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All Well Bred People Use Wheeling Bakery Bread. That is the reason we have such a large trade on this Bread. It comes in the following: JUBILEE, SWEET HOME, RYE, GRAHAM, % HEAKTII, LOAFA, GLUTEN, RAISEN. And the Famous "Tenia," which cannot be beat in the world. That's saying something. But we have the proof. L. L. FRANTZ "THK I. FADING GROCER' | 316 Diamond ^t., Sistersville, W. Va. *********** *********#******??*****? ! .THE... CONSERVATIVE INVESTOR ?w I : Should always make his wants known to us. We can supply him with gilt-edged bonds or other choice investments to net 4, 5 or 6 per cent. TYLER COUNTY BANK 0 Sistersville, W. Va. Ffsk's Corner It is about time for Singer agents to appear in the country selling Singer sewing machines at fabulous prices. I offer the same machine at $18.50 to $24.80. I hope no lady in this county will buy before consulting me. I am not selling machines on commis sion. The agent is, and you need not forget he is going to make you pay all his bills, besides he can repair and make as good as new any machine in this county. Don't trade off the old machine until you .consult me. L. L FISK 401 Diamond Street, Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines. *OR STYLE AND SERVICE BUY THE TRAVELLER. | Black vici shoes.... $3.50 1 Black vici Oxfords $3.50 j Black velour calf shoe $3.50! Black velour calf Oxfords. .$3.50 Tan Russian shoe $3.50 Tan Russian Oxford $3.50 Tan Russian Oxford $3.50 Patent kid shoe $3.50 Patent kid Oxford $3.50 Any man that appreciates a jtood shoe can't afford to miss see ing this line. Kotzebue & Murrey The Shoe Sellers, 623 Wells St. SERPENT EATING SNAKE. A VenomouN Kept lie Tlint Will Al tiu-U Man or Beaxt. The serpent rating sujike, or king of serpents (Ophiophagus elapst found in Burma, is among the most interesting of our venoiihuis snakes and tlie only really aggressive member of tiie ophid ians. readily attacking any man or animal that happens its way. The female is especially irritable during the season of i:. iitication. and an adult snake attains a length of from twelve to fifteen feet, is superlatively swift and active and possesses a poison fang three inches in length and charg ed with a very powerful venom. It will be admitted that Opliiophagus claps. Xaia bungarus or serpen tivore. as it is also called, is a foe that had better be avoided. While being neither an arlwreal nor a water snake, the Ophiophagus claps climbs trees with facility and takes to water readily, swimming with great ease and skill. Its poison is as deadly in its effect as that of the lesser hooded snake (the Ophiophagus chips also car ries a lioodi. the cobra, but it is believ ed that the action of the venom is not quite so rapid. The shortest period within which it proved fatal to a fowl was -fourteen minutes, while a dog expired in two hours and eighteen minutes. Nichol son relates an account of an elephant which succumbed to a bite in three hours.? Atnrita Patrika. Dlirooraced. Dyer? Ferris has sold his automo bile. Duell? What for? Dyer? He had it six months and only ran over one dog.? Tarrytown (X. Y.) News. The Rent Was Ea?f. Sympathizing Friend? Tommy, did the tooth come out hard? Tommy? N-no, ma'am; not after the dentist got it started.? Chicago Trib une. | Why Suffer From Rheumatism? [ Why suffer from rheumatism j when one application of Chamber lain 's Pain Balm will relieve the pain? The quick relief which this liniment affords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hopmg only for a short relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief becomes permanent. Mrs. V. H. Leggett of Yum Yum, Tenn., U. S. A., writes: "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by HiU Bros. BREAKING THE NEWS It was a ditticult situation. To be sure, Marcella bad not actually flirted with Ackley Henderson. Sue refused to Include the verb In her well bred vo cabulary, but thpn? Men are so queer, so apt to think that one means things when really one is actuated only by ordinary courtesy aud the gayety of the moment and cheer fulness toward the world in general. When a man calls very regularly, is that any reason why a girl should con sider him in love with her? It would be abominable conceit, Marcella as sured herself indignantly as she twist ed up her hair. Why, dozens of men had called on her in the last five years, and only three or four had asked her to marry them. Each of these men had seemed surprised when she refused. Therefore why should she worry for fear Ackley Henderson would take it badly and think himself ill treated when he learned she was engaged to an eastern man? The wedding was set for June, and Marcella felt that she must break the news. She told herself that she would do it that very evening and was surprised to find herself turn ing to lee at th^-Lli ought. She stared at Iky own face sternly in the glass. It was not that she had a lingering fear lest she eared for Ack loy_not a hit of It! The man down east had all her heart, but she did like Aekley Immensely In a friendly fash ion and dreaded his displeasure. .Tu4t why should she think he cared for her? She demanded a reply as she fiercely searched for another shell hairpin. lie had never said anything, but then words were not always necessary. On ly a week ago, when she had been play ing at the piano, on turning suddenly she had caught his gaze fixed on her with such open tenderness that the blood had rushed to her face. lie had carried it off