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8fl)tiling ftegtsfpc WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Publishers and Proprietor*, jas. B. TaNEY. Man era l Manas rr. TRAMS: PAK YEAR. BY MAIL. POSTAS1 PRRPAID. DAILY, nix days iu the week. ** DAILY', three days in the week.. ‘ 1>A ILY, two 'lays In the week._.- •* <» DAILY*, one day iu the week.—.. 1 M DELIVERED BY CARRIER. DAILY, per week to be peal weekly..™— J® DAILY and RTS DAY per week... 1® The DAILY will be delivered by carrier iu any other city or town at.l? 8WGLE COPIES OF DAILY OR W KELLY » MNYlIRWONOnCI CONTAtSINS IMPORTANT NEWS SOUCITAD PMOM EVERY PART OP THE «l R ROCNDIN8 COl'NTRY. . Rejected communication* will not be returned unless Rccompauied by sufficient postage. riiamta of trie denomination of two 1 cut* and ew accepted for amount* lew than one dollar THK RK'JIITKK. '»bru/ing ifa tnmolmMmt, it nUrrft at (V in ft ft. Iu., meomi w otter,___ Is it possible that I)r. CROMIN has gone to search for TascoTT? Col. John T. Mi-Draw knoM* when to let loose. Ho mast have feltawfolly lone acme aa a Democratic officeholder in M Virginia. It is an Bounced that the Sioax will sell their lauds at the rates proposed by the commission. If they do, it won’t be tong until they sue to recover. — * - “Cyclone Bill,” the leader of the gang ol outlaws who robbed Paymaster Wham of $29,000 and killed one or two of his escort, haa been captnred. It ought not to be many months before this Bill shonld be "suspended.-’ ANOTHER gentle cyclone lifted the roots iu Northern Texas and played with the (ireaser whiskers. In the present atmos pheric conditions in Kansas and Texas, a man is doing well who can preserve his citizenship in any locality tor more than twenty-tonr bonrs. In 1M0 the workingmen were promised ••$2 a day and roast heel”' if they wonld vote for Harrison. The promi e was kept then jnst about as wed as the similar promises ol ltH8 are being kept uow. Foor years later-in l-*44—tbe disappointed and deceived workingmen changed front and •lotted a Democrat. Bismarck’s organ intimates that the German Government may proclaim West phalia in a state of siege and pat down the strikers wi*D an iron hand. There is some thing in Mr. Bismarck's affectionate way ot dealing with the workiugman closely akin to the noble theory of “protection" as "she is practised” in America. CAKNKUIK CONVICT* THK KKl*l B LICAN CAM 1*AlCNKKS. If we except some nouuual quotations in 1H7H. $10.50 per ton for No. I p*g ‘too is cheaper than it has been for a quarter ot a century. The recent cat of $1.50 per ton is the suhiecl of much comment and spec nlation If Mr. CLE\ KLAND had been elected it would all have o*en blamed on “fear of free trade." Mr. Caknhuik, who knows as ranch about it as any one, explains it thus, and mark his words "The truth is, our country cannot consume the amount of pig iron which it has the cajwciiy to pro* luce. The Kastern drop has been hastened by Southern competition • You know I told the Legislator.-, m my address, tnatthls competition would soou be felt It has come soouer than I expected. That the consumption of iron and steel in as great a* It is arise* from the fad that owing tolhe advance in price* abroad the Amor lean manufacturer* are left for the flr*t lime In almiwt complete control of our home markets But even under those conditions the eouutry ean not take the amount we arc prepared to make, and prices must rule low until a uumlsst of fur naces and mitls conclude that it is better to slop for a white than to continue tunning. It Mena probable that this will soou occur, for furnaces can not afford to i>ay the prices demanded for on- anl run at the rates now ruling for pig iron And so we have oar glorious home mark et and yet we are not happy* Bi.aink anil the rest of the Republican orators roared oat from t be stump last campaign that it the workingmen would only vote the Re publican ticket, so that onr manufacturers could hold the home market against the attacks of the "free traders," wages and everything else would boom l*ke a sky rocket. Mr. Mima and the Democrats advised the manufacturers to reach ont for foreign market3, in addition to the home market, but Bi.aink and the rest of them snul this was the argument of the “tree trade enemies id American prosperity." A \, Ac. Now Mr. OarkKOIK tells us that we have almost exclusive control of the home market, and yet what is the condi tion? The American iron trade was never in worse shape and with a smaller pros pect of improvement, for the reason that we are shnt ont from foreign markets by