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dentists. rjR. GEO. J. CADDLE, SURGEON DENTIST, No. IJU Ditrkrl Street. •#-< iTt’r Dollar Saving* Bank. ap&aU Cttli. M JACOBS. I. ISENBERG. GREAT NEW YORK -BARGAINS WILL ARRIVE MONDAY, • AND Put on Sale at Once. Jacobs & Isenberg, 1154 to 1158 Main Street. _ A True and Honest Mark Down GRAND CLEARANCE SALE Kor tie purpose of closing out our entire Winter Stock of Dry Goods ^Motions! ■lIsakrtonlUrrsllY BrdnrH Price*. 4 umlorlo *1 Hrenlly Reduced l*rlrr». NtinwUnt OrriUly Kt Uurrd Hrlrr* llri'Yi nlis rent I) Reduced Prli M l.ndte*' ilotb H» «rr»llj Reduced VrJJTVloih Hi Is really Reduced ThouiwiidY of l lo»ks »t 4«rcnlly Be <1 need Hr Iron. I'adrrwMr nl lirrkiljr Reduced Price* lluntery nl Mrvnlly Reduced Prim. Our rile is to never carry over any Winter Goods from cue season to another, consequently have marked them down at prices that are irre ustable _______ L. Good, 1125 and 1127 Main Street. _del5______. Geo.M. Snook&Co. ARE DAILY RECEIVING flew Spring —AXjXj — Winter - Goods WILL BE SOLD Regardless of Cost ot Value, WhonllnK- W. Va flfljjttlituj ^Rcgtsfrr, YESTERDAY I* THE 1 TUartnoru^kir Hw5ord. Mr 0. .HchBepf, the Opera Hocwe dnj giet. tuale the following obwT«t:oai of the temperature Tuawlay: 7 a. m . ~K # B. in . 07; V2 m., 28, 3 U- n>-. *ui ' p. m., 29. TUB WKATHKK. Kor West Ylncinia an<l Weetom I’enosylfanla fair, except a'ooic the lakea liKht local *now sliehtlj warmer variable wind*. becoming kcu orally southerly. ImUx to New AdrertteeutenU wcosn ra««. Attention, Serentlt W«nl Democrat*. To My Friend*—Geo*** r*Ut. lTunee—fonuer * Snedt’ker. K*<v M«r Bakin* Powder-KH K *•.* Hook* anJ Stationery-Jo*. t’raxe*. ITiowf Oil in Half-J IUii»Ie« A tfc. A L. KICK A t'O. Npwl«l Sale of FmI Bli»ck Hosiery. In three i|U»llli<'*i <*• 23c., #®C. »“J Atr. A Kunrnulre »lih every pivif. The bent value ever ahowu. A. L. IK E A ( O. HPEUAL HAKUAIXS. To nixki' room for lui«iu I UK aprlttK nterk we ahull offer npeclul l>«r|»lii» lu henty nrlflil NnillnK*. Overcoat* lnK> nml PmuIhIuouIusv. All will be made up Ur«l>rl*o »ml ttt cintrnuiml. Winter <• love* "and WnMrruat coat* C. M i>s A MOAN. Mere bant Tailor** Uenln' rnnUhvn IS'jl A 1333 Market Afreet. “Mile EsiV'—the ^dioothesl, strongest and moot elaatic. L. 8. (;ooi>MUaDry GootLi the cheapest. THE FIRST SESSION. THK NKW COUNCIL H0L1)3 A SPECIAL MEETING. Bonds of City Officers Ipprovod, and They are Sworn a—Reduction of Salaries—Mr. Belleville Resigns His Seat The audience which assembled at the City Hall, last evening, to watch the pro ceedings of the tirst special meeting of the new Connci), was one of the largest ever seen at any session of the City Fathers. When President Grose rapped the Second Branch to order, at 7:50 o’clock, there wts not a square foot of space in the lobby, while the gallery was filled to its utmost capacity, men being wedges! in so tightly that one gentleman asserted that ‘‘a man conld not take a chew of tobacco without canning a movement through the entire mass of hnmanity through the opeiation of patting the hard in the pocket.” At any rate, it was crowded. At roll call the absentees were found to be Messrs. Belle ville, Brandtivs , Maxwell r.nd O'Kiiue—4 The first business transacted was the ap proving of the hood of City Clerk Thomas F. Thoner in tl\p penal som of $5,000, with John F. Miller and Charles Kraoss as sur eties. The bond of the Mayor, in theeuai of $1,000, with Charles Krettra and H. C Caldwell as sureties, was also approved, and both documents were ordered filed. The report of the joint special commit tee appointed to co-cparate with the Mayor and President Grnse m the work of select ing the joint standing committees, was then read. The following changes from the list published in the REGISTER yes terday morning, were made before its presentation to Council: Bailey instead of Seeley, on the Committee ou Heal Kitate; Pollock instead of Haller on the Committee on Equalization and Ap peal*; Haller instead oi Pollock on Health. The list as reported was adopted. A sec ond resolution, making President Grnse er otHcio a member uf all j tint standing committees, was opposed by Mr. Davidson, but was nevertheless adopted; ayes IS, no°s 5. His Honor Mayer Seabright then ap peared and was sworu iu by President Grnse. The Board of Public Works submitted bills payable a* follows: Tay roll, labor on Thirty-thlnl street. 19 Williams Staabs. curbing on fame. 94 9-1 T. K Kennedy, on account temporary bridge.-. "’0 00 Klievc*. Krai'. Co... -- '£* 42 Mr. Harrell wanted to know somethin# abont the item of $50. The bridge was contracted for at so lunch, and he was op posed to extras of a;.y sort. Mr. Seeley said the bill was for the services of a civil engineer. He called at tention to the fact that the bridge waa too low. and said he bail been informed it won d cost >!0 to $50 to elevate the bridge to a proper height. The contrretors said the responsibility for that state of affaiis rested with the engineer, and if this was so he would oppo-e payment of the bill. Mr. C H. Miller moved to tefer tbeiiem to the Committee on Contracts, and it was so ordered Tfce payment of the remain ing items in the B. P. W. bill was ordered The Board submitted a farther bill cf 1227.72 payable out of the cou'ingent tnnd. Among the many items was oao tf $5 for street car fare for the Superintendent of Streets. Mr. Harrell calif d down this item. He said it was a new thing on him and moved to ieler ihe item to tha Committee on Claims, but later changed this and moved to strike the itemed This was done, end | the bill as amended was ordered paid. Tne bond of City Sergeant Louis Del biu.