Newspaper Page Text
3flhalf33lf O&rocfri. M. Reilly, _V4HOLISAUK— grocer. POM PACKER (Healed h* [.'LOUR! ,..N |t gOt,* -4KOWX rvt. MuJ ,m*9T .. rpn.Nof fitmliy ttanr lviaj. roasted coffees , 1 " *'ul mj llo:> Head,” and <i irbrated l»u eg Claunoly of Bide, '■ ■ ' of every kind <>!',. rs t ■ lied from lump. Cotton, and Ya ■ -,1s _ __ ■ Educational. p - : L LiENVll.LF. O.. Young; Ladies' Seminary s. uteenbe- >T«h. with best of cJ , social, hrgltsli. Mu sit and Art e •»• i an expodenc, 1 native er. AdJlv V 1«K •» td MRS A. M. RHP. 1 rtneii*!'. *1 - v N FORD, I’o I'.incipdL_ _®c2* ISMS ISSTITllTE. I (,»7 gn»;iiha«elt' A veuue, l i >anillMI lenrirrathNI. ,i 11 iTuX, D t\ A Seie'tBoarom? & Day School ot Hkh Grade . 1. V: ASU LITTLEUIRLR. ..., t -r th • highest rimt ot U'.lea *or selectfl'.udte-. Monday. ',pti -nber l». at MK n»<« tits. MTM. I». 1'ABEI.i. HlllE INSTITUTE. B irliti^ -t: aj Srhiiol lor Yonn? L*!i-« aiiii Childreu. .. - : vv i.N-r:POTION in ;• ;-)Al • - vneWnt and Mod . - : « Drawing, Painting, K!o - e.i a. Advantage* of home on Wednesday. September tth H " Mi R PARRAS' Principal. S» 100 Twelfth street. IT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. ai'TKR-s OP TK3 V 1SIFATIOJ?.) a tchoo, of more than national reputation, ci : m exceptions advam**,* for thorough edn.a .;ou of young ’adios la alt dcsartmentiUb. sry • >f alx thousand volume., -inn phUosopa.val vmlcal and astronomic*! apparatus Mualca partKetit >MCl*Uy noted Carp* of pl*ac ., hen trained tv a eadflu profaawrmMa Cou* . . v ,ry of .sBitgcrt. \v.aI culture aincrd-r* q„v'. f tu:;- and l.cailP lv». ^ Board exoallat , kl-K . ad!. ■» U pa. oct Ir. * fire aldru* n,w JRtdiqal. KSTA1H.LSH EI>, 1*70. .BLACK Gift FOR THE | KIDNEYS Y ‘s * relief awl sure core for the ~ Canary t»rvu:i-. (travel ant! Chronic tatarih of the Blad dtr. The HIIKto are a -urt Ior Uv 1 vvr Couii' aiut aad tverj ' if lu VgOHlOU B ,1,1 t herry Tonic, lb* motl popu at ; r;>a.'*tlon for cur* of rough*. Cold*. Bronihith . i 1 rag Trouble* . . _ . of :!.( shoe** It per bottle. or tix for »> v.. In e.'>' '■<.* not baud to then* good? , w M K ZOEt.LKR. fo e Mfr , Health is Wealth I rifeTal i.: --=-——« Ha. E f W .. Ntu i is:. Brain TrkaT kknt. • gu»'i . ; »r :3< f. r Hysteria, Oils!. r. :iv. - us, V *, JC -v . - Neuralgia. H'*1» Nc. I - cause. 1 by ih« v of ab-otioi ..rtobai’i'o tVake'nlut**. Mental : '. ~j.ii> ’ •<: ••!'.!!< • •• Kraiii resulting In In i- *;t and leading u> m , ry. decay and death. I'- mature O ■! Ace. Barrenness. Less of Power .a »• x IisT lr.ta-y L«Rsea and Spentia wr:, ■ caused by over exv -.loti of the brain, ' .. . r . <<■;;< e Sa b box con . .