onr excessive tariff. And the dinner pail, which, we were told, was tilled by this same tariff, is .gradually being emptied. Til K HKl'UBUCAN MTtKMK The Rmustrk recently mentioned a scheme ot the Republican leaders in Con gress by which they proposed to hold their vantage grouud agoiust the people's will, and secure coutrol of the next Congress. It is a gigauttc scheme ol ..errymaudcr by which Congress proposed to regnlate the Southern Corgress.onal districts so as to elect Rrpublica w to Oongrewi, sud also those districts ot the Democratic States of the North where there are no Republican legislatures to do the work. We have heard nothing farther on the subject, bat the fallowing, from the Wash ington correspondent ol the Chicago 7Vi bunt, looks like it might he part nod parcel of the same revolutionary trick—one ol the preliminary details, as it were. The Tribn*e\< Washington man says: • Many Republicans believe the ouly manner iu which this Democratic conspiracy ;the •••slut South 1 can be overcome is to elect a* Speaker a man of nufltclent cournge to take the reins of House government in his own hand* In fact a quiet canvas has beeti made among the peasant candidates for Speaker in hopes of fludlng one who would avow hi* willingness to declare a quorum present when he can see a sufficient uumber of members to eon*Utute a quorum sit liug at their desks before his eyes. A bold deci sion of thi* sort, sustained for a few days, would make powible a construction of the rules iu such a way a> to deprive an arrogant minority of its exce-sive privileges and to curtail the list of op porv u .ties for delaying the busiue*> of the House by motion* of a purely dilatory character and purpoee." la other words, atter the Republicans elect as Speaker a man who ha* no regard, whatever lor the rights ol the people, lor the law or for honor, who will carry ont any nulawlul, partisan scheme that may be decided upon by the Republican lead ers, then they will make short shrift of the solid Sooth by the aid of a National gerrymander and if need be by the aid of Federal bayonets, should the South object to being openly plundered and outraged. If the scheme spoken of by the Chicago Trtbum correspondent is not revolutionary, what is it' If the Speaker of the House of Representatives is to decide tor himself whether or not there is a quorum present what is tbs use of having parliamentary law, or any law, but that of brute force to govern the deliberations of Congrem? Is the Speaker to take the reins of Honaa gov ernment in bis own hands? Is be to be the •natter of the people’s representatives, and override the Federal Constitution if it aland in the way of the revolutionary de signs of tbe Republican leader-? Wi> have seen enough of the (jrAY-Driv I.KY'-Hakrison meth-rd* to know lhat the R publicao leaders will stop at notbiug to c*rrv their point, and they will carry ont this revolutionary so eiua if tney have the chance. And the chance they have already in a bare majority. Will the Democrats allow this plot aicain-tt popular rights to come to a snrcees fill issue? They are forewarned. They have a good leader, in the absence of the Speaker in th** person of Clerk CLARK He roa*“ be gagtained. This is not the concern of the DeuHcfat jc South sloue. it concerns the Republican North as well. Speaking of this Republi can scheme, the Richmond Dispatch save: The i-erpeiuity or onr free government de peud* upon the freedom of the ballot-box. If the Southern people be enslaved, and lhair elec tions I •« taken out of their hands, the northern people will soon And themself.-* in a like condi tion of belple-sneas. The chains that bind us will be long enough and strong enough to bind them. -This country cannot exist half slave aud half ftee.' said M Lincoln. If it was true in his day, It!- surely true In this day. tiik wool, market. Wow Wool S«IUn* Frwnly -Krlcna Klrm und Hl|h. New Yokk, May 18.