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BLUEFIELD LEADER ESTABLISHED jt 11L 8 1906 -^_. 1 --- __£FIELD. W, VA.. S.VllRi AI TERNOON, NOVEMBER 12. I'10 RRiCK 1\VOCEn| Strategic Points Are Occu* pied by Texans on Mex ■. » ican Frontier on Ac count of Trouble STRONG FEELING AGAINST AMERICANS Governor Issues Proclama tion Counselling People to Refrain from Violence Eagle Pass, Texas, Nov. 12.—All Texas rangers who could bo spared from patrol duties were massed at strategic points : long tho Mexican border today Consul Luther Els worth, t< d to Eagle Pass from the consulate across the Rio Grande from here. A Mexican comm.sslou has asked the au thorities for urPect'on while investi gating the lynching of Antonio Rod riguez. The commission is now' on its way to the scene of the lynching at Rock Springs. Americans Under Cover. Mexico City, Nov. 12.—Although Ac ting Governor Gallardo has issued a proclamation counselling the people to refrain from violence and threatening penalties to those inciting violence, American.! in this City worn compelled to keep under cover today so menac ing was the situation. Troops were held in the barracks about tho city in instant readiness and irolice were in structed to disperse all gatherings. The acting governor declared today that normal conditions were soon to prevail, although fears were express ed that it might be some time before the anti-American feeling died out entirely. OP SPRUCE PINE The Blue Ridge Coal company, which was recently organized, has purchased the holdings of the old Spruce Pine company at Dine. Va.f on the Clinch Valley utvlsion of the Nor folk Ac Western, near Coeburn. The new company will Immediately start developing tho property, and will make several improvements. At the head of the new concern are F. Cl. Hatton of Lynchburg, president, GoLthard Huttle, vice president and general manager, and Wm. M. Brown secretary and treasure. Will ERECT NEW TIPPLE AT DOIT It is understood the Winonah Coal & Coke company at Dott, W. Va„ on the Widemouth branch of the Norfolk * Western is planning the erection of a second tipple on its property at Bott, The tipple is to bo equipped with all the modern Improvements. I j Results of Annual Inspec tion Made by the Of ficials of the Rail way System Roanoke. Nov. 12.—(Special)—As a result of (lie annual trnck inspection by the Norfolk & Western Railway officials, the following prizes have been awarded over the entire sys 1 teni: | Chios. Stinno:*, Norfolk, $25; S. W. Cralle, Poe. $2;*; V. A. Crank, Peters burg, $15; It. N. Inge, Disputanta, let | ter of commonlation; R. H. Rates, il>ect, $15; 11. dahlia Appomattox, let ter of commendation; J. B. Rlchard Spout Spring, $25; T. )1. Cralle, Pros son, Vinton. $25; B. 10. Murry, Blue Ridge, $15; J. E. Wright, Montvale, letter; C. H. Barbee, Cluster iL’^jings, $25; J. C. Palmer, Durham, $15; A. ■ Spencer. Gladys, lette*-; J. H. Short, Stanley. Win. Phillips*. Rileyvilk\ *' CVvhbs. Sh< nnmlouh, let te.': •. ’1. ionnlngs. Solitude, $25; J. H. Austin, Natural Bridge, $16; B. A. Fitzgerald, Nnce, letter; J. • E. oinirl), S a:Key, $25; G. E. Plillpott, Phi!poti, n. Bullock, Bassett, letter; Jake B:ench, Filiation, $25; Michael Eyerie. Filison, $15; Win. Pa.ine!. ’ I risiiansburg. letter; J. W. Pyrtlo, .tippitjmeac’, $25; D. D. Poff, <’t pper, .fi5; Johnson Fry. Pembroke, letter; A. Pannel, Wyndale, $26; I,. 