Newspaper Page Text
Salting fotrdn. Absolutely Pure. This powiK-r never varies. A marvel of puity. strength and <rhoU»«>a»ei>«-»«. Mon» eeoiiowieal than the «military kuuLn, ami cannot be sold in eompetitiou with the multitude i>t' K>w tost. Oiort weiifbt alum or l>h<«o>liate powder*. .Vrfii i»Wy •» «»«•» HOT A I. IUkimo 1\>w ukk Cu.. lui Wall St, iNVw York. dentists. G VEORGE J. CADDLE, SÜRGEON DENTIST, NO. 1917 MARKET «TREET, Telephone I. So. 16. JtUfl Orn (foods. ousecleanin PRICES! —UNHEARD OF— BARGAINS! -A.T Henry Jacobs & Co,'s, 1154 MAIN STREET. the j c52SHSclSaS25ESES2SZSHSHSZS2^ TERRIBLE TUMBLE ! —is— PRICES l.s.good&co:s. Everybody Startled and Surprised at the «BUI LOW PRICES! At which all the Goods are Being Sold. IT WILL PAY YOU TO CALL AT L. S. GOOD & CO/S, No. 1131 Main Street, Tl>* People' Favorit«» Dry (Jowl* House. <£üf anil (far Jhrfirnunj. JJK. SLtXTMS EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY, No. 69 Sixteentk Street, mr< WHEEL1NO. W. y.\. c RACKERS! Bf at s OlekratN M»| ju4f WUKK l'K VI'KKKS KKK.-II TO-DAY. AT 9A<K>, SEAFOASI AND MoMBCHHN»'. Jy31 moling |b)ifbc YESTERDAY IN THE CITY. T1IE WKATHKK. THERMOMKTKR RKi ORP. Mr. C. Schi>ert', the Opera House drug gist. made the follow im» observations ul' the temperature lor Saturday ami Sunday: Saturday—17 a. ni., 72; 12 in., HI; :i p. m., 85; 7 p. m., Kl Sunday—7 a m., 7»; 14 W; 3 p. in., 93; 7 p. in., 7t>. Washington. August For Western Pennsylvania, West Virginia ami Ohio, local raius, followed by fair weather,north westerly winds and statiouary tempera tare. lades «• »«* A4tfrU»faeito. proposals for Convict Labor. Maryland Military and Naval Academy Rem'ilar Meeting— Woman •» In ion Benevolent "pSwlcr Fly ft» XwbiB A Bn> Publie Salt- of Household Furniture. ftor Cincinnati—Steamer Ami««. Three Days Longer— Madame («off Faney leelTeaa» Forms—Geo. L. Durst. Breeeh-Loading Guns—I. G. Dillon. Wanted—< i irl for Housework. f. fbuiirt—{>:lk I'mbrella. Adéitùmal lA*ml «a Firat hujs. ' the register for the summer Person* leaving the city Cor the summer can f"' ■: have The Reuistb* Jbrwaided by earliest mail to tay address at the nte of <0 cents per month, or t jg daily and Sunday at 7* cents per month. The adtjm« may he changed aa often as desired. In i directing a change care should be taken to men tion the old aa well aa the new address. INDICATIONS. SECOND TAUE. POt RTH PAflE. BÜRGLARS CAPTURED. I IHK MOST R EC IST EXPLOIT OP " Dl'TCHT" WEST AND A PAL Tkt Résidence of Georg* Crumbacker Intend, tike ftaily Chlorofcnned, aad Two Hundred Mian Worth of Property Stolen. On« of the boldest robberies perpetrated iu this city fur yeara took place about mid night Saturday night, the invaded resi dence being the abode of Mr. George Crumbacker, Xo. 904 McCulloch street. The artiste who did the job, and who are now behind the bars at the county jail, were "Dutchy" West and Tom Arthure, two well-known crook.«*, the former having an especially bad record as a thief and a general tough. The gaug obtained an entrance to Mr. C'rumbackt r's residence through a rear window and proceeded to the apartment occupied by that gentleman as a bed room, ad ministered chloroform to Mr. and Mrs. Crumbacker, and then proceeded to ransack the premises at their leisure. Having pro cured about $<»0 in cash, a tine gold watch and a number of other articles, aggregat ing in value about] $3)0. the burglars vacated the premises, and came down to East Wheeling and proceeded to have a good time in some of the saloons. Ou retraining consciousness, and becoming aware of the robbery. Mr. Crumbacker, soou alter daylight, began to look about tor possible clues as to the identity of the thieves, au«l being convinced, from infor mation furnished by a friend, that West was concerned iu the job, and Icaruing turther that he had been seen before daybreak in saloon, with a considerable amount of money, Mr. Crumbacker applied to Justice W. H. Davis for a warrant for his arrest. The warrant was given to Officers Carney and Dunlap. who, with the Justice, started for East Wheeling to lind the culprit. The officers made quite au extended search of '"DutchyV' usual haunts, but witfi no result, when Justice Davis got a pointer, aud, calling to the officers, the trio started for Manchester. ,M. 1 Dey uni rancu an */«•«.*». ». w — , bat Jack was not at home. Information was obtain«! from a gentleman living across the street, however, to the efteet that about an honr before "Dutchy'' had eaten breakfast at his house, and while there had exhibited a considerable amount of money—both silver and bills—and also a gold watch. The gentleman stated that arter "Dutehy" left the house he proeeed j tnl along the road toward the old Catholic cemetery. The officer* and Justice at once started lor the cemetery, which was soon reached, and Officer Carney went to the south end, Dunlap to the north end, while Justice Da\ is took his stand at the corner of the ; Keil!y pork house. While stationed here, a man who was attracted to the scene gave IXtvis u pointer as to the wherealtonts of the crooks, and culling to Dunlap, the Jus tice asked him to follow the road around the pjrk house, while he followed the cem etery fence. lHnilapj>ass«il l he pork house and turned north, when he beheld West aud Tom Arthurs lying upon the ground, I aside theceiuetery fence, both sound asleep trout the effects of their carousal after the robbery. While Dunlap stood guard over the sleepers, revolver in liand. Justice Davis brought Otlicer Carney to the scene, ami then a search of the sleepers was made. Both men's cloth ing was gone through without disturbing their rc|>ose. On West was found in cash, Mr. Crumhacker's watch, a large Colt revolver, and a bottle of chloroform. The search complete«!, the sleepers were aroused, and to say they were astonished at lieholdiug the blue coats is to state it mildly. The couple »ere taken to Justice Davis'office, where ! hey were committed to jail in default of$?,tMH» for a hearing at 'J p. in. to-»lay. The capture of West aud his companions was a quick piece of work, aud reibt'tu great er«-dit upon Justice Davis and Utlicers Carney and Dunlap. Should West l»e convicted this time he will go to