Newspaper Page Text
VOL. 18 WHEELING, W. VA.. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8, 1880. NO. 188. THE NEWS ,»[ ib« !*»>1,1 l>,thv V >ac«tio. .Mvndiarv lire at tanrinhuiy, N. . ,',-iirr !.«v rtiiml a !-»• of $40,000. ' ; if «"»i«I tolMrfbraionvof '' -.utferer* by the fall in West- , r, '.>11 Teh*raph •"A* !h.»u«* ol K l». Arnul-1 A Co , rof , N*w York. failed yeater ijabilitws n«»t known. V • :irtor"f a million huahels oi c >t*l . l"-t on the Ute rise. .Many " a J#^pt ti> piece#, sunk ami ground**/. , v< rf »y«:one passed over Juplin. .:. I i;« H*** last week, *ni ''atnajpi-. S«v*ral lives i"'r ^ v . xtemled and exciting debate ii fie House yesterday over ' ;a:« irso'ntiou relative to the I »!•-• (Utur.l vote. It wss |.v Messrs. K»Mf»T, Heck well, , vf'rl,:*P-"» ^ *n ^ oorhees, Con- ' , i - :liers After h diacusaion of I Sir. l'»eck well withdrew his j t House adjourned. .. rv.'-'i men of Californiaaie i>i:a- I ,„!».! WciteJ. An rtiormoua amount 1 ,,. ri»tte.i on the result of the . wiraitlelion in thatState. It is "Vi-r $100,000 ol stakes was I -t in tin* Bunk of Cali , l'hf »• > nl on which the waiters t. ii .4i« wa- whether liar field or Han t tun tin- Mai*. Now, ail . j .-rati' eleetors except one w ere 1 «• j lestiun 'm whether Han K i.t'r;e l th*» St »te in the sense ' v- «• t«-nua of the betting. for* 1 . m.Mits have been legim, ami , , r the bets will all be declartd off , fONllfl. e r; VM lias l>een very ill for some . jii 1 her iife ts dtspaired of. i •:•»• r *M hil! will be introduced I • M"U>* Common# earlv in this J w M.^1. !V- !»patrh sfates that the I'sua • i. »u! *crii>tion haa been alrea<iy «v :l. in ere-1. . In- iv»«- ! .» o> itrart with a ii .ii rthe construction «>t a !a'*le it >:i-ciad. . , wr| I sf»eeial nays the steamer a t iii'^im-Ihi* whm >|>okt*li off i. >irt ->n lire ,n lu»l«l. . I— i-Ie-l to enter int» ne* . ■ » Turkey. Tl»e tir»t steps . •«-n in January. .1 ,! n < gram announces the I i .-I fiie government to arrest 1 e vi I he Mttempt to leave Ire- I I fake his seat in Parliament • »• |>r .''ess oi his trial. •> r l> . :."t, in** riivu* ui \ ii11■ iu ■ r I :i v i "ateS, hirt government i . i |im>ii to rntonv it* demands ! •: IVm n I Bolivia, an 1 that the ■ >v j-k 1 lor haa been in dispute -tti con.piesf, and is inhabit - r.'.y by Chilians. - - it is calculated in some ; \ fdlaild 1 ly prepared -■ -1 . . t Ura-t 3,V),»,U00<»erui*u« i. • rm an«t ol tlinf <)• 10,1)00 „• .•.» he I'm ted .states. Between i « nl !•* .•». I«»!h yvan inrlotiive, the j n< . i • r of emigrants was only , m••• ii IVjl.and ISU) the nunc , mrlml 177,160; between 1H41 and U-tweeu 1V>1 and INIO. | . ui I between l*«.I and 1*70. Kr ''ii l*Cu to J ST-.'. Iih;Iii*»!*2* •' i emigrants left (ier . ! t in ihe !»»*ven years which f »1- . * i. :• I >7:: to H7!». the whole »ri.i \ amounted t»Il'iO.OOrt. Th • i'ue t i »ud • >. KkW. I»<vemher 7. — The olfiee it . iiv^ > Koili:' f Mills was •v i. }»l i>\ tire tlia morning. I" V. - • tinai.;i «.pecial aava: V. •'t II • I.ii'„* the lire originating I.-r» ii.jiicr house and n.I :!if: • i' • lot's saddlery esUbh.-h -' <1- -t \.-1 !• >tli tmiidings and their I lo-»-« sr*-: ! Ier A Co., i : :<■ ,t- . :!tntres, fl'J.YHOo; Colius j •• l,.«f: »»s s:o«k. >~R>.OW>; >Iax . I',r«.*., piano*. organs an.I i ?;• »»<. Hauip*. tailor, $£,.100; M -Ma i»n. ilniir*. Uodgrrs j.'. H'; John Creighton and K nnar I, ?r<,n00 each; Wm. I'ax v,'*". >lcl iiaiii" Bros., $4 OUO. Bound .'or Texas. m , tspiv, 1>-v*miiIkt 7.—A AVw* :r mi >.»u Antonio says: A cou - .• ready liet ii closed for build Hi: ;•> it the M., K. T. road, : at a rk would l*«:in at Fort * aniediatelv and be hulit both * w, Ti,,. o ntiartor said it was the **• ■; t!ie management of the M., C t i !>rm4 the road to San Antonio, * i i r« i -ru there was a movement on Ni * Y. rk lor an arrangement by * 11 • M K A T. will use the track \»n A:.t .riio and Trias to the Kio | to U..«e (be Indictmeut Qu«ah*d w Vi.kK, ItftfinlH-r 7.—Wm. K. *»•. tue <ieneral Seaaion Court 4 ■: >re Citv Jndife Cowan, made *'• n t» have the indictment. ti!e*l - A Bim, Joseph Hart, * I'.-t, t.iirors an«t j>ut> islie a ol i Kt unard i'hilp, *«d on -r ui» I o in is). >i dive. Ilia Honor **rv. J t.ut (Wiaion. Poor P*rn*ll i*. lv cvmli«>r 7.—Tarm-ll receive*! "»ut*-r»iiii» Ifttera durin< hia atay -I. «» i». arriised him ol dt ,* t(i»' i iuntrjr to the lienetit of U* Mwt '!•• ••:■ r > !<; • Champion has been j * " "i I <r tria1 >n the charge of | " f: a Outue ealliig on a tenant t > i • *h Ins larin. 0 a. M Maaa Up ls-tvinber 7. A j»a.<s*'n>r« r j li.e Uhio and Misaiaaippi rail " » »ia ;ti h eleven miles «:Ht v a, I i.nois, yi-aterday.and Henry i "• "H iulhi- nhe, Ohio, was killed, < i . i^tr, bttiif and res»i * :■•iii'.an. >»aa serumaly injnred. '41 KiUtrd ly ,'.u feagica Bmo* Throw n Uoui tb« Track : v i « .i; n\, |>eeeuiber 7.— % > and U'm Niuith. a •" ••jiera'.ir, wrre k l ed laateweu < n^m«- of the l.eluah Vallry v a n .>:! the track. 'hi'Mmj,). ®*<rrWK Jhvrt-iiaK "tywmm <Meicttjifa. |hcrii»»t!,. 4 Si? »*rke|. } t-V» Market. S5f It J*:? ''Hrket ^ •• 1**® *tjjjjy* Ottrra»to al IMO »t 1S*0 ^arke!'® °,erfwU mt l**° lttO WASHINGTON. PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS ON THE SECOND DAY. Democratic Senatorial Ciucus—Refunding Bill — Appointments — West Vir ginia Republican Association — Persona'itie*. GENERVLNEWi FRCM E CAPITAL. SprHrf! h (•» the Router. Wamiimjtojc, IH ceti. tier 7. The Lis fission of the Forty-sixth Ci n«n f 9 1 as '«irlv tot t»*n under h« ad way. It promises to b • a l>»isia< s-> s s limi exclusively. The most uii'^ortant matter t<» h# attended I > is lU count ol the electoral rote and the passu,*e cf the appropriations. Am there is no dispute over the election ol President and Vice President the otticial count oi the rote will he accotnp!ished without any delay. It is not unlikely that an apportionment bill under th»- new cen sus will Ih» passed at this session. It will l>e done if Superintendent Walker submits his report in time. The Senate bill providinx tor a tariff commission will also probtbly l>e passed, aud possi bly the inter-Stat** commerce bill may be brouxht up for action All the time not taken by the measures named atiovc will probably be consumed in consider ing Mm subject of refunding anil tiwt inx a law for that purpose. Uver 2.000 bills pending at various stag** will die with this Congress. Personals. Col. Hill Thompson, of Parkersburg. was here