Newspaper Page Text
tSuMn i \\ *i11U Si roe» rtst. .«.( bOTi. V -i Uj ; - •n r 00*0*6 v t f -±Ah **AS ■ r-U^W. . : i- A aSA i' I h ^ tiUSH^D !S70 } i ViiiD ‘ - :uu Hit***® \ .iiJ.lmryTonlc .ji- BI:wk «!“• -_*i i Fli t* w ■p*’v !-!»»' ••Ook rv.p''Y P;o?v» . sac ■ 't r v, *■ • a -jalc i * *tt- o ■ t\N 'Kr- ‘\> . ■O' \ • A i N . 'X) V* .1*. v\ V* vifWf.M.I*. w (< ? r \ \ <nr«, i it \Li *at sat.A* }S3 *ilf fit? av* "'a -'J31 , |! .!\ ly vun-il A*:-•***■♦ " « n,«- Wr. Uuiavl 4 nij^a 'jMjtllk. * • . •■ f. 1 vf tf -•••-. "SK* .4i. v' . ^ ,V- ViTdhUey • -'h: 1 V'oVIJ.’.V. Si v _ H \VUMb.Ul » ■^ATARRll • t :£IH 5,’a - ...iOlii Fo ■MV , *», AilayaPulu •\ .d, lr>n..iirma t >n. Hoa.-- the core**, lies tor ©c ! :o Set.^-3 o! ii i t fl ft — y-nell • i: •Cii.iEHSSf-FeVEi i A RRH t _ieu. ia:U) ,1 ,:Wk: ) i <*,»-« »S4 UiAl-Ult* . • . :io • i. .* ,t»* a I1:» ?®»W * . - . .»■• S' :‘i t*'» :■ Irct n »ozcw n.8 : • • j *»ci ai.5t.-: *: 1 li ■t ArCjgi'u >y call K: l BRCTIIUBA No. 8 FOR *GRP3D LSVER. A I • l in • v «l r s it* \ *» % It* M little %y 1* uni Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. Casiiveness. Rheu * ntism. Sallow Skin and Piles. I ’ . * 4* itit - ••♦H r rnnnl v fur llute » l \ . r 1 ;n, anft trial uiUpr«\«\ Sold Everywhere.'' OR. HENLEY’S M PfiT' of *£. «•» r ^ rZ kaK ItfSikok : Comnination. . , Toni*- *n 1 Nervine *»;a!mr< ■ . bUUjr. •*‘I . i* mvilfct *U'l bwlily •.* . ».-.*• diiv-liiiii : r»* \ •• *T it x . ail ' i’ ‘ ‘ I ).; • •» t« plfaxiDt to th* .« ■>>«!i Uk njn.J r of . -u’ »•. r -5 and 'liquors. RHINE WINES! «»• . ntgf>r, I.i, »»;ri»n 5*t*eb,' »r-vk.r |«l( SWlMTi i_. i.Im> I’tiiur. i A.M PAG N ES— j A <■» rn# l>n<r«lr i.i.i'll Bouebe* Sec, U»M >*•»*. Wlaoft and Clarets. \ v ELTY CO., KHill.l'.UU l ltil «.« - I_KINDS OF PRINTING >' i .Hi LY KXKCTTKJD USTER OFFICE, 1 MAKkCTSTKKKr J^l.ANR HOOKS! PPING BOOKS! CHECK BOOKS! •'i , :.;a: i I'-vk Vu;u't» tory r.i4 .• ■ r.v •' mmylete ia the State, All » -..i'.i i.i'.y .-.ut nciiaetss. Cr n’lji vUug Jj&gisirs &rar$lfrs’ * RRIVAl. ANDDKPARTCRR OF TRAINS— -\ hMl aNAt:i>N >K »UTKR«J!CCMABCS:«I)*ily, Wv esc put). I Monday cAccpiud. |tuu ,i w on.. SaVrrday ogcepted. IsAinnUyouiy. 'I. • >*!i Nay U. ISO. ''heeliug issue, !i u Just one hour earlier than Central is. A O. R. R. IVpart. | Arrive. \ o' .'IK ton 111" A the hast • 4 351 Hi M l ft) p m ... m * 908am rt a^ti.rjton (ity a tlie Ka«t *11 A)p nt *12 0 p ri iVashiu u*u an 1 Baltimore t a 00 aiu I4 34 p m - and Accom ... r 8 l" a in t C 00 p m 3 lOpw *12 ISO pw t j 35 a to t 7 15 a m 112 01pm M ttpu t- 6 10 p m t 7 to p m , n. I vii.j Ai com..... fuimdmlle A "com. .-l.iaibu* anJ Chicago. o .mbu-. Cm. A Chicago hi. ago Limited. ■hii ago Rxpresa. andusky atiU Chicago. 'oL A (In. A SC Loui*.. •liumb'in Accom. •. l airaviile Aconra. ;. Cl i!r«vi!'.e Accom. l airsvi'te Accom. W 1*. .v U. DIVISION. ■or Pittsburg, Pa... ' .r Pittsburg, Pa. • >r PUUborg.Pa .A thcKai, Vr Pittsburg, Pa. ■ uehnn? Accommodation, s a-hUiK’.i.n. Ihc. Accom. IV. C AST. L. KY.--H.cAr. ••t.-burg ai,rtN,.w Yore .... ■. sdiurtt »nd New Yora .... ,r< and New York Hi. . vs. cm. ami St. Loula t 7 10 aw 1 6 S) am , , !‘in. and St. Loins. t 0 40 pci 1 9'20 pm s ■ - Steubenville <Jl Col. :t 1 topm I '■ tjpm v .e a Dennison Ac 1 4 20pm 110C am rv- ( level dAOhlCago t 5 50 am t 8 .‘>2 pm . ■ -i x 17 it pm 11212am itil.e Accom.i 9 33 AS f l 28pm rg New York. Ml 22 Air ill IS am md and ( hago. f 2 12 pm t S Ma w . re and New York P.X t 3 >1 p m, t 5 37 p m ‘ 1.. A W. R. R. . * 1 fxrr-- ; Cleveland, K. A W ♦8 10 am *12f>am • 9 ' a re • 6 lo p m •10 08pm • 530 a m • 3 to p m • 8 oi a in 1115am 11 Ni am •11 l»ptu • t .V> a m . t 2 co p m'HO lo a m t y 30a m tio Warn . i 2 20 p m t 1 to p m . t 5 30 p m I • 14 p m •5 00ac • 9 3<>am • 7 2a a m • 6 45 p m ; • C inpm Ml 10pm . t lt"p m. 112 50pm 3 7 00pm ill 'Oam . t 5 30 pm 1 06 am . i 7 ;n a ni 9 20 p m t 1 46 p m P 50 a m . i t -JO p m 11 00 a sc o wpic 3topm « airhvtlle Accom...... • riaiwrille Accom. i. cia.rsvllle Accom. i i Uirsvl! e Accom. .K * i hrclebt and Accom. OHIO RIVER K. R B. L. A C. R R. ire and Zanesville.. - • and S'lmmerBeld. -. *iid Wnodsfletd. 12 03 p sc S 05 p m 5 12pm 10 55 a m | h to a m 9 38 am 1 lo 30 a m. 12 VS pm 2 0. pm* 5 30pm 6 21 p ro s 03 p m l 25 p 1C 12 "6 pm • 7 00 am *10 55 am H Mam ! 40 pm • I ,.m p ir • 515 p m 1 9 45 am 1 4 15 pm 1 110pin fU foam t 20 pin 1 9 33am J.TKAMKR BSLLAIRK. IiilTTrlp.' ty Time-6.£>, s:t& »r.<l ll-*5 a - *i i'r'lp— 6 o:iJ 10 n. n1:30. 3..T) and 5:30 • . , ts 1 »:i M QKOVi! aill.SOAT \\ ' >a tii ’ after Monday, Ai'rtl J9. 1(T 9 on: • -Vsee .4 ilia S'n Uro;« lutitua*. wl.i ran as follow*; .g. I U*w Wlift')ms • 6.10 ' T OO * S-'O 1 ■i m ■ 10 uo • 11 00 * V; .0 > LrOO F. T-00 I 00 6:1" 6:10 7 '«! O 9:J0 SINDA1N: I , itv dt7:0ii. rt.and rancrerrhour, hurt•• Train at 9:15 p ta. Leave \V heel ug Par* a: .3 00 a. ta ai;.l ran every hour until 00 t> m.. enwpt Ohnrch Tralui, which will ,«t :..j Ittr* at 9:*a a. m., and Wheeling at ;g.1.' and'J.lip. m. C. HIKat’H, Buperiuteudeat. ,JA< K. TUB 1‘UOrOuU U»HBK. A Morbid Kontiiu Crank Who In the Terror of All Aquatic Lover*. BottuH Utter to L\c Chieaeo Tribu >•«. There is an amateur photographer crank here in town who baa developed 3 morbid paseion for a west unusual pastime. If hia identity were ascertained—np to date it i-* a mystery—he would be apt to sutler fro-1 various kicks and other unpleasant •:iir=!«, inflated by pjrsons who hive nn dcr^-oe annoyarce at his bands. The Char ts Kiver a* this sea on of the year is i raveri'e trys'irgplaee tor equatically disp osed lovers, who piddle about on the ti:n witers after sundown and spoon and po. a notilthe fishesocnieuptothesnrtice -nd -. p f»r breath. Naturally the dark of the tuoon is considered the most appropri ate time fer the.-e amatory pursuits, and it is at such periods ol lunar obscuration that the crank photographer above referred to comes to the trout. Armed w ith a cam ( i, h« piddles a light canoe silently over the still surface, until he finds himself an perceived in the neighborhood of some -uall craft, tho suspicions immobility of which betrays the presence of Cnpid at ibe helm. Tnen, without making the slightsst noise, be triins his instramint upon the uncoocious viciiats, springs a htrle m*gne ium dash-light, a:.I j-rks sitin'tan eously a that expoies a dry plate fa a fraetton of a second. 11"“ at any rate, is enppojfd to be b's method, though the astonishing swiftness with which heskipe away down stream, st:t r petlorniirg an opArntion of the sort, has thus far prechided all possibility ot investigation. Tee outrage baa been per ptM.