-ge, in the snm ot $10,(K)0, with A. Keymann and W. C. llandlan aa sureties, was read and approved. A communication was read from Officer j. K. Meredith. of Newark. Ohio, stating he did not get justice from the Board ot Commissioners, and transmitting an itein iz d bill cf expenses incurred by him, in the collection of evidence looting op $156 65, which he asked to be paid out ol the reward offered by the city. The paper weot to the Committee oa Claims. City Sergeaut I>?ibrugge was then sworn in bv Mavor Seabright John Welty asked that his license to kicp a coffee house at No. 1024 Main street, with tebatc, be tranelered to Geo. Patter. Tne prayer was granted, and a licence issued to Mr. l’aner, with H. C Caldwell and C. Hoistm&nr, es sniilies. Mr. Kteiter effrred a resolaticu author izing the City Clerk to issue bis orders to the election officers, at the rate) of $2 per day each. Adopted. The bill oflltniy B: unbans, for $2 50, fer ten meals oa election day, was rejected on motion of Mr. Seeley. Mr. Maxwell banded in the resignation of J. M. Belleville, member of Council irorn the Seventh w..rd, who said that he had obtained an opinion from the City So licitor that he was not eligible to the seat, under the law. ... 4nr. imucj -- ought not to he entertained, as the matter had been referred to the Committee on Elections. .... . . Me -re. Maxwell and Harrell thought Mr. Belleville had a right to resign tf he wauted to, ucd the resignal ion was ac 11^ Maxwell called attention to the tact that the next meeticg of Conned would be an important cns, and he thought the vacancy ought to be filled. He moved the Branch go into an election. Mr. Harrell rose to a point ol order. He thought that much of the qnei-t on was in the hand.* ol the committee. The paint ol order was a pretty line one, and after adw cusaion Council agreed to go into an elec tion and Mr. Wilkie named J. E'.wocd H Mr Maxwe'.l nam'd William Erskiae. C. H. Miller nominated John Emmertb. The vote stood For Mr. Hnghee. Mts-rs. Wilkio and Young—2. For Mr. Erskine. Messrs. Arkle, Branelfass, Craig, I)avivl*>n, Marsh, Maxwell and Water house—7. For Mr. Emmert, Messrs. Bailey, Capps, Ellwgbam, Hadlith, Kenney, Kieiter, Knrner, Miller. K . Miller, C. H., O’Kane, ltobrecht, Ssaley, Vain and Mr President—15 Mr. Maxwell offered the following: “Whkkk.vs, The lit 'mens and taxpayers ol the city of Wheeling desire that Conn ed shall reduce the expsnditnree of the eitv of Wheeling; thereiore, belt : E'*ofrt<t, Tout the Committee on Or dinances he audit is hereby instructed to so amend the ordinances of th:> city ot Wheeling as to abolish the following dices ity Collector, city ainl school taxes.. rierk First Braacn Council. •lerk Hoard Public Work*. .ock up Keeper*.. ... .. 'wo guards at I’ily Prts »o. ■upt. Hoard Public Works.—• $1,700 . 1,000 . .-no . 1.3-JO . l.OSO . 1.000 fj,.<00 “And allow the City Clerk three assist nts, and amend the ordinance in relation , a**s8or», eo as to reunite tlem to serve We whole year, and require the City Clerk, is assistants, and the Receiver, together ritli the sweaters, to make cut tax bills ad collect the same, and attend Council imunUetsacd Boards, and require deputy irgcants while on dnty at the city Baild ig to act aa lock-up keepers. “‘Slid change would re-ult as follows: :!■<«* abolished .......- . *-‘-m hree e»UUnt clerks..T-W .. xtr* salary U> a-acs-ori. wo- ...000 “Making a net saving to the city of (tj.'HNt per annum, and require the School Boatd to pay the city for the colUction of their taxes. •’ 4 v, Mr. Miller moved to lay on the table, saying it was an attempt 1o steal Demo cratic thunder, and this was done, ayes lb, nays ' la the debut? which accorn i«nie<l the vote, Mr. Setlsy stated the very work mapped ont in Mr. Maxwell s resolution would be brought to the atten tion of the Conrmitti'e on Aalariee In this same exinnc ction Mr. Kllirgham anuonne'ed that the Committee cn SaUries would meet as soou as Conneil adjourned. The City Clerk was then sworn in by Freaident Crnse, as wad also Mr. John Emnaertb, member-elect from the Seventh ward. Mr. Emmcrth wts substituted on alt commit eee for the name ot Mr. Belle ville, eu motion of Mr. Seeley. The Branch then informally took a re cess for ten or fifteen minutes, in obedi ence to a nquest from the First Branch, and at the end of that time adjourned. First Branch. This Branch assembled at 8 o’clock, His Honor, Mayor Seabright, in the chair, and ex-Clerk Elaon assisting Clerk Hanke at the deck. The official bonds, bills and other matters sent over from the Second Branch were concurred in right along un til the report o' I he Special Committee on Committees came op, when Mr. Gavin made three several attempts to have Mr. Sesley’sname s ricken from the Committee on Railroads. The Branch refused to make the change. Mr. Farrell enquired how Mr. Haller’s name came to be removed from the Committee on Equal ization and Appeal., and then some fun ensued. Mr. Haller sasd he wanted on that particular committee, and if he was not retained there he would resign from Health. The Branch refused to place him on Equalization and Appeals, where he bad b-en originally scheduled in the committee's report, and then, when he of feied bis resignation as a member of the Health Committee, refused to accept it Finally the committees as they came from the Second Branch, were concurred in, but the resolution making President Gruse a member ex ujficio of all committees was re ferred to the Committee on Ordinances. Ex-Clerk Elson was called on for some remarks before the adjournment, and made the Branch a little speech, which was roundly applauded. IN A sMAIili WAY. the News ol tho Lt»r Folutodlj Fara graphed for Hasty Readers. A doi'hlk barreled shot gnn was raf fled off at Kooke’u saloon, last evening. No. 51 drew it. Gko. Pai kr will re-open John Weltv’s old place at No. 102-1 Main street, Thurs day morning next. Therk were three cases in Police Court. Maze Haller and Ida Walton, lor street walking, paid a flue. Thoiu rk Camp, Sons of Veteran?, of Martin’s Ferry, w as mustered in last even ing and the officers were installed. Mr. James G. Whyte wishes it staled that he is not r. candidate for Street Com missioner, a? ha« been announced. A. C. Hastings waa before Justice Arklo yesterday charged with peddling without a Stati licetiee. He paid $10 and cos's. A man* named