Newspaper Page Text
JBTjrding iRogisfcr; ifcsY VIRSiNiA PRiMlNIa fu.. ST'- ifciw I* > fiowtirou _ ita. 3. TAW ST, iKtaaa M abas a*. TSEM5: -U TEA-. ST MAI! fCSTAu* MV?AH? a 11 Y «l * day* In ill* week .. .0 j v k'uKttptaUit mtL._ - i' ' Y, two day* to the week. » 0 illY, onsday In th* week... ....._ _ I i0 KUVKRSH BY CARKIRK • a! Y. per woek to be paid woekiy. 'a >.! A i! Y and srSOAY ">•.* week. ’ :• Da”.t »U* be donvefed by ca.-r«*r !'• c.y other ^.’yortownat. .... — ii ' SCOP1IBO* DAILY 0- SRXK1.Y » .-m'oBnssrosiiBxcs oob"» Airrrso uruitTAA? .* < wjl: rrm'i *com svssT riST o» vrtv >. :<Dtse corsTBY. ■' RgOfSTKM, <T\vJdtt£Us Artvral (JO* . , . Yii tv n*toj)*i *■* wkHivK *>■ r a* • nrf *» u.’ t Mltfer. Editor will not undertake to :wtnni r* ,--e . raii.uw r rt*- So Attention will be paid o crrimnn i•omtanulcatlcrdi. The full name »r.a Addn + of .be wrUer must i* rotapany "ven . . .n not ror yohdca !..■• I ■ v. . r erAO’y of . >J faith. tiorr h in the sonp. Thk Democrats ar? jubilant. Sk.xator John K Kkxxa, congratula tions! Thk Atueral iinpre-siou w»t je.terday that it is r>k1 io b» a Democrat. ■» ■ —■■ liurr'* tj9 was '<*>t” on Kkxxa'* leat. Now it >s looking blankly in that direc tion. Senator Kkxxa ftaght a hrilliaut ba» tlt, and hi dworved success for more rea son* than one. Til k Inltlltyt-nt t r has a pleasant way o1 speaking of Democrats n “Ihn^*,' which is highly appreciated. Whit an acomally it is in a government that the delea’ed candid »e shoal t have 100,000 of n majority ol the people’s vote*. Hello, Central, call up the S<»np Tureen. Hello! Is Col. Hakt thert? Istvat yon. Birdie, bow does it go? It is virnhijiy probable that Mr. no; Mr. i »t 4M was elected President of the United ttuie* in the year 1384.—tmMlUgimxr. Client Stott! Why didn't yoa say so sooner i It has been a 'oog tnuo since we have seen Pals Morris perform. Recent events call for another spattering of the w ills and ceiling of the Senile Chamber w t a Wood. To-day is Pres’ last chance. To sight a*, midnight the agony clo- e. »• r account of tiie tilibustering of tbJ Re pub’lean members, who stand tocautiol the majority in tvarythirg, very little has btea accomplished tn the wsv of ltgnla tion. The shame of the Oorr msntgoTeot a'. Chirleetou ta complete ia the fall cm lasisti of their too). Open, shrine lee.1*, at tempted bribery has been proven. Now for the paniehurent. Don’t let the Puari sees »scape. As harmonious as a Bemccralic caucus in " est Virgin.a, will scon be used In place of the old oiiv about the Kilkenny cat*.—InitU (oor V 'Jtr Oh, we think not, neighbor. When it conus to the scratch every Democrat is there, a* you observe. As we predicted, the JhbMijpaeer actu ally d fends ac nfe-‘e>l briber It takes care, Ivvtver, not to publish a line of hit confession. Tlie /shf/ryeserr is a very >at isfsc. >ry paper to thus*1 RepohHcatw who wish t.> he kept in ignorance of the truth when the tiuth isn't agreeable. Which can held liis head ligber: Cleveland retiring from the White Hooee with a majority oi 100,UUO of the people’s votes back of him; or Harrison. with that popular m-joiity ngnimtt him, euteMDg the Presidency on the strength of fraud and bribery .n New York? The Kt publican minag-rs have tried !o defeat the will of the people in every pn-. siblo wav, by bribery, ietiiaidation and mierepr--enta* ioos lefoxv aid on tbe day of election, and by attempt d bribery of sncceesfal Democratic candidates after tha election. They have failed in all their attempts ami now they Icok to th*i incom ing Republican President to aceotupli«h the the'l of tfc ,s State by force. II vrkison dare not do it. Delegate Stci k's rema-ks on the University i ppropiiations, as reported in Wedne*day’a Register, seem to ns to be unnst to President Tt rner and to be wholly ones!ltd for. The Preeidrnt is by no means a tignre-head, as the del*gate from Doddridge declares, and the contin ued prosperity of the institution is an at test dijn of his faithful labors in its be half. As the head of thi University, President Ti kskk’' dnties are manitoM, and