—Bradutrtet's my new wool s hegiumug lo sell freely in ibe producing districts, where prices are very firm and comparatively high. There is, as nsnal at this season, no little speculative activity. Two or three representatives of Boston houses have honght quite largely at San Antonio at lSa^-Jc a pound, and Eastern bnveis are also operating at San Francisco Dispatches from St. l.onis re port a strong market for the clip of that region, and in New Mexico and Texas gen erally values are somewhat above last year’s quotations. This state of things is rather out ot keep lug with the continued dulluees ot the seaboard markets, where there is little in the demand for woolen goods to enconrage manufacturer*, and the strongest element is the comparative meagerness of stock. Wool, however, ia tirnt at Boeton, New York and Philadelphia. Buyers do not hesita'e to take all desirable selections of old wool at current prices, bearing in mind the still greater strength at the West, the shortness of supplies locally, and the pos sibility of better trade in goods next sea son. There is no change in the state of things at Boston. Values are easily supported with moderate activity, stocks being very small. While the heavy-weight season has been a disappointment in many re* specie, most of the New Englaud mills have been kept antler full headway until now. Ohio fleeces hsve sold in larger quantities than last week, and Michigan wool is in some request. Delaines and combings are quiet. Little is doing in Territory selections, ard the demand for foreign wool hs* reached no great propor tions. Current quotations are as follows, in companion with last year and the year before: Man 30. May 18. May 17. 1887. 1888. 1SS9. Ohio A Pa. X.31&&C. '38t4'29c. 32c Ohio A Pa. XX -3*431 -‘*<*30 33933 O. A Pa XX and above.3193ft 30 :ci$M Michigan X.—. i*<(43l 3*5*.,<437 ,’0431 Delaine, Flue Ohta..3S*&> 33<4;« 3.t<436 Combing No. 1 .....:C<439 &> *8439 Texas spring, 13 mouths. ..30**33 17r*33 30(433 The sal** of the week at Bosloa are re ported at l,7tv>,tnKi lbs , n-* against 2,241,* 400 lhs. last week and 1,544,700 lb*, in the corresponding we* k a year ago gkafton. , HrOraw'i K<nlpnttlan Cr«»te» » sensa tion— L*>cal Nvwii Frinunal Sjx<iai CurrTtsunnutenet of iht Reqtftet. Gkakton, W. Va., May 1!*.—Yonr spe cial telegram from Washington giving Hon. John T. McGraw’a le-ignalion, as it lies iu the hands of the President, cteated a sensation here, as no oue, eveu his immediate iriends, expected such a coarse. Democrats, however, concede it a wise and proper decision on the part of the ever-pleasant Colonel, while Republi cans who expected depatysbips, clerk ships, ksagerships and numerous other ships see the “handwriting on the wall,’’ namely, the las* glimmering hope of their idol, S. P. McCormick, fade and vanish Sam has paid no attention to reporta of A. B. White’s selection aud baa persist ently held to the idea that he ia the larg est man in the g. o. p. of West Virginia, b ii ring noue, and therefore would get vindication. Workmen are engaged in quarrying and catting stone for the abutments and piers of the suspension bridge that will span the river an 1 railroad tracks between Grafton an*l W*st Grafton, iheioby connecung the two towns aud giving the farmers of the we-t side facilities for marketing their products, no matter what the stage of water may be. The game of base hall between the Adelsoiis, of this place, and the Arctics, of Parkersburg, to be played here on May 30, promi> * to tie a lively struggle as both clnbs are in active framing, and so far as the home team is concerned, “eager and auxion* for the fray.’’ We nndera.and that the Arctics hav» employed a Wheel ing catcher named G lode, as Parkersburg contains no one who is able to hold Crow ley’s cannon curves. Mayor Chambers has been doing an • Oklahoma” business since he took hold ot the reins of government, he having col lected no lesi than $2,‘>0 in tinea since April 1st. About fifty members of Hiawatha Trib.s No. 9, 1 6. K. SI., accompanied by the Grafton corset band, went down to Kowelsbnrg Saturday aud instituted a new Tribe to be known as Pawnee Tribe No. 12 A grand time is reported. The G. G. schedule changes this morning, the tram leaving at 9:20 a. m. and returning at 5 p. in. This will give the people of Phillippi and Beverley their mail one day earlier, and passengers from Wheeling can leave home at 4:30 in the morning and be iu Phillippi at 11 a. ni., besides it will send the Kki.istkk np on the day of publication. The new schedule of the B. & O. gives great -»u infliction to the people here, as it brings taeir Kki.Istkr- as early as city folks enjoy the same. All Ukuistkes for Clark burg, Weston, Buckbanuon and other points reach their destination six hours earlier, as the officials have decided to hold train No. 3 for transfer. Keno Post No. 7 are making extensive GPf i ooi/sh fflsn. TAKE A WOMAN'S ADVICE. This t* Q"*y the second time in ei«ht weeks tha* I hate had to polish my boot*, and yet I had hard | ! work getting n«y husband to etto up his old blacking brush, and the annoyance of har n« the paste black hue rub off on his pants, and adopt Wolff sACMEBIacking i i A raaacifieeot Deep HlarU Polish, which lasts I on M.u's boots n week, and on TV omen’s a month. I WOLFF A. RANDOLPH. PHILADELPHIA. d rills HARNESS. Most women naturally look lorwnra in matnmonv a« their proper sphere m Ife. b«t th“v should constantly l*ar in mind that a fnir fu.v, bright eyes, and a healthy, well-developed form, are the last passports t • i happy marriage. All those wanting din* ,.,,lers weaknesses, and functional irregulari ty . H-euliar to their sex. destroy beautJ an l attractiveness and make life miserable. An unfailing sp*.iftc tor th.