the penitentiary for life, as he has twice lH'tore lieeu aent t*» Moundsviltc. A SOLID CITY. WUet-Uiiu's t'onr«p Henceforth to It«' On ward tuitl I |innril. ♦Tu/»/ ni" in Ayr nf Xtrti. At this time Pittsburg is probably the mont substantially ptu«luctive city in this country. It is too soou to ligure on the piogrcss of Wheeling; that is altogether for the future. She has not hail the natural gas to give lier impetus, but she is "getting a good ready," as the boys say, aud her rec ! ord will lie a hand-tome one. She is even now bv no means insignificant; she pro duees kegs of nails, nearly three ! sevenths of all made in the country, ami ô» cigars. There is a very stable foumlation to build on in Wheeling, I in fact there are but very few as solidly ■ substantial cities as Wheeling. With nat ural gas she will make as splendid an ex hibit as Pittsburg. While it may not rua ! so high up in the figures, taking the condi j tions into cousûleration, 1 believe the com parison will be favorable to Wheeling. She luis more room for expausioi) within rea sonable limits, if it is properly utilized, and there are features conne«-ted with her condition, tiuancial autl otherwise, which should have strong weight in influenc ing the investment of capital aud the liga tion of enterprise. So tar a« metropolitan improvements, advantages, possibilities aud «rrtainties of progress are concerned, she can show as attractive and as veracious an exhibit as any of them, she has been l>ackward, but there have Ix-en factors and incidents in her career which have com ! pelled her to be cautious and to make I haste slowlj. She is no» well rid of these ris tranig influences una too wen uuigm by experience to lie bamboo/led by specious trickster» again. .She is mollit aud not given to lxil loouing, hut the stuft*, the honest, simon pure grit in there, and her course hence forward will he upward and onward; all the wore certain l>ecao*c it will be with out ttimsy presumption or hypothetical claims to distinctively prominent ad vantage*. There w so uiueh troth and bluster given otf in the pretentious vapor ing of our American ci tie*, that until in vestigation coutirms the verity of these wonderful latter day city booms, they are receive«! with contemptuous incredulity. Pittsburg has demimstrut?*] that she is en titled to more than sh« e**r «(aimed. Wheeling is'unobtrusivclv but confidently presenting her claims, satisfied that honest ' merit will always attract the attention of I sagacious investigation ami win iu tin-long I run. The Maryland Military arid Naval J Academy, of Oxford, Maryland, which is advertised iu another column, is a well i known and very excellent institution, well worthy the large patronage wbii'b it en joys. "Matare'x Joy.** I There is a charm in shady groves. Where Summer zephyrs Klly pluv. There U contentment where 1ild t*e roves, Ami where bright carols nsher^nhc »lay; But when disease has banished joy. H us turned to darkness, healih onee had. When what prize »frves only to annoy. And foul despair is ever on Mir way. Take heart, for the ble«in£ ever pray, (•ooctr* Mexican Syrup will «'ousumption slay. The nnion campmceting of Simpsota M. E. and Waynian A. M. E. churches of Wheeling, W. Va., will commence August 5, iu Thompson's grove, Mounds ville, ami continue through two or three Sabbaths. The Jubilee singers, of Steu benville, O.. arc expected to be present during the campmeeting. Adviee to Mother». Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chil dren teething, is the prescription of one of the best female nurse* and physicians in the United State*, and has been used for forty years with never foiling success by millions of mothers for their children. During the process of teething it* value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrbtaa, griping in the bowels and wind colic. By giv ing health to the child it rests the mother. Price 25c. a bottle. is A SMALL WAY. Pointed Penciling* of Brief Items of Local latere«!. Ik) a hp of Commission«» thia morn ing. Thk Women'« Union Benevolent Socie ty meet« thia evening. Thk Happy Jack Fiflhing Clnb arrived last evening from Cresap's Grove. Peaxct Stxur's postponed excursion to Stenlwnville takes place this evening on I the steamer Princess. Officers Bell an«l Glenn arrested a Pittsburgh« at the B. & O. depot, last night* Tor beating and abnsng his wife. Mr. J. W. Gbibbi.k took a photograph of the scene at St. Alphonsus' church dur ing the corner stone laying, yesterday af ternoon. Thibteex cases will be disposed of by His Honor in the Police Court this morn ing, divided as follows: Disorderly, three; drunk, three; keeping house of ill-fame, two; inmates of houses, two; loitering, three. A convention composed of delegates from the Wheeling, Beuwood, Wellsburg, and New Cumberland Assemblies of the Knights of Labor will be held Saturday, Aug. 14, at K. of L. Hall, in this city, for the purpose of electiug delegates to the General Assembly. Geokok Hoffman* wasarrainged betöre Justice Arkle Saturday night tor threaten ing to kill Gas Brown. The Justice held hiiu in the sum of #100 to keep the jieaee for a year, and in default lie was committed to jail. Both men are colored, and, it is said, quarrelled over a woman. POINTS O.V PKOPLK. Muvtiuent* of Citizen», and the Coming an«l Going of Stranger*. Wm. Law Hooft', of Pittsburg, is at the McLure. T. T. Wilson, of Washington, Pa., is at the McLure. J. K. Horan, ot Cameron, was in the city yesterday. E. K. Maddison and wife, of Washing ton, l'a., are at the Howell. George Lingetnan has returned from a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee. Mr. Edw. H. Kelters left yesterday for Mountain Lake Park to spend his vaca tion. Miss Kate Lnkins lclt yesterday to visit the Misses I^iura and Alma Conner at Mountain Lake Park. Capt. Wd. Oils, of Parkersburg, auil !.. C'. Morgan and wife, of Canton, Ohio, are at the Howell House. Miss Hazie McCune, of Wheeling, Ala bama. formerly of this city, is visiting Miss Nellie Frew, on North Main street. Prof. Kenkendorf and wife and Mr. Rieehleand daughter. Miss Ida, of Canton, Ohio, are the guests of John G. Hoffman, Sr. Messrs. Edward Out man and Charles Huston left yesterday