Newspaper Page Text
NO. 172 fit k I K*-1w> vTl ***• K< . in*. It will .4 important meeting* ' t loo of the state. The H1-1* , 1 tel. Kt*»'hic reports id the jay of the suwon T'nDuw > mailed during the *» »*> °( tot one dollar,* paid, ui y ' ■ • . i CONTEMPT. Tilt* Pdriisao Kaiiwha («url Keapitg Ike Wkirlwiid. REPUBLICS JUDGE GUTHRIE to Show u ,# Whr They Should Not b« tJi«d and Imprisoned. GOV. FLEIIBii HOBESTLY ELECTED ; 1 T1.1 H.j Sail—Moro thm 13,000 F sons Voted in West Virginia Who W*m Not Listed by the Assessors, Pres Pend ing in Parkersburg. CHAVUMTiUi, W. tA.i January 1.— la the caw oi Jehu I>. AUleieou again* the C»uu*y C-Miai^tcuvia oi tin* 1 >outr, Judge linthne ul the Circuit C urt owned to day a tuie. returnableforthwith, requir ing toe O' ihty C>ninii*t'«>n«ta t« appear betu.e him and show cans* why they should cot be naed and impris.u.d lor their contempt ot C urt in Irac-nutting to thaCmomor a certificate of the reach of it,--lection ’n K - tiuwua cunatj lor Con .rusn.tu eiolat on <d the irjnncttvn f*y Judge Miii'ooR °f CibelL S-i ihle people her# an dkgn-trd w,tb *be Taponua- of the Republican preas in reaps t to the eke ton complicu tiars m that S«#u. Acquaintance with the facie *.irr.>ut<n«> other conclusion in party of Weet V, . ua 1'o.f before ths election a well luaidteti -theme Ui carry ibe St»*e by f—cd aid t.. n e cf hoodie. The Deoto ti.its who hate tad in charge the contest 01 Judge l.tiainr, have earned diligent i, 1 . .• to lw made threu ;bout the SUte, tti.| it h t: ae, beyond question, that the HI," 1 von s c-.ivt in this Slate wets Kepnb iau> <:«s While tt was iuipossihle in the -'lort tuns allowed, became of the niir d iultk* in the way o( prorating pe tite iniorniat <>o in regard to illegal volt < c*s*, to ge*. the uvmcs of bit a small portion of the person* who \oted oulaw laily, yet Judge Flaming bis been tide in an notice of coutesi to tieosi si Ckffto I’eegMia ,g IIIAS l,taa» t'KK-'i'Ss KoT LKUAI. VOTIUS, w’::o votrd tin K pabliian ticket. It is genetaily concede.! that the assessors of the Ttriuiueowtii* are able to taru.xh with rta*oi:,Me erGa uiy the names of al! the adult* of the S a*e. It appear* that moie • ban l : in) p opl* voted at tho ’ate eltc tion who «i sn>t liiixd by the iiwiowore on Apnl 1 «*. I"- Judge Forming does nut bwe hix coat-xt upon technicalities hut a ton tie croon! that he wsx fairly aa«l bau-xtly eb ted. His notice contnirx a list o! p ix us whom he claims voted legally at I he expects to proee that : sail- -dapptnui tnajirityia the re anlt ot i1' I and illegal voting. It re ui.i.sjs to by r n w Uxther t .eneral Guff in hi» t muter notice will be intlocaccd by the same cu, <derations, or whether he will ban- h o x. nie a technualitim. The ct.imi u tic ttspnldican prr»e bas hten Wth ASII x|.su AND KIDIlTUM-#. When the Supreme Ocuit of this State, which is composed of 1» inocra's decided tiiar ladp Fien. ng'- writ of prohibition »gnti«i ta# Comity Crnjwiwionsr* cf Ka cc nut * would not lie, the /*M/iyr* wv. pi(* use tn tbe rivnpliraei t • it paid ; Ooor\ hot when ibe same Court de ( . that a *«’ < >«■< applied fer by Mr W.ctaoB, would le against the County C u .i x-ivnei'. the Iidtlhy n<tt at once i lunge (I lis f urden of iti scug. Governor Wil'on come ta for a part cf tbeeuiogiei who ti tli* lnt‘U«i> m. tt *w go ready to heap njx ■ lk-mncratu i Itical*. unit thst paper t‘.( ught b- *;»♦ honest and abnvo partixan until Li had t-Mtiedcv-t ticateeof e'ec ii» Mixer*. Wilson anil Fendleton. Tbe 4 lit-n at ooce txgan to criticise* • ■ i < Wilson and »o abase him Icr hi* • t* i. ae'.mo. The K-publican press is went i4»ly ntu ro MANrrMTt'U rmic Oft* ION a® . top'fac* the attention of tha peoytx s*. v Do „ the hr's as they »xi*t. It is clici i it that the . tees of lVodletou and M t. cn s are anal.-g.u«. This ia not tru<- Mr IVcdletoa appeared to he elec ted on the fa** of the rertidcata legally transmitted to *h-s Governor, whe cm in trie case of Vr Ginn is there is uo legal certiiu t - ft! r- the tiovertor from ksn.-t wiu county I'.i* C.icnty I'ourii .sscuotrr m the lace of an tc jnri 'uoo restrtiniu/ them r* i. .*» doing and an order awarding a writ ol i.f' iri inhibiting tlc-n fo.n mi doing *i»' so. '«• I tn the G >vertor wnat pnrp'T it M b • a .er'itii ate ef ihe result ot the election i® kCaoawba county for CongidN'W tn, whereby Mr. Cider-oa was rleortved cf ll>» la netil of the rsronjf in Kanawha county, which alec s him, and this icrf .i'i i pn ifxilar isuowpenilirg and n*.Urs v id the iert n ate which the t. TuAi r 1-xs tefore hiuv In Mr. lVndle teu's cisae there is so proceed trg in court whatever l ucre i- scontroversy eouceru mg t 'x- el-ciioa in tn* Fonrtii district, and ^aliment i x tw*n made btlure Governor ■Vdxci! by c'ousel foe both Smith and i "• aui iu- now fui lb* matter aider d' i. u! The term of rfft-e of C»o c • -.inicc doss nnt btgtn until March I'h■ tvernor Wilxig 'I: ' Nt... KUTIMEISHrKt'KBTIPIOATB* I > ! te .<*’ >oa whom heditruft alerted to - Slate * ;<>». WUmo ia t> t the km.i <■! tuau to ha lutimidated or it S ini V v iliiMr. The vitnpcratinn aad aland*r t orn HeptiMiran ue«apapers are p>< j i ii.tnir iiaataorm ** r* d. rtin* the hoiMat iwtiiiniroi ot the UepattU'aa party ’B ra*t«‘ t '« tha eUrt «i m thw roqotv ut tha*. Mr. Chapman, "ho wm tha Rapabtt rto nmuart tor I*‘tvi*v,-ntinj5 Attorney ot k.tniwha co.qty at tha late election he* r rd with Mr l.'.ttlepa«;e ■ y.i.t «iii tha .i luocratu ctndnUte, to 1 make him Ilia aw- *t»nt and to divide the I ofire w i h him to prevent Li tt lap.v*e fiout I ' derm* a von*eat mi.tiaat him. Chapman " aepesi. oa «h. faoa of tha ratnrue to he •!«> UrS hy a m njritv of HI vo at and hia Im a«ti''ti m r'.v.i,- ^veiy* w,,h Litliep.txa t» an adm»> ■.*> thul ha waived more than tba! many ill val vote*, t.'-q li .tr odI/ . !aim* bit eltrliva by JOti HOFF IS THERE With 111* Attorney, W. 1*. Hulihanl, Not to Mention \V J. W CoMtlen—They nre There to Meet the Faithful. fixftal Trltyrcm to Ikt Repotor. Charubtun, W. Va, January 4.— General Goff, W P. HabburJ, bis attorney, and W. J. V. Coerden arrived here to night lo meet a number of the faithful who have been here all day waitiug for hint in order to receive imunctious as to what aha'l b« done. The Republican congressional committee for the Third dntrict was teen in session to-day, bat what they did is locked up in their breasts. It in bjiieved that they tnaike 1 out a coorse for Ur. McGinnis to follow, as he has been with them iu their deliberations. Members of the Legislature are coming in. The drat to amv« are 0. P. lK*tr, ol Welwter, and J. M lUm.l'oo, ot Cullman. Tie Democrats will all be on hand when the bell taps tor opening the session Wed nesday. Applicants lor p *ituoti are alrea.iv hete; some cameo week ago. Can This He True? SjKCvv Ttotgntt* to (As Kryi-ler CiiAKi.erux, January 4.