-sc maladies is to lx- found m I»r. Pierce's favorite 1 rcserintt.jti. ii j, the onlv medicine tor women, sold l)> druggists, under a positive guarantee from tin- manufacturers. that it "ill si\o satisfaction in every case, or room y will be re funded. This guarantee has bet u printed on tne tsittle-wnippcrs. and faithfully carried t.ut for many years. 81.(11 t>er llottle, or mi Dottles r«>r $5.uo. Copyright 1886. t»y Woai.n'S ms. Mst>. Ass’tt. DR, PIERCE’S PELLETS Purely Vegetable ! Perfectly Harmless ! UNEQUALED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to take. One tinv. Sugar-coated Pellet a dose, bures Sick Headache. Ililious Headache, t <>"Stipa tion. Indigestion, Ililious Attacks, and all de rangements of the Stomach and liowels. 25 cents a vlul. by druggists. preparations looking to the observance of Decoration Day, May :50th. In all forty two bands have been invited, being fur nished free transportation hy the B * O. The Morgantown cadets and nnmerons militia will also he on hand. At the Xa t onal cemetery tbe oration will be mane by B B Doveoer. Hotels, restaurants and private booses will he thrown open to feed the hnngry. Excursions will he rnu on all roads and quite a crowd is ex pected. Col. Veeey, ex-State Inspector ot Mines, is engaged in laying out into town lots the old Fair Grounds, belonging to Hod. J. T. McGraw. Geo. Woodford, tbe hoonced-to-make room-for-a Republican postal clerk, on the G. & G , is learning the railroad husice-8 under Mr. Allen, agsut tor the above road. ST ABC H grows sticky—common pow ders have a vulgar glare. Ptzzoui’s is the onlv Cornplsxiou Powder fit '"or use. 1)1 Kl>. STKRRETT—On Saturday, May isth, 1889, at 8 o’clock a. m., Mrs Hannah ^tkrrktt. Funeral from her la;e residence, No. 151 Six teeuih street, Monday, May 20, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock p. m. Friends of the tamily aro invited to at tend. Interment at Peninsula cemetery. MOONEY —Sunday, May 19, 1889, at 12:16 p. m . Rxyman. youngest son of John and Annie Mooney, aged 2 years and 3 days. Funeral from the residence of parents, No. 76 Eleventh street, this (Monday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends are invited to atteud. Inter ment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Ml BE JDEMOVED. Louis Delbrugge Sc Co Merchant Tailors, have removed from 2159 Main street to >'«». 2200 .Vtniu Slrecl. Just re eeived, a complete line of Suitings. Pantaloon trgs and Overcoatings, consisting of all the latest patterns ami shades for Spring and Summer wear, which we are prepared to make up in the t-est possible manner at the most reasonable prices. A perfect lit guaranteed. rayle.ulb JpOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Convenient and commodious suburban resi dence, with sixteen acres of land, located in Marshall county, two and one half miles from cltv line, on Moundsville mad Railroad station within tive minutes' walk. Fine bearing fruit tree-, and grapes, anil vouug orchard and vine yard eomlng on. All necessary outbuildings etc. Entire property underlaid with valuable coal vein. Excellent location for dairy. Will be sold at about half value if taken before May 1st Apply to F. P. McNeil No. 1222 Market street. mrjoeod-g.tdh_ JjUBM WAGONS. 1 he Brown Wagon in six different sizes. The Milbum Hollow Steel Axle Wagons. Anyone wanting a good Farm Wagon to sell to their trade, should write to us at once for prices and territory. The above Wagons are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Should there be no Agent in your vicinity for tbcse Wagons, semi your orders in tous, and they will receive prompt attention. R. K. GRIFFKN & <X).. apt* n.'O Main St., Wheeling, W. Va. FREE TICKETS To Europe, nor town lots thrown in, witli grocer ies and teas, btit GROCERIES, TEAS AND FLOUR at astonishingly low prices. Orders by mail, tele phone or in person quickly ■ ttended to, at H. F. BKHRKNS’, 2217 Market Street. Or, Cor. Jacob and Thirty-eighth St. mv'.i JOHN FRIEDEL, IMCOKTKK AND PKAI.SP. IK China. Glass and Qneensware, Lamp Goods, Chandeliers, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Ac., Ac. Illtt Wntn Nt.. anil II** Waler SI., my 11 Wheeling, W. Va. HEAVY SHEET IKON WORKS, Chimneys. Britchens, Tanks, Lifel>oats, and all kinds of Rolling Mill, Glasshouse and Steamboat work. Estimates fur nished on application. C. H. MILLER, my 17 1126 Water Street PINE APPLE HAMS. WK ARE THK ONLY DEALS! IN THE city who handle this celebrated brand of hams The finest cured. Order one from us. our goloTjst flour Makes whiter and sweeter bread than any other brand of flour. Try it. Fresh Roasted Coffees & Pin e Teas. A FINE COFFEE AT SSe. CONNER & SNEDEKEjfc, i aplT Or. Market and Fourteenth Streets. TO THE TRADE! