Newspaper Page Text
iilljrrling Jfogbfoc WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Hn unit am* V’Ri'Psimjiu. r sums': PER YRAR. RV *AIL POStACR PREPAID. DAILY, six Uvs in lhe week DAILY, three day in the week..— 1 til; ad* He i as had hia daily v - v Vver the K n» ’all for nothing. Thk great question among the Philadel phia stare*’ *et i*. whether Mr. Wana . K i" P. '*’ 0.. ■ r 'If- QtftY, N. C«. tvs* and rand **us hold and keep Heights aoove their due position. 1,- -. ’% elr great da*idle# »Ieep, Are i*e: - * * d in some foreign miiwlon. Mii Hi< r*, ih* new Minister to 1’ern, ia Tone bod I >r *- a “born diplomat. Mr. B LAI UK wait* able as-isianee this time in looking aitsr the gr.nno eonttacis. AYull.E the i.rea'. editors are being re w:i m 1 ’ t is pri j • to suggest that there is a journalist in "heeling who i* mil’. n the teoter-hooks of augiety. Field Marshal Halstead’s fate ion tan:.* a horrible warning to Mr. Frew Ol. Hart'* *«Mi ***7 manner of criti v. i ; t ptovt'C’i 1 Frkw s rain. Xhk . jare jnvpiBji onto Lx-Gov t-rnor PlkKPoIST with remarkable un aaimity. It hurts them that the Gover nor *m«aId have been so indiscreet—that’s alL ___ It THE Rhode Island Legislator* could reduce the m1atj oi United States Senator aiM/nt ^-t.iiuO a year, if would greatly Unl it* ■ the ele ion of Millionaire Chai k s successor. It sihh! se peculiarly gratifying to ex Gov. Pikbpoist to be criticised by “«u bets oi i - .an pony, who were babe* in j m; * clothe whi be w»a Governor j of the Sure. ^ ji-st w sen tr, • Ir sh triuuipb seems w* ,u .1. 0'l>»Si»VA5 Koksa issnses a areo lar iuvit K -s Uri men to unite in dyna , , 4 ijv.hvad out of existence. It is a plt. treat tin bistaut a«e cau’t either be S iv sc Gov Wm>on had bitten at h |:t->>.« •. ii I out to him. and refused to 1 < u\ ,i J dsture together again, the ' would have been in Cl„„ and ex Gov. PtSEroiXT would ( huvM b . :■ a daisy Now. he » no good. 11 Gv t> '* liloi r and the Wat I >rg>ni« y r I. t»bed in Preston county bi,\. v> dated untl berealter :• red by the management of the r The aim will be to make re . : .'h cl--- lamiljr tuid tarm paper ( a, always been » bright and enreit. . >g journal, well wonby oi the ^ 1 , pvionage it received, and with the ^ ree rt'recoded by the cucsolidation, Gone ' iot« brighter and more readable ' v^r. • , ■ « t . the uew enterprise. • nm'S'i aire worated manufacture** , •re calling on Secretary WlNDo't to carry out bi«par of the deal, by which the claes iiirrtson i-f wrnteds is to be raised id re- , turn mr a heavy contribution to the Re pa u v n fund. Worsted dot h.« ore* . '.f tixed irotn 40 to 50 percent o' »b- r v.i u i n bis dots not make the divu . t. suit the worsted lltnu u It . ct that the bumness i. not i- -•Hirer »■ ■'**, for it *u hud* op under :i iV> ‘g tariff than the present e. Th c* ‘ificalkm must be r; 1 ia creed, Iwcanse lilts' .<> ' i K- 'v si want their share ot { tbs |,M I K p 1 • Administration. ] .» it ! ,•.ret in he blessed name ot proU’- ' ireii. rere.l lire eins-im*r»pay for it. Vi:. Kl-Aivt II vsOO'l Uls GRIP. j s <n '« dilnsioa thai ■„n 'll: MXK tv t grip on th ', re trat on, he w 11 be undeceived by a review cf the diplomats appoint ments. W a a Reid, to b gin with, was Mr. Bi \ink'.s warmest journalisticfriend. Mr. Keu‘ re n w Minister to France. Koi'.KKT i. IaSf iLS was introduced nitre the Gae» ki i» • ahiuet by Bl.AINK. •ml th y have remained on intimate terms J ever - nee. Mr. Lixrvt.x will display his bard out »' ‘kers at the court of St. J.4Hire. Ml RAT llAt-STKAD has earned \lr. BtMNK's gratitude on many a gory tiei.l, std be whs nominated Minister to Germany. it.LSN ThokndyeeRu e wes aiso Mr. Bi.aisk's deep political creditor, will • v th th. Cxar Pat I S IT. VN '» a Blaiw man dyed in the w. 1, and he goto the Chilian mission l.v vs. of Kj «as. has been hLAlNK s ar deiit supporter in three national cam , sjjire, and he w>ll absorb **pal«|ae and lo.tied air" in Mexico. Ob. Mr- BlAINK is getting there. He t .