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gUjrfling WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. Ptb ibh ebb cxr> PnormrroEs._ JA9. B. TANSY. GENERA- Ma>a«U TERM 9 ran YXAB. BT MAIL, FOWTA01 rBBFAIO. daily. Mi days in the week--*3 0® JAILY, three day* in the week...- « » JAILY, two day» In the weak- ? JAILY. one day In the week..—... J » M keKLY. one year tn advance..1 “ WEEKLY, «x months..—— *5 DELIVERED BY CARRIER DAILY, per week to be paid weekly.— ]5 DAILY and SUNDAY' per week. I6 The DAILY will be delivered by carrier in any other city or town at.-.-.- " SINGLE COPIES OF DAILY OR WKEKl-Y 6 Tributes of Respect and Obituary Notice* 50c per inch. aw< jEsatrosuLsci cosTAisnsa impost any RAWS SOMCTTXD PHOM BYBAY FAST OF THS SCB Bocsnis* cocvrar. Rejected communications will not be returned Blew accompanied by sufficient postage, j'.ampsof the lenomiuAUou of two cent* and accepted for amounts less than one dollar. THE kEiilSTEk, embracing He revercc ecUtum*. is mlrr*d at (A- Jtostqfkt o» Wkedmg, W. fa., at .<•.**! cjaet 'natter Thicks is wteping and wailing in New York. Boston's ball clab won and New York’s lost. The traffic along the Ohio River rail road is heavier than ever known before Toe success of the road is a victory tor Went Virginia push, energy atd enterprise. t-ns. tiiVIB.D once said that ‘'when peop'e propose to protect the production oi so article by patting the doty upon it eo high as to crush out ita use in other manufactures, they are but pouring the water out of the boat to cooie right in again.” The nnmbsr of manufacturers who concur in this view ct the subject is steadily increasing. The Morgantown /W's review of the Doll’s Knu oil field shows that the devel opment of that territory has brought thousands of dollars into the pockets ol Mononghalia county farmer*. Neaily sixty wells have gone down, or are being sunk. Each well requires an expenditure of about fti.0<X> at least, half of which is left with the people of the county. I.-tge tonnees have been pud, and an immense sum txoended in leases and options. The oil boom has been a big thirg for Monon glialia county whatever ite future dsvelop ment may he. This civil service reform administration from March »> until May 1 made 1,521 dis missals and there were 210 resignation’, in the podal railway mail ssrv cl From May 1 ta Jnly 1 there were twenty-three dismissals and 147 resignations, besides .i.itt clerks dropped from the service ‘‘after a trial,” making a total of 2,431 in a little more than three months. Now compare this with what was done nnder President Ct.K\ slash, when the railway mail ser vice was not under civil service mlae. There were 725 removals, 7tii- resignation.*, 340 dismissals for inefficiency and 106 for drnnkennes, a total cl only 1,999 change’. In other words, in three months HarRISOK mads nearly doable the number of changes that wer* made during Ci.K\ eland's whole term of tour years. Is it to be won dered at that complaints of the inefficiency of this service come from every section? TUB OFFICE >KKKKitii AND XlIK PKKsIDK VI’S UBALTH. Word comes fi»n Washington to the Philadelphia Telegraph, Republican, that Habeisos is breikuig down. The Tele graph says: •• Everybitty know* that there 1* always a gin :iy au . wei: utcn’ioncd. though generally mistaken, effort ta*Je upon th*- part o' thc-e persona y near the President, to keep the actual It m cTncrniae hi- condition, tu case of threat en*! tllncsa, horn the public, to at) great an e\ tent as posible and it is e\ ideat. from the vary Idc chara> :er of current stories trom the White House and Peer lark, that this policy is being diligently pursued at this time. Take U at .is best however, and the situation is deplorable enough. It is said that the President is iu each a condition of physical and mental weari ness that bis friends are very mnch alarm ed. Uis grandfather sank under the weight of daties impe-xd on him in a very short time. The tremendous pressure of rapt clous offi.e-se.kers, which killed the grand father, is also undermining the health of the grandson. Tnoee who consider civil service relotrn a mere fad thoold take into serums con sideration this alarming news from Wusb iogteu. It is not light, and certainly the American people do not require it, that the Chuf Magistrate of the Republic sbonld be subjected to such treatment as to be made the target of the office seekers. Mat while the spoils system continues, the President is in the plight of a ceptive tied to a stake with a horde of yelling sav ages