An adwtkfctj mc
dkmt that pays the
THE WEATHER? Fair and warmer to-night. Thursday, wanner; showers in afternoon and night.
VOL. XI., NO. 122.
Arrangements have been perfec
ted for the observance of Memor
ial Da in city. A very inter
esting programme has been pre
pared for the occasion by the
members of the G. A. R.. and a
number of secret orders. Com
pany A will act as an escort to
the veterans, and Prof Keger's
Military band will furnish the mu
Appropriate services will be con
ducted at Oakwood cemetery by
Rev. A. S .Kelly, pastor of the
Baptist church of this city.
The parade will form at the cor
ner of Brown Betty and Charies
streets at 1 :30 p. m.. sharp.
All secret orders throughontthe
city, also the different fire com
panies, are extended a cordial in
vitation to take part in the cere
monies. The public in general is
requested to participate in pay
ing tribute to the honored dead.
The seri es on this memorial oc
casion are always beautiful and
impressive. Little children, as
well as grown people are invitod
to take part and to appear in the
parade. It is a sacred duty that
chould not be neglected to march
to the cemetery on each memorial
day and strew flowers on the
graves of the deceased. There
fore. let one and all of the citizens
of Sistersville devote a few hours
on next Tuesday afternon to the
celedrating in a fitting manner of
Memorial Day.
Sistersville Is In
This Spccial
Chattanooga, Tenu., May 20. ?
The establishment of new indus
tries in the southern states shows
no decrease, either as to their di
versity or the stated capitaliza
tion. The acoinpanying list for
the week ending to-dav is author
ized by the Tradesman, being
made up of the principal new in
dustries reported during the week
from the various states as indica
ted. Two "new mining compan
ies. each capitalized at a million
dollars, will be noticed in the Ok
laiioma list, together with other
concerns with a capital of half
a million and less. Texas reports
a two million dollar manufactur
ing concern and a Lrreat variety of
new industries with capital less
than that amount. West Virgin
ia is also in the million dollar class
this week, with a chemical and
paint company having that amount
of capital. Careful scrutiny of
this week's list will reveal several
significant features, among which
are the systematic development of
mineral and timber lands and the
ifi trod notion of ivp-to-date fc^ec
tric plants in all lines of indus
try. The Tradesman list for new
West Virginia industries this week
is as follows j
Bra inweU ? $5,000 coal mining
Corinth; ? $73,000 quarrying
Xmithfield ? .$50,000 oil and gas \
Clarksburg ? $10,000 gas com
\V heel i?i g ? .$1 0.000 elect ri cafl
Alaska ? $10,000 oil company.
Spen ee r ? Hot t : in sr wo rks.
Huntington? s 10, u 0 i unib^r j
Charleston ? $10,000 sand com
pany. : $200,000 coal mining com
panv: $1.00.000 company to man
ufacture chemicals, paints, dyes,;
[ etc.
i Moundsville ? $100,000 coal and
coke company.
i Bayard ? $100,000 mining com
| New Martinsville ? $50,000 min-J
in ?r company.
I'hillippi ? $2OO.O00 coal mining
j Sistcrsville ? $100,000 oil and i
i?as company.
J Ten .Mile ? $10,000 lumber coin- 1
Arrangements Have
Been Completed
The Merchants Association have ? anJ other enterprises. The visi
visit this city to-morrow. The I escorted to all points of interest,
party v.iii arrive in a special ves- \<? pains will be spared hv our
tibule train composed of sleeping business men To make the brief
and dining cars, to-morrow morn- brief visit of thedistinjjuished jjen
in<? at M :54. and will >pend anhour tleiiien from the Ohio city both
or so here visit iinr our industries ; pleasant and profitable.
completed arrangements for the
entertainment of the Cleveland, 0,
Merchants and Bankers, who will
tors will be met at the station
on their arrival by a special reeep
tion committee composed of dromi
iient business men of this city, and
McDonald-Porter Nuptials
J. Lee McDonald, identified I immediate relatives were present,
among. the prominent young busi- The bride was dressed in an im
ness men of Wheeling, and a mem- ported Voile in Alice blue, with
ber of the firm of McDonald Bros.. |hat t<? match. The groom was at
Lumbermen. and Miss Mabel C. tired in the usual conventional
Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. black.