1>. Heldretb, Meadow View, $15; T. C. Garnian, Crockett, letter; W. It. Vaught, Grayson, $25; John Williams, Draper, $15; W. W. Burnett, Chestnut ^ard. letter; I*. F. McCormick, Inter ior, $25; John H. Early, $15; J. V. Mattox, Bluofleld. $25; J. B. Alley, Bluofleld, $15; C. E. Laurence, Blue stone, letter; E. J, Perdue, Wllmore, $25; D. A. Carter, larger,. $15; W. G. Perdue, Roderfleld, letter; W. W. Booth, Panther, $25; N. T. Perdue, Hull, $15; J. G. Grubb, Williamson, letter; N. A. Kirk, Norton, $25; C. B. Jesse, Carterton, $15; T. I). Osborne, Virginia City, letter; W. Whit«Jj$r, Kenovn, $25; Jas. Brumfield, Cyrus, $15; L. Aliff, Saltpeter, letter; J. M. Dabe. Ardel, $25; L. Frazier, Wayne, $1:»; J. H. Curnette, Radnor, letter; Wm. Elmore, Duvalls, $25; Wm. Fid dler, Hlgbya, $15; D. Plumb Davis, letter; M. Brumley, Winchester, $25; A. P. Sdott, Sardinia, $15; 3. O. Grls hy, Winchester, letter; James M Cal jvin. Sardinia, $15. EXCELLENT SH/IPE \\\ Nicholson, mine Inspector for the Eleventh district returned last night from Dry Fork where he in spected the mines i| that vicinity. Mr. Nicholson says that this is the first time in two years that lie he* returned from Dry Fork without en tering prosecutions for violation of the ' mining law*?. Ho found everything at |the Uerwind-White and at the mines around Youkon English in first class shape. I The atmospheric condition at this 'time, however. Mr. Nicholson thinks I is favorable to mine explosions and it would not m*;>ri.\» him to hear oT of some at. any time. The Atmosphere is saturated with aqueous vapor, re ducing the pressure on account of the fact that damp air is lighter than dry air. which tends on account of the diminished pressure to release the ex plosive gases which may be impris oned in tho coal seams and cause ex plosions. BIS CRM WORMS BUIKO PB IIITO RICE III SIMM SAvannah, Nov. 12.—A big crowd is watching the Savannah grand prlx race which started this morning at n o’clock. The race is over 4:15, a two mile course. (taught in a henz car was leading at the end of a twelve lap with half the race completed. Naszaro was sec oud, Wagner third, .when liaught .Was four minutes In the lead. In the thir toenth lap he lost control of his ma chine and crashed Into a tree while running seventy-five mile* an hour. The machine was shattered. Haught was not much Injured but hi* mechan ician. was badly hurt and rusaed to a hospital. Fifteen ears started but four *rre out of the rare at the end of tliu fourteenth Up, • • *■» » ^ The above photograph Juft tv<\ l 1 i:i Ametirt 1: ve 11r. -1 snapshot i of the Czar of Russia in the centre on •• *!o:rr< . ' w. Ik »;•« closely 1 guarded grounds of his palm«. This - j* t‘* far? . flints of tho Russian ruler in Mufti and not surroun 4 •' h;. ? p:: •' •! c ><>;> of soldiers. Ills attendants are his personal phyuicia is -TV. l!otkip. uni the chief Detec tive Inspector, who are the constant hndov « of *• Iboporor, both at homo and abroad. He is never out of their s'r-ht ritiri rg his walking hours. ► New York, Nov, 12.—1Thousands of little orphans, cripples and other ju venile wards of C>renter New York oc cupied scat a in the gallery of Madison Square Garden and cheered lustily during the inaugural performance of the tw< nty-sixth National Horse Show this afternoon. For th ■ special enter talnment of the youngsters, the initial feature on tin* program was a parade in which diminutive Shetland* and mount iInou3 perchcron.-”, huge clydos th< r ponies walked side by side v/Itb. d:.!< s and other heavy draft animals, Tho show ihis year will occupy sev '♦ii days, instead of six, and the annu al exhibition begins its second quar ter-century with every assurance of rvoring a greet aportfeig and social success. As usual, the horse show \ ies with H. and opera as marking the real open ing of tin* winter social s**a»on in tiie metropolis. An Internationa! flavor will b.