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Motherhood T^OTHERHOOD is the reward nature 1T1 bestow* upon healthy womanhood. Women whose vitality has been sapped by disease cannot safely give birth to chil dren. In pregnancy ana in childbirth weak ness of the mother is revealed in the pain and agony she suffers. J This great medicine drives out every Yea- 1 tige of inflammation and weakness, and ] gives tone and strength to the delicate or gans which mature the child. The pains of pregnancy are banished by Wine of Cardui, and mis carriages, which blast so many fond mother's hopes, are prevented. Flooding, which so often occurs alter childbirth, is corrected when Wine of Cardui is used during pregnancy. v, Cardui babies are healthy babies, because, oaring the months ot pregnancy, the mother is able to give them necessary vitality and strength. , With these facts presented to American women no expectant mother should be satisfied without the re-inforcement that W ine of Cardui willgive^er. Every mother should be able to treat herself in her home with this valuable medicine. W ine of Cardui can be secured from any druggist at $ 1 .00 a bottle. _ - . Polycarp, N. C., Jan. 11, 1902. . I am the mother of seven children and while in pregnancy with the rrstsiz suffered untold misery until they were born. One month before the seventh was born I began to take a bottle of Wine of Cardui, which gave me relief after taking three doses. I used the remainder of the bottle until the birth of the child, and was stouter in three days after the birth than I was in a month aftex the birth of either of the first six. I am 29 years old. MRS. V. ELIZABETH STAFFORD. L WlNECARDUl __ ? I Undertaking? Embalming W. F. RICE I EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OP FUNERAL FURNISH INGS. CALLS ANSWERED DAT OR NIGHT, REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE. PARLORS, CHAPEL AND MORGUE, 502 WELLS ST. A M BIOZ, LICENSED EMBALMER. Bell Phone 14R. ! PLACING EIRE INSURANCE In some companies is like keeping your valuables in a paste- | board box instead of a modern safe, when you can have the ? choice of either at the same price. ij As all fire insurance companies charge the same rate, you ij should make sure that you have the strongest company ob- j tainable for the rate you pay. is I represent twenty of the LARGEST fire companies in :j the world, forming the strongest aggregate of companies ij every combined in one agency. The Largest Agency in West | Virginia. The Only Exclusive Agency in Tyler County. jj INSURE IN AN AMERICAN COMPANY. 2 J. FRED NEILL, Wells Building. Sistersville, W. Va. j , Paint! Paint! Paint! ^ The name John W. Masury on a can of mixed paint, is a guarantee that you are getting the best prepaired paint made. We are instructed by the man ufaturer to guarantee every gallon ft) wear five years when properly applied. Ask for color card. Tyler County Hardware Co. /?n ? Wf.ll 621 Wells Street. Business college: Gives a trainincr that turns unused talent into a money making power. Does it quickly, thoroughly, cheaply. Full and complete courses in BOOK KEEPING. PENMANSHIP. TELEG RAPHY. SHORTHAND and TYPE WRITING. $110 pays tuition, board AND NEW ORLEANS Chicago and Florida Special FLORIDA LIMITED AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY .THROUOH PULLMAN SERVICE FROM CHICAGO AND CLEVE LAND, BIO FOUR ROUTE; DETROIT AND TOLEDO, CHAD AND PERE MARQUETTE SYSTEM; ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE, SOUTHERN RY.; TO JACKSONVILLE AND ST. AUOUSTINE. SOLID TRAINS CINCINNATI TO CHATTANOOfi A, ATLANTA, BIRMING HAM, SHREVEPORT, NEW ORLEANS, JACKSONVILLE, ST.AUMSTINE. Alto Through Pullman Sorvico to Knoxvifls, Ashovilfo, Savannah, Charleston. Dining and Observation Cars on All Through Trains. Winter Tourist and Variable Route Tickets on Sale at Reduced Rates. Ptar Information address W. W. DUNXAVANT, Warren, Ohio. W. A. GARRETT, W. C RIXEARSON. . Geaer*! Pmenjcrr Afer.t. CIKOTNTSTATI. AN EMPEROR'S FURY. Paul of Rnwia'n Order to Hi* Ilevl me;it of Home Unai'Jv. On one occasion during a parade c; bis horse guards the Bni{>erq? Paul o.f Russia was extremely dissatisfied with the manner in which the troops per formed their evolutions. At length, aft or a more than ordinarily stupid blan der on the part of the troops, the ?