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Grin ud bear your SUFFERING, if you prefer, bat yon will find life pleasanter, if yon will cnre the pains with that great, modern pain remedy, HAMLIN 8 WIZARD OIL. All pain is caused by some fbrm of inflammatory aetion. Hamlins Wizard Oil drires ont the inflammation and thereby relieves and enres the pain. There is no other relief and cnre known to medical science for the pains of rheumatism, neuralgia, indigestion, earache, headache, toothache, and for injuries snch as bruises, sprainsj I cut* and burns, etc., so certain ' and safe in results as Hamlinf Wizard Oil. Price 50 centsjind i $1 .00* Fully guaranteed. For sale and recommended by For Sale by All Druggists. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. J. H. McCoy. Clifford V. Church / McCOY & CHURCH, Lawyers. Offices in Masonic Temple. Sistersville, W. Va. DR. G. W. SHRIVER. Office formerly occupied by Dr. H. G. Meek, opp. PostofEce. 1 AH calls answered day or night. I ISAAC M. UNDERWOOD, j Lawyer and Notary. Office: In Bank Building, Middlf | bourne, W. Va. G. D. SMITH, Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to colli# j tioDs and all litigation. Office: Over the Pleasants Count? Bank, St. Marys, W. V? \ C. B. RIGGLE, Attorney-at-Law, > . Notary Public. , Commissioner of Accounts. Office: Masonic Building, Main Street, Middlebourne. r D. YOUNG. M. D. HAN1&. i Attorneys-at-Law. Will practise in State and Federal Courts. Notary and Stenof* pher in Office. Abstracting titles carefully ami neatly done. Office: Olston Block, Wells Street, Sistersville, W. Va. Llnac and Salpfcnr Sprays. Racent tests at the Geneva (N. Y.) i ?xperlment station suggest that the thorough spraying of scale Infested i trees with a sulphur wash may take ' the place of the first one of the com bined treatment with bordeaux mix ture and paris green for scale and scab. It Is found that the sulphur washes j kill many other iusects besides the ( scale and result in considerable benefit ! to tlie tree. On the other hand, it was noticed that in spraying old orchards ' some of the buds were killed on the lower branches by the lartre quantity of the spray which they received. The effect was to thin the fruit and de crtase its number while improving the ?lre and o'la^ty. The lime and sui p!;::- v.- l.r ; pr-v-od cT.rien: s.\i!e Or s-royei-s on ?:!' ::v ' trees. J r?WS IN wnuttune.6. At Flrat They Were Allnnred Only ?? ,Per??nol F?tan. Private pews, first allowed as person al favors, appeared in churches in the reign of Henry VIII. In spite of the stout opposition of Sir Thomas More and others the)* gained ground under Elizabeth and Charles I. and after the restoration came into increased favor and use among well to do citizens wh:> claimed and enjoyed? ? * 0 the Sunday duo Of slembcrlnp in an upper pew. Swift humorously described how one was appropriately made out of a large wooden bedst* ad. and in early Geor gian times pews were to be found fur uished with sofas and tables and pro vided with fireplaces. Bishop Eden states that in one case a livery servant entered the pew of his master between prayers and sermon with sherry and light refreshments. Thickly curtained or highly partition ed box pews were so numerous in some churches at one time that the poor were practically excluded or thrust back into comfortless sittings in the coldest and darkest parts o" the church, where they could hear little of the service.? Lon don Telegraph. %iivil Dnet. Gladys? If she thinks her young man is such a paragon of perfection why does she watch h!m so closely? Es meralda -Siw i< afraid he is too good to be true.? -Chicago Tribune. KnnnN jIm- Xote*. "I hear the cashier of your bank is very musical." "Try working off a false note on him, and you'll think so."? Judge. How To Ward Off Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorous di gestion. This can be done by eat ing only food suited to your age and occupation, and when any dis order of the stomach appears take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled with indigestion, you will find these tablets to be just what you need. For sale by HiU Bros. F"1orr?r* With VevetnhleN. Y*u can't eat your cake and have it too. If you cut flowers all over your grounds, particularly near the house, the place will not look its best. More over, we none of us have enough cut flowers for house decorations and to give away. If you plan to raise a great many flowers for cutting in beds and ' borders you are simply inviting back- j ache and hours of unnecessary work, j The cheaper, easy and sensible way is I