yesterday. I went up to the House with him and we were on the floor a while beiore Congress convened. Ben. Wilson gently che'Jed him tiuislv. Pointing to his seat that h • was then sitting in. Wilson said: •'Oh, I say, Thompson, you ought to try my neat. Several W est Virginians have been moving around in it this morning Had not you better sit in here and see tiow it stoes." Thompson sat down and said, "It tits pretty well." I n'>tu*ei irom me reporters guuerv, ysaterday, spt ml West Virginians on I the tl>»r of the Senat\ There was Gov. Mathews, button-holing Amir Fdmon •ton, of Weston, a meml>er ele«'t of ti • next legislature, an I the two were beii * pleasantly ent*rta:ned by St-natcr Henry Davis. J. N. Camden wasloung ing over on the corner sofa, with l»av»«! McGregor by his side, and the two seemed to 1>»* ynvin.'A jolly conversation. Hereford was mixing around among several others from his State, but appa rently didn't hare much to do with his : coming contestants. Walter I.. Ashley and Kd. Wagoner, ! t>i West Virginia, are registered at the 1 National, and will sr»*ttd a few days linr. J. W. Dennis, of Greenbrier county, is also at the t 'apital. A West Virginian who holds an otiice under the Government here. :ind <*te who Atands on the inside of ati iirs and is well |>oeted, told me this afternoou that John Hostler, Sherill of Ka:::iwliii county, and the!a:«* Grant delegate to the Chit ag«> < ; liven lion, would be appoint e<l I uited States Marshall of West Vir ginia. instead 01 the present incaniltetit, lieoig- W. I'afton. The late manipu lator tJ the K-idiral West Virginia ma chine, Washington Atkinson, i* ahm alter the ?«ine olfii». As I teh - I graphed you old Judge Davis, of <»re»>n- j brier, is here, working tiitfht and day to get the appointment for his son. Kd. Brues, of Wheelirg, has been here tor several days and left for the ' West last night John Ilerver. of Klin Grove, holds a thousand dollar ol!i *e in the Census l'iv ! partment. Several W» st Vir^iniacs who hold otlices iu the Pustoflice Depart ment will soon !><• compelled to give up pap sucking and yo Ijnck to the r moun tain farm*. The Ksls will h»*« con»id- | erable more patronage by getting the House after next March. J. F. H. West Vininls Hepnbtica'*■ >l*ti«l tn»|-at« li tothe Ke<1>U"f. Wasiunotov, Dceemlwr 7. A meeting of the West Virginia He publican as»'«cialion of this place was held last night. The club is compostd of thirty-five members, consisting of ortice-holders and West Virginian's rt siding here. About twenty-live were present a? the meeting, which was held for the purpose of takii'g action in re gard to t'ie coming inaugural ceremo nies. Alter rcceivirg a communication from the geneial committee, asking that two members be appointed to represent the Wt«t Virginia assoeiation, the fol lowing gent'emen were. selected to act as such, viz: Major Cole, oi Parkersbiiig. the Prisident of the association, an I Capt. K I. Moore. lla>es sent to the Senate veeterlay I ie name of J. S. Witcher, of West V:t ginie, late") pension agent lure, to be paymaster in the army with lit-* rank of major. His nomination will no doubt l»e confirmed. The nomination of Win, Lawrence,ol Ohio, for tir.itcomptroller of the Treasury department, is considered a good one; al«o (»< tt. Win. B. Har-n as chief signal otfi-vr of the army. This latter appointment promotes tieu. Me Cook, ot lien. Sherman's stafl. to the colonelcy of the Sixth Infautry. Th« Hcl'uuding Bill. Chairman of the House Hanking and Currency committee, Corgressman Buv-kner, is of the opinion that Mr. Wocd will have some duticutty in pass- j intc a bill to refund the maturing lAuids at a rate of three perctut interest. "1 am iu favor of wiping out the debt en tirely. ami in the quicket possible man- , ner,''said Mr. Buckner. "I want the •urplus reveuues of the Government applied to the payment of the debt, i Sherman haa lieen able to buy eighty millions of bond» during the past year. | »u»i at that rate our debt *<>on could b„* paid oC I don't object to refunding. The maturing bou Is may be put into new bonds bearing any rate of interest they like, three, lour, live or six per cent. I simply want the Secretary of the Treasury to apply every dollar of sur plus revenue to the pavmeut of these bonds. I know that a majority of the Western people are of the same ouin ion 19 myself and hope we can carry the Hons* with us." DMtoeratte Se^torjij Caucus A caucus of Democraric ienat^rs was held immediately after theadjournmeut of the Senate, yesterday, to determine what action should be taken in regard to committees for the remainder of tlie present Congress. It was decided to continue the committees as they now stand, dropping some of the select com* mittees that ha<l made reports. Among them, Mr. Wallace's comraiMe to inquire into allege*! election frauds. Mr. 11. G. Davis' committee on Treasury accounts, an<l the committee in relation to the Ponca Imliaus. The name of Senator Pugh was substituted for that oi the late Senator I'rver, of Alabama, w her ever it occurred on the list. "be Appropriation Bill*. Congressman Cannon, of Illinois, said yesterday that he thought three or four of th< minor Appropriation hills would be rea«iy t» report to the House this week, and would foe acted upon before the ho:iday reccs. Mr. Cannon is en* g«gcd in prewiring trie Military Acad emy i>iil, m.d Mr. Ba!;er is at work U|>on the FortilL'jtions hill. ''There will he no trouble, 1 think," said Mr. Cannon, * iu getting thioiigh wiih all neediul work by tlie 4th of March. I am in favor of doing up the work as soon a"? }x><-ib!c, and 1 believe my party friends are of my opinion. I*et us get away from heie, and devote nine months of 18M to bread and hatter getting." Moaiiaati.ns—Cabinet Meeting-Hetlre uioct of General Ord. Washington, December 7.—A lar,.e number of nominations were sent totiie Senate to day, but did not reach the Cipitol until after adjournment. The only new appointments, however, were th<*»e of Gen. \V. B. Ilazen to he Chief Signal OlUcer, with the rank of Brigadier General, and W. A. Miles to Brigidier General, vice Ord retired. The re mainder of the list was the appointments during recess. Army orders to-day announce the re tirement of Brigadier Gen ral Ord. Nothing of general interest t >ok place to-day in thf» Cabinet meeting. It is thought in arinv circles that Geueral Scliofield will l*» relieved in tlie course of a lew days. His successor will)>rofo:i hlv foe Brigadier General <>. O. Howard, now commanding the Department ot Columbia. It is said tlist Gen. Scho field will go to San Francisco. Aziiculturxl Products ot United Stares. WiMii.MiTOX, Decern!