OCR Interpretation

Ceredo advance. [volume] (Ceredo, W. Va.) 1885-1939, June 07, 1911, Image 7

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86092392/1911-06-07/ed-1/seq-7/

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If. when yon ret wet or take cold,
ft **settles on the kidneys'* and there
la a shivery, chilly sensation In the
back. It chows kidney weakness
which is often the beginning of serl
ous disease. Doan ■
Kidney Pills should bo
used persistently until
the backache and oth
er symptoms disap
C. D. Kessler. 408 E.
6th St.. Mendota. I1L,
says: "Kidney trouble
came on me about 20
years -apo and became
■o Dad 1 was unable to work for weeks.
I was thin, worn out and nervous; the
doctors admitted they could' not help
me and my friends expected me to
die. Ah a last hope I began taking
Doan's Kidney Pills and shortly after
passed a gravel stone. Kater on sev
eral more stones passed and from then
on I Improved until cured.'*
Remember the name—Doan's.
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents •
box Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y.
To th® Childish Mind. •
Dorothy Ullm&n of E. Eighty-fourth
street, is a very literal young person.
To her mother's definition of the AJ1
Seeing Eye she returned a question
as to the site of the eye.
**Can God see everything?" she con
"Yes. dear. He can see everything
at all times.”
That afternoon Dorothy escorted her
mother down town. Before an op
ilcian s display she stopped. Then.
"Mother,’* she asked, pointing to the
big winking eye in the window; "Is
God's eve as big as this?”—Cleveland
1 reader.
"When my baby was two months
old, she had eczema and rash very
badly. I noticed that her fate and
body broke out very suddenly, thick,
and red as a coal of fire. I did not
know what to do. The doctor ordered
castile soap and powders, but they
did no good. She would scratch, aa
It Itched, and she cried, and did not
sleep for more than a week. One
day I saw in the paper the advertise
inent of the Cuticura Soap and Cuti
cura Ointment, so I got them and
tried them at once. My baby's face
w as as a cake of sores.
"When 1 first used the Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment, I could
see a difference. In color it was red
der. I continued with them. My
baby was in a terrible condition. 1
used the Cuticura Remedies (Soap
and Ointment) four times a day, and
in two weeks she was quite well. The
Cuticura Remedies healed her skin
perfectly, and her skin is now pretty
and fine through using them. 1 also
use the Cuticura Soap today, and will
continue to, for it makes a lovely
akin. Every mother should use the
Cuticura Remedies. They are good
for all Bores, and the Cuticura Soap
is also good for shampooing the hair,
lor I have tried it. I tell all m>
friends how the Cuticura Soap and
Ointment cured my baby of eczema
and rash.” (Signed) Mrs. Drew, 210
W. ISth St., New York citv, Aug. 26,
Cuticura Remedies are 6old through
cut the world. Send to Potter Drug
A Cbera. Corp., Boston, Mass., for
frte booklet on the skin.
If You Have Money.
That fellow (iotrox Is a multimil*
lionaire He has more money than
"Well, what does he want with
Beforetaking Lydia EPinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
Natick, Mass. — “I cannot expres?
what 1 went through during the chans*
of life before I tried
Lydia E. Pinkhara’s
V e ft e t a b I e Com
pound. I was in such
ayiervous condition
I could not keep
still. M v limbs
wero cold, I had
creeny sensation*,
and 1 could not sleep
nisrhta. I was finally
told by two phra
Icians lhat I also
had a tumor. I read
one day of tho wonderful cures made
by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound and decided to try it,
and it has marie me a well woman.
My neighbors and friends declare it
had worked a miracle for me. Lydia
E. Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound is
worth Its weight in gold for women
during thin period of life. If It will
help others you may publish my
letter.”—Mrs. Natttav B. O HEATON,
t>l N. Main Street, Natick, Mass.
The Change of Life is the most criti
cal period of a woman’s existence.
Women everywhere should remember
that there Is no other remedy known
to medicine that will so successfully
carry women through this trying
period as Lydia E. Pinkharn’s vege
table Compound.