*■ . . t*ea'ment. (1 - abox. orsix t ... Mint by mall prepaid on rtceipi hi IEANTKI si\ MIB »* ('in- any < e- W h each orde* finely e»! ■ rr. -;V fc.jv s, accompanied by Save. w» ^•■ii the (■•uchaswr our written guaranty ' ‘ miitu v It the treatment noi Ki.J H l- Dninheo. o.. Vp tits, McLaii b is * cornet Market and'lueiiih attests, Wheel f Vt , - Mwd**'' , OR. HSNLCY'S ^ r ' % BElSF&iftONi A Most Ifleciive Combination. Tb s known Tonic and Nervine la l»ln!ri , I ,» I. f r I>, bilily. I»y»pr| ... I NEKVOI S .i ordrrw II r*ll*»e* * !«„V,i,| ,od debilitated ccodttlonj of the «y , . -chr inb-ilrvt. *odbodU]rawcttOO» 1 . Nerve* : aid* «liice.~li«'U : *» I r l.wt \ it.tlity. and bring* bocl , . • 1 vigor ll t« pi*oJ»nt to lb vlr .* mi-NyatetU again* a.e . « cf Malaria I ll *_H.i’tlt* s srI JRatfrial* TD. Bi. J‘.! .•• urcr of and Dealer in KALYANIZED IKON CORNICE Wus* w c*r.« Ac Sheet Metal Celling*. I.- 1; ...:■:,g, ..pouting and all kind* of SHEET IRON I’irE No. 1617 sualh Strrel, Wheeling. W. Va. IV...;, ■rmi ;*cUon __lyd»b j 11. ROSEN BERG, TOR AND STONB MASON. Itt-'l Snath Slrert, » tirrllOK. "• ' *• s Sf'.o Agent for the Celebrated III6H UBtUK POKTI. illDCEHS1 «r.» :f» run.! at Co'.umbU', Ohio. ThlfCcinen rarrauiol to tw* equal 10 the boat grade* of 1® pored Kig.-th Com, at, and l* much cheapei T ni^h ftaints, #iis, iVr. T\ C. KL'RNER, fainter. Brainer, Mazier Ml.> PAIITEB * PVPEK lltSUEH Dealer m Paint*. Oils, Varnish ea, Bruahea *c. No. 1*1*1 MARKET STREET Te.ephoue Connection. Wheeling. W. icltc iiUjrding SUprfr* ~ grarflfrs’ (Snidi. . vijnKPARTCRK OF TRAINS— \ KirLvNXTios OT uroBCiiuuj: •D^ly. ' V 7?„««.■ pusl I Monday excepted. |9un f;V ,^untay eicopWd. 4Saturdayouty. - °vlri liu Nay 1-. IW- wheeling time, which on/ hour earlier than Central Time:- — B. A O. R. K- Depart, i Arrive. w» mgton oly* tte gm *.4» a £ Slum 3 10 pm •« 30pm m * d-v'l'e com":.'t 536am t 7 Warn I y j viile .. t!2 01pm ’ 1 ® P ® MouudsvlUe A com-.,4 « 10 pm t 7 «Pm 1 •n—nbwamiCMcago.. • 8 10 a m *1245 am ' . :abu*. C:n. A Chicago •»**•» *$Wpm SfcS52::::—.i’sSSi-iSSS and Chicago-.Jll 15 ata l 4 55 a m ■ cin a st. Lout-... *U 15pm * 4 ® • m V .^.vleom-.-. J2»pm Jgam , --v: li Accom. l!2*all222 < : airavt li'S.t5 30pm -515pm V. P. A B. DIVISION. m Fo - Puuburg, Pa.— I-S!m«655nrn v.,. vitinburs Pa .*« 25 a m • 6.0pm i or Pittsburg.Pa,A lheKA«t * « 10 P m *J1 >°P ® Kor Ptttoburg Pa. ..4 J*4* ® J.V P..> urv Accommodation- > • 00pm «ll 50 a m A arhlugton. Pa. Accom.. ,t 5 10pm t 8 06 a m p., C A ST. L. RV.—East, i J fiiuburg andNew York. t 1«P® **>a® Pittsburg and New York. ...t 4 20pm 1100am Pttt*burg and New York Ex. 940pm 3 45 pm VgpreM, Cta.*aadSt. Louis, t 7 20 am r 6 50 am 2x| rH: Cta and SL Louis t 9 40 pm 9 20 pm xt‘rtw»,SteubenvilleAOoL t 145pm t 3 45pm - > • ibenvil'.e A Dennaon Ac t 4 20 p m 1100am p, - bur*. Cler«l’<lAC hlcago 1 5 50am t 8s2pm Llvetpool.|| ?44 P® l* * ® P .."