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Jfrtjisfer, WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Pi K -HRas 4HP PkOPKIkTOItll_ | B L AN. \ ttnui Ma.NaORR. TK&MS 1 KX A (Ak, BY IAU, INWT Alik rKRTAlO. ,, V »ix larsm the week.Jx f» | • - • the weak. 4 00 A1I.V twodays in the week..S W A. Y one day in the week. 1 50 j A \KKLY, 0; e yew In advance.. X 'J5 ; >\ KKKLY, six months..._.... 7a i>L: : IVKKKD BY C.AKKlhK i'a.I.Y per week to be p«u<l wcck.y.. 15 oA.LY »nd jfSPAY per week. IS hr DAILY will be delivered by owrter lu ny other etty or town at____ 15 S Sltl.K < OP1KSOK DAILY OK WKKKLY 5 fun < of Kespce. xml Obituary Notices l oOC per inch. #*-» o ' RSSPO.VDXNCk OOSTAINdSO IMPORTANT I o»>' C.illTXD FKOJS kVkSY PART OP TH* BCR | aocsotsa COCSTRY. Selected communications will not be returned •tab oi aecomoanied by sufficient postage. stami* of the denomination of two cents and iv* accepted (or amounts lees than one dollar. ,~ht kXWSTKK, rmbrxmnp u.« wton.' rdutiMA, • -i a: tv I 'sMoi)lot in U'Veiint', I*'. Va.. cu j To Elkina and Goft: ‘'Get together.” SroKANK Fai.ia adds its fi^e horror to the year'* unprecedented list of calamities by fire and dood. s SpkrkkI-s is goirg to duplicate his big Poiladelphin sag*r rednery. By the way, what has bfconia of CLAt's’ war an the sugar truat? Ki koi svv immigration to the United States has fallen ofi'. Ooe of the reasons Jvea if, that the immigrants do sot hod . e under * high tariff very enticing. ANOTHER traia-lohd of cowards have b*en “he’d up” on a Western road; this time by a couple of mere boys, with re volvers. What is the matter with the Americas traveling public? S>>i!S idea of how the national game has ' t ea developed within the past few years may he gained from the fact that a Kan < piicher has broken his arm in deliver ing a ball. Taey had better substitute cinnecs for pitchers. Ksr HLU'vS Politician and President of the Wicdow Glass Workers’ Awiccia ton James Campbell's method if pro testing American labor by importing for eign labor doss not meet with the ap proval of the American glassworkers, and Campbell’s importation* will likely have to make a return voyage shorily. The Emperor of Germany has conferred npou hi- illustriousgrandma the command of ibe First Dragoons of Berlin. Queen Victoria will hereafter be known as Col V:. TORI A. All that is needed to complete « giaud event is the spec’acle of the 200 (.oaud qopen in a dragoon’s uniform on a big bony German charger, parading at the heed of her regiment To reap the at count of Pugilist Scl uvan’s ,i inrt ey to Mseiwbpp', the re narkab'e ovations he received from the je.iple all al mg tbs route, the regular vets be hi Id in which admiring fair ladies and bocqne's figured, is enough to - ■; one seriously to cogitating oo the pro , n nl tendency of cmr civii’zition. r t i-i ret much civiuzttiou in ties* >>• t>rmmcts KLKtNs VS. S ce the la*t election “Steve” Elki.vs hs» b «-n a particularly and peculiarly dis turb’og fseter in West Virginia Kepubli c in p dittos. K*f .re the advent of th e j,,v »l Vetvy-we'gbt Oorr ro'eit the H - p . icau roos*. Now, the little general >s nowh-re. It is aa open secret that Gor? tics been as powerless as a baby to control the W<-st Virginia patronage of this ad ministration. Somehow or other, every move made by Goff his been neatly ch'ckmattd. Office-seekers with Goff’s endorsement have brea strangely left out in the colJ. O hers seetn-.d to have an “noon sesame” to the tederal pap trough That open ee*ame is the endorsement ot Mr Stephen B. Elkins, and i: “goes'' tv ry tune. T ;t Register some mouths ski thri-w oit this p inter to the Republican i tfice &:« ktT8 ct WtKt Virginia. Thore who took advantage of it have gotten there. Toe f:*w who cad not penetration enough to see a d oger signal thrust nuder their noses, ltt the matter go by and stack loyally to GuFF; these are the “left.” * Stkve” Elkiss is the West Virginia Ktr g under this administration. An exceptionally shrewd politician, he has long Ven a moat valuable man to the national K publican party, and, besides, he is a relative by marriage of President H.VKRisotr, which is a big card