Newspaper Page Text
? SISTERSVILLE DAILY REVIEW DAILY AND WEEKLY. JOHN P. GLASS, Publisher and Proprietor. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT ON SUNDAYS. ? ? Nos. 107 and 109 Catharine Street, Sisters viHe, W. Va. SUBSCRIPTION RATES? DAILY: One copy one year by mail, postpaid .. One copy six months, postpaid One copy three months, postpaid One copy one week, delivered by carrier WEEKLY: One cop> one year, postpaid One copy six months, postpaid One copy one year not paia in advance .$3.00 . 1.50 . .75 . .06 .$1.00 . .60 . 1.25 Our city schools closed one of the most sucessful terms" to-day in the history of the public school j^rst<3m i?i vSistersvllle. Next Tuesday is Memorial Day and arrangements have been per fected for appropriate observance of the occasion in this city. The Bond issue in Pleasant coun ty for the erection of a new court house was voted down at the spec ial election This is ample evi dence that the citizens of our sis ter county are not in the progres sive procession. Fence and poster advertising create the impression of cheapness not cheapness in price, but cheap ness in quality of goods. No other kind of advertising is as good as newspaper advertising, and no other newspaper will bring so good results in this section as the Daily Review. Marked improvements in many commendable respects are in prog ress in different sections of the city just now. Numerous citizens are adding to the appearance of their homes by having them thor oughly and artistically painted, while others are erecting additions and otherwise beautifying their residences and lawns. There are many beautiful homes in Sisters ville, which never fail to attract the eye of the visitor. I. V. Barton, State Labor Com missioner, of Wheeling, was in the city to-day inspecting the glass factories and other industries of this city. Mr. Barton is a most genial gentleman to meet, and is thoroughly familiar with the la bor situation in every detail. He was appointed Labor Commission er bv Ex-Governor Atkinson, re appointed by Gov. White and again reappointed fl short time ago to the same offi ceby Gov. Dawson, which makes his third term. Whenever a business man stops advertising the public infers at once that he has gone out of busi ness. You can establish a trade by advertising but it takes a con tinuation of advertising to keep your business before the public. No busines is so well known but what it will be forgotten when it drops out of public view. I he Sistersville merchant, however, is an exception to this class of busi ness men. They all, as a rule, be lieve in judicious advertising, and which is due to a very grtat de gree to their sueess. The M. E. Church souvenir edi tion was issued from the Review plant this morning. The paper is thesaine size of the Daily Re view, and reflects great credit up on the pastor, Rev. T. GT. Mere dith,, and all those who assisted in having the edition 'published. It is ably edited and the general make-up of the paper is artistic throughout. Our businesfc men gave the enterprising church peo ple liberal ?sijpport. for which they cannot be too highly com mended. The proceeds from the advertising and the sale of the souvenir edition will be added to -the fund for the erection of the new M. E. church edifice. The cause is a most wortfiy one, and everv citizen in Sisteisvjlle should purchase at least one copy of the paper. Saa-Cura Ointment. Is guaranteed to relieve at once that itching, burning pa?fr~and per manently cfrireEczema, better, Salt Rheum, Itching Bleeding or Produding Piles, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Old Sores, Pimples, Boiles, Carbuncles, Chapped Hanc^U, or Lips, CJhilblains, Festers, Insect Bites and Ivy Poison. San-Cura Ointment is a great aid in prevent ing sears. It softens all inflamed parts. Druggists 25 aud 50 cents. 25 Acre Farm, $1,500. Living spring near dwelling; fine cellar and spring house; barn crib, yagon shed, etc. Coal oil and gas with deed; lays nice and in blue grass. Write W. P. Rich mond, Barnesville. Ohio. Mrs Frank Phillips and little daughter left last evening on an extended vL^ljt to relatives and friends at points in Pennsylvania. United States Deputy Marshal, George AV. Sine, left on the early train this morning for points north. a ? I OIL I | Tiona $1.44 jj i Pennsylvania 1.29 II Corning 96 | North Lima 87 ;| South Lima 82 j New Castle 1,21 I Indiana 82 n | South Neodeshha 57 !! | Second Sand 2.19 Cabell 1.05 1 Somerset '.76 Corsicana (light) .70 n ii Corsicana (heavy) 40 ! ! Kansas (heavy) 47 || | Bartlesville (I. T.) 57 || || Ragland . . .