Newspaper Page Text
HfljrfJmg Jfcgisfrr WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Prmushers and Proprietor#._ JAS. B. TANEY, General Manaoee. TERMS: PEP. YEAR, BY' mail powtab* prepaid DAILY, six -lavs in the week .. ** « LAILY. three day*in ‘be week. $ £ >AILY, two day* in the week---* " >AILY. one day In ihe week.... ‘ * WEEKLY, one year in advance...— 1 WEEKLY, six mouth#----—-— DELIVERED BY CARRIER DAILY, per week u> be j<aid weekly- 15 DAILY and SI'S DA Y per week.... '* The DAILY will be delivered by carrier in SINGLE tlOPIEBOF DAILY OR WEEKLY 5 **-< okresposdrsce containing important NEW* SOLICITED FRO* EVERY PART OF THK *CR ROCMDINO COl'NTBY. . , Rejected communitmtlon# wir. no! he returned unleM accompanied by sufficient postage. Stamps of trw .lecomluatiou of two cent# and iv Accepted for amount# lwa than oue dollar. THt REGISTER •-m.lrarmo it* eermleihtum*, Umierrt nt the Ptmki/kt in w eeeomt m ‘liter. Don’t neglect to vote for the stone bridge ordinance next .Saturday. A BRIDGE must he boilt at Main street. Why not hnild the beet and the one that will prove the cheapest—a stone bridge Those who think Pennsylvania Kailroati stock is declining on account of losses by the late flood don’t know the strength of that corporation. Thk wealth of the city and connty ac cording to the conntv assessors ie $19, <20. 040 an increase of $114,000 over last year, an excellent showing. Go TO the polls early on Saturday and take your neighbor with yon to vote for the -tone bridge ordinance It requires a three-fifth majority vote to carry. The proper kind of an iron bridge at Main street, would cost neat ly as much as the proposed stone structure, would not be anything like as good nor last n sixth as long. A BILL to abolish the poll tax as a qual ification for suffrage was beaten the other day in the Hon-e of the Massachnsetta Legislature by a vote of Ht> to 101. All the negative votes bat one were Republican. Owing to the lack of a Governor in Pennsylvania things are still in a lament able state of nncertainiy in the Cone maagh Valley. It begins to look, how ever, as if the number of lives loot would not reach 5,000. It may be much Ices. By recent legislation the city of New York is authorised to expend daring the next three years $1 o»¥»,0t*» on repair- and new pavements. The discussion as to the kind of pavement to be used i- likely to cnlnnoate in a big war. Granite blocks seem to have the call for down town busi new streets and asphalt tor uptown resi dence streets. Hkrk is the bulletin that was posted in front of the New York Mail ami Express office last week: “Relief for the sufferers-JfuR wt Express, JS.ouO. Who next'' Mr« William H. Vamler l)l!l 5H®>». Who next? Mrs. Elliott F. shep anl, 51,000 Who next: Mr- William D. Sloane, JJ.OOO. Who next? Visa M. Ionise Shepard, y. »> Who next" M v, Edith -hepard. 5l'iX Who next ' Miss Alice V. Shepard, 5100 Who next" Elliott F. Shepard. Jr.. St'»». Who next? Ml» Manruer!:. Shepard, fioo. Who next: Anonymous, 51." UntrsU (or Xiiftoyovorwl Up i.v the Genesaee Vall*y. New York, there is jnst such another death trap as the Conemangh reservoir. The Genessee res ervoir was, also, formerly the feeder of a canal, and has since been maintained for the pleasure of a few wealthy idlers. The people of the Geneasee Valley, which in cludes the town of Oleau, are protesting against the maintenance of the n^ele-* death trap. They h*d better go up there, ran the water olf that pond, and blow np the dam. _ The incapable and assimne Governor of Pennsylvania still continues to receive merited condemnation, even from papers that helped elect him, for hi* neglect to take action for the leliet of the Johnstown sufferers, and his refusal tu call au extra session of the legislature to provide proper sanitation for the stricken district, rhe Pittsburg Dispatch re Marks: We feel pistuied In expressing «ir belief that the universal opinion of Western Pennsylvania concerning Governor Reaver ii a deep and abiding regret that he cannot be a candidate tbr re-election. _ It is the opinion of the Ne Y 'rk <”’<«« merrial Bulletin *hat “the cirr-n; of indus try in this couatrv