capering about him. Mr. Ci.kvki.asi) did his best to stamp ont the evil, and if Mr. HabbhjN had done half as mnch for civil service reform he and the public service would be the better for it. The trouble is that the politicians ‘‘run" Mr. Ha&bison. TUtt EPISCOPAL OUTLOOK. The triennial convention of the Kpieco* ptl Caii'ch inset*in New York to-day. It is the most important of the religions gatherings ot the season, not on acconnt ot the numbers of this sect, bnt by reason ol the qieeiious that come up for con sideration, and the weight and charac ter ot those who discnss them. The E rise opal Church in this country has grown from rathor provincial begin nings to one of the most important reli gious bodies. It has always shown a dis position and an ability to progress, so that now. if it shall discuss any important question in its convention, it will attract universal attention. S»ys the Boston Herald: It takes the lead In these discussion* because allows a broad range of >-pinion, and is ready and willing to constdor both the social and re ligion* side of ecclesiastical ..ueatioua. It.-land point la more representative toau one would ti ik and its weight in the direction of public opinion U abundantly justified by the increasing breadth an I large >e»s ol Jade >iuent shown by the men who are publicly recognised as its lead ers. Too convention's discussion of hyrnnol ogy, or litnrgu il freedom, or improved or* genic ation will be of importance to all re ligion* denominations. The Herald cov tinnee: t tie reason at this U that the Auijr.ean Epieco p*. church is • tre to engraft the goal thin.,--that *.< come out of the ltl-eral treatment of wor ► p by by an- in the Church of England, and ip at all Amerii an de... mi nation- are eagear and '• a-ly to take advantage of any advances which 1: he an may make in this direction. Again, in the matterof the revision of tin Prayer Bo-'k. there 1-a widespread interest t-eyond the Epto •-opil communion People are much more ready to pray ith a look than they used to be. and where mu. h culture prevails, or where a bright and lively service is re uired. the use of a Uturgv U indispensable. This is not a bulge of denomination, but stmpty * manor of common sense and good form The pre 1 dice against the u-e of a book for pH c devotion ha- practical ly disappeared, if Churchmen shall hare im 1 roved their book 01 worship by fully r<-tiring its . atholic feature-, or ahall improve it by *< low la 1 a greater variety of od cos, nearly al the A-. sictn denominations will immediately in corporate thent, more or lev), into their own worship. This is the movement of things to-day, ■ and is the principal reason why the coming eon * reutlou b «u-e to Interest all .arts of religtoas | people. Tbe question of organization, which tbe convention will disease is one that will ‘ deeply interest nearly all religious bodies, : but more erpeciuliy the Episcopal, whose j organization in this country has never u bean strictly episcopal in character. Ia c j tbe convention, which opens to day, the o catholic system of organization will prob \1 *bly come up for adoption. Says oar Boston contemoorary: 0 The catholic system is that which or gan z a dioceses and provinces, constitutes 5 provincial synods, appo nts archbishops, « estab’ishes an appellate coart, and thus secures a good working system for the ex T tension ol Christianity. The Methodists have something that resembles this system 1 and has a great deal to do with thair practical sacc‘ss, but in other Protestant J oodles, with the exception of the Presby , 'erian, the organizing forces have been ■r weak and unsatisfactory, tot meet . tng the stress that ia pat upon them. Tee present general conven* * tiou is a conglomeration of dioceees, r with a method of representation that corresponds t> tbe English rotten borough system, and is so deficient in fair repreeen t ition of the church itself that it is almost universally condi rnntd. hat is expect ed is that this whole system cow in vogue t wiU be overhauled, and that a commission will be appointed to establish In proper form the catho’ic eyslem which the Homan j commotion has already accepted as a working s*sUm. It is only in this way 1 that the Episcopal church can obtain the 1 working freedom which is necessary, if it r is to meet the expectations of those who , look for help from it in the solving of oar school serial and religions problems. 