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE JUST OPENED THKIR New Wholesale Grocery Rouse, 1505 MAIN and 1508 SOUTH STS., Which they have stocked completely with all the staple and other lines of goods contained in that line. All goods are NEW AND FRESH And will be disposed of at the correct market notch. Patronage Sohcitea From the trade Respectfully, Ac. WATERHOUSE BROS. ap21dqesb U*in \ I f ANTED—TO BORROW \ - term of 2 to s jears. on eliJ’ Ml estate value 1 at $3,000. Address BORROW KK, MW TEB office. __3 ^ . . ANTED”— OOATMAKKRS - JONK BCT \ • good hands need apply. Aa<1r^* 'e,1" LOOK HA KT. Washington. Ba._mf‘-—.. v^vnK rkn’T_DESIRABLE STORK ROOM ON P Main street, ; o th end BenwOKl. Apply to CH AS H. SEA BRIGHT, on premises aplKeadli , v)R SAI K OB RKHT-AT XLM GROVB, A H Howe containing ten toonMLnatura gas three minutes’ walk from the depoG on llttl/ acre of ground. Enquire of W. J. BKUV>«. myHeatlta___ vir \ N T El > -AT )N< y A GOOD BAKER TO \V work as second hand. Good waK‘"- in quire at this office.mr17t VI^ANTED- FOR CALIFORNIA, A MAN W who thoroughly understands the mami factore of Tomato < at-sup. None but an At man need apply. Adtlre^. giving refcrcuj-es and fnU i.artii uldTK Al)KLhl>ORKKR> BRANDtri srKI N, No. 17 First Street, San Krai cisco, Cal. my 16a __ \ V '"ANTED—STEADY, RK1.IABLK MAN FOR VV a permanent position, with au old estab lished linn as their representative in his own spate Salary. H70, with increase. References evaded Address Gen. Manager, Rock Box i.vtH. n. Y. _ ap22oawb_ ►NOTICE. We, the undersigned, beg to Inform the voters of Fultou, thsl we withdraw our names as can didates for School Commissioner}), at the election to te held at Fulton on Tuesday, May 21st, 1889. LOUIS ORTH, my20q_AUGUST 8CHUKTZNKK. Notice—Ohio River. All persons concerned will lake notice that the piers ami ivor structures ot the bridge of the wheeling and Harrisburg Railway Company ot West Virginia, over the Ohio River, near the head of Wheeling Island and the Feny ,au‘\ln*8 at Wheeling, W. Va., a d Martin’s terry, Ohio, ate now in process 'VTcWHRAN, President W. * H. Ry. ( o. of W. Va. PAIGE, CARY & CO., mytrOz Contractors JEWETTS ' REFRIGERATORS, With the patent (told Air Blast, securing the coldest Refrigerator in the market, with lees consumption of ice than any other. To not fall to call and examine them before purchasing. NESBITT & BRO., my20 1312 Market Street. ^ CLEVELAND & PITTSBUKG K. K. Under schedule in effect May 12tb, 18M* trains leave Bridgeport, Ohio. Central Standard Time: For Pittsburgh, Chicago and Cleveland, 4:50 a. m. For Pittsburgh, 10:22 a. m. For Chicago and Cleveland, 1:12 p m. For Pittsburgh and New York 2:54 jt. m. For 8teubenville, 8:33 a. m. Trains arrive at Bridgeport at 7:53 a. m , 10:18 a m. 12:28 p m , 4 37 p. m., and 7:52 p in. On Sat urdays oulv, for Hast Liverpool, 6:14 p. m., from East Liverpool, 11:12 p. m. A. L. WALLING, Ticket Agent, my20Bridgeport. Ohio. I~) E G U L A K TUESDAY PACKET It for Parkersburg, Pomeroy. Gal- ir-p. - linoils Ironton, Huntington, i'orU- Lwww month, Majsville, Cincinnati aiv Louisville. The elegant passenger steamer —ANDES,— Chas. Muhleman, Com'r, Mart F. N< 11, Clerk, will leave for above points on Tuesday, May 21. at :t o’clock p. m.. sharp Fas engers and freight receipted through to all points West and South. For freight or passage a ply ou board or to mvJOr FRANK BOOTH. Agent. STOCKHOLDERS’ M EETI NO. Notice is hereby given that Wednesday, June 5th, A 1). 