with the present administration, and has long been most intimate in a social and business way with Secretary Add to this that h • is very wealthy, and has large in ter 'ts in West Virginia, and we have the secret ot his power in this State, and the mao that enables him to torn down ilr.KK at every point at will. 1 ts no secret that Li a uts has hie little bo* and arrow aimed at the United States -teu.atomhip from this State. The first ob stacle to be overcoote is Goff, who hae long aimed at the same target, and Stk pukx has pretty nearly done it by turning down GOFi-'ft recommendations and ladling out the IVderal patronage where it will do the mist good to himself. Goer's inends are raging, far the little general, who did the wheel-horse wo'k and spent his money for the Hr publican cause m this S -ate iu the last campaign, most certainly should control the federal pat rooage, aai to have him ignomioiou»!y turned asi ie and refused the dispensation ot even some minor offices is little short of :uul :tnmg to the general and his numer ous friends. The volcano is now beginning to emit smoke and a few sparks, and the genera! erup’ on is not far distant. Waat D-raocrats mast do is keep their deads aad present a solid front, aud every thing is theirs next tims. TKSSYSOM. To day Alfred Tennyson is eighty years old, and, after all hue been said, he - tu tea firth as the g es e^t p >et of his day. Says the New York ofTKSNY sox: * Great po-ts are canotugiy compinaded ■f art^t and prophst. rKNSYSOX fca« tbt* doable temperament, but he is more artist than prophet. He came upon the world at a time when the British ear was ini' yet folly attuned to the melody of S i-Uey and h-a's. He penetrated the ever-t ol their ebarra, he mads it his own, ani he added ao at a spontaneous mnsic, individual to fc-.mself, whose sweetne-s was -o appealing that it captured the public almost from tbs first, though ths sweet uews was of the dainty sort, which is only too ap* 11 cloy- As an artist las has that p.itbet c warning far th- :>aet which bath-s iw glones iu a radiance snatched from the ideal. The knight* and lad. s, the j aud tournaments of ancient chivalry, the splendors ef the feudal system, the state liness, the urbanity, the gractousneee of the ronuntic ante, he reproduced with in finite and tender love. ' Bnt he in not merely an arliat. Though hie bei«rt i* with the pa-st his prophetic eye i» fa-tened upon the fatnre with a sort of shuddering acquiescence and an eu'oictd coorsge ;<nd hopefnlutsy.” The Hna'd continues. Hls poems embody a curious sliuggle against himself. He is the hero of hU owu "Lccksley Halt.' who would fain resign himself to a By route wearin ss with the world, but who rises above that weariu -- by enforced contempla tion of the stoat future unfolding itself to man. BynmUm preached the glorification of the in dividual. the sco'n of tlie race. Tennyson teaches himself and teache* us to recognize that the individual withers, but the race is more an t more. Though full of national pride, though some of his tlucst lyrics nreathe the insular patriotism which ha-a uobillty of its owu, he an foresee, he can even school himself to re ,o.e In the federation of the word, which Hall submerge all national pride, all Insular patriotism, in a democracy ol nations But over and ov«r again hi* latent sense of the aristec cracy ol the iinlix idual reasserts itself, as in Maud aud later In "Locksley Hall," where his stilled protect against the thing' that he and the things that shall be surges out and oter whclms his • aimer judgment. Nevertheless ho Is the greatest man when hts aimer judgment Is In the ascendant and nowhere so great as in the “In Memoriam,” where ail hU re>«Uious feelings are subdued, ha-tened and humbled in the presenee of a great allliitiou that swallows up the individual and loaves only a brooding love and pity for the masses who uro born to a democracy ,,f yaln. So pot ut in the language more effectively voices the larger hope that through struggle and (uffering. aud even sin Itself, the race shall in some unknown and iude nable manner be lifted 10 the wider horizons of that unknown laud promised In the dreams of poets aud sages and prophets. The following table oi statistics of pig iron manufacture in the South, from the J'/c of Steel, shows a marvellous it crease n pig-ircn production in that section, and that the South is fast gaining on the re mainder of the country. The figures are net toes: 1 vt. Alabama. It-:iu» "ee ISS.ltsJ Virginia .IMi-O WVv V'gtul* Kentucky.f r »-* * newgia.t'.t'JO Maryland.