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KtlilSTEK MORNING. ant Anything Want Column-' «oS* WHEELING, W. YA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14,1889 STATE FAIR. Wheeling’s Annual Fain PROMISES TO BE The Largest in It* History. NO. 34 WILL A K LILLI! > ifc.AHS KK*l> WILL BK SPKACIR H Hr. ■ M Wi Willi l Bold v *rv Pr.'WiurM Expecttd i,*N«v- H -Th« R‘»ab Lcaa Programme. VT^H.N Tt N. Au<u«t IX- Hon. j«**» M l,^o who bolJ<* the certificateftom ;iie;.„ thW^V , . ^district,but wb«0 . .,t „ ihe i • 1 lino* will bo contested bj < . . .. . vy the K.PlWl' ‘us "sn try Mu" ii To do this it ' . , %v- M> audacious lef C*BOO® not •doth, ,» R d will -•'*« •s^-*k,ir- m , N i I soih to *!«!«•, * ,‘a*r”“ .-,1 : K . ..•• V that heiets on* rr.stuf, W’n-ther a .jaorBBi vct#» Ot not Tt. 1» • !«■» "I - 1 entirely outno •;.at letters shall ,i, i!>, ,r . • tone ' con. *e, - nd that the I r-.i -hall it nra. but th«n the new ..... . , »et tube hsn:d from. Seteral P'lhiuan uetaber art- elre* ly hots da , . .(i*. We had bsite* wiit. • \. t > legi Ution, tiie U-publicins will j-f. . biy sttk 11 abolish certain ot the in icraal rsveune til’and in this will tet « ■ l> aocratic eUti*tb. Oaths other Land, they soil encounter oppcsitiou in the.i own party.” IN THK FOl'RTH MSTRUT. ConteiUut Charlie ‘•uilth UuiiUd ou a Sui*|>li*i«ieut»l Motlce. ai Ti .‘itram to tne KtfWer. WAStilXiiTW. 1*- C . Angus! 111 —The wai'.-i Jwksou, from the Fourth West irgmia District, was op?a«d by Clerk Clark, of the iloa«. of K-rpioeutatmsto ,!*y. ri iie proceedings were almost a dn plici'e oi those ci yesterday, except that Smith, r er hucing rimed bis case. raved . -jppleaenUl notice upon Jackson. . ut r accepted it in gc>J taitb, e j v at ahead to have new ,t. j,, v w showed that abjot .c,. v ct !,■ hundred illegal eotc', ■ortuerly <t optioned me Republican*. This "jii-h exprcted, and when ay >v.»s open .’l today, his at a:... t >.• cbiscttd to that taken under i; , r\erttl notes being received. a.bring that the law did not authorize a id or -appitmenril notice. Colonel t. t air lor Jackson, claimed thst t. e notice had b ea filed t/ s mtc. an 1 taat they had proceeded in e >- faith to lake the testimony. Smith - as-.t to rrccgmz* j;( and then St. Clair tiled Smith's supplemental notice, as a part ol the record in order to get in the testimony taken. It was received and ordered printed. smith's bad break. Smith, after having tried to help his rase with the enppleumital notice, abandoned aal rojected it because evidence taken strengthened Jackson's case, being provoked by admission of this testimony, i*se*rted that it did not make any difference, as he and other West Vir ginia contestants would be seated on a special resolution on mpiimn ’ showing In this he and his party friends are mis taken, as the Democrats will not permit any such action. They will compel every case to ns sent to the Committee on Elections, to take its regular .urn and West Virginia K-poblicans who ore counting oa sotcial action will be tooled. \ > contestant has ever yet been seated on any sach special resolution. The t.overnor's certificate carries the prima right, and as the Democrats are »rlv i" stiOng as the Republicans in the ,,it He J-e. they will cot allow any de nture from the role. Mr. Kandall, who .ill bo tbs Democratic leader, said jnst h's r«. nt departure from Washing i„a, that the Democrats would require oveiy contorted case to take the usual POSTOKHHK* AM* PENSIONS. |-, „ ,,l l oh UlKiriliulfeil t»* West \lr gtolan*. Special Tc-ccram to ttio Reylstor. \VAsmsiiToN, tugnst 1;;. - The follow ing West Virgin.a postmasters have heeu appointed It. I-:. I nek, Drier, Wyoming i.unify, v..e J. I* Smith, resigned Mrs. A Hawkins, f k City. Harbour connty, vice f M. Hawkins, deceased. Jorephiue t my, Overfield, Barbour couotv, vtce E. t Trimble, removed 1‘ensioiis have been is-cud to the fallow ,og West Virginians Increase—C>muio doie J. Hail and Siainel B. Rathboue. i. i;.i f o- West Virgiu.a, is in the . OllhlC UKLI’S ( A>l I’HKUU it.r i hitft C« n(*re»#ui*n Urclare* lor the Mutter Coenljr Man. Washi> i'>N, August Id — Congrear i .a i ctler, who h.o* the indorsement ol ... A. r,. tintr ^OUir* Democracy for ohernawr *1 nomination in that v t - iUl, will L>ave lor Ohio next ■ l.»v ’ I am going out to help nom >!<* J:tu Campbell tor Governor,’- said and then I am goiDg to help I tun not in the race tar the uotwithataEilirs; the indorse i c;>«e received. I want ta ro to help al ia* a not'd organs. i ' .. the parly. The h pnl-lu *ns are ti d this year, and the l>emo itl jnl to let them have any * *’ , i ibis tlirection.’* BVYAKiyr* MAKK1A«»E. - eretare Will Wed Mi»» ©ly«ner In Antutnn. n ■ is, Aiudm 1 —Toe rumor ♦ nat the long-talked-ot- niar u «-3cretarj Biyard and i C’ ■ • wanli take placj at the home !•. e.e-:. in this ci“v,.on Monday, :et., is proooncced entirely with . " r on, as the veddmg will not 1 nattl the antnmn. The ; oy w'|! most prnb.ih’.y he a very h'-v« atfi'r, at the lamtly el the a:t f>ppo ► d to all publicity in the r. 14 *\ Dr L*»n*rd, at present ab ot I t e city on a lew w,ekV Tact s' . i -'i i ite, and bu return to Waeb nci . n>.' xpectei beiore the middle *4*a*!ur & vi%r « UuIdk AUroiJ. Wa-hisoTkS, D. C, August l'-—A ■ V. p.i -part »avh a- are i»*ied to dis ogu hr.I c i i.v intend ng to go abroad, v s ;i«d at the St.»t > D -ptrtmest to i *. S i t ir K. n j, ol New York. Th-* ■uATor tsill v -it 11 trope, it id said to a; -.It'■;> Vi il: r on the continent abort t ■ I'fft- »htcondition is tmcu as to f'v l. a much concern. Tlirm tliivcn uient Sturr kerpdrs. " v* |N x Ansi- IT—The Secre tary o t . l re*su y has appointed the fol lowing torvkeej. r«: James M. McGhee i too i -v-u-.h t> uo i i strict. James W. Soeed and James E C'oojt- - in the Filth Tennessee. KKAH AM'S BARREL Tha Cooper Determined to Navigate Nl agara Fell*. Bi'kkalo, August 12—Carlisle D. Gia haul is determined to navigate Niagara Falls, and to-day attempted the teat ex perimentally with a new barrel, which he bnilt on a different plan from the others that were wrecked in the rapids. The barrel wa3 of heavy white oak staves, five feet long, 33 inches in diameter, and bonnd with irou bands. It was fixed in eile with a hammock, in which a dog was placed. Graham let the barrel go in the Canadian current, two milesabove the cat aract, at 4:15 this afternoon. Iu twenty eight minutes it dashed safely over the precipice and reappeared in the torrent be iow the falls. The ersft tloated around the base of the falls for thirty five minutes and finally sank. Graham said that the water entered through air holes left for the deg to breathe, and the sinking could not have happened had he been iu it. Graham will IVtld a duplicate of the bar rel and go over in it himself iu ten days. HE SAW STANLEY. A Young African With tl»« Kxploror Two Voiilha Ago. Boston’, August 13.