for Pittsburg and vicinity on a two weeks' visit among friends. Misses Minnie Wassaman and Etta Mooth, two society young ladies of Bel laire, were in the city yesterday aud took in the Park. Miss Jes tie B. Cotta handsomely enter tained a number of her friends last Tuesday evening at her home on North Front Street, Island. Mr. Geo. W. Leigh ton. who recently graduated with high honors at Harvard, sailed last Thursday on the steamer Scytha from Huston for Kurojie. Will Knoke, of the South Side, will 'eave to-day, for St. Augustine, Florida. On his way he will stop over at Baltimore j aud Washington, D. C. Mr. A. H. Beach has accepted a position j its a representative of the large tobacco house of Bloch Bros., and will make his headquarters in this city. ! Miss Lillian Hawkins and Miss May j Prince, of the Oarden Spot, left on the j steamer New Courier, Saturday, for l'ar I kersburg, to \isit friends. Mr. and Mrs. William I<cit;hton, dr.. Miss Mamie I^eighton and Mrs. Flanders, have returned from an extended tour of ; the Eastern summer resorts. Miss Mollie Johnson, of the South Side, j has returned home from Moumlsville, I where she has l>eeti for the last month visiting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hobhs and daugh ter, Mrs. T. W. Phinncyand child returned Saturday evening (Vom an extended visit to - Eastern cities aud seaside resorts. Messrs. I'.. K. Jamison, Jr., and Vincent McLtughlin, of Philadelphia, who have i boei) visiting Mr. A. A. Wheat for the past wtiek, It ft Saturday for Cape May. John Kudolph. ('. C. Wills, Albert Mah ler, Wm. Soris and B. Cuttenbert, all of Pittsburg, W. J. Seott, of Butler. O., and ' J. S. Chambers, of Grafton, are at the ; Howell. Mr. Henry Jurgeons, of the Island, and Mr. Louis Jurgeons, of the East Side, are 1 spending their summer vacations in Chi cago, Milwaukee, and other cities in the ! West. i Hou. IL G. Barr and wife arc of)' on an ! extended pleasure tour. An ocean trip, a trip down the St. I,awrcuct» and a visit to jmanvof the Eastern watering places are ! include«!. Capt. Geo. W. Harrison, of Piedmont, I General Agent of the W. Va. «S: P. K. K., dropped into the city Saturday evening and is the guest of his brother. Col. Sam. B. j Hanison, at the MeLure House. "*ISICK KS" T.ikf% Exception to President Klinn's Opin ion of Our I'.rirk Street*. j 7b the Editor of the Ktyintt r: j Sil:: It would boa want of courtesy tu I a stranger, who is doing all lie ran to j benefit Wheeling, and hiiuselt', to ask , President William Plinn, of the Wheeling j Natural (ias Company, what ho kuojvs aliout street* paved with brick, when he ever saw streets so pu\ed, and why he fixes ten yearn as the end of time for them? Streets paved with briek liave be*u in use iu France for more than four hundred j years. Charleston, W. Va., lias had them for more than twelve -years, and her eiti-l : whs, basing their opinion on experience 1 and thorough knowledge of the brick for street paving, claim that their streets will j last for many times twelve years. A word to William Flinn, I'rosidcnt ol the Wheeling Natural lias Company: The wooden boxes you are placing over the j valves and joints of your gas mains are very cheap, not at all pretty, and entirely : wanting iu durability. Tliey will not last five ,u<ars, and as each one decays it will become a source of trouble anil danger to ^ our citizens. If you will see to remedying this matter I by nuking your«fixtures more perfect and ' bt satisfied with the same pressure in your mains that U carried iu Pittsburg, Wheel ing will be satisfied with her brick streets ' in spite ( fyour opinion of them. Bbr'Ks. THE SUNDAY REGISTER. An Epitome of tt»> L««4l New* in Venter lUy'i I«sue. A full qnota of local sporting news. The Wheeling Base Ball Club again vic torious over the W. W. Bells, of Pittsburg, the third victory of the w<?ck; general local base I »all notes, doings of the bicjcle boys; the ritle and shot-gun. Proceedings of the Democratic Executive Committee of Ohio county, which met at the Howell Hou»t< Saturday morning. Latest news from th« oil country, in which Wheeling men are interested. Mulsummer Society. A list of the socûffeventa of last week and what is promised tor this week. A full list of per sonal posts. Two more saws found iu Stottsberry's cell at the jail; transfer of real estate: Wills probated: an Int«Wgemeer story. A column of interesting an 1 important local chat with hading citizens on live matters. ♦ Extensive arrangements made by the Parnell Clnb for Hon. Dan B. Lucas' lec ture at the Opera House next Friday even .ing. Beside« the above, there was the usual amount of small local news of minor im portance. t L.S. Good&Co. sell dry goods the cheapest VT CORNER STÖNE LAID." ST. ALPHONSC8 CHÜECH AND SOCIETY HANDSOS KL Y CELEBRATES THE EVENT. A Large Number of Tiators in the City From Neighboring Towns and Cities—The Servie«* Pass Off in a Successful Manner— To-Daj's Picnic. The corner stone laying of the new St. | Alphonsus Church yesterday was a grand success iu every particular, anil reflect« much credit upon the gentlemen who had the arrangements in charge. The day broke bright ancf clear, and at early morn visitors began to arrive in the city in crowds and singly from all the neighboring towns. The weather could not have been more propitious, and many people who had previously no thought of attending the ceremonies left their homes and came to the city with their families. Yesterday was Patrons Day with the St. Alphonsus Society and the Church, and at 7 o'clock in the morning grand high mass was«! in the large chapel of the school building which adjoins the church, at which the members of the St. Alphons us Society received communion. The chapel was beautiful decorat«! with ever greens and flow'ers and presented a pretty appearance. At 10 o'clock the usual Sun day morning mass was celebrated. At 11 o'clock the Pittsburg delegation arrived over the B. & O. ami were met at the depot by the Knights of St. John, headed by Mayer's brass baud, who escorted the visiting Societies to St. Alphonsus Hall, where they were made com fortable. The societies were Company A Knights of St. George, and the Kapliael and Fidel