—The most astonishing piece of news that your corre spondent hr* heard since his arrival is tbi> Goff's friends claim tha» two Demo crat* who live close to his tGofl’f) connty will vote for him tor U. 8. Senst ir. Ordi oan'.y *uta a story would not he believed. but the source of the n.founotion is xnch that some atten tion most be given it. I* is certain that Goff, through his friends, is moviog heaven and tarth tn get to the l'. S. Sen ate. How can he do it. ixeept through trickery of the moit despicable chaiactci? It is uot possible that the rcbeme can work, and yet the sharpest vigilance is demanded. ___ Kruno Hoeen’t Worry. Washington, January 4. —Senator Kenna it in the city. In answer to all in •lieriisas i t how the Senatorial ontlor.k in bis State lfoks he replies that it is all right ar«l do-* not h**uateto expose with an air of conllJence that he will reeviv* (lie canons nominal im at Charivs'on and that he will be re-ekvted to the Sena'.e He thinks that all the Democtat* will go into the caucas aid abide by its decision. It this ttao»p;rts, there ought to be ■ o reason tor htlieving that Mr Kenna will not be returned At any rate the West Virginia S.-nat. r dots uot tuat iiest any in diektiou ol ami tv, and c unit i ts bimselt like a man who thought he wa< goiug to ■ get there.” FOR TRESPASS. Sul* Beguu by the Government Agaliut the Northern Pacific, St. PAIL, Minn., January 4.—The uic* important suit that has been li'ed in the l'ailed St»t*« District Court for many year*, was Ivegtia here last evening on liehalf of tbe United States Government. It i - an action agiiast the Northern Pa cific Railtoid Comptny, which iiivolvis between $5,000,tWO and f<> (0,1,000. It * charged thai ever *ioce the road ha* bom built, ab>nt 1S0:», it has been tree pa- tjg cp'i government land along its line, denuding gvverntnenl timber land and can-ing great tors and dam*ge to the government. The eucroacinwtiw «xteod m lauds and timber in various paits of Idaho, Washington Territory, Montana and Minn sot*. In McuUiu the rood has cat over liity t >a teet of timber, worth $1,000,000; m Idaho, 10,('00,000 fret, worth $200 000, to Washington Territory, tlo,000,000 fret, worth $ frxi.Ooo, ami in Miantuota over 2tM*,000 Otxi test, worth fit,000,000. The dim n very of the tresptsswas mode inJaly, l-TO The road, wmch w.vs stumping the tioit'er oa the lands it owu-d under the grant, which wan every alternate section, and which was not yet aorveyed, iuatead of ndninK iteelf to on h alternate section cat t continuously along its lines. Tu* p-nitim *ay« that the Government has mace nuuieron* etttmpte to prccted against the c mipany iu liie sevirsl Tvrri t>ri«.s through which the raihoad rnns, but it ha* b«en compelled to abandon such a coarse of policy, having fonnd that “it is pr icticialty impcexiblo to t tudsi'J each cases on account ot the limited jurisdi'a tiou i f the Tertitoral ouns, the compli cate i and multitudtncus trtapowea com mitted by a great number of persons, the practical impossibility of obtaiim g legal -v dance (torn the company's officers and employes and the difficulty cf procuring »ny other evidence concerning tbeir tres passes. The few s-ttlei* who were statter id through thecomtry where the Impo se* were c mini tied aie either ignorant coaicrning the seme or unwilling to incur the enmity of the company by g ving in !#r ration ogaiust it.” The ground a pm which the railroad company is alleged to have trWfWMil is or, y valuable for its timber and material, aid frrins a pirt of the timber receive which i. has frea the policy of the goviro meat to protect and preserve tor tutnre u-*e and beottit to i‘s citizens. Therefore thJ dtnadiogoi the land of t'mber r«suits in a great anil irremeditl 1 <>><>. Unless the aompany is stopped at once by irjunctinn the entire country new bring tre-possexl aj ,n will l« euttrely denulod. The gov ernment has frequently mjaiatei! the Northern I’.cli1 Kvilrovd to dis st, but ‘It not only re in- s to do so, but threatens to continue tb* timber.” Thn Government asks Hist an lrjuu.'tion be immediately is su'd to stop ih- ca’tirg and that tbs com paoy b'cvuipellei toajp'ar in coart nod r*«pnod to thirty-two qiisst oas cameraiuz the inline', where and when cu\ hew si d where it has be»-o used, and e»ou ad itf.i. The petition is rigned by A It. G ;-laud, Attorney Geueial ter the United States. Gorge N. Baxter, United SU-es Attorney far Minuesota nnd M nry W lioheoa, Special United Statvs Attoiney. -♦ A C «i* Kleetlo* SO'fui! ni'tfram to IV Rnn*** l'lEiwtoKT, W. Va., .lanu.vry |. The el-.Tt< mi hehl here yesterday wo watmly contested and woe v.ry close. Thors was agiml dec! ot' chvlliaging of voters, and Urge crowds sanoonu ng the pollead d*.v Tor remit W * a* follows: Mayor L. II. Pnleger, Citiaeue’ *'»*«'* 1 mai -rity. K J J. McGuIanow, D«, d msj Mty; Town Sanr-ant. J. H- 8“'^ It -iu . oua msj *rity; Conncil. H. C. . • G, ..ns.sndl». K »</*«'«. J. P Gi««ou, H. C. Baxton and J. W. LUvm Democrat*. the Utter all having good m»j riti* s. Two Democratic Contestant*. IXIHAMAfOU*. **n» •,<*n0*ry 1 — I'spcni in two elect on eonteetaj that will cowe* the Indmaa (teaeral a^etubly were li ed the Secretary ol State y*e , Sowtt K»J, editor of iheShvlby Till* /Wrat. will ‘bat be be linen hia scat on the ground that eunmsb fraudu lent votes weie cast :or hi- opponent to ntaki up the plurality a<ainM him. lo the HouwAl en J. I’.tptoa. of Oibwn, w U to b© iHWui bjeatus be ahe*** fraudulent vot-« were wet ‘or h,a Kepub Inan opforeit, Heojtmin l». John. Hill AIU S* OK ALCOHOL* tss HsrtlanTi A«ld l*hoapb»t*« l» \\\ R Crate, Mitchell, l>*k-. “li has proven alxo<t a epeciti^ lor thi* d'cO'd-r; it clue Its the vomitinv. re-tor,* the »Pi*t te and, at the *auie tuue allay* tieleir of iaip«ndini{ dissolution, that i» mi Jtuinoj to heavy drinker-.” A LvajND MRJIEKDLE ON8 OF TUB MOST GIGANTIC FRAUDS ON RKCORD Perpetrated oo Amancia tad Karoptan Ctpit&lisU bj a Maa With an Alleged Sugar Refiaicg Apparatus—Bilked of Over $1,000,000. Nkw York, January 4.