>er 7.—The fol I >wing contained in the report of the Commissioner of Agriculture sent to Cundress t ►•day, sh««w the value of the uiosi important of our agricultural pro duct' during the last two years, and the vaki- ot the exportation* thereof for the same period: Products for H79, bread s'.ufls, aairitlfc ani*.al matter, etc, $1 !MO,9>t,:.!»7; for IsS'J, $2UU9.000.00U, (estimated;; value of agricultural ex porta for the fiscal vnr ending June |S7!». $140,041.(or lf-80, $I«0,4U0,. 4.S; bread stuffs, it •. for Is7^, $2i0,!tt*I,> 11><<; for iKsO, i288.0>U,201; cotton, Ac., for 1870, $I7:J.1V<,'JU0; for 188). $221, ."»17.::_':t; woo l, iV *. fi.r 1879, j>20,122,007; for 1 *»S0, $22,000.001); miscellaneous for 1*79 s*::,st:?.i»2»i; f.-r isso. $iu,ooo,oo»\ Total for 1m7'», $00i,150,4!*2; total for I'vSO, $740,y07,0o2. Total experts of the same jears: 1879, $717,003,777; l^SO, $823,9tO.'J.VJ. UUC" I X aAn uuu VI AJC na i iohuci Washixotox, December 7.—The bill of Senator .M«• I>• n»ld to authorize local tax ition of legal tender Treasury notes of tlie Fnited >tates is a* follows: /»'. it ]\nart"l, ft.', That from ami after the passage of this act any State or Ter ritory of the (niied Stales |»r«v».|o for"* ''u' valuation ot personal property of owner or holder of any legal tender notes of the I'nileil States de nominated lawful money, owned or held l.v anv person or corporation in assess ing taxes imposed by the authority of such Sttte or Territory and may impose t ix thereon, but the tax imposed on any such lepat tender Treasury notes shall not he at a greater rate than is as gAwiI nr imposed upon go!.J or silver coin of the 1 nited' States in the hands of individual eit'zens or residents of mh li state or Territory. Cutting it Down. Wasih.noton. Dec.7.—Tlie Ways and Means Commit1 ee of the House to d tv unanimously resolved that the chairman be authorized t> amend the refunding bill now before Congress 1 »y instM ting three per cent wherever the words "three and a half" occurs. The c.< nmittee belieV'*a the time has arrived when three per cent b inJstan be floated at par. Sitting Hull \V It Surrender. \V \siu\ort.\,Uecffiiher7. -Adjutant General Drum, to-day received a dis patch from* ienei al'lurry, oi St. l'aul, MnuoHota, slating that he fu*d received information from the camp on Poplar Creek and from Ft. Hufork, which in dicattd that Sitting Bull would probably come in and surrender at Utiford. Supreme Court. Washinotox, D cen.her 7.—Since the opening of the present term, the Sii |:rente Court of the Cnited States has in a le uit'tsually rapid progress through out t ie docket, and heard an argument to day in caw* No. 12;?. At ad;;te cor responding date last year only !»J cases hud been reached in the regular call, so that the court is this term 27 case-i abend cf its last years' record. Should the present rate of progress he main tained lor the next two weeks, a-* it seems likely to be, the cas»»s will hi* called before the Christmas hi lidays, which wou'd irai or dinaryy be reached earlier than the last of January or tint of February, and it is important that the counsel in the cases a> hikih on the calender as No. lGj should have their briefs in readiness for submission before the "4th of the pres ent month. Since they are very likely to be called for, there is no probability that any of the Justhes oi the court will retire from the bench at present. It is understood that Justices Strong and Sway lie .ire both dcM'rous t-l giving i»p their positions a* Fioa a* they cau do so, without leavirg the court in a ctip pled condition, bit* the announcement oi any particular date for their retire ment ia premature. It is more than pr bable tliey w,!I retain their seats on the bench until the en«l of the present terms. KENATE Wssiuxr.TOX, D. December 7.— Mr J.mas presented the credentials cf Thos. C Manning who was appointed by the Governor of Louisiana to till the place of Spafiord, deceased, until the next meeting of the Legislature. Tiie tiled bill tixing the dutv on b«r h*y malt at 25 cents per bushel was re committed to the committee on finance. Mr. McDonald introduced a bill to authorize local taxation of legal tender treasury notes; referred. Teller and Hill introduced several bills amending the bill to ratify the I'te agreement; referred. Mr. Ingalls introduced a bill authoriz ing the issue and providing for the ex change mi I redemption of fractional notes. H-torred. Mr. Wallace offered a resolution that the standing committees of the Senate. #s constituted at the last session, b? rf vlacd aj;d continued for this session, and that Pugh, cf Alabtma, lie assigmd to the place made vacant bv the retire ment of I'ryor; Blair to take the place of In^lls on the Committee on Pen sions; Sharon on the Committee on Education and Labor, and Ilansom and Lamar to exchange places on the com mittee on railroads, thus making the latter chairman. Agreed tp. We alto offered a resolution tbat th# ! following select committees Ik* appoint ' ed for the present session, with |»owers heretofore gi\en to each on the subject ! to which tliev respectively relate: To examine the several branches of the civil Mtrvii e, \\>t, chairman; to consider the law as to the election of Presi dent anil the Vice-President, etc, ! Morgan, chairman; Committee oa Kj»i | demic Diseases, Harris,chairman; Com ! mitteeon Alleged Frauds in the Late Elections, Wallace, chairman; tj in ijnircintothe Ni-aranifUanclaims.Hamp ton, chairman; Fr ■eituian^' Bank, Iiruce, chairman; on bid providing; that the heads of the depart-uents may occupy seats on the floor of the Senate and House, Pendleton, chairman; • Joint | Committee on Library, Voorhees, chair mnn; Joint Committee on Yorktown ► Celebration, Johnston, chairman. The resolution was agreed to. ; The following select committees are i therefore discontinue*!: To investigate ; the treasury accounts, Davis, of West Virginia, chairman; on removal of the | Northern Cheyeuues, Kirkwood, chair ; man; on negroexodus, Voorhees, chair | man. Mr. Jtiair, of New Hampshire, did not i hear the Wallace cemurtlee named i when the resolution was road, and in ' quired if it wasjnti-nded to discontinue j that committee. ' Mr. Wallace Raid that was not the in I tention, but