield Evening Leader and address all correspon dence in care of the "Contest Editor.*' ! lie Leader will l>e pleased to fur nish printed envelopes properly ad dressed to all candidates on applica tion. NOTICE TO COUPON "] CLIPPERS Subscribers and others who are clipping coupons from The Leader to vote for their favor ite candidate are advised .that they must he handed to tho contestant and NOT bought di rect to Tho Leader odlce. The candidate must take a receipt j from the Contest Manager for 1 all coupons. Subscribers can ! l>ny money at this otiie for a j J contestant, but cannot leave j coupons cut from the paper. 1 THE DEAREST GIFT. I A Pathotic Incident In the Life cf Raa ert Brov/ning. \ A young American woman was tmv i eling one day in no Italian raiJwut ; coach. the only other occupant of the [ compartment being au elderly gentle man. Observing the interest of the I young woman in tin* country t!:r>n,:!i which they were passing and seek!, als•/ that it was new to her. the mot» exiKM'iencrd traveler pointed util oh .feet -s and places of note. From scenery the conversation drift ctl to books and authors, until soo < ( thing suggested to the young A met can one of Fliraibeth Barrett Brnwi lug’s sonnets, which she quoted. ■ She v. as astonished and abashed - cause the gentleman made' no r. , . but during the rest of tfie rid” sat i - ; lag Intently out of the window, ti lug api arenfty forgotten the very . • ■ ivtenco of Ids traveling eoiirj anion ' A < they neared the station where tin , young lady was to leave the car tdn ' said tUnldi. : 1 "I fear, sir, that i linve ofTemlcd you : I’erhnps you do not like Mrs. Brov.i. i lug's poetry." Ii 'J be man slowly turned upon her tear dimmed eyes, and In a voice full of emotion he said: 11 "Madam, that sonnet Is flip aweetoRt. ns Its singer was the dearest, gift Ond , ever gave to me." II«r traveling companion wna Jlol> ert flrownlng.--Youth's Companion. il*sppi:.e3=. "Tliet «. is <|li Inst !:»< » in the |Karf o1 j man wlii h makes him fi ;,r a eloml j I'*** haiipinesn. If seem* to film that ! ,m mvti* »nl* forru:i n rpv of bis i !i<V' " h!ch .. „ot pny bears interest. is amassed itu-i large*Iv ! ‘ “ del,i which sooner , • lute,.’ he : must acquit." ■ FOR RENT:—Nice cottage, suitable for small family. Location 20 T Rooiih Street. Hath and Furnace. Apply l»r. F. L. Black. FOR RENT: Two r»Toe pleasant rooms. Electric lights and bath. Board if desired. GIG Raleigh Ter race. FOR SALE:—Household and kitchen furniture complete for six bedrooms dining ropin and kitchen at 223 Princeton avenue, over Elite pool parlor. Will also transfer unexpir ed ease on property to purchaser. Everything ready for housekeeping. Phone 687-J. 13. C. Dickerson. FOUND FOUND:—Key ring containing four keys—one Yale, two door keys. Los er call at Leader office. FOUND: Yellow Jersey cow. Owner please call and prove ownership. Been at my place five months. M. T. Miles, Hluefield and Littlesbu'g county road SALESMEN WANTED:—Side line. Attractive novelty on consignment with retail merchants in small towns displaying from Illustrated catalog, no samples necessary. Salesmen have spare time between trains can easily earn from $50.00 to $100.00 per month. Commissions paid on receipt nf eac h order. For further information writo Garnet Cartel tVunpuny, Chattanooga Tenn. OCTOBER 2, 1910. Leave Bluefleld 7:20 a m. for Roa noke, Norfolk and all points of Shen adoah division. Pullman Sleeper, Itoanoke to New York, via Hagers town, Pullman Parlor Car, Roanoke to Norfolk. 9:05 a. m. for Roanoke, Rich mond Norfolk, Pullman Sleeper Dining Car to Roanoke. Parlor Car Roanoke to Norfolk. 