« *d so many times tint the owner cf the cano© must now bsve quite a gallery o; lovers . Host, all ready tor exhibition at n> r. o h a head to the thousands of cati ons people who would nDdonhtedly he w g to pay l-Serally for a v ew of the collection. And meanwhile it appears that engage lor ‘'cor.iting” couples who go ont 10 boils to spoon upon the Ctnrles are rapidly becoming fewer, owing to the rear of boing ‘•took" unaware* by this [ ►camp with the mrguesinm ligh*. MKN AN 1> WOMEN Miiacn.' Mij Manning, widow of the Lite '■Vcretary M arming, is spending the sornm^r :r '-wi'zerland. S1 r u.w. I c-Ministcr Strans*, who re c nllv returned trom Tarki-y, says that time are oW American echcols in that country. Barrett Lawrence Barrett is annoyed becac*.' he i< urowieg lat. He is cot a tall man, and he cannot sllrfd to weigh much more than he does at present. Collin* Wilkie Collins, ttc novelist, ! iestiil ui * very fttbls condition, and the doctors give ao Hop* of hU getting better. He it, able to ait up in bed. however, a lit tle each day. THE rKTKOLttVM l’llOil’KCr* Mil UH|«r ot tin Spj«ilj Kxhauetlou vt Either OH or lias. rhUatUlphla JVes*. The discovery of oil iu Michigan will extend *heoil territory of this coantry in a new direction. An expert who baa ex amined samples of this product pionouuces it t.: be ot tine quality and farther express es the opinn n tnat natural gas will b» fonul in the same vicinity. With new and valuable ti-lis opening in Kentucky and the prospect ol development ot a rich region in Michigan, the indications are net iavorab!e to the peafimisUc prophecy ot the speedy decline of the petroleum indus try in the I’uitea 8Utea. At Barr*# Mill# Camp Ground ^ • (imtp- ilmct ot tV Rtgi&r Bran's Mills. August it—Cam p •uettiog closed to dar. A mceticg ot the urap-rtv holders this afternoau tor the election of a new Board cf Managers was a spirited one Ween the came of J. Melvin Richards, formerly of M neeling, who tented at Moondsville tor ten year*, j w.n present'd, there was a kick. Pre-1 Hiding i: der Mil’s allowed Mr. R chardi , name to bs voted on, and James Fitton reigned in ccm’tqnencv. Mr. Fit tou was the oldest member of the Board and was always in at tendance _ imp. Brllaire turu.shts □i>,' ail the teutero cn; now has no repre sen. ative on the Rotfd. Mr. <. chords, the new member has twee living in a i d- ] • «ne ou the camp grounds for the past ten j comics- . I M'. F'Uckbhresolution that the gates p® kept .?n eext year on duripg the m-ttia».s was parried, with the pro»is:o5 ta<r the ra'iroads bn asked cot to rnn ex cni'iocs. The decision is subject to the act ou of the District Conference. Wh u .s more atuactive than a pretty lac.- with atresh. bright complexion tor it use IV/om's Powder. IIKLLAIRK. Mftlicl U*u»pmeclU>K--Two Wedding*. Olhi-r news. Angnat Kline, who lives a few miles south of ‘oao, wi-a returning borne Tues day evening, aud M opped a’ the watering trough to give his horses a drink. He was getting out of the wagon to nnrein the uor.-es when be slipp'd aud fell, breaking hra right leg jnst above the aukle. He managed to get in the wagon and drove home, and a pbyeician was Bent for who red need the fracture. The receipt at the Bethel catr.pmceting we re $-lld 54; the expenses 518*2.58; leaving the stun cf $232 02. $185.52 of this will be applied to the payment of Rev. B. H. Lee’e salary. The remainder will ba used to pay e if other church debit*. Rev. Lae baa worked haul and faithfully while here, and he is to bs congratulated on the BUcves'S he b. a achieved. There was an e. joyabie wedding in the Second ward Tuesday, at which David L-tssner, of iVUburg, aud Mbs Rise Freedman were united in mairi'ge. The ceremony was p.-oforined by Rabbi New layer. A sumptuous supper was served, and the happy couple received a number of lino presents. Word was received here yesterday that John Thompson, sin ofT. H Thompson, was drowned near Pomeroy. He bad been traveling with Baden's Floating Palace Co., and it is supposed the diowning was accidental, though no particulars were ro John Dunlap, of Pittsburg, and Miss Mary Tidd, were united in marriage Tues day by Rev. W. F. MacLtughlin, of the I . P. Cnurch. They left for Pittsburg yteterday, where they will make their home. Council baa ordered $7,000 of temporary loau bonds and $1,500 of Cemetery hill road bonds reueiveii for a term of three yeare. John Chambers, of Gravel Hill, cele bia e l hi-* 13th birthday,Tuesday evening, by giving a party to biu fiiends. Telegraph and telepbcue poles are to be placed od the inside id the curbstone on Guernsey street. John Schick aud Wm. A. Wise are the c tizma committee on the paving of Thirly third street. Miss Ra-ie Long, of Waynesburg, Pa., ia visiting Mrs. Wm. Darby, cf the Fourth ward. Several of our people wiil attend the hai vest home picnic at Stewart’s Grove to d^y. A new board walk will he placed on the wee*, end of Twenty-third street. Ed Allnm and wife are home from a visit with friend at Hunter. M’ss Kebeccj Riche, of Wheeling, ie the guest of Mis. Simon Bshr. MAHTIN'S FKBRY. Toe Martial Ferry Fire Department l)a* received an invitation from the Wellsville, 0., Fair asking that they take part in a volunteer tir. mens’ t .’arnaraint, ta he belli iu connection with the lair, cu August 29. The fair association agrees to stand all the expenses, except half the transportion ol tbe nuu. It has cot been decided whethei or not a company or two will attend and take part. It is probeble, however, that tbe town will be represented. Oa Morday eve a party of young friends of Walt-r D.arrah drove oat to bit home on tbe Heights and epeat the evening very pleasantly. Tbs party was composed 01 Missis Kate Ralston, S. B. Toomas, May Kobinsou, Jesse Swsrtz, Anna Green, Mies Hayes, and Mesais. Will T. Dixon, James V . Hokill. Alex Dixon, James Ptn niog'o-.i, George Rals'ou, Howard Griffith. Oa Monday evening some sneak thiel entered Wm. Prince’s residence on Second -tie.t, and going to Mrs. Prince’s apart ments carried off her g dd watch and chain. There is no po itivc information as to who the thief is, but there are clues on which the police are diligently at work. «in Tuesday R rbert Ervin, a hoarder a tbe bourdiug house of Mis Calahan, corn* r Olay and Fourth streets, and Mrs. Cala ben's granddaughter, Carrie Callahan, went quietly to St. Ciairsville and after procuring a license irom the Probate Court were married in the court house. The Teachers' Institute of JetTsraon county, now in session at Mt. Pleasant, i;> drawing largely from this city, tjaite s uumber of teachers from other points parsed through the town yesterday oa their way to the institute. Iu the condemnation suit of the Mar tin’s Ferry Terminal Railway verses .1 oeepb Bell and Joel Wood, the defense dosed their testimony at noon yesterday The case will not probably go to the jury before Friday. Tbe steam boiler u<ed in furnishing p iwer for the machinery used in sawing off the spiles at the Ooion bridge, gave out Tnrtday aud work bod to be diecon tinufd until the damage could be repaired Miss Mary ilickia aud Miss Anna Cu! bert, from near McKeesport, Pa . have re tnrued home altera pleasant visit with their cousins, the Misses \\ illiaiujon, iu the The Pennsylvania Railroad eent down a half car load of their property-line po3ts which will c** placed along their line above this city during the coming week. < • rorgs Truveil’s wagon and horse fell over the bonk at the -K na Mill Tuesday t veoing. The wagon was mashed, hut