* 50 u Petrolea (Ont.) 1.52 I! n a ? i j r . Gospel II is gospel truth to say that bo DISEASES such as rheuma tism, neuralgia, biliousness, eolie, cold, sore throat, backache, boils, bowel troubles, skin erup tions, and all those caused by | local imflammation, 'can be so quickly, safely and surely cured, as by the use of HAMLINS WIZARD OIL. It sets right down in, around the nerres and blood Tessels of the affected tissues, where the I i trouble is, and gently soothes and coaxes them back to health* For all pain, chronie and acute, it is a remarkable rem edy, and has no equal in safety j and effectiyeness in the medical world. Price 50e and $1.00. Fully guaranteed. For sale and recommended by For Sale by All Druggists. PITTSBURG MARKETS? MAY 26. Corn ? Yellow shelled, 58@58V&; high mixed, 56i?@57; yellow ear, 63 ( i?G4 . Oats ? No. 2 white. 35 34? 36; No. 3, 35(5-351/,; No. 4. 34^@34%. Hay ? No. 1 timothy, $12.75@13; No. 2, $11.75(012; No. 1 clover, $10.25 @1<>.75; No. 1 mixed. $10.50@11; loose from wagon, $14@16. Eggs ? Selected candled, 17@18. Butter ? Prints, 24(g24%; tubs, 23*? i @24; dairy. 15? 10. Cheese ? New York full cream, new. 12^^13; Ohio cream, 121/^<g)13; lim berger, new. 13^ @14. Cattle ? Prime to fancy, fat. smooth steers. $6.15<g?6 40; green, coarse and rough fai. steers. $4.50@5.25; fat. smooth, dry fed, light steers, $4.75@ 5.40; choice milch cows, $30@50; me dium to good milch cows, $15@30; good, fat. smooth, handy butchers" bulls, $4@4.S5; feeding steers, good style, weight and extra quality, $4.50 @5; feed steers, common to good quality. *>4@4.4(J; fair to choice stack ers, $3.50@4. Calves ? Veals, good to choice, $6? 6.50; veals, fair to good. $5@5.50; heavy and thin calves. $3.50@4.50. Hogs ? Good to prime heavy, $5.'. j\ 5.80: medium ewights, $5.75@5.?0; bent heavy vorkers, $5.80@5.85: goo'l ligth yorkers. $5.80@5.85; pigs, good to. prime. $5.75(3>5.85. Sheep and Lams ? Prime wethers' $4.90? 1.10; good to choice nai*ed. $4.60@4.3v; fair to good mixed, $4@ 4.5f>; cuili , and common. $l/9At&3; dipped, i a mlis, $3.60@6:60; aprtrg lambs, $5 ?8. TIH-AJSTICS FOR THE COMPLIMENTS LADIES Several ladies who were out shopping the other day, were look ing through our line of Children's Shoes and Slippers. One of the ladies, who seemed to be greatly interested, said: "Do you know that you haveshown us more styles of Children's Shoes and Slippers than all the other stores in town put together." Abother Jady soid: "Yes, your Children's Slippers are by far the prettiest we have seen in town." Still other ladies who were in claimed that our Children's Slippers seem ed to tit better than others and also that our prices are consider ably- lower. WHERE THERE IS SMOKE THERE IS FIRE. The ladies must certainly know what they are talking about. There is no doubt but what we can show the swell est line of little folk's footwear in town. You would be agreeably surprised to see the many differ ent styles we are showing, a cred it to a large city store. Here is a few kinds: OXFORDS. Black Kid. White Canvass, Russia Calf. Choclate Vici, Pat. Leather. SLIPPERS. Patent Leather. White Kid. Champagne. Tan, Vici Kid. etc. Also a full line of Gibson Ties. STAR SHOE CO THE STORE THAT NEVER DISAPPOINTS gsmmmmmmmmtmmm mmmm A. D. Work 6c Sons Diamond and Brown Betty Sts. A Cleaning Up Sale of Silk Shirt Waist Suits In going over our stock of Shirt Waists Suits we find we have just ten suits left. These we are going to close out at about half value. Below we give a list of styles and sizes: Size 36 a Grey Stripe Summer Silk, nicely made, tucked and trimmed former price $20.00, our Cleaning a? ud nrice J.JQ Size 36 a Brown Stripe Silk Suit same as above, former price $20.00. gg our Cleaning up price Size 34 a Red Changeable Stripe Suit made up-to-date, was sold at rn $ 1 5, our Cleaning up price $0?0U Sizes 36, 35 and 40. 3 Suits of Chiffon Taffeta, Brown 35, Blue 36, Black 40, are worth double, Clean- ? i n /? ing up price ^ ? IMK) Sizes 36 and 35 two Black and White Small Checked Shepherd's Plaid Suits, former price $16.00, ? i ? CA Cleaning up price I I ?OU Size 35 a Brown Soft Finish Taffeta, the very latest style former ? i a jjr price $ 1 6 Cleaning up price s* * U.*tO Size 34, a medium Blue, Imported Chiffon, Taffeta Suit, waist and skirt tucked and handsomely made; a $25.00 value, our cleaning up price $14.55. Success In Life Often Depends Upon Being Well Dressed To be well dressed does not necessarily imply that you should dress expensively or have your clothes made to measure. In fact, we make it possible for you to be as well dressed as any man can desire at extremely moderate cost. Tor proof of this you have but to come here and see our Fashionable Sack Suit at $15 They are correct in every fashion detail, superbly tailored, made of all wool fabrics in latest weaves and patterns and fit in every size as if made to measure. Nothing will please us better than to have you come here and examine our clothing, the fabrics, linings, trimmings, tailoring, and the fit and hang of the garments. The Temple Clothing Co. t r One Price To All Satisfaction Guaranteed