oi a necessity be crunot be paid like a mau whose work is regularly outlined. No one understand* this fact better than Mr. Stick, and for that reason his c uaiueats app -ar to be the product of pw jadice. «. ONUUATU LATIOX8. It is a most happy solution ol a most complicated situation. Senator Kkxna is to be cwgratnlatsd on the remarkable fight be has made. Ho baa wrested nccas from the very jaws of dttiat. Another day would hs?e seen *h» drieat o' him and thi pirlv. The Democracy is t) tw c'DgratoliVd more than any individual, for it is a great victory for the pirty and a vindication of party harmony sad discipline The Republican leaders deserve the sin cere condolence of everybody, for they are “ia the coop.’’ They confi dently counted on seating a Republi can in the l’sited States Senate, and they would surely have done so had the Demo crats bi« u less loyal to their party and the people. Mr. P*>kk is to be congratulated on the thoroughness of his Democracy a« exhibtrd in his determination not to stand in the way cf his pirty’s itKCW. though he did violence to personal preference. Mr. DoKR his sho-n himself a true blue Democrat in sacrificing ks o-vn strong desirts to the will 01 the party. He stood ont very nearly to the last against the greatest pressure and the shai p >t criticism, bnt when the time c rue for him to chouse betweeu Bell and party hie vote was for his party. Mr. H aua. likewise, is to be congratu lated. llis first duty w.i« to the La!>or p-.rty, and he discharged it faithfully. While there w»« the faintest chance cf electing the l.ibor patty candidate his vote was cast for that candidate. Hat wtea it became certain that hemuld not be ebcied Mr. HAU stood fnith/nlly by tfcecwdi date of the pa-ty to which be nixt owes allegiance. T e faithful D.mocrats who stooil by the utv n in l^e darkest hcttr, w * defeat stored ih m in the face, are tspecially wottby of heartfelt congratnla t ioz p> They are »H Democrat ? from the ground up—Democrats to be trusted 10 tae last notch and d. p.nJel npoti never to MUtrvUder. Tt.e Democracy it largs are to be con gratulated upon the preset v .tion iatact ot tSe party organ.zi*ion, which had wtil nigh gone to piece®. The people of the 8)a1e ol all patties are to be congratulated upon the Moiplificiiicn o atlaire at Charleston. The principle bone of c intention ia cat of the way and the gubernatorial contest cut dow goon, without interference, as provided by law, and the man who ia four, i to have been chosen Governor ol mi® State by o majority of the honest voters wil lie sevt-.1. It is not hke’y that Pre® ideal Hauriso? will go eo far oa the line of j artisao-lupaa to rtcognizs GOFF as Governor while this lawtnl conttst iag ieg on. It is not likely mat fas will fly in the l\ce of the spirit of the United States cjns’.i ution and arbitrarily iutetere ia the government of a soverca tn American Slate upon the mue, unsuppomd demand of a politician, whe-^ only pretended claim to tne recognition cf t*ie President is that he hsioug* tu the President's political party. Toe sky ha® been wonderfully cleared by the splendid »• lion ot the Democrats a*, the Isst moment. It is the climax Jo the defeat administered the Republican party at the poll® list November. Everybody is to be ccagtatulated It wears Democratic success in the luture. BOARD OF EDUCATION. KRi.LI.AH MONTHLY MEETING HELD LAST EVENING. Many Matter! of la teres: D-scassed by the Mem bers—Toe Routine Business Disposed Of. L st evening’s regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education wa-« a very in torctiug one. and i* good dea of business disposed of. The absents e? were Messrs Acker, Davis, Dickey, McCoy and Whiliy. After tha reading and .pproval of the minutes of the previous meeting, Collector Myles appears*! and ctlsrel his bond is the sum of $30,000, with Jcha G Huffman, Jr. aud Henry Schmalbach as sureties. The laUer genlBtuaa was not present, bat the Clerk as a Notary Public was authorized lo t ike his acknowledgment. The bond was approved and accepted. The follow ing buMU* .