well by asking in the next breath some irrelevant question, but it had started her to thinking. Really it was too bad of Ackley. He was such a reserved, odd person that one never could tell -what he was going to do next. lie never confided in his friends, though apparently he was free and open. She scan-lied her memory sharply. Had she ever given him the slightest right to fancy she was especially at tracted by him? Of course she had been interested in his yachts and his theories on the proper way to drive a horse and his favorite books, but that was only what ordinary politeness call ed for. If one did not talk to a man about the tilings in which he was in terested. what 011 earth would become of conversation? Marcella jabbed in the last pin and straightened her side combs, and just then the bell rang. Heaving a long sigh, she went down to greet Ackley Henderson. He was so particularly happy and cheerful tonight that it made her task doubly hard. How should she begin? She could not plunge into the subject abruptly? she wanted to glide into it gracefully and by degrees-hut somehow she could not manage the con versation. And all the while Ackley sat beaming joyously at her. Marcella shivered. She wished she could remember a few times when she had been rude to him? the memory would brace her up-but there was j j nothing but unremitting and gracious | kindness on her part in the hateful j past. She wondered if he would tell her i what he thought of her when she told him of her engagement or whether lie would take It quietly and go away and brood over it. She didn't know which would be worse. She chattered fluently on everything ; j under the sun, but at last talk ran slow. Silence fell. Marcella felt it j was now or never. She leaned forward . | and fingered the paper cutter lying at | her hand and spoke in a low voice, j She did not look at him. "I'm going to tell you something. ? Ackley." she said. She could feel that | he was all attention instantly. "I? perhaps I should have told yon? told people some time ago. but I? well, I didn't. I? you've met Bob Van Puy ster of New York? I'm going to marry him in June." She ended with a rush. After an instant she raised her eyes ? bravely to meet his stricken face. Then j she stareil in blank amazement, for Ackley Henderson was smiling surpris- j edly. delightedly. j "Why. I'm greatly pleased." he cried j heartily. "I>e Puyster is a fine chap. I'm glad to herfr It. And I might as i well tell you there's a girl down in St. Louis that is going to be Mrs. Hender- j son next fall, and your profile and hers are identical. Every time I look at you I'm- reminded of her, though, of course. I ! you're not alike." Marcella was speechless. For one : mortal hour she had to sit and listen to ' the praises of another girl sung into her astonished and reluctant ears and smile as though she liked it. Her own engagement lie apparently dismissed from his mind. He was about the fur- i thest from a heartbroken man one would care to see. - i Yet when Marcella took down her 1 hair that night she broke three of the shell pins because she wa? thinking to hard and indignantly. Girls, there is no doubt, are queer.? Chicago News. ? What DM He ?Tom, dear," said the young wife six short weeks after the courtship game had remitted In a tie. It lan't a bit nlee to let business troubles worry you ao Boon after our marriage." 1 "I guess you're right," answered the husband abeently. "Tbey do Mem rather Insignificant now that I recall i our marriage.**? Detroit Tribune. SHORT STORIES. Slxtj per cent of the cadets at West Point are in Y. M. C. A. Bible classes. It is stated by experts in life insur ance that le s than 10 per cent of the policies issued are after the age of for ty. A project is under consideration to build a twenty mile automobile speed way from 50 to 100 feet wide in Mer cer county, N. J. It is reported that options on tlio necessary property have l>een obtained. * It is stated that by 1907 a channel 30 fec?t deep and 450 feet wide be tween Quebec and Montreal will be completed and that Montreal will then be in a position to comj>ete on equal term-, with ibe other great ports. According to the figures compiled by the VubKsl-.ers* Weekly, the number of new novels and volumes of stories pub lished in the United States in 10ri4 ?as 1,007. nearly 200 more th. n we e re corded in 1903. The number ot new editions of fiction published in the same period was 814. Canadian emigration agents in the United Slates expect a great increase in the* number of American farmers who will migrate to the Canadian northwest this year. Fully 60,000 per sons from the United States are expect ed to settle in the Dominion. Last year the number was 4T>,000. GERMAN GLEANINGS. The Berlin police authorities intend to take severe measures to suppress the practice of playing poker in public places. Plans have l>een accepted by the Berlin municipality for the building of two immense popular swimming baths for both sexes. W liite women are scarce in the Ger mr.n colonies. There are only 524 in east Africa and 229 in the German islands in the Pacific ocean. In Germany the number of servant girls wlu have savings bank accounts is nearly three tinier as large as that of shopgirls who have them. Professor Ilaeckel of Jena, the grgat German Darwinian, declares that the ! best Germans have been driven to the United States and that they have left behind a race of weaker men ami women. I There is a Difference. The difference between Kenne-i dy's Laxative Honey and Tar and all other cough syrups is that it moves the bowels, thus expelling a cold from the system. This re laxes the nerve tissues and by its healing and soothing effect on the throat and lungs the cough is re lieved ? cured entirely. Kenne dy's is the original laxative honey ; and tar. It contains no opiates. ! Good , alike for young and old. , Sold by Opera House Drug Store, j Economy. "You say you are economizing?" "Yes." "But you bought a twenty-five cent dgar." "That's true. But I was tempted to buy a fifty cent one. I have saved a quarter."