to have a separate place for raising' flowers that you want for cutting. Se- j lect a place that is out of the way. so 1 that the removal of tlie flowers will not spoil the garden or landscape effect. The vegetable garden is just the place, because you can have long, straight rows and cultivate tlieni easily by horse or wheel hoe. You can trust an iguorant laborer to hoe anything that is in straight lines, but he is the ruin of an informal border.? Garden Maga riue. The Walt* In 17M1. I was engaged iu looking at those fine people when a gentleman and lady came whirling hy ami had almost over whelmed me. T could not Imagine what they were about. I had scarcely extri cated myself from the danger with' which they threatened me when anoth er and another couple came- twisting by in like manlier. I found on inquiry that this was a favorite Herman dance call ed a waltz and is performed in the fol lowing manner: The lady and gentle man stand face to face. The gentleman puts his arm around the lady's waist and with the other hand he gets firm hold on her arm. You would at first think they were going to wrostl'e. Thus prepared and the gentleman having g.?t ko good a purchase upon the lady, tho\r I?ejrl 11 to spin around and around with ft velocity which would have made me piddv in half a minute.? "Twining Ta pers." Lnrqnrr For Rra*?.. Make lacquer for brass as follows Tumeric root, ground fine, one ounce: best dragon's blood, one-half dram, put into one pint of alcohol, l'lace it iu a moderate heat and shake at intervals for several days. It must then he strained through a linen cloth and put back in the l>ottlc. Now add three ounces of powdered guiu shellac;, then keep as before in a warm place for a few days more and shake frequently. When thoroughly dissolved straiu it again and keep in a bottle tightly corked. The metal must be perfectly clean and free from dust or grease ami must be heated. The article- n?y either dipped in the lacquer or coated with a brush, taking care not to go over the same place twice nor to leave any spots uncovered. The lacquer will dry iu a few seconds. Muir Health Hfitta. In the morning immediately after ris ing and in the evening t>efore dinner or Just before going to bed are the best times in which to take daily exercise. At least twenty minutes should in tervene between the taking of exercise and the taking of food. It is a good plan to take your exer cise standing before a mirror. In taking exercise within doors at le-ist one window should be wide open nt the time, so that the air may b^ fro h and P"re. When one has fmt-Ue*1 ? ? ' resting the window b. -,st HORSES AND HORSEMEN. Terrace Queen, 2.06, by Velpeau, is now owned by Charles Donnelly of Pittsburg. D. Wolf of Cbicora, Pa., bas pur chased tbe pacing stallion The Shah, from George W. Dougherty of Kittanning, Pa. The trotter Glen II.. 2:171,i, which ,11 in ni ie Durus of Detroit recently leas (?:1 . will bo raced on the grand circuit the coming season. A three-year-old stallion by Arion. 2:0774. in lias Ecker's stable at Mom phis has already stepped quarters a rou ml 34 second:;. Thomas Bass of Mexico. Mo., recent ly sold B. S. Elkhoru of St. Louis the last season's prize winner at the horse shows, Ilall Boy, for Hall Frey, 2.O9I4, is in Howard Per ry's stable at Kansas City. The bay trotter is going steady now and acts like a much improved gelding. Don Riley of St. Joseph, Mo., will ex bibit tbe unbeaten show mare Emma It. in t!-.e roadster class at all of the prominent horse shows this season. ssrt Sheep Manure. No farmer can afford to let any of the sheep inquire go to waste, as its fertilizing properties* are of the very best, says Farm Journal. Sheep manure will continue to enrich the ground and show in the crops for a dozen years. Sheep manure is worth the price of a building to preserve it. Selecting Seed Corn. After shelling tbe seed corn better re sults can be obtained by hand picking it much the same as you pick beans. Throw out ail small or inferior graius and save only the plump uniform ker nels that are true to the type you con sider tbe model of excellence. Care of Horte*. V.'e know a farmer whose horses nev ?r have sore shoulders, says Farmers Advocate. Every evening after un barnes ipg lie w^hes. the horses' shoul ders with cold water. This removes the dirt, cools the shoulders and keeps the flesh healthy. Fertile Kk ar*. Fertilo eggs should be gathered often, us with a very little heat they begin to incubate. A number of hens laying in tbe saire nest sometimes furnish bent enough to' render the first eggs laid 1111 fit for tal>!e use. Saved