has brought us to the vergeof cocd'tioo i in which we shall in evitably have a Urge and constantly in creasing surplas of manufactures; which, aniens a foreign market can bo found for them, must precipitate a ruinous indus trial collapse.” These same markets of the world are what Republican demagogues ridiculed during the campaign. Neverthe less they are the only remedy for the de pressed condition of American imlastriee which are producing more rapidly than this conn try can consnme. This issue will not down. Thk tax oa wool has well nigh killed the woolen industry in the l mted States, and consequently palled down the price ol the wool-grower's product to the lowest notch Tm« fact has Anally dawned npon the Manuf hUrcr, a leading protectionist org>n. It says: •It is foolishness to expect an Insolvent estate to pay 100 cents on the dollar It is no less foolish to expo-t the manufacturer to buy the American crown wool at the foreign price of it* equal, with duty added, unless he can sell the goods made from it at a profit, this he eanuo, U» while the very operation of the law throws Into the hands of his foreign competitor cheap wool Could he compete forthU wool, he would com: el bn ri\ al to pay a greater price or take It himself." .Vr thk special session of the Board of County C munitioners vesterday aa mr po.tant subject was hroached. A commit tee from the Chamber of Commerce asked that the B>n»rd reconsider i s former acliou subscribing $1,000 to the «tock of the new company formed to bore for gas in this vicinity, with a view to making the amount $10,000. Accordingly the Board * action fixing the tax levy is held in abey ance till the wishes of the people can be ascertained. With this end in view a mam meeting will be held next Saturday night at the City Hall. It should be well attended by the business men and tax payers for the subject is one of much im portance. If action favorable to the 000 subscription is taken the tax levy will he fixed at 55 cent*, instead of the usual 50 o n Is. of Dalas is a combination of the active properties of date**, figs and p-nnes, and other tropi cal fruits. Its pleasant taste and beneficial effects have rendered it immensely popu lar. It cures habitual constipation, tudt ifestum biliousness, sick beadaeae, piles, etc Boldin 50 cent bottles by W. W. Ira n W E William-, John Laughlin, and C. B Goetse J. T. Goodwin A Co. and Ixigan A Co., Wholesale Agents. I LET US WORK TOGETHER There are several sources of opposition ?o the stone bridge ordinance, bnt little of this opposition is based on ifce alleged de merits of the ordinance. It springe from side issues that have nothing to do with the main question, hat are nevertheless being industriously worked. One ward or locality wants something, another some thing, and because Council has not yet | seen it* way clear to comply with these demands, the endeavor is made to stir op in torse localities a feeling of resentment and opposition to everything else in the line of ' improvement in the city. Even from the standpoint of thissort of opposition, is 1* wise? Will it result in benefit to any locality? Will it bring Council to a more favorable view of the demands ot the disgrnntled and revenge ful individuals? To ask these questions is to answer them. The opposition to the stone bridge ordi nance i« born of an unfortunate and rep rehensible spirit of revenge, that wonld work serions injury to the city, and espe cially to the localities whence it springs. Follow to its logical conclusion this pol icy ot knocking on the bead every thing else because certain ward* haven’t got what they want, and where will it land nsf Presently, we sh nld have each section of the city bitterly arrayed against every other section, the consequence cf which would be that no ore wonld get anything, and all improvement wonld stop. We cannot afford to engage in this child ish internecine strife, and the cliqne that is industriously fomenting it, is doing a work that is little short of criminal. The Rboistbr has at heart the interests ot the whole city. Improvement* are needed everywhere, and all will come in due time if we work together in harmony and do not oppose a n-s-essary public im provement because oar own particular de mand has not l»een attended to. This is a case in which to apply the in fallible golden rule Aid yonr neighbor and yonr neighbor will aid yon. Pursue the dog-in-the-manger policy of the oppo nents of the stone bridge ordinance and the results mast be disastrous all around. THK GUBK tXATORIAL CONTEST. A Tabulated Statement of the (tains and Lueses by Counties. social OorrfFpondcnfe of thf Reffirter. Chari.B-sTON, W. Va., Jnne 7.