1 Theee are in essence the issues which i must become before the convention, bat t many side questions are likely to arise and occupy much time. It has been thonght that ihe change of name will be igain the burning question that it was r three years ago, bnt it is very doubtful wcetber tbe subjects alreidy mentioned will not gain snob headway that the cbaDge ot name will bi postponed to a more con venient eason. It is the feeling of many that the Episcopal church at this time is at : the p tin? of a passible new departure. The men who once controlled its conventions nave mastly pa.-sed away, aud in the New York session there ate many new deputies, 1 oat of whom may spring a leader who will give a new direction to things. This church appears (o be quite ready for this new impnlse, and it will not rrqairsaman who weighs a thousand poands and has tbe strength of Stmsoa to set it in motion. Party spirit is at a low ebb, though the convictions cf different schools of thought are probably as strong as ever. Tbe point of most interest is that toleration of every thing decent and legitimate has been as well established as a wotking principle within tics body as it is recognized outside ot it as a regulative principle in common K . -_ Across the Continent. By all odds the quickest, most desirable route across the continent to Portland, Oregon, and the northwesieru Pacific coast is by the Oregon Snort Line, via Union Pacific and Columbia River Route. Steel rail equipment unsurpassed. It is 21 hoars qu cker from Chicago and Kansas City to Portland, Oregon, Tacoma, and Seattle, Washington Territory, and the ooi tb Pacific coast, than bv any other line. Pall man Palae? sleepiag coaches and dining cars on all trains. Tnrongb without change. To the tonrist and e'gbt-seer, this is the most desirable iransc mtinental runts. Ia beautiful and pictnreeqne feenery it is unsurpassed. The wocderiol and rnsjeslic Colombia! There is co river ou the continent that matches it for grand and maguificent scenery. The tourist has bis choice from Portland to the Dalles by either boat or rail. To the angler and banter no route -larpa-ees it. Step over tickets on all through trains. For information and par ticulars, which will be tarnished with pleasure, write to A L. Maxwell, General Passenger Agent, O’egon Railway and Navigation Company, Portland, Oregon. shooting I tic 1>H) (lod. D.troit Fr(t I’rtts. The money which it cosis I’acle Sam to keep op the tomfoolery cf firing a sunrise and sanset gun at every military poet would permit the army to have a new ra tion, bat fce don't do business that way. It he didn’t shoot the son he’d lose Lis dignity as a great military power. >iuiliug fuller I lie It oil. S/tnng/hld K-publican. Tae forgiveness of Warner Miller is al most too heavenly. When he appeared in Thomas C. Platt's convention at Sara toga delegates looked to see a halo ot beatific light aronnd his head, lie ongbt to have been pat ia Puck's show of curi osities as the Smiling Maityr. MARTIN'S KERRY. Mr. Cappclar, Stato Kiilroad Commis sioner, along with the City Couoeil, met Mr. L. F. L iree, Sap-riLtendent of the 0 A P. railroad, to look the situation over *g to whether it was nec:8wy to have a rUgtnan at the Hanover crossing or cot, which it did not take them long to decide, lorafter Mr. Loree looked at the count the company bare been keeping since last Sat urday and the general situation, said him self that a tligmaa onght to be there and that be would have it done jast as coon as arrangements coaid be made. They will erect a small scanty on the upper side of the track next to the Kioto property for the tUgmaa to stay in. Toe Republicans have at least made one good appointment from this place in the person of S. F. lianas Interna) Revenue Collector for this district. Mr. Dean was lor a number of years postmaster here and has a great many t'iends in both parties who were happy to learn of his appoint ment. He commences his duties to-day and will have his office in the new Opsra House building. Dissoution Notice.—The firm of J. W. 1. tne A Bro., plumbers, of Martin’s Ferry, O., have dissolved by mutual con sent, O. H. Line retiring on and after Joly 1, 1S*«9. All bills against the firm will be settled by J. W. Lane who still carrits on the bn*ice«*. J. W. Lank * I).-. A. R. Osg and wife, Mrs. Hender son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hobbs. L Bpence, John Morgan, Emanuel UrandiecD took in the cheap excursion rates to the PitUbnrg Exposition yester J dev. Mr. C’aarles Coietuan, formerly of this I city, now of C-eetisbnrg, Pa., and Miss LiQra Cochran were married at the resi dence of Mr. Wm. Beck by Rsv. Campbell ■ oa Monday evening, September lit). Mis* Jennie Lion lost a gold watch and I AM HAPPY! j. Tha went of m.T happm*-.