Newspaper Page Text
? Local News - I I T. S. Sterritt, contract teamster, was a Marietta business visitor to day. -5 i f The Loder House Journal, June number just out at McCoy's Book Store. Mrs. Kirk, of Wheeling, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. George Gra ham. . ? ? ? ^FOR SALE ? Five room house, 112 Williamson place. Inquire on premises. 1 C. C. McCormick, left on the 11 :18 train this morning for points south. Dr. S. C. Griffith, of Sardis, 0., was a business visitor here yester day. FOR SALE OK RENT? Six room house, good location. W. E. Cumin ings. Allen Wells, of Toronto, Ohio, was a busines caller in the city to-day. J. W. Ma her, went to Clarks burg this morning on a business mission. Attorney M. D. I lanes went to Clarkesburg this morning on le gal business. FOR RENT ? Three unfurnished brooms over Black's grocery corner McCoy and Catherine streets. J. II. Caldwell, oil operator of Meadville. Pa., arrived in the city this morning. B. L. hitman, province dealer. ??f Hannibal, 0.. was a business caller in the city to-day. ?. '-4- -4- -r * John E. Long and I. N. Bull man, of Wick, were business callers in the city this morning. Mrs. Mary Sntrerland and little daughter Helen, spent the day in Wheeling shopping. Miss June Miller, of East Pitts burgh. is the guest of Mrs. Robert McCormick, of Wells street. A new line of the late books in Fiction just received. Call and see them. McCoy's Book Store. A. Brunei* left this morning for Flushing Ohio, where he is inter ested in valuable oil property. Mr. J. A. White, of Steubenville. ().. General Agent of the Cnion Central Life Insurance Co., was here to-day. Mrs. Bessie Christian, of the Southside. has gone to Butler county, I'a., for a month's visit with her parents. Harry Work, manager of the de partment store of A. D. Work & Son, made <i business trip to Wheel ing this morning. Bert Noll, a popular attache of the Tyler County Bank, returned this afternoon from a business mis sion to Wallace. Residents oi' South Water street are complaining about garbage and other refuse being dumped on ers f Sarsaparilla. The doc tors' S4rsaparilla. Thetestedand tried Sarsaparllla. The Sarsapa rilla that makes rich, red blood; strengthens the nerves; builds up the whole system. J.C. AywCo. LowtU, Xmi I the hiver beach near their homes almost daily. The city health offi cer should put a slop' to i his nui sance at once. It 8 a self evident fact that money talks. Kead E. Stewart & CVs ad. , Miss Blanche Ilood, mailing clerk at the Review, returned last evening from a short visit to her home in Pomeroy, Ohio. ? ? ? There was a light frost this morning:. It is hoped tills will be the last visit Jack Frost will make | us for a few months to come. While a bilious attack is decid edly unpleasant it is quickly over when Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are used. For sale by Hill Bros. The Greenland passed this point to-day at 11 o'clock enroute from Pittsburg to Charleston. The Virginia is due to arrive here at 60 'clock tomorrow evening 011 her way from Cincinnati to Pittsburg. Mrs. W. R. Terrill. who recent ly opened up an excellent new gro cery store at the corner of Wells and Virginia streets closed her store yesterday evening, owing to the dullness of trade at this time. The "Purple Parasol," by Ceo. ' Barr McCutcheon, author of !"Graustark." Rose of the Worid, i by Agness and Egerton Castle, J Sandy, by Alice Ilegan Rice are | among the new books at McCoy's jBook Store. The residents of North Wells | street, especially the upper sec tion north of the B. & 0., railroad crossing, complain that the clean ers of our streets discriminate somewhat, or rather that the \ fourth ward receives bint (flit'tlc i attention from the Street Com I missioner. > # Mrs. R. S. Landers, a former I well known resident o ft his city, who has been the guest of Mrs. A. IS. Brunei*, and other of her friend?# ' here for the past week, left yester day for Midway. Pa., preparatory to removing to Peru, Kansas, where Mr. Sanders has decided to locate. Among the new books ? "The Purple Parasol,'' by George B. | McCutchen. author of "Beverly of Oraustark," etc. With illustra tions by Harrison Fisher. Con stance Trescott, by Dr. S. Wier Mitchell. Rose of the World, by Agness and Egerton Castle. The j Fugitive Blacksmith, by Chas D. Stewart. Sandy, by Alice Ilegan Rice. All handsomely bound, j Call and see for yourself. TlcCoy'si Book Store. Charles A. Martin has resigned his position on the Herald-Star, and to-day departed for Sisters vi lie, to take charge of the ma chines on the Oil Review, the pros perous paper recently purchased by John P. Glass, of Wheeling. ? Mr. Martin has been with the Herald-Star for seven years, and is a first class foreman and a trained machinist, his knowledge of both, together with his quick ness and attention to duty mak 11115 linn a valuable man in a com posing o WE ADVERTISE Because We Have the Goods. We're not afraid to let our prices and values speak out loud and long. In justice to yourself you can not afford to overlook the saving opportunity offered here. You'll always find the tide of lowest prices at the lowest ebb. A Few Cereal Prices. Quaker Oats a Package,... 