Mr Tm veil and tbe horse escaped unhnrt. Woik oa the South School honse bas been discontinued for the present. The contractor left the job to finish up another of more haste and importance. Ross Mitchell slipped while going up the grade to his Louie yesterday, and sprained iiis ankle very badly. Mrs. Alex. Frazier and Mise Whiteman retorned yesterday from Pittsburg, where they have b.en v.sitiug fiiends dnring the past month. Wrn. Garrett, traveling saUsmaa for the Emon Glass Company, lef; Taesday for Cauada in the interest of that company. Mrs. 1. Cope, of Steubenville, and Dr. Bracken, of Mt. Pleasant, wa? ia the city yesterday, the guests of relatives. Miss Ollie Williamson leaves the last ol this week to vidt her friend. Miss Ban Higgins, at Monndsviile, W. Va. Mrs. Louis Swartz and family leave to day for Voderson, Iod. Tueir household goods were shipped yesterday. Sjuire John Reid and daughter, Mic-e Alma, of Mt. Pleasant, were la the city yesterday, the guests of frieuds. Mr. C. J. Gill, secretary d the lvson Glass Co., left yesterday foi Buffalo, N. V , ia the interest of the works. James Snyder, a nail plate wheeler at the Lmgblin Mill, had his hand badly mashed on Taesday. Frank Heil is laid up at his home od Wist Hmover street with typhoid fever. Contractor Maloney commenced work on tbe Second street sewer yesterday. Mrs. Dr. Hall and children left Tuesday for R ivenca, o , to visit relatives. Miss Mary Krensh left yesterday for Al ii ghenv. Pa., to visit friends. The J.mghlin Mill was oa almcst fall ! yesterday. | Mann’s foundry ycea on fall again tc How to Uet There. Midsummer Puck. First Stranger ^n Boston)—C*u you tell me the way to Washington street? Second Stranger—That’s jast where I want to go. Let's work together. ’> on 1 go sonth and I’ll go uc.rtb, and we’ll re port progress every time we meet. —“Toe only way to previut what’s past," says Mrs. Mnldoon. "is to pnt a stop to it before it happens.’’ New N ork Herald_ Children Cr. for Pitcher’s Castorla iChcn r.aoy » - - »• ca»‘”..rr Cacona Jfu-a •• we » ft. ;.l, she »*»-•- . . CV. Wh*u U> became Miss, sin- olurg to Ovvtorsa. Rtisnshehadi'tulilrtfu shegave'' ■' astonj FINANCE AND TRADE. Uiidk; at Va l l- » Per Cent.—Governments Dull anil Steady—Stocks Dull — flour ' Dull aud Uurhangtd—Wheat Higher, Nkw Yohk. August H.—Money on call easy at 2s4'4 per rent.; last loan at -I p?r cent, closed ottered at 3 percent; prime mercantile paper n.-i.'i per rent.; sterling exchange dull but shade at 482.*^att»‘. (iovKssuasrs—Dull and steady. Fours, Registered..™...123 Statks-DuII and steady. Raiuioai*—Dull; sales 8730.OCO -rot ns-The 'took market was again extreme ly dull, wi'h b.siuess almost eminly in the hands of traders. First prices were within slight fractions of U.-t evening’s close, and dealings were extreme y dull until toward moil when there was a general recovery, with Rock Island and Erie leading In the afternoon Lake Erie and We-tern preferred and Hudson scored mi ad \ aice of 1 per cent., wu'ch was retained at the plus • The clo e was dull tut Arm at close 11 o] cuing pricts for most of the list, Anal changes i.jlng for slight fractions only. Sales 131,128 shares, (potations closed b'd as follows: Adams Exnress 149%; American Express U6>£; ('uuada Foci Ac CO7,; Central FadAc &>%■. f’hesa I>eakc and OhioiV,; preferred do tirsts aO1,.; do seconds II; Chicago and Alton 125; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 101; Delaware and Hud son Ms; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, 145)4: Denver and Rio Grande 170 , Erie 2S; do preferred, (is; Ft. Wayne, 157; Illinois central, III-ake Shore, 104'„; Michigan Central, 88}*; Minneapolis and St. Louis, 4',; do preferred Missouri Pacific, 72; Northern Pacllic, SUH: do preferred 67W; Chicago and Northwestern 11"; do prcferrtsl 142; New York Central, p;: Oregon Transcontinental, 34*4; Pacific Mail, 35)4; Peoria D. « K, 21^: Pittsburg. Mo>4; Pull man Palace Car, 178; Reading, 44 7„; Rock Isl and, ys'4; St. Louis and Ban Francisco, 27; do preferred 5s ,; do first preferred, 19; St. Paul, 71'4; do preferred lie: St,Paul, Minneap olis and Manitoba, 101, St. Paul and Omft ha, 3114: do preferred. [fi%: Texas Pacific, Fuiou Pacific, 01 . Culled Slates Express, 90; Western Cuiou, 85)4. l-OUrvauu-tt-unu, Kour.-aud a half. Coupons. Pacific Sixes of 1895.. Fours, Coupons. Fourvand a-balL Registered. PRODUCK. W'HRiUNG,Tuesday, August 13. The market is in good condition, and prices are hut slightly changed from our last quota tions. There is is a very ;jod market for butter, eggs and poultry, also for choice peaches, pears, apple* and potatoes. Choice butter is selling on arrival at ad\ anced prices. Eggs are also in good demand and the indications are that the advance of one cent per dozen will likely hold him and SO even better. ' h'etcms are steady in price and aae m good demand. Springs have gone up slightly in price. We quote the following prices: Butter, country choice liable; country good 'Ja I tc; country lair 5a6c. Kggs, strictly fresh, l Jalltc per dozen. Beans, for hand nicked navy the demand is gia.d ati l the supply is fair; prices are $1 21al 50 per bushel Cheese, prime mild Ohio factory 7a»c; Now York miIOc: Limbergcr lttallc; Sweiteer Italic; market nominal. Potatoes, 51 25 to 81 50 per barrel; per hnshel 10c; demand fair, supply equal. Poultry. live chickens, old 53 OOal 00 per dozen spring 81 "5 to - so. Chickens, hens per pnund suite: old cocks 5c; spring chickens 0 to l'.e per * hard, country prime, In fair demand, at 7X*sc: Onions home grown 50aG0c per bushel; demand fair; supply heavy. cabbage per barrel 75ca»10t); demand good, supply good. Apples, new fattev 81 50a2 00 per barrel; com mon Si OOal 50. supply good; demand good. Peaches-Choice 81 30a2 00 tier bushel; com mon 81 (Hal 2'; demand good for choice: slow for common , . Pears -Bell pears 81 75*2 00 per barrel; de mand good: supply good (’anteloupes, per barrel 81 0a2 00. Blackberries-Per pall I0a50c; demand good, upply light. Watermelons—812a2o psr hundred. Cucumlh rs—10al5c perdozen; supply light and demand good. Tomatoes—Home grown 50a65c per bushel; de mand good, supply neavy. H i kleberrles—Per pail, 75a90c; supply 1 ght: demand good. 11 a-tiug Kars—Per dozen, 10al2c; supply light; demand good. SUNDRIES Kag=. steady at l'fal^c for white mixed cot on: V,a'4 for all wool, and l‘4alXc for mixed. feathers, choice in’ original packages 45a50c a small lots 4a’*c extra. Seeds, Clover, per bushel, choice 85 SO; prime 13 55. Timothy, choice $1 75; prime 81 5’ Ex ra clean blue grass, 3110. Orchard grass, choice. >1 " prime. 8140 Red top. 90c. Inquiry goad. Honey, white clover, per pound, liial&c; pure drained SalOc. Cider, sweet refined (bbl included) 8«. 00a, 00; •ountrv sweet, ga 00; crab, choice $6 00*7 U0; crab nedlum. 51 00*5 00; cider vinegar per gallon PirTsru ri . August 13.