thst the committee was re j yived until its report is finished. Mr. 1 u^alls, of Kansas, offered a reso lution requesting the President to com municate such information as maybe in his possession relative to tho attempt ed settlements within the limits of In dian territory and what fcteps have been taken to prevent the same. Agreed to. Mr. Johnston, of Virgin'a, olb*red a j resolution instructing the Commissioner of Agriculture to luruish any inforina I ti<>n in his possession reUung to the j contagious pleuro-pneumonia of cattle ! and other contagious diseases of domes : ticated animals. Agreed to. J Mr. Paddock gave notice that on j Thursday next he will ask the Saute I t<> consider a bill t» provide for the sale of the remainder of the reserva'ion of the <>;oe ami Missouri Indians, in No I hratka and Kansa*. On motion of .Mr. Wallace, the , ing committees of list session were con tinued, Mr. Pugh taking Mr. Prvor's placo arnl one or two other slight changes. Various communications from the de partments were submitted. The Sena to went into executive ses sion artd when the doors were reopened sojourned. The Senate in executive session mere ly referred to theemmittee nominations already made. Ttie House Committee on Commerce has begun work on the river and harbor bills. It is thought that the pensions, military academy, fortifications, and consular an I diplo matic appropriation bills will be ready to be reports! to the House Thursday HOUSE. Mr Belfr.r 1 o fie red a rpsiiliilion direct ing 11 it? Secretary < I lnt« rior lu i iifi>rni the House tin h*r \\ liat law rr warrant of autht ritv, Mr iHjiig'ass, sub-chief of the lie tribe <>f Indi; »•», i* confined in the military prison at I'l. L» awn worth, and w lint stops, i: any, have been by the I"iiite«l^-trtten miliiorflit-s to brin^r In it) t« > I rial for alleged complicity i t; t lie ' murder of Indian Agent Meelnr. \ top* < iiiunittees wer<* railed for rep« its. 'I I,- debute en point of or ler us to whether the Senate concurrent resolu tion, relative to the electoral vote, pro sen ted h question of privilege that was continued at some length, and tinaily the Speaker decided that the >••? ilution presented a question of privihge. Tilt) debate was then resumed. The Republican* ai<; filibustering r<rains» the refolution demanding on I united time f*»r debate, whi.h the l>em oerats are unwilling to grant. Mr. Springer called attention that the Republican Congress had enacted the joint rule for counting the electoral vote. Mr. Kobeson replied that under the presence of the war and the r> construc tion that followed it. the I»->publicans had made good of false legislation; that they had Iwen weak and precipitate in uiany of their actions and were sutlering I trom it to-day. The Speaker—The i hair desir >s to say that the Te.•*: t'» Article of the Consti tution provides :<>- tl.t* coxn:ing of tiie Kiectu'al vote, and Section II- of the Kevised Stjtutes provides that the Klec tdrui vote shall be ascertained and de clared .greeble and Constitiona. This law ah o livi s thetiuie for counting the vote ; and fixes this session as the one at which till1 count shall made of t i»>» last election. I niforni practice, cer tainly recent practice, goes to the ex tent of showing an I places a fair con struction on what has been the action of Congress, that two Houses do connt and have counted the electoral vote. The two Ileuses of Congress 111 the first session oi the Thirty-eighth Congress agreed to the i?2«J joini rule for counting the vote. The Senate in the first ses sion of the Forty fourth Congrtss re enacted uli the j-jint rule# <;| the Forty-third Congress, exe pt the -2nd, and the Home taking , no action thereon, the Senate declared there wer • no j lint rules in force. The • S -nat" de» iled in the Forty-fourth I Cengress by a vote of ."•# to 7 that the President of the Senate had no power I to conr.t the vote. If the chair were to refuse on technicalities to allow the adjustment between tiie two houses as to the government of tiie houses whon i t j tint s- ssion such proceeding mupt 1 a 1 to cliao* an 1 confusion and p« rhsps c mnnotijn, but as far a« the question of privilege strictly is concerned the chair is oi the opini n that i* makts n . difference whom tie Votes arc couatcd by, it done by the two houses Ii is the highest dut.' they have to the constitution relasing t > the election of President and Vice Presi dent, and the very exis ence ot our form of government may depend tij on it. Ii couute 1 by any perMn. it must lie done in the presence of lie* two house, so that all rules regulating the joint meeting arc the highest privilege affecting as they do the cx»rci#e of the most important functions oi the two houses. I ti answea to the point made hv the gentlemen frun Michigan and I >w a (Conger and I'ndegratF > as tothe rules of the House, the Ci.a r d«sires t .i say that it is net omjw-t-nt for the Hi-use t > make any rule which obstruct in any degree the ex- cution of the t-rins of the Constitutions. The C <air there l ire consolers, in view of pa»t practice, that thi- is a question of privilege. Mr. Keifer obtained thrt llj iran l de livered a written argument agiinst the rending measure, which he tluracter iz?d as a measure of usurpstion and fraud, and one which might l*ad to bloodshed and At the conclusion of Keiter's speech the matter went over for ti>« present, the House then adjourned—yeas, f>9; nays, 04: the Democrats opposing the ( motion. _ OFFICEKS OF THE SLAWABH AK A. Indicted for Minsuugbt-r. New ^oj:k, Decemt>er 7.— The United States Grand Jury has indicted for man slaughter the directors of the company and the captain and engineer of the steamer Seawanhaka, alao the Govern ment Inspector of steamboats. GENERAL NEWS. ARRANGED FOR THE MANY READERS! OF THE REGISTER. Panama Canal—Railroad Accidents—Lost of Life—Parneli's Unpleasant Posi tion—Numerous Fires— I Heavy Failure. NEWS BOTH FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. l)c Lesseps' Panama canal scheme seems to be meeting with general ap proval on both sides of the ocean. Its financial success seem* now to he as sured. .Subscription* iu this country are going in rapidly. A broken rail on the Chicago, Hock Island and Pacific railroad caused a passenger train to he thrown over an embankment. The cars took tiro at once. All escaped from the tlaines ex cept mail agent Simms, who was burned in his car. The conductor and others were severely injured. B. (i. Arnold & tons, coflee merchants of New York, made an assignment yes terday. Liabilities near $1,000,000. Parne'.I is kept in a very uneasy con dition on account of the numerous threatening letters which he receive** dally. OUK NtlOUBURINO TOWNS. Morguntown- Lock No. 9 Damaged MomiAXTowy, W. V*., December 7.