Newspaper Page Text
"jnjfcling ftrgtftffc DAILY. TBl-VUK'uT, WEEKLY LEWIS BAKER 4 COMPANY. rsaL.«nm ahd noruiron. TBS DAILY KEQBTK* I* pvfielUtf rrrry Mrw<V (««p< ■%»*>) " U* Rty-Mrr Uaikixng, 12B JftirM Hrrtt, Wkiitbq, W. To. Ml Carritr, per «ii Ucvnft Uj Onmtr. pir m»mt\ VfnU Bp *ii«, ptr to aJmtn*. pmtpakL. to <M THE WKEk'L T KM. 1ST SB, « k*y* X Mhm Irtl tlrnrn .Vp>« UKl LMrr'trt f after. Ttrmi <>; «■& HTipttum, ytw yr*itntj. umtuMi ia*i*a«r«.' Ow (Vp), on* f r |l 5( l cuh <4 rtt i r In C\ub* tf Tm%, «r ■>•«*• 1 0» Enteral at (A* <M IfWimj, W. Fa., * MtondWiiM axi/Mr. fpetim** t>f>w« fuimAM /rt* y ehirj*. A<i Jr*m the ptMWurt, LEWIS B.lEMt.t CO, ITVWt».> IT. r,*. » - ——: _ J.i.i - J SncAKKu Randall (xinwiw * Repub lic-mi majority of one in the next House Tuk bullion ahipnunta from I^ad ville, tltirinjf November, amounted ir value to Thi rveipts of B«'oth'* Theater "hir ing the Bsrmiabih season of twenty four night.* cloeed Sat urdav, were $t)Sf. 000. Jay Goi'in, it i* said, will lead the railroad lobby in the movement in foil gress t» <erurj ti;e opening of the In diau Territory. Mr K I>. I.trnwio continue* to local* an occasional Swiis colony in the State He has lwen lately, selecting a locatio n lor a n»-w colony up i:i the wilds o Nicholas cunt*. Til* result* i»f the census will not b< tabu'at-'l unti! tl.e JOtli inst. Some thing ;s the m.Vt# r with the Iowa <iis tncts. Mr C< x etp-'ts tho total re turn-i of population mill be a'*>ut J9, OCUOCO. A • ■•sTr.-T liaa been sprung on .lud# Taylor, <• akhki !•'•* puccessor in th< House, wbieh threatens to ciuse hiu Home embarrassment. I' is claimed tha h:s 11stn■ t ■ :■) i i it v\ th the n»* apportionment. The eloouent Rc-niar ^ 01 ' * 9*'1' *' *.«»<•' iv that "tlw new® his sermon i>u > »'■ -tv 1 J paper is th*; r.-al Vim; where monarchy e^.a, and the r.,1 iWhnt.wher, men !:*»• under and cnj"y a republic form of government." MH.HAYt.SON KUECTION FRAUDS \fter uprt'iMionf oi « that ',he history of the »»«' 9hows that in many I>arls*'1 where option tu the Hfteent h Amendment has hmtofore prevail* it is dim:niVriin.r," -,n'1 th • ».irth,rataa. „.ent «h..t ■-0^ ««:•;*« 5;" ,fteeBi.»Tn.t».roIthefmh«H rfct.i-n bhip con.Vre I upon the .»■««.! l»v the r. '•■•nt sncidmeuta to the <*>n ,,*:tUtto». h,«. i-erhap* »< u;*m" foted in the ro-on'. election to any 1 irjp «xumt. in ac's.d violence and intmii.b ti-.n," Mr. il ww pr.*e**dsto make ti e (..UowiiU recommendation to Confess upon the sn^-ct in .jui* ll i\ \ru*r the Hoii-oi Representative" „» l thc S.• - at.-. which have the tight to ju«l" * el the elections, return" and e.u*. Swlt « ••i,'1'* Vivwiintnt i-» triomuntily ! • n., * shall aivrne to any |*rson or party. Ahntraitiv couaid.r 1. this recom mendation i» ri^ht and just. The .1*1 -i. ity aud perpetuity os repnhhc-in govern mfnta. pi marilv upon the fiee Joman.1 purity of the ballot box. No nartv can tilte ground* against the abso lute protection of th<* ctcr against m timidationaml violence, or the | rotection of the ballot-box su'-iinsl fraud. But that which gives significanceto this rccummend.Uion i» the (act that what precedes it tnhiamessage,makesv. reicr exclis-dvelv to fr.iu t <»r violence occurring or pnvp >r»ing war ». the 8outh"rn Stur,a. It has additional a,g uitk-anrr hr«»s" that it gtvea force if not sanction to tin* threal •<» the leaders of the Republican party t . make a wuoe snle exclusion of IVmocratie i'ongre* mcn elect from lie' S <ithcrn Mates on ,he general ground ti nt elections in thuae Mates are unfair uuI iruudulent There 111 »v have been frauds in the South. rhcre I'^'t'M w» re. The South would bs v. ry dillerent irom tii«» North ii there were r.ot. We cannot, in the ah-wnce of any s»j «i*i{:> iiwtancen in the nn«.i„-e o' Mr 1!a«« «^r its ac company inii »h»C«tme®f«, .'etennine which action «icei:e.lin Iran i—t ie South or the Nort ». Rut if we take the common, evrv.lay report a of the newa ,>sp ra of the country, ha sources of .n foriuanon. etcry ui.preiu liml rea.l-r must conclml- t'»;.t wi.en Mr. Il.