—The Evening Sun prints what it calls *'Aa almost in* credible t ale of giftntic frond.” It states that the Electric Sugar Refining Company has been duped to the extent of over a million dollars, and that its wbcle secret prcce** turns out to be a humbug ct the most barefaced kind. The secret process v* w the ioventiou of one Hairy C. Fr end, who appeared in the trade about four years ago with samples ol wonder fully pare tugar, which he seid had been refined by his “electric proofs*.” About* year ago he induced a number of English and American capital* ials to org-m-xe a ucompany and buy the • Secret Proceea” from him. This was d me, factories wete built, but no ore was allowed inside of them save Friend his wile and a lew ignorant workmen. 'Ihe room* where refining was supposed to le g itng oo were kept securely locked, as Friend raid his process was not patentable »nd he c»n’d not afford to allow any one to share his secret. In the meantime the sto k of the company had bcea bouncing np until it was worth Dearly $di HI per shatt er flOO par value. Friend th*n began <o unload, but suddenly be died. The of fice a ol the (o npany suspect*d nothing wrong until a few days ago, when it was found that Mrs. h>iend and all who had been connected with tbo factory had dis appeared, Mr*. Fiiead leaving wnrd she had gone to the West. President Cottrell, Treasurer Ribertson and a number of stockholders pro ceiled io the factory and invaded the secret rooms. What they di*covere i made tbeir eyes bulge out and ea-h mi everyone hsir on their head* give imitations ol’ the quills of a porcupine when be i* fretful. There ere a number of machines me 1 in instil ing block t uhe sugar into sms Her psrii c ta ard in granulating the courser grade* and nothing else. The results of Ui-day’s investigation of the sff »irs of the electric aurgar re finery, gives additional evidences ot frand, and President Cotteriil lett the ciiy to u gh* for tbo purpose of proenrirg the arrest ol Mrs. Olive Friend aad Wm E Howard. Kxrlleil Over the Water. 1-o.vihin, January 1 —The Reran lion in l.rumighata over the rcvelationr regarding th» Electric Sugar Ktlieing Company lias lieea increased by alarrairg cablegrams. The local holding of the stock ia said to b* £20,000. One ot the principal stockholder* has d*parted far America. The stock has fallen greatly. rough on The police. A Woman Makes 8ouis Orare Charge* Against Captain Sektick. Chicago, January 4.--Cbarg.w were made lest night which, if tins, place the uolice officials in an unfavorable light. Trie chief (comer ia the wile of Detec tive LoweDatein, the officer who cap'urel L- ngg, and who wivs Captaiu Schaack'e right band man in securing t be evideuce which sent Liugg's comrades to the gallows. Sbe alleges that large qnaut.tiee of prop er.y irregnlarly obtained tri m prisoners and thieves were brongbt ro her house by her hotihand, with Captain Sebsack’s kuowl edge, uud the proceeds divided with him. Among the stuff were the trioketa which L ois LiDgg, the bombmaker, biqncathed to his sweetheart, bat which could nevtr be toucd. Mrs. Lvwenstein’s allegations, the Times says, are c jr'bora'ed to a considerable«x tent by Mrs. Holt, President of the Woman’s Pro'ec.ive Association, and Law yer Kern, of Kern <fc Dwight, Mrs. Lvw »i»t-iu’s attorneys. Part of the pluuder is now locked np in the vault of the law yers, and includes watefcee, silks and other valuables, besides the Lingg keep sake*. The accoier is under indictment for the attempted killing of Lowenstein, bnt she claims to have been fired upon by him lirsl in a qntrrel reeu'.tiog Irom her endeavors to cut lots3 from the ‘‘fence” and make him do n> alto. Her mo'ive in revcal iog the alteged circoms'auces, ebe says, is because her hraband, Captuin Scluivk, and . tl era are trying to destroy her reputation as a wife in Older to discredit her in cisc the story ot the “fence” should be brought np during the trial. 8be says that when sue was locked np in the Chicago aveuoe sts lien charg'd with shooting her husband, S hiack wouid uot let her talk to any one tin* for over a week. ‘‘I told him that I knew Jske was a thief and that I knew h, (Scbnack) was aware of all bis doings. H , ti iured to let tie reporteis see me, and would ket p talking l > me about the stoleo uioperty and tried to get bold cf some cl it laying be wauted to have it reitored to the owners.” TheD, ste says, threats were mads that unless she ceased to talk abrnt it matters would go hard with her. The Times says that an attempt was made Wednesday niirlit to abduct Mrs L iwenatein from ho* broiber-in-Uw h hcu*c, where'be la.1 been stopping since ,ln was released cn bail. The story caused a great deal of comment tbr.mgbont the city today, * specially in pol e > circles. Captain 8 ham k war very when seen by reporter. He re fined lo talk about the case, and wonld neither denv nor sllirra it, claiming that l,„ would dial directly with the newepapar. Detective I.owenstein also refused to be interviewed on the case. ••Times'' Men Arrested. CmcAtiu, January 4.—Late this after noon wsuranta were sworu oat by Police Inspector Boufield for the arrest of J J. WVst, proprietor, and Joseph Dunlap, city editor of tin Times, charging them with criminal libel to the publication this mornirg of :ta interview with tbe wife , i Detective l,oeni-tem, in which she charged her hosband acting s« a "icti"-*'’ for thieves aud slleguig that Po lice Captain B'haak was cognizant of the tiict. Mr. Dunlap bae jast been arrested (t»: 1 p m 1 in his room in the Time* baildirg. .uid hw been taktu to the Hsmson street station. Mr. Dunlop remained in the cell nntil M o’clock wrea be was release*! on bail. At aboot tbs some tin*?, Mr. West, who had beard o* the issuance of the warrant, ap pesrei kt th* Hirrifou street station with his bondsmen. The wa*rant of t r:e*l was at the Central station, and some delay was cinsect by the necessity of seeding for it. No sooner had Mr. West aud Mr. Dan Up been released than they were again p .iced under arreet. The charge was the same, bat tbe coatpUiasnt was C>pt Schaak. Bonds were promptly fu'niehed, and the editors agvn allowed to leave. Korty-Two l.lves Ud. Mzm 11119, Tens., January 1.—Tbe United States Inspectors, who are investi gating the horning of tbe steamer Kite Adsui*. have obtained evidence which sit sdea them that foity two person* were lest, uistrail of foartem, a* they reported st v « dat e ag *. . ,, It appoire that eighteen children among the dec k paver gets, atd teu of tbe bua'.’s crew, perished m addit oa to the victims |pteTH>oaly no td. ENGLISH ATTACKS Qu American Kallroail OUlcer*—'Tlie Kork I*.and FeoU It. Nkw York, January 4.