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A * Local News y ^ - - A _ Don't fail to read Thomas' Auc tion ad. ? ? m * ? ? ' " ? " m~~ Hon. W. R.. Smith went to Par fcersburg this morning. G. K. Morgan, of Meadville, was a business caller in the city to day. Fred Neumuth, jeweler of Mat a moras, was in the citp last even ing. Thomas Collins, who is located at Wheeling is visiting his fami ly here. Ladies especially invited to at tend the auction at Thomas' Jew elry Store. The warm showers to-day were very beneficial to vegetation in general. IT. ?J. Harris, a well known oil magnate, is a prominent caller in the city. ? ? ? .J ''Hum" Stewart, merchant of)} Shiloh, was a business caller in tVe city to-day. FOR SALE ? Five room house, 112 Williamson place. Inquire on premises. J. R. Morgan, of Arville, W. Va., was a business visitor in the city to-day. Attorney B. Engle, of Middle bourne, was in the city to-dap on legal business. FOR SALE OR RENT? Six room house, good location. W. E. Cummin gs. Mrs. W. F. Seal, of Pa den City is visiting relatives amT^friends in Pittsburgh. Brinkmicr's studio artists are exceedingly busy, but still make the best photos for 75 cents. Col. R. M. Jennings, prominent oil operator of Pittsburgh, was in the city to-day. The M. A. Sybert Grocery Co. are agents for the celebrated Jer sey Cream Cheese. Attorney I). G. Smith, of St. Marys, was in the city to-day on legal business, ? ? ? Thomas' large Jewelrv Stock is being closed out at Auction. The chance of a life time. FOR RENT? Three unfurnished rooms over Black's grocery corner McCoy and Catherine streets. Attorney K. C. Moore, of Mid dlebourne, was in the city last ev ening on legal business. Harry Morris, a well "known driller, returned this morning from the Smithfield oil field. -r- ~ -r- * John Potts, of the B. rail road, was calling on his sister, Mrs. W. II. Noll, of Main street. * -h -i- -7 Business place for sale. In quire of Mrs. A. Terr ill, corner Wells and Virginia streets. Dr. G. B.West is improving his residence by having the same neat ly pointed. Eli Wells is the ar J tist. # : r J* C. McMahon, a well-known oil operator of Mt. Morris, Pa., arrived in the city this afternoon. Capt. Beagle, of Friendly, was A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure x has msuBsrmnw ers Sarsaparilla. Mends shattered nerves. Givesahealthy red to pale cheeks. Puts good flesh on thin children. Takes off pimples, rashes. Ask your doc tor to tell you about it. a business caller in the city to day. Miss Tess Maher, of Clarkes burg, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maher. ,L. L. Parker, a prosperous far mer of Long Reach, was a busi ness visitor in the city to-day. Abner C. Thomas has removed all show cases from his store and provided plenty of chairs for la dies. Mr. and Mrs. David Kline, of Remesburg, Pa., are visiting their sons, S. (I., and W. D. Kline of Burt street. ? ' The talk of the town. The big gest Auction Sale ever made in the history of the -town. Thomas' Jewelry Store. Mrs. T. A. Anderson arrived homo last evening from a visit of a few days with relatives at Washington, Pa. Clel Williamson, telegraph op erator of the B. i& O. railroad at Salem. W. Va., is catling on old acquaintances in the city. The persistent rains and chang esof the weather are retarding the farmer and the markets this fall are likely to show the result. Pale and sickly children grow strong and well after taking Thompson's Sweet Worm Powder. It is very pleasant and easy to take. Drugists, 25c. P. B. Williamson, of Marietta, who has been spending a day or two here with his brother, C. R. Williamson, returned to his home this afternoon. Prosecuting Attorney, J. M. Un derwod, pased through the city last evening 011 his way home at Mildlebourne, from a business mis sion to points north. strayed' or. stolen? a Urown horse, blind of one eye. sear on the hip find about nine years old. Any person return in*; the animal to John Stealy will he liberally rewarded. II. A. Wright, manager of the Jarecki Manufacturing Company, arrived home last evening from Ellensboro, where he has been look ing after a branch store of the firm. While a bilious attack is decid edly unpleasant it is quickly over when Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are used. For sale by Hill Bros. Clifford Ross has returned home from Los Angeles, Cal.,'whert he has been located for the past year. He holds the position of superin tendent of the Union Oil Co. Don't fail to see the large cheese on exhibition iu front of fhe Sy bert Grocery Co's store. It is the largest cheese ever seen inthis market. William Dewey and family re turned last evening from a visit of a few weeks with relatives in Clarion County, Pa. Mr. Dewey is superintendent of tlie Fisher Oil Company. Abner C. Thomas fias removed all show cases from his store and provided plenty of chairs for la dies. ? I \ Mrs. Margaret Dal by, who has been visiting Mrs. Harry Smith, of Middlebourue, passed through the. city this morning on her way to her home at Bridgeville, Pa. Dr. J. M. Williamson and wife of Moun.lsville, passed through th?