by Dynamite. Sometimes a flaming city is saved by dynamiting a space that the fire can't cross. Sometimes a cough hands on so long you feel as if nothing but dynamite would cure it. Z. T. Gray of Calhoun, Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights. Two physicians could not help her; so she took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictly scientific cure for bronchi tis and la grippe. At D. A. Hen rlershot's drug store; price 50<? find $1; guaranteed. Trial bottle Free. DRAWING FINE WIRE. Jtlnntnml IIIp* Are litrif. Steel Vnt Beirut llnril MiiiiiikIi. Diamonds niv iis?m I quite extensively as dies fur drawing wire of tin' small est sizes? for instance. trie sizes less than, sa.v, twenty-five on^thousnu(lth^ of ;iii inch diameter. ' The hardest si eel dies are not suitable for lliis w irk for the reason t!ie wnsr upon t!i mm so enlarges the die t l"r;r t the diameter of the wire is not uni f < m 1 1 within the required percentage of v;i"i:itii>n at the beijinnimr ami end of a* drawing. Sapphires are fixed some times firtfiis work, Copper. silver and platinum :ire the metals usinilly drawn to the very small sizes. W illi diamond dies it is practicable todraw platinum t<? :i diameter of five ten- thousandth* of an inch. An idea of the fineness of a cooper wire drawn t? only three one-t!ions;indfhs of an ineh in il!:ij;v?ter may he gathered from tiie fact that in one priiind of the metal there ar'? over si\ miles of swell wire. The weight of the diamonds used f ? ?r liiis work is from four to five carats, and they are uncut except as t-? the die. Th?* value of tlicie diesw which, of course. an* not of the fir*t wafer, va ries from Sir. to S'ju a curat, and sev eral hundred thousand dollars' worth of diamonds are utilized as dies in the various wire factories of this country alone.? Klect rica 1 Ileview. BACKACHE I and Pain in the Side Cured b) Thompson's Barosma. Edward Happ, of Titusville, Pa., hac such pain in the back that he could not dc any kind of work and had such dizzy spelli ! that he would have to hold on to some thing to keep from falling. He had a con- j stant desire to urinate, and could hardlj j sleep from pain in his back and stomach He says: "Thompson's Barosma com- j pletely cured me, purified my blood, and made me feel many years younger." Thompson's Barosma will positively curt all diseases of the Kidneys, Liver and Bladder; also Sciatic Rheumatism, Lum bago, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous1 Debility, and Female Weakness. The dollar bottle holds considerably mora than two 50c, bottles Hi!! Brothers, Druggists. Two I ' Dyspeptics If you are too fat it is because jour food turns to fat instead of muscle ? strength. If you are too lean Che fat producing1 foods that you eat are not properly'dlgestedand assimilated " Lean, thin, stringy people do not hare enough Pepsin in the stomach, while fat people hare too much Pepsin and not enough Pancreatine. , Kodol Dyspepsia Cure oontains all the digestive jutces that are found in a healthy stomach, and in exactly those proportions necessary to enable the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all foods that may be eaten. Kodol is not only a perfect : digestant, but it is a reconstructive, tis sue building tonic as well. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Scwr Stomach, Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart aud Constipation. You will like it Digests What You Eat Rests the stomach, rebuilds the tissues and gives firm flesh. Doll** bottU hold* ix tlBM M much M tlx# trUl. or K> cent ilf. Pr?p?red at the Lab oratory of E.C.r?Wltt 4 Co.. Chlogo, P.8.A. For Sale by A. R. Corbitt. ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ' I $ PADEN CITY ITEMS. & | ?? ?? ? ? ? \ Rev. Vincent, of St. Marys will j preaeh at the M. E. church here, next Sunday, Mav 28th. at 11 a.' * 7 * jn. 1 Ned Davenport, ye traveling man for the New Martinstfille j Grocery Co.. was waiting on our! merchants hero Tuesday. William Paden has moved hi j family from Brooklyn here and j taken up his residence on Paden | Heights. G. E. Sehupbadh. the deputy ; sheriff of Wetzel county, was here; recently relieving the boys of j some of the needful. The Assessor was here also the same week and made each onej of uk pay for our heads. E. If. Buck, who has been an! employee of the Steel Company' here for some time ,has gone to! Wellsville. O., to engage in the same labor. John X. Van Camp and lady were shopping in Wheeling last ' Saturday. Mr. Frank Stephens, having; sold his store to Mr. P. Lowry, j will erect a dwelling on his lot j which lie recently purchased of his sister. Mrs. Van Camp. TFte Misses Josie and Ethef Stephens attended church in Sis tersvflfe last Sunday. U.. G. Heslep, attorney at law. | was here on business connected with his profession recently. I). Griffith, of Sardfs, O., and Mr. J. A. WJitfte, V)f Sfreufcen- 1 ville. 