—The members ot the Soint Committee elected in the matter of the gubernatorial contest left for their respective homes to-day, the committee having adjonrned to meet at Gratton, on the B. A O. road, on Thurs day. June 13. On the ">th the committee adopted a resolntion hvan unanimous vote to meet at Oakland tor the farther con sideration of the matters referred to it The object of the mem hi rs of the commit tee was to select a cool and comfortable place for the consideration of the immense amount of work to be performed by the committee and at the same time giving them an opportunity to go to their homes at the end of each week, returning in time for the Monday session, which coaid not be done by remaining at Charles ton. Oa the following day counsel for Gen. Goff tiled a written objection to the committee considering the case withont the State, wberenpnn the committee, not desiring to rai*" ary local question of that -ort, reconsidered its action and fixed Grafton as its place of meeting for the present. It is qnietlv suggested here that the object of council in filing the objection was to require the committee to remain at n\* mlaaion. uu • *** " coousel, disregard1, g the convenience and comfort of the members of the committee. Thn* far the committee has disposed or the counties uf Barhonr, Bon ie, Cabell, Calhoun. Clay, Grant, Pocahontas, Fay ette, Greenbrier, Ohio and Randolph. (inf Fleming i «rj. /»»'. Im* Pocahontas........ Fayette.— ....— — ~ i.'veutirler . i ’bio . Randolph ...... •*> 10 A net itain of five votes for Gen. Goft. The committee has thonsauds npon thous ands of pa«ea of testimony to consider, which will take a lon« time to complete. Nr Cleveland’s Oontrthntlon. ExehcanK The Santa Barbara Hrrald publishes the f. Mowing letter from Grover Cleveland, - nt in response to a request for a contri bution in aid ot the new Methodist Kpis copal Chnrcb: Thk Victoria, (Nkw York.) \ April 8, 188* i .Visa A nnif 0. Fylf: Letter* like yonrs asking for help for churches and other worthy causes are sent >•» me so incessantly that I find it impossi ble to respond to them all. I am pleased, however witn vonr plan to do something or uive something for the money yon ask, nstead of being contented with merely asking for it I inclose yon $5, and in reinrn I expect yon to send me a nice card with some preity moe* pressed upon it. Don’t send me anything other than yon can well afford leaving yon a very large profit from the transaction. I expn t to pay well for what I get, and shall do donht he perfsctly satisfied with what you uee fit to send me. Yonrs trnly, Grovkr Ci.kvki.AND. [A similar request by the yonna la'ty was sent to President Harrison, and in re ;nin she received a letter, signed by Mrs. Harrison, inclosed in which was the sum of 1U cents. ] NKW CUMHKKIAND. rnrr(Hj.y’fU-nff of'H ttsMV* New Ci'MitKKi.\sr>, June 11.—Major Chapman last week appointed a soliciting commiitee in behalf oi the lin'd aofferers ,• Johnstown. Several bnndred deUare bave been collected and more mi*ht have been. Kicbard Ward, a merchant of this place. a«e»l about forty-nine wars, was hnned yesterday afternoon. His wife preceded hun last Jnlv. Tons a family of seven children are left in a lonely condition. No change ot postmaster yet at this place. The aspirants no donbt feel tired, Woiff'sACM [Blacking BEATS the World. It is the Beet HARNESS DRESSING The BEST for Man s Boots •* - “ Ladies’ u Children's “ insotrrKTT wATFKrnooF. 30F T EN5 and PRESERVES the Leather . > _ —. -J. >dr aifl't kMU <U*ld <1 .