*zav could stand it no longer, and lie deter inlr.e:! to p'out'e over the drill in per sou. The troups were well aware that the czar's lemper was on the verge of buhhiing over, and the knowledge so uunerreJ them that thing? went from had to worse until at last a blunder su pervened?a blunder in which ofilce:-* an:l men shared alike? which prove' the climax. (la Hoping up to the disorganized line, and reining up his charger at the:~ head, livid with fury whicli hrt no log ger attempted to suppress. Paul gov* vent to the following original and of fective speech: "Officers and trojpe-s of the Imperial ho.-se guards, rigli about fact! Qnick? mnrch? to Siberia!' The entire regiment, with unbrc':e:i composure and dignity, wheeled to th right and smarted off then and there up on their terrible march into exile. By the time they had arrived at a point lying some few days' march from the capital, the czar's temper having cooled down, swift couriers were dispatche.l after the exiled guards with news of the iir.perlv! clemency, and the troops were allowed to reiurn. D::wr >loney. In former times when traveling was not so safe as in the twentieth century the judges often needed an eseort when passing from one town to another on circuit. It was the duty of Newcastle in provide such protection for the jour ney between that town and Carlisle. As time went on the actual provision of a guard was replaced by the pay ment of money for the purpose, and it was this contribution that became known as "dagger money." To this day the old custom is kept up, and at the Newcastle assizes the judge re ceives from the mayor a coin that is : probably itself a curiosity and also serves as an interesting souvenir of this strange survival.? London Mail. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully in ured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, ? healed the wound, and saved his lief. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25^ at D. A. Hender- j shot's drug store. Anti?|nity of Chentlnff. False weights wore found ill the ruins of the oldest city that has yet been exhumed. And false weights will probably he consumed when the earth drops into the sun and the heav ens are rolled together like a scroll. Ancient records and ancient statute hooks are full of evidence that every new practical device? from capitalistic and labor in on >polies. secret rebates and majority owners, swindling mo nopoly owners, down t > adulterations and crooked scales? was familiar to our ancestors of the plateau of Iran before the migrations. Vice is the old inhabitant: virtue is the newcomer, the immigrant, received with reluc tance and compelled to ti^ht for every inch of ground he gains.? David Gra ham Phillips in Reader .Magazine. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot weather and bad drinking water contribute to the conditions which make piles more j painful and dangerous. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stops the pain, draws out the soreness and cures. Get the genuine, bearing the name of E. C. DeWtt & Company. Sold by Opera nouse Drug Store. Riddle*. Why Is a dog's tail like a rich man? I One keeps a (wagon) wagging, the other keeps a carriage. Why do carpenters believe there Is no such thing as stone? Because they never saw it. Why is a tin can tied to a dog's tail like death? It's bound to occur. Why is a man upstairs teasing a cat called honorable? Because he Is above doing a mean act. Turpentine For Swine. A little turpentine given occasionally ' In the slop Is an excellent preventive I of disease among swine. Keep the Hoy Healthy. A hog is a hard animal to cure when j J ?lek, but an easy one to keep well with ' proper care. Bilious Bill was getting bloated, And his tongue was muchly coat- ; ? ed. Patent "tonics" wouldn't cure him, Companies would not insure him. All his friends were badly fright ened, But their spirits soon were light ened, For Bill said ? and they believed him, EARLY RISER pills relieved him. | Sold by Opera House Drug Store. I NEW SHORT STORIES Karw Wuhliftoi^ Jersey residents coming to Manhat tan daily have recently missed one of i the unique characters 1 list for a long while has been a feature aruuud the Liberty street ferry selling knick- 1 knacks. His name is Sam Herndon, j and be is colored. Sam was born in , Virginia and was a slave. How old he really is if still alive he does not know, but he has claimed with apparent hon- 1 esty that he was a bodyguard to Gen eral George Washington. Senator Depew once chatted with i him. Said the senator, "Were you with "DID Yor BKE HIM WHEN* HE HACKED THE ' TREE?" the Father of His Country when the I Declaration of Independence was read?" -"Yes, sir? yes, sir; I sboly was." "And with hixn when he crossed the I Delaware?" "Sholy, sir? sholy. Warn't I in his ?; bodyguard?" "Did you see him when he hacked the I cherry tree?" "Did I see him? Sholy? sholy. I drlv' | the hack."