* was th.a ttaosac’ed: The Committee on Ac onnts reported bills amt umiun to $278 95, which were o.dered paid The Committee on i’oblic L’brary presented bills smouating to $125. 15 and these were also ordered paid. The C 'lunutUe recommended the purchase of i complete econd hand »<»’. of Harp.?r’s Mag'/.'ers at a cent of $150 for n-*e in the I br*y as books of reference, to tak- the place of the cld set which ts about worn oat. The recon mendation was considered favorably and iae additional set ouleied purchased. The report of the Committee on Bnild •i gs and Grounds stated that acting under instruction ct the 1’. ird, they had visited lue school buildings in Madison and Union d.strict?, oed submitted the lollowirg ai the re-nlt of their investigation: In Mad ison district the need of an additional building on the Bland was tltind to lie an « n :l and pressing necessity, for not only ••i toe school budding lire {ter crowded to its utmes* capacity, tint in addition these for dmfi, containing six school rooms are row u-ed for school pnpves. Tnese dwelling? are of coarse illy adapted lo the purpose t > which they are now put. In v ew of ibis condition of affairs, the | committee rec’uimended that an addi tions! haddmgi rtaiuing twelve rooms be erteted on the Island property belong ing to the Bowd. I i Union district the committee reported that many advanta geon-i chang-? and improvements could be m-ule in iiie arrangement ot the school budding, notably that of taking off tbe ihir>' s.orv, bat she committee deemed it inadvisable lo recommend the makirg of V7 ebangis ia vie v of ihe financial can , itira of tha Board. Tha matter ia refer ence lot: e Madison ec’.ool building was dispos d of by a motion by Mr Eilingtaam that the quest on b? retired to the Com mii *• on Bandings and Grounds, with aa» only *o advertto for plats ft ran eight ind i twelvj-r: oiii‘d hudd<ug. Ia an additional v’poit tbe Cooimittee iaformtil the Board of tbe finding of a jury before which whs trud at a special t rm o tie C.reuit Court held on the 2*>th it si, the question cf compensation due J iries A. Henry tor the wist one-quarter of lat No. 41 oa the Bland. In the first place Mr. Henry demanded $ l,7lH> tor this property; the Board reported to condemna tion proceedings, and the award was $1,100. To this finding Mr. Henry took . xeeptions end demanded that tbe ques tion he tried before a jury, which re lumed a verdict of $1,450. Ihe Commit t< c recommended that the clerk be antbor /e 1 to issue orders lor this sum and for the also $l€0 for attorney's service?. Tha recommend; lions were adopted. The Committee on Finance represent'd that i; bad found np-m an examination ot receipts that L. Schwabacker is etiliiled to oh. 17, and S. T. Owens to $2.55, refund of taxes po.d on errontous as-uvements, and tie aniourts were ordered paid the parties. Superintendent Andertoa’d monthly re port was read, cf w hich the following are : x tracts: t > > - y y. y V a I1 • ' in 11 • ?• vi v ... 6-<< - '.‘i . r- i.’.o , . M.ii IW 'I »> 76 JU- If t.C l,..,.:, ; i i> yj 1M i « i;v> t its 4_ir i>7 -l 77 174 1 ’» 617 W. 1 W l" 74 ‘>1 66 17 It (3U K-mv - 7V.< V.‘ 5B 'I '**.'7 JO n4 ; i. -In ' l 17i J1 v .1! - Jill In tbe German Department tbe tofol en rollment (-howed 360 tor the month, divided as follows: Washington, 45; Macison, 23; Clay, 76; Uuion, 12; Centre, 50; Webster, 71; Ritchie, 54; number ot onpils ot German parentage, 223; number ot pupils of ct'u r ihin German paren'age, 157; uinonut psi I far instruction, $156 The report als> sUfod that the figures showed an increase ot 226 over J mu-ary iu the enrollment and that “the subject of ia ■instrial education or manna! training has been for some y«a*s much discussed iu ;hi« count-y, and u now -hs leading topic iu educau inal me*t iag«. I would risrert tn’ily sn.gei-t that tarn Biarrl give thesnhje't seme attention snd cviutder what, lfanythirg sbonld he dine in the matter. Two years ago a law was pivsed by the legislature of West Virginia re i|uuuv that physiology and hvgiene with special reference to the effects oi narcotics and slccholic stimulants npoa tbs human «Vh*em be taught in the public schools of the State. State Superintendent Morgan reports that this law his r c .ived the gen eral »p:>rchation of teachers and patrons throughout t i e S ate. ‘Me atteu inn has b»n fretpieutly call ed to this matter. It is thought by some that sufficient prominence is aot given to eucb motion in enr schools. To this m*tt; r also I invite your Hi rent to i. “In op-* of mv fnni-er repor's I recom mend-d that one good set ot apparatns for experinieu-s in iihtnrii philosophy tiud c:.