— A special messenger here yesterday from Lock No. 9, Hoard's Roclip, on the Mo nongabela river, eight miles below Mor pantown, brings the startling intelli gence that at about .1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, a portion of the eastern end of the slac k water dam built o! stone at No. !• was swept away by the great freshet. The top of the dam i* gone, but it is not known to what extent the work has sull'ered, as the water is still too high to ascertain. The bank of the river is also ba'lly scoured below the wing at the upper end of the lock wa I. River 14 feet and falling. Lock No. 1* is the dam which is being erected bv the government, and the loss will not fall on the Monongalia Naviga tion Company. Reports Irom other sec tions of West Virginia indicate that the storm of Saturday evening wa* excep tionally violent, and much other damage was done. Death of a Wonder-Ghouls. Nkw Philadelphia, ()., December 7. —About one year ago the little son oj J. A. Kinsely", «f this place, was scim! with a most singular diBease. The flesh on hi# entire body suddeuly became oh hard almost as stone. Ihe disease batiled the skill of tbu limit •ininent Musicians, an>l the ease was pronounced without a parallel in the history .»(the country. To the surprise of every or.e. t!,.> wonder lived until Saturday last, when suddenly his life went out. The fuuvrel, which took place yesterday, wan a very large one. The body was depos ited in a strong vault, and will be care fully i^itardoft oroiiist ^fioufs, wiio, it is reported, are already in the neighbor hood waiting for an opportunity to steal it. ... The Cause Assigned. Nkwark, O., 1'erember 7. -The cause of the smash-up near Union Station, Saturday night. was the carelessness of the front orakouiin, Miller, of the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. I<ouia freight train. After giving his train the siding for the Baltimore and Ohio freignt to pftps, litf failed tin* Bviiti li, BO till' 15. A i>. freight instead of keeping the the main track dashed mutinously into the Pan-llandle train. After they Btruck Miller was not to be found, and believing him to be beneath the wreck, as quickly Vs possible the debris was peaiched, but no Miller languished thereunder. lie tied from the conse quence of his carelessness, ami has not been heard of since. . The name of the Baltimore an 1 Ohio fireman, who was fatally injured, w«b McConnahcy insUad o: William"*, as rejorted. A BROKEN B lIL Caused Loss ot Life and 1'roperir. Atchison, Ks , December 7.—The ac cident last eveningon the Chicago, Kock Maud and Pacific road, is more serious than was firH leported. The regular passenger train leaving here at 5:4') had reached a point Smiles cast, near LJ gertjn Junction, when a broken rail • threw the tendtr from the tr.tclt down an embankment, the whole train with the exception of the locomotive follow ing. The train was composed of a bag cage and express car, mail car, two day ouches and a sleeper. The cars took fir.) almost immediately and were all destroyed. The mail agent, Simms, was «aught in his car anil burned to death. Mi" associate, Killer, had his shoulder dislocated and narrow lv escajtcd a similar fate. Theconductor, Westfall.had nn ankle severely sprained and four passengers received injuries more or l. ss severe. Their names can not yet be learned. There was, fortun ately, a light run of passengers, only abont sixteen being aboard the train. The mails . express goods and h.aggng" were all burned. The weather was in tensely cold and the passengers Buffered aevere'lv until they reached a place of ' The railroad officials are ex tr Miv-iy uncommunicative concerning the details of the accident. LONDON. H^gstta-American Competition Ixjsoof, December 7.— lhe proposed regatta for the American prizes, is ex pected to collapae. f.are Sewell Head, who went to . America recentlv to inquire into Amen- | can agriculture, in ad.lresuing the harm- ■ ers' Club, I.ondon, said he would not ftar American competition in wheat for twent»-five vears hence, as the exhaus tion of land would ensue iu that time and the cost of prod action would in crease Put in regard to beef there were 9»rions prospects of competition from the va>t her Is in the far West, liead said be deemed it likely that the Ameri can nation would Iweorae the greatest in the woild. PANAMA CANAL ' Subscriptions on Both Bides of the Ocean. | P\ut« peceml)er 7.— Kx Queen Isa bella has ordered her bankers to invest lar.'elv in the Panama can*l shares. The t' Ambaarador here congrat ulates De Leeseps on the financial suc cess of the entnrpiise. New Yobk, December 7 —The sub scription books of the Universal Com pany for the construction of an inter oceanic canal through the Isthmus of Panama were opened to-day at the offi ces of Drexel, Morgan <k Co., J. and W. Seligman & Co , and Winslow, Lamer 4 , Co. The subscriptions were reported to be coming in rapidly. Panama Canal Boom New Yoek, December 9.—Sobicrip tlona to the Panama Canal by the American committee to-day amounted to «,000,000 ST. LOUIS. An Escaped Maniac Villa Thre« Mtm* ► bera of One Family. St. Loris, December 7.—Information of a most horrible triple murder bar ing been committed by an insane man, this morning, near Chester, Ills., was received here to-night. It appears that a young man 22 years of age named Louis Tockstein, living a short distance from Chester, became insane a few days ago from religious excitement. Yester day he wa« taken before court by the Deputy Sheriff, adjudged insane and placed in charge ot two guards to be taken to the asylum at Jacksonville. The guards took the man to a hotel in town and remained with him hII night. About H o'clock this morning he railed for water to wash himself. One of the guards brought him some in a basin, which he t->ok, and immediately thing it into the guard's face. He then dashed through one of the front windows of the room and ran down the road leading out into the country, blood streaming from his fare .'and hands from cuta made by the broken glass. Altout a quarter of h mile from the town in the house of Thos. Kyan, an old