—A young African ,1 ioyal blood, who has seen and talked with Henry M. Stauley since the explorer entered Aliica to relieve Emin Bay, is in town. H;s r.’glisti uaiue is Frederick Nicholas Srniib, ard he is being cared for by the American Baptist Missionary Soci ety. His coming to America was an acci dent. While on his way from the Congo to Sierra Leone, his home, his veesel was wrecked. A New Bedford echooner pick ed him np and landed him in that town recently. ‘•Mv lather, says tte young Atncan, was a" Kirg of the Bruro tribe, in the Congo country. I wa i educated in Sierra 1. cue in an intermediate school and after wards was employed as a clerk in the office of the Sanford Exploring Expedition at Kinckassa, west c Stanley l’oo>, where I remained two years. About November 28 last I saw Mr. Stanley at Kinchassa and Stanley l’ool. He had with him about two huedr.d men in excellent health, with their geode, curiosities, »vr. Stanley pitched bis tent at that place and there he remained for several daj s, after which he ftubjrktd for the eastern part of Africa. At that time he looked very robust. I re member the effect his voice had npon all the ptop’.e around him. It was like the vo ce of a lion. The native looked upon him as a great and mighty man.. HERMAN MONEY. five Million* Invested la Michigan Iron Ore Mine Ishikmixo, Angnst 13.—Within the pist year a eirg’e syndicate of Berlin bankers ha9 invested something like $5,1100,000 in thia country. Two years ago Mr. Ferdiuaud Schlesinger, of Mil wankc?, bought the Dann mine at Crystal Falls, Menominee county, paying what was then thought a round price for it The mine turned out to be a big one, and the investment was called lortuuate. The latest acquisition to the mines of this syn dicate are the Florence and \ oungstowu min s iu Florence county, Wis., acd the Iron Fiver mine in Iron county. The Ar menia mine, a yonng hot promisirg prop erty near Crystal Falls, wos bought sev eral months ago. Huger Fryar * Veracity Oaestloned. DintciiB. Id, Aog. 1 : —A recent state ment from Gen. Huger A. Pryor, published in the New York papers, iu which he in dignantly denies that he deserted from the Confederate array, is pronounced natrne by a veteran Faion soldier of this city and a member oi Hyde Clark Foot, G. A. R. He says he saw 1‘ryor, in tall uniform, march up in front of th9 l nion lines and permit himself to be taken prisoner and led to the rear. llrlce Not a Candidate for Senator. Coi MBrs, O, Angnst 13.—Hon .Fames B. Townsend, of Lima, declines te be a candidate for re-alection as Chairmau ol the Democratic Slate Executive Commit tee. lie also savs that Calvin S. Brice will not l>a a candidate for United States uator, and that neither Senator Fayne uor his son, C 1. Payne, is in any way . ounccte 1 with the Standard < >.l Company. I- nmker autt Coiuell l.jt^rtnloetl. Bi'kkalo, N. Y., August 13. —Fv-Gov. \lor/» B. Coruell, of New York, and Gov. J B. 1 oraker, of Ohio, arrived in the cite last evening and spent a few honrs very pleasantly as the guests of Mr. Henry M. Watson. A few Buffalo gentlemen were invited to meet them at dinner. Mr. 1 oraker took the midnight train for the Wist. Three Killed In a Holler Explosion. Lot'lsvii.LK, Kv , Aagnst 13.—The boiler of Taomas Aodtreon & Co. s stave factory at Darby, Ky., t x ploded about 7 o'clock ye-ierday morning. James Jack son was killed and six others sericudy in jured. Baton Menser and Dennis l'ordy, who were wounded, have since died. Death of Archbishop Elder's Urotliar. Baltimore, August 13.— Mr. Francis i.'der, a prominent and well-known citizen 01 Baltimore, ami brother of Archbishop Wm. H. Filler, of Cincinnati, died at 1 40 this morning, at his residence, of heart failure. Harrison Invited to Olnctnnattl. Cin< 1SSATI, O., August 13.—The Chamber ol Commerce to-day appointed a Committee of fifteen to invite President Harrison to visit Cincinnati on the occa sion of bistrip to Indianapolis during this mouth. _ Ida Harris Assailants Held. New York, August F* —Mrs. Hannah l’earlstein. charged with abdneting fonr teen-year-old Ida Harris, and the live young men who are charged with assault ing her, were arraigned in Court to-day and held without bail for examination. Serious Aco'dent at Clarksburg. S^teiai Ttlfi’rom to t* Reewir. Clabkski ro, W. Va., August Ft.— Last n'ght the team of K T. Lowndee ran off, seriously injuring Mr. Shaw’s boy and hurting young Gordon, the driver. Death at Ashland. Sprctai TeUirim to Cm SuruUr. Friendly, w. Va., August 13 A laughter o/Capt. J. W. Williamson, of thi place, now of Ashland. Ky., died thi morning at 9:3*b Ku«k Looks Alter the Cattle. Washington, Aagust 13.—Secretary Kiisk has found it necessary to supplement his circular letter of lcit July prescribing regulations and rules for disinfection in the transportation it the Texas i«.ver district with an additional order, re [erring particularly to the special precau tions neit-sary to prevent any possibility of the infection c’ ctttle selected lor ex port. ulclda of an K» Coofedarate Surgeon. WiNi HESTER, Va., August 13.—Dr. J. Wottham, a prominent citiz.m, eotn tted suicide to dav by shooting himself rough the head. 11a was a native of tnUttlle, Ala. He was a su.geon mths ntederate armv and remained here alter . war. He leaves a daughter eighteen ars of age. WILD NEGRO FANATICS CH1I.HKK.N OK FAITH LIB A HORRIBLE DKATH. A Remarkable Religious Craze in Alabama— Another Impostor Excites the Negroes—Three Young Men Throw Themselves Into a Fiery Furnace. Chicago, Aognst 13.