- 30. -01 Texas...... 3..N) N in Carolina. 2,200 Totals..835,179 1"7. 1*4'. 1SS‘4. mj ri.M.ij Hi 1.0. lit 207.11 -117,401 IT'.t; 112.32s ''.ill 9.VJ.V0 74.77.-> 4i,s:.7 w,7so 'S.) 10 .47 -i.* 497 11. Ids 37,427 17,606 10,20 4,385 6 ,M57 1,411 3,040 2,400 921 9.. ... 116 1 132.S.-4 744 611 15 U-TIST KUUt'AllOXAL WORK. ilar.y Liberal Knttauuieota, Hut Mure Needed. .V. r. lleraid. No denomination in this connry has made greater progress in educ tioa.-il work than the Baptist. The August number of trie Bapti.d Home Motion Monthly gives in detail the statistics lroiu 1802 to 1889 of the various invitations uuder Baptist ron tiol. The large aumberof donations made during the year to various edncitional in '’ltutious have giveu a new impetus to this branch oi work and will cause even greater efforts to made by toe fortuuate col’egee. During thid “endowment year” $>,223,000 has been given to forty-two Ptoieeteat colleges, besides Mr. Kockefel i.-r’s gift of J7i 0,000 to the Biptiet college .» be erected ia Chicago, gtven on cou .i tion that $1.00 »• 00 is r.-ii'ei. Ot the donations to co*ltgea, seven Bcp i-t institntiors received various amounts. Brown 1’ 'iversOy receiving $187,000; Bacat* i). $23,000; Co b?, $15 000; G orge iwn. $ >0 OHO; Madison, $100 i 00; Vos-ar, $250,000 and Wake Foiest, $50,000 In 1*72 there wire seven institutions under Bep ist ra-e, and in 1889 there a*e . weuty, with 4 185 pnp Is, of whom 125 . . g for tbs nuMff. This d* es not include the Alaska and the Chinese mis'ioa schools. rh- Mexican scVols have proved suc cessful, and new or es are to he organ z-d. ?r.e colleges tor the education cf Indians include tmiu-trial departments, and are fast becomicg self seppurtiog H Ip ha b eu given to tbs tre. dmen schools, by the K-ip i't Mi-'.oosry Sic>e y, amounting to $2,4 00 000, dnring the past twenty livo years. There are now in the fifteen colored B iptist ichools 131 teachers, B,10ti pupils, vbout ralf of tveh sex. 670 of whom are under If! ytsrs of age. Of these stodeu's ■- are ■■•ndyirg i.r the miuis'ry, 43 are , -i ni-tnieu's and 1,158 are study ’Dg to h*c me te* cb.-rs From the Bapttsf ccl < rial schools the greater portion ot the mis - aar c' to Afriac* are takea The doca li «rs to th. e •chools since 1*02, when tie first were founded, have been $220,0! 0 Euio*m-n’s aregreatly needed, especially i th" S -utb, where the recent activity a long Catholics may draw many i f the pupils to their institutions, should they otT.r greater advantages than the schools now m the field. The Biptist Home Mi«sion calls loudly for “endowment” to aid iu carrying on the educational ilepartment of its waik, and a glacci t-iiough the list ct institu tions sow under its fostering care will show tbut it has quietly performed a great work with the limited means at ccm Diminution. Dower Stm. She warn posing, evidently, as she stood uu the ett-pi of tbs (.' iff h'neeut Manitou T«o expreesionable young men were looking and admiring. 4,Ho» statue que she looks,” said one. ‘ What a grad figure she ha*, hasn't she? s ich refined features and eueb a clear com plexion. She must be a new arrival from the east to have such a lovely complexion as that, and 1 wonder who she is. I am gong to inquire. • Ob,” e*id bis companion, ' she must b« from ttie eest, as yon say, if she had lived here any time her complexion would have b*en spoilt. What grand eje« and hair she has. And what grace. Let us find out where she's front. It must be New York cs Borton.” "What makes yon think she is from either of these place* .'” ‘Oh.” chorused the two admirers, ‘ her “wair medicines aue most < VLiiKD roi* J” #.\ 1 t •• rvj'ortvr »f -in old iJi"; • t. ’• ; I - I . !«»-«**v CU »r utifoe ihut tli. > will, iri t irivo sjtet ».