« given to the vavalry horse events by the com pet it ion of Ameri can cavalry officers with the crack rider of Fr<'it Hritian's Hussars and I. anr rs and throe of the most expert riders of Hie cavalry of the French army. The cracks of the mounted po lice of New York also gave exhibi tions of mounted drills and fancy riding af fids afternoon’s perfor mance. Forty thousand dollars in prizes, and cups worth $10,000, will be tho awards to lie distributed among tho winners in tho 165 classes which the show Judges will pass upon during the coming week. WILL lira THE ST. LOUIS MEETING % ' A special train of eleven cars, bear-< ing several officials of the Norfolk Sc. Western, going to the annual meeting of the American Railway Association at 8t. I-ouis, will pass through this city Monday morning at 7:20 a. m. George f\ Johnson, general superin tendent of the Western division will accompany the party, hoarding tho special here. The association will be in session three days, and many matters of im portance will be transacted. TUP wp Washington. Nov. 12 —West Virgin ia, fair tonigut, and Sunday. * ‘ I 0 Raltltftcre, Nov. 12.—Cloves and oth er “breath-killers’* were In groat de mand in Haltimore today, and- many occasional tipplers oven climbed upon the water wagon and donned white ribbons And marks of respect lor tin thousand , of Indies who ha e < oino liere from ail parts of the l?i i;,» l Str>Us to take pari in the thirty-sev enth national convention of the v/o tnan’H Ch isian Temperance IJn• >,» A feet tlgus le il-.T in liquid refreslim :n even displayed ids hospitable spirit by putting o M a ign reading, •’Welcome, C. •' i i * . rot appreciat' d ."I t:. ,*:i ti'y. ,,v. .* tlon was ‘■p‘cii'1/ •. ii Haftimorc < hurrh woim a ha-< he n preparing for months for the invac .n of the ti inoerance forces, and all thg recoptioti arrangements today went orf without ;i hitch. The Lyric Tthea <re hs ; b r. engaged for the five days the cnineiition will he in session, and special peakeis will discuss temper mien sohjec's in nearly all the chur ‘lies of the city tomorrow. Kxcur-j idong to near-by points of Interest, such ns Washington and Annapolis, have iici n arranged. A welcome sea. sion will lie held this evening. Mrs. Lillian M. N, Stevens, of Port land, Me . is president of the national* union. Since .lie organization of the union in 1fc»i, It has played a large part in temperance activities all over, the country, and has been largely in strumental in proliiliition campaigns in many state*, ’ft}., thousand local unions ore r* or'»s< • d hy the dele-1 gates b< re today. - Washington, Hov. 12. The big foot ball game of the year In the national capital will be played thin afternoon, when <• ■orgetown and Virginia meet in thslr annual contest, for supre macy. Princeton-Yale, Princeton, N\ J., Nov. 12.—Extra stands have been built and prepara tion* niade for the biggest crowd in < the history of the football game at i He I’rlt.-i ton Yale game here this af- i ternoon ihe Tigers are in fine form and are confident of winning easily < over the Eh*. ~ *i J>Jk I REFORM BUG IK ' GOLDEN STATE 0#a'..!'.ml. Cal., Nov. U\ With tho l»ir:: of tho gtH.dea of thd I'nitod S nUs and Canada t n. *ivd, tho winter mo ur (linn «f th© .\,MV t’ulifornta •lock* > i lub t«*, ns i; oi: i!ti»»rii; »UBlv h’m .1 rinoou ac tho l!.;ie:yvUIo traek. In addition to the round doz ». n 01 r.v h it’ l;r r n w r, 1 , th < pur*i • In o\or'-nljilit o»• nts will ho , { ran d, r.tul the h arse at on ai« jnihlunl a; the prospects. 4 Ai.' OtJph tile | ; soht meet Will ho tut and 'uht.i d Muccv i... pi't re i>; nte. it i;i;eah«nof nboot tho Itiimv c; rue In* !n t'allfoni t*. Mho refursa b. + h.-m h ' :uk ll lit ( a.,,;. . t sto .. t' : t tin jlV . i ; ! . i • \ ■;» f... J; ban on oirI b> f n. r.JV . . . isiov iMii t) l alii, h hooka;.’.!:or;j from l?i.hi si . e. and a coni’o ,» t i p. •„ • jv »!*s to l. » i-m r:. i ion . (; jo ;'!-o i.. H.sii.i« i*j.t tho number of days *>■ i, Limited, are;, rdii *o < <• -'.'don < ‘ rev in;; .;;perviBIon in i< in Ki ntcky. •\>V. Orleans, Nov. Il' Several bun* dr“l Prominent Catholics, both clergy ami laymen, arrived hero today to take pari in tlio Inaugural tomorrow of ill.