Newspaper Page Text
ist of (£an&idatcs —— --— || -t,,, , , Address Votes ornpson, Bluefleld. 100,625 lazel Becker. Bluefleld .. 97,200 •orotky Shirey, Bluefleld 96.025 S. Clark. Welch. 39,726 Iall. Bluefleld. 23,250 Hill, Bluefleld. 21,317 ~4unauca. Bluefleld. 19.000 . Stupolsky. Pocahontas 17,010 lernice Howard, Graham 16,275 ! \ i ontlnued from Page One) rid it was u miracle entirely un iry to mankind; in other words, a luxury. Now in these pro e days it is no luxury* what ut it is considered a necessity, ihg essential to daily life. The of an automobile who hits done ‘tall” figuring figures out that tchine costs far less than two »er mile for travel, allowing for lepreciation, insurance, license . And especially with the good Movement now on hand, he will >86 discover his need and iike he economy he can practice in S that need. You cannot your very much toward improving -an roads, but you can land get the best car suited for road 9ns. Among all cars the Hud the car which is so designed tilt that with it you get the possible enjoyment out of coun ting. i the beginning the Hudson met oiversal favor. As soon as the i -r was built many of the eoun jost knowing automobile men o see it, to study it—men who JBlgned and built successful cars. The car was an irome Hiccess. One week after the mouncement of the car to the 9ver two thousand dealers ap or the agency. In thirty days irs were sold. Physicians have I 438 Hudsons this year. It en them to cover more ground, more patients in a day—to see Quickly when the occasion it. it saved them money. f^Tsas one physician dispensed ae services of six horses after _ EVENING LEMPR SUfiSCfilPTIOR COUPON Good For 10 Votes VOID AFTER DATE PRINTED ON BOTTOM Bluefield Evening Leader. Contest Editor: Kindly place this coupon, good for 1 8 votes, to the credit of Name_ . Address_ _ Voted by_____ Address._____________ —- — -- \ oterj may clip as many coupons from 1 he Leader rs tnoy desire; they all count for an/ candidate nominated. I his ballot void after November 18th, 1910 NOMINATING BALLOT Counts 1000 Votas Bluefield Evening Leader, Bluefield, West Virginia. Gentlemen:- 1 desire to enter the following candi date as a contestant in your Subscription Contest as per your published statement: Name ____ Address___ Vouched for and recommended by Name___ Address___________ he purchased his machine. In Pitts burg seventeen physicians are now u* tng the car in their dally practice. It bcuame a salesman’s car. Mer cantile, real estate and insurance men use it. Twenty-seven and one half per cent, of all Hudson owners I are making a commercial or business use of the car. This car also appealed immediately to women. It was easy to control, easy to manipulate. It was graceful of outline. It appealed to the Ameri can public in general and they have approved it because they saw the real merit of a Hudson oar. The Hudson car is the most widely copied car in America. Why? First, because there is no other car that has both the mechanical excellence and ar tistic class of the Hudson. Its sym metry of line and beauty of finish make an immediate appeal. That’s the big reason why Hudson cars are so popular. There is endless satis faction in owning such a car. There is satisfaction to know that your ma chine will meet every road condition, that it ha« ample poyer to climb every hill, is always ready to go smoothly, quietly, without jar—without vibra tion. Second, the Hudson Is immensely popular because of its beauty and j mechanical excellence. That is why ; it holds its place in the garage of the j millionaire. Those who know an bu j tomobile values appreciate the worth HUDSON TOURING CAR TO BE ——GIVEN AWAY BY——— BLUEFIELD EVENING LEADER I 1 HUDSON 191! TOURING CAR, $1,250.00 LTW° Addltl°na! Pnz^ W,ll Be Given ; "r7“cto c,r.d TXToris: for 3TCTO.X Xr's<"r7"02:itG. Clc,r^clic5.Svtc [ Second Prize $ i 50 Bed Room Suile L_Third Prize $85 Diamond Ring or this excellent car to be bad In a flvo passenger touring type for $1,250—1 to you freo of charge. Sit at the wheel of a Hudson, put your feet on the clutch and brake tiie pedals. See how natural and com fortable It is to opera&e them. K**st your right foor on the curved i accelerator. Notice it is made so your foot will not slip ofT, and is so placed in the foot board that a long ‘Jays' drive will not tire or cramp you. Grasp the 18-inch steering