*y iei <’ ouce in a while, but hie band** ' »UK 1 Vl.I. KIV dt »xkik:< t. t< «>fd of the Fall Kiver -mke lurDwbc. a terrible arraignment of tbe I jsjlicy that i ike* fortunes for prelected , maaolacturt i* under the pretense ct ben ig Amt' H i.i labor. The dispatch recoium-’ da'ion tor the weavers to r«uir ' to work wa* tir-t broached ve* t<Hiierno >n at the meeting of the 1.x ien> v«C uPUttee. Kemiltancoa troin oat v>l 'i .rie expected in the atter Ud strive, -.r d the relief Inud. . ' ■ > aooa amounted to several bnu nted boil , »•;»■ 4 mkly exhau-ied. while ... ii :u.- w i 11 clamoriag for aaev-t t'.(> Tlie txccutive officers then an non e d ii-.**, no n ore relief would he grant*.d 1 *>• sad held a secret meet UJ>. ., ii i more corwixative lutm btrs adt * text the l'-iioo had no ta'uK ar il ■ out-’ e loatnbutious bad whell . lived reel- > their expectation*, it woul' he neiessary to surrender." Ko rutr picture could he drawn of a contest foi vt.g.s. The employers were uuv. ng to give their workmen a fare • are of the enormous proits secured by a high lari if tax. and the strike followed l'ae » iployer* weie able to live a long whoa in the fort ones which they bad ac cumulated. There was no want in their him eboMs, or Buffering in their families, but the -Hikers had never had the oppor tno; t.. KiuuljU : they had been woik .ng day in ».:d day ont lor $7 a week on an averse, and their scanty earnings little uijrethuo kup. body and coni together. Their i-uppiie- were soon exhansted, and they weie « tape lied to return to work at the old ra o « wages, and the mann factutef- will continue to draw the usual rate of proh - l i.;* is in brief ihe history o: i_ir oi th< strike* in this coun jrv_ Xh d e ip oyer hx* become a ill ion.i . ■ > ”p ot cfioa” baa never ye: txn. employe* how to get tL. ir share o: lb tariff bounty out of his pocket. WHERE HE RESPONSIBILITY LIES. 1 he Republican organs characterize the ' p, p -it ion to Governor Wilson, that ha shall not call the legislature in extra ses sion a* “an amazing one." Rat tte dis claimer* do not do away with the fact that the author of this advice is a prominent Republican and ex-Govetnor of the State. He is a man, whom tbe Repnblicau party has honored and now stands high in its councils. It c.incot be snppostd that ex-Goverror Pikkpoint would have advised Governor Wilson to usurp the high office of chief executive, without first consulting with members of his own ptrty. Pertonally Mr. P IKK POINT could gain nothing by any action that might be taken by Governor Wilson, hut the Republican party might gain the substantial fruits ot victory by entrapping him into an neconstitationa] line of action. If Governor Wilson should be induced to refuse to call the Legislature together, the gul»ernato rial contest could not be decided for two year* at least Tfie next Legislature might be Republican, and it would give Goff the office in -pile of tbe law and justice cf the* case. In the meanwhile the Democratic party wculd bear tbe re-ponsibilily of usurpation, and Republican orators and organs would be famished much needed capital to froth over. It would have been a fine thing for the 1 corruptionists if Gov. Wilson bad only 1 accepted the bait. Their own interests would be bettered, and Gen. Guff would be spared the stigma of claiming; an office on dishoeeet and fraudulent votes. We do cot believe that ex-Gov. PiekfoIBT c'tcjcted each a scheme, but i the fact remains that his puty would have reaped the benefits of it, and there are men in the Republican party folly capable of, layiug such plans, and making any man, however honorable or worthy, a tool to carry them oat. Tney failed, because they did not kno v the character of the man they j had to deal with, bnt it will not do1 to shoulder the responsibility on the nn- : fortuuate t ol. The people will be able to place it, and they will place it on the man or men who have tnoet to gain by in- i riucingGov. Wilson to violate bis oath, nud defeat their expressed will at the ( polls. _ I R] OB I.A'-OM A < Ol’NTHY. The Ok'abowa boomers will be reward- ; si for their years of noxious effort by a sad flowing with milk and honey. Uthongh the President's prtc'amation ' loes not open np the whole territory, the I lew settlers have good reason to be satis i-d. Anthmitier agree that nearly 2,000, n o acres are thus made free for settlement, md within sixty days there will be 100, joo peop’e in the new