ins Societies of St. Au gustinus Church of Lawrenceville, South Side, Pittsburg. Besides the members of these organizations there were also many other excursionist«, the whole number being probably 1,'J00. Mr. C. 1{. Beider, President of St. Al phonsus Society, extended a cordial wel come to the visitors iu a neat address, at '•>" tiwinn of which he invited them to partake of an appetizing lunch which had been prepared for their edification. By the time this enjoyable feature hail been satis factorily discussed the hour of 2 p. ui. had alunit arrived, and the societies formed in to line, headed by the Independent Cornet Band of Pittsburg. and marched up Mar ket street to the Knights of St. George Hall, where this organization joined the procession and then the line marched back to the church t<> participate in the exercises of the corner stone laying. The foundation wallsof the church, which are already up some distance were prettily decorated with branche«ol trees, evergreens and dowel's, and t he societies occu pied posi tions within the walls, whilethe larger part 1 ol' the audience tilled up Market street from house to house. By the time the ser vices began fully people had asseni ! bled in the vicinity of the church, while all the available windows in the ueighbor t howl were crowded with people, as were I also those of the three doors of the school I building. A stand had been erected just liack of I where the comer stone was located to ac j commodate the clergy who were to con : duct, the exercises. Mayer's brass band also occupied the stand, and the programme , w:ls opened with oue of the three son^s comjKiscd expressly for and appropriate to the occasion by Prof. Volkenrath, formerly j leader of the choir and a member of the society. Kev. Father Antonius, of St. Al ! ]»honsus, then made the introductory ad ! di ess in which he stated the object of the I occasion, etc., after which Mgr. Sullivan I opened the dedicatory exercises, being as sist«*! by I{cv. Father Kratz, of St. Jo { seph's Settlement, Marshall County: Kev. Father I'ark, of Mt. de Chantai; Kev. Fa I ther McMenamiu, of Bcnwood; Kev. IV l ther Mullen, of the Church of the Im maculate Conception, Kighth Ward, city, land Kev. Fathers Antonius, Angelus and ! Marcus, of St. Alphonsus Church, besides J two students of St. Joseph's. After the I usual services Mgr. Sullivan placed ! in the cop]H>r box, which had I been fitted into the corner stone, ! copies of the city daily papers, a history ol J St. Alphonsus church, three hymns com |x>sed for the occasion by l'rof. Yalkenrath. ; history of the St. Alphonsus society, a pa per containing the names of the members of the city Council and all the present city officers, history and constitution of the Knights of St. George, the Peoria Ih'mn ! crut newspaper, copy of Aw, a religious paper published in Germany, the Pittïdmrg Ilntlxii hti r newspaper, and a lot of foreign and American coin of different dcnnmiim tions, besides several relies. After this had lieen finished Mr. W. C. j Stitel placed the lid in secure position, when the work was turned over to Mr. Philip Schneie, who placed { over the oritic^' a marble ; cap and covered it with mortar. After j Mgr. Sullivan had formed a cross in the i mortar on top of the cap. and sprinkled it with holy water, the cap stone proper was lowered anil put into place by Mr. Heimele, j assisted by a number of gentlemen, An j other song was tluui sung, with band ac I companlmont, after which Kev. Father Kratz delivered a short and pleasing ad dress in German. Then the singing of the third hymn closed the exercises of the day, which were highly successful in even particular. Il»' OIU M. .-\ipilOUMI* (IUI! Ill V».!.-* founded aiul built in iMôl» and was <juit«* a large ami imposing edifice, l»ut the congre gation grew so rapidly in number that tin* old building at last failed to accommodate the attendance, and the directors of the church decided to erect a new building, j Kev. Father Antonius, who is an accom plished gentleman, is thoroughly con I versaut with many of the arts, especially • that of architecture, and it wan lie who ' drew up the plans and specifications for the j new building. The work so far demon strates that as an architcct he is a success, and that from his plans a building will Ik* erected tliat will be a credit to his talents as well as to the city. Tho new building is to be very much larger than the old, there being in width alone a difference of twenty-four feet. The old corner stone was laid on the southeast corner and the new one is on the northwest corner. It is also much larger and there U no danger this time that some rascal will lift the op off and steal the contents of the box, as was the case when the tlrst stone was laid. Upon the side of the new stoue facing Market street is carved the following in scription: RTCLE-IA ST. Al.t'lloNSrs, K. I». Fl NI» AT A IVrfi, KEAEDIFH'ATA ET AMPLIFICATE 1 AtiiVST, tSV.. To-day the St. Alphonsns Society cele brates its fifteenth anniversary by a grand parade and picnic, and many of the visitors are expected to remain over to participate in the festivities. The parade will occur this morning at * o'clock and will be headed by the Opera House baud. After parading the principal streets the march will eudat the Wheeling and Elm Grove Railroad depot, where those w ho desirapan Itoard the ears and go out to the park, where the picnic will be : held. If the day proves a nice one, as it is sincerely hoped it will. I the attendance will be very 1 ug -. Every arrangement has beeu complétai that will assist in making the affair enjoyable to all who may attend. The Opera House (). chestra will furnish music during the day, and a good, old-fashioned time will be the order of things. Korkten*« Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cut*, Bruises. Sores, Ulcere. Salt Kheom, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Logan A Ca ABOUT Tira CITY. \ A Big Crowd. There was rather remarkable and nil usual rash of ea^om at the Capitol Dining rooms, yesterday, y>y people front Pitts burg, Steuben ville) and other ont-of-town pointa, to which Martin's fame as a caterer lias spread through a judicious nse of printer's ink, hacked np by a first-class bill of fare at popular prices. The dinner served was excellent, ud as each diner paid his quarter he wandered to himself j how sach a meal could be furnished for the money. Letter Carrier*' Report. L. H. Albright, Superintendent, reports : the following amount of work done by the citv letter carriers in the-month of Julv, 18Ö6: DELIVERED. Registered letters WW Mail letters 82,Mi Muil liostaLs 18,«» Drop fettere 10, l:» Drop postals 3,SI.'» Papers 40,774 Total. 