If jou would like special arlrice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkham, at
I,.van, Mumh. Her advice is Lee,
and always helpful.
a Jftan
n m
— ■ "
,4ulhor of The Circular Staircase,
77* SWan in Lower
i LJ t'"'. U
- -11
('<wri(ktiw Or U»« Bo bb» M>rrl 11 C'».
' James Wilson or Jimmy as he Is railed
by his friends. Jimmy was rotund and
looked shorter than ha really was. His
ambition In life waa to be taken seriously,
but people steadily refused to do so. his
art Is considered a huge Joke, except to
hjmself. If he asked people to dinner ev
eryone expected a frolic. Jimmy marries
Bella Knowles; they live together a year
and are divorced. Jimmy's friends ar
r®nf<‘ to celejjrate the first anniversary
of his divorce The party le in full swing
Then necelves a telegram from his
Aunt Selina, who will arrive In four hours
visit him and his wife. He neglects to
tell her of hie divorce. Jimmy takes Kit
Into hta confidence He suggests that Kit
Pl*y the hostess for one night, be Mrs.
1 Ison pro tem. Aunt Bellna arrives and
the deception works out as planned.
J m s Jap servant Is taken 111. Bella,
Jimmy s divorced wife, enters the house
and asks Kit who Is being taken away In
the ambulance? Belle Insists It is Jim.
Kit tells her Jim Is well and Is In the
house. Harblson steps out on the porch
and discovers a man tacking a card on
Hie door. He demands an explanation.
The man points to the placard and Hur
blson sees the word "Smallpox'* printed
on It. He tells him the guests cannot
JfAve the house until the quarantine Is
lifted After the lifting of the quarantine
several letters are found In the mall box
undelivered, one Is addressed to Henry
Llewellyn, Iqulque, Chile, which was
written by Harblson. He describes mi
nutely of their Incarceration, also of his
Infatuation for Mrs. Wilson. Aunt Selina
Is taken 111 with la grippe. Betty acts as
hurse. Harblson finds Kit sulking on the
roof. She tells him that Jim has been
treating her outrageously. Kit starts
pownstRlrs. when suddenly she Is grasped
in the arms of a man who kisses her sev
times. Rhe believes that Harblson
did It and Is humiliated. Aunt Reltna tells
Jimmy that her caineo breastpin and
other articles of Jewelry have been stolen
She accuses Betty of the theft. Jimmy
tellfl Aunt Selina aJl about th# ntran*r»»
I baPP*nlnK*. but she persists In suspecting
Betty of the theft of her valuables
j Harblson demands an explanation from
Kit as to her conduct towards him. she
tells him of the Incident on the roof he
floes not deny nor confirm her accusation.
One of the guests devises a wav to escape
from the house. They set fire to the re
ception room and attempt to leave the
house from the rear. The guards dis
cover the ruse and prevent them from
ttCADinc. Max finrl* Anna's poarl rlaap
pin In Jimmy’s studio In a discarded coat
Jimmy 1s suspected of the theft, but de
nies the accusation. Kit finds a watch
hanging to a pillar In the basement and
with Initials T. If. If. engraved upon It.
She opens the case and finds a picture of
herself that had been clipped from a
Dew-spa per.
I Face Flannigan.
Dinner had waited that night while
everybody went to the coal cellar and
stared at the hole in the wall, and
watched while Max took a tracing of
It and of some footprints In the coal
dust on the other side.
I did not go. I went Into the library
with the guilty watch In a fold of
my gown, and found Mr. Harhison
there, staring through the February
gloom at the blank wall of the next
house, and quite unconscious of the
reporter with a drawing pad Just be
low him In the area-way. I went over
and closed the shutters before bis
very eyes, but even then be did not
' Will yon be good enough to turn
1 around?” 1 demanded at last.
"Oh!” ho raid, wheeling. "Are you
I here?”
There wasn't any reply to that, so
I took the watch and placed it on the
library table between us. The effect
was all that I had hoped. He stared ,
at it for an Instant, then at me, with \
! his hand outstretched for it, stopped, j
“Where did you And It?” he asked.
I couldn't understand his expression.
He looked embarrassed, but not at all
"I think you know, Mr Harbison,” I
' retorted.
