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ABIES Many homes are mot lonely abode* oecause no children are there. Barrenness ex ? iats in almost every case because female diseases hare paralyzed the organs of -womanhood. Wine of Cardni imparts health and strength to the diseased parts and makes motherhood possible in thousands of cases where to WlM<Cardui relate, flow and also prevents miscarriage and cures bearing down J*^s. Wine of Cardni removes the cause of barrenness by making the female 0r8UTo HSr .retire a II .00 bottle cf Win. of The use of Wine of Cardni will bring happiness to your home. In cases requiring special directions, address, ft1?1? symptoms, ^The Ladies' Advisory Department. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tennessee. Amxthtst, Colo., Feb. 24, 1902. Wine of Cardni is worth its weight in gold. It does mortthM But ant, Va., Feb. 18, 1902. . My daughter-in-law, Lizzie Giles. found j?? Cardui. She Lad a miscamage i^March 1901, before g y ^ irinp She was in very bad health, so I persuaded her y ,, &i.sMn^e has had a fine ba'by b? r. Soon he will be three weeks old. She highly recommends Wine oftardui. My daughter, Fannie Hudson, also has a fine baby Doy oj j treatment. She highly appreciates Wmy>R3arLoljlSA GILES. WINECARDUI mil | Undertaking~?E,mbalming W. F. RICE I SON EVERYTHING IN THE LINE OF FUNERAL FURNISH INGS. CALLS ANSWERED DAY OR NIGHT, REGARDLESS OF DISTANCE. PABLORS, CHAPEL AND MORGUE, 602 WELLS IT. A. M RICE, LICENSED EMBALMEB. Bell Phone 14R. mttmxxmtumttntn PLACING FIRE INSURANCE In some companies is like keeping your valuables in a paste board box instead of a modern safe, when you can have the choice of either at the same price. x As all fire insurance companies charge the same rate, you should make sure that you 'have the strongest company ob tainable for the rate you pay. I represent twenty of the LARGEST tire companies in the world, forming the strongest aggregate of companies every combined in one agency. The Largest Agency in West ? Virginia. The Only Exclusive Agency in Tyler County. INSURE IN AN AMERICAN COMPANY. 8 J. FRED NEILL, , Wells Building. Sistersville, W. Va. Paint! Paint! Paint! The name John W. Masury on a can of mixed paint, is a guarantee that you are getting the best prepaired paint made. We are instructed by the man ufaturer to guarantee every gallon Jo wear five years when properly applied. Ask for color card. Tyler County Hardware Co. 621 Wells Street. w*> UUSI NESS COLLECE Gives a training that turns unused talent into a money ma!:ing power. Does it quickly, thoroughly, cheaply. Full and complete courses in BOOK KEEPING. PENMANSHIP. TELEG RAPHY. SHORTHAND and TYPE ? WRITING. $110 pays tuition, board and room-rent for five months. Skilled teachers. Large attendance. Healthful study halls and recitation room*. Modern and convenient furniture. The M. S. B. C. has a National reputation and its graduates are sought after by business men everywhere. Now fs the best time to begin a course. No vacation. Individualinstruction. Our new. Art Catalogue can be had for the asking. Address, A. G. SINE, President, PARKERSBURG, WEST VA DA"" NEW ORLEANS Chicago and Florida Special FLORIDA LIMITED AND SOUTHERN RAILWAY .THROUGH PULLMAN SERVICE PROM CHICAGO AND CLEVE LAND, BIQ POUR ROUTE; DETROIT AND TOLEDO, C H ft D AND PERB MARQUETTE SYSTEM; ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE, SOUTHERN RY.; TO JACKSONVILLE AND ST. AUGUSTINE. SOLID TRAINS CINCINNATI TO CHATTANOOGA, ATLANTA, BIRMING HAM ,SHREVEPORT, NEW ORLEANS,JACKSONV!LLE,ST.AUGUSTINE. Also Through Pullman Sorvico to Knoxvillo, Ashsvills, Savannah, Charleston. ? Dining and Observation Cars on All Through Trains. Winter Tourist and Variable Route Tickets an Sale at Reduced Rites. For Information addw W. W. DUN'XAVANT, Warren, Ohio. W. A. GARRETT. W. C RINEABSON, G?*r?l Oirral Pamrrpr Afrit. a ciwctstvati. FOR THE CHILDREN Who Stele Mother Goose's Hatf Here Is a good game to play, boys and girls. Let all who are going to play it sit in a circle. Cue girl who does not tajio part should whisper to all the player* various color* such as "blue cap.' "purple can," "fellow cap" and so on until every one has been given a name Then? ar.