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HUjrrlm^ JfogisifE WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Friii. i*h«k.n anp Proprietor*_ JAS. B. TANK5 dmut Man aura. TKKMS HJ YEAS. BY MAIL. PvWTtSR PREPAID. DAILY. kix Jays in the week. fs 00 AILY three Jays In the week. A 00 )A 1LY. two Jays in the week___ 3 00 •AILY. one Jay in the week.—..1 50 A K1EIY, one year In atvance.. 1 '* W EEKLY, mi months.„.... 75 DELIVERED by CARKUCB. '■ AII.Y, per week to be paid weekly__ 15 DAiLY' and SUNDAY' per week. 15 l be DAILY will be delivered by carrier in an? other city or town at.... 15 d N .LE I'OHKSOK l»AlLY OR WEEKLY J *d”‘ “RRISU’O.NPRSCB COSTAINISS IMPORTANT NX vs wYUtirAD FROM EVERY PART OF THE *VR aot'NPtsa country. Kelts ted communication* will not be returned allies* Accom rallied by sufficient pMtkfe. -'.amp* at ice denomination of two rent* and c*» accepted for amount* lea* than one dollar. THE REGISTER. cauVoetn/f if., ermil titvi .-it*, (s* -"<i nr (A» EYaslofflix ta WittL.v, W’. Vo., aj aroarf cloa* atnllcr. It is aliened that Horace Phillips has lost his mind. This is not a relative of Wen pell Phillips, bat the manager of the Pittsburg base ba’I lean:. Managing a dob like Pittsburg is enough to set any man crazy. G \. Lowry has finally got the great John L. Silutas io his clutches, and uow Prof. St'LUY ax claims in an injured way ika, be didn’t goto do it, that he was •;o*dtd on to tight Kilkain end didn’t know be was fighting in Mississippi This lighting gisnt would now have us believe tb it he is the meekest and moot peaceable of human beings For more seasons than on<= it would have been more to the credit of his admin istration bad Mr Harrison found time to addrear the G. A K at Mountain Lake Park instead of allowing Assistant Pension Fraod Bpssky to do it Btssey, by his absurd and offensively, partisan address marred wtat would otherwise have been a most pleasant occasion. Bvssey sadly misnn.icrst'inds tbe sud patriotism of tbs old soldiers if he thinks he con catch them by any such disgraceful rot as he de livered himself of. _ The robbery of the Hack of Wheeling the details ot which weiegiv-n in yester day’s Register and continued in to-day’s, is one ot the most remarkable crimes on record for blundering audacity- The car , v ir.** cnt of the bank, concealed in a bun dle ot paper*, of in cash, is enf tkimtly remarkable, bnt the tbit! after ward.- det rttirg the money in sever*! Iccal bsnks, working away as u*a*l at his douo a* assistant teller and k.viug it cot that be bad won a prizt in a lottery, ail this is a piece of bluoder !£ij criminal vrcrk ibst staggers the com prehension. That the thiet coaid have ex ptcttd to sccspe detection is as remarkable as that he should have committed th* crime. If* wes a young tnaa of excellent ptOfjHcls, receirirg a large e alary, trusted hy bis emp’oyer* *nd generally well to do. ll.,i he bnt pnr-utd the path of hjceety, in life weald have been certain for him. There is a plain moral connected with toe e orj. WOf.D \Bl>» MV1V1R A WHsaicgton d -patch to the Eostou Her>lid -ay- :haf -ill tie Republican State Associations formed for the purpose ot get tiog ;alitica! work and political coutribu tio^s out of tha clerks in the departments, darted ap March 5, after slumbering to innocuous dtsmtude for four years, and are sow running on full time, and that while n< thing of the sort was kuo^n under the lest Administration after President CuvK!.i.M> had had a chance to forbid it, the ei ’ state of things now prevails, and clerks are being importuned already for sa-wtanc*' to carry Virginia, Ohio, and o:her elaciivus i t tbs K-public-cu party t ext f.ll, is seeming disregard of th* pro hibition of the Civil Service act agit ns ogsiii-l conipnlcory political t.rvice and contribniious. Tne Eeunaylv.ini:' K-publican Association ia acting under the tnu l: •* of Senator Quay, chairman of