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An advcribiig nt* dkim that peyi the advertiser f f; V . ' ' ' . THE WEATHER? Pair and colder to-night.. .Saturday fair and warmer V JO nil ? p (wi^| V: 1 > AJLY REVIEW VOL. XI., NO. 124. SISTEBSYILLE, W. VA., FRIDAY EVENDfG MAY 26, 1905. . A* V I t 'M .,!? . ?-#.> PRICE, ONE CENT. BME BALL GAME MEMORIAL DAY ? i (\ 4. , The "Win jammers" baseball team have arranged for a match game to be contested on the home }>ark here on Memorial Day. In conversation to-day with Paul Dolan, one of the promoters of the local team, he stated that he could not at present state just what club would play here on Me morial Day, but it wouTd be a strong team and the game would be hotly contested. As this will [be the opening game of the sea son in this city, a large number of lovers of this fine sport are naturally looking forward to the event with great 'interest. The "Win jammers" will give a bene fit ball this .evening at the Ar mory, and it is to be hoped that the affair will be liberally pat ronized. Tickets only 75 cents. Music by the full Auditorium Orchestra. Seville ^ II. P. Eeker, president of the Sistersville Brewing Company, is a busines visitor in this city to day. Mr. Ecker is trying to in " terest local dealers in behalf of the Brewery, which is an assurred fact. .Mr. Ecker says that the work of construction will not be n gin until all the stock is sub scribed. It is not difficult to sell stock at all, but the promoters would rather sell the stock insmall 1 1 amounts to actual dealers and con sumers than to speculators. The only fault we have to find with the whole thing is why did they not locate here. ? XewMartinsville 1 Dispatch. ^ Children Start On Long Journey Sunday Will Moran and sister Helen, of Paden City, expect to leave Sun day on the Steamer Virginia for Cincinnati. Ohio, and thence to New Orleans, taking a steamer at that place for Galveston, Texas. where they will join their mother, Mrs. T. J. Moran, who expects to make Texas their future home. Master Willie and his sister will be j accompanied by their aunt, Mrs. Jennie Saxon. Very Proud Of Manufacturing Plant The Wheeling Telegraph makes, a splurge about the building of a ' gas engine manufactory at Steel ton h ii< 1 says that it is the first in dustry of the kind to be establish ed in West Virginia. Come out of the woods! Parkersburg has an industry of this kind that is the only one in West Virginia and one ; of the largest in the world. It j lias a capacity of two engines a day, employs over a hundred men at good wages and sells its pro duct on both sides of the ocean. The United States Engine Com pany is one of the very bigest Manufactories this city has and it is very proud of it. AVe'll wager that the Steelton enterprise, when completed, will not be half so large. ? Parkersburg Dispatch. Informal Dance A very delightful informal par ty was *ri veil Wednesday eveuing in the Armory eomplimentary to Airs. Fred Frazier, of Wheeling, and Miss Helen Kirkland. of Mnn nington, who are hojise quests of Miss Sarah Ajrnew. at the Hotel Wells. The Opera oreh??str*i fur nished the music for the dancing. The quests were Mr. and Mrs. .lack Kinkaid, Misses WII Burns. J Joe Morris. Bertha ChatteriTon, Louise Smullen, Gertrude Mallick. Sara Ajruew. llat-tie and Jeannette Y'ounjj and Geneive Chestnut. Messrs Harry McCoy. John Me Kay. Dr. James Stathers. Will Agnew, Arthur Doyle, Walter Bishop. Kd Hanlon, Thomas Smith. Carl Neil. Clifford Church. The out of town quests were Mrs. Frazier. of Wheeling: Miss Kirkland. of Mantiin<rton. Misses Lacock and Miller of Pettshurjr. Farewell Reception A farewell* reception was t en dered Miss Cora Steele last even ing' at her home on Mill street Miss Steele will leave shortly for Pine (irove. where she will make her future /home. The occasion was hi ?r lily enjoyed hv the large number of guests present. At a proper hour dainty refreshments were served. Include J in the Sliest list were: Celia Kennedy. Alice Prosxer. i Erba Hillard, Ma^ie Pettitt. Lil lie Chesnev, Ella Christofer. Flor ence Christafer.Mvrta Frum. Mary Criswell, Grace Brown, Verna Brown. Elva Brown. Lydia Birch, Lydia Mitchel. Nannie Clint*. Cora ; Steels. George Eunis, Edward 1 1 i<j jrins, Harry Conlev. Roy Stover, j Clifton Hillard, Marsh Xailor, I Thorn Kinkaid and Isaac McCov. > I Mrs. Charles Ankroin and little ? daughter, who have been visit in? I relatives at Middlebonrne and at ' Alma, returned to-day to their home at Burton, AV. Va. Rev. T. A. Anderson's mother and his two children who have been visiting his family for two weeks, returned to-day fo their home at West Alexander, Pa. Master Rex, son of F. C. Rogers, of the South Side, left to-day on the 11:18 train for Ironton, 0.. where he expects to spend the summer with his grandpa rents. "He was accompanied as far as Ke iiova by his school teacher, Miss % Williams. Contractor Al. Kahle arrived in the city this afternoon. I>. II. Lehew. of