—A special from Birmingham, A la., says: The most remark able religions cre/.e pervades the negroes near Bessemer and the country interme diate let wean that rapidly-growing place and Birmingham. For seme time past an old negro named Tobias Jackson has been proclaiming hirasel as Daniel the Prophet, and doing all kind of eingnlar, wild and queer things. Saturday last he persanded three yoaog men that they were representatives ot Sbadracb, Meehack and Abednego, the three children cf faith who entered the fiery foresee of Nebuchadnezzar of old. He proclaimed that a iurnace where iron is melted and cast into-11 kinds of forms was the furnace of Nebuchadnezzar, and that they conld enter it and pass throughout without the smell of fire. Kl'SUKD TO A riKKY DKATH. The three negreescalling themselves the children of Isreal, under the influence of tbeir new prophet, deliberately entered the gate of the cnpola ot the furnace and rnshtd headlong before they conld he stop ped into the white heat of the melting iron. When they failed to come out, Jackson, the prophet, proclaimed that he saw them rising in the air with the smoke of the furnace attended by angels, and said that they would ievieit the earth again next Sunday. WINDOW MASS HITCH. Slaiiufu'tureri nud Workmen Kttll to Agree on the Sotile. Pitts roRa, Pa., August 14.—The Wage committee <t the Window Glass Woikers Association and manufacturers had a meet ing here to-day, hat failed to re’eb au agreement, and adjourned eiue die. The indiettions are that a strike or lockout on Sept. 1 ie quite certain, unless one or the other mikes concessions l>etore that time. Uoth e^dts now declare that they will not make any compromise. The enmmer shnt down ends on Sjpt. 1. Should a Btrike be declared, some six thousand men will l>e directly affected, us there are about that number ol' window glass workers in the Western District. HASRISOVd OUTING. A Day Spent on the Octan at Bar Harbor. Bab Habkob, Mo , Aug. 14.—President Harrison received a warm greeting cn hie arrival here to-day on hie return from the Ellsworth visit by the mid day boat. He breakfasted with Senator Hale this morn ing. A special train for the ferry war: taken. On hoard the ferry boat the Presi dent seated him-elf in a deck chair at the stern, the other members cl the party sit ting around him and chatted with Mr. Blaine and others. At the P>ir Harbor wharf a good s:z?d crowd greeted the President and cheered vigorously as he passed along to the car riage which was to take himself and friends to Stanwcod. Til KY MAY STAY. The Imported Glass Worker* W"1 Brob ably Remain at Jeannette. Pittsburg, August 13.—It is the im presrion in labor circles here that the case of the importsd glass workers at Jeannette will be dropped, and the men not com pelled to re nrn. President Campbell, of the tile s Workers’ Association, said to day that the Association would make a fight to keep the men here. Chambers & McKee, their employers, will also oppose their return. _ AFTSKTHK DU KLlsJTsl. Th» Governor of Alabama Wauts to Kx!ra tilt. Them. BlHMlNUHAM, At.A , August 13.—Gov ernor Seay was in the city to day corres ponding with Governor Gordoo, of Georgia, relative to the extradition of Williamson and Calhoun, the Georgia lawyers who (ought a duel on Alabama soil ou Satur day night. Governor Stay is determined to have them brought back to Alabama and vigorously prosecuted, and has already issued a requisition, which Governor Gor don piomhcs to grant. Kuctlon In the G. A. It Dump. MHavai KKK, August 13 —Some months ago the National park was assigned to the Illinois post for encampment week, and Department Commander Martin, of Illi nois, while in the city, assured the park proprietor that there would be 12,000 vet erans. Now Adj. Geu. Pattridge, of the Illinois department, has informed the pro prietor that none of the Illinois posts will attend the encampment. In consequence the proprietor is preparing to sue the Illi nois department for alleged breach of ton tract. Jolued the Canadian Colony, Boston, August 13.— It is pretty gen eral Id believed here that Gideon 1*. Brown, of the bankrupt wool firm of Brown, Steese <!c Clark, baa joined the Canadian colony. His partners have not heard from him since he disappeared last Thuiaday night. _ THE MEAT OK T1IK NEWS, Etnraa Fergnaon, a yooug girl, heiress to fitty thousand dollars was arrested in Cin einnati yesterday,(or drnnkennea9. The Government has been informed if the appointment of delegate* to the Con gre»s of American States at Washington, by Mexico, San Dominigo and Brazil. Mrs. S.'ott Lord, Mrs. Harrison's sister, is convalescent. Mrs. Harrison may join the Presidential party on their return from Bar Harbor. Commissioner Tanner is quoted assaying that he is too poor a man to accept the po sition ol Commander of the G. A. R. The actual loss by the Spokane lire is now pnt at $5,000,000. P. W. McKinney, of Prince Edward connty, tied an ex-Coafederate soldier, is in the lead tor the Democratic nomination for Governor of Virginia. Mrs Thayer, wife of ex Gov. Thayer, cf Nebraska, is seriously ill at Franklin, Mass. The barn of C. S. Bragg, of Avondale, near Cincinnati, burned yesterday; loss $30,000. John Blnm and Louis Siff, two Montana hunters, were five days surrounded by for est fires. Their horses and wagon were fcnrned, and they took re'nge in a little tunnel. A doastrons fire at TrncVee, Cal, de stroyed several busiaees houses; loss 000. ,. , JebD McMackiu. Dr. McGlynn s mend, was yesterday appointed Special Inspector of Customs in New York Ciiv. The Haytien war is en?peuded during the wet season. Hippolyte wasdeteatfd in his last assault on Port-au-Prince, and has withdrawn Ills troops. Two more bodies were found at Johns ton yesterday. Mora, Wray. Retried, Geraldine and McCauly won at Sirateg* yesterday. Jim Brooke, colored, was arrested and lyncher! at Orange, Tex , yesterday for outrage on a while woman eighty years of ,age. BALTIMORE’S VOICE. The Ofster City Think* Washington Should Have the Great Kxposition. Baltimobe, Mi> , Angast 13.