territory. It is •onti ieutly expected that the opening ot be Cherokee strip will soon follow and i i,i (00,000 acres more will be converted nto a land of farms and towns. There has been something remarkable in 1 ,he peraisiene* with which the fumera of i inthwr teru Kansas have prts*<l firwsrd o take possession of Oklahoma; and they sill be sorely disappointed if it is not all! hat their imaginations painted it. The roomers called it “The Beantifol Land, md the gtrden spot of the continent The cii, thiy claim, is of unequalled fertility i ,od well watered. The extremes cf the ! eascus are never experienced, and nope ■ ire safe alike from drouth and winter , rests. Corn yields 100 bushels to the g-re and a ready market is furnished by tood railroad communication. It is believed that Congress will finally :hrow open to settlers all the lands de i Krib'-’d in the original SPUNOKU bill, which would make a teriitory of some 33, mhi (SH> acres. Hut with all its beauties the l otted States has tumy other tracts if territory equally as good aa Ok!u aoma. The rush to it is a good deal or the | aature of an artificial boom, and the farm- j •is are lik-ly to rind that the corn won’t i trow without hoeing nud weeds are jnst as ikely to choke the iatocs as in lest* lunght after lauds. KX-UOYKRSOK IMKRPOINT iUiightered To Make a Republican Holi day, The leading K-pub iesa journals in the Gate have e-ready sounded the keynote to tbo-e Kx-Govsrnor PikkpoINT for the miserable failure of his effort to induce Governor Wilson to take a course of, fcctiou tha* would prevent a die enasion of the gubernatorial con test, and all the smaller gans will balk the same way. What a lug man though Pikhi-oint would have he u if his letter had had the desired eflect! Bnt he failed and this is the way the /aft/ 'igtnetr smites him: “It is don't tfol whether another Repub lican in West Virginia would have made the amazing proposition that Governor Wilson shall afford to opportunity to try the contest bet wen Judge Fleming and General Goff, hiniselt bolding through the term of ft nr yeais lor which he is not en isle To propone this to Governor Wil ton w:w to ask him to cover himself with dishonor.” The Parke sbnrg Journal is equally as emphatic, it dishes iheex-Governornp to the queen's taste, sa follows: lit Governor F. 11- Prerpoiut has unbos ointd himself ot a per.-onal matter and worked off his feeling*, which are evidently unfriendly to General Goff * * * Mr. Wilson sizes the ex-Governor np arid rt phes that it is his duty to call an extra soseion and that the expense can not lie avoided. He adds that the Legis lature will be convened at the earliest possible date, but not later than the first put cf Juue. It is dirticolt to judge of the reasons p: which impelled Mr. Pierpoint to write such a letter. He certainly is in error, and very grave error, too, when he says that “the people don t care who is Governor now that the excite ment of election is over.” The letter, in itself, n worthy of no special notice farther than advertising the author. It ma*t be barn© in mimi tb;i* tr»© m* , Governor is a leader ot his party. He -tiDds high in it*councils, and the orgaus are jumping onto him because he has made a mistake and revealed a plot to entrap Governor WI LSOJt into an act that would hnng shame and dishonor upon himself. I'he Ex-Governor is made a sacritice, bnt we much mistake his martial spirit, if he allows himself thus to be slaughtered without a vigorous protest. 1’I ease Don’t Qo. Uolt. WatvH Republict»a. The Wheeling KumsrKK with its co-con spuators has done more siuce the last elec tion to retard the development of " est Virginia than they can undo in ten years. Men of intelligent e, honesty and means de sire to be among a civilized, law abiding people, where the wish of the majority is respected, and they will be surprised that any good e.t-x.-n remains in this State. It is heard on all hands “West Virginia is a good State to emigrate from." For Malaria l <« Hor» ford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. E. G. Day IK, DeSmet, Dak., says: “I have used it in slow convalescence and prevention irem malarial diseases, where the driukiuj water was bad; I believe it to be b.