Miller raised a leirihle racket out at Clara Mess’ plsca ahont nine o’clock last night, and was arrested hy Officers Beil and Carney. Auol'T midnight Saturday night bur glars entered the Wcllsbmg depot and drilled three holes in tho safe. They then gave np the job and loft, without obtain ing any bcoty. The stockholders of the Cit zens’ and Wheeling Had way Companies have le e’ected their old Boards o( Directors, the first at a meeting held Saturday, and the second at a tneeiirg held Monday. A meeting of the IX-mceruta of the Ssveuth ward will be held this evening at their wigwam, at T:'t0 o’clock, to adopt a constitution and by-laws for the govern ment of the club. A full attendance is desired. Tiie Garfield Republican Clnb, of West Liberty, baa elee'ed ns delegates to the convention of the Republican League of the State, which meets at Paikersbtirg February l.V.b, W. H. Cnitis, A. S. Bell, E. Verse, E. P. Wright and Abe McCulloch. The widow of the late Rev. A. E Myers, died at the family residence ce.r West L'b?rty last Friday, and the inter ment cccnrred Sunday morning a* 10 o’clock, the lomaics being laid beside those of her husbaDd, in the Bethany ceme te ry. There was but a week's interval be tween the death of husband and wife. MARY Ann Dolan was before Justice Davis yesterday morning on complaint of Emma and Maria Winning, charged wi;b profane swearing, two charges. She was fined $1 and costs in each e we. Mrs. Do lan swore out warrants helore Jnstice Ar kle charging Emma and Maria Winning with the ssiue offense1, and they were also uqnired to pay $1 and costs each. The Register is in receipt of a copy of poems and a sketch of the Hon. Mrs. James K. Ptlk, by Rev. F. W. E. Peecbau, psstor of St. Paul’s Evangelical Lmherau church, Wilmington, N. C , also a copy ot aline sermon delivered by him recently on the “Power of the Love of Christ, or the Christi in’s Stability.” I{ jv. Peschau was a former Wheelingite, and is making a success iu his field of labor. Trothlk is reported to be brewing in the Window Gla*s Workers’ Association. A number of intlnentiai members have en tered a protest againtt *he discontinuance of annual convention3, which were invaria bly held until the leaignalion cf Isaac Cline as Pmident ot the Association The treasury of the order is another cause of diversity of opioiou. When Isaac Cline resigned there ware $61,000 in the treas ury. Since then no strikes have occurred find the dues have been regularly paid, but it is claimed that the amount iu the treasury b now but $100 over what it was two years ago. Havk yon used “Milo End.’’ POINTS ON l'JSOl’LK. ttoveuiouts «I Cltiaenh »u<l the Homing and (join* of SlraiigorB, S. Keinbeitnmer of Cameron, was in the city yesterdey. E. W. Pago, a Cleveland railroad man, is at the Me Lure. Hod. Lorenzo Danford, of St. Clairsville, was ia the city last night. Geo. A. Troll, of St. C’airsville, was do» n on basin* as yesterday. F. E L-scnard, of Grand Rapids, Mich., a prominent glass bnyer, is at the McLure. Neill C Kerr, traveling pas-trger agtr.t of the kfuecn aud Cidcent, is at tho Mo Lure. Mr. Hones Wintou, of Pittsburg, and Mi-a Mary White, of Bobten, a:e visiting in the city. Henry Kcmpke, tlic South Sice barber, who baa been ill for rorce time, 13 able to be out again. W. W. Woodward and wifu, of Wheeling, spent Saturday night at the Co nuiercial.— Parkersburg Journal. Dr. John R. Pipes has recovered from a severe attack of sickness and is again able (o attend to hie duties. Judge 11. H. Cochran, Piesidcnt of the Wheeling and llairisburg toad, is back from a visit to bis family. A cablegram was received from Paris yesterday annoni.cing the safearnval thtie of Misa Blanche Waterhouse. Mre. T. C. MciTat left last evening over the B. & O. for Chicago, where she will visit friends for several weeks. Mr. Jos. L. Devine, who baa been visit ing friends here, left last evening for liis home in Lsmour county, Dakota. Mieeee Emma and Lizz-e Reed yesterday tsrminated a pleasant visit with relatives in this city, and returned to their home in Pittsborg A party of young society fclk3 will go cut to Waddiugton Place, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A Alim Howell, this even ing, and partake of the fco.-pitalitics of the house. They will go cut ia a bus. A. C. Robertson, R 0. Camden, W. J. Patlerfou and John Finnegan, ot l’itts hnrg; Chas. Gocdwin, of Baltimore; A. E. Kramer, of Boeton; W.J. Davisson, of New York, ard W. J. L'inghridge, of Lexicgtor, K., are at the Hotel Windsor. General St. Clair A. Mniholland, of Philadelphia, has been spending a few days in the city pr.-psring for the exhibi tion in the Opera H use, February 18th and 19tb, of the magnificent spectacle, "‘Briscoe's Battle of Gettysburg " The General commanded a 1 etioeylvania Regi ment in the great fight, and afterwards a brigade in the Second Corps. “Milk End" Spool Cotton has white cotton on black epools. TRI-STATE LEAGUE. AMBKTING HULL) AT CANTON, OHIO, YBS T8RDAY The League a Sure Go—Dayton Come* in and Other Cities are Sure To—The Salary Limit Reduced Again—Other Matters. The result of yesterday's meetiDg'of the Tri-State League at Canton givee assurance that we will have a league, even should the desired eight clubs not be secure 1, which, however, is very unlikely, as it is understood that teveral cities ere desirous to enter, the only thing preventing them making application being the lack of time to organize their club'* and secure the nec essary amount of subseription to insure success. At the next meeting, no doubt, the teces-ary tour additional cities will be ready to respond, Day too, Ohio, having already done bo. Tne following special telegram last evening from Canton gives the result of the meeting: Representatives of Canton, Mansfield and Wheeling only met at the Hnrford House to-cay. Dsytoa was r< parted as being neatly in shape, but had uo delegate present Tne League will be a sure go, even,if it has to go with four dubs. To satisfy Mam-field, the salary limit was