I J. C. Porter, of Russell avenue, They leave Wheeling oti the ev
and one of the most popular young ening train for Washington and
laiies in Sistersville society, left Franklin. Pa., where they will
on the afternoon train for Wheel- j spend a few weeks.
ing where they will be married on ? The groom has a handsome resi
their arrival by Rev. Cunning- dence on the South Side. Wheel
ham. of the First Presbyterian in?.r. where they will be at h??me af
church. Only a few friends and ter July 1st.
United States Court Matters
To-day in the United States one incidental phrase of the suit.
Court, at Parkersburg. a_ motion As a r?-*ult of this suit having
was made in the celebrated oil beeu decided in favor of the plain
ease of Brast, Staeey and the Ilor- tiffs. h\ E. Hornor. of Parkers
nor heirs against the South Penn burtr. conies into a snug sum of
Oil Company. Interest in 2.80U money. He is one of the Horner
acres of developed oil territory in heirs interested.
"Wetzel county, is involved in this Judir?' Dayton yesterday made I
suit. The suit proj>er has been a final order in the Frances E.
settled in favor of the plaintiffs. I hriir chareinsr up the costs
The motion to-day bears upon just iji their proper proportion.
Pennsylvania Demo
crats In Convention
Special to Daily Review,
j Harrisburg, Pa., May 24 ? The
work of the Democrat convention
having* been arranged last night,
to-day's session will probably be
very short. There is no contest
for State Treasurer, and Mayor
Berry, of Chester, will be the nom
inee, if he will accept Cochran
has flatly refused to be a candi
date. There is no doubt that
Head will be nominated for super
ior court judge, and probably his
name will be the only one presen
Early this morning the platform
comittee finished its work. The
document deals with state issues,
only. Comitte on contests has no
duties to perform.
There will be very little discus
sion on the platform.
Chicago Strike Is Spreading
i Special to Daily Review.
Chicago, May 24 ? The Chicago
employers settled down to-day
to wage relentless war on striking
teamsters, all peace overtures hav
ing failed through the continued
refusal of the railroad express
companies tomake any concessions
whatever. A number of lines of
business not heretofore affected,
are threatened with paralysis.
Twenty-five thousand workmen
face the prospect of being forced
into idleness because of inability
to obtain materials. The Sheriff
and Mayor declare they will adopt
every means to preserve order and
peace before the state is asked to
take a hand and send the National
Guard to the city.
Noted Explorer Dead
Special to Daily Review.
Stamford, Conn., May 24 ? Wm.
Ziegler, known throughout the en
tire world as the financial backer
of Polar expeditions, hut who, be
fore being associated with these
enterprises had won extraordinary
sueess in the business world, died
at half past six o'clock this morn
ing at his home on (ire at Island.
Mr. Ziegler has been ill for some
time. Last Sunday he suffered a
stroke of apoplexy, from which he
failed to recover. He was born
in Beaver county, Pa., and was
62 years of age.
Philadelphia Steal Growing Exciting
Special to Daily Review. by the Mayor, himself, and when
Philadelphia, May 24 ? Develop- escorted to their respective de
ments in the big municipal shake- partments were introduced,
up, following the gas lease dispute Ilardlv had this formality ter
whieh had its beginning yesterday : ruinated when announcement was
has resulted in the summary dis-jmade that Srnythe and Costello
massal of Smythe and Castello had applied for and had been
i from directorship of public works i granted a five day injunction pre
I departments after they had de- 1 venting sucessors from exercising
jelined to tender other tTTan their! the functions of their offices. Al
qualified resignations, followed so , that Costello had instituted
fast this morning. civil suit in equity a<_'?i7hst both
Mayor Weaver was joined by Mayor Weaver arid Director Ack
Col. Porter, whom he had named er.
|as director of Public SaTety, and) Battle of factions is now on in
Acker, as director of public works, j deadly earnest, and scores of suits
The latter were sworn into office and counter suits are promised.
Bomb Throwing Again Rampant
Special to Daily Review.