tbo Republican National Comtcutte. At the last meeting of this Asieciatiou it wa announced that a complete li»t ot all Penn ,-ylvanians in the departments was brir* prepared, with the p >liti« of tich marked against the name and that “a forma! de* : and wonWl be ma le for the di:mi sal of all democrats and mugwump " foatvl in the 1st. Dario* preceding R public»-s A iministrations the e State a •••• c.atift. were guiity of tie grossest abn-cs; they were bnldozmg a^encee that by means of threats and powerful pr sure forced cam ps gu conrribations from the packets ot u»eu and women employed ia the Govern ment service. Their revival is an outrage, and :t will call forth public lor.demaation. AMKHiCA WILL SIPPLY TDK WORLD’S FOOD. Although the harvesting of the whea* crop of this y-ar has not progressed eo far as to permit definite figures to be given, er.-iogh ia already ehown of the quality and tbs quantity of the yield on which to ba-e re .-unable estimates of the available anpp'r. The iadications from the returns of tt.e early harvest are tosome exteut con firmatory of the fears expre^eed concerning the paitial f.vlnre of the Europesn crop, while the unfavorable conditions prevail ing in the wheat fields of onr North western States and Territories oppear to have been modified, end a better yield ts expected. Tae import .-tee of n good crop in America, ia view of the shortage which appears to be inevitable abroad, m.*y usance as over estimate of the production here, bnt the reported facia are aoch as to give good ground for more east nine anticipa tions than serened recsaaaHs a few weeks *8® la poitiiiuB cf Minnesota ami Dakota, the baiViS has heeu iu progress for about two weeks, snd t ?ports are decidedly more fnvvtb’e than h rttufoie. In sections vrLtre the wheat wa,- supposed lobe nearly dt-lrcved by the drought, there is found to he a hett-r yield than was anticipated, Into -hower* having improvtd the condi tions for c ops which had not fally ma tured. A pommaiy cf lb;- reports from these two g'est wneat proJucipg States give: a s id half crcp for South Dakota and in average crop !or Minnesota. I'ue St. l’anl Pioneer />-*.«, from its canvass of tb -'tiiitt’.oa, predicts that, “allowing tor itan i ■• by dro.ight on cnebuiJ, and n. c-\ i : illy fice crops in southern Minne sota, we era Wisconsin red northern Iu. tog ther with the increased acreage on tbs uth-r, it may be confidently ex pected that th-* wheat crop of the Xortfc Wf .t wit! b upward ot 80,000 OOObushels, or lO.OOO.OcO tv 15,tH'OiOto bushels more than lsst year.” Iu the Canadian wheat li i!r of Msni'oba and the Northwestern Territories. the otSctal rtp-rts mention a gre .t improvruient by rec«,t rams and the prospect of a ‘ r,ond lair average” yield, while in Ontario the crop ia pro aoune-tl “msgciticect.” Wi*h this encouraging prospect in Amer ica toe latter reports from abroad cuke a serionx contrast. There ix hardly a break [ in the unfavorable showing made by the early harvests in the European fields. It in admitted in the Russian official reports lba> the wheat crop is the poorest in many yeais, aud it is iatimattd that the govern ment will redact railway rates on gram freights tor the purpose of preventirg a food panic. Following the recent an nouncement by the Anxtrisn Minister of Agriculture of the total fail are ot the cer eal crops of Galicia and Silesia and the partial failure in Bohemia and Moravia, there comes the report of a cyclone ia Hun gary and Romania which has destroyed great quantities of standing grain, aud also swept away many grsnariescontsiuing the product already harvested. Official esti mates from India show a shot tags of 15, ( "0,1*00 bushels, or (ally 6 per cent of the ■ nal yield. White all the sources, with the excep tion cf America, from which the gteat consnining countries draw to meet their aunnal demand are thus seen to have a le x surplus thau maul for export, if any, the home product of theee countries a’so shows a probable decrease. The estimates both in France and England have been greatly reduced within the few weeks p »»t; and where exceptionally large yields hnve been anticipated, unfavorable weather has entirely changed the prospect. If the pr.