man 6H years of age, with whom lived his widowed daughter, Mrs. Smith, and her little girl of 12 yearj and a boy still younger. Arrived at this house, Tock slein, who has stripped himself naked on the road, rushed wildly in and order ed the inmates to kneel ({own and pray, sayiug they had but fifteen minutes to live. They all obeyed but the little l»oy, who escaped from the house and ran to a neighbor's and gave the a!arm. When thj friends arrived at the scene they found Kyan and Mrs. Smith dead with their skulls smashed by an axe, and the little girl lying headier* on the lloor, the maniac having chop ped the child's head completely or!. Having finished his bloody work at thia place, he seized the bleeding head of the innocent child by its long llax en hair, and swinging it at arms length over his own head he dashed down tne road acain. About a quarter of a mile he stopped at the house of Dr. (iordon, entering he found found only a servant girl. He ordered her. us he had the Kyan family, to kneel and pray. The girl screamed, which brought a hired man from the stable, and Doctor (iordon appearing at the same time, after tierce and desper ate struggle, they overpowered and bound him with a rope. He was then taken to Chester, his wounds dressed, clothing put on him and placed in the charge of persons who brought him to Fast St. I»uis, to-night, and took him thence to the Jacksonville asylum. HEAVY PAILUHE. D O. Arno'd & Bona Make an Aisignmont - Liabilities • l.OOO.OCO. Nkw ^ork, December 7.—B. <». Ar nold A Son?, coffee dealers, 1 Front street, ma le an assigumt nt |o-day to J. Lawrence McKeever, JUS I'earl street. Tlie rumor became known before noon, but no credence was placed upon it un til o'i lock or ho, when it was an thenfativ*ly Mated the assignment had been made. The unsecured liabilities are placed at between #750,000ami $!,• Oil),(>00 between this city and 1'hiladel phiii. For Nome month* the credit of tfie liou-e has been impaired, owned to its known conncttion with vast coffee speculations and tho shrinkage in that artiile seriously affected the tMnding ' of the hoti*., but failure was not considered for an in stant. Its transactions have been on the grandest scale. It tried to control the entire coffee market of the world. The suspension created little excitement. It is reported that several large Philadelphia houses have heen compromised with. A friend *of the firm stated this afternoon that they wonltl pay every penny they owed; that Arnold owned a large amount of first class stocksand a large block <»f valuable real estate. He stated that the firm held over $.'500,000 surplus. The sole cause of the failure is attributed to spec ulation in coffee As soon as the failure became known many expressions of re grot from prominent bu'inc-a men and bankers poured into the o'lii'e an I several telegraphic communications rocoivril from lMiil;t«lclphia. II, li. ArnoM hasahsHVM heen regarded as one of the foremost and thoroughly business men in New \ ork. i he linn were the largest opeiators in coffees and t»».is in this city and, pivsibly, in the country. The original firm was Heed ATay, which was established about the opening of tlis present century. Noon afterward lav went out and the firm name was changed to Keed, llempsted «t Murgi*. Later, IV (». Arnold, the bend of the present Itmni!, became a partner under the firm of Nturgiss, Bennett ,v Co. Ben nelt afterward went out and the firm name l>ecHme A mold, Sturgis 4* Co., and alsitit ten years ago, when Nturgi* retired, Mr. Arnold became head of the house under the present tirin name. A rumor of suspension spread «|ut'-kly alwut the lower part of the city'and caused considerable sarnri;e. Coffee Healers on Front and Wall streets ex press! sympathy for Arnold in bis misfortune, sltbon.'h th»opinton seems to be general that after the accounting bad been ma le the assets would be suf ficient to cover all liabilities. In s->me of the banks, l>efore the suspension of the tirin had f»een pnbliclv announced, it was said that 15. <i. Arnold and Co. were ex|*cted fQ fail by three o'clock. skriuksge in the value of coffee and t*'* was assigned as the principal cause of their misfoitune. It was Hated that the sudden death on Saturday night of o. (i. Kimball, of Bos ton, had probably effected their credit an f accelerated the suspension. Kim ball was a large operator in coffe*, and was known to be an extensive bolder. His business relations with Arnold A. Co. were understood to have been verv intimntefor a number of years. He had important business connections in this city, where he passed much of his time, and wss well known throughout the coflVe trade. He a was a member of the Union Lc-gue Club. It is said that nineteen cars, each holding twelve tons of co?ee, were consigned to one firm in •St. Louis this morning. INTIMIDATIOW. How Ireland's Peoplt Puff«r I/>*nov, September 7.—A dispatch from Dublin says: The Boycotting is I now also used to compel the unwilling I persons t5 pin the land league and to subscribe money thereto. A Dublin gentleman, who has a few acres of land on the borders of this country has re ceived a letter warning him t iat be must join the league before Saturday or take the consequences. The mot) re cent development in Boycotting ia in the country " towns where shopkeeper* and even peddlers are required ti produce tickets showing they are member*of the L-ague, or they will net be allowed to buy or sell. Fven Orangemen in some places aie ob^ged to join the League rather thsn lose th«r buainew, property or livea. The organi sation becomes daily more perfect in its minute details. Tbe accumulation ol arms in tbe country is regarded with mneh apprehension. One hooaa here •applies 240 revolvers weekly to differ fit parts of the country. BUYING AND SELLING. GENERAL MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Money Easy at 3 Per Cent—Governments Stronf and Higher—Flour Steady Wheat Unsettled and Generally Lower—Hop Dull Potato Crop. We clip the following from the 8t. Louis Pod'Diipateh of late date: "Not only in the I'nited State?, bot almost every civilixed country, the po tato ia one of the most indispensable ar ticles of food, any dearth of this valuable vegetable ia to he looked upon somewhat in the light of a calamity. The mass of the |>eople in this couutrv are tin iware of the enormous extent of the failure of the present potato crop, and therefore information in regard to it cannot hut be interesting. The early potato crop throughout the United States was a fair cne, although not usu ally large, or the vegetable itself unusu ally excellent. The Iste crop, howcvor, has he«n a terribly miserable one, aud all over the country, especially west and sonth, the insinuating 'dry rt.t,' so familiar of late to the Irish feasant, ha* penetrated, ren lering the potato little better than useleM. 