London. May 24 ? The Central
Xews correspondent at St. Peters
burg, wires that a bomb throwing
occurred at Siedeltown. near War
saw. at midniirht in which the Mas
ter of Police and twenty-four per
son* were badty injured. Hve
of the victims will surely die. The
bomb was thrown from a veran
da. Much property was damaged
and destroyed. The perpetrator
Highwaymen Kill Aged Merchant
Special to Daily Review. ihour )at?-r. Iff* was the victim of
Yoiuisrstown, May 24?. John highwaymen. and then- was evi
i, i i e A\ dence of a desperate strutrtrle.
Connellv, a shoe dealer, was found J T, , , , ' ,
, * . .I He had been robbed of his vain
by the police early this morning.,^ and his skull was fn.el.iM.
in an unconscious condition on J[(. was sixty years of aire and
North Walnut street, and died an 'haves a family.
Battle Rumors Again Today
Special to Daily Review. j shall Ova in a. who is relied upon
Guncheling. Manchuria. May 24 to take the offensive has made no
? Situation here is intense. There , deeisive move.
are irreat expectations that a bat- j I>old recojinaisance was marie
tie on a large scale will occur in by flen. KennnenkampfT's troop*?
the v?tv near future. Command- at Locseverat, one hundred men
iiiir officers of both armies are J being kilied and wounded. The
keeping close watch on even* man censor forbids wiring the results
of enemy's forces, but Field Mar- 1 of his movement.
Thunder Storm Destroys Houses
Special to Daily Review. jnieht struck a nnmber of tempor
London Mar 24-Advices from h?y houses "<*ted by victims of
! the recent earthquake whose
Lohore. India, report that at Man- homes were destroyed, killing
di, a trreat thunder storm last i twenty-three persons.
Secretary Taft To Preside
Special to Daily Review. liumbu* this moraine from Wash
l _ , _ ,, rtl ineton to preside over the R*pnb
Columgns, May 24 Secre- . gfate convention, which
tarv of War Taft arrived in Co- opens to-day.
Court met this morning pursu
ant to the adjournment of Mon
day. Present.J. J. Gorrell, presi
dent and Ralph Sweeney and R.
A. Martin, Commissioners. The
greater part of the session was de
voted to allowing bills and hear
ing the cause for exonorations for
taxes erroniously assessed. Caus
es heard, acceptedand exonorated
were for the following named par
ties: Ora Fordyce, Sidney Martin,
guardian for K. S Morgan heirs,
J. M. Williamson. W. S. Morey, J.
W. Grim, George Kester and Capi
tola Wilhelm. Causes rejected
were for P. II. Braff, Mary S.
I Hickman, Jasper Lemasters. An
drew Cox, Elias Essof, ?J. R. Glen
denning, M. Yost, J. C. Morrison,
Mrs. A. Berents. M. R. MeCul
lough.S. T. Eddy, Dr. C. L. Kib
bler, Tyler Oil Company and Hus
ton Oil Company.
Amount of $500 balance due on
iron bridge at Wick was ordered
to be paid to the Riverside Bridge
Ordered that the County Clerk
pay the expenses of the recent
election h?*ld in Lincoln Distriet.
Ordered that the road in pre
cinct No. H. in Meade district from
the iron bridge at Wick toward
Mcadville to precinct No. 1, beand
is combined with precinct No. 1,
and placed under the supervision
of G. K. Morgan, road supervisor
for precinct No. 1 of Mead distriet.
Ordered that G. K. Morgan
open and construct a new road
through the lands of I. N. Bull
man, et al. as previously ordered
b the court, and that expense be
! reported separate from the repair
I work.
K. C. Moore reported as Com
missibntlr, a settlement of the
Guardianship account of W. C.
Grimes, Guardian for Laura M.
Grimes. which was deemed correct
and ordered recorded.
On motion of Edward Melntyre
Guardian of Patriek Cusic, et all., *
it appeared by said petition that
a settlement of the said Mclntyre
was re-committed to S. G. IMe for
amendment and the same S. G.
Pvle's term of office ha ving expired
before making said report of set
tlement, it was ordered that said
rej>ort be referred to K. S. Bore
man, Comfissiouer. for amendment
or restatement arid settlement.
John Rigle filed his report as to
the eondition of the County In
firmary. He stated to the eourt
that the roof of the house of the
agent was in a bad condiion and
needed painting. R. A'. Martin
was appointed as a committee, he
being one of the court eoinission
ers. to visit the farm and ase?*rtain
as to what repairs were needed
and to use his judgment and dis
creation as to the repairing of the
same, and the report to be con
firm^! by the Court.