“I wish I did. You opened It?”
“Yes ’*
We stood looking at each other
across the table. It was bis glance
that wavered.
"About the picture—of you.” he
said at last. "You see, down there
In South America, a fellow hasn't
much to do evenings, and a —a chum i
of mine and 1—we were awfully down
on what we railed the plutocrats, the
—the leisure elaspes. And when that
picture of yours came In the paper,
we had—we had an argument. He
said —" Ho stopped.
"What did be sav?”
‘’Well, he said It was the picture of I
an empty-faced society girl.”
“Oh!" I exclaimed.
“I—I maintained there were possi
bilities in the face.” He put both
bands on the table, and. bending for
ward. looked down at me. * Well, A
was n fool. I admit. I said your eyes
were kind and candid. ir. spite of that
haughty mouth. You see. I said I was
a fool."
"I think you are exceedingly rude,”
I managed Anally. "If you want to
lnow where 1 found your watch, K
was down in the coal cellar And if
you admit you are an idiot, I am no*.
I—I know all about Bella's bracelet—
and the board on the roof, and—oh, if
you would only leave—Anne's neck
in.:*—on the coal, or aomewhero—end
5*: t is —r
^7 ▼©!<** got beyond me then, and I
dropped Into a chair and covered my
7»co. I could feel him staring at the
back of ray head.
^ 1*11 be—” something or other,
he said finally, and then turned on his
heel and went out. By the time I got
my eyes dry (yea. I was crying: 1 al
way a do when I am angry > 1 heard
Jim coming downstairs, and 1 tucked 1
the watch out of sight. Would any ]
one have foreseen the trouble that
watch would make!
Jim was sulky. He dropped Into a
chair and stretched out his legs,
looking gloomily at nothing. Then
he got up and ambled Into hls den.
closing the door behind him without
having spoken a word. It was more
than human nature could stand.
^ hen I went into the den he was
stretched on the davenport with his
face burled In the cushion. Ht looked
absolutely wilted, and every line of
him was drooping.
“Go on out. Kit," he said. In a
smothered voice. “Be a good girl and 1
don't follow me around.”
"You are shameless!” 1 gasped.
'Follow you! When you are hung I
around my neck like a- like a—”
Millstone was what I wanted to a ay, j
but I couldn’t think of It
He turned over and looked up from '
hls cushions like an ill-treated and
suffering cherub.
1 ni done for, Kit,” he groaned.
“Bella went up to the atudio after
wo left, and investigated that corner ”
“What did she find? The necklace?”
I asked eagerly. He was too wretched
to notice this
“No. that picture of you that 1 did
last winter. She la crasy—she says
she la going upstairs and sit in Ta
kahiro's room and take smallpox and
“Fiddlesticks!” I said rudely, and i
somebody hammered on the door and
opened It
Pardon me for disturbing you,”
Bella said. In her best dear-me-l’m
glad I knocked manner. "But—Flan
tiigan says the dinner has not come.”
“Good Lord!” Jim exclaimed ”1
forgot to order the confounded din
It was eight o’clock by that time
,and as It took an hour at least after I
telephoning the order, everybody
looked blank when they heard. The
entire family, except Mr. Harblaon,
who had not appeared again, escorted
"You’re Unlucky, I'm Thinkln'."
Jim to the telephone and hung around
hungrily, miggentlng new dlahea every
minute. And then—be couldn't raise
Central. It was 15 mlnutca before we
gnvo up, and stood rtarlng at one an
other despairingly.
''Call out of a window and get one
of those Infernal reporters to do some
thing useful for once ” Max suggested.
But he was Indignantly hushed. We
would have starved first. Jlrn was
peering Into the transmitter and
knocking the recel\»*r against his
hand, like a watch that had stopped.
But. nothing happened. Flannlgan re
ported a box of breakfast food, two
lemons and a pineapple cheese, a
combination that didn't seem to lend
Itself to anything.