1 he peachblow, the favorite late potato, alone seems to have escaped to any extent the general 'hs ease, and even these are to a consider able decree alleetod. Inquiries t v lav among eome of the nio»t prominent commission produce merchants who handle larg<» quantities of this article ol foot!, developed seme interesting; l.u K One gentleman, the head of a house Unit docs an extensive business, said that tor the past eight or ten years poUiOM had hetn gradually becoming m»r» and more affected with the 'dry rot,'late ones I especially. This year, however, it was worse than evtr, and although there j were plenty 01 them in the mar ket, not more than one half were tit for 1 use. This gestnti the failure of the win ter crop in a great measure was owing to the want ot rain and in consequence of the lack of sufficient moisture lor the soil. The potatoes at preaent in the market, after one month, will become soft and of no use, and if fresh supplies of a better kind are put upon the mark, t (which is very unlikelv) there will be a grand 'boom* and prices will run up rapidly. The crop in this Mate scarcely amounts to anything, as with the excep tion of a small proportion hardly worth speaking of, it is altogether pet mealed with the mentions "rot." Oilier Stales are not so had, although Southern Illi nois, which used to ship potat ies hire, is now compelled to beg for them from Iowa ami other States New York N*w Y oiiK. Ii-.cemlier 7.—Mo*»v-. j Fairly ea.«v ati<l rargiug iron; ii | if; per rent, per diem tojn-r cent. her aiimiiii, and (lasting hI ;t |h r cent. i'miic itiei cantile pajier per cent. Marling | exchange. hankers' hills vtiak at 47*»i: ! demiui'l 4*0.*. Produce exports lor the week $7,*7H,(HM>. Mi.vkh—At tendon r»| l»sr nil ver Iter** 111,; tmliaidiary sii v**r coin f(>»d per ii'iii. iliM'oiiti!. lioviKNXitv m- >trotig and lb Jc high« ( or, except ioi -Vs, wliii h |<* lower. , The Treasury I icigld (,f sixes J of 1*S0. ! I'. 8. i«»upoui iiwi) —.... lot *. i New Fl*e* — • ; New t-our-sml one-tafif* ......»l"'« 1 New Konr«_ '*« r*rlfl«'Sin* "I ; ............l/> _ Kai!.rom> lloxm In gooil demand liiil irregular. Statk Sritritii s—Fairly active. Stocks—I In- ato, k market opene<i j strong an.l J'.i.l per cent. h tfiier, ami j auh*eqiientlv advanced J to 14 percent , | the coal *1 a'c« leading tin* improve ment. At the lirst boMrd a decline id | I to Id per cent. t<>»k p'*<e, the latter in Western I'liion, l.ut lielore n«*on the market t<a-k an upward turn, ami prices ro*e J lo 2; |m r cent , Heading and Denver ait I Itio inmi'ie leading. During the atlernoon r-ptinatim *a«t irreguljr an«l linlcr the Icjdeiship «l : Iron Mountain a decline of J to Ij per, cent was recorded, hut in lute dealing* ft strong tone rgvin ptevniled and Hie market dosed at an advance »( j to I { pf»r cent., Kejiliug, 1'nion Pacific arid (iraiifera heing the most prominent therein, lauiisville, N'e* Alh.inv i rid Chicago si M up fnen 'Wl to 4'U Mil Naahville and Chattan n v> from 7.1 to 71. houisvi and Nasiivi Is deciimd from Hi?j toSfl. An Amsterdamdispalch quotes Chicago, Hurlington and «juin»y at«M-k Helling t' - lav a» 17-»; it wdh only placed ii|miii tlie llourse yesterday. The trail, actions on the Kin k F.i change aggregated Ct'l.iMJO shares, of which 2,'**) wre Chicago, Knrlington and tfuincy, 1,000 C.t C. »'«. I. C , 'Jli.tXX) Delaware, L.«rkawannft ami Wenleiii, J,L'^VI Delaware and llm!ro:i Canal, 2ft,. (Mi F.rie, 2,1100 Hannibal and M Joseph 1U,U0U Iron Mountain,1H*00 Kansas and Texas, 11.000 I.ake, ootio Mu ll igan Central, li'.fmO North»estern,*,009 Nashville and Chattanooga. ®n00 New Jersey Central, .'l.^On New York Central, ' 1,000 Northern Pacific, Ohio and ' MlH>>ia*'| pi, 2,300 leading, M Paul, 4,0,K)Sl. I 'a ill and Omai », 2,400 | t'nion Pacific, x.noo Wal>a*>i Pan tic, j 4,000 Western I'nion, and J.fWi l<oui«- ; ville snd New Alhai.v. t*r.trmi r*c:or. , '-.Kboni. rflnkfn* fun*'"' Ir. ' L*htgh * * b»r.e .... ? v A «•« Vr trie an «• |^ck * PADimi # |f| lilinoto <>Diru »a * D * W ^I7| * Cticacb* Alioolj >. I. 4 A. j.r«fVrrt<d_ ID »cw lork '-ntr» . ii?u H«».cia ^, Ijki Shor»._.„.mi j jfj1 C«o»'l4fioiithrm . ;o^ Nirbigtn CtrnumJ.. II : « . Kfi* pr.'l^rrc'l ~ 7» North •nfro <v>fn Ij,'j Sor.hwf.tern dM i. : ' #«• £»ui i«c^ * pr^fwrrt. II**? titl'sul <lt Omiiu «| Pf«-.VtTw}.._ ,V» i. A * !<•)* M«>rrt» A K-rj | rv I*l» wa.-f.tH u.jfcjfi ~,»j 2fW»er**'Cea;J- T** ■**•»* jr. 04* - x,.* Prelcrnii Hijack# i Ohio ii v. XoblUt A Oblo C. «fcC._ fj<t C..C. AI.C lit ' OfcW)Onti*i IT\ , lMlUrti«AWr»i«*»n I -4 , Kunlnrton I..K AN i *lu>iiA Irrn-Hmi* i; Kr»(»"fr1. 110 i. * r «■ Hr»f> rr»i.... ..._ 7 Hajiaioa) AriL Jo» , PrvV'r*-! // , Imn ;<o-ii Uln ... «•', it I>oult A h. V .... «fc». trtl*TT-A. <1o. do. Ftr»ta._ i:.. Ht L. A N O. KimhATju.. 4'4 Cnif»o . ..... 10 Ontral Parlfl'- »l , s.infirm HmCi Prvfrmd '!'* [>TUl«T> AN«AbTi>. %«> Vvh A' haiun'p I., N. a A m ... 14. Hwj^'ofi A T«ria* . '« Mfrr A Rio (» . ?«*» *»Vfm CdhjO A A I' Til»*T*pto IT Vut'.f.r Mai! C* Adam* Maimm—IK Well* raw A<a in Amerlnui Eipreaa. 0. rt. Et^rc* &> Qulrkallm .... 11S Qu'.'killTcr pM~. M Oulbeu .'i Uftdnlto Oiitral Ar aotu... "S "U-D'tartl „... Ei<*lKof o'i Ijru* Plttoborfb... 2 OnUri« «H rjtODUCL VoiMA Toi.«oo, Deceml*r 7.—Wheal—Firm er; No. 1 white Mwhitfan |l (V>j; »ruber Michigan |l <V»|; No. 2 red Wtluuh. a[«ot and »«l>r December fl 06; v\\er Janu ary $1 CH{; ae!!er Febrnar) $1 11}; a**l* ler Marrb f| 131; teller April |1 15}; No. 3 red Wabeah No. 2 Dayton and Michigan red II 05; No. 2r«l mixed <j'w Corn—Firmer; high mixed 44k; No. 2 spot 4V; aeller December 4*{Je; aelWr January 43Jc, aeller May 4%j re jected 43c; damaged 42c. Clover Md —Prime mammoth $ft 00; No. 2 $4 75. m ww tmrm. 5iw Ton, December 7.—Cotton— Easier at 12f$l2Jc; futures easy. Floor — Doll and heavy; receipts 27,000barrel*, shipments 7,000 barret*; superfine western and State $3 40@4 00; ootnmoo to rood $4 .VXjuS 00: good to cboira (.5 06^0 75; white wheat extra $5 10(5 t» 00; extra Ohio $4 75(3O *5; St Looia f."