- eut conditions hold, therefore, it is ev dent that for the year now opened America will bold control of the market for the food supply of the world. DK. WODLERY'S FUNKKAL. The Ueail t'reelilaut Laid to Kast With Impressive Ceremonies. Jkxrto! Oorr«poniienct of the Rafister. Wbllsbcro, Anga.-t —The funeral of Dr. W. H. Woolery. of Bethany College, t k place at Bethany, in the College Hall, yesterday afternooD, at three o’clock. The Hall had been beantifnlly decorated for the mission. The platform wax draped with crape, and Ivy wax twined about the bast of Bishop Campbell, which occupies a conspicuous poeiiion in the Hall On the platform sat the bier, containing all that was mortal of the beloved President, and a few feet away the chair in which he had sat so often, was hidden in crepe. Col. Alex Campbell, R* v. II King Pen dleton, ex Sheriff Cartis, Col. C H. Beall, I).. C. Eouteiu and Judge John A Camp bell act»d ax pall bearers. The services were very simple. Prof. S. M. Cooper read a portion of the Scriptures, and a touching prayer wax offered by Dr. Pen dleton. After appropriate music, Dr. Pendleton delivered a short fuueral ser mon, and paid a high trihate to the many excellent qualities of the deal man. An opportunity was given to review the re n .ics, and they were then followed by a large conconr-e of people to the cemetery. The choir saDg “Asleep in Jesus.’’ Dr. Pendleton pronounced the benediction, a 1 the mortal dost of the beloved teacher ul J friend was consigned to mother earth. TUE BRUTE WITHIN US. .% Fact Which Suggests a Theory for the Whitechapel Hunters. ConttmiMrarij C< riftc. I knew of to more appalling example of the power of one life to influence another :b tar distant periods than that which is efftriicd by the strange a- d hotr;hi* hia ti j of tbe Marched de Ra z A tu.tu i f n '■>!*- hiriii, great wealth, great dtatinc' oa as a soldier, and high in favor with hoi so-., rign, he took to the mo-t horrible cour-e of child rnntder of wh cb we have any narrative; and when at last driven to confession, he made this statement k-j fo tb- origin of bis crimes: “The desire to commit these atrci-iii?* came upon me e;ght years ago. I l*:t conrt to g i to Cb* -once that I might claim the pi p^rty ot my grandfather, deceased. In thi ihrsry ot the castle I fotu d a I.atin bo.-k—Suetonius, I hrlieve—fall of pc countsof the cruelties of the Roman era m rors. I read the charming history of Tiberios. Caracalla, and ether Cserars, and t! -• plea-nr they took in watching tbe ag on s of tortimd children. Tn reupon I re olved ‘.o imitate nnd surpass these Same C -ais, and that very night began to do so." An IjtpUnxtlou. Eujcsbobo, W. Va., August 1. To '-k F ’.U it of f.’u Rcautcr: Sib: Yonr i-sne of the 27th nit. cen to nu an article that reflects somewhat on a worthy citizen of this vicinity, namely, Jj .es Goodwin. The article abnve nl ln.fetl to doe* noi represent the truth in 1 ■ matter. Iu the fit si place, the peopla are uot in any way excited over the niat t.r; m the second place, the (iazette article is a lie. Mi*. Doyle’s evidence h*fore ’.-'quire Thomas H se did noi corroborate tb t of her husband, Jacob Doyle. Mr. Godwin, it is true, was placed under lionii*. which he had no trouble in obtaio i: g No one in this neighborhood ba ht vt t Goodwin guilty, so that he is in ro danger of vtoleme, as yonr correspondent would lead people to believe. The Reg i-tkr has always had a reputation among .rnib, fat the urticle from yonr I' lenboro correspondent was overdrawn, to say tl-e lea»t of it.X, DIED. ; V. £ k -On Frtdav, Augu-t 2-1. !