** i*. I haw thrown awaj ngr old RU.Itin* Brash, and haw WITHOUT LABOR. WolffsA CM Exacting Produce a polish wit heat the old brush, ar.d *km* «r»ff m»jC a *** on wei'i, umJ thr+* o* tcomen't fho**. Why stick to old ways in these days of pnurreee ? Sold by She Stores. Grocers. Druggists. etc. WOLFF k RANDOLPH Philadelphia. JENKS’ DIIEAM. Ji-nk« had a queer dream tue other n.ght. He thought he saw a prize-fighters’ ring, and In the middle oi it stood a doughty little champion who met and deliberately knocked over one bv on-, n score or more of big. burlv-looking fellows, u; they auvumvd to th. attack. Giants as they were m size, the valiant pigmy proved mote than a match lor them It was all so funny that Jctiks woke tip laughing. He accounts tor the dream by the fact that ho had Just coine to the conclu sion, after trying nearly every big, drastic pill on the market, Pierces Pleasant Purgative r. diets, or tiny bugar-coated (tnmules, easily ** knock «»ut and beat all the tag pills hollow: They arc the original and only genuine Little Liver Pills. Beware of Imitations, which contain Poi sonous Minerals. Always ask for Ur. 1 icre s !vii i». winch are Little Sug-.u-coated Pills, er Anti-bilious Granules. One u Dose. SICK HUDACiL Bilious 11 endue he, Dizziness, lonstlpa lion, IndiKestion. ill I— ious Altai k», and nil de rangements of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cured by the use of Ur. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative reueis. iuey are gently laxative. <>r strongly cathartic. «[., . fling tosizeof dose. Pimulest, i I leanest, Eiisn st to take. C5 oents ft vial, by druggists. chain between the Opera House restaurant and the postcfficeon Tuesday, October 1. A liberal reward will bs paid upon the return of the articles to tbeown6r. l)r. Santtleworth and Miss Ioglebright will be married this afternoon at one o’clock at the residence of the bride’s pa rent Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Ioglebright in the Orchard. L H. Saeetz, former agent ol tlie C P. railroad at Portland, now of the Wheel ing and Lake Erie Coal Company, was in the city yesterday in the iuterest ol the works. Joreph Jacobs lias opened np his new atoie. He has a large assortment lo select from and deserves a share of the patronage. Mrs. Geo. Henning, of Warrenton, O., was in the city yesterday visiting his daughter, Mrs. Geo. Strain. C. W. Kucknek and Caaa. W. Swartz have moved into their new room in the Opera House bicck. J. Smyths and wif\ cf Helens, Mont., was registered at the Hotel Maywood. Mrs. Hannah Wright, of Mt Pleasant, is the gnestof Mrs. John Maywood. Kalph Bnrkle, who was kicked by a koise on last Sunday, is improving. Council met last night and transacted the usual routine of easiness. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Kilston are in Flashing visiting friends. C. W. Tnorngate was in Steubenville yesterday cu business. W. X. Holliday was at Bridgeport yes terday on bnsicecs. Will Dixon is in Pittsburg taking in the Exposition. Kev. Cimphell was in Stenhenvilla yes terday. L Spsocs’s machine shop will be off to day. 3lea pKrttimntt. TOABM WAGONS. T he Brown Wagon In six different sizes. The Milhtiru Hollow Steel Axle Wagons. Anyone wanting a good Farm Wagon to tell to their trade, -houl i write to us at ouce for prices and territory. The above Wagons are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Should there be no Agent in your vicinity for these Wagons, send your orders In to us, and they will receive prompt attention. K K. G1FFKN & CO., ap9 * Main 8t.. Wheeling. W. va. THE PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION, We wsh to call attention to that great enter prise. »litre oue oau see so much lor so little no tv. We advise our readers to take advan tage of the cheap transportation, aud see the great exposition, and wi lie visiting the s'tter cities do not fail to look for number 82 Federal Street, Allegheny, where one of the finest and most complete liquor stores can be seen in this country. You will convince yourself at a glance, that when you give your patronage to such a house you are sure to be well treated and get value for your money. The proprietor of said house cannot afford to hypothecate his reruta ti >n and do otherwise He continues to sell six year old pure rye whiskey at 81 00 per quart, or six quarts for 55 00. His Silver Age has no equal, which ne sell* at 