^*4 JZZuiTimX Sr-’~t nmiu. It make tbr ! , _. t durable r»«h«ii vrrr aa». hamK ul analrtll a black * ill’]' H,. wise and to >t Beoauae yvur s... \ br Otocera. Eh unr>»t*- «od Shoe Dfc Jam WOLFF & RANOOLPH. Philadelphia |WKp&|j GEAIl ANTEEJ>. Tt " only medicines ~ >1-1 by druggist*. under a uv' guarantee from their tuanutnef urerv mat they will do ju«t what is claimed fur tliem that is. benefit or cure in all msm „{ , uses for which they ure recommended, nr the monev paid for them will be promptly refunded arc Dr. Pierce's world-famtd spe r’fles. manufactured hv World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo. N. r. Dr Pierce's.den Medical Hisoovery cures nil diseases arising fro in. a torpid or deranged Uver or from impure Mood, ns Drspejisia, or indigestion. Pimples, Blotches. Eruptions, Sait-rheum. Totter. F.rygi|»-las, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swelling* Consumption, or Lung-scrofula, is al“<> cured by this won derful ruioedr, if taken in time. I>r. Pierces Favorite Prescription is the world-famed remedy for nil those chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements so common to American women. It is a moat potent, invigorating, restorative tonic, or rtretufth giver, imparting tot\e and vigor to the whole system, Aa a soothing nervine it U uncounted. See guarantee printed on the bottle-wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. Copyright. ISIS. 1)J WORLD'S PI*. MRD. ASSN. OFFERED „ \ iff for an incurable case of Oa a-*' tarrli in ttac Head by the proprietors of Dr. Rage's t'atarrh Remedy. Hy its mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of how long standing. By druggists. 50 cents. __ and any inquiry concerning it only pro duce* «’ look of disgust. Several hott'es of wrath are stored away, and when the time arrives to uncork somebody will get scorched. IN L.OVK WITH IIKH HAIR A Detroiter Harried Into a Divorce Suit by a Deceitful “.Switch." Dktkoit, June 9.—Oue of the most re markable divorce tiuds of the century has been begun here. Mrs. James Phyling recentlv began action against herhnsbaud, charging desertion, and praying for a de cree, with alimony. Late last night Pbvl ing filed an answer in which he sets lorth that he fell in love with the woman who is now his wife because of bet luxuriant hair and frequently told her so. After the marriage, which occurred a year ago, he found that every reference to her hair caused her to become angry, and he noticed that she would never mpk« ber toilet in his presence. This worried him, and oue day he climbed upon a chair, looked over the transom of his wife’s bondoir, and discovered that her ringlets were banging on the back of a chaw. The woman herseli was as bald as the ps'm of her hand. Phyling shrieked and his wife fainted When she recov ered she explained that she had lost her hair in a fire, but no explanation would satisfy him, and be left his wi’e in pos session of their home, taking up quarters htmself in another part of the city. He says h‘> can* ot livo with her. DIED. CALHOFX—Monday. June 10, lss9. at 1:30 ». in . Mrs. Mary J. Calhoun, relict of Marshall Calhoun, aged 17. Funeral from her late residence. No. 3722 Foil strret, Wednesday morning at 9:30 o'clock. In terment at Peninsula Cemetery. STOCKTON HOTEL, CAPS MAY, N. J. OPENS JUNE 15. RATES. $n and ft PER DAY Special rates by the week, mouth or sea son Newly painted, remodeled and unproved: 5. uMo expended. New Ball and Amuaement Room Cnltdren’s new Dining. Ball and Play Rooms, cuisine and service first class Elegant suites with parlor. bath muI closet. Orchestra of eleven ptec< s. Room plans at RLASIUn .<i SON s’ Piano Warerooms, CHESTNUTand ELEVENTH Streets. Philadelphia, Pa., up to June U. Dogs not taken. _ jef.toUc F. THKO. WALTON, i’roprietor. Q.EO. J. MATH ISON, Real Estate anil Insurance Agent, 1210 Chaplin© St., Wheeling W. Va. Special attention given to collecting rents, ac counts. &c. __myl5b_ TJAVE vor SEEN Our Case For Birthday Cards? With it we are able to display a large array of Prang's and Tuck's cards at a glance STANTON & DAVENPORT, my£\ No. 1301 Market Street. ^'LAIN’B Wheeling: Pills Are just what you need if you arc Bilious Dyspeptic, or have 'rouble with your Liver, and the nest thing about them is they < <>ni »in no Calomel. Be sure you get the genuine, which have our Signature on the outside label, rny-ls Mel. AIX BROTHERS. V^TEI’HEN M<’CU LLOUGH, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Frame and Brick Buildings. *»-All Carpenter Work and Building Prompt ly attended to. Terms Reasonable. Residence No. 42 Fifteenth Bt.