The Ceredo Advance. T. T. UcOOL’QAIi, Publisher OKRKDQ : WEST VIRGINIA THE MAN BEHIND THE BABY. You can hardly read a paper without being sure to flud Borne sentimental poem on the man who In behind. Woes, cannon, picks and muskets and some more are on the list. But the lean behind the baby In Its go cart has been missed. The others may be heroes and Quite use ful In their ways, And more or less deserving of a poet s fervid praise; But they cannot hold a candle to the man we love to gleet Behind the baby in its go-cart on the street. "With all the prh]e and dignity new papas will dlsplap, And nerved against the silly Jokes his funny frlet ds essay. And feeling so i/-*ponslble he pushes on its trips The go-cart and n sell ing it. These houses have been se|J 1«« 8t. Paul, Jersey Central, Balti more Ar Ohio, Metropolitan, Steel and Iron and o\her stocks." was the prompt answer. "I advised the .office of it some time ago. “Who is the gelling for?" “No one seems to know." •‘What do Hawn's brokers say?" ‘They seem to i** up in the air. They are still buying Sugar." “All right. Good-bye." Mr. Kent called up Mr. Haven, the great sugar magnate. “What in the devil is the matter with your Hugar stock?" he demand ed. “I don’t know." was the response. “It’a all right. I am buying it ns fast na it is offered \\ 1 at ,t riov. Mr. Kent examined the tape. ."One hundred .i ( >•. . L-t,t r,d Lfter. tie replied it baa ban 146% hul has recovered ’ho Is dbing that selling?" know," answered Mr. fie impatience, “prob • king profit It will you. Good-bye.” he tape for • was was j reaction.*’ Mr. Kept pondered deep ly. lie rang a bell. "How much Sugar have I bought?" he demanded of hi* private book keeper. “Forty-three thousand share*," was the reply. “It will average about 112, will it not?” The bookkeeper produced a slip of paper, ran his eye over the figures, made a rapid calculation, and said that the average price paid for thia line of Sugar stock was 142%. "Very well; that is all,” Mr. Kent said. He called up his broker who rep resented him on the floor of the Stock Kxchange. “Sell all the Sugar you can with out breaking the market,” he com manded in a voice that could not be heard ten feet away. Wall Street is all ears. "There is good buying just now. Begin on 500 share lots. Feel them out at the start, but keep busy. Sell at least 50,000 shares before you close, no matter what happens. When you have sold 20,000 shares, offer it in 1,000, 2.0(H) and 3.000 lots. The broker repeated the order quickly so as there could he no mis take. Mr. Kent returned to the ticker. “Some one taking profits, eh?” muttered Mr. Kent as he paced the floor, nervously chewing the end of an unlighted cigar. “I’ll show them how to take profits! They must think I am in my second childhood. They have an idea I am going to hold the bag. do they? This is the way they keep their agreement!" lie rang the bell furiously. "How much B. & (). have I?” “Fifteen thousand shares at an average of 9.3,” was the reply. “Wire Brown & Addy of Boston, to sell me 20,i)oo B. & (). at the mar ket. Send word to Blake & Co. of Chicago, to sell me 25.0(H) St. Paul at the market. Push! ht.rrvA” TTe was at the private telephone again. mow much Sugar have you sold? ‘Twenty-two thousand. 11 has broken a point and n half.** "That’s all right. Put it out in -.000 and 3,000 lots. Sell me .30,000 shares of Metropolitan at the mar ket. Clot it? That's right. Good bye.*’ The ticker was singing like a sew ing machine. Sugar, H, & ()., St. Paul, Jersey ( entral. Metropolitan, Steel and Iron and other stocks came «>ut in blocks of from 1,000 to 4,000 and even 5,000 lots. Hut the market held reynarkably well. There was "not a cloud In the sky.” and the pub lic was sunning itself. Hut even their guileless optimism could not withstand the impact of the myster | ions interest which lmd been selling hundreds of thousands of shares on Saturday and during the present ses sion, reinforced as it was by the en raged Mr. Kent, who ascribed this selling to the perfidy of his asso ciates. When the day’s battle was over the field was covered with dead and wounded. Sugar had closed at 145% bid and 140 asked. Haltimore and Ohio had dropped to 103%; St. Haul to 167%; Metropolitan to 170; Jersey Central to 15S%; and Steel and Iron showed a net loss for the day of three points, and an extreme drop from its high point at the