-u. lie si in preventing summer com plaints; a!s,* one of the best agents we have to rectify t- s bad effects ot the drink rug water upon the kidneys and bowels. The Throat—“Krte.-n i liromc.'uaact 1 directly on the organs of the voice They have an extraordinary effect in ail disorders of the I throat. CASA BIANCA. ming deck “Say. lather,** once again he cried. • ,i jVd ‘‘My patience is clean gone! ” VVI -c And but the booming shots replied, A ,, 1; And fast the flames rolled on. ., .. . r -,f i sit Then came a burst of thunder-sound— atj ■ w.' ?** The boy. oh! where was he ? Upon the box, high did he bound, U .v.-n on that box he sate Then floated on the sea. 1 or ‘twas a box of Ivouy Soap, And buoyantly it bore That gallant child, who ne’er lost hope, Safe to the sandy shore. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, each represented io be " just as good as the1 lvory’i" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for ‘'Ivory” Soap and insist upon getting it. Copyright issfi. l<y Pr.n-tcr 0: (Iambic. Union Building Association, rHE UNION BUILDING ASSOCIATION IS now ready to receive subscription for stock. [Tie value of each share is 5150. The weekly >ayment twenty-live cents. Information will >e famished, and stock can be obtained upon tpplicatiou to either of the Incorporators: KW13 STEENROD, H. IV MCGREGOR, iEORGK LOOS, W. II CALDWELL, j. F. JONES. W. M. BOI'UUER, ?. P. J EPSON, M R. WOLE. J. H. COLLIER. GEORGE SMITH, 0>EPH LAWSON, CHAS. LI KENS. mr-Ti____ SPRING IS COMING ! IT WILL PAY ANY PERSON TO CALL ON HENRY JACOB'S — WHEN Bi Y1HG — CARPETS! SPECIAL PRICES THIS WEEK : O Pierrs Kice Flowereil Carpet ,.S2c. 5 Pleers extra Quality Carpel Me. 1 IMetaen All-Howl. Nice Patterns k'li-e Urn >•<•«• I* . .Vie. IO Pieces Midi Oil Clultl . ^C. Maysville and Quaker City Carpet Chain in ill colors. Please call on HENRY JACOBS, •,.! s'1,* r . ,ft4 Main Street. 'LAIN s Pectoral I’ousli Syrup Is without don t the b st medicine for the cure ,f Coughs and Colds now in th- market. It ton kins tin morphia er other o. ia'es, unlike moat >ther Cough Syrups. Large bottles only -• cents. Manufactured by MeI.AI.V BROTIIKKS’. Fold by most dealers._lnr2~ m*ECIAL Second Cabin Excursion By S. s. “Penland." sailing from New York to Antwerp Wednesday, Mav 1st. Wednesday, fane ,th, Wednesday. July 10th Excursion >mv 570 Return tickets avanable by the Inman .me from Liverpool oriniormation call at H. F BEHRENS' mrjg .hilT Market street._ STATE LINE fo Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Livetpoo Front New York Every Thursday. Cabin passage #:i"> and MO, according to location of stateroom. Excursion 5tt5 to #90. ■steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates. Avans Baldwin A Co., General Agents, 53 Broadway, New York. JNO. BAILIE, C A. SCHAEFER & CO . Fourteenth atul Market St*.. mr7Tu.Th.sat vb Agent*, Wheeling. LOGAN DRUG CO., Are HEADQUARTER for everything NEW and DESIRABLE pertaining to the DRUG TRADE. Pore Drugs and fiiiemicals, PATENT MFDD INES. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES. - MINERAL WATJERS Hunvadi Junos, pun nr Eubinet, Appollnsris, Mase'auetta Deep Rock. Buffalo l.llula. and are wttoi.X'sl.K auent.s for the justly celebrated BEDFORD SPR NGS MINERAL WATER, which can be obtained from any retail drvg ,.!st in the city in pint*, quarts or half-gallons. SHOW CASES all kinds. Manufactur er's Agents. PUKE SPICES » specialty, lu cans, for the DruggiMs trade. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. Trusses, I’rutfliiw. Supporters of all kind*, i I Halrkerbrnker khanhler itroccx tor Children, Ladle*and Gentlemen. t#-Altenti»u. Palulers. Paper llnnc rr« and Wlillenashers lton'l forget, LOGAN DRUG CO. have Paints. Brushes, Glues, Ultramarines specially adapted for your use in season. LOGAN DRUG CO.. mr.MmtllMJV. otKXKK. giotires. r£A\ NOTICE. The time is near when delinquent tax hills must be tosted at the Court House door and re turned to the State. Tax payers will please take notice of the fact. The office will be kept open until 8::i0 p. m for the convenience of those who lo not desire to be returned delinquent with the usual cost attending delinquency. wM. C. HAND LAN. mrtSs Ex-Sheriff of Ohio County. VTOTICE OF HOARD OF PUB -i-N Lie WORKS. PLANTING SHADE TREES. On and after this date all persons will be re mired to procure a permit to dig into any of the sidewalks for the purpose of planting shade trees, ami any person who may be found digging Into any of the sidewalks without having a per mit, will be prosecuted according to law. Bv order ot Board of Public Works, mrNeudq TIIOS. M. PARUAH, Clerk. J\tw $dP*tius*mnrts. ATE CITY Stone Kilter. The onlv Perfect Kilter In the Maiket. EWING BROS , Aseuts for Wheeling and Vicinity, mr.