162,770 COLLECTED. Mail lettem 8:1,476 Drop letters 8,225 Postals J), 174 Papers 7.641 Total 119,MS Total pieces handled 282,286 Increase over June, lsxs 24,sal The Gliotit Again. The citizens of the Eighth ward were badly stirred up Saturday night over the "fly-bjjpngbt," who has been posing as a ghost dowu there for some two or three weeks |>ast, and something like one hun dred people hovered around the railroad crossing at the pottery until long after midnight, waiting for the scantily-clad sj>ook to put iu an appearance. The ghost declined to walk abroad before sach a large audience, however, and concluded to take his constitutional in some less public local ity. He accordingly chose the B. & O. railroad track, near the Eighth ward school Iftuise, lbr his promenade, being seen by a Mrs. Sehler and several others as he took his light and airy way over the ties j of the track. The alleged apparition was I seen about 2 o'clock, but no one proteases to know from whence it came or whither I it went. s\ nrewtr» uum u« m« ...«nv — When our singing societies were in Mil waukee they visited tlie breweries there, j and each member was presented by the es tablishments with a pretty little bottle of l>eer. The boys ;i 11 brought these bottles home with them, thinking that they would indulge in the contents someday when wa ter became scarce. One of the breweries gave bottles that would hold one good «loss, and some of'the hoys several days J since put theirs on ice, and after they had become sufficiently cold, pulled the corks. I They pop]>ed in true hottled beer style, ; hut when the "auilter" began to llow the Ijoys held their noses and made a break lor fresh air, while the contents of the hot ties were left to fizz alone. They were tilled with water charged withsulphureted j hydrogen gas, which gives olV an odor I about a cross between a rotten egg and a glue factory. Tile lwys are keeping the joke very quiet. A llot Hay anil tt Severe Storm. The heat yesterday afternoon was in tense, and the few pedestrians upon the j streets suffered excessively. A cool breeze ' sprang up about o'clock, however, and the sky Itcbaiue overcast with heavy clouds from the northwest, presaging astorm. In thirty minutes the mercury dropped fif teen degrees, and the remark was general that there must have been a bail storm not far away in Ohio. About (» o'clock the storm broke, many hail stones beiug mixed with the sheets of w:\ter which were driven over the housetops and streets by the high ( wind. The streets throughout the city I were speedily converted into canals, in many places the sidewalks being half sub merged. No particular damage was done, ! except to the natural gas ditches, which were tilled with water and soil in many places, and the banks badly caved, eii ! tailing some loss u|m»u the contractors. CA IT. THOM AS CJOLD1NG Assumes Coimiiainl of it Sew Sle:»inslii|>. The many friends of Capt. Thos. (Jold ing in this vicinity will be in teres teil in the following, taken from the San Fran cisco (\il/ of .1 uly ir>. About sixteen years ago Capt. (ioldiu^ married Miss Cenevievc ' Stanlierry, an accomplished lady of this city, and shortly thereafter moved to San Francisco: "Captain Thouia? (iolding, formerly in command of the steamship Mariposa of the Spreckels Line, and for many years in the employ of the Pacific Mail, has lieen ap )>ointcd to the command of the Alejandro. The Alejandro is a steel steamship, recently built at Sunderland, England, and in tended to ply along the Mexican Coast, be t ween (.« nay mas and Manzanilla. Her di mensions are as follows: Length '210 feet; I breadth, $1 feet; depth, 1"2 feet, with a seven-foot awnin^-deck in addition, classed I I00-A1 at Lloyds' under sjiecial survey. The main engines have cylinders by ."»«» inches in diameter by .'{«> inches stroke; the condenser is of exceptional size and special arrangement, w ith sejKirate engine and cen trifugal pump for circulating the water. The lirst-class passenger accoininiMlation is afforded in two teak deck-houses, w liich are . specially arranged with regard to the efti ! eient ventilation, all the berths Iteing I entered direct from the deck, as well as the ; main saloon, which is handsomely lifted in ]>oli:died hard wood. Anextensiveprom enade deck is fitted over the main saloon, and altercabins extend to the lull breadth ol'the vessel. The siM-ond-class passenger amiuuiHMlation is provided forward; the captain and purser are berthed in a large handsomely lit ted teak deck-house amid ships. The main saloon is brilliantly lighted by electricity, and a sejiarate elec tric light is also provided for each berth. j The vessel on her trial trip, when deeply luden, averaged twelve knots an hour, and ! when In good trim is expected to steam at I the rate of fourteen knots. The Alejandro was built to the order of Senor Joaquin Kedo, of Mazatin, a member of^ the Mex ican Senate, and a wealthy merchant of the j southern coast. The business along the southern coast of Mexico is reported to be rapidly increas ing, and it is the intention of Senor Kedo to extend his line to San Francisco in the ! iitsu future if his anticipations of the dt I veiopment of the coast trade are realized. Captain folding will leave for (iuaynuis in a few «lavs to meet the Alejandro on her j arrival, and assume command. Stedicinal. BROWN'S * IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS and FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN in the BACK and SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Tbc Gemiae hat Tr> ' * -yd crossed lUd Uocs em wrapper. H, QUIM TAKE l 1414 Markst \1414 Market is. i- k ÏÉÈt — — HAS A RECORD. A JCmiLE RAILROADER WHO HA8 BEEN