—There is a continued '.mldegree of u-tivltyin produce circles; some 'rms report that they have * I suit alltheycan get Uroush with comfortably. Vi-i-; k—Sales of choice Maiden Blusti at 82 oO ", per ■ arrei: other kinds 81 OOal 50. Butter—fancy creamery 20a2lc; other irands l>ultv; fancy country roll liable; choice ■ounlry roll mile; mixed country sc; low grade md coiikiug i'.a7c; grease :t*4o. Beeswax — Choice yellow 2.7a2*. CiPKa—Country, 81 50u-7OO per bnrrel; sand re tied, (7 00a7 39. Kuos—Strictly fresh Pennsylvania and Ohio, In a«ts, Italic. Potatoes—Sales In a jobbing way at II 2.a 50 p* r barrel, Southern Sweets st St 25a4 .9 per _as—Sales new croii Georgia at 8ial 50 per -hel basket. I’LUms-Sales of wild red plums at 60a,0c per r ■ blue plum' and damsons 83 50a3 p: r btiuri. foULTKY—l.ivc chickens, t3'«a70c per pair; ring chickens, 33a,35c per pair; dressed young ickens. 14415c; live dm k«, 45a5Sc i»er pair; chickens, lOallc; do ducks, lOalic. sknis—Wtstern recleaned medium cmver jol l'rcin 'luteal S3 25a5 50; mammoth. S3 :t5a 1. timothy at 81 60 fir prime and SI 70 for oico i > r-nev; blue grass, V call 00; orchard 13: millet, 60c, German millet. 70c; liunga m 70'; fine lawn grass, 25c per lb. Sew York, August li.-Kiour, receipts 1.3,lf l sazc'. exports 3,07s barrels, and ' '7 sacks; trkn heavy and qui t, sales 20.150 barrels heat receipts 60,950 bushels: txports 3C,:|Su liels: sales 2to0,0u0 bushels futures, and 0e0 bushels spot; spot market dull but higher; •rade 1 red <>i"7X»’: November ,.c: options nteratelv active: No. 2 red August '•■'*: Sep miter si^aM^c; October 8,v„a. closing at November '0’4c; December 87 7-C; Janua .. May •z’.aSixie, closing at '.'i'...c Rye. livt Corn, receipt' 121 >AJ bushels, exports s 1 • bushels; sales l.KM.000 bushels futures, ni 117 two bushels -pot; market fairly active; craded mixed 4 '.,c; August ItHm September ■ (ii tober li';,c: November 111 : Dec-inbcr Oats, receipts'll <0 bushels; exporis 2.1,16:' tshels; sales 107,000bushels futures, and 91,000 i-helsVpjt. market lets m live spot No. ’white C mixes! western it'tS.'o: white do. 2oa:ttv; > Cniogo 2>'v Hay and Hops, quiet (ollec, tiady and 17 points up; September. October, o ember and Decernb r. 1 ■ 20al ' 5.7c; binu V 1 , 815.750; March. April and May, 1 > 30a 7‘c; spot lii 1 firm at l^c. Sugar, raw ,adler refined quiet Cfi^ctii)4c; extra! '.’i* 0; white extra C 7' .C . yellow 6%c; off A •• r.ndl 1 a ,c; standard confeotiouers v; ft loaf, eiit<hed and powdered s^e; grami ted -;,c, cubes x^c. Molasses, quiet. Rice, ■ Ally, petroleum, linn; United 97*ic. Cotton -d Oil. quiet. Tallow, lower KO'in, east irpciitlne. firm and quiet. Eggs, firm; western *l7o pork, quiet. Bard.’quiet; western steam ‘ September 50 r.J; October 86 1 Novrm Butter, quiet: western dairy ’.'.il.’^c; liner > llal7X'-- Cheese, steady; western Gaft HICAOO, August 14.—Future deliveries 01 lilt a«S" 1 * *• ‘ *v , ,,., , eat averaged about lo higher In all tbe lead no markets to-day. ( aide' were abo higher As vC'lerJHV. no c» 1 can me un relatively tins strongest It, is. howeve", the . vntinuatlon of the good consumptive demand e\ erywlc re and the coretant nibbling I y ex porters that encouragi * headers ami it came 1 many of tin- shorts to cover outstanding contracts to lav. C>m moilerately active and tinner. Oats h Live. Provisions quiet ami p:ic:< Iritgnlar. Flour dull and unchanged _'Vlieat; cash No. 2 soring Isa's!»e; No. 3 spring 7'J.,c; No. 2 red . lc: September Te?4aT7®4c, closing at ttc: December ,s ■ iloMng at 71' May 9 J a •'closing at s.V«c. Com, cash No. 2 :>t>c;Sep tes.sU r at. • I' tober h-fjc; December tjfjc. Oats. si", te:n• er .* . 1 >■ »■•••• r 2b r i Kye. No. 12)40 Pit. Set I, SI Timcthv Seed. 11 11 Mef Pork, cash an 1 September t:* FTJ^alO 00; Oetol*er $'.'75; Jan uarv f-.* 521... Lar i, cash an 1 September|n -’74 at; October *»*. JO; January S3 ‘J2V* Bulk Meats, short ribi So 15a5 JO; shoulders ft 87 \ a-, iHi; short clear {3 C7',a5 75. Whisky at SI 0J. sugar. < utloaf ,J14a9*jc: granulaUd and standard v . Itutter, «• live; fain y creamery 17a ISc" tie 11’ ab ; finest dairies 13all. ; fair to • - I alCi Eggs firm at ll>* Receipts-Flour. 17,0txt barrel*; wheat, 159,ono bushels; corn, w ■mo bushels; oats. JsT.OOo bushels: rye. 11,00" ■oslie's arley. J.000 bushels. Shipments—Flour, 11 pm barrels; wheat. 137,000 bushels; corn. 1J5. i-0 bushels, oats, 157,000 bushc.s; rye, 1.0OD bush els; barley, 2,000 bushels PHtt.AnKU’HU, August it —Flour, quiet and n„at strot No nd71% «o 2 red august M’.nM e; September 8- a'lc; Oit' U r '1 ,a3A’-, November M.'^aOjC. Corn, firm; No. yollow l No. 2 high mixed C, No. . mixed August and September! :'4at :S|C: <>: • r ttali', ; November tl'4an’4' Oats, low er; No. white 28.'; No. 2 white August 30)4a31c; Sopteuib.r *,.‘,a30’4c; 0> tober 30’4a3d%c l-gg*. firmer: Pen nay iv aula ti rats i7o Receipt*, flour, 7 uOO barrels; wheat. 80 000 bushels; corn, 15,000 bushels, oats,21,000 bushels. Shipment', wheat. . -,.000 bushels; corn, 7.C00 bushels; oats, 1 ..000 Baltizobi. Angus: 11—Wheat,western ;; No. J winter red spot and August-Uii'aMV; Sep' tem r a 3c; December ».',c. Corn, western quiet. •\e t spot and August ..nd September '■ :*a l,y. Oats, , vet an t easy; western white new 32 Kye. steady at 50a52c. Hay li; .n at lb '"a 17 00. ‘ Butler," linn: western packed loauc; crea mery D aVie. Kg<*. firm atllHr. Rtoeiptt— Flour, 9,000 barrels; wheat. > 'OO bushels; corn. 38IJ0H bushels; oat«, 17 000 hnshels; rye, 1 000 bn.he’s Shipment*—Flour 1P.0M) barre.s; wheat '75,000 bushel*. (■•■o'.nsati, O., August it.—Cotton, Heads Flour, quiet Wheat, Arm; No 2 red :■ re L-etpis 17.000’ bushel*; snicmeuLs, 7.5CO bushels. Corn arm; No. 2 mixed Oats, steady; No ■ mixed 20kc. Rye. easy; No. 2 Ho Pork, weaker at all lJ-s Lard, dull at Si. 10 Bulk Meats nominal. Whisky, active a: Si 0J Butter, fain \ creamery 2Pe; choice dairy 11a!: - gar siea'dy; hard refined g^ate New Orleans -jv. \ heese :.rm. Fggs, firm at ujfalSc. Tonsho. o . August H.—Wheat, active and e e cash ,ssJc: August ■ Septwtnber -• .December * Vjo Coro, firm and higher .. - jo. Ciovei s,4-d dud Octot-rr }i Receipt#—A’heaL S3. .i bushel*’ com. t 2» bushels; oats ;i,000 bash , - Shipments-**-1C0 taall«Uiv40<1 t- she!