*s 121ft Market st, opp. McLure House. X Ceptional opportunities were en joyed by GEO. M. SNOOK & CO. in the purchase of their Spring and Summer Stock of Dry Goods, etc. Being among the earliest buyers in the Eastern markets, many r Ouisite Novelties were secured that could not have been obtained later. This is particularly applicable to their Dress Goods Department, of which they have bought an Traonlinary quantity and variety, representing all the Latest Paris and New York productions, with Trimmings and Buttons to Match hem all. They charge no [ Orbitant prices for some articles to make up for low prices on others, in fact their customers well know that prices are uniformly low throughout every department. tcgrGrand Display of Spring Wraps. mi 23 pi A NO MOVING. l'ewons desiring to have their Pianos TV[oved 4ktl or nbont Al'KII. 1*1. Will please leave their/Jrders with 1 . IV. 1111 MEH A CO. C\ LA DSTON E LAM PS! It We are Stole Agents for the Gladstone Lamp* The brightest an.l softest light ever produced by kerosene. GEO. W. JOHNSON'S N4>NS, 1210 Main Street. pm V ATE Summer Course of Law Lectures ' -AT THE W es t V irginia U niversity Lectures to commence June 13th, and to c <n tinuc for eight weeks For further particulars apply to ST, (iKC>. T BROOKK. mr2’oaw-e.»g »b Morgantown, W. Va TyALL l’Al’ER. I would respectfully call the attention of my customers and the public generally to my large and varied stock of IVM.L PAPERS, BORDERS and OIL CLOTHS. My stock has been selected with great care, and you will save from 15 to So per cent, by buying your Wall Pacer of me. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. CHA8. KLEIN, Cor. Market and Eighth StrcetSj mWvSatWheeling W \*. JEWETTS Celebrated Hefrigerators. A full stock now on hand. Call early and sec them, or send for catalogue to NESBITT & BRO„ 1312 Market Street. Sole Agents for Wheeling. mrJTW.iS PROPOSALS For Curbing, and Redressing and Be setting Curb and Crossing*. Ohio Stone. OEALED proposals will be received rN a‘t the otfieeof the Board of Public Works un til 1 ’ o'clock noon of 8ATCRDAY. MARCtl 30, lissy* for furnishing and Setting Curb, (Ohio Stone'. tor Redressing and Resetting Old Curb and Craning*. Specifications can be seen at the office of the Board. The successful bidder will he required to give bond with two securities, to be approved by the Board, conditioned for the faithful performance of the contract. The Board reserve* the right to reject any or all bids. . . Proposals to be marked ‘'Proposals for New ; Curbing and Resetting curb," and addressed "Board of Public Works." 1 By order of the Board. rnrtli T. M. DARRAH. Clerk. ftar _ WANTED—TWO BOY', AGED 18-SALARt W to *8 per week, fall at Howell House. SAUNDERS. _mr'il>i WANTBD —A BRIGHT, ACTIVE YOUNG man. to work in store and canvass city trade part of the time. Addre** Lock Box 131, Pcstofflce. _mr~w<1 _ W" ANTED-GIRL TO COOK. WASH AND Iron. Apply at No. 3J \IrginlaSt. mr»s WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. « Apply at 56 Thlrtoeuth Street. mr29erdq_______ TTTANTBD-AN EFFICIENT GIRL WHO W can come well recommended. Apply at No. 5 Penn street, Island. ml ”r 1 OST-GOLD WAT< 11 CHARM, MONOGRAM I i -a. H.” The finder will be liberally re warded by returning same to this office, mrtar TNFORMATION WANTED—ANY ONE KNOW 1 iug Edmon Dunmore, (colored), who died in Union Army, will please write me NATHAIAL DUNMORK, Oral, 11 arrisjn Co., W. Va. mrtfieqgq__ Q A. K. FESTIVAL To be Continued To-night. Owing to the inclement weather lan evening it has been decided to continue the Festival at G. A. R. Hall to-night, and several new attr'.c tlons have been arranged for, including