* B vnReir. felh _ To You, if You Sell Groceries, 1413 a 1415 MAIN a 14IZ ft 1414 SOUTH ST? HEADQlARTh FOR ELECTRIC LIGHT FLOUR AXD OHIO VALLEY COFFEE. If contemplating a business venture iu “our line," don't hesitate a moment to requesting our “special inducement" to all new stores. JOS. SPEIDEL CO., j«3,.\7 Wholesale Grocers, Wheeling, W. Va. "VITANTED—A MAN WHO IS FAMILIAR with putting upenamelfd signs Leave address at this office. _Jftli 1 _ , fVn--ONMOyPAY, IPOT10tt. APO^^ i . book, containing a sum of money Kinder will confer a favor by leaving it at this office. jel2q____ TTIOR SALE-HAMBELTONIAN MARE, AGE }< ° years Enquire of HENRY HCGHEM Uy. TjX)R RENT-DESIRABLE STORK ROOM ON H Main street, no th end Ben wo .d. App*y U> CHArf H. SEA BRIGHT, on premlaea aplwadh i WANT A FIRST CLASS MAN, *HO W has been making three to five thousand dollar* a year 10 handle a staple article InWheel ine and vicinity, it come large. 1 argest house In the business in the United States. Address, '•Z.," this office.___jeev_ Wanted —for the united state? ARMY-Ablebodied men, between the ages of 21 and SS years. Goad pay, rations cloth ing and medical attendance. Apply at No. 1519 Market Street, Wheeling W. Va. my25satATn-toje80_ j^PECIAL Second Cabin Excursion To Paris, Antwerp, the Rhine, Switzerland and Italv, by the Magnificent Iron crew Steamer PENN LAND, lea lug New York for Antwerp direct, Wednesday, July 10 h * For tickets apply at H. F. BEHRF.NS , ie12 2217 Market Stieet. lyHITE MOUNTAIN Ice Cream Freezers. Will freeze cream in less time than any other make. Ask for the "White Mountain." NESBITT & BRO., jel2 1312 Market Street. -JJOWARITS LICK, Or Hnrdy Wlille ^nlplmr Spring* Will open June 20. Hotel remedied, enlarged and refurnished Sulphur Bath* and Bowling Alley* Daily mail. For terms and circulars. Address HOWARD'S LICK CO., jell Mooreiield, W. Va._ GoodsThat Make Customers For Us, Fresh Roasted Coffee that makes a good drink from the cup. Our Fine Teas and Pure Spices. Our Gold Dust Flour, the only genuine. Orescent and Queen Olives. , New York Cream Cheese. Pure Oil for Salads. Fine Head Carolina Rice. **>CALL ON rs FOR PICNIC GOODS.-g* CONNER <fc SNEDSKEK, jes cor. Markc^and Fourteenth Streets. rpHE Pittsburgh Dispatch. 15c per week;20c. incluiUng Sunday. THE PITTSBt’RfiH TIMK-S, fic per week. De livcred anywhere. _ . Cheap library b*nk«; a large assortment. Peri odicals by the year at publishers’ prices. C. H. QUIMBY, Bookseller and Newsdealer, mal6 Nos. 1411 and 1507 Market Street Great Bargain in Carpets We have the cheapest Caipets in the city. Everybody is able to buy for themselves a carpet for their Parlor, Bedroom or Kitchen. Floor and Table Oil Cloth lower than the lowest. Window Shades as cheap as can be bought, at HENRY JACOBS’, Second Floor, above Jacobs «fc Iscnberg. Junl __ HrH|DES& , REAL WHITE Shanghai Silks, Just Opened at much less than Regular Prices, See our Special Numbers It 5ic, EOc, E5c, and 75c Pei laid, 1ST E "W Black Lace Flouncing! 40 and 62 inches wide. From $1.50 to $6,00. Handsome Black Diapeiy Nets, Fish Nets, —AND Pure Sowing Silk Grenadine, Now In Stock. NEW STOCK OF IjA TOSCA PAR \S0LS, JUST RECEIVED. 4a*See our Special Bargain In 811k Umbrellas Good quality Gloria Silk, Paragon Frame and Gold Tip. Price 31.25. J.S.RHODES&CO. 1152 Main Street. myll UNIVEHSITf OF Kll. M’HHEK LAW I.KUTIKES (nine weekly) begin 11th July. 18S9, and end 11th September. Have proved or signal u«e,—1st, to students who dcs'gn to pursue their studies at this or other Law School; 2nd, to those who propose to read privately; and 3d, to practitioners who have not bad tire* advantage of systematic instruction. For circular apply (P. O. U niversity of Va.) to John B. minor,Prof. Com. audStat. Law. mySlwedAFrib QNK DOLLAR WILL Purchase a 4-Quart Cream Fteezer, And