wheel. Notice what a leverage it offers for the easy and safe control of the front wheels. See how comfortable you can be while handling the wheel and how much foot room you have. You are going to get an automobile principally ; for the pleasure you expoct to get' out of it. How much pleasure you will get will depend upon how com fortable you are when in it. This not only applies to you as the person who is going to drive it, but to your family and friends who are going to ride with you. That is why special stress Is laid on these HUdsoh features. You need not be an expert to appreciate how much these points should moan to you. 1 ou must sit in a Hudson and ride in It to satisfy yourself as to its comfort and easy riding qualities, but you have merely to look at It to ap preciate its beauty of line and finish. In the meantime, take the first op portunity you get to satisfy yourself , that the Hudson is as comfortable to, drive and ride in as mentioned above, i Soe for yourself how good looking it Is—then make up your mind to Join the ranks of Hudson owners and save money by doing so. Two additional prizes will also be given by The Leader to the second and third successful contestants. The second is a $150 bed room suite Of three pieces which is even more im portant than the automobile for dom estic purposes. This suite which was made by one of the best factories, is of highly polished, quartered oak with massive, rolled edges and skil fully carved feet. The bed. which is very large and handsome, has guaranteed springs and a felt mattress. The dresser is beautifully designed with a large mirror, 30 x 40 inches three short and two long drawers. This is >a magnificent piece of good.*.' The washstaml presents a very mas give, but plain appearance. Like the dresser it has a large mirror 28 x 16 inches, 2 drawers and a cabinet. Summing up facts. I think that everyone will readily agree that this is the most attractive and substantial suite which can be had for the price.1 The third and last prize offered is •a gentleman's adjusted 19 jewel Elgin w atch of the latest approved design. The works, which are exceedingly ac curate, are enclosed In a handsome 14 cnrot gold case. This watch meets every demand along the line of first class Jewelry. Its approximate value is $85.00. Should a lady be ro fortunate as to receive the third prize she’will bo presented with a beautiful 19 jewel lady’s gold watch of a very high grade. The ertse Is an artistically em bossed design. The movemnt are Illi nois. Value -85. If perchance the winner of this prize should prefer something other than a watch, a beautiful diamond ring is offered. This is a 14 carat dia mond. Tiffany setting, and is valued at $85. Being perfect in every respect, as are all these valuable premiums there is ro reason why everyone should not readily grasp the advantage of per haps the chance of their lives. Subscribe for the Hvening Leader. Vole and work for your favorite can didate. Become the owner ot a handsome automobile. It Ir worth striving for. Het in the race. The Prizes. r lie grand prize offered in the sub scription Contest is a $1250 Hudson Touring Car, 1911 model—a perfect I machine in every way. Two other prizes are offered to the* second and third successful candi-j dal a. The second prize will be »; fir.o bedroom suit. While the third' Pri/,« will l>c ap $8", diamond ring or I told wutcb, a* the candidate may' 'lOstfo. Anv respect abb person Is f|igil»l® f.n enter The leader eon teat and 1 Candida leg 'A 111 bo given receipt* ff)r all rash paid Info Mm ofTicc, thus al lowing rach contestant to rest assur etl that their vote, will he correctly tabulated and counted, and then re-1 ported from day to day In the Con tee.t column of the Minefield Keening leader. Nomination* must be made on rou-1 pen which ih printed elsewhere in this • ■nr. This Nominating Coupon prop ‘My filed out and v. nt ro tin- Contest Hdifnr of the Leader, v||| count for l.diiO vertrs in nominating n candidate costing the person making the nomi nation absolutely nothing. Mut one nominating ballot on be counted for any one candidate. Another ballot prrmed dalTv m The leader, proprfjy ftjlcd out and mailed • or brought to this office, will count Id vote* for the candidate and then Is no limit to the number of these | coupon* that may be credited to any FOR RENT;—Nice cottage, suitable, for small family. Location 2071 Boone Street. Batn und Furnace. I Apply Dr. F. L. Black. FOR RENT J—Two nrce pleasant rooms. Electric lights fcud bath. Board if desired. 