A OOOD CUSTOMER OF DOCTUL8. Oar Usual Weekly Budget of Suie News, Em bracing a Wide Range of In teresting Reading. Irvin Pelaney and Rodney Smith, both about eleven years of age, with several other boys on Friday captured a hand-car on a switch on the Shenandoah Valley Railroad, near Sbepherdstowu, and amused themselves by riding down a grade to a point where some freight cars were stationed. During their last trip Rodney was seated on the front of the cur with his legs dangling over the platform. Not being able to apply the brake suffi ciently, the hand-car collided with the freight car and broke both bones in his left leg betw$n the knee and ankle. His little companion then car ried him on his l>ack to his home in Sharpsburg, al »out three-quarters of a mile distant. This young man has a fac ulty for injuring himself and putting his life in jeopardy. Wien quite small he was tied in a high chair, from which he managed to slide, catching himself by the neck; lie was released by his mother when life was nearly extinct. I .a tor he frac ture«! three of his ribs, and not very long ago a water-cart ran over his hand, break ing several lingers. It was thought he wa.s trying to break his neck, when he only hung himself. Mr;. Alexander Elliot, of Martinsburg, was painfully burned on Tuesday evening. She was trying the old experiment of kind ling the lire with the aid of coal oil, ami aller having poured the oil on the wood set thecal) on the stove hearth. When she applied a match the tire burst out, ignit ing the oil in the can, which burst with a loud explosion, and scattered the contents on Mrs. Klliot, setting lire to her clothes. 1/ t Minor nnd John Sa vies. hearing the explosion ami lier screams, rail in and succeeded in putting the lire out, l»ut not before she had Ikhii severely burned al»out the stomach aud breast. Her arm was also badly eut by the Hying pieces of glass IVoni the ean. John C. Mann, his sou Willie, a boy aliout Hi years of age, a man named Simons and two Yiquisneys get into a row at Viquesneys' saw mill in the edge of Ran dolph county, last Saturday, in which a cluli and a hatchet played prominent part.--. It seems from what we hear of the row, that the trouble originated aliout a dance platform belonging to young Mann. John Mann was struck on the head with a club and knocked off a gangway leading to the mill ami two of the men commenced l»cat inghim when Willie Mann struck each of' them 011 the head with a hatchet knoekiug them senseless for the time. Some little excitement was occasioned at Grass Liek, Jackson county, Tuesday morning, over the report that E. <>. Holt had attempted suicide. A correspondent repaired to the ]dace in a short time and found that the report was only too true; that Mr. II. had cut with a sharp knife three Ugly gashes on tliu right side of his neek, jlist over the jugular vein, twoaliout one inch iu length, and one a I »out one inch and a half. The wounds are not fatal, lint lie says he will finish the job yet. Family ditliculties was the cause. On Friday night, a woman named Flora t hinn, who had lieen convicted Itefore the Mayor, of Huntington, and sentenced to prison, was taken by Marshal Sykes to her home in an alley to change her clothes. She was permitted to cuter the house while the Marshal waited outside. After a lew minutes she opened lire on the Marshal with a revolver which she had obtained in the house, and lired four allots, none ol which took effect. The Marshal i|iiickl\ «•isar her, and put her in the lock-up again. • Mrs. J. C.Spencer, of Gmflon, met with a peculiar and distressing accident at lier home last Saturday. While grinding cof fee she put several grains in her mouth, when one of them slipped down her wind pijH' and produced strangulation. She was alone in the house Und would probably have died had not a ncighlior w ho heard lier making a strange and violent noise, run to her relief. Together the two women succeeded in dislodging the danger ous obstruction. There is to l»e a telephone line con structed from M jddlclsiurnc to the inter ior ot Tyler county. Prominent official* ol the Ohio Hiver road have Is^tnne inter ested in the matter and have declared their intention ot taking stock and working it up. Messrs. W. L. Williams and W. 1'. Robinson will Hsit Middlcltourne and jHtiiits adjoining the projioscd line to re ceive subscriptions and see how the |tcople feel on this subject. H would Is* a great convenience. A correspondent of the (J raft on tint im) says that "Miss McCoy, from Fairmont, 11 girl aged about 17 years, passed through Independence and stole a wry cosily wed ding suit ol' Mrs. 1 »t-nn, of that place, and I caute to Mr. J. V. I'rot?, man's and stole some missionary money In-longing to tin1 , Sabbath school at Mt. Morris. Mrs. Dean, accompanied by an officer, went in pursuit ot her, and overhauled lier and recovered the stolen dress." A blind colored woman of Lewisburg— Harriet Scott by name—gave birth last Sunday to three healthy and well-dcvel oped children, two lioys und a »»irl. Two of the children weighed live and a hall pounds cach and the other live pounds The mother and children are all doing well and were tin; objecta of u great deal of at j tention during the week. " - i:.n. Jimmy Haslup accidentally struck Minnie, an infant daughter of Prof. l\ S. Fleming, in the face with a very sliarp hatchet laut Monday and inflictcd a painful and ugly cut. The hlade barely misse<l one of the little girl's eyes, which would have been destroyed had the hlow fallen upon it. " I-irge quantities of Southern pig iron have recently paused through Shepherds town from the iron furnaces in the valley of the Shenandoah and below Koanoke. The iron is tiought by puddling mill» in Eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Harrisburg furnace men are extensive pur chasers. Thomas True, the man who shot an«! kill«-«! a man by the name of Miller on th« "it h day of April, On Robinson Fork, I)odd ridge county, an account of which appearet: in our columns, came into West Union or Monday morniim and gave himself up U the authorities. He was released on bail. It is sai«l that El ihn Gregg, who mm« years ago was found guilty of arson, foi burning