*•'!>. at 12:25 a lr t wife ot B. F. Fecks. In herein je*r. Funeral from her late residinee,-Mam v v, • Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Friends cf t i_- family are Invited to attend. Iuteimeatat l*guin»ula cemetery. MEYKRs—On Thursday, AtlRU«t l't. 1*89, „ s>...... it a. m , at the family residence. Mo. sv.rmont -i-ect. Jons P. St. Meyers, iu the I'.th y. &r of his age. Funeral Saturday at 2o'clock p. m. Interment at lY-.'.in- cemetery. Friends of the family invited t* attend. _ AUFFP ON Til2 SHACK. \h" ;• ( ' ; \»:n • ,*f ] ’ \ . b ! nill-'V'*d hi* ■ k • - ■c - *j ’vr 1’iw'i‘U ! rwHrd wi l iiv€«l him ti !i\ :i • ., I* :• !. 4 . :.»:v y. j art* . p on *!.*J i: .4 s, t »• . V*'U nr* , ii > >u hh1 nc^ItTtiti)! tiift • • j. r!iv . -ti- UuJh. thy !«"* j'f •. / ->PT’- ‘ -* •• **• • • lu‘ t-J*''" ,t t ih t«> ’ • ov» rcoino. l*r. Pierce a . • j \t • ii Pvwiv ha-* cured thou ,\ i **i M..' tr:n . it ** ; 1' -h, Viva. AstUDSfft. >cvejt* , . .rh*. .tr i kwJrvi lections. it is an tffl c a nt remedy. < ,'yiicbt, ISSS, i.y Wouu-'s ins. Mirv Ass's. REWARD SBBH I offered for ail ■v ..f Catarrh in ./ the proprietors dy. Only ju oeiits. hviti by Urut'ij'isii everywhere. “CATCH-PENNY" SOAPS. niything that is the best of its kind is sure to be imitated, and the fact that an article is counterfeited, is the best possible evidence of its value. There arc scores of imitations of the Ivory Soap, which grocers are persuaded to buy because they pay more profit than the “Ivory” will. On account of this extra profit, the grocer represent them to be “just as good as the ‘Ivory ; they are not, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities cf the genuine. Ask for “Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it. MONEY TO BUY BREWERIES. Twenty-Five Millions Already Invested, wnd Two Hnndred Millions More to Oome. Washington, August 1.—Mr. Wolff, the agent in this country who is seeking new financial worlds to conquer for the famous alleged Esgliah syndicate, is here. He ie a brisk and energetic-looking bnsi ntss man. He says a good deal that is published about the syndicate is bosh; that there is no concerted English move ment; that there ie no trast that is seeking to gobble up the breweries; that only thirty breweries have been bought by Eu glish money (although they are the largest in the country); that $25,000,000 have already been invented in this movement, and that there ate $200,000,000 more to come. $cnral x\nnoanmn?nts. I * ._- _I ANNOUNCEMENT. The undersigned, having purchased the drug stire t f Mr. A. P. Hess, corner of Market and Sixteenth stree s. respectfully solicits a contin uance of the patronage herctofjre extended. The subscriber will give personal attention to the compounding of prescriptions, and guatan teetheir accuracy. JOHN KLAKI. )y2Sdqea ____ j^saSTOCKHOl.DF.KS' MFETING. Pursuant to a resolution passed by tire Roard of D Irene's of the West \irgi '.a China t'opi muiy. at a meeting h»,d ou Friday, July 3,, IW, it was ordered that a general meeting of the | stock, older* be called to meet at the otbec of tho Company at lOo'chsk a. in., on Wednesday, Au gusttne 7t:i, lss'J, for ihe selection and employ ment of a com! - tent manager, the reorgan ization of the- Company and such other business j a* may la .fully be done at a general stockhol ders' meeting. R. STALNAkKR, )vJ7.»au ; Secretary West Virginia China Co. East Wheeling Graveyard Public Notice, \ T A MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE ( itv of Wheeling, held on the 3th day ol July, ixs3. a resolution was adopted by which Council r»qu—ted all persons who fee-1 an inter e-'t in the deal wtirsa bodies retnaiu in the Fast Wheeling Graveyard on Sixteenth street, in the i i.y of Wheeling, to remove such bodies t ' some cemcte-ry or other place of interment within four m ulhs from the adoption ol said resolu UI a obedience to tho direction of Council. 