We went bark to the dining room !
from sheer force of habit and sat
around the table and looked at the
lemonado Flannlgan had made. Anne
would talk about the salad her last
cook had concoted, and Max told
about a little town In Connecticut
where the restaurant keeper smokes a j
corn-eoh pipe while he rooks the most
luscious fried clams In America, And i
Aunt Selina related that In her family
they had a recipe for chicken smoth
ered In cream And men we sipped '
the weak lemonade and nibbled at the
"To change this gridiron martyr
dom,'* I ►alias said finally, "where’s
Harblson? Still looking for bis
watch ?’’
’’Watch!" Everybody said It In a'
different tone.
"Sure." be responded. "Sava his
watch was taken last night from the \
studio. Better get him down to take
a squint at. the telephone. Likely he
can fix It.”
Flannlgan was beside me with the
cheese. And at that moment. I felt
Mr. Harbison’s stolen watch slip out
of my girdle, slide greasily across my |
lap. and clatter to the floor. Klannl- '
gan stooped, but luckily It had gone
under the table. To have had it
picked tip. to have had to explain how
I got it. to see them try to Ignore
my picture pasted in It oh. it was
impossible! I put. my foot over It.
"Drop something?” Dallas asked
perfunctorily, rising Flannlgan was
still half kneeling
"A fork," I said, as easily as I
could, and the conversation went. on.
But Flannlgan knew, and 1 knew he
knew. He ‘watched my every move
ment. like a hawk after that., standii g
Just behind my chair. I dropped tty
useless napkin, to have It whirled up
before It reached the floor. I said lo
Betty th.u my shoe buckle was 1oo*e.
and actually got tiie watch In my band. 1
only to let it slip at tbe critical mo j
moot. Then they all got op aod nM
aodly back to the library, aod Flanal*
gan and I faced each other.
Fiannlgan was not a handsome man
at any time, though up to theu he bad
at least looked amiable. Put now as
I stood with my hand on the back of
my chair, his face grew suddenly
menacing The silence was absolute:
1 was the guiltiest wretch alive, and
opposite me the law towered and
glowered and held the yellow remnant
of a pineapple cheese? And In th*' si
lence that wretched watch lay and
ticked and ticked and ticked. Then
Fiannlgan creaked over and closed the
door Into the hall, came back, picked
up the watch, ami looked at It.
"You’re unlucky. I’m thlnklnY* he
said finally. “You’ve got the nerve
•11 right, but you ain’t cute enough.**
"1 don't know what you mean.*’ I
quavered "Give me that watcb to re
turn to Mr. llarblson.**
Not on your life,’’ he retewted
easily. "1 give It hack myself, like I*m
going to give back the necklace, if you
act like a sensible little girl.’*
1 could only choke.
It's foolish, any way you look at
***** he persisted. “Here you nre. lots
of friends, folks that think you're all
right. Why. 1 reckon there Isn’t one
of them that wouldn't lend you money
If you needed It so had.”
111 you be still?" I said furiously
"Mr llarblson ieft that watch—with
mo -an hivi*- ngo Get him. and ho
will tell yoc so himself!”
"Of course he would.” Flnnnigan
conceded, looking at me with grudging
approvul "lie wouldn't he what I
think he is. if he didn't lie* up and
down for you " There were voices in
the hall. Flnnnigan crime closer. "An
hour ago you Bay And he told mo
it was gone thin morning* It’s n
losing game, miss 1 11 give you 24
hours ami then—the necklace, if you
please, miss **
A Clash and a Klaa.
i he dash that came that evening
had been threatening for some time
i »ike nu immovable body, r« presented
by Mr. Harbison and his square Jnw,
nnd an Irresistible force, Jimmy and
his weight, und there Is hound to bi?
The real fault was .Thu's. He had
•gone entirely mad aguin over Bella
nnd thrown prudence to the winds
He mooned nt her across the dinner
table, and waylaid her on the stuirR
or in the back halls. Just to hear her
voice when she ordered him out of the
way. He telephoned for flowers and
candy for her quite shamelessly, nnd
he got out a book of photographs that
they had taken on ihelr wedding Jour
ney, and kept it on the llhtary table.