Seven Dollars »ill purchase a REGR1GE KATOR. Another lot Just received at B. F. CALDWELL'S, my26dA0 No. 1507 Main Street. Attention, Sportsmen! WK HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF BREECH LOADING CONS, including Rifle* of all kinds. and both Single and Double Barrel Shot Gun*, ranging in price fromM«0 <« •»«* cneh. Our ‘PRIZE MACHINE” GUNS are the best value for the monev in the world. Call and see them at I. G-. DILLON & CO.’S. We arc Headquarters for Loaded Shells. Je« --- MODNLIGHT JXCIIIISION WELLSBURG, -AND GRAND GONGERT! —ON— • Friday Evening, June 14, FOR TUB BENEFIT OF The Episcopal Church at Wellshurg. The STEAMER ABNER O’NEAL will leave Wheeling Wharf at I o’clock sharp. Tickets, including Excursion, Supper and Concert, $t 00 Reserved seals ai E. W. Bamner & Co.'s with out extra charge.___ ■REFRIGERATORS. We have still a good a soitment of Refrigera tors and Ice Chests In stock. Send for an illus trated catalogue. <;F.O. W. JOIINNOW’8 MOSS, ie1l 1210 Main street. just received! a large line of the Modoc Filter, not only clarifies but purifies the water. The cheapest, simplest and best Kilterer in the market. Call and see it. JOHW FBIEUEE 11PJ Mala A 1123 Water street*. ANCING LAMPS! Bracket Lamps, Burners and Chimneys of all kinds. EWING BROS. jell 1215 Market 81.. opp.. McLuro House. QRANGE BLOSSOM REMEDIES, at R. H. LIST'S. Tangle Foot Fly Paper at r r IJsra Flatol. The great Disinfectant, at R. H. LIST S, jell 1010 Main Street ATF. HANAUER'S CAN BE FOUND The Choicest of Picnic Luncheons. Just received, a large invoice of Potted Meats. Fresh Creamery Butter 25 cents. F. HANAUER’S, je3 No. 120'. Market St., Wheeling, W. Va. j^ASK BALL. Springfield vs. Wheeling, AT ISLAND BASE BALL PARK, Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 10,11 A 12. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 10 cents; Grand Stand, 10 cents; Ladies’ .Stand, 15 cents. Game called at 3:50 p. m. Je<,t important Notice. ON AC-’OUST OF THE LONG AND CON tiiiucd cool, wet weather, there wi l bj great danger of much sickness following the ad vent of hot weather The attention of house holders and the public is directed to the import ance of strict sanitary regulations, and frequent applications of lime, carbolic acid or other disin fectants to cellars, outbuildings and premises generally. Owing to the excessive coot .ruina tion of the Ohio River from precipitation iuto it of human bodies and the bodies of other ani mals, contents of privy vaults and other impuri ties, the drinking of the water is absolutely dangerous. Bolling all water used for domestic purposes for at least one-half hour, is strictly en joined as the only absolutely reliable protection. Persons wishing to make complaints about gar bage or other nuisances will confer a favor bv writing plninly the nature of complaint, names and number of premises, op a postal card, in stead of using the telephone. They will thus be sure to reach me, and their wants will receive prompt attention. GEORGE I. GARRISON, M. D., jfCh Health Officer. JDRICK! BRICK! We have now ready a large lot of Excellent Building and Paving Brick For SALE delivered in auy part of Wheeling or at any place reached by railroad. Get our prices by applying to us iu person or by mail. ROBINSON BROS.. je2rb Bellaire, Ohio SCHREIBER GREEN HOUSES, 173 N. Front Street, InIhihI Furnishes at short notice Potted Plants, Flowers and Other Ornaments. U*( iil Flowers » S|»erlaliy.*S* mrlfisb C.H. WHEELER & SON, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS No. 1331 Mnrket Street, (Room No. 1, Second Floor Reilly Block,) ma24edb WHEELING. TV. VA. QHA8. T. PARISH, Contractor and Builder. All classes of carpenter work neatly and promptly attended to. Estimates furnished upon application. Address, apgQrt) 121.5 WeCOl.l.OCIl STREET. ERRsens* PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street. •^Personal Attention Given to all 8ittiiufs.