opening of nearly nine points. When Mr. Kent had received re ports from his brokers, and tele graphic advices from Hoston, Chicago and Haltimore, he found that he had sold 55,000 shares of Sugar and that all of his other commissions had been executed. He had accomplished one of the phenomenal changes of position for which lie was famous and dreaded. In a hundred offices his name was mentioned, coupled with expressions which would not warrant reproduction on these pages. He qui etly talked the situation over with his lieutenants, instructed them to "smash" tin* market at the opening next morning, and with an unruffled mien left his office shortly before four o'clock. CHAI'TKR V. TIIE WALL 8TRKET PA NIC. \\hn* happened on this famous J u earl ay lias been lightly touched on in the opening chapter of this his tory. The morning papers had de voted considerable space to the “bear flurry in Wall street, I here were guarded allusions to the coup per formed by Mr. Kent, who had con ducted his operations with little at tempt to disguise his attitude. Hi* profits were variously estimated at from $730,000 to $3,000,000, and it was strongly intimated that he would live to regret the unwarranted scare he had precipitated. On the following Tuesday morning London ignored the New York break in prices and opened strong. Chicago and the speculative west looked on its splendid crops and telegraphed buying orders in generous volume. The galleries around the trading floor of the Kxchange were crowded with the sight-seers who are always in force when the market is excited. I he hand of the big dock slowly np proa died the hour of ten. The thou sand or more brokers gravitated to wards the various standards which bore the names of the important trading stocks. I tie market opened strong and at a slight advance in spite of large | offerings of stock by Kent brokers and from Street 0 acres of the financial dis trict was a lied In in. Men tore pa pers from the hands of newsboys and rushed away without paying for them. The wildest rumors, if of evil purport, became certainties. The word went down the street that a great bank had closed its doors. 1 here was no fragment of truth in the statement, but it was accept ed ns an unquestioned fact. It was charged that the great enterprises in which Carinody, Pence and Morton were concerned were insolvent, and that these men were in secret con ference, endeavoring to arrange a compromise with creditors. Mr. Kent was regarded as the speculator who had been intrusted with this news, and commissioned to use it to recoup some of the losses. I he evening papers were flooding the city with extras. The news was so stupendous as to confound the genius of the designers of headlines. There was neither space nor type sufficient to depict their emotions. Put the imagination of the report ers was equal t«» the crisis. In be-! wildering succession the millionaires I HIO BLEW HIS BRAINS OUT. uere kidnapped, lured away and mur dered by anarchists; had committed suicide, or reposed safely in the bosom of their families. At one o’clock Sugar-had dropped 2." points. I Baltimore Ohio 1R points, j St. Paul It points. Metropolitan 32 ! Points, Jersey Central 17 points and j Steel and Iron 21 points. The stocks in which the missing inen were not, ! known to he interested withstood I the shock with smaller losses, hut I the whole list was mutilated almost | beyond reeognition. The news bad j reached l.ondon too late to permit i Knglish operators to cover in that market, and the cables bore the tales; <»f their dilemma. Shortly after one o’clock brokers in the employ of Street & Rogers j jumped into the market as buyers. 1 In the first hour of the session, be fore the break came, it was estimated i that they had sold not less than .300,000 shares, and Kent brokers had sold fully 100.000 more. The total i *nles for the first hour reached the unprecedented total of 1.2*0.000! i shares. From 11 until | o’clock the representatives of Street A lingers did nothing. They then begnn to take! some of the Stock as it was offered.' | They became the center of riots. Men fought like fiends to sell them stock. In spite of their support the offerings were so numerous thnt prices still declined. They bought | Sugar in 10,00ft and 20,000 share lots. In an hour Street A- lingers had ror- I ; ered OtKi.oOO shares. Two papers appeared with extras containing