* city this morning on their way to Midlebourne, where they will visit friends for a few days. SanCura Ointment is guaran teed to relieve at once that itch ing burning pain and permanent ly cure Ecz?*me.Tetter. Rheuin Itching. Bleeding or Produding Piles, Burns, Cuts. Bruises, Old Sores, Pimples, Boiles. rarbun cles. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Festers, Insect Bites and Poison Ivy. All druggists ?.")c and 50c. FOR SALE ? Confectionary and lee Cream business. Fine furni il. iL Saturday and Monday Specials AT THE BIG STORE Some very attractive specials advertised by M. A. Sybert Gro cery Co. in this issue. Be sure and read their ad. Sour Cherries, Rockiy Ford Gems, Asparagus and Cauliflower will be a few of the many good things at M. A. Sybert Grocery, Saturday. Don't fail to get a pound of that delicious Jersey Cream C'heese at the M. A. Sybert Gro cery Saturday. ,Only 16 cents a pound. Fancy Japan Head Rice was never known to be sold as cheap ; as the Sybert Grocery Co., will sell it Saturday and Monday at 3 cents a pound. To-morrow often means never. Embrace opportunity while it is yours. The proper time to buy goods from us is now and all the time. Special No. 1 CREAM CHEESE Our Celebrated Jersey Cream Cheese is one of the best sold on the market. The regular price is 20c a pound. Our speciaF price is 10 cents. 1 1 Special No. 2 JAPAN RICE. A fancy Japan Rice which has j been selling all over the country at 7 to 10 cents. Our special price 3 cents. Special No. 3 SOAP POLISH. We have sold more of the Gib son Soap Polish since it was in troduced on this market than all others put together, the regular i price is 10 cents a can and our special price 7 cents a can. Special No. 4 FORCE. . This is the time of year for the Health foods, and Sunny Jim's Force is the most popular seller o? the market, the regular selling | price is 15 cents a box. Our spec ial price is 11 cents a box. Special No. 5 1 HOME GROWN POTATOES. j We have some of the nicest po- | tatoes we have ever seen for this time of year, solid and without sprouts, regular 40 cent sellers, Our special price a bushel, 30 cents. Special No. 6 PEAS. Van Camp's Early .lune Peas, the Leading seller on this market, has been sold here for years, the j 10 cent kind for 8 cents. We have made a special effort i to out-do all former Saturdays fori \ one of the swellest lapouts of Fruit and Vegetables ever seen on this market. M.A. Syborl Grocery Co THB POPULAB GEOCEES. > 'Phone 88. ture and fixtures. Soda fountain ; Milk route in connection. A bar- : gain for quick purchaser. J. | Fred Neil, Licensed Real Estate Agent. Wells building. Mrs. Preston and Mrs. Joseph Sweeney, went to New Martins ville this afternoon to 'attend an entertainment given by Mrs. Jos. Stender. Frank Perkins, superintendent of the Kanawha Oil Co., withj headquarters at Jacksonburg, ] was in the city to-day. T" "T~ ; j Among the new books ? "The j Purple Parasol," by George 13. MeCutclien, author of "Beverly of |j Graustark," etc. With illustra-i: tions by Harrison Fisher. Con-lj stance Trescott, by Dr. S. Wier Mitchell, Rose of the World, by I Agness and Egerton Castle. Theli I Fugitive Blacksmith, by Chas D. !j I Stewart Sandy, by Alice Heganji Rice. All handsomely bound, j; j Call and see for yourself. McCoy's |i 'Book Store. i -j t * ?-* ?* -f i 'a - ????? _ * ? 4 Times 4 Makes 16 ? ? ? Same figures, but you get twice the result handling 'em our way. 1 COLLEGE BRAND CLOTHES Get twice the results out of thel figures that other brands of clothes do. They're made so cleverly anfshaped so smartly that the young fellows who wear 'em have all the style ad vantages a custom-tailor gives at half what a merchant tailor asks. College Brand Clothes $ 1 0 to $20. c?T$h'' R. I.. B. & Co., N.Y. Boys' and Children's Clothing We devote as much time and attention to this depart ment as we do to our young men's, thereby assuring you that what we offer you for your boy will be absolutely cor rect both in style and price. Suits from $2.50 to $6.00. STRAW, Soft and Stiff Hats for Spring and Summer now ready It Pays to Talk With Us WERTHEIMER, SONS Strictly One Price & CO. E. Stewart & Co. Honest Merchandise If? < ? it SILK SHIRT WAIST SUITS-Color, Black, Brown, Green and Blue, made with large leg-o-mutton sleeves, tucked waist and skirt, Trench seamed throughout, Skirt full 4 1-2 yards around the bottom, for this week price $10.00. Special offerings in our Millinery, Dress Goods, White Goods, Lace Curtains and; Skirt Department. It costs you nothing to investi ? 0 9 Agents for Bottcrick Pattern*. "This Store Stands for Ouality and Price." "PHON* flA ?OOTMVXLL? W. Ik. NT Wtlli Street u4 MS Melinley M' 3