—At a joint meeting of the various commercial exchange*) and citizens of Baltimore held to day at the City Hall and presided over by the Governor of the State, the follow - resolutions were unanimously adopted: Resolrcd, That the exposition of 189*2 iu honor of the 4()0th anniversary cf the discovery of America is beyond the mag nitude and dignity of a private corpora tion or any individual city, and should be held under the joint anspiceaof the United States and the eighteen sisters of the new world which Columbus discovered. Rewired, That Washington, whose ground is commercially neutral the city of the nation and of all the States and the capital of the oldest and foremost American nation, is the only proper site for the commemoration of this great his torical event. Resolml, That Baltimore waiving all claims of her own, ca its her vote for the National Capital invites all cities to nnite in making the three Amer'ca’a Fx position worthy of greatness and grandenr of the Western hemisphere. Resolved, That the (iovernor be requested to transmit copies of these resolutions to the President of the U. S. and members of the Cabinet, the Preeideift of the Senate, the Speaker of the House, the Governors of the various states and territories, the Mayors of the principal cities and the presidents of all commeicial bodies. IN THE PENITENTIARY. The Keaton Why One of Waimiuakci'a Appointees Can't Accept. UKIDSVII.LK, N. C., August 13.—A ne gro of this place applied some weeks ago for a place in the mail service as route agent. A letter bn just come from Post master General Wanamaker notifying him of his appointment. Upon looking np the addreci of the new appointee it wso fount that it bad been changed to the Sia'e penitentiary, he having since his ap plication committed a burglary and l>;en sent np for three years. (i. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. One Thousand Ill-union* Will he Ilrlil Ki. tensive Preparations. Mil.u'AiKkb, August 13.—It is an nounced to-day that daring the coming National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, 1,000 company, battery, gunboat, regimental, brigade, division and corps reunions will be held and placer of meeting for this number have been secured. POINTED INSTRUCTIONS. The Judge Lectures the Sullivan Grand Jar/ oa Their Dal/. Pubvis, Miss., Augait 12.—The conrt met at 2:‘20, and the Jadge immediately sent for the grand jury. Ha told them that he had heard that they were contem plating referring certain matters before them to the justice ol the psacs. He said that that could not bo done by the grand jnry. He had laid these matters before them, with the instructions, and >f they did not act on them he wou'd discharge them and get a new jarr. The Judge’s remarks were p rioted and created a sensa tion. Judge Calhoun, counsel for Sulli van, asked the Judge to note an exception. Foraker Snulu Lowry. Columbus, O, August 13.—Gov. For aker to day declined to issue a warrant for the expedition of Richard Carroll, General Superintendent ot the yueen and Crescent, wanted by Gov. I.owry, of Mississippi, as an aider in theSullivan-Kilrain pr;ze fight. JACKSON’S DKFI. The Aus rallau Negro Does Not liar Sul livan. Boston, August 13 —Peter Jackson is now talking of a go with John L. Sullivan. In a letter to Capt. Cooke, of the Police Kars, ho says: “1 am not free to extend challenges for meetings with men outride the clnb until my contract expires. I am ready, how ever, for any man in the world in the ring of the California Athletic Clnb, and I do not except the gallant champion of Amer ica. John L. Sullivan, nor Patrick Killen, whose heart for calling hard narai l is, 1 think, stouter than hm heart for lighting battles.” Lougatreet a Great Victory. Monmouth 1*abk, August 13 —The omnibus stakes were the "teat feature to day. The value of the stakes was estimat ed at $24,000. l.oDgatreet won, Proctor Kuott second, and Salvator thinl. litne, 2:26}. Bradford, Burlington, Blush, Howland and Heathen won the other races. KLACK'S D1VOKCK SKT ASIUK. The New York BlierlfPa Wronged Wife will Get Full Justice. Nkw Yokk, August IS.—The decree ol absolute divorce recently granted to Mary E. Flack from her husband Jarno A. Flack, sheriff of this county, was today on her petition annulled, aud all the pro ceedings had before the referee were set chide. Au order to this effect was granted by Judge Bookstaver, in the Court of Com mon Pleas, on the divorced woman's peti tion. In her affidavit she stated that she had never applied for a divorce, and first learned of the granting of the decree from a newspaper reporter. In annulling the decaee, Judge Book staver—the same Judge who granted it— stated that the developments disclosed a most remarkable state of affairs. His de cision was made as toon rs the argument was iiniehed. Et-Jndge Fullerton appeared in court and made an effort to advance arguments against the motion to annul the decree, but the Court refused to recognize bis claims to appear. The judgment of di vorce was against bis client and Judge Bookstaver maintained that be could make no objection to its reversal. EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY. Three Mtn Pardoned by Governor Wilson, Charleston, W. Va., August 13 — Gov. Wilson yesterday pardoned John K Coe, of Wood county, sentenced to twelve years imprisonment for marder; William Davis, of Kitchie county, sentenced to two years for felonions cutting, and John A Haley, of Harrison county, sentenced to two years for grand larceny. All these men are now in the penitentiary and have served parts of their sentences. The peti tions for pardon were strongly endorsed by | the law officers, and important extenuating circumstances are alleged. 8 LAV IN AFTER SULLIVAN. The Australian Champion Chellerges John L. to a right for »\000 a SUte Nkw York, August 13.—A cablegram i from London says that Frank ijlavin, the | Australian heavyweight champion, has de- > posited $50t) forfeit with a challenge to Snllivan to fight under London prise ring rales for $5,(XK> and the championship oi the world. A PHYSICIAN ASSAULTED. Scrloua Injuries to l)r. Oiimtli In Cabell County. UrsTiNGTON, W. Va., Angust 13.