81 50 per full qu»rt All kinds of wines fr. m 50c upwards, ana no extra charge for packing or shipping to any place. Send for his price list and catalogue aud oblige, sell MAX KLEIN. Ohio County Bonds. XT OTICK H HEREBY- GIVEN THAT THE X\ Board of Commissioners of the County of Ohio, -date of West Virginia, will Oder for sale $150,000, f. percent 10 50 Bonds, dated July 1. l'sj, interest payable annuallj July 1; S'O.OCO ol which wlil be delivered October 10, is-'.', 8 0,000 I>eccmbcr 1, 1889, and $5>,0"0 February 1, 1890, accrued intetest to be added. scaled bids for said Bonds will be received (en dorsed • Proposals lor Bonds") at the office of the Board of Commissioners of the County of Ohio, until Thursday. October 10, 18S'.'. at 10 o'clock a. in. No bid* will be receive 1 for less than par. The right is reserved to reject aDY or all bids. P. B. DOBBINP, President. ('has. C. Woods, Clerk. N■ >te—The above Bonds arc not taxable in Ohio ooutt’y for county purposes sep95IonWed,Fri i Educational. NORWOOD INSTITUTE, 1107 WitvoiM'liuNetlH Avenue. 1212 mill 1211 ronrleentli Si. WASHINGTON, D. C. A Select Boarding & Day School of High Grade FOR YOUNG LADIES AND LITTLE GIRLS. Pupl's prepared to enter Hie highest classes of any college: -ptcial facilities for selected studios. Eighth session opens Monday. September :»», at 9o'elock a. m. Address the Principals, UK. null HK*i. VU, I). CABKI.I.. MT, DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. (SISTERS OK THB VISITATION.) A school of more than national reparation, oi t«s exceptional advantages for thorough educa tion of young ladles In all departments. Library of aix thousand volumes.' Fine philosophical, chemical and astronomical apparatus. Musical Department specially noted. Corps of piano teachers trained by a leading professor from Con servatory of Stutgart. Vocal culture according to the method of the old Italian masters. Loca tion unsurpassed for beauty and health. Ten aciesof pleasure grounds. Board excellent. For catalogues, and references to pa trout In all the principal cities, address sepl THE DIRKCTRKW*. Boarding and Day School lor Young Ladies and Children. Thorough course of instruction in I English, Mathematics, Ancient and Mod ern Langutges, Music, Drawing, Painting, Klo t ution, and Calisthenics. Advantages of home iif • and training. Fall session begins Wednesday, September Ith, J 18<9. Address, MISS PARKAN, Principal, j lyleadtb So 100 Twelfth street. i steamship Airlifts, rpo EUROPE, Via the Azores. 9 S, VICTORIA, or the An- hor Line, will util ; on October 15th, from New York to Naples. I'ABIV PASSAGE. *S0. STEERAGE PASSAGE, (AO j For further information appty to H. F. BEHRENS, Steamship Agent, I aJO No. 2217 Market street 1 TjUOR KENT-THREE ROOM3-ENQUIRE AT j J' tills office. _°C2 WANTED—(iIRE FOR GENERAL HOU8E work, at No. 66 Twelfth sfeet. 0c2q WANTED—NICE FIRST STORY ROOM and board by small family. Address ‘‘J. P.," j this office. _ ___ WANTED—A YOUNG GOtt AS NURSE— Atply at 101 South Froat street, Island, j Position easy.°c’r TTTANTED-I MM KDI ATELY, FOUR F1R8T VV class quarry men. Apply at No. 1119 Eofl street. Wheeling, W. Va. _°('3s IJIOR KENT-FOl R ROOM FRAME HOUSE. : Illuminating and natural gas. Possession given immediately. Enquire at .38 Market Si. oc2h__ LOST—ON MONDAY EVENING A PAIR OF Goldrimmrd Spectacles, on Market street, near Tenth. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same a’, this office._OC2q WANTED-AT THS ELM GROVE ' \L Mines Foity more good Iniou minors. W. T. CHAMBERS A CO._QClv AGENTS Should Write for Illustra'ed Circu lars terms and two week*’ trial or Missouri Steam Washer. Washes dirtiest clothtsclean by hot steam without rubbing. Easily sold and profitable. J. WORTH, SL Louis, Mo. sclSWaSat-jb ___ I^NOTICF. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Union Benevolent Society will be held at the Young Men 8 Christiau Association rooms, Wed nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. MRS. W. J. W. COWDKN, or 2q _Secretary. rpHE STEUBENVILLE, 0., Young Ladies' Seminary Opens September ITtli, with best of ad vanuges in Social. English, Music and Art I'e pertinents, and with an experienced native French teacner. Address REV. 1)R. and MBS. A. M. REID* Principals. MRS SANFORD, Co Principal._o-tfft Ffustee's Sale of Valuable Beal [stale. •OY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST EX* O eented to the undersigned by Isaac Suedeker and wife aud Sarah K. Suedeker, dated the first day of January, 1881, aud recorded iu Deed of Trust No. 