015 Raleigh Ter race. : FOR SALE:—Household and kitchen j furniture complete for six bedrooms ' dining room and kitchen at 232 Princeton avenue, over Elite pool i parlor. Will also transfer unexpir-1 ed ease on property to purchaser. Everything ready for housekeeping. Phone 687-J. B. C. Dickerson. FOUND FOUND:—Yellow Jersey cow. Owner pleaso call and prove ownership J Been at my place five months. M.! T. Miles, BlueHeld and Llttleibu.g county road ■' ■ 1 —... ■■ - .. -. SALESMEN WANTED:—Side line. Attractive novelty on consignment with retail merchants In1 small towns displaying from illustrated' catalog, no samples necessary. Salesmen have spare time between trains can easily earn from $50.00 to $100.00 per month. Commissions paid on receipt of each order. For further information write Garnet ! Cartoi Company, Chattanooga Tenn. _WAFTED WANTED:—LadicH to demonstrate. Good talkers. Good salary. Address X, Leader office. WANTED—With refined private fam ily, two well heated rooms for tbreo adults; use ol both, privilege of light house keeping. location near postoffice and railroad station. Ad dress P. O. Box 295, Blucfl^Jd. REINFORCED CONCRETE WO .at SIDEWALKS. FLOORS. WALLS 1* LARS, ETC. WORK QUARAN1 iFD W. E. McARTOR. 720 Oreeobrlor St. I'h,.a« tall. BLUEF1ET.D. W. VA. i ■■ ■ n Bluefield Undertaking Co, Successors to W. S. Crockett No. 17 Princeton Ave. Licensed Embalmers i AND Funeral Directors Oflicia! Undertaker* Phone 128 N. & W Railroad Co. Public Ambulance Day and Night W. H. FOGLESONG, Gen. Mgr.' : Rob!. E. Moore ATTORNEY Collections Thornton Building Room 23 Phone 108 - i i i ■ ■■ - - _ candidate. Buy as many of The Lea- j ders containing this coupon as you desire—they all count 10 votes for any candidate you may desire to help. How Subscriptions Count After a candidate has hmn nominat ed, he or she is eligible to solicit sub-! scriptions for The Leader. Subscrip tions will count as follows: One years’ subscription.. .5000 votes Six months’ subscription 2000 votes Three months' subscription 1000 votes One years’ subscription to week ly Leader .1.5C0. votes Candidates who Induce old sub- I jeribers to pay all arrearages and J either three, six or twelve months in S advance will receive the same propor tionate number of votes as if the sub- i script Ion were a new cue. Receipt books will be furnished all j candidates in order to give subscrib-' ers an official receipt for all monies paid by them to a candidate. t Subscription Rate5. Tho subscription price of The .coder is ns follows: >ne year, by mail.$3.00 Rx months, by moil.$1.50 three months, by mall.$1.00 "lie year by carrier in city.$4.0U| dix months by carrier in city.,$2.00 Three months by carrier In city $1.25 Leader, one time per w'eok, j>r*r year .*..$1.50: How Nominations Are Made. Anyone desiring to enter the con test onn clip the nominating blank rTinted in every iHfme of The Leader and nominate themselves; or a can didate may bo nominated by a friend who desires them to enter the I^ea* der Subscription Contest. Candidates must report and make payment of all cash collected by them every three days. No promises to ettlo later in the contest will bp re-1 celved or counted. How To Sena Money. In sending money to The Leader make all check* and money orders payable only to the Minefield Evening lender and address all correspon-j dence in care of the “Contest Editor.”) Tho leader will he pleased to fur-1 nish printed envelopes property ad dressed to all candidates on applies I tlon. ELECTRIC COMPANY MOVE8 ITS STORE The Burgess TCIeetrlc company has moved its offices and storeroom to 27 Bluefleld avenue, near the Klurfh In* bailment House. The new quarters will give the company more room to handle its Ineressing business INCREASES OUTPUT. The Jewel Ridge Coal company on ] Big Creek six miles from Richland* Is | building 100 houses and a new store at * Its operation. At present the com- ^ pany Is getting tout 250 tons a day. I but within the next four months It ' expects to increase its output to one thousand tons. M. 4* J J. * OLD ENGLISH BOXERS. Hir«d to Prevent Trouble at Gaorga IV.'a Coronation. Boxing was introduced Into England ! i the earlier port of