— Dr. J. V. Griffith, a well known physician of Blue Sulphur Springs, about fifteen miles ftom here, was assaulted while re turning from a professional call Friday night, and fearfully bruised and cut. It was on a lonely part of the road, and as the Doctor passed by a man sprang out and struck him with a rock. The Doctor fell senseless, and ley so for half an hour, when he recovered and managed to drag hinuelf to a house near by. His iDjmies are of a very serious characler. It is sup posed his assailant mistoolf him for some one else. DK. MOTT DEAD. A ))!Mlritul"he<l »’rof««sl<nmI Career ut an Bad. New Yobk, Arguet 13.—Dr. Alexander Brown Mott, one of tbe most noted of American eorgecua end sen of the famous surgeon Valentine Mott, died at his conn try seat nt Yonkers yesterday morning of onenmonia, rfter an illness of two days. l)r. Mott wes born in New Ycrk March 31, 1826. As one of the founders of Bellevne Hos pital, I)r. Mott took a warm interest in tbe welfare of the institution, and to his un tiling efforts mnch of the success of the ho*pi*»l mav be ascribed. In lb72 he re tired from the chair of Surgical Anatomy and became Professor of Clinical and Oper ative Surgery and tilled the place with credit to himself and honor to tbe college up to the time of his death. Dr. Mott made a special study of hy drophobia, and was rec. gnized as the highest American authority upon this subject. He was a thorough believer ini ♦he e flieacy of the treatment prescribed by' Pasteur, tbe famous French scientist, and attempted, with the aid of his son, to form a schcol here similar in design to the one founded in Paris by Pasteur. The experi ment was not a success, and r ker two years ot careful trial it was abandoned. WARLIKE WORDS. rile Ucrmui Kiuperor’s Tout to Fraud* Joseph. Bkki.IN, August 13.—Knperor Francis Joseph and Prince Bismarck were closeted together for an hour and ton minntei to day. Subsequently the Chancellor and Count Kalnoky conferred together, the in terview laetiog an hour. A banquet was given at the Schloss this evening. Emperor William in a toast warmly welcomed the Austrian Emporor and said: “You have learned, from the joy ful reception given you, of our warm and lively consciousness of the friendship that has existed between onr people for a cen mry. The army knows that for the maintenance of peace it will have to join I lie gallant army of Austria, and if Prov idence so decrees, they will fight together shonlder to shoulder.” SOCm CAROLINA RELIEVED. The Hitter CUizsn* It.joics at Hareon Flnnon's E»cipe. Columbia, H. C., Aognat 13.—The trial a id acquittal of John Yelldell, and es cape from the lynching party in Eigffitld, a e still the principal talk in Columbia. Tie people in every pirt of the .State are intensely relieved at bis escape from vio lence at the hands of the few lawless friends of Blackwell, the murdered man. It is repoited that the Jndge bad information that Yelldell would be shot if a verdict of not guilty was brought in, and that was the reason the prisoner was not in the conrt room. TUK SIIKRMANS ARRESTED. Another Sensational Fhase of the Cele brated Grain Case. Buffalo, N. Y., Angnt 13.—The cele brate I grain shortage cr?e of Sherman Arcs. <St Co. has now reached a new and interesting pbrse, criminal proceedings having been inetitot:-d. Eiwanl C. Hawks, Vice President of the International Elevating Company, and one of the losers by the operations of Sherman Bros. & Co., yesterday appeared before Justice King and swore out crim inal warrants ngainst Stephen F. Sher man, manager of the A-sociated Eleva tors, and Edward C. Loveridge, his eriist DYNAMITK PROOF. A Neaipipcr Mail Escape* au luferual Machine. Lexington, Kv., August 13.—A drs tardly attempt was made here yesterday to assassinate D. L. Baxter, a well kcown newspaper correspondent, by an eiplosion of a deadly machine which was left at the leader cilice directed to that gentleman. Theie wa9 sufficient dynamite in the par cel to have blown up any building in the city, and it only filled to accomplish its deadly purpose owing (o the percussion matches not igniting. 1)1 K1 > OF MAL-PKAG'TICK. A Pretty Vouug Woman* Hail Oeatli rtijslcian Arrested. Boston, Angust 13—Dr. G. Harper alias I)r. Sandford. was arrested in Cam bridge, last night, for nial-practire. Dr. Harper has kept a large bonse, and it ap pear.. rnn an irregular lyio|» in hospital. The victim was Mies Nellie Mart m, aged 00, whose dead body was taken from the house Sunday night. , Uullom Will tie! Pall., August 13—J. Frank Oolioiu, the young attorney who is charged with forgeries of the name of his client, J. T. Blaisdell, for amounts aggregating over $200,000, vras called for preliminary hear ing in the Municipal Court to-day. Had this morning war reduced to $.">1,000 in the aggregate, which it is expected will he famished by Collom’s wealthy friends. All! n Plead* Guilty. New York, August Id.—EbenS. Allen, late President e< the Forty-second and Grand .Street Railway was arngned before Judge Gildersleeve in Part 1, General Sessions to-day. He pleaded gnilty to the count of the indictment, charging him with the over issue of stock. Jadge<>il direleeve then remanded the prisoner for sentence until Friday and he was taken hack to the tombs. Buiiod Wool Market. Boston, Angnst 13.—Wool market <jaiet. Ohioand Pennsylvania X 33*34c; XX 34a 3.5c; No. 1 39c; Michigan X 32c; No 1 combing -10c; unwashed combing --i ' .. Ohio fine delaine 3tie; Michigan do. 31a3oc; choice Montana 25a26c; Territory wool »9a •29c. Texas, California and Oregon wools quiet. Pulled wools steady ;super 33i39c, extra 25a2Sc. Foreign wooli firm. A Great Ulicovery a the medical line is the pleasant fruit axative, Elixir of Dates. It combines the .olive properties of date", tigs and prune* n such a way as to make it one of the noet pleasant and effective remedies on he market. It is easily taken by old and ronug, and is a sure cure for habitual con tioation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick bead ,che and piles, and all d-seases caused by i weak stomach, diseased kidneys or ins< - ive iiver. Said in 50 cent bottles by w. V. trwin. W. E. Williams, John Langhlin .nil C. K. Goetzs. J. T. Goodwin A Co. md Logan A Co., Wholesale Agents. ON A SCIENTIFIC JAG, TWO REPORTERS WHO TOOK HROWN-SE Ul'ARb’3 ELIXIR, Sick Nigh Cato Death from It—They Have Aches, Pain?, Swelled Heads and Divers and Sundry Other Things—Both are Scared. Philadelphia, August lit.