18S9, commencing at :> p. m.. has been appointed as the time, a d the office of Catdwell & Caldwell, attorneys at law, over the German Bank, on Market itreet, in the city of Wheeling. West Virginia, as the piace, for holding a general meeting of the stockholders of the People's Coach Company, to elect a Board of Directors, make by laws, and transact any other busiuess which may lawfully he done by the said stockholders in general meeting A meeting o' said stockhold ers for the purposes aforesaid will he held at said time and place. GEORGE WISE, JAMES B 'IANEV JNO. (4 HOFFMAN. SB., GEO. B. CALDWELI., ALFRED CALDWELL, LOUIS C ST'FEL, J. N. VANCE, W. A. WILSON, A. C. EOERTEK, J. G. HOFFMA N. Jk. Corporators. May Isth. A D. 18S3, _maylS-25-jul VTOW IS THE TIME TO PREPARE FOR IN the heated term which will be here in a »hort time, and the best way to do it is to eo to B. F. CALDWELL'S and get one of his Ice King Refrigerators, also Ice Cream Freezer and Water Cooler. These he has on hand in gnat variety, and at Low Prices. Call before purchasing elsewhere* ami la* convinced of the superior qtial iiy of his goods in that line. All goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. It. F. OAI.DWEI.L, No 1507 Main Street, near B. &Q Depot. mySdAec JUST RECEIVED! ANOTHER I.or OF Elegant Suitings RANGING IN PRICE From $25.00 to $35.(h». Also, Black. Blue, Gray and Mixed Oh viots, all or which will be made up to older at the very lowest casli prices. Give ns a call and be convinced as to our Superior Workmanship and low prices. C. H, WHEELER SON. No 1331 MARKET STREET. Up fairs. K<*illy Block. mvl7eadq TjiOR 8A \jK. At low price1? and on easy terms. Choice Building Lots on Wheeling Island. JOHN P. GILCHRIST, jatiw.wecUF’-! 43 Fifteenth Street. TXAMMOCK WEATHER. We have more styles of Cotton, Manilla mid Jute Hummocks, than have ever been shown in the State. Prices to suit everybody. Mail orders promptly at tended to. STANTON & DAVENPORT, inylt No. 1801 Market Street. Potato Bug Poison. Pure Paris Oreen -AT n. II. IiIST'8. myis Druggist, 1010 Main Street. $3.50 V._>^ DECORATED TEA SETS. Fine Quality English Ware. 56 Pieces EWINO BROS.. mv! - l.’l • Mark, i St.. op]. . Mcl.ure llom-e g^s»XOTICE. Hawkers, Peddlers, Commission and Forward ing Merchants or Merchandise Brokers, Powder Dealers, Owners of Bowling or Ten-Pin Alleys, Teamsters, Liverymen. Owners of Billiard Ta bles, Peanut or Fruit Venders, Lifting or Blow ing Machines, (or auy other device for the testing of skid, endurance or strength), Yankee Boys, Electrical or Galvanic Test Machines. Auction eers, Hotels, Shooting Galleries, Balls, Parties, Lectures and Entertainments, are hereby warned to take out their license before doing business, as 1 will be compelled to prosecute all violators. LOUIS DF.LBRUGGE, myisr City Sergeant. "“-WALL PAPER3*9 -BABY CARRIAGES■ DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS, INVOICE AND TRI AL BALANCE BOOKS, PENS, INK AND PAPERS, LETTER AND BILL FILES, AND ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY. The Largest Stock and Greatest Variety. Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices by JOSEPH GRAVES, myl7 So. 28 Twelfth Si reel. rjMiE Pittsburgh Dispatch, 15c per week: 20c. including Sunday. THE PITTSBCRGH TIMES. 6cper week. De livered anvwhere. Cheap library beok«: a large assortment. Peri odicals bv the year at publishers' prices. C. JH. QUIMBY, Bookseller and Newsdealer, mal6 Nos. 1414 and 1507 Market Street rpiE WORM CANDY Which will rid tout Children of those danger ous pests is called McLain's Vegetable, and has never failed to give satisfaction. Only 23 trills a box. Be sore and get the genuine, made by mylO ItUIK BROTHER*. Real Tortoise Shell!! We have jnsl opened a very lar*fe MHortnent of Heal Tortoise Shell Hair 1*1 ns, PwtT < oinbs ami Itaek Combs. All new and stylish shapes, and prlees extremely low. I. G. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS. m*r17 ). S. SIDES & CO. REAL WHITE Shanghai Silks, Just Opened at much less than Regular Prices, See our Special Numbers III 51c, 60c, 65c, and 15c Pei Yaid, INT E W Black Lace Flouncinp 40 and 62 inches wide. From $1.50 to $6,00. Handsome Black Diapeiy Nets, Fish Nets, -AND Pure Mewing Silk Grenadine, Now In Stock. NEW STOCK OF LA T08CA PARASOLS, Jl'.AT RECEIVED. »#-Sce our Special Bargain in Bilk Umbrellas Good quality Gloria Silk, Paragon Frame and Gold Tip. Price 01.2S. . J.S.RHODES&CO. 1152 Main Street. my 14_ ri EO. .1 MATH1SON, Heal Estate anil Insurance Agent, 1210 Clmpline St., WhoolinK. W. Vn. Special attention given to collecting rents, ac counts, &e. _mylw RRsercs* PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Ntreet WrPersoDal Attouilou (iiveu to all Sittings.