—The holders of American railway securitise are showing their agitation more and more daily. The pace was set by the sensational move of the English holders of Rt. Panl stock a few months ago, when, at a public indig nation meeting in London, they asked in fluential banking houses to receive scat tered stocks in Urnt and make concerted demands for bettor management. Mauv corporations have felt similar pres sure since then, though for the most part the movements of tired and combioirg shareholders have haen conducted too quietly for ninch public attention. The same elate of things as excited St. Paul’s security holders is impelling the holders of the securities of other roads to organize for an invest nation of ex'stiog cotditions, and. if possible, to axertissdirect influence upon managerial policy. In this line the law firm of Panning it Fowler, of (17 Wall street, acting at the in stance of large owners of the stock of the Chicago, K >ck Island and Pacific railway, made a demand last week upon the New York “register and fiscal agency" of that company for an opportunity to examine the Kook Island’s transler bcoks and stockholders’ list To this demand, Jas. It Cowing, Assistant Treasurer of the ltock Island Company, replied simply that no list of stockholders existed here, “the Iran*fer books and stock ledger being kept at Chicago ’’ Upm receipt of this notice, Dunning it Fowler at cnee adtlreeaed a letter to the K ck Island's Vice President, Mr. David Dows, of this city. It was an interesting letter. Rome of the paragraphs were not all pleasantness There were, indeed, uatiiuations in the letter, that while Mr. Dows is known of all men as an honorable naan, B'.nie of his corporation associates are not so happily situated. Yesterday Mr. Daws answered Dunning & Fowler’s letter by stating that, under the law of Illinois, it was aec**nry that the Chicago, Keck IsUrd and Pacific should maintain ati otlic* within that State, at which should bo kept f»r public inspection, certain rerordo, among them the stock transfer bo»k. The application of DonnineA Fow l»r to inspect this book in New York was tte fir*t made in many years. If the firm desire to examine it. It aoald bo necessary to make the application at the general • flice. Mr. l>jwa then said, a'most in so many words, that his associates were as good us iie was, and he did net propose to huvs them abased over his shoulder. Dunning & Fowler will now apply to the Chicago office for the information they faibd to get h»re, and, incase they meet with oh ta les, they will appeal to the conitr for an order to catup-1 the com pany’s officers to pro\iJe the facts sought The clients represented compose the Wall street firm of Cnlhert. Ctane dt Seahury, large holders of Kook Island stock in their own right and for otheis. As s..«n as the official list of stockhold *rs is obtained, elTuris will he begun to or ganize a movement on the same lines i-dopti d bv the protesting English holders of KL Paul stock. SHORT AM) SWEET. The Hurl rgtnn Strike lit Settled aud That In All That 1« Known. Chicago, January 4.—The '“Q” Strik er’s Committee ac<l tbo railroad people uave been in conference nearly all day. A' 5:."!() the doers cf the conference room were opened and the representatives ofthe press were admitted. Vice-President Stone, in the presecca of Cba'rman Cave ner and other members of the conference, lead the following statement: * The Burlington strike baa been set tled. By the tsrnis of the resolution un der which the Brotherhood committea weie appointed at the Itichmoud convention, they were instructed to report to Chief Arthur any cettlemcnta which they might reach as soon ss made, and the committee rec} tested ns net to make the terms of set tlement public until they should have an opportunity to acquaint Mr. Arthur with them, becau«e they thought it ouly proper and courteous for him to hear them first thiongh the committee instead of through the public press. Wo have told them we would scrupulously respect thtir wishes, and they lave in torn, promised that Mr. Aitanr will advise me as soon as he receives it, so that I can acquaint our people anJ (h*- general public with them. When Mr. - tone had finished reading this statement, Mr Cavener said that there was nothing to add to it, aud bath of these gentlemen dec lined to enter into farther details. President Fay IndtoUtl lor Manslaughter. Dknvkb, Col., January 4—W. K Fay, President and General Manager of the Denver Gas Company, and individually one of Iteuver’s wealthy cit zene, has been arrested on a grand jury indictment charging him with manslaughter. Fay was superintending the work done by the laborers who were killt d by the cave in of the cable ro»d a week ago. After the accident a verdict of '‘criminal careless ness’’ wav returned against Fay, and his indictment follower/. Thomas and O’Hara, his two foremen, were al-o indicted. CoIuimIhi* MlnUti ik AUo Protect. Cot.I’M bps, O., Jannary 4.—The Pas tor's I’oion of this eity a-e preparing a mtmorial that will be forwarded to Presi dent elect Harrison protesting against the inaugural ball, and r.sking that lie use his influence to have the custom ret aside this The document will le taktn to In dianapolis and laid before General Har rison by a committee of clergymen ap pointed by the Uu*on for that purpose. Tre discussion regarding the inaugural hull that has since taken a wide rarge bad its oiigin in a u citing of this IJnftti sev eral weeks ago. A German Newspaper Man Missing. BliooKI.YN, N. Y.p January 4 Asahtact bnsinetk Manager ami Advertisitg Agent Henry Andrea, ot the Brooklyn Zeitung, a German newspaper, is ni'SMng. and »i*o the books of the concern ana a large umonnt of money. No traco of him hits been lonnd, although a we*k has elapsed since bit disapptarame. The amount of hie stealing* is not definitely known, bat it is believe! lie apptopriated abeut$10,> tlfiti of the paper’s money to his own use. Won't Lite to KrJ J It. COLrmbits, O, Junuaiy 4 —The loDg delayed pardou papers of llcojamin Hop kins strived last night, and he will be takea to home in Gircinnati to-day. He is in a precarious tradition physically and unable to stand alone. Hie physician says he will cot live thirty day*. CONDENSED TE LEG HAMS. White Caps have begun husicess in Chi cago. A ihrta’eairg litter has been re cti vul by every Alderman who has cast a vote lor the elevated ro*d. liev. Fielder Israel, piator of the Firtt Unitarian Church of Salem, Maes., com mitted suicide by cutting bu throat. The New York Union Lergae Club gave a dinner and reception to John Wanamakcr last night. Lecu C. Iinchisne, who wps the Repub lican candidate for Congress in the Sixth Mississippi dis'ric*, h‘s rerved notice of cantes* on Col. T B. Stockdole, for the seat in the Fifty-first Congress. Be ye king, or be ye pca«cnt. If yoa have a breath nnph A ant, Teeth due do-ed, gums th»t tease ye, SOZODONT’S the thiug to please ye. Use it every night and mcrting Teeth preserving and adorning. THE BURLINGTON STRIKE Eogluaem Hold Another Conference With the Chicago Officials. Chicago, January 4.