* national convention of the American Federation of Catholic So cieties. The old historic St. Louis t athcdral will ho the scene of the opening services, and the subsequent business sessions on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday will he held in Ki! ghts of Columbus Hall. All of the Catholic societies of the continent aro represented, including the Catholic In dlans of the United States, who have s rit two Dakota chiefs as their dele gates. I According to advices from Welch today the official returns of McDowell c-ounty give James A. Hughes, Repub* bean candidate for congress in the Fifth district a majority 3868 over Rankin Wiley, his Democratic oppon ent. ' to r,u‘ charges ot fraud, it l* <d fit ”,.,0(1 authority that Mr.1 " >'r r ,lw . |. , Hon. EAST versus west. Philadelphia, Nov. i:. wirh I,■],]., gan pfttfd against iVdn-»v) vanlr, 11».., l>ig intersectional game of the .-non ‘hi» Hf'onwv:*. 7 j * f,#»r . o *✓ f* . Charing D. Norton. Secretary of ’resident Taft, who Ip, accompanying he Kxecutive on his visit of Inspec ion to the Panama Canal. Thj pros* nt left Charleston, S. C,. al» i.ivt the 'ruiaer Tennegaee ou Nov 10th. and 'xpectg to be back In ^’ashinicton I nankegiving Day. An nbundnnco of wit, good cheer, coupled with an appetising menu, made the annual bouquet of the Mer* ' to,,uf.v Mar Association held in tho .Mats: Hotel last night, one of the moat successful affairs of its kind over hold In tin* city and by far the beat ever nlveh by tho association. Interesting Pdeed wore tho add res* ses made bv Senator l) L\ French, who responded to • Legislation." j. r. ■ c’?ry, Miograh m r.t1etches ‘ "Fcono mica of tho Profession," by udgo C. . Smith, Tno Seri, o, glc'o in Dl Proceedings, • by Judgo CJ. J. Holbrook. In ilie absence of George V Frick. John Kee responded to '‘('ode Practice.' Judge J. M. Sanders on ‘ Tl»'* Brotherhood of the Profession” al I'l* l»o»l, and wag liberally ap plauded "?*>• the incinbers. Short talks were also made by \V. K. Hosa, Judge I runk .Maynard and Judge I. C. Hern don. A business meeting of tho as sociation was held before the banquet ut which resolutions submitted by Judge Keller of the Federal court were road and adopted. The following names were submit ted for membership in the Association and favorably passed upon: Otis St. Flair. It. Kemp Morton. V. L. Sexton, F. J. Brown, and George A. Frick. ; Those present wero: Hon. D. K. French, Judge I. C. Herndon, Judge G. J. Holbrook Judge C. VV. Smith Judgo J. Frank Maynard, F\ M. Peters, It. Kemp Morton, Otis St. Clair, J. i„ Brown Judgo J. M. Sanders, olm Koe, F\ J. Brown, Harry Eliot, I). M. Eas ley. VV. E. Bosh, Georgo Crockett, R. K, Moore, H. B. Lee, Hartley Sander,' Z. VV. ( rockefl, Randolph Henry*, b, J. Holland. A. M. Sutton and Hugh Ike Shott and C. Ii. McDonald. PET GOLDFISH FREE. The Tool Novelty company of Hunt-' Inrton, VV. Ya.. will give every rend or Ethi.4 paper, four or ve handsome' goldfish and a package of fish food They will ship a large glass mlolu* to keep the ruin, for one dollar, ,,r anittllor ones for 7". cents. Send them your order for the size globe V>ti want, and they will send the com pie to outfit to you by express. 1 bis liberal ofTer Is for short time only. . ' *ti {Washer and All Machid Destroyed With Lofl Which Will Reach $100,000 OniGIN OF FIRE IS NOT KNO Telephone Message St that Company Will Er< New Plant at Once The tipple, washer, and all < machinery of the American Coal puny t »»lnnacle non,* Mora. o t'ran * l ieek brunch >f the K a. Vet tern was destroyed by flro this morning. The cause of th has (not been determined. It st ut tlie bottom of the tipplo appa mul Imd made considerable ho* before discovered by a miner., tire sorted at G o'clock and b furiously until 9. Five Norfol Western fifty ton hoppers which under the tipple wore also dost While tho exact loss is not k it la tbought it will reach $10 with insurance, A telephone message from Miln morning states the company *’■ mediately start the erection. < other tipple. t >1 The watchmau had loft th for only n few minutes nnd wh< returned if was cnve'opf.l In fl 1 ho origin of the flro Is a my -r . 