•£*• . nr tlu' in i is ( i-.'Tii, :l;. iv ! ml' II ' * " iviiri: ■ l‘r err tkin,' tor all t'l • h-i>•!.«• v. i. rv a ■ • 1 >.;V r • . 1 SUP* t • -.I'. nis,irn . I' lrii : s and wcak II »- !l ( ' ?'l • S.-X. .1 1 IhTi ; sill" r ct P’ rtc nf touic in "lii'iii s builds up ami ‘-TH'njri.'i us tlir vpI re -wi m. Thu do n iTi.i f >:• K !<»• mn- 1 am iinui-rsaiH vr:>h (ttxr. » f 1.1- a fill i| by It.” li u t; . • t • ■ ! a' - -two, !’:<• vi .lenddi- w I.i r • f l .. p .ti rctnitrktsl ”t!ti. iiiitiiI ■ .'f ' trs :: ti ,s ! (ifbur. Su ch Ik d, 'bill.'ll me li a: i' li .ai.'i:: but I‘r. j* r. - r.'i. >1 a 11 v. rv ■'»»' |la f tin* in uij ' it l :''n obi 11.> kivp upon :a\ sNdv.s. (bat is cnarttiltertl to N iv lit or , i;n> in all cax i <r \< ■ . it U n*i tnnv tided, Ui money raid for it is refund si" ** In .. I'-ifc." ts .ark -I rhool 1 con tii ii n. “tli«‘ Inti.* Soimr-coal 1 * lVlI-t . ’ • ut up by hr. I*u r. i :■! .ill • tit-tv, Ih.hi in it' Mint if ' tin* ,i:i i ■ 'M'ii- ml satisfaction ttu'.v iriv tr.y east «ui t'oj•>: 1vv\ > Wi.'ii: D. ■ MeI\ ASS'S. ,.-i . ill* - i.... of <’:t» • '«•— larrii in the Heart by the pr.i'r. -i rs at hr sago's < -itarrh Ketnedy. lly ts m !. tHH.ttun;. ami hisdlng properties. it ;n- s Ci • i.-i-st i:ls; mi matter ui bon ion# i staudmg. tty druggists. 50 cvats. heantifnl comrlexion, her n.vtc.ral grace and her exquisite figure.” “Wrll, gentlemen, sbo is from neither place. She is from a small village, I he leive, near Stockholm, Sweden, and is em p’oved in the house washing dishes.’. Her posing on the front steps lost its charm And the two young men frcm the east went down to the iron spring and re mained there an hour, drinking the miner al water. ‘ Sh? was rot such a pretty girl, after all. 1 looked at her closely as we came “No, some girls look well at a distance.’ Advice to Mothers, M’.o. Winslow’s Soothing Syrnp for children teething, is the prescription ol .me of the host female r.m see and physicians in the United States, and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children Daring the process of teething its value is iccalcuable. I* releavee the child from pain, cares dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in the boweis, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests its mother Prto* 2£*' » hotfix Slftr ^dcertiseatente. j. l.. l*lthSt'OTT A COxNo.Uerwkk, M< aplGTu, 1 h.NiUR SUMMER RECREATION.; Base Balls B*!s, Ball Masks, Gloves, Croquet, Foot Bai.' 'V.. Cheap Library Books. Magaziues and Newspapers, a latue slock, mailed or deliv ered free of extra charge. Jol5 C. H. QUIMBT, Bookseller and Newsdealer No.-, tilt and 1 <07 Market Street. guilders ami fthtmni. ID. EC. BAYHA, Manufacturer of and Dealer in GALVANIZED IKON CORNICE, Window Cap', te. She-1 Metal Cciltngi, 'fin K o'ng, Spouting a: d all kinds of SHEET IRON 3?IT*E Mo. llil* South Me <*», Wheeling, w. Va. Telephone connection. TOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Builders and Owners of Building. I now have on hand the best selected stork of Slate Mai t-ls ever brought to the city 1 keep a good assortment of Gas 'trat,-s audTih- Hearths, and all goods for making a r ice fire place. Call at mv place and von can see Jnst what you are to get and see tno Mantel set np for inspection B. F. CALDWELL, JeZMae 1507 Main .Street J H. ROSENBERG, CONTRACTOR AND STONE MASON. 1831 Sooth Street, Wlirrling, W. Va., s Sole Agent for the Celebrated HIOH ( PORTLAND t'KVKJTf man n fur tun d at Columbus Ohio. This Cement Is warranted to be equa to Hit* best trades 1*1 ira per ed Knglisu Cement, ami is much cheaper. Try it _ID -• steamship pickets. ^(j DOLLARS. $19 To or From Liverpool, by Steamers of the American Line tailing weekly from Philadelphia. For tickets cal! at U. K. BEHRKN3' OFFICE, jylS ‘2217 Market StlCCL STATE LINE To Glasgow, Belfast, Dublin anil Livsipciil From Krtv York Every TUcrad&y. Cabin passage *3.