changed to seven hundred aud fifty dollars per month, exclusive of manager. W. T. English was appointed a commitLe of one to redraft tho constitution. The affidavit Sjstem in reference to players signed wss lurihcr strengthened Mr. A1 Pratt was here rtprissating the Spaulding ball, and it was adopted. Manegtr Harrington, of Canton, was tngrgad bv the Leagae to visit Hamilton, Dayton, Springfield, Lima and Fort Wayne immediately and organize those cities. The meeting adjourned, to meet again soou at the call of the President, at any point he may designate, probably Dayton. Shortly after adjournment Dayton wired her application for admission, Bending a proxy to McDermith and stating that the club was iu good shape there. Old Trl State I. -aguo l’lajera. Those members of last year’s Tri-State League who have i-igned for next season are: Delehanty aud Kirby, with Phila delphia; Sommers, Boston; Bosks, Yaik and Knana, Datioit; Nichol, McShannic, Garfield and Lauer, Pittsbnrs; Grim, Swift and McMillan, Toronto; Ryu, Canton; Virtue, Datroif; O'Brici:, St. Paul; Mince ban, Minneapolis; Breckcnridge and Pon oghua, Omaha; Aldrich, Briggs and Childs, Syracnse; Van Srnt and Stapleton, Springfield; Duck, O’Brien, Nicholson and Flanuigan, Cleveland; O’Rourke, Galves ton; Hterzal and Gastright, Colnmbus; Rktims and West, Minneapolis; McVfy, Milwaukee. THE SEW POLICE. Chief Uelbrugge Muhin HI* Appointments Public—'Tun Old OtHcera Retained. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police Del brugge made, his lint of appointmeuto public. Ten of the old police force are retained, and tea new appo’ntments made, from among which the extramen will ba chosen. There was great anxiety among the members of the old force to know who win retained and who “let go,” as well as among those who w»r<s applicants for the position*. Of these latter there was a list of something l'.he three 1 uedred in Chief Delbroggo’a hinds, and the impossi bility of selecting a small force of twenty from tho total, without disappointing same one, is appin-ut at a glance. There are a number of surprises in the list, 6spe< tally as regards the members of the old force who are to wear the bine for two years more. Some officers, like Hazlett and Watson, who were supposed to ba snr9 of places, were dropptd out, while others who have been scarcely regard' d as having a chance, are there iu all their glory. Lieutenant Junkins’ face will bj missed from ebout the City Hall, where he has been, with the exception of cce term, for about twenty years, being by far the oldest officer in the service. Most of the i Id men retained oc cupied North Side b?a>s, the South Side men generally given way to new men. The new force is a good one, and will give a good account of ltvelf. It is rumored that Officer John Shorts will be the Lieu tenant on duty at the City Hall, but an other version is that one of tha new men will occupy that place. Follov itig is the 1st, the old mou retained being iu the lirst column: John Desmond, John West, John Shorts. William Carney. P.ichard Wilkie, W. B. Lukous, Robert McNicholls, John Devlin, Jacob Deku, < leorge Uaux, Walter Terrell, Henry Krohme, Louis Sbaefer, James Driller. James Kicholls. John ('ruse, Joseph Daum, Charles Prettymau, John Donley, Nicholas Heil. Of the new men, Walter Teireil is a Top mill pnddler, Henry I'rohme is a letter car rier, Louis Schaeltr is a Itivcrside mill man, James Driller is watchman at Fisher’s foundry, James Nicholls was jailor nndtr Sheiitr Hand.’an’o administration, John Crnte was a mill man, bnt has litely b;eo engaged ia other occupations, Charles Prtttyman has been employed atSchranl bach’t! brewery, John Daniey is a Crescent raiil maD, Nicholas Heil is a nailer by trade, and Joj. pb Daum is a cigar-maker. Ml are clever gentlemen, and it will bo a linc-loaking force when the new uniforms are mounted. THE NATURAL GAS ( ASE. The City Cited to Appear In tlie Federal Court to Make Answer. At last evening's seseioa of Council, a summons \.?s read from tha United Stated Marshal and the Clerk of the Federal Court, at Parkarsbnrg, citing the city and others to appear in court on the first Mon day iu March next, to make aeswer, snd giving dne notire that the parties thus ci ted to appear must do what is Wessaty to protect their interests, in the matter of the hearing of arguments on the applica tion for au injunction, to he made in said Court on the 30th day of March next. The case is the application of the Nat ural Gas Compauy of West Virginia, which asks for r.n injunction restraining the city from enforcing tha ordinance passed July 24. 1888, “fixing nn assize of coil, bread and natnral gas,’7 the object of which was to afford tome measure of pro tection to the citizens against the advance of price determined upoa by the gas com pany. Besides the cty, the persons also cited to appear are Messrs. C. J. Rawlings, I*. 11. Moore, J. M. T.atd. William El lingham, J. C. McMahon, William Dillon, J. Oiess, John Waterhouse, J. W. Robb, J. S. Gibbs, H B. Bsgaley, II. H. Dun levy, B Dnnlevy, E Emeheimer, F. N. Flood, S. M. Darrah, C. E. Irwin, A. H. Forgev, D. Bril, J. A Donning, N. E. Whitaker, Henry Basr and T. H. Higgms. The matter was referred to the City So licitor, with instructions to do whit was necessary to protect the interests of the city. ELY Bros; 1 have used two bottles of your Cream Balm for catarrh since Decem ber. A sore in my nostril—tin cause c f much suffering—has entirely healed; hive used no other medicine. This spring I feel better, can walk and work with more ease than I have any spriog since 1861.—Mary E. Ware, Hopeful, Va. Ely’s Cream Balm received; my head is now liquifying: Cream Balm is simply dynamite tor catarrh iu the head. Its ap plication is magical.