*va» •ing'.esont the S#.n»h n.» the particular au.l apeciaJ sect ..!> "f the connt'V t» which an Inves'i/ationo'eleelion fran-ls nhouM be.lirwteil. hii<I to which 1 on gnsa should apply a rule of exclmlimj men hirs circle I to that body, he is irov crned more in am-u recoinmendati«»n by partinan preJudH* tbaa any de»ire f. protect the billot h »x an I set ur* fair elections. There were, perhapa, more committed uj^n the l»allot box in the last el* t'.on—taking t^e newspapers of lto|h sect:«>u> as aoiircoe of information -in the tingle city oi New ^ ork tl :in >n all the Stat a «4 the South put to •/ether. There waa mere intimidation and coercion prtjcticvnl upon the voters who sre emj 'ove» oi the manufa. toina 'in the North, than there *»scoeivioa or intimidation up«»n the entire negro uiation of the South. There was certain ly iron, complaint oi tte former than the latter inlxith caMrs. Yet Mr. lfA^ ia seema to have heard only oi the latter Mid not the former, lie aeema to l>e impreastil witlitlie imi>erative r*ce*i'y oi reforming flections in the South, but ia entirely indiJb rei.t alwut the same utate of affairs in the North. If Congress will apply a searching inveetiaauon of iltctioo frauds t> all sections oi the country, excluding U? publicans aud Deinocrata alike from all benefits claiaied by such practit'es, t'.te who'e country will aay, Amen! ^uch an inveatigation, we opine, will he iu v.ted by the l)emocrat»e partv in and out of Congrcw^ and if conducted in a non-partisan spirit and purpoac will t'o it much toward depleting the Republic otn ranks in Coogrets u it will the Democratic strength. And thU will be the result whether the investigation foet South or North. It will be found that all the triads of the South are not in the interests of Democrat* alone, but that Republicans } there are very mot h of the same type a* Republicans in the North. It was but a few days after the e!ec*»ion that . the Charleston AVk-j and Courier said that there was ' no charge that the Demo i crats intimidated anybody in Charles , ton county at the Ute election; every i citiitn could vftf as he pleased, with out let or binderamw." But, it added, | "tbe conduct of the colored Republicans j outside of the city was widely different. ■ It was almost as much ax a colored mm'* life was worth to vote the Demo cratic ticket Noue could safely do it beyond the corporate limits of Charles ton. ThU fact is established by the affi davits submitted to the l>oard of State j canva-scrs on Thursday." It fuithcr j charts that ' the Republican Snper • visors and Deputy Marshals in various I couuly districts interfere 1 to prevent color*.d people from toting the Demo i cratic ticket." S> that, while it is not denied that j frauds ox'st in the South, just as they do :n the North, they are not all Demo cra'ie frauds. They should he investi gated in the South and also in the North. And Republicans who have i profited by th»»in in the South and in ! the North should be excluded just the i same as Democrats are. The Demccratic pa'ty is not oppiscd to investigations, but is opposed to sec tional investigations. It is n< t opposed to fair elections, hut it is opposed to nil fair investigations. It is uoL opposed to excluding Memocrats from Congress who go th«*r«> through fraud n(ton the ballot, l;ut it wants th« same rule sp ! plieJ to Republicans whether they come | from the North or the South. THE CITY ELECTION. A