-ti* ECLECMC PHYSIC'ANS AND SIMONS Ill's. MU88RR 4 MANI.KV, Office No. 2217 Main Street. S*-All eal s promptly responded to both night and day. vayob otephen mccullough, CONTRACTOR AND RUILDKK. Frame and Brick Buildings, tor A11 Carpenter Work and Building Prompt ly attended to. Terras Reasonable. Residence Vo. A2 Fifteenth St., Shop in Rear, feth NOTICE. Having turned over our WINDOW SCREKN Itl SIVKSS for the present Season in Mr John Robb, a thorough mechanic, with headquarters at our store, we won d ask customers to kindly send in their orders or inquiries early, tlia he may l*e enabled to serve all and fill orders promptly. m:o. *%. joHKSnN’N mjt! 1210 Main Btroel. QHAS T. PARISH, Contractor and Builder. All classes of carpenter work neatly and promptly attended to. Estimates furnished upon application. Address, ip 1315 ■oCOlXOCH 8IMWT. SCHREI6ER GREEN HOUSES, 173 X. Front Street, Islitnd. Furnishes at short notice Potted Plants, Flowers and Other Ornaments. Wt'tll Flower* » K|»wi»l(y.‘M mrlfisb_____ SPECIAL BARGAINS —IN— Stair Carpel tor 15c, a Yard, REMNANTS of BRUSSELS Very Cheap, 500 New Window Shades at HENRY JACOBS’, Second Floor, above Jacobs Si Ucnberg. my 11_ Mareobrnner, Menfrnn Mitch, Krbacker, Nelr Steiner, I-tin be n be liner. —CHAMPAGNES— Pomery A ftrctto See, Due de Montebello, «• Mn in in t, Roneliee Nee, Gold Se»i, Oalifornia Wines and Olarete. P. WEtTY & OC., VHOLBHALR Llqi ORS do?_ ft a •*"' 11>. 'Mil. so beat He ii 3X 11!»"HJ. 1 'ample fnc 33*® _____ HO! FOR THE GREAT WEST VIRGINIA —STATE— At Wheeling, W I/a., Wednesday, May 29. FOUR TROTTING, PACING AND RUNNING RACES. drawl Exhibition or agricultural Implement.. M.cnincrr, Ac., »IH be made bj promlnon! """dECORATION DAY. THURSDAY. MAY I.O.-Tbrc Turning. Pan*. am. B"'FRroAY MAY 31.-3Trotting, P.clug.wl Sunning llonwac.lw. at l«p. ». Katca on all rallwaya cpeml cnftaclom Mag - Am H p.^ ^ ^ GEO. HOOK. Sec'y_ TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I _____ _ ,hnf thp time has come when the good people of this 1-k r TT TT TV OWN muntry ha™ < eiNHl to entm-t their interests in the S ulo'S throng Urn FURNITURE and CARPET DEPARTMENTS —of— ARBENZ & CO., 1115 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va., FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS. ♦i-Call and see the celebrated FOLDING LAWN CHAIR9, ROCKERS AND SETTEES -%• in vh1 ■■ Jlcu: u*oous—JjL ^aglor. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT TO-DAY'S OPENING OF PARISIAN ARMURE, l’KAU-DK SOIK, FAILLES, AND INDIA SILKS, -AND by tlie yard, will make this department the most attractive in the State. We open also and place on sale this morning our new im portation of Lace Curtains, Oriental Cheneille Portiere Cur tains, also the Now Orakona Curtains, together with New Che neille Covers, all in choice designs and at prices that cannot fail to please. We would also cal! attention to our 56-inch long Lace Wraps. Beaded Wraps, Cloth Wraps and Jersey Jackets, to gether with a full line of Embroidered Fichus. CENTEMERI KID GLOVES I We have just opened a complete assortment of the cele brated Centemeri Kid Gloves of which we are the Sole Agent in the City of Wheeling. Our price lor the best five-button col ored is the same as that charged by Messrs. P. Centemeri &. Co. in New York, viz: $1.35 per pair. Each pair of the genuine bears the name of P. Centemeri & Co. on the inside. As the supply of this particular make of gloves is inadequate to the de mand, we would advise an earlv selection. RIBBONS! With this late arrival of new goods we received a large and complete stock of the best Satin Edge Gros Grain and Morie Ribbons manufactured, in all widths and colors, including the widest Morie Sash Ribbons. In this advertisement we would call attention to our new stock of Fans. Satchels, Purses, Pocketbooks, Razor Steel Scissors, Parabola Needles. Persian Trimmings, Laces, Em broideries. Hosiery, Corsets. Silk Mitts, La Tosca Parasols, &c., together with a complete stock of HOUSE-KEEPING GOODS OF THE BETTER GRADES. Special attention is invited to our unusually large and varied stock of BLACK GOODS, embracing Priestley's 40-inch Silk and Wool Henriettas, Railroad Cords. Satin Stripes, and Nun's Veilings to match the Henriettas. Also 65-inch wide Chantilly Dress Laces, Fish Nets and Brussels. —DAILY ARRIVALS ALWAYS ADDING SOMETHING NEW GEO. R. TAYLOR. (6. ffleiulfl & o' BOHLIirGEE’S -- -ilMHlOVED}- ■ H lace Curtain Stretchers ffl wm * I 0 8 x 1 O E5 I an CUT Of FOIOINO FRAME. Will Save vou Money, Time and Lahor. EvPIlV 1 lolSF. KF El'FK SllOILD H.WJ4 0:»S J auy loUy c.iu operate them. For Sale By G, MENDEL & CO., No. 1124 MAIN ST , -DEALERS IN Carpets, furniture, Undertaking, 4c, OPFH A hottst;. Friday, May 24th. RETURN OFIhiTfAVORITE. The most Popular Comic Optra of tie . ent day. Willard Spenser's I*tr pe.ual Success, THE LITTLE