0., were here Tuesday on ! business. W. ?T. Loutzenheizer and Theo- ! Jore Van Camp, of this city, j agents of the North American In- j in SistersviMe, went to St Marys j Monday in the interest oftliecom-l pany. Airs. Il/jlHand, Taylor, of Sisters- . ville. visited her sister, Mrs. M. Little, of this city recently. Mess B. Evans and F. Fiichs. of Paden Fork, attended church here last Sunday. How. Hi* Kafflri Iron ClatlkM. Do youkn??w how the Kaffirs do their Ironing? Yon may laugh. TI*y do not use flatirons at all; but. making j their clotiies Into a neat flat package, they lay it on a big stone and dance on tiic package until they thfnk the I clothes ai> nmooth enough. Probably ' they do not wear shirt waiste- or raffles j and; fHlls. ? A Lobc jMritf. Two pretty little birdies Were Hitting on a limb; of them was Baby Jack. The other Tiny Jim. "Come, and let t?s fly away," 8aid Tiny Jim to Jack; "Let u? fly away no far That we cannot come back." So they flow and flew and flew Until the aun w<?nt down: Then they very tir*>d grew, Thes<* little birdies brown. And then horn* both of them did wish That they were in their nest! "After all." said Tiny Jim. "I think our home was best." Just then Rjiby Jack looked up. And right above his hnd Thero he saw th<* spreading tr^ Ard his own l?fcr brown tv>d. Two happy little birdies Soon C!: ld!"'.l down to sl?v?p t'nd^ their mother's win?* j In their ?*oft n ?t so ?!e^n. Ari ?hou<?h thev thoughtvthev'd trav- ? cW A round a world s?? w!de They'd .1ti?t ilown the big fariH ynr ! . J? the n'N t -ill". -Yoit 'is Com^tnVon. - , OLDEST FIRE INSUKANCE^AGENCY IN TYLER|(jQg Ninety-fifth Annual Exhibit OF THE HARTFORD . Fire Insurance Company OF HARTFORD. CONN. JANUARY I, 1905. kl> ASSETS. W Cash on hand, in Bank and Cash items $ 667,558.38 Cash in hands of Agents and in course of Transmission 2,470,382.10 Rents and Accrued Interest 11,621.87 Real Estate Unincumbered 946,500.00 Loans on Bond and Mortgage (1st lien) 696,794.00 Loans on Collateral Security 4.800.00 Bank Stock, Hartford, market value.. 404,628.00 Bank Stock, New York, market value 458.470.00 Bank Stock, Boston, market value.. 45,500.00 Bank Stock, Albany & Montreal, mar ket value 99,883.33 Railroad and Miscellaneous Stocks. . . 1,337,301.50 State, City and Railroad Bonds 8,435,013.22 Other Assets 54,030.99 Total Assets $15,632,483.34 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 2,250,000.00 Reserve for Re-insurance 9,010,890.59 Reserve for all Unsettled Claims 1,453,344.08 Net Surplus 4,026,248.67 Surplus to Policy Holders 5,276,248.67 rfr We call your attention to the item of losses paid of SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS, which is a vast sum, yet it was paid without the sacrifie of the company's se curities. On the contrary, cash assets show an increase of over one million dollars, while the net surplus has also increased nearly one hundred thous and dollars. We represent other large com panies equally as well backed financially, such as the Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia. Phoenix Assurance Co., of Loa ? ton ; home office, Wheeling, W.Va. Pelican Insurance Co. of New York. Franklin Insurance Co., of Wheel ing, W. Va. Phoenix Assurance Co., of Brook lyn, N. Y. Atlas Assurance Co., of London. German Insurance Co., of Pitts burg, Pa. Rochester-German, of Rochester, N. Y. Under the Insurance rules and regulations in force in this city every policy has to be approved by the Stamping Secretary, so it's impossible to get a policy unless all the rules and rates are follow ed out. In other words, every in surance company charges the same rates. It is then pimply a question of which is the best com pany, as all charge the same rates. The above companies are old established insurance compan ies, pay your iosess promptly and without any quibbling. 8- leet your company, and in choosing any of the above named com panies you can make no mistake. We can insure you in any of the companies above named. We do not advertise big companies in our agency and then write your policy in a small, unknown eompany. If you want insurance in the big Hartford you can get it from us. If yon burn down or are damaged by fire you can have your insurance for the asking. J. H. McCoy, Agent SISTERSVILLE, W, VA. ;