—Thomas Lander, Au gusta, Ga. GENKRAl. INTKIxLJGt'NCE Transfer* of Boat Estate. Tbe following transfers of real esla'e were left for record at Clerk Hook’s office, yesterday: Deed made January 29, 1889, by D. Lamb end H. M. Russell, special commis sioners, to William Cary, for tbe east ten feet of lot 14B in Division J, on the plat of the Caldwell run property. Considera tion, $72.50. , ^ Deed made January 2, 1889, by D. Lamb and H. M. Russell, special commis sioners, to Thomas W. Pierce, for lot No. 4<)7 in square 27, and lots 9 and 10 in Di vision D, on tbe plat of the Caldwell run property. Consideration, $1,850. Deed made October 12, 1888, by Frrder ich Sebleichart and wife, to Mary Bitzer, for lot No. o, cn Little Wheeling Creek, as shown on the plat of M. T. Carr. Consid eration, $1. A Now Company. The Americin Manufacturing Company has been granted a certificate by tho Sec retary of State. It has for its purpore manufacturing bagging and other articles, purchese of raw materials nsed in tbe man ufacturing thereof, etc. The sum of $10, 000 has been subscribed to the capital, ten per cent, of which has been paid on same. The principal place of tu-.inces is to bo kept in tbe city of Charleston, Kanawha county, W. Vo,, and is to expire January 16th, 19S9. Shares arc $100 each and me fcildby J. M. Waterbcry, of West Charles, N. Y., J. S Mnrdcck, Charleston, 8. C., B. B. Graham, Joel Wood, A, Gratz, John D. Filley, of St. Louis, Mo., N. Evrires, ot Frsmiugton, Maes., and Appleton Stur gis, of New York City. The incorporators renerve the right to increase tbe capital etock to $4,000,000. Pardoned by the Governor. John Whituker, who was convicted of grand larceny at the March term of the Circuit Court at Charleston, and sentenced to the Penitentiary for three years, has been pardoned by Governor Wilson. The petition for pirdon was signed by Judge Guthrie, Prosecating Attorney Bardett, and a nnccb3r of others. Pardon bai alto heen granted to Richard II Nichols, of Nichclaa county serving a sentence for house-breaking; Millard Copley, of Kana wha county, who was convicted of grand larceny about a year ago; F. W. Dodd, ol Summers county, convicted of iLciat, and W. F. Reynolds, of Mineral county, who was errving a sentence for bigamy. In each esse the applications for pardon were supported by many good citizens of their respective counties, and tbe cireum-tanees were such as to satisfy the Governor that it was his duty to exorcise the pardoning power. Ur. Myer» for B. I*. W. 7b the EtUUrr of the Register: Sib:—The Democrats of the Seventh ward are rather modest in their demands, bnt the time has come when we think we should ark an acknowledgement of onr services to the party. The city, as is well known, has very important unfinished public wi-rk, and it is very necessary that to insure an early Hid economical comple ion cf said work we should have compe tent men to look alter public interests The Democrat,! of tbe Island have a candi date for your consideration in tbe person of Dr. E C Myers, a thorough gentleman in nil hie social relations, a member of tbe preeent Board of Public Works, Bad un derstands folly tbe business in detail cf that important position, a sound Demo crat, acceptable to all parties, and one who will do his duty without favor or par tiality. As I have said, we are modeit, bnt kindly insist that Crnncil re-eltct Dr. Myers a! a member of the B. of P. W. Seventh Warder. laical Interest In the Senatorial Contest. Aside from tbe interest that is mani fested in the recent mnnicipal election, which, to say the least, is quite consider able, tbe Senatorial contest at Coarleston was about the most interesting topic of conversation in the city, yesterday, and politicians and citizens generally awaited the announcement of the ballot with t-ager curiosity, many conjectures being made as to bow tbe vote would stand. Many Dem ccrats thought. Senator Kenna would be re-elected on the first ballot yesterday, and while the memb ers of the party gen erally hoped to, they had doubts, which were verified by the result of the ballot, up immediately bulletined after tha vote at the Register office. There was general regret among the Democracy of the city that Messrs. Harr, Dorr, VanPelt and Merril h?.d refused to vote for Senator Kenna. The belief was, however, that they would yet come ronnd all right and vote with their brother Democrat tor the caucus nominee. lie T.nkt'.e Hint. Abont a month ago Louis Brier, a wtll edncited German, about twenty five or twenty-eight years of age, began to board at the Brunswick, and after a few days, happening to axiiion th*t He as an ac complished waiter, Mr. Thornton pnt him to woik 11a continued right along giving Mr. Thornton every satisfaction, and there was no suspicion that he was not all right. Yesterday afternoon Martin received the following telegram: “ZANESVILLE, O., January 2s. "Martin Thornton: — ‘ Ls Louis Brier there. Answer, and phase say nothing to Briir “John Maxwell, “Chief of l’olice.” Mr. Thornton had always known Brier by the name of “Brer," and began a little investigation to ascertain if his employe was the right man. While examining the name marked on the suspects clothing, Brier took the alarm, and abont two o’clock left the hotel, and up to midnight last night had not been heard of. What he is wanted for is cot kcown. Tlio Deaf Will be Ula<l He Is Coming. H A. Wales, of Bridgeport, Conn., the inventor of the invisible device to aid the hp'.riog, which has atlrae'ed such wide apverd attention in this country and Earrpe, will lie at the McLure House to morrow. AMU8KMKNT8. ‘‘Field I5y the Enemy” was rop ated at the Opera House, lest evenirg, and the play deliglifed the gcod-s-'zcd audience present. It is a lemarkable fact that the house was not crowded last evening, for the merits of the play and the excellent company preaenung it certainly defeivcd one ct the largest audiences of the season. There is not a scene in the play where the interest of the spectator lags, and not a member of the compiuy but fills bis or her part well. It is hoped it will come again. At the Grand Opera Hou?e a good-fined audience witnessed Florence Bindley in “Dot,” and went away well pleased. This afternoon and evening she will appear in her comedy success, "Excitement,” which is a much tetter play for her than “Dot.” “Rincb lt»,” with ppccial scenery and a good company, headed by Mr. J. Clinton Hall and Mbs Fay Chester, will he at the Grand the last three nights of the week. Two Dayton Boys Held a Winning Ticket. Two of the luckiest yonng men in the city ot Dayton, O, ate Edmond C. and George C. Albert, who held the one-twen tieth of ticket No. 5(1,621, which drew the? first capital prize of $300,00(1 in the draw ing cf Tne Louisiana State Lottery, made in New Orleans on the 13:b of November. They have always been henest and hard working Their father, Casper Albert, a respectable barber, died several years ago, and they have had hard and uphill work, assisting their widowed tno'her to support the family.