* tv > more players needed who do not sit in the circle. One i Mother Goose and the other Jaclv Sprat. Mother Goose hands her ^iat a tall, cone shaped one rolled oTlt o! blue paper? to Jack Sprat, saying t!.:i! it is a certain color? blue. f >r instance aiul telling li'm to keep it till she eonje = back. Then ;-he leaves (lie room. Jack hides the hat. Mother Goose, carrying a cane. comes into the room and says. "Jack Sprat please give me my hat." .Tack look:? as if he had forgotten al! about it and :viys: "Is it red?" "No." "Yellow?" "No." And so on until he says the right color? blue. Then hr ?ays. "I guess Hlue Tan stole it." Mother Goose ask? Blue Cap tf he stole it. and Itlue Cap says: "No. T guess Yellow Gap did." Poor Mother Goo:?e is awfully angry i>y this time and take-? her ea?e arid hits the hands of the player whom sh" asks. Tf any one whom Mother Goose asks ioes not name some one e!se and pick >;?.t a color that a player has been given he In-; t ? pay a forfeit. Or if any player tells where Mother Goose's hat is hidden he has to pay a forfeit. Jack Sprat sit last gets the hat and gives it to Mother Goose, and the game starts again. You should have some funny forfeits. You might make one ; taud in a corner. I o:* if it i* a boy make him sew. Tr?o uood to Wanfe. "But," asked the charitable woman, "do you never cast your bread upon the waters?" "Not now." replied the young house keeper proudly. "I might have done that with my first baking, but I'm quite expert now."? Philadelphia Ledg er. A Creeping Death. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully in ured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew out the poison, healed the wound, and saved his lief. Best in the world for burns and sores. 25^ at D. A. Render shot's drug store. Early Ki*era. A student of bird life who has been investigating the question as 10 the hour in summer when the commonest small birds wake up and begin to sing says that the greenfinch is the earliest: riser, as it sings about o'clock in the morning. The blackeap begins ill and the quail half an hour later. It is nearly 1 o'clock and the sun is well up before the first real songster appears? the merry blackbird. Then comes the thrush, followed by the robin and the wren, and, last, the house sparrow and the tomtit. Thus it will lie seen that the lark's reputation as an early riser is not de served? ii? fact, he is a very sluggard? for lie docs not rise until long after many hedgerow birds have been about for some time. Hot Weather Piles. Persons afflicted with piles should be careful at this season of the year. Hot weather and bad drinking water contribute to the conditions which make piles more painful and dangerous. DeWitt'sj Witch Hazel Salve stops the pain, draws out the soreness and cures, j Get the genuine, bearing the name : of E. C. DeWtt & Company. Sold i by Opera House Drug Store. I ' i How to Feril Corn to Horn. While the majority of farmers who j have a range for their hops during the | summer cut off the corn supply almost j entirely, it is questionable if this Is the best plan. On the other hand, it will not do to feed corn entirely. In feeding corn to pigs the best re- I , suits come when it is given to them : once a day if they have grass to run i on during the day or if they have skim milk or middlings once a day. Glu ten meal may take the place of the ' middlings if desired. It will do quite as much good and is cbeai>er. There is no question about the value i of torn at the fattening period, but mistakes are sometimes made here In ! feeding the hog too long? that is, after 1 | It has reached about the top notch for , j marker. Corn fed beyond that period I is simply wasted.? Farm Progress. Bilious Bill was getting bloated, And his tongue was muchly coat ed. Patent "tonics" wouldn't cure him, Companies would not insure him. All his friends were badly fright ened, But their spirits soon were light ened, For Bill said ? and they believed him, EARLY RISER pills relieved him. Sold by Opera House Drug Store. PEOPLE OF THE DAY ... - > Cnainal Bonor Fw ChMtc< Ambassador Joseph H. Choate, Uncle Sam's representative at the court of St. James since 1899, who J > to be succeed ed at that i?ost by Whiteiuw Il:?!d, has been accorded the honor of being elect ed master of the bench of the Middle Temple by the bar of England. This 1s the most distinguished bonor that the English lawyers can confer on an outsider, and it is the first time in