The sole concession he made to our
presumptive relationship was in bring
me the responsibility for everything
that went wrong, and his shirts for
The first 1 heard of the trouble was
from Dal. He waylaid me In the hall
after dinner that night, and bis face
was serious
"I’m afraid we ran't keep It up very
long. Kit," lie said "With Jim trail
ing Bella all over the house, and the
old lady keener every day, it's bound
to come out somehow. Arid that isti't
all. Jlrn and Harbison had a set-to
to^ay—about you.”
“About me!" I repeated. **Oh, I
dare say 1 hove been falling short
again. What was Jim doing? Abusing
I»al looked cautiously over hl*j shoul
der, but no one wan near.
"Let me tell you. gentlemen." said
the earnest vegetarian, who was lec
turing before the Hutrhers' nssodn
tlon. "that there Is more energy con
tnlned in a single banana than there
Is In five pounds of the best beef
Instantly a storm of protesting and
derisive htRses broke forth from the
Indignant audience Rut afiove the
noisy map could he heard the sten
torlnn volte of a husky looking Indl
vidua I shouting: "The man Ir right!
The man Ir right! Hut he fails to
allow enough energy for the fruit I
know from my ow n personal expel I
ence that a mere fraction of the out
side of n banana contains sufficient < 11
ergy to take the best wrestler to tb
world off his feet."
"Senator." said the repeater, "may l !
ask how you made your fleet thot*
sand ?”
Yes. sir," responded Senator flrnph :
ter; I made It in the same «vay that
I made all my subsequent thon-ands.’
Awed by the arrogance of his mu»
nor. the reporter refrained from head
Ing the story of the Interview * a Con
Comparing Notes.
The motorist nnd the aviator met
for a confidential chat
I fiat a it fine machine you have."
said the admiring aviator
Y'es. 1f )s the greatest farm wngos
buster In the country. And how shout
your aeroplane?'*
"Sh! Rest chimney buster In thi
world, old chap."
The Reason.
**• always do the marketlrg for mj 1
wife*' '
"The Inst time j did the msrketlni !
I g it cold feet ”
"Why should you do that***
"Because she told me to. she sn!«
people always had p’g** feet st »
Dutch lunch "
Shouldn’t Blame Him
"ft was a poet that accepted thi
first presidency of Portti-.al ’’
"Well. he l<«d to ra*>e a livln#
did it t be?"
Quit* Often.
Flier—Two negatives make as af
firmative. you know.
Fogg—With a woman it taken only
•he Learned Something.
"This le a fine coffee.” said the vie
I tor to her hostess, “how do you make
it? 1 make mine so and eo. but It
never tastes like this.” • "Well.” re
plied the hostess, “I make this the
same way. but I've learned something.
Maybe you don't keep your coffee pot
clean—that is. 1 mean maybe you use
common kitchen soap. I use Hewitt's
Easy Task soap. It’s pure and clean
and white, and costs the same as the
poor kinds. Then, too. It makes a
nlckel-platod coffee pot shine like sli
Not Particular.
She—I heard Freddy Fickle has de
cided to marry and sottle down to a
particular girl.
lie—Huh! She can’t be.
For over fiftv years Rheumatism and
Neuralgia sufferer* have found great re
lief in Hamlins Wizard Oil. Don’t wait
for inflammation to ael in. Get a bottle
It’s easy to see the blessings of
poverty through the eyes of a mil
ane als* smaller after lialnr Allen * Foot Kmc
the anllacpila powder to he aliaken Into the
shoe*. It maken tight or new ahnea feel nany.
Kt'usr For Free trial package atl
drcuM Alien H Olmsted, Le Hoy. N. Y.
It sometimes happens that a afreet
fight reminds a married man that
there are other places like home.
Mr*. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, nuflena the gntna, reduce. Inflaaima
tlon, allaya pain, curea wind colic, 25c a bottla.
A man may avoid family cares by
taking care of his family.
Why Rent a Farm
2?l«I.c<Kl,*5n*dt®P*3r *®»?wktndtordM
yomr )er4 Mined piuAiW Own yomr own
•jcur* • Frw. Homretend la
Manitoba. Saakatchrwaa *»
Alberta, or purehaae
Mnd In ona ot tkm
district* and anna a
910.00 .r
914.00 an acr*
•vary year.