correspondent who takes a lively , interest iu the pllairs of the lily, sends , lissome pertinent suggeetions relative | to the approaching municipal election. Inrigird to the time of holding the election, he calls attention to the fact that "under the amended ordinance passed December 23, ls73, the election i will take p'acc >>n the fourth Thursday in January, or on the 27th day of the j month." This is icferied to because of i the dilleri nee of opini n existing as to j the date of the election. Thechiel purpose our corrt-spouueiii ' has in view, in to enlwt* the itn|»ort ance of sel»*ctiEg rtiivi. lates for si I the , positions, wl.o are nij a We and honest, and na'U in wboM* business ability and characterise confidence of thecommii • nitv is already established. 1 or, s.'ys our i'rtrrre*i>ijiti!e('it. "i am authorized, front d.da in my possesion, to pay (hat ; the Itcpub!»r:ui |»artv w ill select an«l of 1 ler I lit* of t!.r city ;i tirki t coIm* I poa>*d of its titi-i -n.-* !->r their suf | frairen." W« fu'Jv endorse ami are in hearty . am r I with tin* sentiments* *|» w l bv i our correspondence regard:i>g rie i »• port imv ot t!ie Ihfmocratic pnr;y noiui ! nating it- best men for ail the litv of j fices. but the particular itason for go doing, above quoted. we reirsid as the uioat Insignificant that *-oal«l he named. The annua! intimation or roast, that ' the Republican puny proposes to "put its wry best men in humiliation'' is too ; stale to longer serve the purpose of |x>iitical capital. The annual outcome ! of the boost has not heretofore furnished < any sj»eriai inducements for the inde pendent voter t > swell tie ranks of a minority partv. There is an old proverb whic h says, ! "Get a name for rising earlv. ami you | can lie Kl>edall day." Sol he Republican J party of the city have an annua! habit ! of heraMini: in advance of their nomi nations that their candidates will h" chosen from among the "niOet select citi/.'.-ns," anticipating tiiat with this an nouncement go: r.^ out to the people, voters would simply shut their eyes, open their mouths and shallow what ever and whomsoever their nominating conventions save them. These tactica have served thtir pur pose in the past but haw also serred out their day. The s im« boast wits re i plated prior t<* the Oct »ber election, hut fc.iied of it 4 purpose and ell'ect , When the publi« scrutinv was turned upon the "select" nomineesof the Ke publicm party, the exercise of a little intelligent discrimination rt suited in ' the selection of Ihe IVmocratic n >mi j nee?. The candidates of the democratic party have heretofore compared favora . blv with tho*eof the RepuhJicin partv. J An occasional shade of ditlVrence in ! the degree of timet* between compel ling candidate? will inevitably occur— i sometimes in favor of the Republican camlk!ate and aometimes the democratic candidate, but this furnishes no sr.Hicient reason tor the abandonment of party organization in selecting municipal olii cers. The majority party is responsible for the administration of the city gov ernment. It should be represented in < ifi -e by men of itscv.u selection. If they prove incompetent, the party which put them in should feel an <<|uai respon sibilily and have an equal readiness in , putting them out. There are some questions of city polity which must neceasarilv enter into the coming election for Connci'men, of which the Democratic party, as a parly, should take cet»n!at:ince. There are men . in the LVmceralie party who ai'e «juite ' ** iDinwIei ' lo cope with these que: tions i,s there are in the Repnb'i ean parly. it w right that the ' t.