—Dayton (Ohio) Democrat, De cember 6tb. FAST IN A FROG. THE HORRIBLE KIPBRIBNCB OF A FULTON RAN. He Has a Close Call for His Life, Near the -Etna Mill, Monday Night — How He Escaped. Mr. Gottleib Memminger, of Faltoa, had a terrible experience, Monday night. He got one of hie feet fast in a frog on the 0. & P. road, just opposite the /Etna mill, and was compelled to stand theie helpl«5«, while he saw a loccmotiTe ap proaching him steadily and sorely. Hia life was only eared by the presence of mind of a young man, who succeeded in stop ping the eng:ne before it reached Mr. Mem micger. Mr. Memminger left Fulton, where he ia employed at Schenck's establishment, Monday morning, to pay a visit to his undo at Martin's Ferry. About 10 o’clock Monday night he started to return to FultoD, walking along the C. & P- track. At the .Tc’na tci'l, while crossing a swi'ch in the dnrkncss, bis foct caught in the fro/, end struggle as he might, he could not get it loose. Ite aliziDg 'bat an engine was liable to come along at any moment, Mr. Memminger called for help at the top of his voice, and after he was almost exhausted between exercising bis loi’gr and strugglirg to get free, fce succeeded in attracting the atten tion of a yonug roan who was 01 his way home. The straoger ran to Air. Mem minger’s aid, bnt even with this assist ance it wasimpos-tible to extract the foot from the fro/. While both men were en gaged in the work, tbo whistle of an approaching engine was heard, and a mo ment later its headlight came to view, bearing right down upon the helpless man, upon whore forehead great drops of per spiration stood, although it was freezing i old. Tho stranger ran toward the engine, and by means of yells and signals, succeeded ill bringirg it to a halt bnt a few yards away from Mr. Memminger. Tee engi neer and fireman went to his aid, and succeeded, after mnch trouble, in getting bis foot iooss. It was a narrow escipa. CITY SALARIES. a Short Committee Meeting I.a»t Night— Another Call for this Evening During the session of Council, last eve ning, it was announced that the Committee ou Falari-s, which consists of Messrs. El lingbaui, Rawlings, Davidson, AnnDg, Campbell and liaudlan, would meet in the committee room immediately i fier adjourn ment, to consider the matter of fixing the salaries of the city ofiicials for the ensuing two yews Aliont ten o’clock the committee assem bled, and war called to order by Mr. Young, who named Air. EUingham as Chairman. That gentleman expressed his thanks, and then asked if there wan any data at hand showing the salaries at pres ent paid by the city. It was fonud that the information con'd not lie lurnished on the spnr of the moment, and in that same connection C iptuiu Kawlings s-rid that in asmuch i>s the hr.ur wen late, aud the busi ness to be transacted was weighty aud im portant to ail concerned, lie thonght it would be a good idea to defer action until a futnrp session of the committee. Mr. E licgham said liis idea in calling the committee together was not with the expectation that anything tangible wonld be done at the seesion then being lidd, bnt with the purpose of having the committee organize, elect a chairman, nod iudirn’e » day for another eesiion when the metier before the b.dy could be tsken op ser iously. Mr. Hsndlan movel to adjourn until 7o’clock this evening, and npon that motion Dr. Canipb li said the sooner the committee addrrs-td itself to the work be fore it the better. He was in favor of at least making a beginnirg. He tbrnght it was the general expectation of the rnern btrs of Council that tho committee wonld ase all due diligence in considering the business committed into its hands. On the <|Ufstian Ueitg put, the motion to adjourn prevailed, arid the gentlemen dispersed, after instructing the clerk to se cure all necessary data before the session this evening. NATURE*!* HIGHWAY noltiRM of Ho*!* aurt Hoattnon Along the Ohio. The St.ckdale pwed down at 7 a. m. ytste-day aid the Hudson np at Ha u>. The late Captain It. C. Cray was the first to introduce electric lights on Hteara boata. The Iren Age was the first boat. The marks on the landing last evening indicated 19 feet 9 inches and stationary, a rise of .'I feet 2 inches in the put 24 honrs. The Andei get away for Cincinnati at 7 o'clock lad evening, G'spi. Obas. Mnbie man in command and M. F. Noll in the office. There will bs a light coal ran on the prerent line, the demand r.ot being very grout btlow. The Frank Gilmore ned one or two ether tows have already passed down. The marks from above, yesterday, were as follows: Morgantown 9 feet 4 inches and falling; cloudy. K ce'e landing, 13 feet and falling; snowy. Jirownsville, 14 feet and falling; cloudy. Lock No. 4, 16 feet 4 inches and falling; eunwy. Greens boro, 16 feet and falling; snowy. Parkerp, 6 feet 7 iuchcB and lulling; clear nrd cold. Oil City, 5 feet 3 iuchea and stationary; cloudy. The new Government lighthouse tender Golden Kod passed np yesterday, this being her fir>t trip to this end of the liver. The Golden Kod is a handsome etern w heeler of light draught and lakes the place of the Lily, a eidewheeler of tco cinch draught lor work on this part of the river in low water, and which has been transferred to another district. Their UuiiIdcih rtoniirng. Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at Logan Co.’s Drug Store as their giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles ot Dr. King’s New Discovery far Consorop tion. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures aud never disappiints. C’cgbs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lnng dir eases quickiy cured. Yon ran test it bef *re buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. Advice to Mothers, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrnp for children teething, is the prescription ol one of the best, female nnrsta aud physicians in the Uniced Slates, and has been need for forty years with never failing success by millions cf mothers for their children. DariDg the process cf teething its valne is iccalcuahle. It releaves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrheea. griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests its mother Price 25c a 1 ottle. Come to the Ceutre, Florida Washington, Jarnsry 2f»—The Secre tary of Slate has heen informed by Sena tor Ingalls that the eltctiou certificate of the State of Florida, is missing, and that consequently it will beutceesary to secure a copy deposited in the District Court at Tallahasoa. Afttr a conference with Sena tor Pasco, it was decided to stud a mes senger to Florida immediately, to secure that document. Berrjr Succeed* fllinsetf. Little Bock, Ark , January 29 —The Gensral Aseembly to-day elected Jas. H. Berry U. 8. Senator to succeed himself. The American Sulc'.da Dead. London, January 29 — GeorgeT. Driver, the American who cut his throat io the Angel Hotel, at Islington, died in St. Bartholemew Hospital to-day. Hrtc 3Mcertf*<m*nf* EVERYTHING -FOR HOUSEKEEPING —at— CREDIT HOUSE. Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Draperies, Honsefiintisltinj] Goods! Ten Dollars Worth of Goods for $1 Cash and 50 cents Per Week, Twenty Dollars Worth of Goods for 12 Cash and $1 Per Week —ON LARGE BILLS YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS ALL GOODS AT CASH PRICES. HOUSE <fc HERRMANN S, 1300 Main Stroot. TWO HOOD THINGS. Tho South Penn anil It. i <>. After T. M. King's Service. PiiiLADEM'HIA, Jmnsry29.—Tho pr>s fent Dianf^niefit <t tbo Bailimow and Ohio railroad company is making strenu ous efforts to secure tbo fervicet of ex Vice President Tbonioi M. Kmg, wi.o re ftiretl from the company’s services upon the accession of Mr. Spencer. President Mayor was in tie city last ThurMlay and Fr.ri.iy iii conference wth Mr. Kmg. The two disea sed the situa tion, and President Mayer 'ormally in vit'd Mr. King to rc'urn to the company’s s*rv!cj Tho iadneeuv nts which lie held ont were very flattering, and Mr. King promited to think over the nutter. Presi dent Miyer ih-.n returned to Baltimore, hat will’ lie hack again this week, when Mr. King will proVah.v giva hit answer. The conference has been sn absorbing topic of conversation in railroad circles for several day s Mr. King is regarded as one of the ablest transpoitstion men in the country, and he retired lrom the ter viee of the Baltimi re and Ohio not because of any dissatisfaction on the p art ol the mansgement, hot on account ot his iua President Spencer's poli cy. Since his retirement the operation and construction business of the road has be;n in other hands, ami ri ilroad men say that the Company hss not yet found a worthy succts or to Mr. Kiug. No re port of the conference has been given to the pnl lie, but it «ai leirnid to day from a promiuent railroad man who is very do w to President Mayer, that Mr. King will not return to tho service of the Cjinpiny unlefs he haa the lulle^i au thority. Under 1 lie former management he was hampered to a great extent by divided re sponsibility, and lie hai ieterui’iied that he wilt not place bimee If in the tame predica ment again, Mr. Mayer is an able finan cier but not a transportation man, an Mr. King lias no desire to encroach u| oil bia domain, bat desires merely to have fall charge of fha operation of the io«d. The management may accede to bis wishes. Since the retirement of Mr. King and Mr. Weeks and the death of Mr. Creighton, the transportation bca.ness of the Balti more ard Ohio f.howe considerable chc.ngu. According to the last report, too truck line west boned shipments hour Philadel phia show n great lulling off when com pared with the shipmrntt for the correi ponding p ried of 1888. Tne Pennsylva nia’s per< entoge was 7ft.•'», the Herding’.' 19.6 and the Baltimore & Olio’a 7 !). At the same time—January 7 to 13- last ye-r the Biltimore Oaio’s percentage was 17.G. The Pennsylvania and the Reac'iog haveg'.ined wbut tl.o Billimore& Ohio has lost, the former getting the lion’s share. The present r.egotietiDi with Mr. Kirg are of peculiar interest on ■ cconut ol h:s attilaio towards the H.ruth Pennsylvania s-rheme. Mr. King can have the Presiden cy of the Sontb Pennsylvania, if he wan^s it, bat he is uo‘. anxious !o lake the place, because bisinteiests lie irs the direction of the Baltimore and Ohio, and he knows that the Presidency ol the South Pennsyl vania means a policy inimical to the Balti more m-d Ohio. Unless, however, the difficulty which now prevents Mr. King from accepting his former pefitiou with the Baltimore and Ohio is (ora removed, he will enter the service or the South Penn sylvania. Tim Student In Politic*. 1’bstii, Junuaiy 2!*.—After three weeks of 6tormy debater the Hungarian Diet has passed the military till by a majority of 12fJ votes. A large nttmlier of students who were opposed to the bill, and who favored tha creation of a national army, blocked the approaches to the chamber daring the dosing debate. They c’icered the opponents t f the bill and groaned and jeered at the government. When Herr Von T sta, the 1’rimc Minister, emerged from the parliamentary building after the vote was taken he was sorrounded by the students and had great d fliculty in reach ing his carriage. It was necessary for the police to assist him to pa’s threngh the crowd. No arreets were made. The Walls Fall. Di’M’th, Minn., January 29.