17, page 3*9, records of Ohio county, West Virgl ta, 1 will proceed to sell, at the front door of the Court Ucuseof said county, at public outcry, on Sitliinlny, November 3«l, Ikk9, at 10o'clock a ta.. to the highest and best bid der, the valuable farm situated iu Raid county, 21... tuilt s from West Liberty and one halt mile front Potomac, adjoining lands of Joseph O. Curtis, Johnston Garrison, Junius Curtis, and others, and now and for many years iu possession of said Isaac Suedeker, containing two hundred acres, more or less, the same be ing made up aud composel of several Pacts, all contiguous, acquired ny said Snedeke r as recited in said trust deed, substantially as follows : The first aud second tracts, containing, respec tively, 13;«14 acres, 30>fi poles, and 12 u4 acres. 12 perches, on Cattlemaifs tun, devi'ed by will of Jacob Soedeker. The third, containing 7 acres, 2 roods, 2 poles, conveyed by deed of Wm. Pat terson and others. The fourth, 122 perches, by deed of Wm Cox and others. The tifth, 51 acres, 53 poles (less at*oil 15 acres subsequently sold . t* -- deed of W B. Pa’tcrsuii. The sixth, 11 acres. 113 75 ICO perches, by deed of Clark CriSR and wife. For a more particular desrrlptlou of said tracts, so making up and constituting the single tract of about 203 acres to be sold, reference is hen by mace to said trust deed. Upon the properly an* tlrst-c lass improvements, new two story dwelling gool barn aud other out buildings, and the whole is in a line state of re pair aim cultivation TERMS OF SALE-One third, or so much more as the purchaser may elect to pay, cash in hand on the day of sale, and the remainder iu two equal instalments, at one aud two years, re spectively, the purchaser giving notes therefor with approved security, the title to ho retained until payment iu full. JOHN 8. BEALL, oc2t _ Tiustee. TDINEIIA.RT & TATUM, -L\) . SrCCKehORS TO Waller H. Rinehart. Real Estate Agents and Brokers list Market stre.t. Real Estate and Stocks bought ami sold. House* Rented ami Kents collected. Money loaued on Real Estate General Agents for the Germania Fire Insurance Company of New York aud the .Etna Fire I u surancc Company of Hartford. Telepnone 2PJ._oda ( J. L a G RETIRED HEADINGS FOR ISS'J !I0. BOUND IN CLOTH. Outline of Roman Hhtory. Joy.KOTO Preparatory and College Lttin Coursj in English, 1 Vol, Wilkinson. 1 HO How to Judge a P.cttire. Van Dyke. IV1 The Bible and other Literature of the Nine teenth Century. Townsend. 40 Physics. Steele.I 00 Au Introduction to Political Economy. Richard T. Ely, Ph. D. 1 00 Books per Set. prepaid.¥> 00 »*-Ten per cent discount allowd on cash or derfor FIVE COMPLETE SETS ordiredatonc lime. Expressagc not prepaid. THR CBACTAdQUHN. 12 00 hi'AN ION A DAVENPORT, ocl No. 1801 Market Street. {Fine Engraved Glassware for WOWINGor^ ANNIVcRSAKV G FT$.’ GWfli twoi tjgas l2l6 jt V.r.tL *lj «V« g^g=*NOTICE, Tu Holders of W. Ya. Exposition and State Fair Association Bonds. Notk'3 is hereby given to the holders of Bonds Nos. 22, C, 29, 7,10 and 1C, issued by the West Vlr ginia Exposition and State Fair Association, that they having been drawn by lot, the money for the payment of the print ipaland accrued Interest on said bonds lias been deposited by said Associ atioti in the Peoples’ Bank of Wheeling, W. Va. The holders of said bonds are requistul to pre sent the same at said Bank for payment, on or before October 17th, 18x9, when the interest will cease, according to the terms of the Deed of Trust UEO. W. KCKHAKT, Ja., oclei_Trustee. Js^EW SALOON. I hare bought the saloon No. 1021 Main Mreel, and restocked it with a flue line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Keytnanti’s leer al ways on tap and a tempting lnnch set every morning. 1 respectfully solicit all my old friends and new ones too, to give me a call. JOSEPH RACSCHER, sclb _1024 Main Street. I GREAT BARGAINS IN BED COIEOBTS AT HENRY JACOBS'. Great Bargains in White. Red and Gre Blankets, at HENRY' JACOBS’. Floor ami Table Oil Cloths very cheap I at HENRY' JAOOBx’. f Carpels Very Cheap, al Henry Jacobs' II The Finest Geese Feathers, al HENRY’ JACOBS'. Please call and see me in my New Place or Business, PEOPLE'S BANK BUILDING. Y'our-. respectftilly, HENRY JACOBS. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cloanaog nml hoautifleg tbu hair. Promotes n luxuriant irrowth. Mover Fail* to Rrxtore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. I'ures scalpdHwrt * halrfalliiut H I > at i>- yy QOAL! COAL! The Celebrated Bridgeport Coal, Clean, Nut ami Mixed, delivered to all parts cf the city. Order by postal or telephone, from KOEHNLtNE BROS,, srpUeodvb Bridgeport, Ohio. JUST RECEIVED. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES, SPANISH ONIONS, JAMAICA ORANGES, LAKE HERRING, FRKII CREAMERY BUTTER F. HANAUER, -■> l:S<V, Market Street, Sheet guott ofilorfcs. HEAVY SHEET IRON WORKS, Chimneys, Britchens. Tanks, Lifeboat*, and all kinds of Rolling Mill, Glasshouse and Steamboat work. Estimate* fu nishod on application. C. H. MILLER, 1126 Water Street piiotogrnnhn. EARsens* PHOTOGRAPHER. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street •^Personal Attention Given to all Sittings. *W de& |3t>N0TICE, To Contractors and Builders. Foaled bids for the erection of a new Green house on the grounds of the Greenwood Ceme tery, will be received until Thursday noon, Oc tober 3d. Plans aud specifications eau be seen at the office of the Association, Franklin Insur Mice Building, No. 35, Twelfth street. C.H.-MEKKEL, Secretary. A. J. SWEENEY, President. !• y^ PPLE PARERS. We have the best Apple Parer. Corer and 8!iccr on the market WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (ICO. W. JOHNSON'S SONS, repl~_1210 Main street. TUST OPENED! fJ AN BLF.UAKT AND LAXOE LINK OF Tea and Dinner Ware, Chamber Sets, and a great variety of Fancy Goods, at reason able prices. Call aud examine goods before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN FRIF.DKL sep27 1119 Main A1122 Water street*. Cash CapilalTwo Mil ion Dollars. Insure Your Property With the Phoenix-of-Haitfoid. Cash Assets to Jan. 1st, '8945,061,247.17 Money to loan on Real Estate security. Three roomed house on lot tOx too—81,300. GKO. J. MATHISON, s*pl7 1210 Chapline 8treot. rpo THE PUBLIC. At the earnest solicitation of numerous friends and patrons. I have concluded to again ac ively eueage in the Real Estate and Stock Brokeage bus ness. I respectfully ask for a share of the pubi c patronage. Badness entrusted to me will receive prompt atpnttou. When necc'sary, money will be advanced on stocks or Bonds left with me for sale. T1IOs. O'BKltJN, Real Estate and Stock Broker. Telephone495, cr at People's Bank. 8e2sa M*LALN> Pectoral Syrup Is just what you need to relieve a Cou^li or Cold. and as it contains no morphia or opium, can be taken with perfect safety by theyouug or old. Every parson recommends it. Sold by most dealers. Manulactured by Hel.Al.V BROTHERS. EARLY FALL DRESS JOBS I Henriettas, Cashmeres, and Serges, In the New Colorings, Now Opened by J.S.RH0DESK0. 1152 Main Street. au9 Attention, Sportsmen! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE LINE OF BREECH LOADING OUNO, including Rifles or all klndB, and both Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns, ranging In price from 8*.5f> to 8100 each, Our "PRIZE MACHINE" GUNS are the best value for the money iu the world. Call and see them at L G. DILLON & CO.’S. *rWc are Headquarters for I-oaded Shells. _|C8 HHABLE KNIVES ANI) FORKS —AND— Rogers’ Silver Plated Ware. A largo line of very dcsirablo styles and at very low prices, at NESBITT & BRO.'S, scp'-*'._ 1812 Market Street. CREAMERY BUTTER! Wo aro tole agents for the BARXESVILL CREAMERY BI TTER. It U the finest made. Received daily. Try it. Isr our fresh rimslrd ( oiler null purr Tea. After using a sack you will want a barrel of our genuine GOLD DUST FLOUR. CONNER Sc SIEBEKER, sel2 Cor. Market and Fourteenth Streets. UCHOOL BOOKS, Mates, School Bags, Pens, Ink, Writing Paper, Pads, Mate aud I,ead Pencils. Anything needed by a school boy or ?!rl Books, Newspapers, Magazines and Sta tionery. v. H. UUIHBY, *e7 rrr>. t(l( and 1K07 Market Street <$uraitur* and (Carpets._____ | GET -OF OUR STORE and you will be convinced that our claims of superi ority are based upon facts as solid as the stubborn rock. One trial will prove that -Our Goods Are The Best There can be no more said. Nothing can be better than the best. On top of that we put the undisputed fact that our prices are down below any prices that can be put on a like grade of goods. WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY than you ever did get, or ever can get elsewhere. We propose to prop our business with the two pillcrs “most” and “best” on the foundation of lowest prices. G. MENDEL & CO., -DEALERS IN furniture and Qarpets, INTO. 1124 MAIN STREET. ttay i’XDKKTAKINti A SPFriALTV SWKK OPEN' I'XTIL a P. grg <§ood!