1 by th’s | ublieation make known uid reaolution, specially calling to it the attention of a I per sona interested. THOMAS F. THONEU, City Cierk. i;2r’,..s Itlangj 3,l>t.-‘:t "iK'P'.LX l.'i.Jl -3 Aiiiililcrs and Material. JQOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. To Builders ami Owners of Building*, I now have on hand the best selected Mock of Slate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep a good a-.sortir.cnt of Gas Grates and Tile Hearths, and a 1 goods for making a nice Cre place Call at my p! ice and vou can see Just what you are to get and see the Mantel set tip for inspection. B. F. CALDWELL Je23dae 1507 Main Street JD. BA.YHA, Manufacturer of and Dealer in GALVANIZED IKON CORNICE, Window Caps. Ac. Sheet Metal Ceilings, Tin Roofing. Spontiug and ail kinds of SHEET IRON PIPE >u. 1UI7 Soulli air el, Wheeling, W. Va. Telephone connection._Jy23sb J H. ROSENBERG, CONTRACTOR AND STONE MASON, IK'fl Sonlli filreel, Wheeling, W. Va., s Foie Agent for the Celebrated HIGH 6KADE PORTLAND t'EMENT manufactured at Columbus, Ohio. This Cement is warranted to be equal to the beet trades of im por ed Eugliaa Cement, and is much cheaper. Try it ]y6v*b jfflerrhant Sailor. C. H. WHEELER & SON, FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS No. 1 t:<I Market Street, (Room No. 1, Second Floor Rel!> Block,) moat-Hib_fftimir ' v. iitw _ LY FANS with latest improvements, and run _, longer than auy other, at the llaril v, are and House Furnishing Store of NE8BITT & BRO„ Jj31 1312 Market StrecL -WE WILL BEGIN Monday, July 1,1889, A GENERAL CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL _ are reasonable. All who purchase from us art sure to bo satisfied with their investment and will come again. -SATINES Our line Is still largo and unbroken, as wc have just received 100 pieces of choice designs. We ore determined to keep up our reputation ol having the best stock in the city. NEW DRESS GINGHAMS! NEW BATISTES! In order to meet the great demand In these two particular lines we have concluded to keep a full assortment to the end of the season, ami C will And it to your interest to examine our Remnants of Worsted Dress Goods. Remnants of Wash Dress Goods in endless variety. Onr3C-inch Beige Suiting is going very fast and you will have to call soon in order to get a pattern. *«-Mail orders promptly ailed. H32 WAIN STREET JeSOeid EBBBBM geo. m. mim. 17 Cents -XT-A-MX 'Vo have decide,I to clone the bah mice of our stock of Figured French Ratines At the above low price. The Original prices of ihene Salines were lltc., :l7 l-2c. and 50c. per yard, (all early and secure your choice for I7 Cents Per Yard, IxAli Summer hoods at Remark ably I.ow Prices. Jj27exd Wheeling, W. Va. Jlttc _ WANTED-Store-roora on Main St. between lllb and 12th HU. Address K. 1042 Main St. 7TTANTRD-3MALL HOrSKOR ROOMS FOR \V light housekeeping; centrally located. Address "H.," this office. aiPiq WANTED-TEN (10) MULES, SUITABLE for working in coal bank. Apply at once to BELI.AIKE NAIL WORKS, Bellaire, O. auls 7/OR RENT-AT 1122 MARKET STREET, two f' front rooms, on ground floor, suitable for lodgiug or offices. Inquire at 1131 Water Street, auleadh _ Wanted-a good barber-steady employment. Apply to MAX REUTER, No. 25 Eleventh street. jySOaed tpor sale-a set of good parlor FUR Jj uiture; also, oue Range Stove Will be sold cheap. Can be seen at No. 27 Eleventh St. G A. BEUTER, Administrator of Sophia Schwarz bach. au2c.tda Jg ANANAS! BANANAS ! Will unload Satnrday Morning, August 3, car cf .