a dispatch from Philadel phia stating thnt Messrs. Morton, f armody. Pence and Kent were in conference at the Hotel Lafayette. It related with great explicitness | thnt they were considering the de- ' tails of a gigantic railroad comMrm- ! tion. and the article contained n brief interview with Mr. Morton In! which he refused to discuss the ob- ! .jects of the ..ting, but regretted! that the public should have become j : alarmed at the secrecy which had hern deemed necessary. The snme news was spread through the bro kerage and commission houses by ’he news agencies and entne out on ♦ he tape. The effect was electrical. The mar k'd rose by jumps and bounds. Kverv one scented rushing to cover, but fhe spurt was short-lived. When the mar ket had advanced an average of ten points. Street Sr Logons and Boston and Chicago interests turned heavy sellers. They threw the stock they had accumulated at the bottom fig ure* right and left. They found plenty of purchasers. The Philadel phia dispatch was so pood it must be true. It sounded natural, and was * logical reason for the absence of these men. At two o’clock the tr,ke ket was firm and slowly advancing notwithstanding the vast, offering* from Street A Rogers. At 2:30 Wall street was growing optimistic. It regarded the selling as profit-taking, •ind bought with confidence. Sugar rose to within seven points of the opening figure. I turn came the final disaster. It was announced that John M. Rock well, the great capitalist, and Hiram Haven, the sugar magnate also were missing. Simultaneously, word was received from Philadelphia that none of the gentlemen mentioned had been at tlie Hotel Lafayette, and that the dispatch was bogus, having been sent out by a commission house which took this method to recoup some of its losses. In the crash which fol lowed several houses went to the wall. I heir holdings were thrown on the market. Sugar dropped an extreme 40 points. Other securities suffered in proportion. A man stood in the middle of llroad street and blew his brains out. Staid old invest ment stocks which hud regularly paid dividends for years dropped five points between quotations. Sugar fell II points on a sale of 400 shares, anti did not steady itself for ten minutes, during which time it was worth $35.00 a share less than it had been those few minutes before. Once more it was Street A Rog ers to the rescue. For two days they had been selling on good news and buying on bad news. Again their brokers stood in the breach and bought Sugar, R. A O., St. Paul, Jersey Central, Metropolitan and Steel and Iron from men who seemed willing t*» give it away. When the gong sounded at three o’clock, the signal that this awful day was ended on the Stock Kxchange, these brokers were yet surrounded by swarms of men frantic in their ef forts to sell stocks at any prices. It was midnight before the lights went out in the offices of Street <£: Rogers. Scores of haggard men arranged pri vate settlements on terms which would permit them to remain sol vent. The profitR of the unknown prin cipals or syndicate represented by Street A Rogers, of New York, Mor ris A Hauser, of 'Boston, and Wright eently as a mother bathes her infant Then he left the rage, nnd would have repeated the hazardous ex perk ment upon another snvnge beast from the desert had not f’ezon drawl him off with difficulty. Turnip Time. "It’s disgraceful the way chi Id ret are taught!” she began, with a pain ful disregard of tact and diplomacy. “Their studies arc so jumbled to. gethcr that they don’t, know when they have finished with arithmetic and taken up geography. The othef day Bessie came home and said that the teacher had shopped in the mid dle of a singing 1. -sm, right in the middle of a song, to ask how many turnips were in a p"ck." ‘‘You must I)- mistaken," excused the astonished principal. “No, ma’am. Bessie told me, and Bessie never lies," said Bessie's molt* er. with a complacency that irritat*\l tlie atmosphere. The teacher was sent for, Hhe dfs nierl that she had interrupted the mu vie lesson to satisfy her curiosity la regard to turnips and pecks. Sh< went bark with unkindly feelings, but three minutes later she returned, smiling. , “I knovi now what she meant," said she. “I astied the children how many beats therk were In a measure."