*¥* ^WALLPAPER-* -BABY CARRIAGES DAY BOOKS, LEDGERS, CASH BOOKS. INVOICE AND . TRIAL BALANCE BOOKS, PENS, INK AND PAPERS. LETTER AND BILL FILES. AND ALL KINDS OF STATIONERY. The Largest Stock and freatest Variety, Sold Retail at Wholesale Prices by JOSEPH GRAVES, No. 26 Twelfth Hires*. HEAVY SHEET IKON WORKS, Chimneys, Britchens. Tanks, Lifeboats, and all kinds of Rolling Mill, Glasshouse and Steamboat work. Estimates fur nished on application. C. H. MILLER, —mT^5 _1126 Water Htreet. RHINE WINES! Mareobrnner, (.lohfran JflG-b,’ Xrbackcr N«*lr Melnnr, Lan henheimer, —CHAMPAGNES— Penn-ry <t Hreno See., „ , Bar rts Montshelio, U. H. Nf nuim's, Bonrh*s Him Gold Heal, California Wines and Clarets. P. WELTY & CO. doa WHeu*AW nqt okh h^umitur* and _j FURNITURE AND CARPETS. I SPRING EXHIBIT—LATKST STYLES, f -Furniture 1 OR tho Parlor, Bed Room or Dining Room, in the La- , 1 test, Handsomest, and | Moat Desirable Woods, i Exquisite and Novel Designs. Choicest & Most Elegant Styles. Highest Perfection in Finish^and Greatest Desirability in Con struction^_— —— Carpets, Oilcloths -AND— MATTINGS 1 Do you ueod any? Now or In the near futon* Make a memorandum of the fact that we bar. The Stock, the Assortment, the Styles, the Low Prices, And we have both the facilities and the determination to J®"®*11^1® [^Cheaj^C * ^ Moquettea, Body Brussel*. Tapestry BruaselH, Ingrains, fro J £. Linoleum*, oilcloth*. Cocoa aud China Matting*, Rug*, Mat*, window Shade*. * Frew & Bertschy, 1117 MAIN STREET, WHEELING, W. VA. *^Special Attention to Undertaking and Arterial Embalming._nif,|i Rummer fl&oods—#ffl. & t ^t* _ GEO. E. STIFEL&CO., 1114 MAIN STREET. WHITE AND COLORED DRESS FABRICS «for Sommer Wbon* We have just received another lot of choice Challies and Satines, also choice Colored Embroidered Chambra Suits. The newest designs for Summer Suits. New Lawns. Nainsooks, Marseilles, Swiss and Hamburg Embroid ered Flouncings, Edgings. Dimity Bands, Irish Point, Ribbon and Hem stitched Embroideries. Have just opened another lot of Gloria Silk and Turk Satin Sun Umbrellas, with Paragon Frame and Carved Natural Wood, Gold or Oxi dized Handles. -FANS A New and Elegant line of Japanese Decorating Fans and Screens, ' Fine Cream. White and Colored Hand-Painted. Plain and Feather Fans, in j great variety. CURTAINS — A look through our extensive Curtain department will convince you i that the largest stock of Nottingham. Irish Point Brussels, Antique, Tambour, and Renascense Lace, Madras, Turcoman and Chenille Por- | tiere Curtains in the city is found at our store. - - — I 1 l I No. 1114 MAIN STREET. ‘ HER MAJESTY'S CORSET, and the FRANCESCO KID GLOVES are the best in the market. , <6. Sftendel & Co INK Dip Your Fen In the Ink! And write down the name and address of the firm that sells Carpets, Rags, Liaoleaas, Oil Cloths, Mattiags, &c., Ac., At prices that ars open to cornparrison with those of other firms that can be considered as competitors. "Write it Down! G. MENDEL & CO., No. 1124 Main Street. 4^9tore clows a 6 p. in., Friday and Saturday evenings excepted. Jor £at*. TpOB HALE—HMAI.I. BAKERY P fectionery Hanover Street, y,. O. Apply to M. (iAKRK iT. gTOCK FOR HALE. I offer for sale from 112,000 to *io//«) Wf)I , stock In a long e-ublixhed rnannftrtii- . tutlon, which haa been In xuen »>,) ^ near thin city for many years, and p„y. ’ percent JAMES I.. hawi sy ' _ap*> __ Main pV)R SALE. A Furnished CottftK„ At Moundavillo Camp Ground. On. - beat location* on the ground. Apply u, H. SEa Mon Jcllr ll.V) Water St.. w • The Hough House ftr T NTENPING TO RETIRE l’KRM«>,. 1. from the Hotel business after a plovment of thirty years, I nir.r f. terms, my hotel property at Ealri glnla, known ns tb> “HOUGH il1' The Hotel ia located at the Maliln . - and K. M. & railroad depot, an • lion o' the Fairmont and t'laik now being built. The lot contain. „ * ' *'• ground, with fine stabling tor lit. The barns have a capacity forom ■ 1 The house and outbuildings are in ...p ‘ pair, newly | a'ntni and reiitted »• n tour thousand dollar*. The watet plete and easily and conveoiently ?.■!