‘J00 Bundies Fancy Bnuanas at Pan-Handle Depot. Also, a car of Extra Fine Bauanas at B. A 0. Depot, Monday, August 6th. K. 8. KINCHELOE, auSeqdq 1056 Market Street. /Cambridge pocket V_y —AND— Bagster's Teachers' Bihies. We have just opened a case of these superior edition*, iu various styles and qualities, direct from publishers, and to be sold retail at whole sale trade price NT ASTON’ A HAVEN PORT. au3_No _1301_M ARKKT ST KELT. WashingtonS Jefferson College, WASHINGTON, PA. The 89th year begins Sept. 1). Classical, Scien title and Preparatory I)©pa»inwuU For illfonil&* Uon eonce. iiog Prepi tory Department apply to PROF. J. ADOLPH SCHMITZ,T'rin.; for Cat alogue or other information to PRES'T MOFFAT. au3tSat_ ATE CITY New lot of Gate City Stone Filters _ , Theonly Filter that will give you pure water. PRICES REDUCED. EWING BROS., au3 1215 Market 8t.. opp., McLure House. Notice of Assignment. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT LOUIS A. Rheaume, of the City of Plainfield, county cf Union, State of New Jersey, has this day made an assignment to the subscriber of bis estate, for the equal benefit of ids creditors, and that the said creditors must exhibit their re gpective claims, under oath or affirmation, with* in the term of three mouths. Dated July 27th, 1S89. W. J. BUTTFIELD, au3oaws Assignee. AT AUCTION SALE. One Kentneky Hied Horse. Fastsaddle horse; racks, trot«and paces: will work anywhere; does not frighten al motor, electric or B'.eam cars. A hiqh spirited, stylish dri er. Sinltirrliiy ■■ioroin«r, Aiikiisi lid. »l ** o'clock, at DAVIS ik NICllOL’S STABLE, Market Square. •uJr gASE BALL. Springfield vs. Wheeling, AT ISLAND BASE BALL TAKE, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. August 1,2 and It. Admission, 25 cents; Children, 10 cents; Ladles’ Stand, 15 cents. Clatne called at 3:50 p. m. auls Attention, Sportsmen! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A PINE LINE OF BREECH LOADING GUNS, including Kitles of all kinds, and both Single and Double Barrel Shot buns, ranging In price from88.50 to 8100 each* Our “PRIZE MACHINE" GUNS are ihe best value lor the money in the world. Call and see them at I. G. DILLON & CO.’S. ea~Wc are Headquarters for Loaded Sheila. Je8 __ J3EFRIGERAT0RS. We have still a good asortment of Refrigcia tors aud Ice Chests in slock. Scad for an illus trated catalogue. GEO. W. JOHNSON’S SON'S, Jell 1210 Main street. MARKED AWAY DOWN! Good Size Smyrna Rug Fur 50c, Larger Size For GOc. Hig Size For 75c. CARPETS AT COST AT HENRY JACOBS’, Second Floor, abovo Jacobs A Isenbcrg. Jyt T 1ST OF LETTERS Remaining In the PostofEee at Wheeling. Ohio county, W. Va.. Saturday. August 8d, lsv'J. To obtain any of the following, the applicant must ask for advertised letters, giving date: LADIES. Dempsey, Mis* Bartha Sway, Miss Barbra Nolan, ili?s tamaulha GENTLEMEN. Alexander, Melvin Long, Capt. Andrew a spinal 1, Henry Mtssley, 8. D. Byers, (!. C. Morton, Martin Barber, Thomas Piekell, John W. Conner George Prentiss, Will 8. (2) Hughes, C. Rideout Geo. Lonrie, John B. Walton, Archie FIRMS. Taylor, Wm. A Son W. J. W. COWDEN. P. M. QREAT REDUCTION IN Decorated Tea and Dinner Sets, AND TOLET WARE, for the next few days. Call and examine the goods. Great bargains oBered. JOHN ERIE DEL, Jy25 1119 Main A 1122 Water streets. SIIMMERJROCERIBS Cury's Importei) Sieger Ale, Fruit Syrups, and Raspberry Vinegar. The Fin est Olives in variety. Montserrat Lime Juice makes the finest of dnuks. Extra Fancy Lemons. Crosse A Blackwell’s Jsm.s and Pickles. Fine Catsup' and Imported Sauces. Pino Apple and Edam Cheese. Ferris’ Fancy Hams and Bone less Bacon. Wilson’s Lunch, Milk and other Fine Crackers. Fresh Roasted CoBees and Pure Teas and Spices. Our Gold Dust Flour leads all other brands. Sugars are not high when bought from us. CONNER & SffEDEEUBR, Jy7 Cor. Market and Fourteenth Streets. -yr ’lains Worm Candy Is a perfectly safe medicine for the destruction of these rots, and being an entirely "vegetable preparation," cannot harm the most delicate jseron Every box warranted to give aalilaciio.'