- mis iv be p'Ovi-Wd f«»r tbe n-e of all. -i I ode. This repoit «iJ referred to tbe! CVuu i »e> on T.x- B*>k> I would re-j spec; fully re com mend that thesdvisability j ot such a purchase be iraire 1 into by th>** J Board. ” Th- subj- ct of industrial »«lnciticn raised | THE GENUINE JOHANN HOFF'S MALT EXTRACT THE BEST NUTRITIVE TONIC FOK Dyspepsia. lnill|nitloa, XursioK Mollietn, tin' Week noil hebilitnted. Put op i i this I have used Johann Ilofl's styleol tattles Molt Extra t for the post five oni'- years tn my private practice, and httva found it t • be the best health restoring beverage »' d tonic nutritive k own. I have foenil it especially geo<l for per sons eonraleMiMK from fe ver, in cases of dyspepsia, for mother's unrsinr. and in ca cs ol wenhly elillilren, hit 1 a so lu lime troubles. Mv attention was drawn by the immense importation semi monthly, it nd is bon I n mil lion ol bottles impsrted i*y youJiavn pas ed my inspection In Tiie Custom House satisfac torily fo* tbe past live years. Your I km artfully, W. W. LAMB, M. LX Chief Drug Inspector l\ S Port Philadelphia. The-oeuttitie is Beware of imitations, ihe Put up in this "Genuine” has the signature of style of Bottles "Johans Hokk” and • Moritz only. Eisner' - on the neck of every bottle. Johann Hoff, Berlin, Paris Vienna. KlsNEKA MKNDELSON CO , Sole Agents. G BARCLAY STREET, XEW YORK. («) some d'senseion, which resulted in the matter being retened to tbe Committee on Teachers and Soboo's for investigation and report. The matter of appiratus vet a re ferred fo Use Committee on Text Books. Tee report was ordered received and filed. Accompanying the repnit was that of Librarian Wilson for tbe month ot Janu ary, showing the total cumber of books taken cu*. for the month was 6.321 vol umes; average per day 213. In tbe read ing roc in tbe circulation reached 1,316 volumes. The amount piid from tines, etc, was$14. The report was ordered filed. Mr. Shafer reported the appointment of France 3 Lehew as janitor of Web iter School, which was confirmed. Tbe np pointmen. of Mts Jane McNabb to the Kime position ia Centre was also con firmed. Dr. Jepson as ktd low many graduate* there would be this year, ai.d leatnicg that there would he 37, 3*4 of whom are white, he moved that only two graduates from each school be allowed to take part in the graduating exercises, us tbe commerce ment exercises would otherwise bo too long Tbe motion, alter some discussion, wss ca»r ed. The Couimios’oners of Madison reported the appointment of Miss Maud Baker, to take the poeitionin Lincoln school, vacated by the resignation of Mias Harrison, and Mi-s Lacy Culemun to take Mies Baker’s place. Mrs. Mcllie Btt'l was appointed to the posi’ion made vacant in the Seventh ward school, by the resignation of Mies Annie Thoburt. Tteso appointments were all confirmed. Mr. Hannan cff.Ttd two resolutions, one that tbe Board join the Loomis Li brary Association, which would furnish periodicals and msgezinos on a much cheaper rate than is now paid for them, aad another that the Committee on Li brary be empowered to stop any ot the per iodicals or magazines at any lime they desire. Both were adopted. On motiin cf Df. P pes, the Committee on BuilJinge nnd Grounds were given the u-.e of $300 to build a house for the jsui tress of Kitchie schocl Cipt. Irwia moved thr.t the pians for tbs new building on the Island do rot contemplate a cost of mere than $15,000 for an e!gvt roomed building, and uot more than $25,000 for a twelve roomed cue. The motion was carried. Dr. 1‘ipts eaid that as Friday was tha twtnly-secoad, and Washington's birth day, the moved the schools be dismissed ia tbe aftercoin to give the teachers aud pu pils n holiday. Tn s was carried and the Board adjourned. THE HAYTIAN SCOUKGK. Three of the Clarltal'* OtHcer* Stricken Down With Yellow Fever. New Yobk, February 20.