>x payers should be represented by men who have\iewa and purpo*»a iu accord wit'i the majority upon these | matt err. It is right slid expedient that , trie views o; candidates should b? in quired into and understoo 1 before they become the nominees of lite party. The , old fashioned method of inter;, gatirg | candidates as to their attitude t >ward j particular matters associated with the : positions t » which they aspire, would 1 not be a bad method of ejecting reforms ! in many matters connected with city., atlairs. It gives the people a chance to i express thetnselves upm the reforms prop>sed, and engenders a general and salutary discussion oi the?e matters; and the time for such discussion is in dvance of the nomination*. Two public lectares in a lirtgie week, manifest* iom« revival of iuutestln this character of entertainment in Wheeling, which we are glad to note. And fo long as such men as Dr Payne and Dr. Talmage cccnpy the platform there ought to he no difficulty in sti'» ring np a very gene r<d iott rest in le< - tures. Dr. who lectures cn Thursday night, ha* the reputsti >n «f beinjr the equal of Wknoki. Phimiim hs an crator. and home think he has no su perior in thucoiutrv. Dr. TalmaoeIs also a man that everybody wants to hear. If the community il^es not re spond to these offer.*, we roust conclude that the taste for ltdures has entirely died out. Tn* exegesis of Hayis on c'vil per vice reform—a man who occupied the executive chair through the inopt mon strous frauds .that every hnrlefjued popular government; the man * ho re warded with fat salaries ami high oflice the whole list of ecaiups w ho counted him in; and the man who, while seeing money extorted from every employe of th<? government to buy the presidency f »r his successor, sat still and dumb; tbis man preaching civil service reform —is the greate*t travesty of the times. FOR RENT FOR RJBNT. TnK THREE sTOIiY IIItH K Brtl.PIVH, with st«<r*-roon 0:1 ri *>r, formerly w cupied by liac.'iinaii A l)ur>t, »uuat>- on fl.e wot i»i le of Market site t. n< ar .«ei ond Ward Mwrk^ t. 'lite bulldlujr is Kdiipied ami new iihhI k• u boardin* h< us" by a v»>od tenant, wia> ulil In w ilHng to reut for next ye>tr fioia any on"- r. nt in,- tne whole building with a view of only >>■» uipying the store r«.o:fi. T: <- fixture*. Hu ll h» »helritiK. Ac., atn be purrta-**! ir< in pre»ent o<-. tupunt cheap. if /. slIKIVhK, uoJ^rn 12il Main Street. for" rent. The two story iik!< k nurse, mk hi: • il l IH'J Maike'. »'.r.c!, city. n w «»r» Uuied t>\ Jo>oph iiwn ai (• » iIihiii and tnb>io< o k!n«i-. t'liaxe -i«ii iriveu Aj.ri'. t, l*-! I.'iy.iri: a: ort co of t'iro and M.»rit:e Jjvur»n<v Cov.; «iay. i ; r FOR RENT. An tlestnt cum.y residence, Miiuted on Edgingtou lane. t *«. «tn<i one-ha if nilc* from thiaritv, an t within tiw ininut-;*' walk of the Ktu «;r<vo Railroad. The hon<-e is tntirrly ne'.T.ontalnsei^ht rootus, be^tdeselothca t<-« m. bath kkim and attic. )(<<t urd fold water throughout. t!l the Oth r modern cot.ven leiava. A lar«e mid conveniently arranged Malde and carriage boiw>. ami at! other noct* ►ary out-buildings in pc'n t order. The w nylc surrounded l y two and one l>rt)f m re! of ground wei! fenced in Fr>rpart!«'ii!n'» lu'|Uir> by mall of M'i Mbelia S. i»ava;e <• ty, or pcr«>>» illy to Dr. W. J. ltatc*. Jr.,Twelfth .*t. «1e7eo 'Jul Street Commissioner. Klitor of II.' Kryi*'<r. P.l'a'C aUUOUIH •• G Bolter. SuETl VRR 56 ft' li li •latef rfclre.reuinmisMotuT, sul jat toth-j« :tr I luiocratlc Convention. He r«-»r« i tflillv ie-k« the L'cmoon ts o!' the city ta support him for the nomination. to.i Dissolution of Partnership. nnilE PI KM 0?7.TNK .t MORI'IKU* i;.<s 1 ih ii •'«>• 1-h-ii ol-nolv-d ,\ li. M-.r» In -', rv'irins 'III*' Iiumv»-.-n "f the lite flrui wi!: i •• >.-t»le«1 by W. TlK>«na> Ziiil'. w»:<> (• (I'ljli-.ri* : t>. d'i I'Hr'i.n k«"i\*l Uiravlv*. li: :• Med wiJ pla^e call aud niiki- .