—©eo. §. fagloi. GEO. R. TAYLOR, 1150 Main Street, Invites the attention of the Ladies of this and the surrounding cities to his REGULAR OCTOBER PURCHASE OF NEW FALL -A.3XTID Now open and ready for inspection. Prominent in his Enormous Stock are the latest October Styles in CLOAKS, FURS, A.FIJD DRESS GOODS New and attractive Goods in all the De partments. CEO. R. TAYLOR. it $frtschg--^urmturf and (Carprts. SHOW US THE MAN WHO SAID "THERE IS ALWAYS MNH IT TIE TOP," LEADING THE TRADE. STANDING HIGH ABOVE ALL COMPETITION. WE FIND THE CROWD IS STILL WITH US Yet we cry for more Our NEW FALL STOCK is immense, our BAR GAINS unlimited In the quick rush of Fall trade Everything Goes at a Rock-Bottom Price! Come in Everybody and for once in your life see what Quality and Stylo really means in FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, -A.N3D household £)eeorations. These Goods Are as You Like Them in All Respects. PRICES PARTICULARLY PLEASING. —WE GUARANTEE SOLID SATISFACTION—WE GIVE IT— Frew <fc Bertschy, No. 1117 MAIM STREET. Smirarnfc. OPERA HOUSE, FKIDAY, OCTOHKJt | SUIT MiSICILMliUF THE SEtSDN! CAMPANINI-WHITNEY OPERA CONCERT Giving a Choice Concert P ogrtinme a 11 the third act of eOL VOD’S CRAN’D OPERA UK’TUST in costume, with the following Celehra' and Jncomyarable Operatic Artis - MLLE. CLEMENTINA DE VERE. the Silver-voiced Ger ter of to day Miss CLARA POOLE. the Greatest American Contralto Sig. ENRICO DUZENSI. The well-known Italian Tenor. Sig. CLEMENTI BOLOGNA Th* Grand Italian Pa>>>o Caniante. Sig. ITALO CAMPANINI the Greatest o* Living Tenors at 1 Mr. MYRON W. WHITNEY. the Grandest Ea'to that America ever [ «*-PKICK3—Paript-t and Dr served seats, St 23; *<1 n*ss on. Si i Besemd s.»ats, $100; admi*»i of seats commence Tnoday, < m.. at C. A. Home's music iPor "Decker Bros ' P a M uv Wnituey Company. OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONL\ Saturday, October 5, )SMi. New and So camlugiy Frnny, J. C. BTEWAIlT'a FAT MEN’S CLUB COMEDY COMPANY, In J. c. Stewart'a late st m<>;. i . misty in :otir acu, entitled the -M-MTBTS--ii--ilTIS Indilcatal operatic aeleetiona. .\ > mental solos I’arlor acrobatic enu t Motleys, nice*. Oaiicea ard stat mechanical effect'. avAdmlsaion. '■> an t .10 cents Risen . 1 S1 00. Kale of seat* comments Thursday, ■ tober 3d, at (\ A. Hoast - It OPERA HOUSE. -LIMITED ENGAGEMENT TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Moutlay and Tuesday KteningN. (h i 7 A \ 1 he Mol of the Fun-loving Public, Miss Kale Castleton, And Hup Splendid Conifdy Company. VNDKH THE M A Mi - KM KNT OF MR. HARRY PHILL PS, In the Latest Laughable Su xiss, A PAPER DOLL! (Cous.rueted for Laughing Purposes Only. All the Latett s'ouga. McJhya, Hint Dance*, Sparkling Muiic, Funny Comedian*. ^Pretty* o Qirls«S> Advance sale of seats ope n* Friday ir ing. October 4th. at C. A House * mils,.--tor. Admission, Ti and -to eta. Kaervt d *t-, j■ GRAND OPERA HOUSE. O. C. C4KNTJIKK.Lessee amt Manager. Three Night- hI Vdmlijf Hatiarr, t'ai Mei ing Monday Evening. Se|denihei in. -&TJJST'& Ntw Phantasma and Refined Concert Co, The Grimiest Consolidation of I cuted Art'sts. A Grand Concert! He lined hpecialtle* ! Black Art and 111 utioaa! Miniature Carnival' With New anl BiautKul Music. (. r l.-'.:i>' Challenge Ordieitra and Novel Bra— Band. Change of Programme Every Night. 4a~Adml‘slnii. I 28 and ‘ renta. He ■ seats on sale at Mcl.tire House list S ore, sec GRAND OPERA HOUSE. O. C. GKSTHKK.......I essee and Managr • HIKhK N'tiHTS AM) SATURDAY tUTIMil Commeneing ou Tbur-<tay Evrning iiei#bei -I. HOWELL & OEBERT Comedy Company, In the Funniest of n'l Musical < omedies THE KLNDKRHAKTEN. A Great Company < found e .Vocalists amt their own GRAND ORCHK-IKA anl BRA-H BAM ta-AdmtsMon. r.. ....nd dccnt* He-erred -eai-on sale at Mel.ure He use Hat and Puri Ing Htore. Paints, (Oils, &t. C.KURNER, Painter, tirainer, Wlarifr SIGN FAINTER A PAPER ■< ANUI K, Dealer In Paint*, Oil*, Vamtshci,, Ac, No. 1121 MARKET STREET Telephone Connection. Wheeling, W. |e!4<‘ Solhoifsalf <8r£f?r*. M. Reilly, — WHOLK.-i.VLK — GROCER. PORK PACKER ASD CUKE It OF THE Celebrated "Strawberry Hams. FLOUR! CHKIvriAV BKOS.' -I HUM' Itriiuil. Wlnncniialis I'ntPnl. TAYLORS' FAIKST mul'AI'i Fnniiiy. WILLI A HA* 4 linicc Cl III* Finn lb • And many oilier < hoiee bra-et In stock and continually re iv : ROASTED COFFEES -Alaroma," 'ArbwkleV' ‘ , own roast of ''Old Woman. ' Ho.v nr <4* ? i ’ Agcat for the " " Font Powil»-r Hill-. BlantlT.K and oonatantly In maaa/tjic. < f | , • dealers only. Alio 1 11 Water proof Sa'ety K — *DLAKK book- : SHIPPING! BOOKL- ! CHECK BOv^ Tho BEoHTEB Blank 3on‘ **7 r* *<» Blnderyti the BMW 01 work executi-t wub » dera solicited.