. Manufactured by McI.AIN BROTHER’*, PbHrinnelHtM. RECREATION. Base Balls, Bats. Ball Masks. Gloves, Croquet, Foot Balls, Ac. Cheap Library Books. Magazine* and Newspapers, a large stock, mailed or deliv ered free of extra charge. C. H, QUIM3Y, Bookseller and Newsdealer, Jel5 Nos. MH and 1507 Market Street. GEO. W. JEFFERS Attorney-at*Law, Office: No. 19 Fonr eufli Street. mavJltb ejor £a!f. FOll SAFE. Eight Rrick House*, centrally located, with from six to twelve roods, ranging in price from $>700 to fe.'tw Pour Brick Houses, one of nine, one of five, aT d two of four rooms, on lot lOOxl‘0—$5.<00. One seven and one five roomed brick, on lot 60x120—tt 500 One four roomed brick and three roomed frame, lot 30x100—$1,700 Two story Frame, seven rooms, corncrlot 6ox100 -13,000. Sixteen lots, upper end of Ben wood, 25x01—5100 each. several fine lots fronting on National Bond, near Wheeling Bark 30 shares standard Insurance Co.: 15 shares .Etna Hlass Co.; 25 shares American Insurance Co ; 10 shares Beuwood Mill Co ; 5 shares War wi k China Co.; 5 shares Belmont Mill Co. Money to loan on Real Estate securitv. (■Kit. J. M ATH ISOM. jy22c 1210 Chapline street. Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate, Pursuant to a decree In the above cause en tered by said Court on the 30th day of March, A. D. 1680, the undersigned Special Commissioner will, ou FRIDAY, TIIK 16th DAY OK AU GUST, A. D. 1669, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House of said county, in the City of Wheeling, West Vlrgina, the real estate or the said Charles Bremer, teat is to say: All that certain piece or pa, eel of ground situate and lying in that part of the City of Wheeling formerly called "the town of South Wheeling, in the County of Ohio, State of West Virginia, and known a* the north half of Lot Numbered Five (5). in Square Numbered Sixteen (16) in said city. TERMS OF SALE—Shali be one-third and to much more »s the purchaser may elect to p.y In cash ou the day of ulo, the residue in two equal payments in one and two years, the purchaser giving bond there'or, and the title to be re tained until the whole of the purchase money is paid, L> S. JORDAN, Special Commissioner. 1 hereby certify that bond with security has been given by the said Special Commls»ioi,er as required by law and the decree of said Court. * JOHN W. MITCHELL. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Ohio County, West Virginia.jy!3eb Special Commissioner's Sale NORTH WHEELING PROPERTY. By VIRTUE OF THE AUTHORITY OF A decree of the Circuit Court of Ohio enmity, entered ou the 26th day of July, A D. 1.889, fu the suit of Elizabeth Hoffmann and others vs. Kate Hoffmann and others, the undersigned special Comiasioner will, ou NATI UDAT, ACC 1ST Slat, ISV», beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., sell at public auc tion, at the front door of the Court House of Ohio county, W. Va., the following described re»l estate situate in the City of Wheeling, Ohio c iunty, West Virginia, that is to say: The north half of Lot No. 17, ou Main street, in Jonathan Zane’s addition to the City of Wheeling, called "North Wheeling,’’ being 33 feet of the north half of Lot No. 17, being the same property con veyed loCoDr&d Hoffmann by Thomas Sweeney, executor, Ac., by deed dated April 1st, ltCC, and recorded in the office of the Cl-rk of the County Court for Ohio county, West Virginia, in Heed Book No. 50, page iNl TKHM6 OK SALE—One-third, or as much more as the purchaser may elect to pay, cash ou the day of sale, the remainder, if any, in two equal payments, payable In six and twelve months, respectively, from the day of sale with interest; the purcha-er to live his notes, bearing interest from the day of sale, for the deferred instalments, the title to said real estate to be re mined until mid uo'.es are paid LOUIS F. 8TIFEL, Special Commissioner. I certify that the above named commissioner has givtn bond with security as required by the decree under which he is acting. JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk. Wheeling, \V. Va.. July26,1888, W. H