—'Two re porters who subjected tbenuelvee, oat of curiosity to the Brown St.jasrd Elixir, at the Medico Chirngical Hospital yesterday, have both laid up tor repairs to-day, aud one of them is considerably seared about his (ondition. His face wore a woe be gone expression and be showed traces of having slept very little during the night. His symptoms were severe pains in the head, soreness in the limbs and high fever. He sorely regretted having had auytning to do with the new life g.ving remedy. The other newspaper man goffered the Rame r lllictions, and was compelled to remain in bed. Not A I'kiHOtt. Buffalo, N. Y., August 13.—Experi ments with the Brown-Sfinard Elixir by doctors tf this city lead them to the )>elief that it is a strong tonic bat not a panacea. THE KLASsToXFERENTE Held at the Mrf.ure Home—No Ilellolte Action Taken. A conference of representatives of the American Flint Glaseworkers’ Union and Manufacturers in this vicinity, was held at the McLnre House, yesterday, to con sider eome proposed chargee in the paste monld scale. Those present on the part of the manu facturers were: Messrs. N. K. Scott, cf the Central; It. J. Beatty, of Tiffin; Ed ward Dithridge, of the Dithridge Glass Works: Chan. Gill, of Martin's Ferry, and Wm. (Jill, of Bellaire. The Flint: were represented by Presi dent Wm. J. Hmith and Secretary Dillon, of Pittsburg. James McCaffrey and Frank Gaffney, of New Brighton, M. J. Finley and Peter Hoe, of Wheeling, Samuel Sher wood, of Bsllaire, Hemy Handing, of Martin’s Ferry, and James Hamilton, of Tiffin, O. The meeting convened about 10:30 o’clock, adjourned for dinner, and reas sembled afterwards, continuing in session until about 2:30 o’clock. The result of the deliberation of the conference was net made known, ns no definite ac tion was taken. It is under stood, however, that everything is iD satisfactory shapo and the action of the conference will be ratified at a meeting to be held at the McLnre House next Tues day. A gentleman well versed with the mat ter said, yesterday: “There is no class of goods made by our manufacturers which comes into competi tion with foreign made goods more than paste monld ware and that is why it appears of moie importance, bnt 1 think we will get things into a shape that will place us in a position to knock out all competition.” REV. ARCHIBALD Mi LEAN Klccted President ol lietliaoy Oalltg*, by Ibtl'miteti. Ymtcrdty. The Board of Trusters of Bethany Col lege met at the Granite House, in Wells burg, at two o’clock yesterday afternoon, for the purpose of electing a successor to President Woolery, late President of the College. Twenty-four of the thirly mem bers of the Board were present, among them Ming Kx-Governor Bishop, of Ohio Hon. A. W. Campbell, of the Intelligencer; Kx Senator Anderson, of Pittsbn g: Kus sell Krrett, of Cincinnati, editor of the Christian Standard Thomas W. Phillip?, of Pennsylvania, the great oil operator, J. Patterson Jones, the chaplain of Garfield's old regiment, and others. After the adoption of suitable resolutions of respect to the late President, the Board proceeded to the election cl a successor. The name of Itev. Archibald McLean, of Cincinnati, was presented, and be was unanimously chosen to fill the position. President McLean grrdaated from Beth any in the class cf 187-1, and for the suc ceeding ten years was pastor of the Die ciples’ Church on Walnnt Hills, Cincin nati. Daring the last four years he has been Corresponding Secretary of the For eign Christian Missionary S:ciety. Hois a man of broad scholarship, and is emi nently tpialified for the position to which he had been cboeoa. The session of the Board was brief, there being nothing of importance transacted beyond the election of the President. Ills President s linllsnajiolls Trip. Ini>, August 13.—Inlorma tion has been received fiotn Pr sided Harrison giving the positive assurance that he will visit Iudisuap/lia on the 22d icst., to remain tao or three days. The occa sion for his return will be the cornerstone laying of the soldier’s monument, and the visit will also aflord the President an op portunity to attend the reunion of his old regiment, the Seventieth Indiana, the date of which reunion has been changed to suit the President’s convenience. Dench of l)r. Onule. University ok Viruinia, August 13. —Dr. James Gable, senior member of the Faculty of the University ol Virginia, died at Overton this morning. A Woman Lawyer Dead. Cincinnati, O., Aogugt 13 —Mrs. a. Carpenter, a well-known lawyer, aged 67, died of apoplexy, this morning. An Oft Told Tale of Daring. Here is the result of the 2 tf)th Grand Monthly Drawing of the Louisiana State Lotteiy which took place at New Orleans, La., onTnesday, July lritb, 188». Ticket No. 42,75n drew the first Capital Prize of $300,000. It was sold in fractional parts of twentieths at fl 00 each sent to M. A. Danphin, New Orleans, La. Two went to Herman r'isher, St. Louie, Mo.; one to a correspondent through Wells, Fargo A Co.’s San Francicco, Cal ; one to Ike Lnrie, Chicago, III.; one to a depositor Union Na tional Hank, New Orleans, Lx; one to Kn rene Chretien, Jr., 425 Charters 8t., New Drleans, La.; one to Miss Amanda Flshtr, >01 Cbamplaine St., Detroit, Mich ; one :o Abraham Weinger, 4ol S. Canal St., Chicago, III; one to Preston National Bank, Detroit, Micb.; ODe to Mannfac mrers’ National Hank, Boston, Maasa 'husetts; one to F. Miles Jawei, Boston, tie’s.; one to First Nat. Bank, Cheyenne, SVy. Ter.; one to Bank of Coaad, Cozad, S’eb., et:, etc. Ticket No. 58,607 drew he 8ecomi Capital Prize of f100,000, also i0ld in Iractional twentieths at $1.00 eath: one to Hngh T. Cail sle, 262 Megs.ine t M., New Orleans, Lx ona to Geo. N. i lavenport, Springfield, III ; one to Henry t ace, Mint Saloon, Salt Like City, Utah; me to F. C Pair, Bellows Falls, Vt.: one oC, Briggs, Galion, Ohio; one to H. C. ierschner, Bethlenem, Pa.; one to a cor espondent through Welis, Fargo Co.’s lank, San Francisco, Cal.; one to S. Weil, ileridiao, Miss.; one to Kentachler A rreasbaber, Heading, Pa., etc., etc. Ticket Co 15.166 drew the Third Capital Prize J $50,000, also sold in fractional parte ive to Max Stadler, 461 Broadway, New fork, N. Y ; five to Clark A Anderson, ;u4 s’. 