Local News ?
Frank Kuene made a business
trip to-day to Smithfield.
1 Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Sybert spent
the day with relatives at Marietta.
FOR SALE ? Five room house,
112 Williamson place. Inquire on
Hon. St* 1 mon Wells, of Long
'Jieach, was a business caller in the
lLity last evening.
* \ T
Miss Helen Kirtland, of Fair
^ m.rnt, W. Va., is the guest of Miss
^^Sarah Agnew, at the Hotel Wells. I
^FOli SALE OR RENT? Six room
house, good location. W. E.
Dr. E. M. Sellers, of St. Marys,
was a professional caller in the ,
city last evening.
?T. O. llindinaii, Superintendent!
of the Greenville Oil Company,
left for Mannington this morning.
The M. A. Sybert Grocery Co. |
are agents for the celebrated Jer
sey Cream Cheese.
The Virginia is due to arrive
here at ti o'clock this evening en
route to Pittsburgh.
J. S. Pierpont passed through
the city 1,-ist evening on his way
home to .Johnstown, 0.
4 .Mrs. Frank Dunlap left this af
>iernon on a visit of ten days to
her former homes at Marietta and
Cambridge, Ohio.
..FOR RENT ? Three unfurnished
rooms over Black's grocery corner
McCoy and Catherine streets.
-7. H. Caldwell, who lias been |
in the eitv for a few davs looking
% ? I
after his oil interests, left for his
home this morning at Meadville. j
Pa' |
While a bilious attack is decid-j
ediy unpleasant it is quickly over
when Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets are used. For sale
by Hill Bros.
Frank Dunlap left to-day for;
Canton. 0., to attend the conven
tion of traveling men of Ohio,
which will convene at Canton to
morrow morning. j
i ~ ~
Don't fail to see the large cheese
ou exhibition in front of flu* Sy
bert Grocery Co's store. It is the
largest cheese ever seen inthisj
M. A. Sybert, George M. Stewart
and Henry Fischer met the Cleve
land delegation at New Martins,
ville this morning and accompan
ied them to this city.
The Virginia Club gave a very j
enjoyable informal dance at the
Armory. The full Auditorium
orchestro furnished the music for
the dance numbers.
A summer man and maiden,
A clear blue sky,
Tfce man endeavoring
Her shoe to tie.
Man proposes.
Maid gives happy siirli:
Uirls. when you wish to hurry
Ask at Stewart's for GORDON
DYE hosiery.
Mrs. John *1. Rea, of CMarington
Ohio, paid her husband a short vis
it, arriving in (he city yesterday
afternoon and returning home to
Absolutely Pure
t has ifo wssrmnr
? Hair Vigor. Ask your
neighbors about it. One will
say, "It restored color to my
gray hair." Another, "Checked
my failing hair." Another, "A
J. C. Art Co.,
Lowell. Mm*.
day. Mr. ftea has the contract of
erecting the large business block
of Mrs. Charles "i ''is i?* :t1 tin* cor
ner of Wells and Charles streets.
Sheriff II. B. Shriver, of Middle
bourne, was in the city to-day.
Brinkmier's studio artists are
exceedingly busy, but still make
the best photos for 7~> cents.
L. A. "Witten, merchant *of Mil
ler's Run, Ohio, was a business
caller in t lie city to-day.
i ? ? ? ~
A. J. Jemison and J. W. Swan,
local oil operators of Middlebour
ne. were in the city last evening.
F. 1). McCoy returned last even-,
ling from Meadville, where he is ?
interested in valuable oil proper
Mr. Moses, rig contractor, pass
ed through the city last evening
on his way to his home at Mar- 1
Mrs. L. L. Fisk and children
have gone to AVilliamsport, Pa., to
attend the funeral of Mi-. Fisk 's
J. K. Hill, of Waterford, 0.,
passed through the city last even
ing en route to the interior of
the country.
The city schools will close to- 1
morrow for the present term. The !
children will have a vacation of
three months.
W. E. Kirchner and father of
Middlebourne, passed through the
city yesterday afternoon en-route
to Parkersburg.
The Kindergarten, which has
been conducted by Miss Agnes/i
Kelly, is closed on account of the I
illness of the teacher.
~ 7~ ~ !
The lluckcnshinc business block
is rapidly nearing completion. It'
is a hanm'lsome building and adds J
materially to that portion of the
eity. ' %
Rev. A. S. Ke'ly returned last
evening from Clavsville I'ji .. where
he 1 1 s i < 1 been in attendance at the
scmi-anual Sunday School eonven- j
t ion of the Baptist cliurcli.
F< SALE ? Confectionary and.
Ice Cream business. Fine f'urni
1 ure and fixtures. Soda fountain!
Milk route in connection. A bar-]
j;ain for quick purchaser. J. i
Fred Xeil. Licensed Real Estate
Agent. Wells building.
As a result of tin* wickets hav
ing been raised at Davis Island
dam. tiie river is fallinu all along I
the line, the 7 o'clock marks at
Wheeling this morning beimr sev
en feet. Tour inches, with a decid
ed tendency to go lower.