-I ! iv.nt »l oi:«v. W. TtiOMAS 7.1 . A. It. M«.'f:K!!hAl», Mmtn I l*fO. I *liall continue the !•;.».ih"< Fiirnlmiv «,» pet», Ae . nt tin.' oi.: « B::d. 1117 J' 'ill RIii et, I wiih co"d uixhH nii't low prices k'i irantee •. fcwl i w HtMl. >, THOMAh XIN'K Wanted. 100 Co?l Miners. At wHKKi.iN'i riti.i i; < mi.coviw.nvs mliiw, Uo ulltf wot >1 biiiliwiwl < ;t tin- Cle»tlan<l, 'i iixur.VAi \ it;'- \ -i•.«! \\1 • «• ■ i. • ruilniNf). Kive ai.d a li.lf v. .n. 1U\ :ij» in»If MtUf.>etory arrinimiiRiiU «..iii >mr ..1.1 miners w e huve I •n» :nie w•.! !)••• ITIIt.^'f l*». W«.(M, m vcty v • •• i" • i«Ti»ii of two tlloimnd ]<out.N A|• J•:ou ilx* < ri: i: i-i to J. t Vtlttii «n|v!lateM(ttl. >•••• bot<x» l« rir!ict-l ciin r* nrol appiy 8*e*dt w irk. i: .»i,i JAMK,< r.\11KR»<)>. il.nin'.". Nonas. ON AND A1TKR THIS DA7P MY TWO store-, IU'> MmUet -trrot«.ml 2217 him! 2JI'.' M.i'l«l >twt, will to ivuitiinel u:td my emtio* -i her -til.-* I'liniliicli-I • i .VI7 ANi> 2,N'.» MAKKKT STRKKT, Ai lllO tVulu; Msr.r-l M. r. IJKIIRKN-', ftT' ecru:. 1 a'cutiililji Att- :»t. Telephone nnmkr Whctukw. AnglWt 3U. IM *f9 HAMV'i I'll ID»D TO WITH DRAW HUM HtHii«*s I oC. r iny entire *tci k el Wiiiili''\ Jt-we'.ry, M.ver| iHte<l W;t;.\ t lue'js. opera iHawv Spectacle a and tio!d IVns tit r i«t priee. I<li*in- aim to <lii>ix* "1 tlii.' entire > • re oil'lit. «ueli iis I'o'ii'tt :-. >< Ivirw ire «>g -s. I'll.!; ('■*!•> nti'1 WrititiK D« »■! iiiiulc >'f irtMek Walnut nii'l v*r> e'l^uliy i:iii>li»-l -:t si.vrr rioniitr«| Kanrh I', it • >li-«*v «-n»csRti«l tuvJ.-weUr*' ItifJS liHTIhltr, Jew eler, 1.1'7 M'iriilt *lrett, ■ 1 •• -k. oppu- J kite Mi'I.itte Hons*'. il ri>l> FOR THE HOLIDAYS! "\rOrit UK IN A KISK ->\U I.MII 1. Piaui", eoniplete fur the 1I< ONLY $1.00, At llKOWN'S GALLIOin , a-rt MARKKT STRUCT. , GRAND EXCURSION ! 3i i:irs rot: THE nOIiiDAYS. no\'J7 ORGANS^ 1| :)»); i I . :: I .... *'. > up. I'aiitr 'ri ••. | AiMre» Damkl K Hi a ] ^^^mishiiiOoii^f J. _ CHEAPEST BOOK' STORE world! 17V,?» Mn. 'i BontlQUI Books; flotctotujiitt liiie Rooks; .siii>erti lli'i'is f*:><l l'm;-r j Nlmoat >{iv«tl huuv. •»rdli.l lit'll'lay "Oatlh u ; Inc. £fS2aG-AT unos., B xknititi St., opp. IVv»t«.i'i e. Now Vi rk New at.d verv Attractive S'vte* nre N rr Rvn>!-. j klAQflN < AltlNKroi: I VRioK ott- i mnou.i ,aNsin iuk WoR'..1>. AND -f It'lis'in i at twry i •jam • *j <*»"it w rlrt> erM'.iil -ii f. ' ilisr nAMLIR trt-iyMi . priii'-. *.»l.f»7.JM, ; nnp ■ ur Jt'i" t" r. i I i:-v..(r l. Kor j Una Alio .*a\v p.i)-m«:itv ; :ss . <,u ,ft.-r anl I tinwanl*. t'Hta'»sue< fr»v. >!A-t)N JI \M- | LIN ORii AN CO.. 1M Tremout St.. F..»'o!i; 4i°. Kast Uth M . (L'nion Sijuare) New York; irj I a\e:i'if. < liiiiigo I "HOMES IN TEXASI" i is tit E Tltt* ' r A New Iliustrated Pamphlet Do* r.ptlvec( therosintry a:nl tiibutarj* ' to the litu r' the International and Great Northern Railroad. And contain* a good <-oui.ty imp nf tie-Sr«ti> It t'mc ntain* th>* naniii" and a J'lrc^e-. of Karin- i m and flanters In Texa%wli<> i ikkk for kali: <h: «e\t, And thrwf vrlio will want Kurn ITr»ti '« • ->r :ieit yeur A fij rnl thl« l>j!»k will be >nrtl!>.1 fr«e : t> ihote who d«i e leiiai ie infonnation «!» jt ' Tcxa#, u(h>u appiKftt. 'n 1 v letter -i; •■;*! r:.r! to ALLRC SfcCOY. ueneral Frrlsht *::<! Pa vi .cr A»*« nt, I'.. »• • lit*, Texaa. d>3b Readings! Recitations! Elocution CHOICE SELECTIONS TM* !i diiform with tn • (•.inul-i tn cth»r iii -cd,i*l» i| !-n4<t IVrlamailRK* ' . Ura4laJL '.mbmiBt >»ratla>rau Orat^-T. Paih<». Ilainor. t en. J **•»»• Pf'" ® 30 CtB . tr hnkw!). r* boy • ho ipeii. pi <-« #r»r* iP»L4t-r'. f \ Ix-ft i who wtr't N«ac<h!a( New t » r*-. . . • , ! (.v, lb; re-? * Ji$ "'7. 