>’ I will sell the hoiel property u together, or separately, and -lv m se aion. It ha* been, and is the i, „ thiasection. For ituormat'on m THOMAs HOI ,|| ’* je.tra Fairmont Marc ( J^pOR BA US. An Elegant Brick House. Centrally loea ed, remaining ten -nor- , l*hed attic hot and cold water, n«ui-H tlficial gas; ground *x newly painted and roofed, six room, gas, Ac.; ground 24x130 fe<*t, GEO. J. MAT] myl7ra 1210 Chaj FOR SALE. One two-story frame, six rooms; tion; good cellar; gas and w,.: r feet: lWO Onetwo story frame, five rooms h t . good location; ground il.xl'." f,-, • jj; . One four and on. 25x«0 feet; will pay twel ve I. -,, „,.' ■wat; W^OO One three-roomed oottag. cral fruit bearing tree' mi pr« r For k km Store room and dwelling ro ,'ivi y, . v, . wanted to mV Dwelling house With from eight to ten room within flvo m TO J OAN. 85,000 on gr«sf r... GEORGE i MAtiilSON my22t. J^OR SALE. A l low prlco# and on easy term Choice Building Lots on Wheeling Island JOHN P. HILCHMST Jalln.wcdagrl i> Fifteenth LX)R SALE AT A BARGAIN Convenient and commodious anburt i denre. with •ixteen acre. of land. lo. Marshall eountv, two and one half m • ettv line, on Mound-vl leroad K« In within five mlnniea* walk. Fine u-st! tree , and grape., and - oqpg on hard yard coming on. All necessary out' etc. Kir.irc property nmlinaid with coal vein. Excel lent loeailou for dairy " sold at shout half value If taken In'or. Apply to F. P McNeil No. 1222 Mars. mrJOeod-gAdh 4 OR SALE. .£7 Two story brick, 1.113 Chapline si- ci rooms; lot 3:1x1 M); natural gas at;d fit run. dry; 2bath rooms; every convenience Frame house, 224 Twenty ninth stree lot 37x320; gocsl stable, wagon o , t well of water. 31,000 Two-story brlek, 2612 Jacob SL, ron at. finished attic; lot 20x120. (:.\ M PBKLL A <JO . Real K- - - i. ma 24 No. 1323 V - OR SALE OR EXCHANGE. My Country 1‘litcc Ml Klin tirnv. Large house, Barn, Ac. Natural gas an I r Kive acn*s. Well Impruvid. H KOKBK No. 1142 i liHj POR SALE OR EXCHA The two story Brick Dwelling h> use situated and known as No. 2623 Ch'plli at the northwest corner of Twenty Mlxt I- »' Chapline streets. Healed Hint lighted by - For terms, Ac., apply to W. H. RINEHART, aptfth Real Estate Agent, 1163 Market Bl TRUSTEE’S SALE. HY VIRTCE OF A DEED OF TRUST M i > to me as Trustee, by Peter Klnss and I ■ Kloss, his wife, bearing date on lhe?4lli : Augu»t, A. D. 13*7 ami recorded in the ■ ;he Clerk of the County Court for Ohlor, West VirKinla, in Died of Trust Book pages 630 and ti31, 1 will proceed to sell at wle on NMlnnlMjr, July Ktlli, IHHO, xvmmenclng at tOo'clock a. m..,at thef >f the Court Home of Ohio County, I r jf Wheeling, the following proi*-i'y :he east side of Jacob street (formerly , j Plank Road Street) between Forty ' forty-sixth Rtnet* (formerly called , Kim Hir. eta) in tm- City of wheeling - Ohio, and State of West Virginia, n Alt of the two lots of land ntunLc Ivelv, rtixty-nlne (69) and seventy Addition to said City of Wheeling ■arac two lota conveyed to said Pc' jlbson Lamb amiotbcis, bydeedda’> 1370,, and recorded In the office of t i the County <tour, for va'd Ohio Con Book No. :>7, page 167, Terms op Hai.i-One half of tl, j. money, or as much more a. the p ;r fleet to pay, in cash oil the Gav of • residue, if any, In two equal Itrslal Able In four and six months rv| ;h« day of sale, with interest from t purchaser to give hi* notes with . - locality, for tnedeferrid payment tlt;e to be retained until payment tic HENRY M. RUS.3P.hl. I J. C. Hirvxv, Auctioneer. POR RENT. The very desirable dwelling house < No. 74 Fifteenth Street Possession given at once. For b itcnlua apply to W. H. KIN. Real Estate Agent amt i Jc7h _1163 Mark'd > ' P»OR RENT. The room on the northwest com r Twelfth street, now occnpied by t Union Telegraph Company. p<> lat 1389. Apply at PEOPLE a Or to Thos. O’Baigv TO TOT TUBE! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPENED THK1K New Wholesale Procery House, 1505 MAIN and 1508 SOUTH SI Which they have stocked coni the staple and other lines of AS'»ds that line. All goods are NEW AND FRESH And will bo disposed of at th market notch. Patronage Solicitet From the trade Respectfully. Ac. WATERHOUSE BBHS spJldqesh_ GEO. W. JEFFERS. Attorney-at-1 o>w. Ofliee: \o. t1» Fourl«*«‘iiH's,r' may2tsb JgLANK BOOKi^! SHIPPING BOOKS' CHECK BOOK-, The REGISTER Blank Book M * t, M Bindery Is the moat complete t .. M work executed with facility and 1 den solicited.