Paden City, j died yesterday of consumption. ' aired twenty- four years. Fn neral services to-morrow at 1 p. m. Interment will be at the Kim- 1 ble cemetery. J. H. McCoy, E. A. Durham and Robert McCormick, returned last evening from an inspection tour of a few days to Wellsburg, Pitts-, burgh and Connellsville. Their j mission was in the interest of the j new Tyler County Bank Build ing t<? be erected in this city in this city inthe very near future. H\i 0" J; .? '/'. i1 o> ?; ;UiC'j Is Alarming ' ,/<!. . . ' . I' 11 T^T , 1 ' Special to Daily Review. Chicago ,111., May 26 ? While the teamster's strike is ? slowly spreading, business interests in volved and city officials "have now stopped to iudulge in differences. Lumber men whose drivers have left their wagons insisted this morning upon more policemen be ing sent ou twith the teams and demanded that <heir yards be more effectively patrolled day and night. ' The lumber men declar ed that two thousand additional patrolmen were necessary to pro tect their interests. Every firm belonging to the Jumber men's as sociation are tied up by strikes to-day. City officials express confidence that they have the sit uation well in hand, and are un willing to call upon the Governor for assistance until certain riot ing cannot l>e stopped. Russian Fleet Hunting Trouble Special to Daily Review. London, May 2(> ? A dispatch from Tsingtan, China, says tliat the entire Russian fleet is assem bled at Woo^ung, just" above Shanghai, at the mouth of the Yangtse River. The German squadron at Tsingtan is said to be ! preparing for . eventualities. The' appearance of the Russians at Woosung is a great surprise. | 'it was generally believed they were in the Pacific Ocean. Woo sqng is comparatively close to Mnsainpo, whore it is reported that Toga luis had his base for at least a week. The daring of Rojestvenskv in sailing directly into Japanese wa ters leaves little doubt that the long expected battle will soon be ?;iu. It is believed now t hat he is peeking Toga. Jewish I#* Special to Daily Review. Warsaw, May 26 ? Disorders in the Jewish quarters arc being continued to-day, making the third day. Jews of the better class are determined to drive out evil characters which have been bringing disgrace ujx>n the whoh1 race. A preat deal of property was destroyed. Many persons were seriously hurt. Do-day a number of Christians aided the ?Je\jrs in the purification of the districts. Miany notorious char acters have tied, those refusing being severely bandied. More rioting this afternoon. United States To Buy Island From Russia Special to Daily Review. St. Petersburg, May 20 ? The j correspondent of the Publishers Press has heard persistent rumors: recently that, the American gov ernment had proposed t<> pur chase of Kussia the Island of Sjie-j ha lieu, with an extended area of I forty-seven thousand five hund red squjire mil??s, located in the Sea of Okhotsk off the East coast of Asia. This Island is rich in li?rnite coal. Russia is reported as wishing to sell the islands to (the United States. The climate is severe. Admiral Toga's Movements Mysterious Special to Daily Review. Tokio, May 2(> ? Xo report lias yet been received here as to the whereabouts of Rojestvenski's main rieet. Opinion is divided as to whether he has entered the Pa cific Ocean or has returned to a port along the lower Chinese coast. Position of To?ra*s fleet likewise kept a seercf. People are confident. however, that no matter what may come t lie Japa nese fleet will give a good account of itself and in case of a general tiirht victory will rest with Tojra and his men. Convention Of Royal Arcanum Special to Daily Review. Atlantic City May 26 ? Thei convention of the Supreme Coun- j cil of the Roral Arcanum has; I elected Horace C. Wijrins, of Rome. N. V.. Supreme Reirent of the Order. Wiggihs is the ! youngest man ev*-r elected to the i position. Baron Rothchild Dead Special to Daily Review. Paris May 26 ? Baron Alphonse Rothchild, head of the great banking house, died thfs morning at six o'clock. He has been ill since May 18th. There was no cause for alarm uutiTl yesterday when sudden change for the worse set in. Gout and influenza caused his illness. Strike In Poland Special to Daily Review. LoJse, Poland, May 26 ? Work men to the number of twenty thousand have gone on a strike | here. " " * ? I 1 ^ ' ? II . . HANFORD CITY ON THE BOOM >3 .. .? > * nm The new town of Hanford City I recently laid out just south of this] city, continues to grow at a rapid rate. The following persons have invested in lots and tracts of land : S. G. Hissam and wife. Frank Haught. C. C. Baker. J. W. Sandv, J. W. Clark, C. A. Parr, P. M. Wfl liard, Mrs. L. B. Clark, Miss S. C. Evans, C. P. Clark. William E. Dullan, Mrs. Annie E. Shaw, .T. R. Benett, Mrs. Rebecca Smith, Wod Rnff Shinier. Clmrles E. Cunning ham, Mrs. Sarah Shiiuer, Eli Wells and George Piatt. Ne^itiations are at present pending with the Sistersville Land Company for numerous other tract* an J lotswhich will be closed in all probability this week. The property offered for sale at Han ford City is not only desirable, but the prices asked for the same are extremely reasonable, thereby affording a rare oportunity to all clases of people to secure a site for a new home. The deals just | closed for lots and pround in and near the new town will foot up I to the snug sum of $5,000. \ntercstin^New^iddlebourne Mlddlebonrne, May 2.