—In accordance with the arrangement made yesterday, the Grievance Committee of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers appeared at the general office of the Chicago, Burlington and (Rainey Com piny At 10:110 this morn ing, for a farther ('inference witli the offi cers of the road in regard to the propcsed settlement of the strike. The officials of the road were in con enltalion in Vice President Stine’s cffi le, where they remained until shortly before 11 o'clock, when they emerged and en tered the rcoui where the engineers were awaiting them. The conference is still in progress. A Boston dispaVh says: President Per kins of the Chicago, Burlington and (Rainey Kill road, was seen txley with regaid to the reported icUlemeut of the strike. Mr. Perkins stated that he had no official knowledge of the mutler, and had received nothing in relation to the strike. Mr. Per kins gave it as his opinion that the news pspirc knew more about the business than the company diet*. A meeting of the directors is now in session. A dispatch from New York says: In quiry among the engineers in New ^ ork has developed the feet that none of the striking engineeis of the Chicago, Barliug ton and Quincy road have come as tar East as the trank lines in search of em ployment, altbongh they msv hsve come on errands connected with the Brotherhood. Si there is no troth in the statement made in Chicago that the managers cf the Ext ern roads had boycotted the striking “Q” engineers. How far the Eastern reads have assisted the “Q" people financially, none of the engineers hereabouts ven ture to say, as they have not the means of finding out. THE PANAMA ('ANAL. Mr. iKdiutind*’ Keaolutlon H*p»rt«d Back Favorably. Washington, January 4—Mr. Sher man fiom the Committee ou Foreign de lations reported back favorably Mr. Ed munds’ j >int resolution at to tbe Pacouia Canal, ii* fol'ows: Routlrrd, That tbe Government of ihe Unitsil States will look with serious con cern acd disapproval ou any connection of any European Government with the con struction or control of any ships canal across the Istbiuos of Dariau, or across Central America and most regard any such connection or contrd os ii j or ions to the just rights and interests of the United Sta'es, and a* a menace to their welfare. Ratohed, That the President bo request ed to Communicate this expression of ths views o( Congress to the governments of countries of Europe. The resolution was p’aced on the calen dar and Mr. Sherman gave notice that he would to morrow ask for ite consideration, and he hoped it would receive the unani mous epptoval of the 8cnato. BUSINESS. A lloprfiit Feeling Prevail* In Rplte of Lit tle Netback*. Nkw York, January 4.—K G. Dun & Co’s wickly reviewof trade says: A hope fnl IVeling everywhere prevails in spite of retarding intlueuces. Keporfs of the condition of business nre geterally favor able. The growth of manufacturing a' many Western points is a notable foatnre, especially in the gss regions and at points in Norther Illinois and low*. Merchants generally reckon np a large increase in amount of business lest year. The tardi ness of collection*, dne in different sections to short or lata crops, to yellow fever, to mild weather, or to retarded distributing of marketing, is a matter of guiercl complaint. At many cities the reicord of hnilding shows a etn prising in crease, espieinlly at the West. Toe money markets though nut ally well supplied have a better demand at Philadelphia, Cleve land, Detroit and Milwaukee. Speculative markets have not been active, except for lard which declined Jo. CotT-se, jc higher. Wheat, unchanged; sales, 20,000,000 bushels for the week. Corn, Jc lower. Oats, 1c higher. Crude oil, nearly lc low er; refined 2c lower. While Ilia produc tion last year is believed to have bean 5,970,000 gross tors, the deliveries of steel mils were probably 500,000 tons than in 1hs<7, and about 1,100.000 tons less thau tbe capacity of the mill*. THE VANTIC STRICKEN. An Outbreak ol Yellow Fever-Tlie Vessel Hu Kouit Home. Washington, January 4.—The Navy Department has been informed that yellow fever has appeared on the Yantic, and that she has left Port An Prince for home. Admiral Lace stated that the Galena, after coalirg at Jamaica, woold go back to Port An Prince to look ef or matters there and that the Haytien liepnblic remained there, awaiting a crew to take her north ward. It it expected the U. 8. 8 Oteippe, now at Norfolk, will sail lor Port An Prince in a few days. No Idea of Going There. WASHINGTON, January 4.—Representa tive Wm. Waller l’helpe raid tj an Associ ated Prtst reporter to-day that Mr. Blaine was here for the purpose of securing a house for the winter for himself and family, who will come on ae aocn as arrangements for their comfort are made. Mr. Phelp- was asked if Mr. Blaine wrs going to Indianapolis. He re plied that Mr. Blaine had no idea of filing there. Mr. Blaine has taken quarters in La Normandie, Washington McCltne'a hotel, corner Fifteenth and I streets, and they arc now being tided np. The fimily ol Mr. Blaine will all reach here next week, and will spend the winter in Washing! n. Washington Notea. The Nicarangaa Canal bill came up yes terday, and an amendment to provide against liability by our government and the wat.ring of the stock were adopted Rnpplementaiy correspondence on the subject of ths Chinese Treaty was laid be fore the 8onate yesterday. The consideration of the Senate tariff hill was ie-umed yesterday. Paragraph ;1 and 322 were passed over and a dehite on the subject of free tiade was had be tween Messrs. Hawley, Vest, VaDce, Davis. McPherson, Gray, Coke and Mor gan, the Democrats defending their party against the imputation. The Secretary of the Treasury yesterday afternoon secepted the following bonds: Four and a half per cents., registered, $.r.2fi,(NS» at Bitty. The Colored Citholic Convention, after issuing an addrets, adjourned yesterday to meet next year in Richmond. Every systematic hone* keeper keep* Dr. Boll’s Cough Syrup on hand. Price 25 cent*. For pain in the joints, rbenmatWra and gout, Salvation Oil bus no tqnal. Price 25c Another Gas trike In Stew York. N*w York, January 4.