sev- . eral generations that other than an English subject has been elected a bencher of the Middle Temple, one of the oldest inns of court In London. The action calls Mr. Choate to ths Eng lish bar and elects him a mrtnberof the governing body of the Middle Temple. ' Five signers of the Declaration of Independence were members of the middle temple. Since then not a sin- 1 gle American has been a meml>er. At a full meeting of templers Mr. Choate was elected unanimously on the proposal of Sir Italph Littler, chair- I man of the Middlesex quarter sessions, i When Mr. Choate's name was proposed another member moved that all stand- ! ing rules and orders be suspended, and the greatest enthusiasm was shown when the ambassador was elected by ; unanimous vote. So seriously did the lawyers take the j proposition of thus breaking the tem- j pie record that the matter was not even mentioned to Mr. Choate until after his election. Joseph II. Choate is a native of Mas sachusetts, a graduate of Harvard and was admitted to the bar of ids native state in 185."). The following year he settled iu New York and is now recog nized as one of the foremost lawyers in America. Mr. Choate is seventy three years old. Only Enough For One. Father Walters of Chicago, a very ! strong temperance advocate, tells the | following story on himself. He met j one of- his parishioners entering a sa- ; loon. "You are not going In there, are 1 you, Mike?" he asked. "Your rever ence, I am." "My brother," he said, 1 "do you know that th? devil is going In with you?" "Sure, then," was the reply, "he'll have to pay for his own drink, for I've only enough for one."? i Kansas City Journal. Henry Clay Friek of Pittsburg, multi millionaire steel magnate and long an associate of Andrew Carnegie, has de cided, it is rumored, to become a resi dent of New York city and get in line for the national political campaign. He has bought a house in New York and some days ago was heard to say that he would spend at least half his time in that city from now on. Those close to him say he long ago decided to make Ntyv York his home, and but for this would have accepted the treasury portfolio which President Roosevelt is said to have offered to him at the close of the last campaign. Mr. Friek, according to his friends, said he was not yet ready to take a JOSEPH H. CHOATE. Noted Steel Magnate. HENRI C. FBICK. plunge into politics openly. but he hop ed soon to l>e In a position to do so. Mr. Frick is a native of Pennsylva nia and Is fifty-six years old. He be gan business life as a clerk for hl? grandfather, a flour merchant and dls tiller, embarking later In the coke busi ness in a small way. Since 1897 he baa been chairman of the board of director? of the H. C. Frick Coke company, the largest coke producer In the world, op erating nearly 40,000 acres of coal land ? nd 12,000 coke ovens. During the famous strike at Home stead in 1892. in which Mr. Frick came I prominently into pnblic notice by his vigorous management of the affair, he was several times shot and stabbed by one of the strikers. Since 1892 be has been chairman of the board of man agers of the Carnegie Steel company. At present Mr. Frick is chairman of the committee of seven director* which is Investigating the management of the Equitable Life Assurance society. TEE PERFECT WAT. Scores of SistereviUe People Have Learned It. If you suffer from backache, There is only one way tp cure it. The perfect way is to cure the kidneys. _ A bad back means sick kidneys. Neglect it, urinary troudles fol low. Doan's Kidney Pills are made for kidneys only. G. W. Kennedy, retired mer chant of Front Street, Williams town. W. Va., says: "It affords me much pleasure to endorse the statement I gave some three and a half years ago in which I gave my experience with Doan's Kidney Pills. Some two or three years previous to that time I was troub led most severely with sharp pains across the small of my back and other symptoms of kidney trouble. I had considerable experience with kidney remedies, but none of them proved of much account untill I got Doan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of them positively relieved me of all suffering. I have had but verp little trouble with my back or kidneys since. I have spoken many good words for Doan's Kidney Pills and will al ways recommend them. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn com pany, Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name ? Doan's ? and take no other. Thrifty Wouian. "I've met the meanest woman ever," said the young woman who acts as waitress In an ice cream parlor. "8he ordered a dish of Ice cream, and when she had eaten of it either she was taken ill or she happened to remember an engagement, for she stopped eating very suddenly and asked me to give her one of the little paper boxes to carry t lie rest <>f the ice cream home. And ihe l ar.lest part of it was that the ho.-'s (old ine to give her one."? New York Press. tlr; S:i M i t v. "A great m.tiiv siuilen s of the dra ma seem to think that Hamlet was ac tually insane." said .Miss Tauipa. "I>> you think so, doctor?" ? Why, 1 snpp. s * so in a s >rt of a way. At l -ast nowadays any one who sj frankiy di>;cusscs his own shortcom ings is considered a fool. Hut eccen tricity Is more of a fad now than it was then." ? Cincinnati Commercial Trlbune. Carried Away. Jack? Yes, 1 Lad a little balance In | the bank, but I became engaged two I months ago, ami now? Tom? Ah, love makes the world go ' round. Jack? Yea, but I didn't think It would | go round so fast as to cause me to lose ! my balance.? Philadelphia Ledger. Dr.Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic There is not a woman in this land but at some time in her life would have been better for the use of this tonic. For diseases pe culiar to women a better remedy is not made. It enters the circula tion, building up the tissues that have wasted, making pure, rich 1 blood. For weak, nervous people, | pimples, pale or flcshless people, it will make strong, steady nerves, ; clear the complexion and produce . good, solid flesh. Druggists sell it for 75 cents per box. To be taken after meals. Made ov Dr. Bosanko Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Arthur Corbitt. Why He Wan ( niiffht. ' I uotiee." naM tin* tired citizen, "th;i a man was arrested yesterday in .\>.v York f. ?r stealing a 1!'> pound c!o< k :: | brrtad dayliga;. He wan earryiu^ ih ? ?,:o ?!: ui: !c/ hi ; ?oat whtu a pollce s alien i >n was ntrra !<? I t > I ? im ??pro! ably 'b.? :g!:t h<? wa< taking to mu? ii to get a.vay'? begaV the ! <-het*rful iiiiot. liar e.rryhody le.'t the r.? ?m.? I5a*ti more American. i nrf'ftieiil. Mrs. .Vex?Io;#c~ Of course my ilaugh i ter |'I the :.i.ui > very well by ea\ us : h w..u t ? tnke le soil* fran a I eg |?r./ e sar. Mr-. l c :*c That':- natural raoagli. .VI .5. .\i>:. ore ? ? h. ye-! Mrs. iv ;?t y-V :. i ??ij;?1?os:? she's wise to want someb *?' bla bt .??>'<??? he:-self.? Catholie Standard u ?' T lues. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, Fla., has written the manu facturers that much better re sults are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cases of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera irmrlm* by taking it in wa ter as hot as can be drank. That when takenf in this way the effect is double in rapidity. "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," he says. For sale by Hill Bros. ? I . (i HARNESS ? u 0 'A M OS fc c o i Something New! A combination Top Buggy & Stick Seat Runabout Only $SO W.H. Noll f. Sons WAGONS 09 r > o 8 0) 3 M 2 0 J Laundry Work That the general public may have more than one week in which to appreciate the ex-) cellenee of our work, we hereby state that we will launder your Shirts, Collars & Cuffs from all impuritiese for ONE YEAR or longer, charging only our regular prices therefor. Give us a trial order. Postal or telephone. EUREKA STEAM LAUNDRY You Need Not ?r Get Your Fingers "all stuck up" with dough! The Universal Three Minute Bread Maker is s?> .s^ rnj ?J*' in con I st ruction thai the housekeeper's ii first thought is that the claims 'made for it are extravagant, but a trial will remove all doubts. Xo I housekeeper, who has once used it. will ever he content to go back to the old, laborious way of inak ? ing bread by hand. The reason ^adle price at which it is soli places it within the reach of ever}' faro-' ? i Any one who wishes to try it can, and if not found satisfactory can be returned an J money will be refunded. For Sale By The Durham Hard ware Co. ~ n i 0, Wwlltf PAINLESS SliTottSSA DIIIUf^ rill IWI Ucmrion boBCOT ? U IVBaacAUMloM treat' AMD Whisker Cureli t - ' ? isA yfl M