40 ! r"" 1uf («■«">• Kmc. W#al»jtia*aTSira»lJooksot',,,j.l POINTING WALLS! BKirK WALL5? SHOULD BK POINTED BE forv Uv v are pnluted. and hit ia the lime o(y.artodoiu Tbou haviua vo:kol this kind ahauldcalicn HAMILTON t McGRANAHAN, rF-AlTU'AL BlU' KLAYUf, ManteW and Grm'.e* Set It; the !a:e*t mprotK? I i'y'w: the drait r»f tad rh'aney? tn:fr».TC<l, aud ! {ta.-'UK aud brick Jtytac lone. L«Teordjr*. or wad by w«U' jarJ. to ia 2j •j a aCbroo, t>i>o»tlakf. Laee, etc., CARDB OU »" tni&' MILLLR Jk CO., Scho iIm t\ dUu ia 2a. Y detb NffW AO«t»TI*EMt*TS. T^l RNIirtED RCOMa WAKTKD-OXI 01 r two fiirntehtd roomi. »Uli«ble fur itabt hou»e-l«*piPS: or will buy furnftnre ivi rt p?y for i«w« In monthly pay menu. * Referem** K ron. Addre*, "FurnUhca Room*. RwMOf oflW. de&l WAVBHK A GOOD GLRXAN SERVANT GIRL. Ap ply Ht U. t, 9» KA KICKY KTREET boy'wantedT" Mu'i beintelligent, geiit-e'. and ot>'.i*ln/, and mint write a g «od ban 1 rapidly. Apply at Rio ■nut ofHee. deS _ I .FRIDAY, DECEMBER THIRD1, A CHILD'3 ; l>!ue enable). gold leaf renter. Gold fin, market "Margie Park." A liberal reiturd will l>e siren on leaving saroeai jewelry »t»reo(I. G. billon, Ma-.i! >!re« t dt'8 Executor's Notice. A I! parties iudebu-d to the estate of the !»te John Flu«ltr nions ore reviwttd to pome for ward «ud Sttt'e. MARY HI /.SIMMONS. Execulilx. "Terman student lampsT" 1>\KI.OR AND HAI.L I.AMIS, LIBRARY i amps au<t Ctiutidelien In new «nd beau tiful desigus, at >osbitt Ac Bro's. 4» S MM MAKER BTSKET. Notice to Tax-Payere. f'TTV CoU.rcTOR"* OrFirR, \ \Vti>, November 30. 1W0. i No'ice !s hereby ^iven th-.t City Taxr* m.d V'ut' r Cents ani'i uw due. Interest will le charged, accordinif to law, Ht the rut^i f 10 per cviit on and utter January I. 1*S'. JAMES IS. TANEY, delv litjr Colla tor. SPARE RIBS, rpF.NDEU1.01N. BM'K HONRS. PIGS KEKT, X «XC., TO-DAY, Ut ]>. C. J^iwt, Jr.'s, IS roi'R ITEN TH IT. "MIIAMN !*• REV.C.H PAYNE,LL.D. l'ri-<> !• nt of tha Ohio ffH'cym I'nivers'ty, will l.irmre in tho Fourth «t. >1. F. CmikS, Thursday Evening, Dec. 9th, At 9 o'clock. Sutijret: "an AMa 1 !i!« h eture the llr»t of a toxica of ontrrtain rnetit* to tie 5tveil during the winter. coutiatitig of four utliins by ti4slim-iiUhed men and a enmvtl. Ticket-for the nrpi'. ?!; S|i.g> Tli ket«, :5,-. F ir »nle at the mil le and book »tores «r.<1 «t tiio «l<Hir. deir Christmas Goods ! \\ .!l o|>eii tlih week another lurst? »t<Kk of Flench Bisque, Faience, I.OX.U V. ISMttlllT. imisiax | >r. 1 o'li- r Ml cr>''1". 1 rosprrtfisIlT Invito !)<• i•• ib ■ lii KBnd to m l nd in'.e h ;.c>k ! through whether thiy v. ml; to buy or ir.l. I. <i. ]>IhL(»', ! I'm: LK VM.VO >kw <;ooi)s^ Mfn v» Ffiv Layer Hji-im, )o haifh in Fancy Iny. r iu!»:n*. i"»| i ««*-I- Mic I i« *k h I' 11in*. ;i*» •• I'mi-at Layer FU*. J'i " Ni-r <"if ii, t< ti.ii.*^ s ft six !i .\lmon<S, - N. >.v Killi»r'>. I'.' I»t ! i. Mulct;i i '• 'it l». I i',;i rn Or.tiyc., '• M-xis Mu'.ipi. Lenin**, Ju»t it ■ ivtil tiinl fur sil i In i ny .,Ti«nti:y, tiy ilST. SCHULZ. 1 4.VIT _____ rlV> tiio ]j!icli<>N ; w.m *;♦.U'l «n limitation to LOOK AT CUR NEW STOCK ! Plush and Leather Satchels, IV».N \Sli I'll Mill. ST4X10X A DAVE3POHT. PHOTOGRAPHS! —ft P. TIIK - HZOHiTIDA.YS. u: 1> I! BOOV, AT tu-'T IIIGGI1V»\_ Siilnniiij', November £7fli, GREAT AUCTION SALE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS N1KICAL UOODS, w 5lt TWELFTH STREET, \X7nbhiugton Ilal 1. In or«1er t >g!w atto:iti'»n cxcl't<:vclr to the PIANO ANO ORGAN TRADE, the «■«'ini>r te "I siuhII Instrument*, cia t>'. .• M- V'ollis*. ii iilnrs. Atcirdliin-, FlnVs, Itiiij. . it.