—The Atlas line steamer Claribel arrived yesleiday Irani Port Litton. On bcr stop at Kings ton, oa February 1, t was discovered that three officer*" were down with yellow (ever. They were Chief Officer Haydn, Chief Ku ginetr John Constantino and aqnartern as ter. They we e taken to the Quarantine Hospital, where Couaiantiuo ami the quar termaster died. The Chiribtl was le'd and fnmigated. She tuen went t» Port Litaca and strived here with a clean bill of health end no sickness. She pissed Quarantine here. Coastaatine came from Liverpool His brother, J. A. Constantine, Jives in this city. Ctuef Officer Haydn is reported con vaieeojnt. It is supposed that the f:vtr was contiacfed at Jacme1. Mysterious Lynching* In Texas. St. Lons, Febraary 20.—Advices fiom Siin Saba connty, Tex , say that YY. I. Smith disapperr-.d last week aid a large party scoured the country in search of him. On Mocdiy they found the place where he ha<! been The rops nod Smith’s guu, watch and ether personal eflects were found, hut the body had been lemovod. The party alto found the body of Aea Brown hanging from a tree not tar from where Smith had been strung up. He hsd been robbed ot money, but his gnu aud cartridges were fonnd nesr by. Who committed the doable crime is not known, and great cxci'emcut exists among the people. Advice to Mother*. Mrs. Winslow’s Southing Syrnp for children teething, is the prescription of •ae of the best female nurses aud physicians in the United States, and has been nsed for forty years with never failing success by inidion-i of mothers for their children. During the process of teething its value is incalcna'ole. It releaves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrfccea, griping in the bowels, and wiud colic. By giving teilth to the child it rests i's mother. Price 25c a bottla. Tim German* ana Klein. BERLIN', February 20 —The Germans in Samoa are furi>as over the e?crpa of the American, Klein, to Sm Franci ‘oo. It is contended here that the White Book con t iius positive evidence clear enough to c.. viit K'ein of repeated acts of over-boi tility to Ge.muns aud their naval forces at Ssraou. ; ogp, fotiisri ftien. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. This Is only the second time in eight weeks tha* I have had to polish ms boots, and yet I had ham V rk getting my husband to giro up his old blacking I r h. cud the annoyance of haring the paste Hack ing rub off on his pants, and adopt Z magnificent Deep Black Polish, which lasts on Men's boots n svceU. and onW omen'an month, ; WOLFF ft RANDOLPH PHILADELPHIA. FLASH LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHS BY NEW PROCESS — AT NIGrUT — Photographs of Interior*, Holiday Decorations I and Family Groups made at your homes. For samples and orders call at delth BROWN S GALLERY. | gfa _ LOST—ITfl DOG—THE FINDER WILL BE liberally rewarded by returning him to 1125 Main street.’ _ fe22q IIIIllTrn a< an Agent, man cr immati, in Win Ml every vie nit). Profitable busim s«. "'"rnl pan. All time not necessary. Give refer ences. Address It. H. WOODWARD dr CO., Bal timore, Md. JasHoaw-xe ii/iuTcn Ho <1 p®>’,o the rishi kiui16f ineu WAR I Lli to represent us. Write for terms. No experience needed. S.A.McOMBER&CO., Oil roiirU Nurserymen, Rochester. N. Y. ft-2lsa_ NOTICE. The accoun s of Joteph Winiesdorffer have been placed in my hands lor collection. All per.ous knowing themselves indebted will call at once and settle. JOS. BREIDING, fe22q 1S16 Wood Street. rpjfflE TIME Ftr Cleaning Carpets is near. Eureka Carpet Soap Cleans perfectly and restores faded colors. Sold by R H. LIST, fe22 No. 1010 Main Street. mm> Foil ClNtlNNATl. LiH’l.-YlLI K i Jis^itrfand Intermediate points, the fine pas ngcr steamer, X-.