the quar tette of Jubilee Singers. Dinner and Supper will be served to day at the Hall. Holliday Post wilt hold a short session at the Hall at 6:30 p. m. [ i Brewing - jjompaiiifs CELEBRATED I EH WILL !!E ON DRAUGHT IN Wheeling and Vicinity -NEXT mr30eqdq ARDEN TOOLS InSets. in making gardens, at NESBITT & BRO 'S. mr'-M 1312 Market Street. tTsT OF LETTERS Remaining in the PostoBhe at Wheeling, Ohio jcunty, V>. Va., Saturday. March :>0.1S89. To sbtarn any of the following, the applicant must u,k for advertised letters, giving date: LADIES. uzzens. Miss Emma A. Malone, Miss Lizzie Hooper, Miss Lida M. Powell, Miss Louise Irwin, Mrs. Ttllle Schects, Miss M. E. Ktrsch, Miss Lizzie Miss Mammie Meyer. Mrs. L. S White, Miss Maggie MeCloskey, Mrs. Laura ORNfLEMEN. Antonello, M. MiChi , JJovc, Rufus a. Bird, Harry /’ Jackson. Clarence L. Bennett, H. ' Miner, James Barker, Jack W. Oates. John Barker, Justice J. C. Piper, L. K. Fry, Chas. H. Sttel, John, Esq., lioedwin, George Steward, Thomas Hesketh. George Slrother, Agler Hellbery, Field FIRMS. Novelty Co. FOREIGN. Stiversson. Edward _ROBERT SIMPSON. P. M. I, S. RHODES & CO. -LACE- : -CURTAINS The largest stock In the State. I’ntte ns prettier than ever. Prices I-ower. Nottingham Curtains! it 51,25,511 SUM and S3 j Per Pair and upwards. All Tape Bound. -nEAXj— Swiss Embroidered Curtains! IN SPECIAL GOOD VALCE8, AT 56,51, ll Si, 56 and 516 Pet Pair, — EXTRA FINE — CURTAINS IN REAL BRUSSELS From 822.00 to 820.00. 89* Complete Assortment of Curtain Poles and Fixtutcs. J.S.RHODES&CO. 1152 Main Street. mr.!8 _ _ _ _ UHIOHTLANIIGMILLS WILSON 1DIINLEVY. -DEALERS IS— LUMBER, LATH and SHINGLES, Basil, DOors, tfc Blinds. —MAXUFACTCRKRS OF Packing Boxes, Natl Kegs, Barrels and Casks. Contractor* for BUILDING?, P.F.PAIK? and JOBBING. Complete outfit! f>r buildiDC" for ms'- ed. Estimates and Drawing* furnished upon application Oilier: 42H MAIN MKI.KT, WHEELING, W. VA. maiJTuaSatb _ _ J^RUIT ANI)SHADE TREE'. Small Fruits. Evergreens For Lawn*, Yards and Cemeteries. Flowe-s of all kinds very cheap. Send orders now for | Tree*, Evergreen*, Shrubbery, Ac. Price list I sent on application. _ [ Address, OSCAR WRP,HT, mrJOb Moundsville, W. Ya. |l*ir ^dmtisements._ JpiNE Fishing Tacklo. All Fishermen who desire to bur or examine a nice line of Ko.N. Keel-. I.!"«•. * * lVooU* A«' . Af.. should c.ll r°w ir stiK k *Bt>t makes of Mills. Abbey & and t'hubh. Price* below last year from M 10 ' ’’"“sTAHTOK & DAVENPORT, mr29 So. l:«l Market treet _ , .. . for CINCINNATI. LOUISVILLE intermediate points, the tine pas CffiSB,.-ngi r steamer, X-.. A. snerley, Thos. Hunter...-.C1*Wk CH A RU K RKKVES._ Will leavo for Cincinnati and Intermediate point* on Saturday at t o'clock fc£V>otH“ matiou apply to FRANK BOOIK, mr?Jr_Agnl . NEW GUN CLUB! I. G. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS. ^ We are now organizing a Gun Club on the same principle as our popular "Watch Clubs." $1.00 Per Week. Persons desiring to become members and secure a fine Gun on the ea«y payment plan, will please call anJ leave their name*at once. He have the new "Parker" Hammerloss now lit stock fell FINE POTATOES. We have on hand a large quantity of Fine New York State Potatoes which we will sell at very low prices in both large and small quantities. Please cad and sec them. Fine New Crop Maple Syrup. the genuine gold dust flour COtfNXR & 8NEDEXER, mrtl Oor. Market and Fourteenth streetr. Special Notice WE WILL COMMENCE ON MONDAY, MARCH 18, To open one of the Largest and Best selected stocks of GOODS. NOTIONS. &C.. CONSISTING OF Slack NUolored Silks t. • ?. of all the newest designs. Black Gros Grain, Black Armure, Black Harsh, Black Kbadame, Black Faille Francaise, < olorod Surahs in plain, stripe and checks SOMETHING NEW. China Silks! N&W, NOVEL AND CHEAP. Salines and Cotton Dress Fabrics We have undoubtedly obtained the largest ami choicest collection of the e goods that has ever been brought to this market. Special care was given in this selection. New Choice Hosiery in Endless Variety. •gr-Haveyou seen i>.' We have it. DIREG TOIRE, the new dress Improver. it32 SSAIN STBEFT. mrlTead FLASH LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHS BV NEW PROCESS - AT NIGIIT - Photographs of Interiors, Holiday Decoration* and Family Groups made at your homes. For samples and orders call at dcl-th _BROWN S GALLERY^ j SCHRBIBER GREEN HOUSES, 17,1 X. Front Street. Iilitml. Furnishes at short notice Potted Plants, Flowers and Other Ornaments, Aa-t'nt Flowers n Specialty." t»* mrlfisb ___ BKRsenso PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, Xo. 1205 Market Street. ♦^-Personal Attention Given to all Sittings.