—A epu ial from Elfaira says that a strong vein of natural gas has been struck in S'eoben county. The gas w*» struck at a depth of 700 feet, and in the first rudt the drills and rasing were blown ont. Groat excitement pre vails in that coonty. THRonly C implex too Powder in the world that is with rat vulgarity, without njury to the user, aud without doubt a boauUlier ia Poaaam’a. MORE EON. Wood County to Rival Mercer Connty in Indictments FOR FRAUD II THE LATE ELECTIOH. Over a Thousand Indictments Will bo Made by the Grand Jury in Wood County. OHIO CO. CITIZENS JS WITNESSES To be Summoned—A Good Many of Them, Too, CoL C. “Mongrel" Hart Among Them—Parkersburgers All After Offices—Some Interesting Political Gossip. Trlegram, to the R- ffieter. 1’AitKKR.snruu, W. Va , January 4.— Considerably more than two hundred wit nesses have l>»en summoned from all parts of the State to give tvidence before the Grand Jury of the United States Dis trict Court, which meet* here on the 10th instant. The coanties which will be rep resented so fsr are Hancock, Ohio, Wetzel, Preston, Monorgal'a, Wirt, Jack son, Marion, Wyoming, Mercer, McDowell, Rrane, Kanawha, Fayette, Greenbrier, Monroe and Webster. The list of witnesses include* some of the lead ing [oliticians in the State. Charges of bribery, intimidation of voters, illegal voting and other election law violations are to be preferred. The session of the Court promises to be one of except ooal prominence. VERY INTERESTING DETAILS. Au Army of 8|>lry Political I act* anil Uotslp Parkumlturg. Special Telegram to the Register. PABKKRSKt’Ktf, Jauoary 4.—Six dsys from to-day, tbs Federal grand jary will convene here, and Republican politicians are scurrying to cover. Tho word has gone forth that a complete acil searching investigation will lie made into the shame less use of money, and impoititmn of re pmera in this and the First congressional district. Some big men are in danger, acd they are straining every net ve to chi k the investigation and suppress the facts. Money has always been nred freely in the Fcnith district, but the laet election sur passed any thing ever before accomplished or even contemplated in tint line. The Republican leaders had au almost ntilimi t*<1 supply at their command, and they carried the work of corruption so far, that all GOOD MKN OK ItOTH I'AUTIKS STAND AGHAST at tbe di-elrsnres. 'dquire W. P. Rethlnne, one of the best known eitizrM ol this community, said to tic representative of the Register that in all his expeiicare in politics he had never before eeeu an election in which frand wss ho openly practiced. "The Republicans,” he said, ‘ had money acd they need it lav ishly. I believe I know whereof I am speaking, end I bave uo hesitancy in say 10,. that they spent ten dollaia to our one in this district ” Another citizen, equally as prominent, said that there was no dill! jolty in tracing this rnocey tuck into the hsuds of the Republic gi leaders. They made no efforts to cover np tteir trucks. The belief was general that the Republican Congressional committee lmd pined large sums in every county of the distlief, ami the location ol the money, ar d the selection of agents was superintended by the ma: fiends of the Republican candidate in per son. These men are now IN KKAR AND TRKMBI.INO. Jndge John J. Jackson tans let it lie nuder that every effort will be made to bring tbe gmlty parties to justice. The Federal Court autluritics are werk icg in secret, nod allow no intimation ol their plans to lie made public. I bave learned, however, from the best authority, that 218 witnesses have already been sub poena* d on election canes alone. They come from tbe connties cf Hancock, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzal, Preston, Monorgalia, Marion. Wirt, Jackson, Wyoming, Mer cer, McDowell, Roane. Kanawha, Fayette, Greenbrier, Monroe, Wclwter and probably one or two otbus. Tho majority of theee witness* h are summoned in cases of brib cry and intimidation. Tbe money has been trfe-d, and some ot the leading Re publicans iu the State are implicated. Fifty-one of tbe*a summer * are KOR C ITIZENS OK OHIO COUNTY, and I am reliably informed that a list of fifty-nine subpoenas will be issued soon Among the gentlemen who are expected to know about tbe savory mutters are Hon. Chailet Kardette Hurt, Mr. Kulpli Whitehead. Mr. T. M. Garvin, Mr. D. W. Martin, Mr. D. J. Phillips, and others whose names cm not be atcertaintd. All have been mm monel. There was tome crooked work done iu Ohio county, as a number of iihgal voters held in the Wheeling j ail can undoubted ly testify, nod the righteous Mr. Hart et al., are expected to make thae matters plain. Col. Dellicker, Clerk of the Federal Court, told the representative of the Reg ister that if tbe same process was pur sued as at Martioshurg tbe grand jury would be kept setting until next fall to dispose of the ca-es. AT LEAST ONE THOUSAND INDICTMENTS would be found, acd some of the leading politicians of tbe State would be among the indicted. Deraoc-ratfl here are noauimom in the faith that the gubernatorial contra! will result in the triumphant declaration ol Jndge Fleming's election. They osy that if necaesary in Wood county alone they can establish the fraodnlency of a hun dred Republican ballots. In Parkersburg district ot this county 700 more votes were polled than there were names of voters on the assessor’s lists Thev believe that these wrongs mnst be righted. The con test most go on and Judge Fleming's claim he tairly aril aqoarely established. DOESN'T CiOKK INTEND TO PUSH THE CON TEST? I heard an interesting report to-day, and it came to me well antfienticated. it was to the effect that Goff had written a pn vate letter to a frieno in Ibis town, in which he said that be did not intend to push tbe gubernatorial contest to any length, but would concentrate hie ellort* on the Senatorahip. A feint woold be made, hot that would lie all. I find that there is a strong and growirg sentiment in f*vor of eotenng ogam ** Seuator Camden in the Scnatonal ram The Senate r ps rronally dieeearagve these proposals, aod he will crtaral? not he e , andidete as long »» Sesauw K< no* is in the field. II any o mtingeary should artee which »r u'd make Kraus's re-elr- t**oen« of the iiurstion, Camden’• name might then 11 0„,|. bat not before, one thing ail pgl i—la agree upon, aod that ■ Urn* thine there mutt aa union srd harmony is the neat Lvahlare Pi it <oal am* itten mnet no* he allowed to J stand in tfce way of the general good. A senator most be elected early in the ses uon. He moat ben Democrat and the cbci.