Auctioneer.Jy'27oawl gTOCK FOR SALK I offer for sale from 812,000 to 816,000 worth of stock !u a long established manufacturing insti tution, which baa been in successful operation near this city for many years, aud pays easily 12 percent. JAMES L. HAWLEY, ap iO 1420 Main Street. lor J>en! JpOR RENT. Front Room, third floor, No. KM) Market St. Building No. 1142Chapllnc street, suitable lor offices, or light housekeeping or lodging rooms. Enquire of H. FORBES. J_»a»b ___ T^OR RENT. The room ou the northwest corner of Main and Twelfth street, now occupied by the Westers Union Telegraph Company. Possession Aj.ri In 1689. Apply at PEOPLED' BANK, Or to Tho«. O'Bkisn. )a24 Steamship pickets. J(J DOLLAR?. $19 To or From Liverpool. by Steamers of the American Lino sailing weekly from Philadelphia. For tickets call at II. F. BEHRENS’ OFFICE. jy!8_ 221? Market Street. STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin and Liverpool From New York Every Thursday. Cabin passage *33 to *30, according to location of stateroom. Excursion S<>3 to *1)0. Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates. ArsTis B.u.nwra A Co., General Agents, 63 Broadway, New York. JNO. BAILIE, C A. SCHAEFER S: CO , Fourteenth and Market Sts.. mr?Tu,Tli.sat vb Agents, Wheeling. photogranhg. ARsenso PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street. W-Personal Attention Given to ail Sitting?.“M do5 __ j. & RHODES & 1)0. REAL WHITE Just Opened at much less than Regular Prices, See our Special Numbers it 55c, 61c, 65c, and /5c Pei Yard. 1ST E W Black Lace FloGiicinijs 40 and 62 inches wide. From $1.50 to $6,00. Handsome Black Drapery Nets, Fish Nets, -AXD Pure Setvin" Silk Grenadine, Now In Stock. NEW STOCK OF I, A TOSCA PARASOLS, JUST RECEIVED. ■SS»*3ee our Special Bargain in Silk Umbrella*. Good quality Gloria Silk, Paragon Frame and Gold Tip. Price *1.25. J. S.RH0DESK0. 1152 Main Street. myll St $erlschir~Jfurmlurf and Carpels. FURNITURE AND CARPETS, SPRING EXHIBIT-LATEST STYLES, f - Moderate - T JORtite Parlor, Bed Roota ■ ^ theU ■ test, Handsomest, and .J&. Moat Desirable Woods Exquisite and Novel Deatons’ ■— * | Choicest & Moat Elegant Styles L)yil Highest Perfection in Finish, and ™ I I HjIjU “ Greatest Desirability in Con a i 'vwu struction. Carpets, OiiciotiT - Furniture-_matSics! Do yon need any? Now or In the near futnre? Make a memorandum of the fact that we hare The Stock, the Assortment, the Styles, the Low Prices, and we have both the facilities and the determination to please all who favor us with a * Moijuettea, Body Brussels, Tapeatry Brussels, Ingrains,.from the Best to the '.Cheapen Linoleums, Oilcloths, Cocoa and China Mattings, Bugs, Mats, Window Shade*, Ac Frew & Bertschy, 1117 MAIN STREET, WHEELING, W, VA, R^=»Special Attention to Undertaking and Arterial Embalming. £tttnntfr Goods—Geo. <H. m* & (To. I i GE0.E.STII .SCO.'S Are unsurpassed, for we now have tlie most extensive and best assorted lines of Plain and Dotted and Figured Swisses, Plain and Barred Nainsooks, Plain and Barred Marseilles, India Linens, Mull, Hemstitched Embroi deries, Irish Point Embroideries, Swiss Flouncings, lri>U Point Flouncings, Dimity Bands. In Large Variety and at All Prices. Parasols - and - Sun - Umbrellas! Special juices on Colored Parasols ot the Latent Designs. Silk Lmbrellas at from §2.00 upwards. Comjdete line of the celebrated "HER MAJESTY'S CORSET!" In all sizes. This Corset, Tor comfort and durability, is unsurpassed and can only be found at our store. “MiJfioii Francesco” Kill Gloves! The Best Fitting Glove in the market to-day, in all shades and sizes, at the popular price. We are the sole agents. We have now started our semi-annual Remnant sale, and on the counter can l>e found odds and ends from all departments at prices regardless of the real value. HAMMOCK IN THE MARKET. -GO TO G. MENDEL <fc CO.’S No. 1124 Main Street.