10c Royal Blue Oats, 3 Packages for 25c Hockeye Oats, 4 Packages for 25c 5 lb., Union Rolled Oats With a dish, A Package, 20c Veana Breakfast Food 3 Pack ages for 25c Force Breakfast Food. 2 Pack ages for 25c Vigor Breakfast Food, 3 Packages for 25c Grape Nuts, 2 Packages for. . 25c Fancy Japan Rice, a lb...... 5c A Fancy Car Head Rice, a lb. . 8c Tapioca, a lb., 7c Barley, a lb., 5c Our Cereals are all fresh. Tour money back if goods are not as represented. M. A. Sybert Grocery Co' THl POPULAR GROCERS. 'Phone 88. Mrs. lliiidman entertained her Sunday School class last evening i) honor of Misses Elsie and Lulu McKisson. who leave for their loine Saturday. The evening was I <pent iu classical music. A very ?mirvptuoujs repast was served j ivhich added much pleasure to the! occasion. Those presenit were j Ethel Cunninirham. Elsie McKis son. J. S. Cribs, Zelma Twyford. j Cara TIense'l. Lulu McTYissujn, j hYanees Debolt. Gertrude Dobson, Wess McCoy, Myrta Furn, Leo. lielt'ord. Mable Rogers. Beulah Helford and C. H. Williamson. ? ? - ? ? ? ? I S<*m iiypxlr*. In the archipelago of Mergul. off the const of lower Burma, Asia, live the "sea gypsies." Lnsread of carts they i own covered boats. in which, with their families, ?-:i t?. chickens anil pets. ! the.v tioat a I ton t on the sea ami wander from islam] to island. By day they fish" or harpoon turtles or dive for oysters, but every night they put bark to the shore. If the weather is had at sea they laud with their dogs and then poach, catching porcupines, squirrels, armadilloes. hog deer and the like, of which they make savory stews, like onr gypsies. An Artist's Criticism. Probably no two artists ever criti cised each other more severely than did Fuseli and Xorthcote, yet they re mained fast friends. At one time Fn seli was looking at Xorthcote's paint ing of the angel meeting Balaam aud his ass. "flow do you like it?" asked Xorthcote after a long silence. "North rote." replied Fuseli promptly, "you're an angel at an ass, but an ass at an angel." Wliy We Can't Be fireat. Emerson defined greatness as sim plicity. "Indeed. t<? l*e simple L? to b?* great." The question emerges. Is life simple today? If not. will it lie simpler tomorrow'; If not. then how can there ever ag-ln l?e such greatness as in the past in a world <?f ever increasing com plexity 7--Har'*or"s W'M'kly. Let Us Go to Cuba. No 110, $2,500 buys about 2<K? acres, all cleared for cultivation, only three miles from shipping port: 3 houses, fruit, vegetables or dairy farm: steamer and rail road fare returned buyer. Write \V. P. Richmond. Barnesville, 0. A MATTER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pure /MS MO SUBSTITUTE and Make 8 4 Times 4 Makes 16 W ? Same figures, but you get twice the result handling 'em our way. COLLEGE BRAND CLOTHES Get twice the results out of the figures that other brands of clothes do. They're made soj cleverly and shaged so smartly that the young fellows who wear 'em have all the style ad vantages a custom-tailor gives at half what a merchant tailor asks. College Brand Clothes $ 1 0 to $20. Copyright 1906 Co., N.Y. Copyright, K. I,. B. & Co., N.Y. Boys' and Children's Clothing We devote as much time and attention to this depart ment as we do to our young men's, thereby assuring you that what we offer you for your boy will be absolutely cor rect both in style and price. Suits from $2.50 to $6.00. STRAW, Soft and Stiff Hats for Spring and Summer now ready It Pays to Talk With XJ? WERTHEIMER, SONS & CO. Strictly One Price E. Stewart & Co. / Honest Merchandise SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS-Color, Black, Brown, Green and Blue, made with large leg-o-mutton sleeves, tucked waist and skirt, french seamed throughout, Skirt full 4 1-2 yards around the bottom, for this week price $10.00. Special offerings in our Millinery, Dress Goods, White Goods, Lace Curtains and Skirt Department. It costs you nothing to investi Agents lor Bntterick Patterns. "This Store Stands for Quality and Price." ?PHONS flX BBT1MTOL*. W. 7A. NT W?H( ItrMt and MS KcKial*? ?flTfiiiin'Hi nummm