13th SL, Goiaha, Neb. Any furth i. information can be had on application o M. A. Danphin, New Orleans, Lx BASK BALL. Wheeling Loita Again nt Dayton-Other Gaines-Notes. The Wheeling teem bad in a new short stop and pitcher yesterday. Carey pitched a fairly god game but Myers only accept ed six chance? out of nice at short, and even reliable Haller gpt in two errors. While the Daytons got ten bits off ef Carey, Wheeling was nnable to do mnch with Monger, who, on former occasions, we? pie for the home team. The team goes to Springdeld to-day, and it may be that Kennedy will try his hand. Following is the acconnt of the ganu The Game. Serial Telegram to Vu Xe outer, Daytoit, O.. Angnst l:?.—Dayton put tip an cuorlns game to day and exper ienced no difficulty in defeating the visi ters, outplaying them at eaery point. Carey wai a trtlle wild, but pitched a fairly good game. Bowman played a line game at third, accepting eight chances clean. Following is the official score: WUKKU.StJ. Williams, tn. Bowman. :t.» 1 Hoeiilel, 1 * p... Haller, c. Hobrecht, 1. Moehau, j>,i :!.. Miller ' J.V.'Z.'.'.' Meyers, s. Totals Williams, cireen. ;!. Haudail, 1. Htcphaui, l... Prescott, r..., Klantiagau c Mauser, p.„, Total, A.I! B II. P.O jA. I o O I 0 I 3| 7 *711*1 7 A. HI K. It. P.O A. K. 21 0 ii 4 U 0 0 o 1 u u •J 0 0 2 0 0 71 3 0 31 0 0 1 o, 0 Dayton. .0 0 1 C 1 0 2 0 0-10 Wheeling.0 0020001 0-3 Ltrnedrnns, Dayton. 5; Wheeling, 3; Home run, Muuger; 3 bfe hits, Stephens; 2 hare bite, Bowman, Miller; Bases stolen, Daytou, H; Wheeling, 1; Double plays, Williams and .Stephen: Meyers, Spoidel and Bowman, struck out, by Monger, N; Carey, 3; Bases on halls; Manger, 3; Carey, 5; First base on hit, by Ditcher (Jreen, I’resco'.t, Lyons; Passed ball, Haller. Time of game, 1:35; Neltoa. Hauilltou Down'd, Special Telegram to the Keg.tiler. Hamilton, August 13.—Hamilton lost to-day by the follo wing score. M&n'iit-ld.2 t :! I 1 0 I I *-r. Hfm'lton. 030000001— 4 Batter in, Browner and Lancer, Morri son and Fi<z immoi s, lase hi's, lit mil on 7, Mansfield 1!f; errou, Hamilton 5, Mans tield 3; umpire, Hill. Canton Wuuer Again. Special Telegram to the Rcgitltr. Sprinii field, O , August 13 — Canton got the beat of the straggle tc day by the fullowicg score: Fpriugileld. 00000010 0-1 Canton.0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0—* llalterics, Springfield,Wittrock, Conover and Westlake, Canton, Staib and Doyle; home rnns, Darrell and Doyle; earned, 1 and 3; hits, 2 and 7; errors, 2 and 3. At tendance, noo. Umpire, Brennan. That Four empire. Spscial Telegram to the Register. Clarksiuro, August 13 —To-day (Irafton defeated the Clarksburg boys in a spirited game of base ball, by u score of 17 to 7. The Cla'ksbnrgers complain of the umpiring, end lastly so. a&5 lilts Kail llrlefa. A picked nine from this city, made op from the players of the “Kroken Bats’’ and “Maroons/' went down to Monmlsville yesterday to play a match name with the crack club of that town. Uar boys had been promised their fair and expenses, which promise for come reason or other was not kept. The ecore of the name was 20 to 2 in favor of the Wlieelingites, not withstanding the robbing qualities of their contestan ti lt is nnderst >d that Kennedy has come to bis senses and has rrjoined the clnb. If he goes to work and pitches his best game the remainder of the reason it will he the best thing he can do. Manager Wright has secured a player named Meyers, who played with Htenbru ville in 1887, and he bn joined the club. Secretary Knglish’s trip to Pitt hnrgwas not frnitfnl of good results. All the men he saw wanted too much money. Wbeeliog plays at Springtield to day. League ami Association. At Cincinnati—Cincinnati -I, Athletics 10; hits, Cincinnati M, Athletics 10; errors, Cincinnati -1, Athletics ,'t; pitchers, Vian and Weyhing. At Kansn City—Ten innings—Kansas City 2, Brooklyn .'!; bi»i, Kansas City 7, Brooklyn 5; errors, Kansas City .», Brook lyn 2; pitchers, SsrarUsl and Terry. At Louisville—Louisville 1, Baltimore 5; hits, Baltimore 15, Lonisville K; errors, Baltimore cone, Lonisville 1; pitchers, Kilroy and Hecker. At St. L mis—St. I,inis 12, L'olnmbas 7; bits, St. Loais 1 i, Colambns 8; errors, St. Louis 2, Cjlnmhns 5; pitchers, King, Stivetts and Gastright. At Pittsburg- Pittsburg o, Boston none hits, Pittsburg 0, Boston 5; errors, Pitts burg Done, Boston 4, pitchers, Gal wo, Daijy and livdbanrne. At Chicago—Chicago 1, Philadelphia G; hits, Chicago 4, Philadelphia II; errors, Chicago !, Philadelphia 2; pitchers, Dwyer and Sanders. At Indianapolis—Indianapolis 7, Wash ington H; hits, Indianapolis LS, Washing ton 18; errors, Indiioupolie 4; Washington 6; pitchers, Haddock and Boyle. At Clevelend—Cleveland 4, New York 1.7; hits, Cleveland *), New York 17; errors, Cleveland 7, New York 2; pitchers, Beatin and C'raDe. Hanlon Captain and Pittsbibo, August 14 —Ed. Hanlon, centre lielder of the Pittsburg brie ball club, win t day appinted captain and manager of the clob. INCREASE IN TONAOK The Figure* of Iron Manufactured In the Mahoutug Valley. YofN'.stows, O., Angnat Id.—The Ma bociDK Valley Iron Manufacturer!’ Amo ciatton have issued an abstract showing the tonnage from Jaly 1, 1-ih, t)Jalyl, 1880, of the mills and larnaces located in this city. The tigares show that the mills famished 755,-’42 tons, and the furnaces 1,078,615 tans, o' which 1,881,809 tons were in-comiag and 548,988 tons ont-bonnd freight 'i be total volnme of tonage, as indicated by these ligores, shows an increase of 1« per cent, over the year previous. Struck Against Son tnlon I'on. Pittsei bo, An nst I t —Seven hundred rnen went ont on a strike at Philip] Nim ick A Co.’eSiigo mill this afternoon. 