* to Sio, according to location of stateroom. Excursion SOS to SdW) Steerage to and from Europe at lowest rates. Avrtin Baldwin A Co., General Agents, 53 Broadway, New York. JNO. BA1LIK, C A. SCHAEFER & CO. Fourteenth and Market Sts., mrTni.Th.sat vb Agnus, Wheeling. fhotogranlin, P&Rsenso PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street. WPersoual Attention Given to all Sittings. *B* fhints, Oils. &c. C. KURNEK, Painter, Grainer, Glazier SlUIf FAIXTKR A PAPER »l ASUER. Dealer in Paints. Oil*. Varnishes, Brushes. Ac, No. 1721 MARKET STREET Telephone Connection. Wheeling, W. j ie'h- I Iflmhant a -it or. C. H. WHEELER & SON, FASHIONABLE XT EKC )HA N T TAX I A)liS j ho. ISSI flnrtiPt St root, fRootn No. 1, Second Floor Rt illy Bloch.) maHedt) WU££U\U, W. VA. I TT is very annoying when in the bath to drop the soap and have to i feel for it. The Ivory Sow floats, and is without exception the most luxurious soap for bathing; it lathers freely and is easily rinsed off. leaving a sense of cleanliness and *.ouilort attainable by no other means. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps, cadi represented io be jus: as .rood as the Ivory ; they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for “Ivory” Soap and insist upon getting it. C'o[>yri,;ht IfcSC, by Rinctcr Si Gamble. f 1AM BRIDGE POCKET \y —AND— Bagster's Teachsrs’ Bibles. We have Just opened a caso of these superior editionj, in various styusand qualities,direct from p iblUhers, and to be told retail at whole* sale trade price SMMOXit IIAt EXPORT, an.1 1N0 1301 MAKKKT STKEKT. Attention, Sportsmen! WE HAVE Jl’ST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF BREECH LOADING GUNS, including Rifles of all kinds, and both Single and Double Barrel Shot Huns, ranging In price i 80 to 0100 cacb. Our "PRIZE MACHINE” GUNS areihe best value for the money in the world. Call and see them at I. G. DILLON & CO.’S. ,j-\Ve are Headquarters for Loaded Shells. Jes _ -J^-LAINS’ Wlmeling Pills Are lust what you need if yon are bilious nr d;spepl‘e and vs a family medielne they are uii- rpas-ed 1 hey cont.iu NO CALOMKL. A-k fur tin kind made in V\ heeling and jou will not be deceived. .He LAIN BROTHERS. au3 Manufacturers. JDEFRIGERATOES. We have still a good a soitmcnt of Refrigee tors an d Ice Chests In stock. Send for an Ultis trated catalogue. UEO. W. JOHNSON’S SONS, jell 1210 Main street. (1 BEAT REDUCTION IN Decoiated lea and Dinner Sets, ANDTOLET W ARE. forthenex1 few day-, fall and examine the good-. (Jrcat 1 a: gams oflered JOHN EKIEDK1. Jyjr. 1110 Main A 1122 Water streets. YJ ’LA IN\S Worm Candy Is a perfectly *afc nv.uiclro for the destruction o' tbt-M! resiv, Mi l laing an entirely • vegetable preparation," cannot liana the most delicate r i rsnn Every box warranted to give satifaello j. Manufactured by Sirl.AIN BKOrnER*.«, I'liftrnmcisls. jytrs SUMMER GROCERIES Corry's Imported Ginger Ale, Frui I Syrups and Raspbe rry Vinegar. The Fin «<! Olives in variety. Moi’tseirat Lime Juiec makes tbe llnestof drinks. Kxtra Fancy 1 emona. f'ro-so ,k Blackwell s Jims and Pickles. Fine Catsups r.iid ltnpoited Sauces. Pii e Apple and E lam Cheese, ferns' Fancy Ham* and Bone less Bacon. Wilton’s I.unch, Milk and other Fine Crackers. Fresh Roasted Co flee b and Pure Tt as and Srdcts Our Cold Oust Flour It ads all other brands. Sugars are not high when bought from us. CONNER & SNEDEKER Jy7 Cor. Market and Fourteenth Street*. BARGAIN WEEK! Very Uiioil Stripetl Cocoa Mill tlritf for.lS'^e. Ilollimtl H'imlow Itlinds for .Stic. flood Carpet for.10r. Smyrna IIiii;s for .IOC. Stair Oil Cloth for. Sc. Shelf Oil Cloth for. Be. HENRY JACOBS’, Second Floor, above Jacobs & Iienberg. aul JUST RECEIVED! PICKLED OYSTERS. PICKLED LOBSTERS, PICKLED LAMB TONGUES, IMPORTED GINGER ALE, And a nice assortment of picnic goods, at F HANAUE&’S, je23 To. 13C6 Market Street. Til ml !i 3 j |i it u J! If Ha |i II Wanted- a young man to assist in uti office and make himself generally use ful. Addrtgg “T.,” Reoistkk office. mi6q WANTED-Energetic men to solicit for a BuilcluB ami Loan Association. To the rluht men very liberal terms will be made. Ad dress NEW Yoke MUTUAL S.AVINtS and LOAN AS EQUATION 65 Liberty .