? J. S. Evans in New York American. Affording Consolation. Mrs. George H. Gilbert, the "grand old woman of the stage," whose re cent death brought sorrow to the en tire theatrical profession, loved to re count her experiences to Intimate friends, and interesting they Invariably proved. One of the most humorous re lated to Mrs. Gilbert's earlier days, when she was a member of a company presenting an intensely emotional drama. Proof was furnished the fam ily of the hero that apparently stamped him as a criminal of an unpleasant . kind. Naturally there was much weep ing on the stage, accompanied by j wringing of hands and other accesso- j rles. Upon one occasion the strained | scene was completely spoiled by a man i in the gallery (.Mrs. Gilbert always i maintained he must have been some what intoxicated) who yelled: "Cheer up, cheer up. It may not be true."? i New York Tribune. Value of a l*unae Mark. Professor Bailey of Yale university says that in the town in which he i spent his childhood there was a society of women who were very active man haters. On one occasion the president prepared a paper presenting the strength of women ami the weakness 1 of men entitled "Woman? Without Her Man Is Helpless." To strengthen her point she hired a decrepit old man to read the paper before the regular weekly meeting of the club. When the t time came the old man stood up and, reading from the manuscript, loudly announced his title as "Woman With out Her Man Is Ifelpless."? New York Times. How Daniel Weliater Eacaped. Daniel Webster had behaved badly at school, and the teacher called him ! to his desk for punishment. On the way from his seat to the desk Daniel spit upon his right hand and wiped it on his trousers leg. When he held j his hand out for punishment the teach- j er was so shocked at its dirty condi tion that be said, "Daniel, if you will show me a dirtier hand In this whole schoolroom I will not punish you." Instantly young Webster thrust out his left hand, which was so much j dirtier the teacher could not restrain a smile, but he kept his word, and Dan iel took his seat without punishment. >'o Speech. President Schurnian of Cornell tells of a man who had been tried for per jury. but acquitted, says the New York Times. It was in a country district. ' and the Judge asked him after the ver dict had been announced and he had l?een formally discharged from custody wbetber he cared to inake a speech, j The prisoner slowly rose. "I want to thank the Jury," he said, "and I do so. j but as for making a speech I don't I think I'd better, for that smart lawyer wouldn't let me take the stand for fear I'd admit the charge, and he must feel the same now." Wanted to Know. Alexander S. Thweatt when in Flori da last winter was present at the In stallation of electric lights In one of the small towns there. A few days later be found a young chap turning an in candescent on aid off with every symp tom of the liveliest curiosity. Finally be turned to Mr. Thweatt and asked. "What makes them hairpins bam in them little bottles?**? New York Times I THE PERFECT WAY. Scores of Sistersville People Have Learned It. If you suffer from backache, There is only one way to cure it. The perfect way is to cure the kidneys. A bad back means sick kidneys. Neglect it, urinary troudles fol low. Doan's Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only. G. W. Kennedy, retired mer chant of Front Street, Williams town, W. Va., says> "It affords me much pleasure to endorse the statement I gave some three and a half years ago in which I gave my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. Some two or three years previous to that time I was troub led most severely with sharp pains across the small of my back and other symptoms of kidney trouble. I had considerable experience with kidney remedies, but none of them proved of much account untill I got. Doan's Kidney Pills. fTwo boxes of them positively relieved me of all suffering. I Haye had but verp little trouble with my back or kidneys since. I have spoken many good words for Doan's Kidney Pills and will al ways recommend them. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mi lburn com pany, Buffalo, N. Y.. sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. I ----- - I @ PUESLEY JOTTINGS. @ I ! @ Jack Frost visited this section Saturday and Sunday but no ser ious damage was done. Elders Ira C. Moore, of Bar raekville, and Coino I). More, of Parkersburg, were recent visitors of their parental homestead while enroute to Ohio and Wetzel counties respect ivolv. Master Frank, of HartfonK ltv. was a Sunday guest ot friends here. John Shriver, Jr., was a guest of his uncle, David Moore, Sunday. Miss Sherley Moore is the guest of relatives at Friendly for a few days. Win. Everly, of Chester, was the Sunday guest of his daughter Mrs. Jonathan More. Frank Garman of Jackson coun ty. has been visiting relatives here and at Next, and his cister. .Mrs. Thomas Grimm, of Mendofa, dur ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Moore were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fish. Dr.Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic There is not a woman in this land but at some time in her life would have been better for the use of this tonic. For diseases pe culiar to women a better remedy is not made. It enters the circula tion, building up the tissues that have wasted, making pure, rich blood. For weak, nervous people, pimples, pale or fleshless people, it will make strong, steady nerves, clear the complexion and produce good, solid flesh. Druggists sell it for 75 cents per box. To be taken after meals. Made ov Dr. Bosanko Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Arthur Corbitt. I.peciid of flit* Ontrlrn. Anion}: the Arabs there is a curious legend l?> Account for t !i?? ostrich's resi dence in the desert. "On a certain day appointed." so the story runs, "ail ere ated ? icings met together t ? decide r.p on their respective order a in I prece i einv. All vent m.j:: ?lhiy until tlie on 'rich, j ? I? .dirg its inability -to fly. ? lis owned the i and claimed to take rank with the utanji;<.ils. These, how ever, would have nothing t<? say t ? a creature el ?t!:?*d not Willi fur. hut with feathers, wiiiie tin* birds. when the os trich went dejectedly l.'ack. repudiate ] it als ? trait:. r t ? it * race. Hut the >St rich ' ! : e.;l!;i| !<? t 1j?* occasion and cchired iljat.. being neither nwr.n u.,1 i ll* l?ir J. i* mrst l.c an angel. .\i this ail the ?;*.!:? r ;:iii:i:als indignantly rush e.I i'|n?u l ???? ?;stri?*h ?: :i? * ?>e it lief. ire :heni int ? tl.e desert. whe.v it has livi*d in s>Ii::< Je e\cr since, willi no one t'j contradict it." A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wain wright of Lemon City, Fla., has written the manu facturers that much better re sults are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in th#? stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in wa ter as hot as can be drank. That sriien taken in this way the effect ss double in rapidity. "It seems :o get at the right spot instantly," ie says. For sale by Hill Bros. f a o c M X ct < 0 I Laundry Work That the general public may have more than one week in which to appreciate the ex cellence of our work, we hereby state that we will launder your ?ts, Collars & Cuffs ^FREE^s* from all impuritiese for ONE YEAR or longer, charging only our regular prices therefor. CJive us a trial ord^r. Postal or telephone. EUREKA STEAM LAUNDRY HARNESS Special CO Something New! ? A combination g Top Buggy & w Stick Seat ? Runabout Jj! Only $50 o W.H.Noll J. Sons WAGONS You Need Not I N Get Your Fingers "all stuck up" with dough! The Universal Thivy Minute Jiread Maker is so simple in con Lstraction that the housekeepers first thought is that the claims j made for it are extravagant, but | a trial will remove all doubts. No housekeeper, who has one<? used it. will ever be content to go back to the old, laborious way of inak I mg bread by hand. The reason adle price at which it is sol J places it within the reach of every fam V Any one who wishes to try it ean, and if not found satisfactory can be returned and money will be refunded. For Sale By The Durham Hard | ware Co. noticeT We want every man and women In the United States Interested In the enre o! Opium. Whiskey or other drug ha bit*, either for themselves or friends, to haft one of Dr. Wool ley's books on these dl* pases. Write Dr. B. M. W oolley, Atlanta Ga., Box 287, and one win he s*nt jron free .