^ oat** v\) bQ5h6ls. Metal MarUfts Nrw York. Aogu«t ]4 —Ooppu. dul.; Jot* $ii *'■. Leal, firmer; domestic $: 9”V" llDi ulel; straits $2" 10. LIVE STOCK. Wheeling. Tuesday, August 13. The market is reported slow, with prices a i|uarter«'f a cout lower. Messrs. Hudson & Bay ba furnish the following quotations: > Cattle—1,000to Lbs) lbs stock 'A'isa'i'. per lb; 8<Xl to 900 lbs 3a3^c j>er lb; TW>* to SCO lbs 2J4*3 per lb. Hogs—Market slow; 4a4*4c per lb. Lambs—Good at 3a7>c per lb. Calve*—Sa5c per lb. Sheep—2>ia4c tor lb. Baltimore, Thursday,•August 8. AT CALVERTON YARDS. Bur Cattle—The market tills week wash's active at any time than it was last week, and t> werds the close became extremely sluggish with values a shade off. The quality averaged abaut as good as lad week, for though there were fewer topi, there was a longer line of gool middle cattle and fewer of the lower grade*. Price- ranged at,out as last week, at 91 50Al 10. most sales at J2 7.5u! 12VJ per lOu pounds Prices of beef cattle this week ranged as fol lows: Best beeves ?t COal 40; those generally rated Ilrst qua Ity 13 0>7X- medium or good fair quality f! 25*3 and ordinary thin steers, oxen and cows S3 50a3 03 per 1"0 lbs. Of the Cattle received >22 came from Virginia, 10 from Ohio, 473 from Illinois, SO from Jlury land and 7a from West Virginia. Total receipts for the week were 1.415 head, against 1,101 head last week, and 1,690 same period last year. Of the oiferings 520 heal were sold to Baltimore butchers, and 210 to country dealers. Total sales lor the week. TOO head, against 78S last week and '.'36 head same period last year. SHEEP asit l.AMtts—There Is a fiirly good de mand prevailing in all the yanls for good stock. The numbers are hss by some l 300 htad than bet week, sml the quality generally asgtiod.wilh the exception of a somewhat larger number of common sheep that find a slow sale. Priccsof butchers' sheep range 2al}4'c per pound gross, an J la nbs at 4a6%C pi 1 pound grots, an advance of fully H1' pei pound over last week. Stock sheep tell at I2a3 50 per head. Receipts of sheep and lambs this week 1,413 head bai.timore livestock yari>3. i MoNHaV, August 12, l.Sa9 ) Swine—There Is a moderately fair offering at the Yards, but it Is ample for the very moderate demau 1 existing. '1 he quality!*hows no serious change, nor are prices different from what they' were last week and the week before. They are quoted now at C«f>s{ cents; most sales at 0J4* r\' eeuls per pound net Common Hogs and heavy rough ones sell along down 10 6 cents per pound net. Hiceipts this week i,700 head. CLAREMONT STOCK YARDS, I Baltimore, August in. isso. / Arrivals of Live Stock at Claremont Stock Yards via Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for the week ended \ugust 11 —216 cars, containing 2.791 Cat tle, ■<, Calves, I0,:;s5 Sheep and Lambs, 5,502 Hogs, 10 Hors- - and 2*:: Mules. Shipments to New York. Philadelphia. Sic., 2,626 Cattle, 10 Calves, 5.577 Sheep and Limbs, 1,111 Hogs and 39 Horses. All Hogs and Sheep sold In these Yards are at gross weight. Receipts this week 3 07s head. 12,5 week Pair to good Hogs sold at 55 :;0, and hi-Avy at SI 95; roughs at S4 lo per 100 lb-. Receipts of Sheep 1 '.*•• head, with sales at l'£ al*4 ct- and Lambs from r<% to o'.j cents per lb. PHILADELPHIA, August 12 IlKki CATTi K—The receipts were nearly 300 head l sx than for Iasi week and were mostly consigned direct to wholesale butchers or were for shipment and const lentlj there were lea* than UK1' bead on the market to-day. and. with the usual demand at th’s lime of the year, prices advance 1 fully 25c per 100 pounds. yuoUtions: Extra natives’ V „n'• ’ .ji:; good 4!^n5c: medium t'.taijjjc: common O'istl^c; Colorado* and T<. x ans, 3)4»4c. Sheep —The receipts were for the week 10,00) head: previous week, 13,070 head. The demand for all good grades was good and prices ad , am ed 1 saf4c We quote extra, 5'ic; good, 5a medium. 4'.,*4 4c; common, iff ale; culls, Lambs - Were active and Mc higher. We tjiiote: Extra 7a7J-,e: good taCJ^c: medium W.’4c; com mon lulJic. Hogs—1 lie receipts were for the week 7,000 head, previous week, fi,800 head There has been no change for two weeks in the market, and prices remain unchanged, vi/: Good light wastern at t>!<a0%e; heavy western, 225 to 250 lb*. O' .Jai-' ,Jc; extra heavy wet tern, over 275 lbs 'iai.'^c: State <■■■. f at cows were In lair demand at 2J-ia3!ic per pound. ... „„ Slippery Cows wero In better request at Its 00a 25 00 prrhesd. Bologna Cows were in moderate demand at S10 0Oa;0 00 t>er head. Milch Calves were active at -IV^aG per lb. Milch Cows were dull at 525 Ooa'nJ "Optr head. Dressed Beeves were in fair request, and iu tvmpathv with live stock prices advanced %c VVe quote: Natives. I'.'^Seand Teians >,c. Ka'st i.ibkktv, August 11—cattle—Receipt* ") head; shipments S'0 head; market linn; all through consignments; prime fl 5"nl t'.0;fairto ptHid <l 25aI ,vt; common Si uJal 25; ttockers|.t 00 ad 20. Hogs—Receipts 1.805 head; shipments 1,000 liead: market linn; light Yorkers 51 soal t>0; com mon 51 7t'al 75; medium and light 51 UOal 70; grassera 51 60al 70; heavy hogsS i toil 50. Sheep—Receipts 1.00; head: shipments. 1,000 head; market firm: prime 51 yOa-5 00; fatr to good SI50al 7>; tom mon $2 OOadOO; lambs SI 50a6 00. Chicapo, August 11 -Cattle, receipts 15.0C0 head, shipments t.Ooo head; market stronger; beeves; SI 5('a! sO; sloeaers and feeders, id 10; cows, bulls and mixed 51 0<M3 0tc, Texans gl fiOad 15. Hogs—Keoeipts 15,uoo head; shipments 6,000 head: market slow and heavv; mixed St 0>'ai it); heavy si Hat 21; light SI dial 10; skips $.150 a I 50. _ Sheep—Receipts 10 oOO head: shipments :,003 head; market steady; nath * S3 OOal 70; western 13 45a; 00; Texans SI 50a I 50; lambaSt 7'-ail (X). Nkw Yor.K, August I t.-Reeves,receipts 201 cars: market Out! and easier; native steer- 5t75n>oo per 100 pounds; ( olonido S-- dial 00; Ttxaus Sd road 70; bulls and dry cows 81 60ad 50. Sheep, receipts 7 500 head; market active; ihcepii 00a.5 25per 100 pouuds; lambs $55)a5 75. Hogs, Receipts 7,00) head; market steady at 8! 75a515pjr 100 pounds. Cincinnati. O, August II—Hogs, lower; common and light S3 75al 05; packing and butchers' II dOal 0. Receipts, ■ 7u head; ship ments, J ’>0 head. WOOL.. WIIIF.MSA, Allgut 1 !. There is simply nothing to report In Ice*1 wool circles Dealers will not buy except at conces sions, nathey cannot unload any of their pres out stock. They say they would not pay more than nOcents in tbe country at present and the wool would have to be pretty Rood then. The New Vork Commercial Bu'Uiin fays of the Bo tou market: •Ihe market is under a cloud more from svm pathy than from su Bering. The heavy embar ra- mem of the Ktveislde and Oswcro mills and of the wool houae or Brown, -t-:. «e -V < larke lias of course shaken the trade to its centre, hut the actual losses sustained have fallen itjion houses who are able to bear them and do other wool fal lines an exported. * * • A few buy ers of undoubted credit have lieeti iti the market hammering at prices. If they had succeeded they would have hurl themselves a much i’.- the wool trade, for the Rood' market is iu a somewhat nervous condition, and a.slump in wool means Renerat commotion. * Man ufacturers pnrehast-d sufficient for summer wants In June, and have merely been confirmed In theii intention to let the market alone natil Sep temper. Ihe decline of ahr.uta cent a pound, in e\tr. ■ cas(s two rents, from extreme quota tioio ini- net I'ten increased, and that is all that can he said." Price in the country are tor line ileeeo washed, occasionally be me paid for some choice dips: unwashed one third oil; me limn -.. washed ::1 to ;'.e: medium unwashed 2 - to Jlc: tub washed ;'>to3se. GROCERIES. Wheeling, Tnesday, Augtist 1 Co:' re market strong Roasted oolt'ees, as com pared to green, ere below thelrvalue:an advance may I- looked for A much lietter feeling pre vails, and jol.U-rs arc buying much more freely thnn'at any time since the first break. Syrccs—Choice Sugar Syrtip isle: Money Drips 27c: Maple brii-. five gallon kegs 72c: ten gal.on keg» 70- one-half barrel Ov; l-arrel GJc. Sugar dnrk :!