~> ? On rry Culp and family arrived home yes terday after a visit with friends at Carnegie. Pa. T. A. (Jorrell, of Kidwell. was. among the busines visitors here yesterday. William Debolt lias returned from a visit with his brother and sister out on Klk Fork. Lawrence Fetty and brother-iu law. of Sugar Creek. were trans acting business in town yesterday. Middlebouyne, May -?> ? Mrs. W. E. Tremelin is the pleasant guest of Mrs. A. K. Smith for a few days. Miss Lillie Bovce, of Adonis, is at the home of J. \V. Duty as n visitor t?> remain untill after Dee oration Day. Sheriff II. B. Shriver was a busi- , ness visitor in Sistersville yester day. He was accompanied home, by his daughter, Miss Mary. I. E. Furbee, Marietta, ().. Ed. Bonnan of Morgantown, A. .Moore and W. P. Stewart are registered guests at the Hotel Central. Miss Eliza Stealey is now num bered among the force at the Jour nal office, and will remain until she becomes proficient at the work. W. J. Sehafer who represents Karl Shafer. the fashionable tail or, of Marietta. O., is at the Cen tral distributing goods for his firm. Prosecuting Attorney T. M. fii derwood and Mail Adams were at New Martinsville as visitors yes terday. Mr. Adams returned last night. Mrs. C. D. East ma n. Miss Ar villa I'yle and C\ K. Pvle were MiddlcboiU'ne representatives at the Sunday Schol convention at Bearsville yesterday. Mrs. A. J. Jemison is still very poorly, and Dr. Fink, of Sisters ville, was ealled to see her yester day. Miss Kaehel Hnrter is also very ill with asthma. Mr. \V. .f. Hooher left yesterday for Cameron for a short visijt with his family. Lie is one of the clerks who is employed in dis posing of the Kirehner gods. .1. J. (Jorrell, Court Commission, er, remained in town until last ii i ?rlit to assist and finish up the work of the recent session of th? county court, lie returned to his home at Meadville last night. ('. A. Werneeke started to Sis tersville yesterday upon his usual trip and after going hut a short distance broke some part of the machine and was compelled to return. He will not he able to make another trip untill it is re paired. Miss Sina Twyman and Mrs. Rachel Jemison are still numbered among the sick, and neither are very much improved. It was necessary to semi to Sistersville for a physician, yesterday, as we have no representative of that pro fession in our town at present. Trap Shooting At Park Tomorrow Afternoon The fJun Club's first shoot at their new <|ii? rters at the Park, will take plae<? to-morrow after noon, commencing jit 2:W o'clock.. Those desiring to witness the shooting should take * the two o'eloek ear. The first two events at 10 an. I l.j targets will he for practice. followed by a fifty target race f??r the Hunter Anns Co., I prize a beautiful loving cup val ued at $40. This eontest will be a handicap affair, and an effort will be made to equalize matters so as to give each a chance t.? win. For this first raee Dr. Jas. R. St rat hers and A. <1. Wolfe will do the handicapping. The h\h tem of handicap to hp lined ia to ad.l broken targets to your total score, hut you an* not t.> know your allowance until after the .foil test has taken place. Word has heen received that a number of New Martinsville nhooters are corning down to participate, and it is not at all unlikely that a five man tram ra re will he arranged. Spectators should bear in mind that there are n.> charge* to the shoot intr irroundn. and that they are always welcome. Business In County Clerk's Office Leases for Oil and Gas H. < r. liriro and wife to the IViih i boro Oil and Gas Co.. on 52 acres. ? Consideration $13.00. PaiJ. (>n (treville District. i W. W. Owens and wife to name Company, 51 acres. Considera tion $12.00. Pa id. Cent re vi He Dis 1 1 rict. (/. A. (iisrs and wife to the same Company. 41 acres. Considera tion $50.00. Paid. Ceutrevilie District. C. M. Ilaiii'.lton and wife to the same Company. 51 acres. Con sideration **20.00. Paid. Center ville District. W. T. Knox and wife to the same Company. 55 acr^s. Coniwd era t ion I'aid.Centcrville I>i^ri<*t. Deeds. | ( I . W. Lazear and wife to L. W. J one* for 1-10 interent in 190 aen?s of land in Lineoln District. Consideration $300. Paid. ! L. P. Davis wax appointed guar dian of Frank C. Davis, and ap peared and gave bond for $100, with condition* as prescribed by j law. Solomon J. Hailing wax ap(>oin ted guardian for Glides M. Riggff, jand a pf>ea red and gave bond for $100, with conditions as ffreserib ed by law.