- iL. Slicrley, Thos. llrNTKK..Captain CHAKUKRKKVE.S...Clerk. Will leave for Cincinnati and intermediate points on Saturday at 5 o'clock p. m. For infor mation apply to FRANK BOOTH, ft22r Agent. OPENING DAY OF THE CELEBRATED MILLER p* Plats With all other leading style'. Call sndsee them at G. A. BEUTER’S, f„22r Xo. 1101 Main Ntreet.5 gTEPHEN McC ullough, CONTRACTOR AND Bl'ILDKR. Frame .and Brick Buildings, WAllCarpenter Work and Building Prompt y attended to. Terms Keasonable. Residence Xo. 42 Fifteenth St, Shop in Rear, alh __________ ^ LAD.STOXE. Call and tee the Latest ant Best, The Gladstone Lamp. It gives more light than any other in existence. Sold only by ©KO. W. JOHXSOX'N NOUS, djta 1210 Main Street Q.REAT BAGAINS Oflered in China and Glassware, On our Ceeap Counters. Call early. JOHN FRUDEL, t,>12 lll'J Main and 1120 Water s'recta / NARPET SWEEPERS. Bissel's Improved "Grand Rapids." with new patent spring dump and rubber furni ture protector, tlnished in Natural Walnut and Cherry, and hand decorated. Call and get one at NESBITT & BRO.'S, dC22 1312 MartetStreet CHILDRENS CARRIAGES ( 1 H. MILLER. Heavy Sheet Iron Works, Chimneys, Britehens, Tanks, Lifeboats, and all kinds of Rollini: Mill, Clas. house and Steamboat work. Estimate* furnished on application. C. H. MILLER, jan23sb 1126 Water 8feeL RRS0RSO PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street. *«rl*ersoual Attention (Jlvcn to ail Sitting-. dc6____ y ale:; tin!:.-' FINE AND COMIC, At Wholesa e and Retail Orders promptly filled. C. H. QUIMBY, Bookseller and Ncwsoeab-r, jail 2.1 Nos. till and 1507 Market Street. Geo.MJnook&Go. NEW ARRIVALS IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: 12 Piecrs 11-4 Ca»hmere Finish Broadcloth, $1.00 a yard. 20 Pieces -i 1 Habit l loth, 59c a yard. 45 Pieces 4 l-lnch Pin Stripe Cloth, 44c. a yard. 100 Pieces 4-4 Tricut, 25c. a yard. 50 Pieces 4-4 Cloth Suitings. 25c. a yard. 40 Pieces 40 Inch Henrietta. S7 l-2e. ay'd. 27 PiMes 4ti Inch Henrietta. 90c. a yard. 25 Pieces 40-Inch French .Spr^e. 42 1 2c. a yard. All of the above are strictly first Class all-wool t.nods. represent iii£ full lines of the New Sprint: and Sum mer shsilcs, anil prices are the low est yet made. In addition to the nhnvc, vve have opened large lilies of Silks, Salims, ■tress ldu;liniiis, White t.ixtils, I'm broideries. Hosiery. I.aec ('urtain*. tie . Ac. Wheeling. W. V». files _ rpoURISTH, ATTENTION. Tourists anticipating a trip to Europe shonld call fjr information at the European Ticket Agency of H. F. BEHRENS, Market street Agent for American, English, French, Nether land, Belgian and German Mail Steamers to and from main seaports. __. jy^’LAIN’S Pectoral fouph Syrup Is withon doubt the best medicine for the cure of Coughs and Colds now in the market. It con tains no morphi a or other opiates, unlike most other Cough Syrups I arge bottles only 25 cent#. Manufactured by WcI.AIN' BROTHERS' Sold by most deaVrs. fel'J A PABCIAMATON. Mayor's Opkp k, City Ham., ( Whxcuko, W. Va., February 20,1SS9. / To the Citizenn of Wha ling: WHKKKAS, Friday, the 221 day of Fel> insry, is the annivereaiy of the birth of Washington, aud a day which all Ameri cans should hold dear, therefore I hereby reconnect! the gent nil obeervai'ce of the day by our ciliz^u-i, by the suspension of business during the af.oncoD, add the do ing of the public flckonla ai d the pub lic offices during the same jorlion of tfce day, the better io enable all lo take part iu or vritr ess the parade by :utaiu Focie tus and erg inizatiocs. C. W. SEABRIGHr, Mayor. NOTICE. The stoekholdeis of the "Pittsburgh Ramie Manufacturing Company” are hereby notified that a meeting will be held iu the City of Hits burgh, Slat" of Pennsylvania, at the office of George It. Shldle No. i 17 Smithfleld street, on Monday, Mnrch 1H, lss», at » o'clock n. m , at which meeting a resolution will be oflertd in creasing the capital stock of the Mil c mpatty to Five Hundred Thousand Dollar#, as is ;ro vided for tty the charter of said Company. FRANK \V. SMITH, feiilta Attorney for Company. pUBLIC AUCTION. —I WILL SELL— Coinim-iicing this Afternoon, Feb. 21, at 2 o’clock p m., the entire flock of -DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS— remaining on haud. 1*. KENNEDY, fe21s No. 1C33 Main Street. PAIRY ULajSLlVIDF’S This is one of the mo t charming novelties ot the season. No dinner or tea table ccmp'cta without them. You will find them iu ail col ors at EWING 3ROS, fc2t 1215 Market St., Opp. Mi-Lure House. QUAKE TE VKEAN UECITAL “TAM SB OF TISK SHRKW,” BY HANNIBAL A. WILLIAMS, Iu Y. M C. A HALL, Monday Even leg, February 2 th, at 8 o’clock. Tickets 50 eenlN. Seats reserved at F W. Baumer's without ex'ra charge._fe20eu EDWARD B FR&HZHEIM, -^rebiteet^ No. U2S M&IET STREET. fe.ueadh fc^NOTICE. Having secured tbo s rviccs of Mr Philip *1 blnger. a first-class tin this city, w:th the of four other competent tinners, I am prepared to do all kinds of Tin, Copper snd Sheet iron work at most reasonable rates. Tin Rooting and all outside work a rp.-dally. We respect fully solkit lh: trade of friends ami I he public in general. MRS. C. W. ALBRIGHT. fcl'.ra_J-.liT i imp: :i - Strn-t. ARCHITECTS AND Draftsmen Are invited to examine onr new stock of While and Hull Detail I’nperlM Holla. Imported braa inu I*«|»er in Slieela Tracing l inen bv yard nr roll. Tracing Paper in roll strong as linen and not hurt by water. STANTON & DAVENPORT, fe9 No. 1301 Marketl triot _ NEW GUN CLUB! I. G. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS. Wo are tow organizing a ' un Club ou the fame principle as our popular “Watch Clubs." S1.00 Per Week. Persona desiring to become members and secure a line Gun on the ea-y paj rient plan, will please call an 1 leave their names at once. We have the new "Parker" ITammertcfs now in stock. Ml PRUNES. New Turkish Prunes, 5c Pine French Prunes, 12 l-2c. Fancy California Dried Fruits, Oranges and Lemons. Wilson’s Fine Crackers. Edam and Pineapple Cheese. FRESH ROASTED COFFEES and PURE TEAS. BIG REDUCTION IN SUGARS. C039N2R"&;SNEDEKER, )*3J Oor. Market ami Fourteenth Streets. SPECIAL PRICES This Week flood Flowered Carpet for.Uf. Itetler quality for.4V. til Wool, Extra Quality, lor..Mr Fine l.rnssels, Good, for. 50c. Roxbury and Body Brussels Very Low. Floor and Table Oi! Cloth at line, per yard. 5 000 Pounds Carpet Chain, wholesale and re tail. Good Country Feathers, at HENRY JACOB'S, fc9c Second Floor, I. 54 Main Street. j Jteir (Poods—(Pco. #. STaglor. GEO. R. TAYLOR, Main Street, Wheeling. NEW -FEBRUARY DISPLAY I3ST OUR Dress Goods Department Are displayed very Rare and Choice Gown Combinations in French and Persian Woolens. -NEW SPRING WRAPS— ewe lime Made in the best manner and of finest materials -Ca-Tosea Parasols— Silver and Gold Handles. India Silks, Fine Embroideries -AND WHITE GOODS. Ceylon Blouse Waists! RIBBONS. genfemeri Kid gloves. A Full Line of the Genuine Priestley Henriettas. GEO. R. TAYLOR. \hm\ (foods. JrEW & BERTSCHY, FUNERAL DIRECTORS | -AND EMBALMERS, T11T Main Street. j Our facilities are unsurpassed. We are prepared to con duct burials in a most satisfactory manner. All Modern Un dertaking appliances. Competent management guaranteed. Copper, Zinc and Metallic Caskets, CASES AND WOOD COFFINS, ALL THE LATEST IMPROVED DESIGNS, -AND A FULL LINE OF BURIAL GOODS. WfWe aim to be Prompt, Considerate and Reliable. Calls by Telephone Answered Day or Night. Frew & Bertschy, Ja4 No. 1117 Main Btroet (farriages and Uuggies. THE KULL CARRIAGE CO. forh&L MANUFACTURERS OF FINE CARRIAGES, BUGGIES -ASD LATEST STYLES DELIVERY WAGONS, No. 2100. 