• : hie additional in half barrel*'. New Orleau-Molasses—Fancy 4sc: Choice 46e Prune Me: Fair tsc: Mixed goods, New Orleans 30a.:Jc; Kak r- toods30c. „ Provisions—Largo S. C. hams 12c; medium ■j c hamslU’ic;;small 3. hams 12’-.ic: ca.ifor nlatiams 9c: S, C. breakfast bacon 10c; 9. C. shoiildtus Sc: boneless hams tic; city sides 9c. hum !- TlOc: ordinary beef s’/1; family moss l»irk. '• piece Si i So: bean pork, line Ciear 51,0 dried lieef hams 10c. I uii-—Tierce r.TMc; half barrels .c: tulis c: iinna t lba, TJic; tin pal - - . •: tin pail*; pi it,< : in tiails. 201ns. 71 ,c; cans. 50 Mm. iC: i' isn: :-(toons—3 lt> Standard tomatoes s,-a:*0c: Jlli fanev tomatoes. 9Qa95c: 2 lb standard Hart furl i ". corn, 90a95c; soaked Corn Vi&uOc; 1 lb Maine process com. Ft tO: 2 lb Maine packed 8l00all0;31h A com brand peaches i standard table peaches, 81 45; lt> pic peaches. ‘Joe; 1 lb full standard ovsters. 81 0»; 1 lb light weight cove oysters. ... _'n standard string leans soc. Libby s lii can corned brel 8- '20; Libby s 1 lhcan ,lpj” ! i.sef, 8210; Libby's 1 lb .an lunch 8?.s W IRE—No. 1 tuba, 87 00; No 2. 80 00; , s. 00; 2 hoop paiis, 81 45: 3 hoop, 81 wiw\P V- . ;glo wash(>su-ds. 51 -r>0: double do. 8- 80. .. e d 82 : sin ;lc 8: iO. . Fufir'-Sew Turkish Prunes 4c: RaWns, alenria. 7kc: Layer Odora. S>»c: London layer > u- 82 toad '*0: l-ooso Muscatels. 81 00. ,"n:_IatU. extra western strained soc; carbon, 0 7i,4. carton, IV), 7J«c; white miners best inter* ‘C: white miners'4'J to 51c. Lv„a -.-Cut loaf »%«: cube* *he; Fruit row - | u linarv j.iw !• re 1 an,Hr ! '• ?r: Standard Confectioner’s A 9 ,<. an lar 1 Grocer’s A -»„c. lvarl White A sc: hiie • .tra C "V: Ohio Valley 7;,e; New berk p'-f Fancy Pear! 6V.C: Choice Pearl ■’. . ,0‘jce iNimestic 5'ic; Prime I>omcstic 5,Se. 1 ' rV!.s-Green Ooflce-Faney Golden Rio 2u\ ,r y i.rcen 2tc; Pe*bcrry2l! c; Choice Green ... prune Green l9j%c: Roasting trades .4* lie; Java — V- Roasted in package*—Ohio Pish Mackerel—Extra Shore No. bbls. 20. ;'»ko0; half-barrels. 100 lbs.. 813 V; quart-r rn’. • its. . *.-,.K5: kits. 10 it-*.. 81.J0; medlum .,10 lb* |.'4 00; half barrels. 10" it*-, .aner-tiarrels. 30 D- . 8 , V,; Bu 10 it- . 10 f.ake Herring—Half burr is, 100 lbs . IZOO; r i arrels, 50 Jb».. *1.25; q iarter.barrels, 40 1 Si .10; kits. t<> It*.. 43c. , gTA b. h Fox Refined -V; i<vw' lump Diamond osb Diamond Gloss t lb. packages -V; Fox m starch c, FLOUR, GRAIN' AND FEED. Wheeling. TUESDAY, August Thf"C is a good deal o:' wheat arriving, and a exp ctfd. it i* neary ail c f the cholCMtij -1! cut* ter bu'nel still being **rl ail art e es are unchanged. * he flour frThe foliowtng'quottUoM are whrlesale. retail taing frnm 50 to 75 cents higher; y. i-le rn: FUH'B-(*ok* family flour in wood *1 10: in P4.^,t‘ JwSnt pe^boshel 90e; com per bushel .a..1 n«-s ner bushel 8^3c. • y A.-Middling* rer ton #12 00: bran per.ton ed hay per ton 8U Othjoose^hay. old. c ru\ : mcu . - —' IU oo'ptf t.m^ew 8- ON' to *10 00 per ton. PXTItOLJIUM, Nr.w York August H.—Opened firm at and alter slight declines in the tir^t hour became c,rouger aud moved up sharply on buying t.jr Standard Oil broilers, dosing strong at Total sales, l,T20,uC0 barrels. Oil City, Pa., August U.—Petroleum, opened at Isle, highest 97?,; lowest 'Jic; Closed at '.*7c. Sales 812,000 barrels; clearances, 1C5.800 barrels; charters, lloMO barrels; shipments, 89,130 bar rels; runs, 701,00" barrels. PiTTsarKo, Pa., Augu-t ll.-Pelrolenm, firmer aid higher; opened at closed at ',‘7’^; high est '.c%r-, lowest 95Mb. Bkadforii, Pa.. August 11.—Petroleum. opened at Closed at'.‘7‘^c; hightst lowest;- . ,<•. TitusVILLK,Pa , August U -Petroleum,opened at ‘*v-0->; highest u75.-;; lowest .‘ Ajc: closed st 97‘,e. i*nv GO&an. New York, August 11 -The duplicate de maud for dry goods from interior jobbers is bet teiing and shows an average in the west. The eastern jobbing trade is developing satlsiaetorlly and the outlook altogether is such ss to gi ve a better tone to the market Bleached cottons continue in spcial reque-t. and goods under 7%c a yard have an upward look. fcINSKNG. WH KRUNO, TUESDAY, Aogtut 13. The market for ginseng is weak and prices remain unchanged. For large bold root fb JO is the outside price; good average root S2 25. 3Urtterg> NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION fill I Mill* ilSIlillTEI. Louisiana State Lottery Company Incorporated by the Legislature, for Educa tional and charitable purpose*, and Us franchise made a part of the present State Constitution, in 1879, by an overwhelming popular vote. Its MAMMOTH DKAWINHN take nine* Kctnl-AuuiiHlly, (Jim* anil lie cemlier), nud tta (,RA\n NlXtiLK Nt'MIlv.K UttAWISGN Ink* |ilnc* In *nrti of tli* oilier teu months of the year, null nr* nil driiwu lu |mkllc, at th* Academy of M lisle. New Or Irfunt. I/M, FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS, For Integrity of its Drawings, and Prompt Payment of Prizes, AI tested as follows: • ‘Wedo hereby certify that we supervise tht arrant i-munts for all Monthly and Semi-Annus. Drawings of The Lolsiana State Lottery Com party, and In person manage and control th. Drawings themselves, and that the same are con ducted with honesty, fairness and In good faith toward al! parties, and we authorise the Com pany to use this certificate, with fac similes o; our signatures attached, In its advertisements. We tbo nndorsigned Banka and Bankers will pay all Prises drawn In The Louisiana ritate Lot rlcs which may be presented at our counters. R.M.WALMBLKY, I’res't Louisiana Nat. Bk. pif.KKi: i.tA.u x, i t BUte Nat'lBk A. BALDWIN, Prcs't New Orleaus Nat'! Bk. CAUL KOHN, Prcs t Union Natloual Bank, BRAND MONTHLY DRAWINfl. At tfce Aradrmy of Mualf, XfW Orleaaa, Tuesday, ^ffteuilter 10, 1HK5J. CJPITAL PH1ZK, $300,000. 100,000 Ticker* at Twenty Dollars each. Halves JHO; Hnarteis 8r-. Teuths $4; Twentieth* 81. ns, oy i-truss. 1 PRIZE OK 1890,000 Is.-. 1 PRIZE OK 100,000 Is...-. 1 PRIZE OF 50,000 is. 1 PRIZE OK 'Za.OOU Is.-~ 2 PP.1ZES OF 10,000 are.. 5 PRIZKfi OK 5,<XX> are....„.. 28PKJZEBOF 1,000 are.. 10G PR1ZFSOF 590 are.. J00 PRIZES OF 300 are.—. 500 PRIZES OK 200 are.— aj-pboximatiuh*. ICO Prise* of *500 are. 100 Prises of 800 are.—. 100 Prizes of 200 are. TBBM1NAL MUSKS. 999 Prises of *100 are. 999 Prizes of 100 are... |30O,CiO 1O0.OCC 50 ,n&. 2i,(X0 20.0CO 21,0(0 2j,0CC 59,GtO 09,1X0 190,000 »5o,nro 30.000 20.000 193,900 99,900 8,181 Prises amounting to.81,051,**00 Notr—Tickets drawing Capital Prises are noi entitled to terminal Prises._ AGENTS WANTED. ajj-Kor Club Umcr, cr any further In forms tier osired, write legibly to the undersigned, clear!) lallng yonr residence, with Plate, County, Strcx’ ,nd Number. More rapid return mall delivery rill be assured by tout enclosing an Envelop* (earing your full aoure.