County Court adjourned last
evening after being in session two
days and will meet no more until
the regular July term. The
court decided to submit to a vote
the (juesion of issuing bonds to
the extent of $50,000 to build a
new court house, and an eleetion
will be held within a few weeks
and if the bonds should fail, the
I ?
contract of repairing will be let
at once.
Hon. Minor Stephens
To Boost Steelton
i The latest reports from the new
| industrial town of Ste^'ton. which
was recently iai ! out thiv* iriil* m
north of New Martinsville, js to
the effeet that the Morgan-How
ard Company, which is largely
composed of Wheeling capital, has
begun work at Steelton of what
will be when completed. h?* fir^t
gas engine maiiufi't ry of West
I Virginia. The general manager of
! the new co:i e ? *n is Mortimer
Stephens, of New Mirtirisviile,
and that it will he a go was evi
denced yesterday *'he i .1 foree of
men began on thf i" nmdations.
The new plant, it is understood.
will manufacture fit' very latest
style of gas engine ??: the new pat
ents recently seeurv I by the com
p;? i\ .
'? !i? diversity >f W-Mt V?rgi.i?
ia s (in shed pro.lue's i* gradually
increasing. and the ad lition of
p ant of tiiis sort i> <p.ite a step
I ? The engi 1 being then
n.H'I ? right in a wlier<?
their ? ? . L" ? ;i I fm 1 in cheap, will
fia a fill i'.' lo-'atioii .iv to iMui
tal. It is !? be '1 ?p<?.j that Padcn
City will join i" 1 1? - pr ?
profession, and '???uuni n.* * the
o|?eration n ? ?i?* \< ry n :.r fuluie,
of tin* new *t?*e| plant eieetfd up
The Formation Of a
State Board Of Trade
The Wheeling !???;? r?l of Trade ! The movement. which ai ms
which is promoting the forntnl:oii j unite the business men of W *
promoting the formnt!oii "J'ite the business men of We* t
of a Slat- Hoar I of Tra.l.-, has wt V"",-'"'", h-v "l"s"r '"?? theeor
? . . . dial endorsement of the presa or
Tu.-K.lay. May 20th, as tho tin.f. ,h(1 Sta|(. a<
ajid the Board of Trade |>aWH?n< fol. McOraw. Hou. C. B.
rooms as the place for ;t State Ifart and others.
Convention to furry out the plan, j Similar hoards have done excl*
It is proposed that al! the eornmer- i lent work in other States, an 1 it
eial bodies in West Virginia shall' is believed an organization of thin
he identified with the State or- kind would have a power in West
ionization, and each has been in- ( Virginia in promoting and protee
vited to send two or three lele- tinir our business interests and op
trat?*s to the Wheelfaj? Conven- btiildintr the commonwealth.
tion. The business orjranizationsof i The Wheeling Board of Trade
this city has received an invita- will extend a cordial welcome to
tion to join the board'and we hope } the delegate* and will enieavor
prompt action will be taken tojto make their visit pleasant and
have this community represented. I profitable.
Delightful Yachting Party
A very enjoyable yachting par- [lie ami Krnily Morrixon. Joxephlne
ty wax given laxt evening by a Noma. Kloixc MeOormaek. Kliza
unmber of young folk* from thin beth Marxh. Gertrude Maliek, and
city. The crowd left at the fr>ot of Sarah Agnew. Mr*. Frazier, of
Charles xtr^et at 8.00 o'clock, on Wheeling, and Mix* Laccox, of
the "Jarrctt" the beantiful and Pittxburgb. Mr. and Mr*. Lucian
commodious yacht af John Rea. : Talbott, Mr. and Mr*. J. J. Col
rcturning al*?u: 11.00 p. m. linx. M***xrx Perry Lamberton,
The following perxonx eompria- fileu Elliott. Ralph Devore, D. P.
ed the party: jShea. Wf. Agnew. A. R. Doyle, T.
GeneviveChextneutt. Ndl Kurnx K. Smith. Dick Elliott. E. I. nan
Mabel ami Bertha Chadderton. j l?/n, Walter Hixhop and Georjre
Hattie and Jeannette Young, Nel- i Crawford.