-t , N. Y. atl5g TPOR KENT- AT 1122 MARKET STREET, two jv front rooms,on ground floor, suitable for lodging or offices. Inquire at 1131 A'aler Street, auieadh________ TjVOR SALE—A 8KTOF GOOD rARI-OR FUR p nitnre; also, one Range stove will be told cheap. Can be ssen at No. 27 Eleventh St. G A. BEl'lEK' Administrator of Sophia Schwarz b&ch. _ _ati'-'eada I PANTED—FOR THE UNITED STATES V\ Army, able-bodied, tin-married men, be tween tno’eges of .’1 and Si years. Good pay, rations, clothing and medical attendant" AO S’at No 1519 Market street, W heeling, \Y. Va. y23Tu.Th__ F° K SALE. Real estate that will pay 12 to IS per cent, con sisting of a new double It KICK HOI'SK, five rosms on each side; natural and artificial gas throughout, at Not 97 and99, North Huron St. G. O. SMITH, guC,ji No, 1220 Main street. NOTICE. I hereby notify all persons not tj trust my wife, Mollie Roth, ou my account, as I will not be ro responsib'.e for any debts contracted l y her, she having left my bed and board without cause. LOUIS BOTH. Wheeling, W/Va , August o lv.'. _ _ ocliester Lamps! auG All Styles a*. Vatiotts I’rices. EWING BROS., 1215 Market 3t„ opp., McLure House. JEWETT'S WATER COOLERS, With Porcelain or Galvanized Iron lining. The >staml mnstihandsome Coolers in the market, ill and see them at the Hardware end House ruishiug store of _ NESBITT & BRO„ gut! 1312 Market Street. HAY AND STRAW. Proposals will be received by the Secretary of the West Virginia State Pair, until Auguit lOili, 18S9, at 2 p m., for furnishing and delivering on the l air Grounds, as ordered, 10 Tons of Timothy Hay, 5 Ton3 of Clover, and O Tons of Wheat Straw, More or less. All to be first das’-'. GEO. HOOK, auGor.tgq Secretary. SUPERB TRAIN SERVICE, GOOD CONNECTIONS, FAST TiME —AND— kto CAN ALL BE NECl'RED IIY TAKING THE BETWEEN THE EAST AND Dakota. Manitoba, Montana, Idaho- Washington Territory, British Columbia. Oregon and California. THIS Is THE "Yellowstone Paik & Dining Car Route," The NORTHERN' PACT FC RAILROAD is the SHORT LIKKM HELENA,T ACOMA. SEATTLE, ami PORTLAND, ORE ; is the only LINE run n,ng PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS to FERGUS falls, grand forks, gkafion, Winni peg, FARGO, HELENA and BIT ECIIY, n:id U the ONLY LINE reaching JAMESTOWN, PIS MARCH, MILES CITY, BILLINGS, BOZEMAN, MISSOULA. f-POKANE FALLS, TACOMA and SEATTLE. Pullman Sleepers, Dinirs: Cars FREE COLONIST SLEEPERS ON EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. This Lino offers {special At'ractions to California Tourists For fall informat'ou concerning mop, lime, etc , call on or whlreM your nearest ticket gent, any tiavcUugpasaecgerasentof Oils company, or CHAS. S. EEE, Gen. Pass. and Ticket Afft. N. P. R. R., anCTo.Steg BT. PAUL. MINN. COMMISSIONERS’ SALE -OF City Heal Estate. Charles Stahl ) In the Circuit Court of vs. J- Ohio County. Henry Stahl etal. ) In Chancery. 1 )Y YIRTl’K OF A DECKLE ENTKRFI) IN I") the Rhove namdl cause oil the it hiluyof July. It-su the und-rslgncd Special Commission i-rs of said Court will soil at Public Aut tloti, at the front door of the Court House of Uhio Couu N tTl’RDAY, Al til ST Itil. IHtli. the real estate mentioned aud deserilad in ’he hill and proceedings lu (aid cause, t»-wit: That c -rtalu portion o' 1.0 No. T, in Square No 3.’. situate and being in the town of south Wheel ing (now the Eighth (s.h) ward of the City of Win- ling), County or ()hio and 'late oi West Virginia: beginning ►t the south corner of said lot. on sixth (o hl-Mreit: thence with the sou h line of said lot to the Alley at the cast end of sa- ! lot: thence with the eastern liueor said lot. In a northern direction, to a point on the said east line 29 feet and 11 inches from stid south ii’ii hence wc-tward to a point on the front or w st line of said lot J9 feet and 11 inches, north of said touth corner on sixth street, and at a point on said Sixth (Gtta) street direclly at the norih cointrof a frame dwelling luff e ereend on the said southern por.ion of said lot No. 7: thence with said front or west lino alone; said Sixth strist to the b-glnnine, being the same prop „r-v that was eon eyed to Adam Stalil, decease d, by Krtieet Benttle'd and Ffedtrlcka Ueutileld, bis wife, by deed d-ted July l«t. Of,7, and recorded in Deed IHit No. id, page MO, of the records of Ohio County. Sai l su e will be made on tlio following terms and conditions, to-wit: On -third of the pur chase money cash n hand on the day of sale: one third thereof, with intettst, in one year rrc m the date of sale, aud the residue thereof, with intercs', in two year: from the date of sale the purchaser giving his notes, with gri d security, payable to said Sp dal Commissioners, for the deferred payments said Special Commis sion rs to retain the legal tide to said real estate as a urther security utril said purchase money is fully paid, and the purchaser t> h we the ptiv ilege ef paying all or anv partrf said deferred payments at anytime before mntur.ty. sale to commence at 10 o’rlork a. m JOHN A. HOWARD, J. B. SOM M ERVii.LK, Special Cammltsioners. 8ta‘eof Wett Virginia. County of Ohio, to-wlt: I John W. Mitchell, Ckrk of the t ircult Court of said county, do certify that the above named Special Commissioner- have given bond as re quired bv taw. Given under my r and this 10th day of July 18>9. JOHN W. MITCHELL, jjUoawi Clerk. The above sale is adjourned to SATCRDAY, AVul -sr, at 10 o'clock a. m. JOHN A HOWARD. J. U. SOMSEKVILLE, auCTu.ThaSst_Commissioners. GEO. W. JEFFERS Attorney-at-Law, Office: Xo. I!> Four enfli Street. opines aiul liquors, RHINE WINES! 5fi>rc«branfr, UPbfran Riloh, Krbackcr N»lr Steinor, tanbP -CHAMPAGNES— Ponstry A Hr(U# See, Ime dP KonfPteSto. H.H.JIniDiii'*, no!i<iM« Spf, «o5«l 3ml, California Wines and Clarets. P. WELTY & CO., KHULE3AI.S LI^1028 d*8 FOR SALE. Eight Illicit Bootes, Centrally locsted, with from six to twelve rood*, ranging iu price from $2,700 to 86,fOO Fotu Brick Houses, one of nine one of five, a (1 two of four rooms, ou lot lOOxl'Kl—$5.'09. One seven and one five roomcl Lrl: k, on lot 66x120- il 500 One four icortu'd brick and three roomed frame, lot .70x100- S!,7CO Two star v Frame, seven rooms, corner lot i'vxIOO -13,000. Sixteen lots, upper end of itea wood, 27x91- 5X0 1 Vevcrtl fine lots fronting on National Head, n-ar Wheeling I’nrk :to shares Standard Insurance Co.; l.r> shares .Etna ■ ;ivs Co ; 25 shares Am riettn Insurance Co : 10 shares Ben wood Mill Co ; r. shares War wi k China Co.; 5 shaies Belmont Mill Co. Monty to loan on Rea' Kstat - h enritv. «K». J. MATH ISO W, jj-22c_1210 Chai.llnc s’reel. Commissioner's Sale of Real Estate, I N THE MUNICH*AL COURT OK WHEELING, J. Ohio County. West Virginia. Alonzo Hanke | vs. > In Chancery. Charles Bremer and others. j Pursuant to a decree la the above cause en tered by said Court ou the 30th day of March, A. U. 1889. the undcislgued Special Commissioner 'l FRIDAY. THB 16th l»AY OF Al - ois T. A. I). l**», commencing at 10 o’clock a. in., sell at pubi c auction, to the highest and best bidder, at the front door of the Court House of said county, iu the City of Wheeling, West Virgina. the real estate of the said Charles Bremer, that is to say: All that certain piece or parcel of ground situate ami lying in tli.t part of the City of Wheeling formerly eslled -the town uf South Wheeling, in the County of Ohio, State of West Virginia, aod known as tho north half of ixit Numbered Five (5), in Square Numbered Sixteen (1C) in said city. TERMS OF SALE—Shall be one-third and to much more as the purchaser may elect to pay in cash on the day < f sale, the residue in two equal payments in one and two yesrs, the purchaser giving bond there'or, and the title to be re tained until tho whole of the purchase money is paid. L 3. JORDAN, Special Commissioner. I hereby certify that bond with security lias been given by the raid Sneeial Commissioner as required by law and the decree of sai 1 Court. * 1 JOHN W. MITCHELL. ClPrk of the Circuit Court of Ohio County. West Virginia._jyi:tol> QTOCK FOK BALE. I ofier for sale fr»m $12,000 to $16,000 worth ol stock In a long established manufacturing insti tution, which has been in nrcceastul operation near this city for many years, and pays easily li percent. JAMES L. HAWLEY, CI,30_ 1420 Main Street. Jar JpOR RENT. Front Boost, third tioor, No. 13U0 Market Ht. Building No. 1H2 Chapline street, suitable lot offices, or light housekeeping, or lodging roosts. Enquire of 1L FORBE3. j -ih _ T^OR RENT. The roost on the northwefci comer of Main and Twelfth street, now occupied by the Western Onion Telegraph Company. Possession April M 1*33. Apply at PEOPLES’ BANK, Or to Thos. O’Br.iitrt. )v*4 (Educational. WASHINGTON * LEE UNIVERSITY. LXXIgOTON, Va. Academic rirparimeuts; Law: Engineering. Tu ition for all Departtnents. 