Newspaper Page Text
AUCTION OF THOMAS' JEWELRY STORE, Sistcrsville. West Va. V _ I am preparing to leave Sistersville and will open up a jewelry store in Anniston, Alabama, about July 1st. Instead of incurring the expense of moving my stock from this store, I have decided to close it out at Auction Sale, consisting of Watches, Diamonds, Rings, Pins, Lockets, Chains, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Umbrellas, Cut Glass, Hand-Painted China, Art Goods, Etc., Etc., ? will be disposed of in this manner, commencing TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1905 ? ?? l/? nmaivii tho Camf and continuing twofweeks or until I have disposed of my entire stock. . ommencing ? w ? - j ...... , This is a bona-fide sale, nothing reserved, as I have leased my room and have made all arrangements to occupy the same on or about July 1st. This is an opportu nity to purchase jewelry at your own price, as it is cheaper to move the money than the goods. My stock is well known to be high class, and the best and most up-to-date line that has ever been carried in Sistersville. Not a dollar's worth of old shelf worn goods, all new, up-to-date and desirable merchandise. Two Sales Daily, Afternoon and Evening. Remember the Date, Tuesday, May 23rd. Ist PF"! ?& i ! ? ? J ! ! Abncr Thomas JEWELER *???????????????? ??????? ???? Peoples National Bank Building. Sistersville, W. Va. Reymann's Bottled Beer Pint Bottles 5c I 4 Dozen Pints 60c Delivered to all parts of the city. Cafe Brunswick J 308-310 Diamond 8t., J. S. HOCKINBERRY, PROPRIETOR. SmniiiiiniinnHnnninnga Home made Pies and the Best Coffee on Earth The More You Eat the More You Want at the .PHOENIX.. A1 Leasure, Prop. JFoIey's tioney Tat SuLssribc to to EevioK, ] Terrific Race With Death. "Death was fast approaching,' ' writes Ralph F. Fernandez of Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, "as a result of liver trouble and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest in life. I had tried many different doctors and sev-i eral medicines, but got no benefit, J until I began to use Electric Bit-; ters. So wonderful was their effect that in three days I felt like a new man, and today I am cure'd of all my- troubles." Guaranteed at D. A. Hendershot's drug store; price i)(y. .-Cyll*h Shirt W'nlnt. There Is a certain style about the shirt waist that is tucked at the shoul ders which renders it eminently de sirable for all to whom It Is becoming This one Includes also the very latest sleeves that are tucked above the EMBROIDERED MADRAS. straight cuffs and is smart in the ex- 1 trenie. Madras, linen, lawn, dimity and all the lone list of shirting ma terials are desirable, but in this in stance white madras embroidered in rim; dots Is shown with tie and stock of the sauie. finished by a little turn over collar of embroidery. The waist is made with a wide box plait at the front and back that extends well over the shoulders, while the sleeves are full ::t the UMpev edges. giving The broad ' line of the season. For a v4M:an of. uu-Hum siap the waist wiil require three an J sewu-e'.glrhs yards o." u..: e rial twenty-one or twenty seven or tw? vnr-N for'r four Indies wide. ?V'vh -at e'*+" i.' ?* . ./? ? ? FOR THE HOUSEWIFE Care of the Feet. The feet must be considered in house work. Long walks are not as hard for Ih'Mii as die hours spout in standing at the sink, the table, the stove. They, are inclined to swell, ache, and in the -end corns, bunion - and ingrowing nails are (lie sorry results, A hot footbath at night wards oil many an ache. A !d to a bowl of water a tablcsponnful of baking soda, and the relief is wouderfMl. When there are symptoms <>f corns apply a little vaseline to 1 1 :? ? .-yr.tptom daily, rubbing it in. The symptoai, as you know, is a small callous spot. ' If the feet are inclined to perspire unduly bathe them occasionally with alcohol. This is restful besides. Choose easy but not slnuchy shoes for the house. The heels should be low. and you should force yourself to tread these firmly. 1k? not let die feet roll to the side when standing. Crcmiu'd I)n miction*). Pick the leaves from the stems and drop into iced water. Take them up l?v the handful dripping wot and put, wth no other water, into the inner vessel of a farina boiler. Kill the outer kettle with boiling water, cover the inner closely and cook fast f?n- half an hour. Hub the leaves through a vegetable press or a co'-indor in'o a saucepan. Heat iu a tablcspo infill of butter* a teaspoonful of sugar, salt and pepper to taste, a teaspoonful of lemon juiee and at the last three tablesp?H>nl'iiis of hot cream to which has Iwen added a pinch of soda. Stir until smoking hot over the fire, turn out into a heated dish, garnish with sippets of fried bread and serve. HomeniniiC fbilH Soap. A delightfully pure toilet soap is made in this way: Add to one Quart of pure olive oil three pints of boiling water, in which four teaspooufuhf of refined potash have been dissolved. Have.4he oil at the boiling point in a porcelain ijned kettle before the jiotash water Is added, then cook and stir with | a wooden sjioon until a little dropped on a cold plate will thicken like jelly. Take care that the soap does not boil over, as It is very apt to do if left , alone. When nearly hard add a little scented eil, verliena, lavender or rose, then pour Into molds to harden. When bard take out and pack whtre it will drv and season. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as blind, bleeding or pro-) trading piles, are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Reraerv. Stops! itching, and bleeding. Absorbs] tumors, 50 cent* ? jar, at drug gists, or sent by mail. Treatise | free. Write me about your case. Dr. Bosanko, Phila, Pa 3,13-lyr] For sale bv Arthur ?orbitt .t Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they can 'not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the eusta-j chian tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dol lars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free, i F. J. CHENEY & CO., I Toledo, 0. I Sold by druggists, 75c. j Take' Hall's Family Pills for | constipation. New Terror For Foarili. Such is the degree of personal liber ty hi this great republic tbat a man liiay niAhufacture \?hnt he will, exempt distilled spirits, and In some states cigarette. even to instruments for the forture of his fellow citizens. Thus the head of the physics department of Lehigh university, evidently with in Mii lo the increasing baud of millionaires. has {n venial :i;^ wj|l put ou il*c Four tti *?f Jiiij* iMWrkel u OAunoli whi.1i may l?e fired .i.ofifl ii cost of hut a cents. , A peculiarity of the instrument is that however Acute may be the suiTerings of those who <-;tnnot ppt beyond i?*<b of the sound, the boy who doe* the tiring Is in no . anger of death or injnvv wve at tlie hands ??f the distracted neighbors.? j riiiladeiphia I.<?dger. Th" Traveler. The panic of traveler can be play*! by auy uumber of persous, one of Uijoiu represents a traveler. The o til ers are numbered, and each receives several counters or bits of paj>er l>ear ing his number. The traveler then a.-ks them in order for any informa tion he chooses about the places to ?vliich he is g>ing. As soon as he giveu some that fc* correct he takes a counter from whoever gives it and asks the next player a different ques ti m. After a *i>edfied time or number of rounds the traveler examines the enflnters in his possession, *nd the frtayer who gave him moat information t*y?>n>es traveler in his turn. j VACATION DAYS Have you began to figure on when you are going to take your j vacation, aud what a good time you expect to have? ? Why don't you also figure on bringing your visit home with you to be enjoy ed over and over again. | THE ONLY WAY? Take a ko dak with you; buy it now and get familiar with it. We instruct all | purchasers how to use the kodak ito get the best results, and it might also be a good idea to have some new photos taken of you* self to take along. You all know the kind we make. A pleasure to give to or receive from a friend. Prices as reasonable as first-class photos can be produced. A full line of photographic goods for sale. Finishing for amateur pho tographers. KERR'S NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO 601 Wells Street. 'Pbooe 39, JOHN PAUL JONES. I A BfitUk View mi tVe H?r* ?f tH# Ronhomnif Rlrhard. ioliii t'aUl, the Kirkcudbright market gat'deijer'rf sou, who elected to be fa mous a* -Pittli Jones. hag loug ceased to be the Interesting personage he wa? In the even of the navSl snthorlties of this country when. In commSbd of a rotten ex-East India man known as the Due de Pnras and recbrlstyied the B03 homme Richard, lie wfl sboly terror In the flrth of Forth and when he had engaged aud captured t British frigs t? In British waters after otf^of the'm^H singular sea combats on reehHI. Jhe some time "blarkbiWer" . and smuggler whom the Bussisn tntb*rine decorated and advanced sometffca^ per safturu to the grade of admiral a traitor. of course, in the view of iV British government, but none the les/ a thnrrmch seaman of quite unusual talent trad originality, with a bulldog courage and tenacity to match. The Captain So&es. too. who sent Lady Sel kirk back her [date, with his compli ments. bad* the instincts of a gentle man. Sforr than the other countries be served, America has recognized his Are You Musical? Do you Sing or Play? If so, watch this ad. Here are a few of the latest and best hits: Back, Back to Baltimore. When the Moon Is Shining On t' e Kiver. In the Shale Of the Old Appl? Tree. Where the Southern Roses Grow. Knights and La'ie* Waltzes. Indian Lovrrs Grenade. Yankee Girl Two Step. St Louis Rag. Single copies, 22 cents post paid ; 5 copies |1. Vol. 1 of 0 d Time Songi mailed free with every order for two or more nongs ; send stamps. Let us mail yon a description of our hYM PHONY PIANO, made for u* by an old and reliable t asterc manufacturer with an action and tone that we could not duplicate ?'n any other., make for lees than $300. Dark mahogany case, a 1 the lateu improvements, fully guaranteed for ten years; a guorartee that means your money back if not ?> represented; out priee $l*>7 5O $47 50 fur a fine cabinet organ, oak orwJnot; thin rm a^s the old 1 enable Carpenter organ we have been handling for 2o years ; other dealers sell them from $76 to tloo. shipped on approval ; freight paid 1. to any railroad ptation, write us, #e wi 1 tel you ho* we do it. WILSON'S MUSIC STORE, 514 Seventh Street, Moundsville, :: W. Va. i ARTISTIC JOB PRINTING. The Daily Review has daring the past week received several hundred dollars worth of new job I type dt lfcteit and nealesi p&i ? terns, and & now thorougnly equipped for tufmA? mrt the best possible job printing hi the most artistic and up-to-date styles. The book bindery has also been improved, and we have every facility for making books, rebind old books, binding magazines, etc. Our prices are reasonable; our work unexcelled. Telephone Sis terrolle Daily Review, No. ?1-2, and our representative will call cn tc*- JL