-f. IMPORTANT. Ad Ires* 31. a. dauphin, New Orloau*, Lis., Or: 5. A. DAUPHIN, WantilnirlOH. D. (1. Bv ordinary letter, containing Mousy Or der Issued by aU Express Companies, New York Exchange, Draft or Postal Note. Address Registered Letters CoBtalsieg Cirreicj ti NT.W ORLEANS NATIONAL BAS li New Orlonn*- I.a. Iiegal 3RoticfS. ORDER OF PUBLICATION. rp (E STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO I County, in the Circuit Cnuit of Ohio county, W e-t Virginia. August Uulos, 1889. Mary E. Lane and husband,) v*. V In Chancery. Mary Morrey and others. ) The object of tills suit is to hare the dower of Mary Morrey, widow of John Morrey, defeated, ss-igned to her in the real estate in Wheeling. West Virginia,of which said John Morrey died stized and po«esseJ, aud to secure a partition ol sail real estate between the com plain ant, Mary E Lune aud the other hetu at law of said John Morrey. And it appearing from an affidavit Hied in this cause, at these rules, that the defendants, George Morrev and John Morrey, a'C not test dents of the State of west Virginia, aud thsy uot having be*n *ervtd with a pro'Ofs in thi* suit, ou the mo'ion of the complainants, by their solicitor, this oidt-r of yubhraliou is entered ageimt them; and it is ordered that the said de fendants, George Morrey and John Morrey, are required to at peur within one month after the date of the fin t publication of tills order, and do what is nccessarv t) protect their interests. It is further ordered that this order be published and posted as required by law Witness, John W. Mitchell. Clerk oi said Court, at the Court House of said county, this 7th day of August, 1839, Pi wit: August Kules. IS;*. JOHN W. MITCHHI.L, Clerk. Published the first time August Mb. IS*). Attest - JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk Circuit Court of Ohio County Jons O. l*ss pi.stojv Solicitor for Complainants acsoawt ORDER OF PUBLICATION. QTATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO COPY O ty, in the Circuit Court of Ohio county, West Virginia. August Rules, 1889. John ^L Clemens vs. WHiiam A. Clemens, Abraham W. Clemens, Robert A. Clemens. George H. Clemens, and Edward Clemens. IN CHANC1KY. The object of thl* suit is to sell, for partition, certain lots, with bill dings thereon, situate the corner of Eleventh street and Morrow Alley, in the City of Wheeling, in the county of Ohio, in the State of West Virginia. And it appearing from an attld&vit tiled in this cause, at these rules, that the defendants, vs illlam A. Clemens, Abraham W. Clemens, Hubert A. C emeus, George II. Clemens ai d Edward C eitcns, are not residents of the State of West Virginia, and tliey not having been served wttil a process In ihissuit, on the motion of the complainant, by h s solicitor, this order of puslication is entered against them. And it is ordered that the raid de.endanu, Wiliam A Clemens, Abraham W. Clemens, Robert A. Clemens, George ii Clearena and Edward Clemens,are required to appear with in one month after the date of the first public** ton of tills order and do what ta necessary to protect their interests. It Is further ordered that this order be published and posted as required by Witness, John W. Mitchell, ( 1. rk of said Court, at the Court House of said county, this 7th day of August, lssj to-vvit: August Hides. lk*'J. JOHN W. MITl cl El. I Clerk. i'ablishcd the flirt lime August sth. l'-.i Attest:— JOHN w. MIlcHKI.L, . Clerk Circuit Court of Ohio County. White a, Solicitors far C. mplainaut. NOTICE TO TAKE DK1’0SIT10N9, John H. Clemens, Plaint!!!', 1 vs. I W illiam A. Clemens, Abraham • Circuit Court of W. Clemens, Robert A. Clem , Ohio County, ms, George H Clemens, and | In Chancery. Kdwaid Clemens, defendants, j Take notice that the depositions of Robert Band and William II Haller will be taken at Un law office cf White & Allen, No 17"! Chapline street. Wheeling, In ihe Stateoi West Virginia, on the 7th day of September, A. I). 1M‘J, be tween tbe hours of o'cloc k a. ui and a o'clock p. m„ to be read in evidence- in thp above named caucc On behalf cf said p alntitf. And If, from any cause, the taking of the said depo sitlons shall not he commenced, or being com mcnoed, shall not be completed outbid day. tbe taking of the same will be adjourned from time to lime until the same shall be completed. JOHN H. CLEMENS, By Wbito A1 loll, his Attorneys To above nam d Defendants. auaoawt ORDER OF PUBLICATION. OTATEOF WEST VIRGINIA, OHIO COrS C"! ty, In the Circuit Court of Ohio County, West Virginia. August Rules, 1SSJ. John B. Lukens and Charles Lukens, late part ners as J. B. Lukens Ac Brother, vs. James L. Butley, Robert I uke, iluth R. Max well. administratrix of tho estate of James Maxwell, deceased, and W. V. Hoge, trustee. IS CHANCERY. The object of this suit is to subject the undi vided one fourth interest of the defendant. James I. Burley, lu part of lo: No. 11 and 12 feet in width by 7* feel n inches In depth adjoining the north line of said lot No. in C. !.. Lane's addition to tho City of W heeling, to the pay ment of tiro liens set out In the bill tiled in this cause. And it appearing from an affidavit filed in this cause, at these rules, that the def- miaul, James I.. Burley. 1* not a resident of the mate of Wes- Virg nla, and he not having been served with a process In tilts suit, ou the motion of the complainants, by their solicitors, this order o publication is entered against him; and It i ordered that the s&ld defendant, James I. Bur lev, is required to appear within one month after theda'eof the first publication of this order and d-1 what is necessary to protect his Interest. It is further orderel that this order be published and poemd as required by law Witness, John W. Mi’cbcll. Clerk of the said Court, at the Caurt House of ssld county, this 7th day of August. 1'-:'. to wit; August Rules, l-s'J. JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerk. I‘ubllshed the first time Ausust Mh, lw. Atlesl:— JOHN W. MITCHELL, Clerkof Circuit Court of Ohiocouuty. Rogers a Jonbi, Solicitors for Complainant. auSoant ATTEND THE GREAT Wes! Virginia Exposition and State Fair! fat wheeling, w. va., September 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13,1889, GRID EXHIBITION DP LIVE STOCK -'Maeliineri pfodacts of the farm. Fireside Fourteen Races -AND A LARGE NUMBER OF NEW ATTRACTIONS, Speed entries close September 2d, at 11 P. M., and all Live Stock entries close September Oth, at 0 P. M. Competition Open In the World! fcaTExcursion rates on all railways. Addr ess Secretary for premium list or information. JOHN H. HOBBS. President. GEORGE HOOK. Secretary._ttlf‘<-gi 5l?ir ^rrnitur? iionsf-iiamm & (To. —DEALERS IN— F urniture,-:-GarpBtp.