'jp TO FIGHT FOR TITLE,1 N'( v, Orleans, ,\o\. 12.- Aba fl bolder of the world s featlionB < Inunidorndiip, will n. lend hlfl :|K;,hi.sf Frankie Coni, v, ‘he Ktl W Ik , bglit.r, in a 'wnty i>un^| !"<• .-the West i’ith AthletloH ! Ml OITOW. Hj I I lie advertising essays offered by tlie High School pupils of Miss Wall's glade III the Leader's ad writing con test Tor a year's subscription to ho credited to any contestant, the winner ,,*'v fit in the automobile rare, has proved a revelation. The Tact of the rnptrer Is that they are all good, ami the judges who decided in favor of •' IBs Meeker, whose paper lias been printed, had to use very close discrim ination to pick the winner, owing to • le excellence or all the matter sub mitted. The contest has at least developed cm- thing and this is that lilucflcld has abundant talent in the ad-writing line, which II properly cultivated will make advertising managers, ad writ* ers and ad designers most worthy callings by the way. I lie paper of Paul Thomas given' below allows careful preparation and comprehensive grasp of the subject, other contestants will be given space from day to day. In i lie meantime, tile Leaders sub-1 script Ion contest is going forward with snap and vim. If you want any •me of these valuable prizes, ip* time to g«t In and train. The essay follows: C0NTE8T ESSAY. fBy Paul C. Thomus), A few yeads aw, an n ,i.»pnobt|e was .a luxury, and a very extravagant, ono at (h it. Now it in routing to be one of tlie non »; ar.v ti ■? r . ,.j fare, in former times, it waa possible for only the very wealthiest of peo ple to own nn auloiiioblp ; i>.,, now! anyone ran afford to maintain one. It will cost about one half as mueo as n horse and buggy, and the pleas ure you ran derive from It. so many timer V hat you would t.ud in a horse; and buggy. Where you can travel orlv a t>w mi Iff. an hour with a hor^r i von ran km iri.i twelve to miles In nn automobile, T!t Ki',,. turn oi today has to It automobile, or allow i is coti:^ '•> k''t abend of hint. If you will oxamino tlte autd ori. ,,,1 by Tl,e Evening bead* ‘•itnd I'ri/.e in i's subxorlptlo test, you will fiii't it is a ninuM throughout. it tlif final tl <■' S'i. liowntii \V. ('o.'bn, who I coded to be th<* mader denli tiuf(uiuilijN h atui t! e * onr.i ruotivi of automobile?. 11«• ;in:-; p< rnoi peri Mon o/er t he making of ib «on ii otor ear -dO .sues (bat eai of !hi:S wo>H' *rfu| err Is kept up t taI'.-daift, " hieii j ; the biding**] of the main features af a;ty a bile it i-*, engine. There are thi •'ll <P'< I ices lo 1)0 n J<od of n f.iii**. Will it run ht.o *t!»ly ant <>ut mr o Will i: ope rat * onal h u '!> V ill It fio'iKoss hoiKppow or to roil tho onr wh<3 w ill want it to go? 'I hero Ih l tor engine matin than that wl inti ** 11.;] in the Hudson oar. ] ■'•hoothly and silently Tn fact* 'iitntl ton fool from tlio oar y hf*filly h*jn:• the cn*;no when It n't./. I' js • ai>i»y tad rulckly I *d l/v ii*©dii4 of pMdmfg transm11 ;kn t i i,'m enough horsoi rwor I i v ;( and It© load of t avenge l where. jl Tl e oar body etnbtN/ea then Cf nf option of e buildcr'a al han l one i','.rr.')tis ar.J. gacefJ "‘:li t!.o ilnisli and luvrioutifl tl<o •»rp'jIn<ru<nis, arMuala to 1 "f dignity, e i;r,.rts and! mont 1- is inlcod the ear tfll At voi r vitli a little work <1 nr* I nder offors au automobile A t'Continued on rage TwflV