*** deg_ _ gTEPHEN mccullough, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Frame and Brick Buildings. »#-All Carpenter Work and Building Prompt ly attended to. Term* Reasonable. Residence Xo. 12 Fifteenth St., Shop in Rear, feth_ kJEALED PROPOSALS. Sealed proposal* "ill be received at the City Clerk's office until Monday, April I t. 1M9. at > o'clock p. m.for the compiling and printing of the ordinance* of the city of Wheeling, under the d rection of the City So icitor. Bid* to be a.l dressed to the Committee on Account*, the Com mittee reserving Hhe riglit to reject any or all bid*. THOMAS K. THONER, maid non-wed-rri-1 Cnv Clckk. TXONEY DEW SYRUP. Something entirely new. Give It a trial. ASPAKA61S TIPS. KOI VI, DESSERT. PKI\ E OF WALES S VI CE. F. HANAUER, Li06 MARKET ST. Sole Agent for the only genuine Gold Dwt Flour. ___ HPHE Pittsburgh Dispatch 15c per week;20c, Inc.tiling Sunday. THE PITTSBURGH TIMES, 6c per week De livered anywhere. Cheap library back* a laree g.-sortmenu Peri odicals by the year at publisher*' nrlcea C. H. QUIMBY, Bookseller and SewMealer, mal« No*, lilt and 1507 Market Street RK. GIFFEV A CO., GENERAL AGENTS i. lor the Ma ta Plow* and repairs, Beverly Plow* and repair* Syracuse < bl'le-1 Hlllddc i Plows and repairs. Syrara e Chilled Land Plows and repairs. Pri:.< **- (.'hilled Land Pl-ws and repairs. Gale Chilled Land Plows and repairs, 1 South Bend Chi led Land Plows and repair*. Big Injun sulky and repairs. Oliver and Imperia. i i iow Points, Malta a*d Brow-t Doub e Shovel Plow*. Malta aul Brown Sulky Cultivators, Our I Choice and Brown 5-Shovel Cultivator*. Write for clrcu'ars. price*, and territory. All order* nromntlv rilled. No. 15J0 Main Street, wheeling, W. Vi ' “ cfitrn’tvrc and (Carpets—<S. * flT° 0UR«SPRING4INE FURNITURE -AND CARPETS IS NOT EXCELLED. It Comprises Both Medium and Fine Goods in Great Variety. —IT WILL— Pay You to See Them! G. MENDEL & CO., 1124 Main St., Wheeling, W. Vn. ft'.N______• 51 nr ■ *ofli —v^eo. F. C.Mjlor. CEIL 0, TAYLOR. JUST OPENED: French Wool Suitings, India Silks, French Salines, French Zephyrs, Rail Read Cords, Henrietta Cloths, Colored and Blank Silks. 68-inch Lace Flouncings, 48-inch Fish Nets, 48-inch Brussels Nets, Persian Trimmings, Light Weight Wraps, Beaded Wraps, WHITE GOODS SID EMBROIDERIES, Torchon and Medecis Laces, Lace Curtains, Priestly Henriettas, Lace and Cheneille Curtains, [^a-Tosea parasols, Genuine Priestly Silk Warp Henriettas, FURNITURE AND CARPETS, ~ SPUING EXHiBIT-LATEST STYLES. T ^ Ifr JOR »ho Parlor, Bod Room I 1 or Dining Room, in the La ■ tost, Handsomest, and JgL Most Desirable Woods, Exquisite and Novel Designs.; Choicest Most Elegunt Styles. Highest Perfection in Finish, and Oroatost Desirability in Con- i struction. Carpets, Oilcloths -AND MATTINGS! Do you need aaj? Now or in ti.-; near future? Make a memorandum of the fact that we hare The Stock, the Assortment, the Styles, the Low Prices, And we hare both the farllitU* *”d the determination to please all who favor u» with a call Moquette*. Boiy Bno'.l*. Tapestry Bin>- j. Ingrain*, from the Best to toe;t'heap;st, Linoleums, Oilcloth*. Cocoa and China Matting”, Rugs, Mats, Window Shade*, Ac. Fre w & Bertschy, III? MAIN STREET, WHEELING, W. VA. J^^Special Attention to Undertaking and Arterial Embalming . mr*8 I l^gteNOnCR. We have added to c.r.r Scouring and L>re!nx o«l*bli»hraet.t a carpet machine of a row pro eeK*. cleaning c rpv'-a? koed at new runout In jury to th. c dor and fabric, and giaranwe ka 1« faction. We will call ar.d deliver soon* fre ■ of ' charge. Fleaae give tut a call Kemember the, number, 1 I II Jlnrkrl Mr.ri mrJl BCHMA1ZINBIZ «1> I’ACR. I p H. MILLER. Heavy Sheet Iron Works. Chlraceyi Britchen*, Tank', Lifeboat*, ami el! kill'll of Ro.liiis Mill. Ola, iiotue and -i (earn boat work. Estimate* furnished on apt licit ion. C. U. MILLER. Jac23»b 11# Water street. J ftoV'iS VrfgJj OPERA Hi 0«E WEEK, Monday, Mar Mat life W>d,r»4»> m4 GEO. A. HA KM] s Comic Opera Com: 48 : : PEC) I *1.1. OUR OWN ORCHLs' - KEPKRTOIRF.: MONDAY. TUESDAY. ! WKDNE.'DAY M ATINI I WEDNESDAY EVENTS • or The Two 1 hleu». THURSDAY. 