? Washington Star. Taken Literally. Eager Mother? Has he expressed any admiration for you? The Daughter? No, but he said he'd I Jie for me. The Mother? Well, that's encourag- ! Ing.? Yonkers Hera id. Sore Care. "Doctor, I have terrible night mares." "Well?" "Well, what can I do to cure them?" "You might try sleeping days." ? Houston Post Cleared for Action. When the body is cleared for ac tion by Dr. King's New Life Pills you can tell it by the bloom of health on the cheeks; the bright ness of the eyse ; the firmness of i the flesh and muscles; the buoy ancy of the mind. Try them. At , D. A. Ilendershot's drug store, | 25*' _ - The Dlahcloth. This is a very homely subject, but one that is much neglected. In hot weather tbe dishcloth should have particular care. It should be i washed nnd scalded Just as carefully ! and as often as the dish towels. Have i two? one to wash china with, the other 1 for pans, etc. After using hang where ; they will dry quickly. Scald in hot i pearl ine water at least once during thn week. The horrid odor that clings to dishes I sometimes is yvholly due to foul and | bad smelling towels and dishcloths, j l>o keep them sweet and clean. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamber- j Iain's Cough Remedy, and want to ; say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated. For sale by Hill Bros. HIGHEST STANDARD THE WORLD OVER BREAKFAST "ON THElPlLLSBURY PLAN" n *? PILLS BUR YS IT OF THE A WHITE WHEAT" '000 OF ABSOLUTE PURITY ITS DELICATE NUT-FLAVOR SUITS PARTICULAR TASTE8 THE MEAT OF THE WHEAT STERILIZED-NO MORE, NO LESS IF YOUR GROCER CANNOT SUPPLY YOU SEND US HIS NAME AND ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co. Ltd., Minneapolis, Mi nruesota PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Fnnny Rice will play In Europe this summer. Clara Morris is playing an engage nient in vaudeville. George A?le ha$ written a comedy. "A Second Time on Earth." Amelia Bingham has been doing well with her new play on the road. Kate Denin Wilson has joined the cast of "A School For Husbands." The stock companies are growing in popularity, jndgiug by their increase. Giles Shine is playing Mr. Kuox in a revival of Holwrtsou's comedy. "School." In New York. Colonel Savage will produce an oper etta next season by John Kendrick Bangs aud Manuel Klein. Itegiuald De Koveu and Fmlerk ftnnken have entered a eontraet by which Mr. Itanken agrees to write only in collaboration with Mr.tDe Koven for the next rive years. The beloved old veteran of the stage. J. II. Stoddart, whose illness at Gait. Out., compelled him to give up the re mainder of his tour In "The Bonnie Brier Bush," continues to improve in ?health. Editor H<> otftce boy) ? Mr. Witt has called f ?r tin* jokes he left the other day. Have you seen them? ? Office Bi.v? No. sir. I read the:n. but I couldn't see 'em.? Judge. Ir:ij>nireil l>y Tort urr. "Isn't y >ur memory good?" thunder ed the lrrrvor "W-wt II," sfaintne-etl the witness, '"not when I'n on tiie witness stand."? New Yorl: Pr. <s. r?o I'olnt to I'hfm DR. J. R FINK, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN "I'hone 189L. McCoach Bldg. Sistersville, W. Va. will respo d ti out-of-town call* or be la office aurday by APPOINTMENT ON.Y. Treatment* given at Residence if desired. HA% FEVER Dr. Osier says: ' In the etlmology of haf fever th*>e three elements prevail? ? nervous con stitution, an Irritable nasal mucosa, and lb? { stimulus " <* hy chsnge climate when ? all paced vertebra of the neck or a rib Is cauatnjr < the trouble? Fix the* banes, then vou will have no nervousness or Irritable nasi! mucosa, and then the poll n of plant* will sot stimu late or affect ywu >ny moi> than it doesthoM who have no hay fever. ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING. i The Daily Review has during the past week received several hundred dollars worth of new job^ ; type of the latest and neatest pat terns, and is now thoroughly equipped for turning out the best possible job printing in the most artistic and up-to-date styles. The book bindery has also been improved, and we have every facility for making books, rebind ing old books, binding magazines, etc. Our prices are reasonable; our work unexcelled. Telephone ?ii tersville Daily Review, No. 01-2, and our representative will call cn you. Mm?THtMmininnmminMMHiniiiniiWBHnmmMiiiiiiiiii I First National Bank i Of Sistersville, W. Va. We ask for new acoounts because we are capable ef ren i dering the best banking services and accommodations, and be cause we offer that high measure of security that appeals to the prudent and conservative people of this communitj. ' ' /i We invite your considers two as s desirable bank is whieh to have an account. Four per cent interest is allowed on time deposits. CspitsL $100,000. Surplus, $50,000. HiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiisiwmmMiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiimB . ? I