* rf a majority of the Democrat#. Both candidates for Coogrees claim their election. That snms np the situation. It is not settled by any means that on the face of the returns even, 8mitb has a ma jority, and Judge Jackson's friends are emphatic in the claim that be has not It E least one county, K tchie, two certificates were certified to he Governor There were grave iiregu lsnties in others. The difference iu the Ritchie county certificates may mean a loss of seven votes for Smith. An inves tigaticn ot the irregnlsrities in l'utnam and Wirt will probably mult even more disastrously. Jackson and bis friends are confident of the re*ult, and while it is too close to make a prediction with certainty, it is sale to say that the chances are that tbit confidence will be made good. Those of the Republican politicians of this city who are not busy devising ways and meins to (scape indictment by the giand jiny are prepariegto make a raid on ti e s*-ode in right. They will charge on March 5, and the CHAhUEoK THE 8IX Hl'KDUKD will 8 uk into insignificance in comparison. Parkersburg already boasts three candi dates for United States District Attorney, one for internal revenae collector, and a whole boet are fighting for the local offices. Hon. John A. Hutchinson, Jndge George Loom is and W. J. Vandeivort are theaspi rants for the United Ktttes Attorneyship They have rivals in other quarters in W. J W. Cowden, of Wheeling, and Unde William Flick, <>f Martinsburg. Hutchin son bus lead two forlorn hopes for his party and is now clearly entitled, if any one is, to the position. He is a well eqaipped law yer and an able prosecutor. William M. Ramp, who wants to fill Collector McGraw’s official shots, is an other one of Parkersbn'g’s "h at citizens.” He fit d* his path made thorny by Gen. Duval, of Brooke, and Brother* Ham. Mc Cormick and Bill Ibtwson, of Pieiton. There are OILY me applicants for the Parkertliarg postoffire already. They are: Editor A. B. Whits, Captain 8. K. Hn/.ro, Col. Van Rnkty, Col. Wni. A. Tsggart, and Private Citizen Will Ogden. The nnburn haired editor *nd the gory Captain are supposed to have (he inside track. R : tween them they are making Smith’s life a harden, and the j' ys of prospective otlke bolding a delu sion and a snare. To cap the climax, Mr James p. Madi son, a co'ored citizen of tome intlaeace, aspires to be doorkeeper of ihe State Sen ate. This is a partial list of l’arktrsbnrg’s modest Republicans. There wilt be more when winter breaks. Col. H. 8. White, of Belton, Mnrshall <• innty, will thank the Rkiistek for an nouncing the fact that be ia a red but cau dinate lor U. S. Marshall, under the new rtgim'. His candidacy is a thing of hnt a tew days’ growth, bat it is considerably larger than the Colonel, already. Years ago, when Htpnhlicacs ran this otlke, and collected fat fees f oai the people for serv ing notices iu casts that were never bionght to trial, it paid a great deal of money. Since then tie receipts have iullen off considerably, so 1 am told. But iu any event Mr. White wants it, and by the bine blazes, thinks he ought to have it. Gen. Nathan Goff passed through here to-day on bis way to Charleston, hnt did cot stop. Hon. C. P. Dorr, of Webster, and Hon. John M. Hamilton, ol'Calhonn, are also here wending their political pil grimage Charlestonwaid. Mr. Dorr is veiy non committal ou his candidacy for Speaker of the Ilonsc, while Mr. Ham ilton is equally as non-committal in re gal d to his race for Clerk. MOUNTAIN VKNDKTTA Kn(tnil«ri(l Ilf* llsaitljr tjusrrel of Hrotli ersln Law - Moonshiners I nking Sldm. Chaki.kstun, W. Va., Janoaty 4.— Ficyd Dingess and Wm. Hale, living near the month of Hart Greek, in Lincoln count/, who were brothers-in-law, quar reled toms tHie ago about a married woman to whom they bad both been pay ing their attentions, which quarrel whm reeumed when they met After same words had been paared, Dingoes struck bt Hale with » hand-spike which slipped trom his haudi, and as he stooped to pick it np Haledrew a revolver and shot him in the month, the hill ranging upward atd lodging in his hreio. DingesV father and brother came np a short time afterward, and seeirghim lying in the road wt ut through his pickets aud found a bottle of whiaiiy, from wbich they coolly wip<d tbe blood und drank its en tente. Henderson Dingrss, Fioyd’s lather, is running a moonshine distillery in the neighborhood, and abcut tight miles away, on Marrowbone creek, anottier is located Both are ran in open defiance of law, and the owners have gathered about them a body of men all under oath to stand by each other, and they run tbe neighborhood to suit themselves. Tbe general rentiment is that Hale wss justifiable in bis action, hut the Dingoes family and their followers have sworn vengeance against him, nnd are searching for him in every direction. He has many fiieuds, and it is fearc^bat there will be farther tionble over tbe matter. A Cnnvrntlou t'lllitl lo UikaU. Yankton, D.T., January 4.—The State hood Uiecotive Committee, appiinted by tbe last Statehood Convention to act in an emergency, yesterday formulate! a rill for a noo-i<artiean Statehood Convention st Huron, January 16, to be comprsed ol del eg »tet trom all the counties of Booth Da k..ti. It is the opinion of the committee mat Sontb Dakota'* Statehood chances are waaing at Washington, and that it might be kept ontof the Union two or Hires yeare lunger. The convention is called to inetn oria'ii# tbe present Cot gress to abandon political prejudice! on bath oidca and come to a comprumiae which will give South Dakota speedy Statehood. A loaimittee will be designated by the c uvsniion U> g» to Washington and present the memorial. All Knoruioue I.end Oreiit. PiTTKW'IB*, January 4.—One of the Inggret of laad grants has bieii consum mated with the Brazilian government by New York, Pittsburg and Washington capitalists. Tte schtiue i* to open op val aside diamond and gold fields id tar wist eru Brazil. A company with $3 000,000 ot capital is In* ng lornied. The grant is for tetwien 50 000 and 60,000 actea on the Amazon river near the Andes mountains. For headache, toothache, pain in the side hack and limb* one Salvation Oil. 25 cents. Self-punishment is urg'eMiog tones I»r, Boll’s Cough Syrup. Price only 35 ceota. BEN WOOl*. The Misses Alleiunng returned U» Beaver College yeelerday. The workingmen'* traia twinge down Irom Wheeling rack meremg large aqaade n( men who are employed at oar verioo* ladu.triea. A email hey wae badly twttoo by a nrieoa mee’iff Some of tke mnecle« a. a» ibe a bowlder were 'ore sod lercareted Toe brwte wee dr* pawned. It w»e marred el ene time yeeterdey that tba Warn ling O* mpeay'e werka woold •ign Ibe K of L a wale. aad about the •erne time a i .aMer rop>»t •*< • r-elatrl lathe effert fiat that organ,aitioz bal ant yot promoted their eel. to tbe works. • • 'Hr.,on'. Rreerklal rrerbri' are -zcwUeet aw tke redef or Hoanen.a. or Sore Dunet They art rzcerdiog ly f»eUr*' -rVu an, Bar*, Lm—. *W>«g. BOULANGER’S BLUFF DENOUNCED BY THE FRENCH REPUBLICAN JOURNALS is Calumny and Bra;, bat All the Sam* th« Q«n*ral Has a Walk-over m H:s Can didacy—General Foreign Dispatcbee. Paris, Jamiarj 4.