> 00(<t<'> 75; Minnesots patent process |<> 50(g8 50. Wheat—Moderate trade; receipts 100,000 bushel*; exports 10,000 bushels; ungraded spring SI 15; No. 2 spring $1 10: ungraded red ft 124(i 12HJ; No. S do SI 18; No. 2 do Si 21 J<* 1 22f; No. 1 do SI 27$; mixed winter SI 1*; ungraded white SI 08@l 08J; No. 1 do, **les 73,1)00 bushels, at SI IS f-A IS]; No. 2rcd,sel!er l>ec«mber,sales 88,000 bushels, *t SI '.MK-l 22*; seller January, Mies '>00,000 bushel*, at SI 24 (m;1 24 j; seller February, ssles 720,0«"» bushels, st SI 28|<gl 27. Corn—Di 1 and lower; receipts05,000 busliels; ship ments 84,000 bushels; ungraded 57(A 00c; No. 3 i6?| steamer 57c; No. 2 held at $1 2*.'); No. 2 seller lK<ceuiber SVjc; seller Januarv 5'.»fc; seller Feb ruary 00c. (Jats— Dull; receipts 37,000 Ixialiels; western mixed 41'» <4**; whilM western 45te4l».\ Hay—Steady and in (air demstiJ. Hops—In fsir demand. CoIT«h»— Pull and nominal. Sugar—Quiel and Mead.r; (air to good refining 7 7|«\ Molasses— In lair denisnd. Kicu —stesdy sitd in fsir demsnd. Petrol* urn—Firmer; Cnited V2Jc: (rude C|(«l 7c; mined l»f<* bid. Tallow — Stsadjr at Uosin—Quiet and un changed. Turfientino— Firm at 45(5 4")Jc. Ivgt—Firm st 2ti(£3lf. l'ork —Steady; old mesa, for export, Si3 75 <.*.14 (ki. Beef- Steady. Cut Meats— Cnsettled and easier: long clear S7 25, aliort clear |7 82$. lard—Strong and fa>rly active; prime steam $8 77i. Mut ter—Choice firm, othersdull at IJoAJlV Cheec. — Pol and unchanged. Ctncaao. Cnk a«o. Peeemlier 7. — Flour — Steady un ! unchanged. Wheat— I'm settled ami generally lower; No. 2 red a inter SI 03. No. 2 Clm ago spring fl 4V»g cish; $1 H>| seller December; SI 07J *rl I >r Februan; 11 08} seller January, So. 3. N8f»'ik-. t '.irn — I'nsi'ttleil hut itener ally lower at 4U|(>i (of.- cash; 414<* seller lanuan, 4!Reseller l-ebruary; 4n|c sel ler May. Data—Steady anil linn at 35^<kt.tjc cash; .'Vic aril* r January; it."t *«• st-1m i Felirurry; ;»<Wc seller Msy. *nd b.irley Steady und unchsnited. Flax Seed—At $15 00. Pork — Active, tirni and higher-at III 7.'K«-I;l 75 cash, SI3 35 seller January; S13 47|<^i:( 5o seller February. I*srd—Active, llrm ami higher at fS 40 i s 4"» caah; 50l'»> m &2) aellar January. |S <tS| seller Feb ruary. Hulk Meat*'—Demand active and prices have advanced; shoulders S4 25, abort rih* jo v'>; short clesr S7 05. Wliisk) —Steady anil uiichsnged. UalUasora. lUi.iiMour, I >• centher 7.—Flour— Dull and li.avv, hut without i|uot*bl« change, though iniimMiimi would tn» mn<|f il liter* mum demand. Wheat — tocetcrn higher ami at rung; Xo. L'weat iTii hinter ml, apot *| lt»|^I |v|c; m lire I'l i enilier $1 l'»|; l>i.| M-llei J-nu «rv $ I V'J [ft I ller February f| '• I M llrr Mrrrh fl | (Jorri — \V caW-rn higheraml llrin; w cater it uiue.l, M»)t •►*>«.'M|c ol.l; 57Ac n«*; "pot ami M'lliT I'im i-iiilx r ,'i'»4<.«'»tv, M-lNr.lanu.nv '>*|(t.'»*Jc; ateainerV.'jfa' •.I" Oilc-hmer an I <|iiiet; wcatcrn while 4V; do. mixed t.'lc. Kve-Jhill if :\ ((¥<t | ti;l. 11 m \ I 'iM-hao|(e<1. Pro \iHoiia <fuiet ami without change. I.iitler S|i i l\ ; prime to elioirw wiat "" parked roll )VVM I ifm; Irifli W.ut,; limed 'JOfoJiv. I'etroleum tjniet, r fined tMr. Cutter •/ "' t; Kin rar/<HM, ordinary to fair, II Of,S,V"» Mradv; A aoft Wlc. « hifkt >ti a Iv at $1 I'M- I ?>). Cionnuu ('iminuti, liircuilur 7.—Cot ton— #J'iil at 11 Ji\ Flour—Doll and low* ••r, family It 7.V>».'i(ffl; fancy f.'i MX4h .VI. Wheat-Weak; No 'J ainUr f I <)4; Nr. -' red «inter fl uV.i | on. Corn—Kaaiei, No. '1 nine I 47c; new mixed <h»ta- (/uii t luit lirm; No. i! mixed 37(^ ■ Hye—Weak; No. 'J IWfaWic. liarlev — ti«lh t;No. fall'.»N^afl (*). Pork — IHIII at $1.1 ftUWia 7*i. I<ard—linnet at *H :>b'H 10. Hulk Meat* Hull, aboiilder* (4 Ml, Hear rili $7 00. Ilacoti -I'nllr clear |s ,V». (hitter-tjuiet, rhotiv Central Ohio lc; choice Weatcrn !;<•«« rvr Whiaky — Hraly at $1 l!f. 7 PltUburgn. I'm*auann, Pecemlier 7.—Petrolaum —W>>'*t; crude eiiau r, I ruled certificate* a !'2}r; refined r for Philadelphia de livery. ( A'U^ioh il M»rktti yn 4th I'atjr, I Penator Lamar-Military Pod. WA»iiiM»to\, I'en-mKor 7.—The frieii'U of Senator l.amar apprehend that hi* health will not permit hia at lendam-f in the Senate again. He ia faid to lie vt-ry + rMe, I nder advii e from the Secretary of War aM advarre l,arn-*« and timlwr aton-d at tin* WMthmglon arsenal am lieing removed to New York and Kan F ramiwyi, preparaloiy to cinvertinif tfir#e groiiti<la inp> a regular military jx»at. I he warehoua* ia to U con Vffrte.1 into a large Maid* for thn artillery horaea, an I th«i other warehouaea are f rr>r.|«. j tie arterial Ml|| u Si ran^d for immanent l^arrarka iiid hea>l<|iiarter. roor rompaniaa ot tl.# Second a-tillery, one a|v|rf UtUrri • il! l-e atationed here (•ermanently, and f«.riii l «*r.hjiiart» r» for that regiment The artillery coin pan i«a at Port M< • Henry will be trana/erre<l front Halt • more to the areenal here. Cr>|. |{. jj, Ayera will !,»• in rotumand of thaai' •"tial. Firri M'Henry «>|IU left in cha j* of a amall rarnaon under l,ie»i. tenant < ulonel A. P. Harvard. The idea of tranaferrin/ the hrad'iuartara from I ort Mrlfenry to thia nty ia that the troop* may have m»re auitable gronnda for drilling rortioaea Tin, change, it ia underatoo-l, will he n»ad« a<Koi ai the araenal her# j| laa^W ready The I*. trmjm from Norfolk. New ^ ork and othtr i^unu, which ar>* orlered her« tithe ioaogitratmn, will 1^ <,nattered at the araaaal, and aeni ha« a aa aoon aa the ceremoni<aiare over. M«etln(of tba KubUa Baalth AaaoalaUon Ntw OaL««»a, I)emnber 7 —Tha Amerhwn Pohlic Health Aa*>dalio., met to-day. A paper «aa read by He*. I>r. Joaeph Ii. Mnuh, auryeon l'aite<! Matea Army, upon "Teiaa Cattle Feven ll«- eoatended that no epi dem»r dieaeeee prevailed tmwnm native I Texaa rattle, hut great numl««aof im cattle aufTrred from an acclimat ing fever Tl,e f+t+, ,4 l„. Ka,i,h gave riae to •■fmeintereatingdiaciieBion, taken rirtfc.,° lH. ^°9'• * Uhieago, and Ur. Plonkett, of Naahvdle. Tha ne«t pa per read waa the rer^n of the commit tie on the plan for tha prevention of tha apreao t4 rontagiona diaeaaea. rea<l by A |U.0ihana. I nited Kj.tra Navy. tUl, | condnded with a rear>lution mom j mending the lerielatiag o| making it a criminal otlenae to knowingly communi cate a ronfa^ioni diaeaae and providing gratai'oua treatment. A Iter dUruMioa Atchinaoa and Uerera, of Jfaahvlll.; Wright, ot 11.1 wwkee, and othara, tha reaolotkm waa adopted. Ahoot one hundrad m«mber« wem pri9t9i.t