-., t' K' l <r with ii larj;» f^t ■< k «>f Mum." |{« rnj Mu-icil of every «V M'il|it:i>n, >uih «> liiTiimttin* for a;; kind* nf Ii striiirent«. M'iMe I o'i<~ «n«l othei articles t«>o iiUD'otou* to mention. a>»>o th-j , tfllOW CAS 19a 001 NTKRS AND SBRLVIN »ill '>t» «tiM i:t a';e*iou, eoniinMiein? at 2 P. K., Saturday, November 27. ••rvl In the ( Venir e at " o'tlock, continuing troM lav to •{ it i !• r a Ij mminent, the : t>. k i« !t:lty m»M. W M. II. FH MB W. ii. haLLKU. Auctioneer. no.';?!. Just Opened a Very Handsome Lot -OF SEAL SKIN SAGQUES! —FROM— The Most Reliable Manufacturer in New York. ALSO LARGE LOT OF CLOTH CLOAKS, DOLMANS and SHORT JACKETS. J. S. RHODES & CO. 1152 & 1154 MAIN ST. oc21 We have the Largest J Assortment of NOVEL TIES for the HOLIDAYS! I To be found in the city. » Open at night until after, Christmas. I BRDES&COFFER AWUgKMtXTi. ^ OPERA-HOUSE. 0*1 NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY. DK.'ftti DOTLY CARTE'S London Opera Company! Composed of Tie principal member* of the Original Fifth Avenue Theatre Company. In the Mel^-DramaM.- Open. In two arts, writ ten and composed, expren'y lor production In the United Hate*, by Arthur Sal.inn and W. 8. <>ilb«>rt. author and compjacr of "i'tnafors," entitled the or. the Slave or duty. The Or era. which i» produced under the direc tion uf i no author and composer, will be reoder f l in the sanio m«ntier that cnaracteiiied Ita »i;i\w>fui run in New Vork and th« principal cities of America. The Seen try in Entirely New, Elaborate New Costume*, an Enlarged On-het.tra ami a Coorui of Forty Trained Vwift-s. Adtn:*>ion - I'aJquette and Dri*a Circle. fl.OO. Kfnerv^J Seat*, f 1.0V Family Circle Sac; lle acrved Seats "Sc. Scat* on sale at P. W Baum tr » muaic store. tale to comment* Tuesday, Dec. Tth, at a a. m. de4u Opera House* REV. T. DE WITT TALMAGE, D.D. WII.L I.RCTrBS Saturday ETeninx, Dec. Uth. M'BJCTT, "Bright Side of Things." ShIc of Hcvrttd Seats will commence Wednes day morning, December stb, at C. Y. l.ticaa' music room*. I2.'7 Market street. Reserved Sesta 75 cents. del ACADEMYjOF MUSIC. Hi'WiP.n & Hrsi Proprietors. Cn At. IKlWlltS Manager. Commondrg Monday, Dc<\ 6th, nlght'y at * p. y. , Matiara* Saturday Ht i r. ». H NKW HTA1W. H Tom THE Ml" Hi: AYR—Henrietta, ttetlncd Iti>h Sket' h Ariista. MKS.SAM i'Ul.K, Th# Or?at American Panjoist and Cornelian. MB HA MY UDOXARD, Veeati'o Ci median. MM ETJ1E MOORE. . fhj Beautiful Sons and Dance Lady. I .ax l WYek of the Favorites, THE LYNN 8IsTkR-». I*o*ilively Change ol Kill Everj Tluitxilay. Ada:l<*lnn 2'c; Orchestra Chairs S-V; Dteas Circle W. .Malilite I'ricts to all parts of the house, 2V\ GEO. W. lllFE. Advertising Agent. l^iinoy Goods J In I.arse Variety, Suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS I Tor inspection at JOHN FRIEDEL'S, 04 11.10 MAI * STREET. Ho! for the Holidays! li.i*Raii,s |ttr tlio Holidays' LADIES AM* CIlll.DKKN'd FLIW NEW NOVELTIES IN SILK IIANDKEB) ll'EKS, FINE BLACK CA8IIMERKK, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. IViiina'.its • f B'ai k Silk Cheap Other Ur<*** floods at Gnat. shawU! Sfeawls! fm chesp. iit •! !-k'it«. bin bantalns: Knitted H ind* and Nu'.i.iS, Fine J'aMo l.iin lis mil Napkins, trills bit- for HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! A full line of Donrstic fiool' at leas than old pm es. « a»«imeri\ Jeans. 1'lai I Flannel, lllesth • <1 and Br<>» ii Muslin, tjiiighama, A<■. t'.A l( l*r. X ^,'r A AlCjitand le?