'I bey •track against working on non-nnion iron. Merit Wlu» We deeire to say to onr citizen* that for rears we have bten selling Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s Xrw Life Pills, Bncklen’s Arnica Salve ind Electric Hitters, and have never bandied remedies that sell as well, or I hat nave given sneb universal satisfaction. We lo not beritate to gnarantce them every Lime, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. Tfceie remedies have ivon their great popularity pnrely on theii merits, Ix>gan & Co , Druggists. A TRAITOR TO FRANCE. BOULANGER CONVICTED OF A SOLDIER'S GRAVEST CRIME. The Ccort Takes Formal Action on the Okarges— RocheLrt and Dillon Guilty of Conspiracy— Mrs. Breaks Down— Emperors Hobnobbing. Paris, Augnet l:{ — Up in the opening of the Senate Conrt to-day, the member* of the R'gbt declined to take farther part ia the proceedings in the care of General Boulanger. The Court discussed at length its course of procedure and its competency to try General Boulanger. It was tinally de cidcl by a voteof 201 to 700 the Court was competent to try the General on the counts of the indictment. Two ol the Senators refrain. 1 from voting. The Court then by 206 votes fonrd the Gen eral guilty of conspiracy. Six of the Senators did not vote. The Conrt found Connt Dillon and M. Rochefort guilty of complicity in the plot. It was decided by a vote of IDS to 10 that Boulanger was guilty of a treasonable attempt agsiust the State in connection with the Lyons depot incident. KLKCTIONS NULL Uoulanger Citii'l llulil <1 litre-• Hit llrlentls Hlmilir. Paris, Angaat 13—Thu Stats Council has annulled thu elections in 1- cantons in which Gen. Bonlanger war elected to the Consols Generals on the ground that the General was not legally tligible tor the position. Ills EXPLANATION. Gen. BonlaDger has written a letter, in which he states that be Rave the sums ol money which he is accused of embezzling to the chief clerks in the War 0(11 ce, to he need for the relief of widows and orphans of soldiers. IIOI'LANUKR IN PARIS. Five lodgers in the house of Madame Ponrpres, the former mistress of Gen. Boulanger, have sworn that the General was in Paris on July 15, 1-s7, the day on which it is alleKed he visited the city in disguise. AGAINST THE WOMAN. A Keport Tha* the Hums Nrrtstary Will Deny Any Mercy LONDON, August 13.—It is reported that in the interview with Home Secretary Matthews, Jndge Stephens upheld the ver dict and Mr. Matthews concurred. Mri. M»jl>iick llr**ka Down. Liverpool, August 13.—Mrs. May brick is in a very depressed state. Siio passes lunch of the time in moaning lor her children and weeping copiously. The chaplain of the prison is devoting mneh ol his time to the condemned woman ami she appears to greatly appreciate his visits. Public aieetnic* K*pre«» Sympathy. London, Angnst 13.—A meeting to con sider the case of Mrs. Maybrick was held at the Cannon Street Hotel to-day. A ns otnlion was adopted lo petition the Homo Secretary lor a remission of her sentence The meeting was attended by a large nnm ber of persons. KumIi'i Open Threat, Sr. Pktkrsiidru, Angim* 13.—The Now 1 Veiny(i in an inspired article says The powers will make themselves telt when the triple alliance obtains its real object, that is war. DLL) WOULD U08811*. A liill introduced by Mr, Nealy, provid ing for an appeal in all criminal c*«e« in Ireland, passed itw first reading in the Honne of Common* yesterday. Hix Colonist* and eight Connervativet voaed against the government on Mr. Cray's amendment to the Tithe* lull. Kx-t^aeen Natalie, of Servia, haa started for Belgrade to visit hereon, the boy king, in spite of Kicg Milan’* prohibition. I tnperor Franci* Joseph ha* conferred the honorary Colonelcy ol (he Seventy lirst Austrian Infantry Regiment upon the Gen. Count Von Moltke. (JoinedUn I.elite Head Chkauo, Angnst 1.1 A private dis patch from London lutnonnce* the sud den death there from blood poisoning of Fred Leslie. the (catling comedian ol the Gaietv Company. THE TEACHERS’ INSTITl TE Of Ohio Count v IIaIiI at Ti I A<leIphlA t«r.J*y Thi) Pror®frtlii|», The Ohio G'jnnty Teachers’ Institute convened At Trmdelpbia Monday with an enrollment of forty-fonr members. The devotional exercises were conducted by Superintendent Anderson. County Super intendent Wiedman announced the up pointmeot of the following Secretarm Mina Bailie Maxwell And Mr. John 1 »nn lap, with Mies Mary McCann and Mr. .lamea Downing ei alternate HerreUrir* The first subject dir< o“»ed tiy the Con doctor was Heading. The phonic, the alphabetic, the word and tne sentence methods were ably explaiaed by Superin tendent Anderson. The next subject pre Rented for dtsenrsion was Orography. This subject wsi considered at some length hy the Conductor and diflerent member of the Institute. Yeeterdav morning the devotional exer rises were conducted by Hev. Galway, <1 the M. E. Chnrch at Triads!pbia. The singing WBl led by Miss Billie Maxwell, with Miss Minnie Vogle at the organ. At roll call yesterday, the register showed fifty-five teachers present at the Institute. The county super in Undent ap pointed the following Committee on J;**> lions: J. 0. Maxwell, Mrs. A. B. I kbart. Mis* 8. B. Wayt, Mr. F. H. Kowlea and Mr. J. W. Gulin. Primary Arithmetic waa the first sub ject opened for discussion in the morning Development and expansion of the id* * of nnmliers, and writing and reading nnm Iters to 10, 100, 1,000, etc., was thoroughly disenaaed by the conductor Mr. J. C. Maxwell followed with an able discussion of “How to teach the Fundamental Holes of Arithmetic, Mr. John Dnnlap occupied the next thirty minutes in giving illustrations ot ••Methods of iteming rapid calculation.’’ Prof. Anderson tpent the nrxt fltteen minoUi in a talk opou the anbiect of language lessons, dwelling particularly op>n the object; to be obtained in teach ing language lersons. The first aubject on the programme in the alternoon was “School Organization.’’ Thin echject became qnite lntereMing as Bach member of the Institute gave his or her experience in organizing schools. Prof. Blaisdell, of the Wheeling Female College, being present, gave a viry inter istinz lectnre on the “Science of Ednca ;iou.” Mr. T. II. Howies gave bis views of con lading recitations, and was followed by Jounty Sopt. Wiedmann by an examine ion of the Institute upon the subject of School Organization. The Hopt. announced that the time of adding the teachers examination bail *een changed from Ang. l'ttb to tMth to Yug. 20th and 21 at at West Liberty. Alter a song the institnte adjourned.