-j-Oil-Gloth?, Window Shades, Mattresses. Parlor and Chamber Saits, &C . No. 1067 Street. - - WHEELING, W. VA. Ppfcinl i.lirinlou gltrn to ('n<l<-rt»kinK »»<• Art*rl*i;En»b»ln»lB*. ttl«pb«a< cull* i*u*twere«t hi nny hour of the «Ihjt or iilithu »pr-ieo0c jRailroads. gALTIMORF, AND OHIO B. It. Departure and arrival of Train*, at Wheeling, Eastern time. Schedule in effect May 12th, WW. MAIN UNK EAST. Kor Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, 4:35 a m , 3:10 and 11:50 p, m., dally and S.Ooa. in.. Except Monday. Cumberland Accommodation, S:!0a. m. dally, Except Sunday. (irafton Accommodation, 3:10 p. m., daily. Moundtvllle Accommodation, 5:35 a. m and 12:01 and 6:10 p. m , Except Sunday ARkiva. From New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, 93) > a. m. and 12;So p. m. and ll:00ji. tu., dollv Cumberland Accommodation, 6:U0 p. in., Kv Cent Sunday. tirartoti A'-oommodation, 1230 p. in., da':y, MoundsTille Accomm.KlH ion, , is a. m. and 1:40 and 7:40 p. m , Except Sunday. TRANS-oflIO DIVISION. For Chicago, «:10 and t:3ua m. and S:«0and 10:06 p. m„ daily. Cincinnati Kxprcw, 9:"0a. m. and 11:15 p. m„ dally. Ooiumbua Acoommoiation, 2:20 p. m., Except Sunday. St. ClairsvlUo Accommodation, 9:30 a. m. and 2:20 and 5:30 p. m., Except Sunday. Chicago Kxpr**, 12:45 a. in.,5:30 and 8:« a. m. and 6:10 p. in , doily, Cincinnati Kiprew, 4:56 a. m. and 6.10 p. u , daily. Co’nmbus Accommodation, 10:40 a. m., Ex cept Sunday. St. Ciainvllle Accommodation, 1<> 40 a. m. and 1:40 and 5:15 p. m., Except Sunday. W. P. A B. DIVISION. For Pittsburg, 6:00 and 7:25 a. m., dally, 1 to Except Sunday, and 6:10p. in., daily. Washington Accommodation, 5 30 p. m , Ex* cept Sunday Pittsburg Excursion, 7:00 p. m„ 8unday only. From Pittaburg. 9:*0 a. m., dolly, 12 30 p. m., Except Sunday, 6:55 and 11:10 p. in., daily. Washington Accommodation, 5:05 a. in., dally, Except Sunday. Pittaburg Excursion Train, 11:50 a. m , Sunday only. CHA8. O. SCT'LI.. myl4 '1' Bj a'. Pa Hog* r Agent o HIO iilYER RAJLKOilD. Tima Tabu wklug offtvn liny 26, 1S39. Paa •enger train* wiUruna* toUowv—Ceutiai T ea, All trains dally except tho*-« marked lbo»t which do not run on Similar: •OUTH aoVNB. I.NC.71 So. 6 I *0.6 • No. 1 CeaVO—Wheeling..._ Ben wo-rd. MoandarliU....... law Marti nrrllU. W llllanutown.'.. ParkOTibQi-g.™... Kareniwood... Mason (Hty...—.. Cilfiou.. Ar vo Point Plaaaam " Gallipoli* Kerry... “ Guyandotta.. " Hnnllugtou. 11 Ghar.'eotcii KAO.. “ Charleston, O A 0. 11 Forbonon'.h. “ White Snlphnr. aoETH e»a 6 AS 7 Oh 3 Z * Du 9 Oh 9 AS 10 45 11 01 P8 30 S A' * 0> 5 1C S 86 7 ft "i'wi Leara -Huntington Gcyaiidotto.. Gallipoli* Kerry. Point !'.baillit . Cfton..... Mason City-...—.. kavenswood.. Parkbrahur*... A'lilt am* town.-. New Martlnnllle........ Moundivllla .......„ Ben wood, ... Wheeling.. Portsmouth... \ - Staunton.. White Sulphur.. No. i. a. m 1<» NS 11 li 11 ?2 z 1 65 2 25 i AS 4 56 I 39 r. r b A, 7 IS 7 ar. 8 > 1 66 6 * 9 * >. r, nj 6 13 6 ib 1 i: •J i i 10 :.> 11 ti P i us 1 10 1 AS 2 to 3 r t «o s a 10 22 A m. a. ra , a. id. 4 14 10 Of 3 1. 4 r, 6 r. 5 r f 2-i c s 7 4 s 9 10 9 40 11 1( 12 0i 12 2S 12 40 9 68 10 66 PJ™ 10 la I 11 86 Pi v 12 f 1 & 2 .. A 8b .. 6 41 . 7 00 ” 7 16.. 4 ** 4 n. 6 2. . 6 W|. 6 40 H or | 4 OC 6 80 8 15 9 .X 9 40 9 M Charleston, K AO.I 0 P Charleston, r.’AU.....I 1 '1 hroiigh Uektt* ami t>a,»,(b ci.eci' Kor rates and other !urormatlon, addrew KaKl) UU-iKMitN, lrav. 1'asa. A* t. Wheeling. W. Va W J. HC.BIN80N, ObU 'Part-. Agent Pai ken-bum, W. V. W. H. OSBORN. B. T A.. Pom. - c CLEVELAND A I’iTI'HBUUO K. K. Under schedule In fleet May 12th, 1W, tralni leave Bridgeport, Ohio, Central HtauJard Time. Kor Pittsburgh, Chicago and Cleveland. 4 5u a. m. Kor PlUSDnrgh, 1022 a. m. Kor Chicago an t Cleveland, 1:12 p. ra. Kor Pittsburgh and New York. 2:.>i p. m. For Steubenville, 8 • a m Trains arrive at Bridgeport at T:M a. in, 10 18 a. m.. 12:28 p. m., 4 .17 p. m.. and 7:52 u. m. On Sat urdays only. for East Liverpool, 6:14 p. m., from Emit Liverpool, 11:12 p. m. a. 1. WA1.I.INO, Ticket Agent. my20 Bridgeport. Ohio. fJITTHBDltO, CINCINNATI AND NT. LOD1H KAILWAY 00., ,'Kan Handle Kontn ) Urdsr schsduls In sCsi 1 May 26ih, '8&i, trains lsavs w hwwllnr '-mlral Standard Tims: Kor rtteunauvlllo. ntt>t,ar»n » >d the East, f. *0 a. a., 13:45 p. tn., 3:20 ». a., and 1 40 P ni. K<.r Co.i:m.-.r, :.<*la a. •' nail and Ut. leait, 6 Jj and t 4 p. m. KorOolnic not and Chicago, 12:4i p. m. Train* arrl7» at Wliwilngat 5:50 a. a.. 10:0J * ra.. 2.45 p. a.,and 4:20 p, m. Trains leaving at E:20 a. m., a..d *■ riving at 8:30 p. ra , run so'ld betwesn W heeling andPttWbunr. Ml train* dally, sioapt Kundar XT'ANAWHA & OHIO RAIL WAY. [Hobt. W. Kecciver.l (Kanawha Short I.lne.) Schedule In cfl.vl K< nary Sd. lvO, (subject to < hange without uollce.) Train* leave Wheeling #)«. in. via Ohio K've R. R.. arrive Charleston 8:16 t. ra. i-eavo Charleston C:15 a. ra., arrive Wheeling 7 4.. p. m. via O. R. R. R. l.esvo Charleston 12 M p m. arrive Wheeling ,v> p. m. via Columbus and Pan-Handle, dally except Sunday. ■ < ntral Standard Time.1' Sundays, only train* leave Charleston 8:00a. m., arrive Wheellnj: 7:45 p. m. via O. K. K. R. CKO. J. KRM1.1CH. O P A druggists. Logan Drug Co. Aro always to the front with New and rS aeonal.le tkiod*. MOTH MARBLES for preserving Kur* and nothing from the rav age* of Moth- I* superior'« < amphor. Toba. * » or any other Moth DeUroyer In the mark<*. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES, Syrups, Knilt Jnloes, Meilran Sherbet, Main), Moile. Ac. Agent* for Bedford Spring Water In pint*, quart* and one half gallon bottle*, inrki-ii (.in- Tablets - haustiou, Want of Sleep. Headache. An. f SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ HAIR GROWER. / SUTHERLAND SISTERS’JCALP CLEANER. Proprietors and raamifacturer* of the original end ligNOIN* KX4KIAIOR HAMINU 1*4(8% lll'.lt. A U aotlhi! given with each pound of the genuine Escalator baking Powder purehaikxl at retail. A»k your grtiocr for the chromo. PLEASANT WORM SYRUP- Palatable and effectual. LOf.AN'8 ESSENCE JAMAICA GINUER HoMK-TKAIi HI.US. I*) not be mislead by any imitation. LUjCream the mo»t e,<-gant pre paration in the market for chaos and ronghio* of the sain. Cinderella Corn (hire hold* it* own with all other corn cures offered. KUIINITCRK POLIHH. WOLF'S TRANSPARENT PAINT I* Ju*t the thing housekeepers want at tl.u season of the year. LOGAN DRUG CO.. tpl9 KKIOtJK «'4»KNKK. 3Sanh. gANKOFTHEOHIO VAIXKY Bute and City Deportmry. mockbo.ds.-i Doubly f.latls. CA eiTAI..-.— $178,008 UoTemmsnt and 1/xt. Bondi nought and sold Ijrafji liwuod on any point In Enrope, a- »►. as on ths prlnclpa' cities of the United dialm. A general banking business transaemu. WM. A. 1SETT, Pruddent, WM. B SIMPSON, Vico Prwclds.'U ♦nil T. ?. /EPSON, Cashier •pTXCHAflQE BANK. CAPITAL_»J0O,00«> 1. N. VANCE ...—preside..i U R DKLAPLaIN..view Pre*.ua:J DIEACJOM : !». VANCE. H. HORKriEIMKA. OHN M BROWN, W. KLUNOiLAkt, » a DEl-Al’LAIN, A. w. KELLEY. JOHN tRAW. ifts issued on Eng And, Ireland, BcctlAQS and all point* lr. Europe, myi JOHN J. JONSa Cashier. JTATIONAL BANK OP W. VA AT WHBEUK8. CAPITAL.....$2<M>,.yf 4 Son'.hwest corner of Main and Twelfth it*. LOEd A GENERAL LAN KINO BUHISKe.C DIUCTOM AUOUBT ROLF, JOHN WAGNEi., MDHAEL REILLY, a W. HA ELICIT K W. OOLEBAY, J. k Mof OCRTNEl CHAa W. BROCKUNIKil. KARL W. OOLEBAY. Prudent. CHAB. w. BKOCKCNIKK, View Prsal,leal. JOHN WAONER, Cashier. LAWRENCE E HANDS, AssLtant Caihlsr.