- than cost to rloss nut our stock, lilvo us a <*11. Henry ltoomer, d-»? NO. 2101 MAIN STREET. IT FOB TIE HOLIDAYS. Now being the time of year that everybody is looking for a suitable Present for relatives and friends, and we knowing this to be the case desire to call the attention of all such per sons to our Large Stock of HOLIDAY GOODS! Consisting of Easels, Music Cabinets, Foot Rests. Patent Rockers, Ratan Rockers, Perforated Rockers, Easy Chairs, Reclining Cha rs, Camp Chairs, Camp Roekers, Fancy Stands. Marble Top Tables, Boquet Stands. Lais' CylierMs,(tails' Cylinder Desks, Book Cases, Secretaries, Ebony and Walnut Cabinets, Patent Adjustable Cornices, 4c. We also have a Large Stock of Children's Chairs! Consisting of ROCKERS IN CANE, RATAN AND WOOD in a Great Variety of Styles. Cur CHILDREN'S CHARRIOT CHAIRS! Are to be seen to be appreciated. Just think of it, a Child's Carriage, Table, Chair and Rocker all in one. SLEDS! SLEDS! SLEDS! We have a nice lot of hand made Sleds, just the thing for the aver age Young American. Give us a call and examine our Stock before making your purchases. a MENDEL <& CO, 1124 MAIN STREET, Wheeling, W. Va. UNDERTAKER S NOTICE.—Mr. B Zook, our Undertaker, hat re moved from Fourteenth street to No. 1219 EofF street, the first bsuse below our Furniture Factory. He has Telephone communicatJtn direct to his house and will answer eails promptly at all hoars. The most careful attention will be given to all cases of undertaking entreated ta him. Parties Telephoning will please call No 5. OIQ. n. TATLO»"P»t 00001. m -j ora new stock! WtlUMX* HlMlltt Wluttrl^J .ext«i« • wO>' <•*" «• «•«»■« »«• »,uj -Trttf—r JAYL0^1 OCR STOCK Of DRESS 60M , — velvets Brocade Ml W*, M«rTrllrn, SirJ Fi»ibracing *HSSK wSSSm, N gold and silver brocades, CM.r< H«lr. t-u,kk rU"* Kwfc"r* *"'"•« » Catul's lair ani Mm Mrt SI .. DeUMH In*11 -«w lI*llo<r»r*. Brum*. Ur,«w,to OI.,c Sh.d^ 1». «KH-nr,a.lrdb,.n, OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT ....—««»<•«». »"h •" "*•••* * HUM. Seal Dolmans, Seal Sacques, Circu lars, Fur-Lined Garments 11,111b. new .MOW, •■Clndln* m- l««..K»rU» Maw*. FANCY GOODS! A foil representation of the new Ibinc* In thin lino out ibu LadlCM* Bed Merino I'nderwenr, Ladle** White Merino 1'ntlerwear, Ladle*** Colored Merino llonicry, MImmV Colored Merino Honlerj, MImmh* While Merino I'ndernenr. Boj-m* Colored erlno (nderwdnr, Men> Colored Merino I'nderwenr. OUR BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT! Complete with foil linesorCamePn Hair, l>rnp limn tritium Momle Clolhn, Merge*, Nun Cloth, Cafclnnenm l»rnp It'll*, English Crepe*, Black Merino I«oiig Nlmnk bilk M*rp linn ettaa, do. SHAWL DEPARTMENT In thla department wo dlwpluy niuiij *oi«*lilm iu ««M • Ntap e*. GEO. B*. TAYLOR Q«l7 MONDAY, 7V0V1<;M If i ;i< loin] C. P. BROWN'S i si POSITIVELY RETIRING FROM BUSINGS Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, C'ocks. Cl ir<| Guns, Pistols, c., 4c. ITtvIng <1§t«*rmln«r1 l« r»".lr« fi«m th# trw<lr) hn*lnr*i, I »..i |*wit »»'» » ■ i without rrMrvtt, roa>ni«iiring on MONDAY NOHMIN(j, INOVKMIICK IA, I""] At 10 o'clock, anil lontlniilnic tiatil the »nMr« «to»k •ndflit'i"*. • 1 >*•♦»* ' «'rlork, afternoon il ! V) o'rloi k, r rro11 K »t 7. V <•'« « » Thf.Wwk ron«l«t» of • l*rj<- «ii't «< II lli.« of itteh t'wxii •< •" • '•wtdrj iiorw* Yon wc raapecttully itirl «-<l i , at'« n I l.nw <wl > »t< 1 •• • 'if»« . ' THE SALE IS POSITIVE AND WITHOUT RESEBVC. Th* r*pnut!«n fir FAIR PEAMSO, without tH«r oa » » • Jorwl for twenty M«ti yrara, will *trl<tly m* i Ikfltla Will Iv f»ri'1uct« <1 \>J Col, J. M. Rlltllflfncl of f'f.' l» 1r. J-' * O. F. BROWN. NO. 51 TWELFTH STREtT. WHEEURG. W. » UNDERTAKING! A SPECIALTY. Caskets and Coffin; OP ALL KINDS AND SIZES. SHROUDS, 6L0VES, CRAPE, fo In addition to one of Us tnest black parses in the .'city I b* • sUfaat whits hearse fer chJMrea. Hacks, Buffies aid Besses furnished at reaaooahls rates. All enters left at;«y Livery Oflce, No. I430;*arfcet Strsst «*" celve pronpi atteatioo at aay th*e, day or nlglit, ky B. DAVENPORT, (Late «f Lbt. lumpwt A Tuka, Wtollaf, Wmt v« ) SMtraJ CfMittiM Prnfttoas, 6ua, Tion, km can« n&, w wuuuirr., csicaoo.