—The high brick wall ol tbe opera house, which was burned Monday morning, frll at 11:30 a. m. to-dev, upon a frame bn.ildiug stand ing in tbe next lot, andoccccied by Cbtin berlain <Sc Co. as a hook store. Air. Cham berlain, tha proprietor, was buried in the mins, which immediately caught fire. The Imdy of Elmer 1*1 Chamberlain was recovered at 1:40 p. m. He evidently had been sti uck ou tbe hea l and suffocated while seoteless. Ic is now thought that no other lives were lojt. Corrected loss, 412,otK); insured. The fire is under con trol. Shmhj Found Guilty. Limeuick, January 29.—Mr. David Hheehy, Member of Parliament for the south division of Galway, was tc-doy found guilty of violating the Crimes Act and sentenced to six months imprisonment without Laid labor. Mr. S’atehy entered au appeal. He Died at Hue. London, January 29.—Tbs King of An num died on January 27, at Hoe. A Hrtdgo Proposed at I.ouUvtlle. Washington, January 29.—The House Committee on the Jad ciary heard argu ments to-dny on the bill providing lor the construction of a bridge across the Ohio river iielween Louisville, Ky., and Jeffer sonville, Ind. A delegation headed by Congressman Carntli, of Kentucky, and tx C 'ngresaman Thomp* m, argued ill snp port of the bill, and ex-CoLgrcSfman Wil lis oppos'd the measure, bolding that the construction of the proposed bridge would interfere with the navigation of the Ohio river. _ Salvation Oil is at once prompt and reli able as a pain care. Pi ice only 25c a bottle. Every case ofcarghs or colds is cored by Dr. Bull’s Congh Syrup. Pi ice 25 cents, j ON TO OKLAHOMA. A Whicoii TtmIu Sturt* for flit* I’rouiUttf Hill Sanguine. Wlt'HITA, Kas., January 2y n, wagon train Ilia', faaa bitn lying oui-idt . the city will leave lor Arkuims* City n>i , time lo-dry to join the body there await ing tbe advance uprn Oklahoma. Paw re e Bill naiil last night that I* tram numb-red about sixty wapor He left by train fo.- Arkanuta City, '.1 i ■ 1, eip*cta to oigiriz i the body aid in cor. meres his invasion Saturday, lie 1 ih*i lie cevi r buii-re itlf so ipi gni . i t succe-e of the invasion, aa he rnd lu-.r.t from Texts and bad asturonce bum J! Parker of a large f.iice from Shtrmoti ,| Gainisvitlc. Deputy Kormfz came cp from •’l<n tory las: night, bringing willi blr- I •. t .States | ri --oners, and said the e wi - ■> body of men lying along the even in b dtr of Oklaboaia waiting for Pav.;,.e I or any other leader who won Id lead t!.. into the promised laud. Ho Paul It* > very few soldiers there, and wm mutt that Pawnre Biil wonld make a sue. hie movement. Hftc &dpfrtififmenu Sunny Hill Fruit Farm NEW AND STANDARD VARIKTIt Tree*, Htrawl>erru>. Rits|.bcrrlt.'\ ltla. . tiran s, Currants, fioohetierrie*, Ac •Ti e Tiutli About New fruit- K ■bou'dseelt. l’lanet Jr Uanleu Tool*, dialogue. Onlentflrc<' " rati we show *Ui-h dtlmonlal* IlluMnc alngtte Free. E. W. REID. flortli JstMwedasatrb Brldm i-1 REMNANT Having conrliidi-d oar Itiv t oy w. • offer all our Rent mu t* at a Great Bargain For {lie Next Two Weeks. Remnants of Silks! Remnants of Plushes! Remnants of Henriettas'. Remnants of Cashmeres! Remnants of Cloths! Remnants of Cheap dress Goods! Remnants of Linens! Remnants of Fiannels! Remnants of Tickings! Blankets, Comforts. SALE. for J.adlcn, Men and Children at pr ■ low that will close them out Wo will now continue to re< NEW SPRING GOODS DAILY CHOICE FEATHERS H»K SAM M32 MAIN JaJOead TATE OK WEST VIK'-NIA '*'1 ‘I O Ohio, to « ! . I I Hi I .!* lit < ■•'irt !■' county. January Knl*~, 1”.'. South Bend Chilled Kin# < < i pany Sarah E. Boyd A 1'rjor 1'"> J. Mary I . Boy! Ueborah lain- Bovd and tin- ’:>■ k n ii.rn al law ol Ja:n> - Bold, deem**.-!, ll aL) and Job Dodd*. A rail-!- ol Un title ■ pending in the < ir< *i*t Court of .. Ohio, In the Hate of W< *! Virginia, the i objector which is to out ct the defendant. A ITyor Boyd, In iheou- •: No. 122, In Square Is of the town of W which one-third isdfw ribed In a-h - ‘ ff"'-i c City of Wheeling to Robert H> I Inn ■lay of August. I*>c, nn-1 of recool tn ■ <»■ ’ Couuty Court Clerk’a other w hich -> r-• r' in of the said A I’ryor Boyd Is nrc ' - iy • forth in the hill Hied in wi-l < *i.*- to- ,c the coats of said Milt aiul the lit u of tin; j tin thoteon by County Court of Ohio munty In fas pliilnlltT, against the dcfctulaii. A l r. >■ i (ortho Kiim of 11. tV.* 41, rule.- 1 1 from the «th da;, of January, lv • end 123 90. tboooetof theaaal j general relief. Audit appearing fr i »• davit filed In this cause at tin k ru. defendants, Mary K. Boyd an-! /■•! u I noa-netdeotaof the Sum ol Wen • they not bavin* been served with ; • - ■ ■ eaiiKe, on motion of com plal .nut l<> it* - this order of publication I* out- • ! s. an f it i* oedi red that the -aid : f< E. noyrl and John Dodd*. tar r, ■, . • 1 - wtthin one month after ilie-ln’ Ileation of this order an ldo what ■' to protect their intercut* It Is that this order be published and [-»' tjulred by law. W Itness. John W. Mitch--il, ‘ <-m Court, at the (dourt House of -.i. kth day of January, lssr. JOHN W. MITCHKl ’ '• Pobilshed the flist time January Attest:— JOHN W. Mli* HKl : WtUTtJc Aliks, Solid lorn for oom| GRATEFUL COMP Epps’s Cocoa BREAKFAST. “By a thorough knowledge of t v vhleh govern the operation* ■ ' ■ •- 1 uuritlon, and bv a careful applies roper It - wt.; ■ ■•<i t jrovide-l our brrakfa*- tabl- - with a lavored beverage which mt * ■ teavy doctr rs’ bills. It is by ihe , ’ if such articles of diet that a const ' X-gradually built up un'dl rtroog et , dst every tendency to d!*ca.~- H- — ’ lubtlle malarliea are ttoatin* aroun j c* ; - utsek whenever there 1- » wens go ••rape miiiv a laLal Khali by ae-piug on - — - ■ *-’ pare blood and a I trolliuit wafer or milk. • ii»hy<iroeer* lata-!' I ; ' UOkii.tll'tTHir CHKdl'1* 1 f.oiidnn, Eugland well tor.Ill <1 wun aburisbed frame j Made nmi'lr with I >nly in hai« pound ti i ikHES EPfsm mrllorlalthlhAtf