the Court House at Kingwood and who was reprieved by Governor Jack sou, is engaged in making washing ma chines in the building where the lion James G. Blaine, was born, in Pennsylva nia. On Thursday evening a freight trail broke down at the end of the long tun ne near West Union and before the set-on« section could tie flagged it collidtsi wit] th«* first, making a heavy wreck. Porta nately no one was seriously injured, bu the damage to the train was very heavy. At the trial before J. W. iioddin. a Beverly, last week it was discovered tha there was a secret organization in th neighborhood of Vickney'« Mills, tha connty. similar to the red men organization They all wear a badge * it b the letter O. S written and printed on it A colored youth named George Thorntoi attempted to get upon a freight train a Harper's Ferry last week, whilst in motion and k^t both lept by being thrown unde the wheels. He died shortly alter the ac cident. Wade Washington, a colored man o Huntington, who is an inventive grnin* has drawn a plan for conveying melt«« metal in and about foundries, which pou wases some merits. The Gallipolis BullHin says Colonel C T. and James M. H. Reale, of Mason conn ty. threshed about 7,U00 bushels of wfeea and 2,000 barbels of oats and rye the pan week. - : 3peur ^drertisentfnls. FH'NTi-A SILK CMBRELLA ONTHÊPIKE, near Prank Walter's, last night Owner will call &t r'17 Market street «id prore property. I HU'J., WANTED—A GIRL TO DOCENERAL house work. Apply at lia Chaplin« street, auldqaq J^EMONS AND ORANGES ! 100 Boxes Fine Messina Lemons ! 50 Boxes ]£odi Oranges ! JVST RECEIVED BY Jj-s N. SCHULZ, 1319 Market Street. WANTED —A RELIABLE, COMPETENT AND PI'S HIN«; MAN. who understand» the SUBSCRIPTION BOOK BISINES8 (complété 1 bound books,) to take the GENERAL AOtNCY I of oar Subscription Publications for Wheeling I and vicinity. Mu«t invest about $100 for a start ing stock of »oka. To the right man we shall I offer full oojjtjnl of Territory, extra large dis counts, a Ua ^>t' rapid-selling books, attractive circulars, iuiJa.ll facilities for a Mine and good paying busing, ü. W. CARLETON & CO., Pub- ; liaheni. New _ Jy'.ilr [ COLO, SILVIO 110 BUCHHORN IIMDLE5. TUE FIXEST LINE OF SILK UMBRELLAS Ever shown in Wheeling, at the STAR. D. GUNDLING A CO., JySl X TWELFTH STREET. BAKK WITH THE EXCELSIOR BAKING POWDER. It is Always I*ure and Reliable. Sold by R. H. LIST, Manufacturer, 1010 MAIN STREET, And by all first-das* grocer*. jyUl JJÖTICE ±\ To Tax-Payers ! The Board of Equalization and Appeals of the City of Wheeling will meet at the Public Kuildiiut for the purpose of equalizing and correcting aa teasmenia i«>r the year 18m, for the different wards, at 9 o'clock a. in. each day, as follows: First Ward—Monday. July J>. Second Ward -Tuesday, July J7. Third Ward-Wednesday, July £<. Fourth Ward -Thnmday, July £>. Fifth Ward -Friday. July % Sixth Ward—Monday. August i Seventh Ward--Tucsdav, Augusts. Eighth Wunl Wednesday, August t H. A. tiAI.LIGAN, Clerk of the Board of Equalization and Appeals. jy_Me*d Ui "iE IHNE im Sandusky Make. Willi Latest luiproveaioutM. AU«, 25 LARtiE WINE CASKS Holdiug KM) Callous Kadi, lor Sale at a Low Price. PETER WELTY & CO. WHOLE* A LB LlyloKJJ, JyU III» SIA1M »TEF.ET m mm wens Are :is (iutMl us the liest. Light, Strung ami Kasy Running. PRICE OF A 50-INCH, $125. The Victor Tricjele Is Very Popular with the I.adie*, and the price has been 1 11 ice i<i to t ~f>, Making il the ('hcaiiext First class Machine In I the uiiirket. Send for catalogue to WM. D. McCQY. Stile Agent fur Wheeling und Vicinity, Or to It. l!. HI'KT. I>hind. luûîdit Mutational. PRPHFRIfV Krnwle Seminary, Frederick, M«L rnCiULnita s..x, ,,.rill Kept. », i^w. Term-*, tSSi per anniiiii. Nocxtrasexrept for Mod em Language and Art.W. II. Purnell,I.L.l>.,Pre«. ; Jy'Th MAI PIX S IMVERSITY SCHOOL, I.I.I.UltTT ( ITV. MAIIYI.4NÜ. Situation Healthy. Instruction Thorough. Sr> sios «ii'kn* Skit I'i. I'lrcnlirt sent upon appli ration. CHAPMAN MAL'PIN, M. A., Prinrl|»al. WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, Lexington, Vn. rNSTItrtTMN IN THK I SI AI. ACADEMIC I studies ami in the professional M'hools of Un and Engineering. l-oeation healthful: expeiife* moderate. Session opens Sept. IG. Kor catalogue, add res* "Clerk of the Faculty." Jy.!e.»gTh fi. W. C. LEE. Preiddent. Law School of Washington & Lee University UEX. (i W. LIB, President. 1 XSTKI't TION It Y TEXT HOOKS AND PRINT 1 ed lectures, with < oiiiwi of lecture* on special subject* hy eminent jurist*. 'I ultlon and fees Sst' for of nine month*. I» rinnin« Sept IS, For catalogue and full information, address Clin«. A. limven, Professor of |,aw, Lexington, Va. J>>* grh AUGUSTA EM ALE SEMINARY, STAUNTON, VA. Mies Mary J. Baldwin, Prin. 0|iciM i«i Hepteuilsr. liNi. clone*June. Iw7. rn*urpa**ed l<s ation. Irtilldings, ground», ap IMiinimenis. FtUi inriw tiwhon; unrivalled ad vantages in Mi wir, Language*. Elocution, Art, li)*>k keeping, Physical Culture. ItoardAc., with full Engij*h Oairse »*15(1 tier entire *e**ion. Tor full put^iinlar» apply to l'rin« ipal for Cata logue. )ylfif«»il, F Rotels. THE STOCKTON, CAPE MAY, N.J. Opened Jnn« 30th, »tuler the inaiiaicnii'iit <<l IlKNiiY (T.aTK, Uu- <»f i.nunl Union Hotel,Sara j to^a Sprinfp. Sahers. I YVTHKKLINU BAKERY CO., I.'30 Market Hmt, MIKE A* RKPI.BH VlttfKTT Of Crackers, Cakes, Breads, Rolls, BISCUITS AND PIES. I At all tiir.»-^ Fresh. Wholeaotn« and Nutrlduii. A«k your grueer tor the*e it"A* and ' I lake no other. tine Wedding and Party Cakes to Order |3orh |)ncherr : T)C. LIST, JR, i| PORK PACKER, ij ' 1 Ko. 2H » (»(-RTF.EXTH NTKEET, ' j t ! . WHKKUVO. W VA. 3rchitfft. r HOWARD BROS., Office, May Building, Cor. S«T«atk an* E8t**eta, PrtK WASHINGTON. D. C. 4« M _p*OR SALE. The Bxinncw rvnî^^ly i*«, £ Chapman, N0. ] <5^S rwrtdence of John t.. f,*1» Kjv?*« —on Corner o( Market ;m<l Siuw*. iu the Vity of By VIRTl'E OF A l'F.Kb M rvt» by John K. llantlUo an) * • lau to'me a- tatet«*. V.n\ ou rt-mber. A. l>. W uivl r>, , M the Clerk of th.- « . ,i\ , w. Va. In deed Ol mw t».( .„.V1*' SM. I will »11. *t publie « • of die Court il - HAT» Kl» W VIM*»«. commenetaKat l> «■.'•.«•k», B . •■ deacrthed VM*™ tUtUt.