—Loiv dun Answers. . ) : POPULAR SCIENCE. | ll>c first scientific society wasesta''* lished by Dr. Franklin. A German geographer complain* that north pole exploration is in dr.n* ger of degenerating into a sport, in which the establishment of “records” is the main thing. 1 he breathing or blowing of wells driven on the pluins of Nebraska has been lately shown to coincide with changes of barometric pressure, but it is thought that low pressure can hardly account for the force with which the air is expelled from some of the wells. In his experiments with various ve hicles, M. Michelin has found that iron tires require greater motive power than either solid rubber or pneumat ic. An electric automobile running at five per cent, greater speed with pneu matic tires took 18 percent, less power than when fitted with solid rubber tires; and in stopping, the solid tires required an increase of 14 per ceut. in braking power. 1 wo striking instances of the effects of “wind shots,” or the currents of nir caused by the enemy’s cuuuou balls, are given in the “Autobiography of Sir ilenry Smith.” (Ju one occasion his horse fell as if stone dead, but he was not hurt at all. On another occasion an officer was “knocked down by the wind of a shot and his face was black as if hr had been two hours in a pu gilistic ring.” Detween Mount Kasbek and Ghima rai Khokh, in the Caucasus, a glacier descends into the narrow, wedge shaped valley of theGhena! Don, which I after a course of l.’t miles joins the Ghi/.el Don, a tributary of the Terek, bike most glaciers of the Caucasus, the Ghenal Don has of late years re- I ceiled considerably, and some years ago copious springs of hot sulphur water were uncovered by the recession. About the middle of July t he whole end of the glacier broke off and slid down the valley, grinding down everything in its path. 1 hirty-two lives were lost. On July 10 another huge block of ice broke off anti followed the first with terrible rapidity for eight miles down the valley. SOUTHERN SUPERSTITIONS. If you kill frogs your cows will “go dry.” Tickling a baby will cause the child to stutter. To cut off a pup's tail causes him to grow “smart.” 1 ** throw hair-combing out of the w indow is bad luck. i o thank a person for combing your hair will bring bad luck. No person who touches a dead hody w ill be haunted by his spirit. Cut a dog’s “dew claws” and it will not die from poisonous snake bite. lo kill a ghost, it must be shot with a bullet made of u silver quarter-dol lar. If you boast of your good health, pound wood immediately with your fist or you w ill become sick. lo dream of a live snake means enemies at large; a dead snake, ene mies dead or powerless. i o d ream of unbroken eggs signifies trouble to come; if the eggs are broken the trouble is past. lo cut a baby’s finger nails will de form it; if the child is a month old it will cause it to have fits. Silver nails or screws in a coffin will prevent the dead haunting the scenes of its existence in the flesh. To allow a child to look into a mir ror before it is a month old will cause it to have trouble in teething. A child will have a nature and dis position similar to that of the per son who first takes it out of doors. MARKET REPORT. Cincinnati. Dec. 20. CATTLE—Common . 3 25 (ft 3 90 Butcher steers_ 4 75 (ft 6 00 CALVES—Extra .... (ft 7 75 HOGS—Ch. packers . 6 10 (ft 6 25 Mixed packers .... 5 90 (ft 8 05 SHEEP—Extra . 3 85 Cft 3 75 LAMBS—Extra . 5 35 Cft 5 50 FLOUR—Spring pat. 3 85 ft 4 10 WHEAT—No. 2 red. Cft 78% No. 3 red . ft 75 CORN—No. 2 mixed. Cft 48 OATS—No. 2 mixed. Cft 38V, RYE—No. 2 . ft 55 HAY—Ch. timothy ..15 50 #18 00 PORK—Clear cut_18 00 #18 35 LARD—Steam . #11 00 111 ITER—Ch. dairy. (ft 18 Choice creamery .. #31 APPI.ES— Fancy_ ft 3 50 Pt>TATOE8— Per bid ft 1 75 TOBACCO—New .... 3 25 #10 75 Old . 7 50 #18 25 Chicago. FLOUR—Win. patent 3 40 ft 3 50 WHEAT—No. 2 red. 73%# 74% CORN—No. 2 mixed. 46%# 48% OATS- No. 2 mixed. ft 31% RYE—No. 2 . ft 48% PORK—Mess . #17 00 LARD—Steam .10 25 #10 30 New York. FLOUR—Win. st’rts. 3 45 ft 3 55 WHEAT—No. 2 red. ft 80% CORN—No. 2 mixed. # 82% OATS—No. 2 mixed. # 43 RYE—Western . ft 59 PORK—Mess .18 00 #18 50 LARD—Steam . #10 80 Baltimore. WHEAT—No. 2 red. 75%#> 78 Southern—Sample. 87%® 75% CORN—No. 2 mixed. 52%# 52% OATS—No. 2 mixed. ft 38 CATTLE—Butchers . 4 50 ft 5 25 HOGS—Western .... ft 6 75 Louisville. WH.IAT—No. 2 red. ft 74 CORN—No. 2 mixed. ft 61 OAT8—No. 2 mixed., ft 34% PORK—Mess ....... #16 60 LARD—Steam . #10 25 Indlanapolle. WHEAT—No. 2 red. ft 74 CORN—No. 2 mixed. ft 46 OAT8—No. 2 mixed. 