2110, 2112 Mnin St., WBF.ELIN6, W. VA. Ko|mirin«r to. fell T^LANK BOOKS ! SHIPPING BOOKS! CHECK BOOKS! I The REMOTER Blank Book Manufactory aixl | Bindery is the most comnlete lu the Ftale. All i work executed with fact ity an l neatness. Or- | tiers solicited. „ JCS15I0US ANO PERSIST: . ^ Advenwiig baa always pp'‘ aucec^fub Before placingnr.. ws;i ijK-r Advertising coohu ', LORD ti THOMAS, 1/ iir.csTisno Aoivrs, ii it t~ 4U iifttt OPERAHOtfS^ Friday and Saturday, February 22 and i? AND HATCH DAY MATIN 1 y -AW. A. M. PALMER. will pre ent the Great Stir, of Madison Square Theatre >■1 » y,, A "Jim, he PEiii» Written by sir Charles Yo MK. PALMER’S COMPANY IN*j.l fits F. Ilan„, Wrlahr Uumtiu I,. Ottoincyrr, t . j. it,.11 ~ 1 try, Frrry Winter, J,,!,,, John T HcK<-vcr, BenJ. \|Uk, l.ipuinn, F. V. Jack., , ’r‘ AMrlet, and JFennle i uaiai. WHK TIM EOF THE FLAY Ie j SYHcesIf GY THE *c*.Vl Acts 1 and II. — Mrs HaLuoqi the town house of the Ralston* m , Conservatory at I,a. *. Act III.—The Library of Ar l'< stem's country home. Ait IV—small reception room i. Court, with break fa:: rcoin at I k EVENING PBII Eh - , reals 11.00 Matinee prut- o *• rerved seals, 15cent* >a!e of » Wednesday inornlne «t -. at C. A. House's mus.*- store. OPERA-HOUSE Tuesday, Fel*rwai \ TENTH REG CL AH HEAHON OF TU ROONEY COMEDY COMPANY ‘ ASANA BANAD. PAT’S NSW WARDROBE Neatly A rranged and Newly C. A Mod Laughable anti Kniiml i. INTBODICING MR. PAT BOONKV, MISS KATU . AND A MiuN'i COMI A.M . A Whirlwind ol S|.url. ling Fin A Cyclone til Merriment • A Typhoon ol laretwanl l.nnglii, r’ ( ami n. I’tider the management of Mu. KRKi' v, Agent. C. L. t OifAdmlasioii, 7.', and 50 cent* no c for re*erved seat* Sale of scat* coin tr.. urday, February 2i, at C. A. Houn's m feJOw GRAND OPEFA HOU E. O. C. GESTHER.Less,. and ."! Three Night., Camaienrlng Thursday. irk Matinee Friday, Washington • I also un sal unlay TIIE ORIGINAL AN I' —ATKINSON'S COMEDY i»MI W\ CHARLES ATKINSON, Mai Great Musical Com. PECK'S BAD BOY AND HIS PA, The Funniest Comedy on earth. |.ln; edian. wno act and slug 1 ne It- . store! The Committee Meet ng at Mi. The Great I'ienie Scene, introducing « Olio of Letincd Sp. i iHittes. •s-AdmtN-ioii, IT . m d ■>. cents. 1 sea's on sale at Genthcr's Braucli stoic, street. • GRAND OPERA HOUi£. O. C GKNTHKR. l.e»s. M.iuday. Tuesday aud Wednesday. F 2ti and 27, and Matinee Wedm «i. SEVENTH SEASON. C. H. HOYT’S H NNIBS1 COMEDV “A BUNCH OF KKliVr Alao, author of "A Bras* JNi k Tin Soldier," A. . MAIIIETTA NA«II the original TBHDV. and a strong ch y Music, Costume*ami 1’am (• g. •*- Admission 1>. .and 50 cents e, .ml :l> rent*. Scat* on sale at Gcnth. stoic, 1H* Main street J. S. RHODES & 00, WILL COMMKSt l Monday. Feb. 11th. TIIKIK ANM'Al. SA1.I TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, k Itlcni-liptl Tnlilc l.lllcn lit SO « • lit* r ii nrlii il Tnltlc I.lot'll, *■' I ri« itn• «< 7S rent*. Itiiriiili'j'* Kxtrn llriivy Itleii* It* •! T•title 1.1 ill'll ill HI.IIO, A lull HMNiirl ini'll I nl t<ry I in* Table Linens, Extra ids. NAPKINS! tier onr N|tprlnl iiiimlicrH of kins nl dl.'ji), 91.SO, 91.00, mill *■’ ‘ A let* innrpol llinsc I Nn|>Hit* »' 91.OH: worth 92.7S. —BROKEN RETS OF Fine Table Ms Midi no nnplilHw to iiihuIi ■iinrhcil nttny ilnwo. 1152 Main Street, fes ■VpEW GOODS! We arc ccnHantly receiving ’■ our already large etock of fan. CRMtllT 0UVI8. KAKO kVAUPKATKD PKIItS. KKk'1 11 ('APIS IOU l P.A>BkKi:il' Pole A cent for the only ot FLOCK. F. HANAll : Ja20 1866 Matte SEALED PROPOSALS. Pl ULIC BClLItlPO, CITY ' WBUUKO, W \ I Healed proposals w: 1 be re of the City Clerk until Tburo! 1 hs'.i. al ."> o’clock p. m . for 0 kitchen garbage and oflir from w of the city of WlWtl D| nance of laid city, fot ' 31. U**jO, hid* to lx' as follows Kor the Kirn district, cmnp Kinit ward. For the Second district, coni andHeeenth wards Kor the Third district, pomp and Fourth wards For the Fourth district Wheeling* reek to Canine For the Fifth district, i " * » Caldwell’s Him to the m No person will tx- awardel district, nor can they be it posal for than one il-'ti Proposals to he id 1’.1 the Committee on Health. tb lug the right to >v, ■ m> or THOMA-< 1 1 • ftJjh > J^OTICE TO IiONDM" Holders of Bornl« of Oh • 1 ginia. for Si.OUO each t>esrtiig tereM. are hereby notlfle'l that t>. 171 jx. S•*. *11, *1. *■’» 1 ’ :t. 1x7. !H. 111. !»7. I I ’■ **" ’ lasen drawn, and the tar* »• hank of Wheeling on tl • tir-t n-i*. 1S‘9, and interest willr • • from that'late. I’ i; Pr>.sident Board of rv.mmi°: , County of Ohio, West Virginia ' 1