—Most of the kepab lican journals describe the manifesto is used by General Boulang.r, to tbe elec tors of the department of the Seine, as a tissue of calumny and brag, and say tint it is not worthy cf difcussion. The Gauloii says: “A* Ueuetal G Milan ger’e programme ie to ask the country to make its voice heard, the Coneervativts intend to veto fer him." The Congrees of Republican Sena'ors, deputies and editor#, who are opposed t° General Boulanger will meet on Sunday to select a candidate to eland ag.iimd him. ALL BY PHONOGRAPH. The loril Mayor’* K. |.ly tj Ilia Mayor of New V«»rk. London, January 4.-Oa New Vest's Day the lord Mayor of Iondoa received seasonable congratulation# from the Mayor of New York tbtoogh one cf EJum'i phonographs. Lord Mayor Whitehead immediately made the following reply and for ward* d it to New York by mail: “The Ltrd Mayor of London has re ceived, with much pleasure, the phono graph mete-age of good will from the Mayor of New York, slid most heartily r e pro cates the friendly feelings therein ex pi<-«cd. He earmstly trusts that the Iriendship which has so lopg exis'ed between the two great English am-iking c mini unitits may last for all time, and that the only rivalry between them may he in tbe development of education, art, science and manufacture with the com mon ohjtct of increasing tbe well Ik iog and happiness of tfce vast populations of the United States and the Bfitieb I iip.rc Tbe laird Mayor spent a few days in New Y'ork seven years ogo, and be ha* rot for gotten the evidences of presjenty and wealth which that geat < tty then < inhibit ed, and which ha hears have pone on in creasing to a marvelous extent." Harrington In Tullamor* Jail. Duil.Itf, January I.—Mr. Elward Her rington, M. P., who was sentenced torn months’ imprisonment for pnblbhiog in his paper, the Kerry Sfntiiul, reports con cerning meetings of suppressed hraochts of the National Is-ague, was to-day Iran - ferrod from the Tralee to the Tullsmoie jail, where be is to undergo his imprison ment. He was attired in ptison go.h. A crowd gathered at the railway station to hid him farewell. He was heartily cheered, Mr. Harrington is saffering from a cold. Panama Canal Shareholder*. Paris, January 4. —It is announced that a meeting of the Panama Canal share holders will be convened oa the ‘.list in stant. Itoolangar Has a Walkover. Paris, Jannary 4.—The Central Mon archist Committee has decide*! n*t to ad vance a candidate against General Bou langer. Mailn It Lively fur the ►.victors. Drill.i.v, January I —The work of evicting tenants was resume I at F.ilea nagh to day. There was a deeper sic sirng gle at Ibc homo of a man namid lh>ogsn. Alter the attacking party bad been re pulsed several times, the priest' ptr*uad<d Ifuogan to enrender and he and bin mea were taken into custody. Doting the tight an inspector was badly wounded. A dezsn bailiffs and policruicu were in jured. One of the defenders bad his jaw fractured and another was buried helore the barricade, which was broken down by the evictoir, and sustained severe ftjanec. SOCIAL DOHKtiS. Several Parties In the CHy Last Kvtnlng. Personal Points. Miss Matilda Burke entertained about twenty-five ooopla* of Iriendl last evening at the icsidec >e cl Mrs. Heiekell, on Chap 11no street. Killmejer wav present and dancing was the main leatore of the ev» n ing, the large corridor* fnrnivhiug amp's opprrtumtv for promenades and t»U .i tetss, wnieU were indulg'd in eojoyahly. At uiiduight very tempting reft*-intents were sevtred, which received undivided attention. Dancing was then resume I aud continued until a late honr, and when the assemblage at la*t relnclan'ly retired it was with many kind wishes to their fair youog hnslcsi who had afforded them such unalloyed pleasure. The Progressive F.uchre Club was hand sonitly enterti.iDed by Mr aud Mrs. J. t\ . (irnbb, last e mag, at tbeil nsidvnccoa Chaplins street. About twenty couples were prwient and a roost delight ful«\ euing was spent. At midnight refnsbmenis who icrved by Ziegenfeldar. alter wb cl. hand some prizes were awarded the victors. Mines Mollis I’auil and Jennie Bloom field gave a very delightful Id ebow'ni' parly at the park, last evening, to a nui Par of their friends, l’/i/es were ewarde 1 the victors and loobies and the i*rty iciurn d on the tea o'clock motor, oiler which t try partook of a vt-ry appetizing Inncl e m at the home of Miss I'su.l, «a Fourteenth itreet. A number of tfce friends «.I Mr. Cliarlca Bnlles tendered him a bar.-piet at the Mr l.ore House, last evening. At 10 o’clc. k iIm.iit twenty gentlemen at d »wn to a least of good things gotten up in Hie Me Lore’s ImsI style, served id an ilrgant manner. The good tlnugs were disc u«rd •»r several hours and I be toaeis proposed tud res|>ondcd to were numerous. POINT* ON PKOPL*. Movement! of Olllaen- and tha Coining and Ihilnf of stranger*. Mr. A. C. K^erloa U couvaleeciug, after quite * (tick -pell. Attorney J. W. Bruddock, of WMI*bnr,r. woe in towu ytnlerday. Mr. U«o. S. Fe»ii-y K'l f»m>!y tat« ){Ote to Cumberland to vi»it frietda. M's. Moran and dan*ht«r Ann •• 1 «»• returned from PilteborK, wb«retb-r *P"‘ the holiday*. Mr. l> H ThomptoU wa* in tier teiilaf and waa tie !.’<»»•* ** mol liar, oot th« National road. Mr. K »hrit Mei-hall, •<( O* iirm i Maraball Bra- of »'«•*»•'< l«* l» - t*r Klevator aad Martino woiae, ia in tha dtjr. lion. t;«»rga K. K. Co*khn-n, M«* of Parliament, of Toronto. Canada. •• " lb# city end qoarlorod at tba Hotel Wtndaar. Ka*. K. Koab Hwope. r*»do» »*f H\ Mathew*, ia able to ba oat egeia ThM long *P»U «f lythoi.1 favar. »h • many frianda wlil ba ple«-«d to I-*1" Mi- Bari ha H. Haikaway. ’ o* »■ «* Indy who took tb- part of 1 Inwy •>Jt production of * 1 . - hum mad# a derided hit. Hba aarnml toe bar-all. a- aa amaioar. ■> r.tulalioo ~* ood to none, a-did aim M~ Bn.e.i to Itorolbv. an old Maid.” Her «>oop..«o of tha part waa aa near parlvtl aa eon.a w.