the eighteenth I ••eutury. its first praetltlouer being •loeu Broughton, who kept a booth for exhibitions in Tottenham Court road, London, and rules were drawn up Aug. lo. 174J». The vogue was due to j I he decline of sword combat exhibi tions in the reign of George I. Brough' I ion himself was the first who stood in tin* position of champion, a distinction . which lie held for eighteen years, but eventually lie was knocked out by a butcher named Slack. Broughton was •i groat pel of the Imko of Cumber lar.d. who took the pugilist with him to Berlin, when ho declared himself reedy to take on the entire regiment • " ; ronudler guards there “if lie were v’y avowed a breakfast between each '■•vo battles.’* l'!c* Kngflsh lighter Tom Cribb once • tired a very remarkable engage 1 'eat. Just before the corona,|on cf '••"rue IV, certain s.vinpnthi:i«*rs wlt-h • :•• mi Caroline bragged tIn:r «m the •* •* ' f the coremon!:.I they uoukl mutter'' warm in the neighbor* ’cm d of Westminster abbey, and this reached the ears of tin* enrl marshal. Thrtt high functionary sought an In terview with the pugilist ’‘Gentleman" Jackson, who taught Lord Hymn to box. Jaekson got together r.onm two dozen bruisers. Itesiiies Crlbb. the band in cluded John Gully, in turn lighting man. racing man. colliery proprietor and mendier of parliament. They were attired ns king's pages nnd gathered about the abbey doors There was no | trouble.—Chicago News. Spoon*. The origin of the spoon la uncertain. I It must have been Invented tit it very ancient date, for It Is found among 1>eopio that have never come Into con tnct with eix Miration. The necessity i of having some Implement for dipping I water seems to have led flint to the Invention of the calabash or the use j of the cocortnut shell nml Inter >»n to | Thos. E. P£ERY, M. 0. SPECIALIST Eye.^Ear, Noss and TVoa* Blue field. West Virginia oculist n. # w. R*''WAY IJ. C. NELSoST™""! Public Accountant and § Systematises j Qrabam, Va. | MORRISON BROS. I Oivi and Mining Engineers | Thornton Building | BLUEFIEwD i v i WEST VaI .. -11_U... J. . .. DR. A D WOOD EYE, EAR, NOSE A"D THROAT Specialist T born ton Hid*. Bluefleid, W. Va. Woman’s College 1854 KICBMOND, VA. 1910 i» <5* beaptlfol, bt.toric and caltat ad lit, of tb» Sooth. terra and able faculty trained In the best uni evrelUee and coneerratorie* of thle country and Kurope. Npacialiet* In tbeir department. • mea. 18 woman. Carefully arranred mar*** of .tody lead to tba da«raa* of S. Lit* . B A.. M. A. and B Sue Half million dollnrf Jnet aacurad for ealarcemeat and endowment. Health record remarkable. Accommodation. Brrt-clean. Bhrly application important. Term, moderate, fut catalogue and ntbar Information addredi JAMKS NEI.HON, Me A.. IX. O., OCTOBER 2, 1910. \ ^ f ' Leave Rluetield 7:20 a m. (or Roa noke, Norfolk and all points of Sben udoah division. Pullman Sleeper, Iloauoke to New York, via Hagers town, Pullman Parlor Car, Roanoke to Norfolk. 9:05 a. m. for Iloauoke, Rich mond Norfolk. Pullman Sleeper Dining Car to Roanoke. Parlor Car Roanoke to Norfolk. 2:20 p. m. for Roanoke, Lynch burg and intermediate station* and the Shenandoah Valley, Philadelphia and New York. Sleeper to Philadel phia. Cafe Car Gary and Shena doah. 9:18 p. th. for Roanoke, Lyncli burg Richmond Norfolk. Pullman aleeper to* Norfolk, Roanoke to Richmond. . Leave Bluemld S;20 p. m. for Kotv ova, C’olumbwt am] all point* Wept and Nrrthwpst. Pullman sleeper for CMlninbus ami Cincinnati. Cefe cars 8:10 n. jn, Pullman Sleeper for Cdlnmbrn. Cafe Lining Car. \ J .crave 8 h. m. and 2:05 p. in. daily for {Tazewell, Norton and all stations on the Clinch Valley division Arrive from Norton and points on ►he Clinch Valley division at 11:30 a m. and 7:20 p. m, I^eave 6:00 a. m. for Williamson and intermediate stations. Leave 10:50 a. m. for ledger and Intermediate stations. Leave 2:15 p. m. for Welch and In termediate stations. For additional information call on agent Norfol and Western K. Ib W. B. BEVIL, Oen'l Pass. Agent, Roanoke. Va. It will not cost you a cent to mi i rbanco on Iho, $25 boater that iho Lureka Hardware Company are going *o give away. tai_-_>4._.Zl.. L • - f » . The Quality is Remembered When the Price is f orgotten Perfect Work Prompt Service Right Prices Courteous 1 reatment TM Foland Printing Co. “Particular Printers” 231 ' ' *. Blueficlrl, Wesl Virginia