175.10. No extras. Next session opens September 12th. Apply for caurlogiie. }y8ea8UgT Buartliiip ami l>ay Sriivol fur Touag Ladies tiinl Children. rpilOROI'GH COURSE OF IN-'’ u''< TION IN l Keg! sh. Mathematics, Ancient and Mol c-rn Languages Music. Drawing, Painting, Elo cutlon, and calisthenics. Advantages of home life and training Fall session begins Wedncslay, September itli 18SU. Address, Ml 3d PA UP AN, Jyfeadtb Principal. WHEELING FEMALE COLLEGE. A regularly chartered institution, c red to 'onferdegrees. Full Kngii h, elcnllllc. OJa.'sh al, • rt, Musical and Eioeiilltmaryeourscs. Post-Grad tales iuvited to read for de gri cs A very c >mpi ,'. nt Faculty has been eng>gtd Rooms repapor .<! a’ 1 pain'ed Ni iv bath room. Appliances if a Gymnasium. The most h>althful location .it the city. Reference *o the hot men of the ■uy, among wlioci arc \>. C. list. II. K 1 . I. r-lwood Hughes, Dr. Jepsou, G. VV. Atkinson ferms very reasonable, for further pai liculars ipply to tno President, lyl'exa UK. BI.AI3DKI.L. ■Wheeling, W. Va. 8EV i.NTV-SlXTH SESSION BtGINS Monday, Sepiembsr 9iii, i889. Theschcolls af’Uusieal and Sclent ills Acad emy, and prepares students fer any College or University in the country. U bas a full corps of instructors, and Ts well equipped in all depart ments. The Military Department ii a rpeelal feature of the ichcol. Private instruction in Modern Languages will be given during the Summer. h»-Kor Calalrgues, particulars, Ac., address, JOHN II. UOFMEK, Jyfirb _ Principal. VIRGINIA FEMALE INSTITUTE, STAUNTON. VA. Mrs. ili'ii. .1. II. It NTltAKT, Principal. Fall rn's'ion opens .-'eptrmbcr id, Dvs0, closes June 11,*390. Full corps of teachers, with unsur passed advantages m every d. panment. Board, ,ec , with full Eng isli cour e for intire smion TJ'.o. Accomplishments extra Frr full particu lars apply lor catalogue. JylTTu.l h.Sat-va jron (wlor. s. HEAVY SHEET IRON WORKS, Chimneys, Britciiem, Tanks, Llfobouts, and all kinds of Bolling Mill, Glasshouse and Steamboat work. Estimates fur nished on application. C. H. MILLER, mvl!> 112fi Water street. REAL WHITE Just Opened at much less than Regular Fr ees, See our Special Numbers St 55c, 55c, 65c, arid 75c h\ Yard. 3ST IE W Slack Lees ficoociiip 40 and 62 inches wide. From $1.50 to $6,00. HandsonieBiack Orapery Hots, Fish Nets, —AND— Pme Sewing Silk Grenadinr, Now Ja Stork. NEW STOCK OF LA TOSCA PARASOLS, JU3T RECEIVED. 4W- -ec our ^r-ecial B&reoin in H!l!s Umbrellas, flood quality filoris Silk, Paragon F'atia aud Rold Tip. I'ric** myU 1152 Main Street. ^reir il* ^friiichg—^urniturj? and Carpets. FURNITURE AND CARPETS. SPRING EXHIBIT—LATEST SHIES. T ^ ■ J OP- the Parlor, BGd Room H i or Dining Room, in theLa | 1 tost, Handsomest, and A Most Desirable Woode, Exquisite and Novel Designs. Choicest & Most Elegant Styles. Highest Perfection in Finish, and Greatest Desirability in Con struction. Carpets, Oilcloths -AND MATTINGS! Do yon need any? Now or in the neat future? Make a memorandum of the fact that wo hare The Stock, the Assortment, the Styles, the Low Prices, and wc havo belli tho faculties and the determination to please all who favor ns with a call Moquettcs, Body Brussels, 'i'aixsstry Brussels, Ingrains,.from the Bat to the .On spest, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Cocoa and China Mattiugs, Buga, Mats, Window Shades, Ac Frew & Bertschy, ill? MAIN STREET, WHEELING, W, VA. K3*r*Special Attention to Undertaking and Arterial Embalming. Seeds—$fo. S'atjlor. ^ -BLACK- ^ Having a large ac cumnlation of the above goods, I have de cided, in order to re duce the stock, to AND PLACE ON SALE THIS DAY AT REDUCTIONS FROM REGULAR PRICES AS FOLLOWS : $ .65 QUALITY TO $ .68 •75 .87 •95 1.00 1.20 1.25 .58 .6.) •75 .82 .85 1.00 1.0; Mo better make of Ail Wool Henrietta imported. IN THE MARKET. TaLMFR’S rATFXT ARROWWANKA. Ik HAMMOCK. -GO TO G. MENDEL & CO.’S No. 1124 Mam Street.