TYCODi! Illustrated by a greater, gander aud hei - pany than ever, Including the f comedian and origin Gonera: Knickerbocker. R. t. Graham and J. Aldrich libb, LLOYD WILSON. JOSEPH MBALKY, J. K. McHOVRllV, CATHERINE LINYARD, MAMIE CERP.I, HATTIE \\i\nin (Jordons Costumes ! Augmented Clmn, Spenser's (hvi Orchestra. «•-Admission, 75 and 50 cents. Reserve: #1.00 Sale of seats commences Wednesds ‘/id. at C. A House’s music storei £0! #a*.r [I'l'K BA I K Deairs e Buildii F feet, west side S. nroadway. betseeu . *,-d Virginia Streets. Apply to' F. 8W K; No. 1301 Main Street rayl •* QTOCK FOB SALE I oiler for sale from #12,000 tnSIC.OOO worth of stock in a long established manufacturing iti>:. tutlon. which has been In successful ojarratlon near this city for many years, and pay' easth percent. JA1Q8 i.. HA55' ay n 142# Main -■ j^pOK SALE OB EXCHANGE I will sell or exchange for a farm near V\ ing, a piece of property in Marlin's Ferry, (H consisting of a lot of ground 50x100 ft,’ , two story fratno dwelling of nine room investment will pay 10 per cent. Apj.: W. H. KIN KHAKI ap/ih 1162 Market'tree JP<)RSA‘/E. An Elegant Brick House, Centrally looa ed, containing 'cu ruoui Ished attic. hot and cold water, rutun. tiflclal gas: ground 58x125feet Two-st<-• newly painted and rooted, six room* gas, <SC.; ground 25x1'’-0 feet. OEO. J. MAI 111 tiN myl'ra 1210 Cbapllnc► / K )M M ISSN INERTS P \ I I V J MAKKKT STKKKT PROPERTY. John J. Jones, administrator of | James H. Robinson, dec’d, 1 v* Mary V. Robinson et at. lu pursuance of a decree of theC*rcult of Oliio county, made in the above entitle, on the 23d day of April. IKsa, the under* Special ommissloner will procedl t. ►< public unction, at the north ljont door o Court House of Ohio eonnty, on PATURDAY, JUNK 1, lSh’J, beginnirg at 10 o'clock Am, the middle m third of lot Lumbered one huiidr- ■ 1 twenty-two (122) on the east side of M . k street, between Tenth and Eleventh Mr the city of Wheeling, with the throe mc building thereon, and being the same stor- . erty which Raid James H Robinson oe- op: 1 < the lime of his death Terms oe Salk—One third of the i in money, ai da* much more as the rurchs elect, to be paid in rash on the day of • the esiduc in twocijual credit instaiu •-i six au 1 twelve montlis from day of sale. - terest thereon from day of sale uob - wu \ p- • >i,ual security to Ite given by the purchaser title re ained until the purchase money .« . and a conveyance directed by the Court A J. CLARKK Special Ommissioui:. J. C Hervkv, Auctioneer. 1 hereby certify that iiond and security to lieen given by the mid *pi <’fal (oinmisMoiu r» | required by Isw. JOHN W. MITCHELI malt'-Tti.sat.Tii-i Clerk of the Circuit« TpOR SALE. E1 Double Brick, 4 rooms on cither side. I joxljo No. is*and l'jo Eighteenthatreot. I*rl«•. J'JOO each, or !l,64sj for both. Frame Home, 7 rooms; lot I*x6t; go il < very fair bouse; No. 1W> Jacobatrcel. Cheap cun. Kino two story brti-k, 7 or s rooms; cv. convenlenec; No. '.»i PoaimUi street terms and particulars apply to. CAMPBELL A CO., Heal Kstul L nt» myl<> DOS Maritet Street. Wheoltnr Koli SALE OR EXCHA WE My 4'onntry Plan1 •( Mm <•*"*•• luuge house. Barn, Ac. Hint; water. Five aero*. A.-ll impi >''■ It FOUHEH, No lt«t Chavltm Hl TpOR SALE OR 1 Tl.e two story’ Brick Dwelling li .use of * rod situated and known a* No. 'Jfr'Xl Cliapline sin at the northwest comer of Pwenty sixth a Cliapline streets. Heated and lighted by y For terms, Ac , apply to W H. RINEHART. up!Mi Real Estate Agent, lift! Market *t .for IDOK RENT —TWO Kt’RNIBHED K<> P with or without bond, at Virginia ap2s_ HtOR RENT-DWELLING UOt’riK No. teentb street, comer of Koil street, a i toW H RINEHART, 116.! Market street. « P<)K RENT. Tho room on the northwest corner of Main a I Twelfth street, now occupied by tlio West. Onion Telegraph Company. Possession A| I tetim Apply at PEOPLE#’ BANK Or to Tho*. O’Bbikn_J M. REILLY, — WHOLESALE Grocer, Pork Packer, INI) C'UKKR OK THK Celebrated "Strawberry Hams," 1309 and 1311 Main St., WHEELING, W. VA. My owucure of Choice Bmoked Heats •!• i ■ daily from my Pork House at Mai Chester. The LARGEST STOCK O’ GENERAL GROCERIES IN THE STATE. SOLE AGENT IN THIS < IIV H>K l.e\ HiiieggU fuc) Williams & Son’s Choir* Eawi'y t "• Taylor's Rest Choir* Kamil) ',l"uv HKAIMH'ARTERN H* TAYLOR'S PATENT AND FAMILY fLU HEADQUARTERS KOK Til I Celebrated "ALAROMA” Coffee, 1 Agent for Dupont’ tn<1 HI a# tin* Powder BALL’S CORSETS are Boned Vtitli KABO w- I - mm ■ ’ - i I F FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Chicago Corset Co* CHICAGO and NEW YORK. mr l-tootUdib