2:20 p, m. for Roanoke, Lynch burg and intermediate stations and the Shenandoah Valley, Philadelphia and New York. Sleeper to Philadel phia. Cafe Cur Gary and Sheim doah. 9:18 p. m. for Roanoke, Lynch burg Richmond Norfolk. Pullman sleeper to Norfolk, Roanoke O Richmond. Leave Bluefleld 8:20 p. ta. for Ken ova, Columbus and all point* West »nd Nrrthweat. Pullman sleeper for ’olmnlMis and Cincinnati. Cafe ear* 8 10 n. m. Pullman Sleeper for oiumbua. Cafe Dining Car. i i jive 8 n. m. and 2:05 p. ip. >ilv for Tazewell, Norton nnd r.ll »•!'!•,;j;« on the Clinch Valley division * rrlve from Norton Jind points «-n D o Clinch Valley division at 11:30 a , m. and 7:20 p. m. Leave 0:00 a. in. for Williamson nrd ’mermedinte stations. Leave 10:50 a. m. for Ia:got »nd Intermediate stations, l^ave 2:15 p. rn. for Welch and In ' ter mediate stations, j For additional Information call on ag'*nt Norfol and Western R. Jb W. R. BRVIL, Gen’l Pass. Agent, Roanoke, Va T* Will not Cost yon a emt to get chance on tbo 5'5 beater that, the i Lttrrka Hardware Company me going o give away. Get in The .Leader Content. 1 he (Quality is Remembered $ When the Price is Forgotten J Perfect Work ^ Prompt Service j Right Prices Courteous 1 reatment Folattd Printing Co. [ “Particular Printers” J 231 Princeton Avr. - . - BlucfieJd. West Virginia yr\ HI 111 .maMyiy HI rri’Miiai—mimhi mi 1 REINFORCED CONCRETE W6 A SIDEWALKS, FLOORS. WALLS tt. LARS, ETC. WORK GUARANI ««> W. E. McARTOR. ''20 Greenbrier St. Pb~ne IsrL l\\ .ULFTELD. W. VA. \ uiif eid Undertaking Co. Successors m W. S. Cpuckett No. 17 Princeton Avc. Licensed Embalmers AND Funeral Directors | _ j, Official Undertaker* Phone 128 I N. (i W Ftailroad Co. I I Public A tn julance Day and Nigh* 11 W. H. FWilESONG, Gen. kijr. Robi. E. Moore ATTORNEY Collections Thornton Building Jvoom 23 Phone 108 - tern Thus. E. PEERY, M. 0. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nftse and Tlroat Bluefield, West Virginia OCULIST N. # W. PA.* wav 17 C NELSON, I Public Accountant and | Systematiser. I Graham, va. | |[ MORRISON BROS. I S Oivi and Mining En9in©6ra I Tho'nton Cuildinp | #f BLUEFIELO : , , WEST V I •* .‘ff Bit. A. D. WOOD EYE, EAR, NOSE A™D THROAT Specialist 4 j\ Thornton Hldg. niuefteld, W. Va. -" 1 - HBMOND, VA. 1010 atifu). hlitorlc and eultur *d city or tble faculty trained in the beat uni otiaa of tkla country and Europe, lepartmenta 8 man. 18 woman, race of itudy lead to the de«reea of tod B Mua. Half million dollar, ryeaent and endowment Health ccommodationa Aral clan,. Early Term, moderate. For cataloyue addreaa ftf. A., III,. D., Ptm. - For the Painless Extraction of Teeth. . Hie Safest, Surest and best Method ever used. No sore gums or ill effects follow it« use . TEETrt . 4 WlTUO^ Full set of teeth $5.00 Verv finest set of Teeth; no Fetter made at anv price. - - $8.00 Ciolo Crown. - $4.00 f Oold Fillings. $1.00 EXAMINATION FREE. \ We invite you to Inspect our okrlors and have your teeth »x'uniued free. Will toll you In advance what your work will l • t. All woik done by skilled, experienced operators by our i. •• umrod nie:b<>d« We give you a guarantee in writing on « «). *ork tj "V* '-. / . « , t 4 -x., is > ‘ - i h4 it) t/ * . | > •>„ i Jh » !.yt. *. .O Vip I ON, iv gr, Over GraaJ i </.d-r Siorc l -— • — va, , , o »-,x,y,v, W^S!55®». LOTS FOR SALE ■ John IV!. Wirgman, Appfy *o wm McCarthy, Philadelphia jj GLUEFIELD, W. VA » . JwWt Arsenic-Lithia Springs r;„ i: rfirunnif icund nkitt t rnnhleH.rini/tit In. kidney out/ •Imlrtr'r ,/fwtler ntut f&rrrnle trre^uInrition. Clefirn run/ ht'nul fth * \ the complexion Write iot honk hr. M. ( . THOMAS, Cr ickett Spiings, Va. !_I.~ *'*• y * GRIMSLEY & CO. INVESTMENT BROKERS State, City and County Ronds Bought ahd Sold limits. •• HUNTINGTON, CHARLESTON, AND BLUE HELD, W. VA. t wills correspondents in all principal markets. DEALERS IN Real Estate, Insurance, Stocks, Ronds and all kinds of Invest ment Securities, Leans aud Collections