1 FRIDAY I SATt'RDA V M A11 N E r SATURDAY EVEMKU *««-Pricrs: - . - mill iV. rsaleof m au <■ i . 'll, atC. A. House' GRAND OP) K ,\ O. C. GKNTHEK OXF. NOUD H »:» »».i «i>t MON I >A V. M A I ,. Cruwlrrs In Ur I ol I . ofHirtli: V rrrfrrM'ji'h'ur SISSON & BB/ Company u'C n. Cv 1 ;r the Manae> i i IiITTIjIJ NUl N. v Melro|N>Htan (W 1 tett ’ New adl Wo.Berl - leal Krt'ecis r«r|*r*. 11 is,:. an : onaale at tietithi i » n. GRAND OP A ; O. 0. GRNTHXR SIX NIGHTS ' fomiiioM'Inif Mon> *. ‘•One of the young* MISS FLOY an.I her Drematlr ( In a Bri iiattl I. MONDAY.. IM U t to TI'SSDAY . ..... VVKDNVSDAY lltu.1* <i. THURSDAY. 'tit i ■ FRIDAY. SATt'RDA i. M.lti i i >• MATINEES, tt KDNiSD.lY AB-A.IrnMon, 1' » >1 i> t rev am m'« at<. u’hir’nBrn. i n ■ a( r» l t it ' * iif> IjMIK wAl.E DF.i'KAltl.K W' P II ill s.(n»r. • on jiriintM - No. ir. Ki - < mb - ] jtOE - U.K ' > ■ ii r W EBBER A f )., Mr.ii [COR '.A 1.r Ml.'ION J1 ltd . nth i,.». <l ho*ii • fillup. At'lily t "AV• N Market and Twe iiy Ihlro i.toK s.v! s « hkar uNi I ’ valve El e HI itolih.e tlue Imller .i«x• i able erm*. Call on oi nl<l - I t 1'» <‘)i*plnie »tn >•!. puisne SALK. Twenty-nine seres of i i Myers' heirs, in good int,.!i;. mid Vineyard, a dw< din. sn<1 good ■ lit tin: tin - s Hogg's kiiu, wi ! be i.fltr. : I'KiiAY. MAK.'li .- - H, 1 • Kiddle'* or*.- Hi-:iv .■■■ f iii dsv of -ali;. So.d t>" lnr.ira sa,ta,th FOR . On hi count of faille ■ lellre from huaim v,. I - slid on easy 'i rios, on mil* in tills i untry noddled dunug the l«l •oiler syiti os, -lurant don or Hotter than .1 1 ■■■ ■ lew Hockeyt* *i-gi ••. t, >ne hundred and to y r •uiiiiliig and loo. a ;.i'j.| *rth mars addr m snrl'woilh pm SALE OR EXOHALOK Sty < onnirj I'lucc hi '• Ini *• •arg.- homo, Bam, Ac. Natural 1 Jug water. Fivearrs Well imp No. ll<^ s'.'iu, LpOK SALK. Valuable Flouring i Pt. Mary's, W. V*.,0111 .•')'. '0 tie sold Match t ■ Mary's Mill M»-» ROB BT H. 11 >W r lOUNTEIM AM» Hi Good Counters nr.'! $ FOR SAM mrl8 Public Sale 01 PHK I'NJiKK l I h' H'lhlie h i i n • lilirt House of OMo 1 ■ SAT.KliAY it 10o'clock it in., tli-. 1 uls of real prill* ity l i • ho lute 'AT ham W Phrv : 1. IkiI niioslicred on Hi). and the • .nth ha.: . I Itsiidrrd and forty tbo 111 .'lsaplln.' sirvet, In Use mj wci ii le th and t > vi nth i ion -ver «> much < i il • r«s. i-ori wo Iris as was mil l hy the ii Ihrivor In hi* lifetime. i Ho much ff lot* Ur' d oi i vi nijr live !; •) and oi < inn if ' lx UTS) 0:1 - vi mi eiitli ri ■ it iiwuietofl to the devf. • - of t’ Y. bhrirer by a decree of .t Wheeling, dat herein pending w:. • n It;, t Marine in-uran.'d Corni-.u.y ■orni-lla Hbrivi-r and • r ahlch part iamore parfi .1 » n»» )ti ginning at the « .. 1 • th I - .■ ■• .1 .he western bouudar d feet none or I slot: nick imwi. nt boo-. k it Ilgtit aiig'i-s with th. Ine eautwardly To t. el [cet cast of the dirt. itid th* .vi-I on ha.' northerly direction p if the said division us alley; thenci m theaald alley to the ■ west h»lf or lot No. T eastern bouudary or lot. facing Ken til* • nt r.orth side of Hevciit- • Ix ginning .. lAiM 1 UUilX ■ twenty-right tt -tdo of Kouitei Wheel'ng. 4. L:' arltrbr l. '! north r.f PUlteMh m In W. W. Shriver* »■! ' All of the laid l"tn rty-4 to tne by 11 u.-i lord <1 alert on tin- I fear I»-<>. tud rtoordtd 1 tKgx OP .-A! - t ' moucj. or to du> h rr. sltct, Hi cath oa thi ' i’i two I'|UAl Istutl". iMptetlicIf, from the rr.'Ui that 4at«. 1 ho I> " 1 to ilvtt H-cunty hT ’ Which (ball bcawtitN* t> mrJT.tai.aptl.O JOHN 1 " ' --- ,^(cr T.-OK HI N T Til E HI P No. 07 -otilh 1* u rintn-and bath mom •'•i* ennt; haagix-! Apply at prop.* « Iu,;k MESlrEI.. No l< I . 1 l I^V)^ RENT. THK VERY DE-SIRA STOKK KO< V )a the 8. Vi. for. Main an 1 >oa»r«ion Rivea April 1 jnjV_ ■ UOK RENT. The room on the nor rwtlflb crret, now o . nlon Telegraph Com; . ■ at IKK). Apply*' l*>‘ ‘ ' Or to Tflo*- O'BaltN