Land purchased I
yonr* a«o at SIQjM an
aero haa recently
chanced hand a at
S2Sj00 an acre. The
crop* crown on these
_ land* warrant the
advance. You can
Become Rieb
by cattle raUlnc..la»ryln«>ml«ed
far mine and train (rowing la
the proytacei of Maalloba.
Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Tree hoaieatead aad pre
•■f1'0* ereaa. aa well aetaad
timid by railway and land emen
Cntea, will provide keaee
f Bill Iona.
Adaptable soil, bealtbfel
dlneie, splendid ecboola
nd cbnrcbea.dood railway a.
or eetllerar ratea, daactrinUre
literate re "laat Heal Wot/'tow
to reach themtmr? end oiVer par*
tlcnlara, arlla to Hnp'l or laoail
eratlon, Ottawa, Canada, or to tba
Canadian Uoranavni ijput
ommm mwwn Men
*»+""** leb*«b
; (Oaeaddreaa nearael yea.) »
Bale'™." impress
It will bring you more
money. Send lor Catalog.
100 Tivoli St.f Albany, N. Y.
W. N. U., CINCINNATI, NO. 20-1911.
Do You Feel This Way?
you feel all tired out P Do you lonetinn
think you juat can't work away at your proian
viuu or inue any longer r Uo you bave a poor tpa*
tlte, and lay awake at nitfhta unable to alern P Arm
your nerves all gone, and your stomach too P lias am*
bitinn to forge ahead in the world left you P If so, you
might as well put a stop to your misery. You can do it II
you will. Dr. Fierce's tiolden Medical Discovery will
make you ■ different individual. It will set your lazy liver
to work. It will set things right in your stomach,
| your appetite will come hack. It will purify your hlood.
If there is any tendency in your family toward consnmptioa,
it will keep that dread destroyer away. Even after oom
sumption has almost gained a foothold in the form td m
lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about •
cure in 98 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedy prepared by Dr. H. V. Pieroe,
of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice it given free to all who wish to write him. HJa
flreat success has come from hia wide experience and varied practice.
Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into tolling inferior substi
tutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be "just as good." Dr.
Pierce's medicines are or inown composition. Their every ingredient printed
oa their wrappers. Made from roots without alcohol. Contain no habit
forming drugs. World's Dispensary Modical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.

‘If** Land at Sonahima
Alfalfa and Dairying |
Only one produce* out of every ten knows what hia miHt 1
co«u him. If you are a dairyman, tako notice]
r ..... IV pounds of alfalfa is e^ual to I pound ol wheal Liao to
milk value. Alfalfa co*n $7 a ton, bran co*s $14 to $20 a Ion.
a |rU!r C°W' ^ on produce butter fat at a co* of 7c a pound.
Alfalfa, terted again* wheat bran and dried brewer's grain a* feed, show• a saving
in milk co* of 12.7c per hundred and 2.3c per round in butter. Te*n with other
teeds are equally favorable. 1“ . _ ■-—— ■
tv. -IL .11 . „ . ... D. t. (loltlilrr 4 Co., Dept 112
I he milk value of one acre of alfalfa u $74. M5 Fourth Ave.. PUtshurfft. P».
We are selling alfalfa land on which each Please send tree information
acre produces ten to twelve ton* of alfalfa hay in aU,"t &*fraln<’nto Valley.
*ix c utting* every year. It ia located in the Sacra- N.u*«...~_....,
mento Valley. Cal. which it green the year round Anna mi .....
and where your cow* will never have the ihiver*. (Pn( i*., jr># *» r*7w.„."<«p.,«
0*t terms h a rt !*# n ttpecltlU a rraofrdf m it fvymto. book In colon, “California- -
Tals ia your opportunity. ti\\ out coupoa and mail today. of Hcvcr",
4. H. Simmon, Nnitm *•••«» *48 FOURTH AVC., PlTTfegUROH. PH.
————-- I
Heine is the Car
Write us for special price
MODEL No. 34
Original price $2500.00
This solves the problem. A high clas® car at lese than one third
the original cost; rebuilt, worn parts made' new and guaranteed
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The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail
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