*, Rink." »it«»'«' "» th«f «^mrr.lfv Market street*. in the < .n * county. Stale .<f W <-t». ^ lhe fixture» t* naitu:.i: Ihr:, nincci thi'iYvuu>> l'O. -'.iir.tix Wkt of tho KTOU!l.l UJiOll « hl« h s,. 1 I;" TERMS4 OE > vi V -»»nr-U!* .< money .or*»mue h «n.>n a»ihrt<Cr- 1 iola'yai't ea>hon t . l*k .i( MvaiAo lu >ix ui.-il sale. the i>«r< h.ix ' - • —- ■ iK-p«>iial Vftirm ». t ,r deed of tnm eitVi - JvlTi j' i' iStTv" roMMIssioXKks, QTATE OK WKst vu- .. ^ O OhlÔLt llv ... \\ ■•V\. Court of Whis liiiu •* lr - Missouri I. Hrini..,, 4I1(, , next Mend, a. . Mary J Cou* • ( ^ Punuant :■ • decree» in ai. w. ,.; 's', lsv>, an.l ihemh. r, derelgned su . iu: Mr!.j IhfcJ, 'un X ited s«*, m; ' "* » REHNfcSlH\ m," » ' etn itiv: at 1 " 11 * k iJ fn-iu .l.„r ^ Comment at the county, Wot \ ,,k to the hlghe*t I tl of » hielt Mari > lir •ay: The s.uth hull ,,| a.l.titi. >n commntih _ tioii." (touting "II tlü aihlhelUKthi-n« \t • wot corner "i i: - lew«, howewr, ». i.. heretofore<«.ut. v.,i ; >ai«l Man - it Uctolter i*.' N > i i Of the Clerk of I deed l«»>k et al («i. Is bounded a> t...i,.» \M«t turner i.ttli. i,, uhiK thi-uiv uni« iti uitrthuiM eorn«-r<m with il««' «.mil lin« . Isirulli'l «Ith Hi. I lit rt-t »f. an.I fnnu (|u befiiunitiK H. :J il 'w* a i i \. ail' 'I II ' <•' l-M PWI I'I V, I II . N two*U*\ k .1», , !,,. ■*»« tkhm-ih mu inoii<),aml Simm . ■ m, »hüll «'li t 1 In |..n ii, , j.i , , " <T| nvMue tin r.!•:,> || J„ ill Olli* Mllll (Wo )i-;ir» I '<( InlMvat fnmi tliat iU« "«i nolo fur III. I, rn .i « Uilll |«'l>.l|l.l! ». II,, ■ , ' *0 S|MH'inl I 'll|UIIII««lut|, r M,.t II,i V"! erty Mtl.l 10 u- I., . »V «I the |>ur< liiiv un tin) ' •'*11 AUkKOumtil >TA1I or We>T Vll |>U I m > OK Will I.I IV. 1. Tllolllrt- M Ilarull. I I , hcretiy rcrtilv dial ih. C'(l|llllll-Mi.l|. Iii. re<|iitn.l by law ai>.|>.,..|.|, Juno .v. iw. Thi1 hUi\c >.ili Ii.I NESDAV. \I • .1 -I III., Ml atllur |ila< .• J J '-"-' »I» S'i ('OMMlssloNKK's ML). r AT K «»I \\ I -1 VIK.IMa Ifll • ht.» < il) i.i \\ |„. t Court of Wliri-lin,; ™ William r llaiiillali, S'aiiiff 4 OhllH'iMltll) , «..| \j . AduiinlMraioi . i Mm i ilnvâsil, In) »«. Funny lirlnioii ainl ..<). > rurtiiaiii in tin amlxinii \i<*j ti 'Ihw III lin nl-.,. I ' I . ; rtaa uk !l«t «luv ..I M IV. I * Hla^'lal « "1111111« Wulllr-di» Iii. '.'Ml Im „f j,|, I i -I loluim-lu I h ^ .h I . ■ lioli, ni I lir I'nxil i|i-.r ..( 11,. ■ - |, •UllUt). Writ Xlfk'llll i III «a,! . I U» tlic IiIkIii-I I. Un I.,.„.j, III W ll ill I «.il'l Infill I. : .jrfj |mikd'km'iI, IIihI I« lu mi Ua Su. .'I ..u ! ii. I ii..i Hi. aMttM know u a- "John I I ! • infl at llir lnirlliKi-1 i i MwtM mTi <ixlli »fr« i l» I« - ,i I ■ g conveyed hi l'aliii k M. •. .i. ■ « « loll ami w Hi' l.t .l.*t«l : | HOW Of KSWK»I III II» nflal ,^| <'utility Cuiirl ..I ni|.| MCI' uf., «Ill ll |«.rlii. «I roiiiiiltlii'ilin at ll.' ' >llia««i •'■'I at tin' <oriii r i.i I m■ \ i 1 ill III«' rear ol I In i. I i . enaterly illmtiou mil. i!.« i. *•.• • yfi aixtli Hni'l (ml) Im«. I. ■ ' I M ■llreetloii liiii k Ii" ii I ' • •. I wltll »iilil nl'i y lui /< tlienre niiiiilnir fort) i» • ■ t« J ««Iii alle) . uni lr 'II. IlirlI'T a m «aii! alli'.v lu tli< |>la> • "I fargiaiiiat AN» tli< li:i>li\ i.l"l •'« I tlie m*iilIi Ii.ill u! • i S ' •>» i liieillK till' III X I lui u..rill ..! <*..) <111 IHK on tli>' Hi -I >.'|i ul Marl.-l • .#1 ifli-r <|ii|iii Ii:..' Il -f0É «unveyial Ii» «siiiil Mi«.ai in It ii1 |iart I« IjoUIIiIoI a I' »• amithweKt form rof lln I.aif •< <.»» nillllillK tlM'Mi !• Willi II» .a-l .1- ( lin? iioftliw . «I inriii "I I ' »< I parallel «Uli tin- ii • thence |.arall<l »l'li tin a.«l •'« * line thereof. iiti'l ii' • - « of U'lflnnlnn <in n»iiI Uirtion of •rectal u whiMi uiiinfn' " ' ^%L_ riea bitch, ll»* m.rili ■ ' **1 »lie MMitli ai>le al lie* " n*f Market Mr., i I .. Iliair ami llir ri-I "i 11 » i< • 4 •* ami oil I In- |i«ri •>( •* I l.«;f k' " ■ Ii a two«lory i>rii * .l»«l.un' •*" W exf<Mi|lni{!) 'Ii » I KKM- i il - \ inoiii'V.unil a» mu. I ' ' • 't «lialli li' l i"| i . the nuliliif iln i'-ol I ' inelita III lilie ami 1 a.. >• ar« ' wltb lnlen-i from tliat «lat tV Hj Ilia llolea for III' >|. l.-r:.-.'. |*)i» ' ' *• ml, wlili ja'paimil i:i; . llli'l«|ai-llil < 'oliiini ■ •• I »r " erty aol'l to I«- r> la ii«l 'IP * of (BO DUTCIiaW IWrtiej , , UTKI I" 'LW HTATK «»F Wk«T IKi.lni ». • " OPW'NKKLIVi' , . . I.TIioiiia« Ml'." 1 1 horeby ii-rtlf) it-»' l!" ^,^| i>»mnil»*loinT lu» . qolr^ tflr law ami, . (. ut< June jr., lt»>. Tlie al*#»' »••'• ' H NKSMV M ; ■ in , nt «am«' ('la. • , « l\^j I'OMMISSMM'* otatk ok Ml-I VIR«.IM» » J "hli». ' in i>( Wi ■ I Omrtof H I,. «•mu ll II l*>\rlnr ■fa* Kan kin ami fî-.Urt J'ur»- ' •ml William V lluii Han ».If: tratorof the e»tat<-</f l.o"* J. Jofl»-«, ijiTI Hi'I, J** Kaukiti ami K"'irt !'• PurwiaM i/i th»- autbonij • 'lofw«» in«/).- ami enter««! it, if ''«H«»-» on the tli ml ■!«' U l au«-* wi-r»- frjij*.!..l»i.«l i.) I 7th dar of April I"» tr. eouilni«i'>ner u ill ' II ''fi MTmiMI. IK-I" AMBDenrin* «j jo « >U»k*n tion, hi (Id irttut <i««f./ tt.» ' flouaty, Wi-»( Vir/i/iUi m the following >1.— nl»*1 r»*i <itr, that I* to «ajr rirl-\ imnnfl"t V »Me of Uarkt t 'tr h ii If «l'/ffvild Iri the- •»■»<»ml hit) at a r»w «ixt.-. ii * I' f.»t wrt* •aWVxiJ*. t».< ii..- »Id. t/f fliti-t north tw«-nt) thru -■ Ioapor tht-nr»- I fini'i lO a (*mt. tbilM.' »-illi II '•** llfty two i.V.'; In I III I lot of grouoil: thei..* • ten 110/ tin hit V< a }»«■( lb»-" hiitulrc! ami twenty • 14» u ginning ami being tl-- »j «Mirered to Juuif ■peeiaî roaiaiW»>-ter WTO. aii.I rntifil"! .ii lh of the lam) rwi/fil« nfOfi*' AU»I am-th- ' >*rt which lot fa In Kl« :i'/>-r Z*'r CJtjrof W heeling. » h (■*" ed and < a.- fi • tur iti feet e*-t of tfc- "-r"r to 8. O. Hot/itlM/li Ihr if" aon'rlfiw forty eigl.t »* all^T; tij.-niI- mirth Mmliviti tfnt-t. Hi»»* thrnre we* with th«* Iii" a[htU*l feet to a i"' tß tb «aid Kru-t »oufli t" and («-in* Ikt nan:-- pr JUnkin br 0. L CMm* r, -\* br dfaly rvcwl"! iii tlrf OhintiMinty . , , On th<- Btx p*m I <•( !*"'1 Ur>f«- brick b»ilMiinf. "" l£* Markamith »hon TERM- or fi.\ nunit y, ami mon caah on th« «lay yf «!•. In two equal inrtaluiiiit* from day <jft«U- »Ith porrhaaér girlng m-t'* thtf proj^rtr to be n-Uinw money »hall have U*n paw »