53 ft 23% Brea] man will c diseased* date, the these coi^Hhi.; but on the other_ u 1 ij 1?n?rire DO‘ h*rd h>L the patTent should Ur. August Koenig * Ham burg Breast Tea, a cup full every night on going to >>ed, have it hot, drink slowly, t hen every otner night, rub the throat and top portior of the lungs with St. Jacobs Oil, < cover with oil silk, let it remain an hour, tuen remove L«t good. plain, nourishing ood, live m the open air as much as pos si e. By all means sleep as near out of doors as possible, that is, windows wide open, except in the very severe weather. 1 ake a coid sponge hath every morning; then immediately ruh the body vigorously with a :oarse towel. l ake Dr August Koenig . Ham burg I)rop» every other day according to directions. One can buy the three remedies for el..3 of any reliable druggist. Begin the treatment at once, and »ee how much better )ou wih be almost within a week’s time. A Ssaprct. She—You didn’t stay long m London. He-No, I rouldn t stand it. Over there everybody knew me tor an American away. Here, in New ^ ork, no one ev«r suspects it.— Smart Set. Rice In South Texas. The Government report for 1902 ahowa that Texas holds the world’s record for * production of rice. Some of tiie best rice lands_ in the State are along the line of the M. K. & T. Ry. An interesting book on Texas will be sent on request. Janies Barker, Gen’l Pass. Agent, M. K. &. T. Ry., 50l Wainwright Bldg., St. Louis. ••M*s an III tt inil-.»• William— Didn t that burglar's chloro form make you ill? Richard—SVcll, I didn’t like it; but it cured my wife's neuralgia —Detroit Free Press. A 50-0nt Calendar f r»r <1 Centa. It you want one of the handsomest cal endars you ever saw, --end 6 cts. postage to the Boston Rubber Shoe Co., Calendar Dent., 9 Murray St., New York, It is 10x20 inches, printed in 12 colors, ami a perfect beauty. There are plenty of 50-cent calen dars not nearly a* pretty. The course of true love might run *_ snioother if the spectators would not offer so many suggestions for its improvement. — Indianapolis News. How Mj* Throat Hurts!—Why don’tyon use Hale’s Honey of Horeliound and Tar? Pike’s Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. Tourist—"W hen does the next train start for Cork, porter?” Irish Porter— "She's just gone, sorr!”—Puneh. Piso s f tiro cannot he too h ighly spoken of as a cough cure.—J. W. O’Brien, 322 Third Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan.0, 1000. No one finds it so hard to forgive mis takes as the person who most frequently, makes them.—Indianapolis News. - ■" ■ Miss Alice Bailey, of ■ Atlanta, Ga., tells how she was permanently cured of inflamma- * tion of the ovaries, escaped sur geon’s knife, by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. •' I had suffered for three years with terrible pains at the time of men Btruation, and did not know what the trouble was until the doctor pro nounced it inflammation of tho ©varies, and proposed an operation. I felt st) wcnk and sick that I felt Bure that I could not survive the or deal. The following week I read an advertisement in the paper of Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Com pound in such an emergency, and so 1 decided to try it. Great was my joy * to find that I actually improved after taking two bottles, and in the end I was cured by it. I had gained eighteen pounds and was in excellent health." — Mina Alice Baii.f.y, r»o North Boule vard A tlnnta, Ga. — #5000 forfeit if original of above letter proving genumenees cannot be pro duced. The symptoms of inflammation and disease of the ovaries aro a <1 nil throbbing pain, aceom- * panied by a sense, of tenderness and heat low’ down in the side, with occasional shooting pains. The region off pain sometimes shows some swelling. In our mammoth kitchen we employ a Chef who la an eapert in making mince pies. He has chare* of making all of Libby's Mince Meat, lie uses the very choicest materials. He is told to make the BEST MINCE MEAT Ever sold- and he does. Get a package at your grocer's—enough lor two large ptes. Yon will never use another kind again. Libby's Atlas of th* World, with new maps, site Asn * inches, sent anywhere for to cents in stamps. Our booklet, "How to Mars Goon Thinos TO Eat," mailed free. UBBY, (TlcNEILL & LIBBY, CHIOAttO, . A