Miss Sara Agnew was enter
taining: the Bachelors Girls' Club
at the Hotel Wells thi^ afternoon
when the Review went to press.
The attendance of the members
was unusually large and a number
of visitors were in attendance.
i The Cincinnati Judge who was
j unable to tell which of the twins
(before him was guiltv of crime
and placed the responsibility on a
| relative who looked like them
both unwound a bad tangle, but
lie will never be justly accused of
? exercising a judgment equal to
! that of Solomon.
| When an officer of the army is
shot down iu a sham battle, and
[the suspicion is attached that the
i bullet was fired by one of his own
I men. the other statement that it
J was intended for another officer
j should be added evidence that
J someone in that command merits
?the most severe punishment.
Among the new books ? "The
Purple Parasol." by George B.
j McCutehen. author of "Beverly of
Graustark," etc. With illustra
tions by Harrison Fisher. Con
j stance Trescott, by Dr. S. Wier
I Mitchell, Rose of the World, by
Agness and Egerton Castle. The
Fugitive Blacksmith, by Chas D.
Stewart. Sandy, by Alice Hegan
Rice. All handsomely bound.
Call and see for yourself. JlcCoy's
Book Store.
The handsome packet Jarrett
*. v.i ; v ?. ? .-".J "? . v V
Don't Be
? I
The large wheel in front of our j
store is not a grindstone, "but one \
of those delicious Wisconsin !
?Sweitzer Cheeses which lias caus- !
cd so much talk from a cheese
standpoint, f This monster cheese!
weighs 208 lbs., and will last usil
just about one week.
We are acknowledged ?lie lead-!
ing cheese house in this section of
of the country. Our Wheel Wis
cousin cheese is better than lots of j
the imported stuff which sells i
from 3f> to 40 cents per pound.
Our Price per pound, 22 cents. I
Have you .tried our Jersey
brand of Cream Cheese?
The new Cheese is in and they
are finer than silk. We "Have sold j
as high as three in one day.
A pound, 20 cents.
M. A. Sybert Grocery Co;
'Phone 88.
has been placed in t lie Sistersville
Matamoras trade. The swift lit-!
tie craft is in command of Capt.,
?I. Jarrett Itea. Following: is the
schedule: Boat will leave here at
0:30 'and 1 <> :?>< > a. m., 1 :30 and
4:30 j). in. On Sundays the sched
ule for leaving will he 8:30 a. m.
1 :30 and 4:30 p. ni. Special rates
to excursion parties.
The Wheeling Board of Trade
mom will he used June 2<>th as the
place for perfecting an organiza
tion to the State Hoard of Trade.
Delegates will he sent to Wheeling
at the time and Sistersville should
have a good representafftn.
Apple orchards in many sections
of the country are suffering se
verely just at present from the
ravages of a small' worm which
has appeared by the million and
are stripping the trees of .their
foliage. The worm is about an
inch in length, and blacl? in hue:
it seems to confine its attacks to
apple trees ? other fruit trees be
ing unharmed. The trees, after
the worm has attacked them pre
sent a brown and dead appearance
such as the assume in the fall. The
farmers are attempting to remedy
matters by spraying, but it re
mains to he seen whether or not
this remedy will put a" stop to the
Dear Madam:
Thre was a time when your
children came home from the
school with holes in their stock
ings and their poor little feet all
stained from the dye of their
hosiery, lfave you evecr stop
ped and thought. Madam, what
changes have been brought forth
in a few years ?For IT cents you
can now purchase at Stewart's
a pair of Ilercules School Hose.
A trial of them will show you
how American labor has done
away with these deficiencies.
Yours Trulv.
Hercules School I lose' and Gor
don Dye Hosiery for sale only
4 Times 4 Makes 16
Same figures, but you get twice the result handling 'em
our way.
Get twice the results out of the
figures that other brands of
clothes do. They're made so
cleverly and shaged so smartly
that the young fellows who
wear 'em have all the style ad
vantages a custom-tailor gives
at half what a merchant tailor
College Brand Clothes
$ 1 0 to $20.
Copyright 1905
E. B. Co., N.Y.
Boys' and Children's Clothing
We devote as much time and attention to this depart
ment as we do to our young men's, thereby assuring you
that what we offer you, for your boy will be absolutely cor
rect both in style and price. Suits from $2.50 to $6.00.
STRAW, Soft and Stiff Hats for Spring and Summer now ready
i ?
It Pays to Talk With Us*
Strictly One Price
I E. Stewart & Co. I
H i
H I,
H -- S
! Honest
? *
1 Merchandise
Brown, Green and Blue, made with large
leg-o-mutton sleeves, tucked waist and skirt,
French seamed throughout, Skirt full 4 1-2.
yards around the bottom, for this week price
Special offerings in our Millinery, Dress
Goods, White Goods, Lace . Curtains and Skirt
Department. It costs you nothing to investi
"This Store Stands for Quality and Price."
Agents lor Butterick Patterns.