•jurg. New York.til 23 a u til IS am ( vciaud a:.i Chicago. t 2 12pn> t S 53 a m sburgaudNew York Ex t 3 54pm t 5i< pm C.. L. A W. R. R. I „ Kx: - ; • Cleveland. K. A W 1 IS CS pm I0*pn M Hon Accom..! J J2 P ® '® J* * ® airivllle Accom-. s(»am 9 35 am •mtv.lle Accom- 4J*)a® . airavlUe Accom. s - .airsvtllo Accom. ? 21 p m 8 03 pm . f retain and Accom. I 25 p m 12 ot p a OHIO RIVER R. R p -,.ri~r . • 7 00 am *10 55am gSEKJ. . 1155 am 1W pm PaMierig - * 4 30 pm* >15 pm 6. Z A C. R K. _ .... P-i airoand Zanesville.I ? L5, B airo and SummertieUl. ♦ 1 10 pm til ^Oam are and Woodstield t 5 '20 p m r 9 ~J5 a m STEAMER BELLAIRK. Dglly Trip, c.ty Time—6:35, 8:45 and 11.45 a ®. Ljaip-JUJ io a m.; 1:30, 8.30and 5:3o n m. _ r KKUSU AND SLM (jROVK KAILKOAi ' O" and after Monday, April 29.13*9 ‘rain* ,n. -.he Wheeling aad JClm tirove KaU-oad wtl ran aa follow*: _ ,N t Leave* W1.«.vhul 5:30 A. It. 8:10 a. M. 6:10 “ 7:00 “ TOO '* 8:00 “ sk« " 9:«0 “ 9 00 *' 10:00 “ 10 00 " ujo “ 1100 “ !f00 M. 1*00 *. 1:00 r. M. 100 •„> oo “ I 3:00 300 “ <:00 '• LOO “ 5.1" “ 6:10 610 “ 7 :00 T OO “ 8KM 8:00 ** 8:56 9 30 •• 10:10 “ 8VIDATNI Leave the City at 7:00 a m. and run every honr, escept Church Train at 9:15 p. m. Leave Wheel tig Park at ,v00 a m and run every hour tuiu. 1 o p m. except Church Train*, which will . .vc the Pvrk a: 9:ii a. m.. and Wheeling al U and 9.15p. ra. C. HIR'CH, Superintendent. Where I '< Kxxy to be Uood. « TiUgram. It beat. the deuce how some men preach And very pious slake the head— When age puts sin beyond ihetr reach Aud each desire for wrong is dead ' When sin no longer is delight El* ea-y theu V) do what's right. TUS PAK»OT’g PROCLAMATION It Compelled If* Toucg Lady Owner to Show Her Hand. }'A‘UultlpAia SorlA dnerican. A refined acd modest looking mi-e loaded down with bued'es, says the Philadelphia Record, emerged from the Bread street station, and wearily took a eit ia the coiner of a Market street car yesterday. The car had hardly started, when tho other riders were startled by a voice Iroui the comer occupied by the ijniet looking miss. “I just •<*! h—1,” it said. Amid her confnsioa, the ycnog lady succeeded in clearing np mat ure sud relieving herself of » terrible uspicion by teaneg the wrapper iron, ne of the bundles and displaying a par rot :o a cage. ItKLUAlHK. Gossip/ Note* Collected In end About Town. There ate chicken thieves in the First wud who do cot ply their vocations in the dead of night, bnt steal in the day time. They earry corn and entice fowls ttozn • heir homes. When a chance presents itself Mr. Chicken is captured and carried iff. The body if Stott Cunningham w» hr nght home ftorn tbe Wist yesterday morning Tbe funeral will take place Sat urday order tbs auspices of the Mascuii on’er. Suspicion as who committed tbe rob hery of Doran’a jewelry store rests on a mjn who left the city about the time the deed was done. Tbe programme to be given at Tommv Ward’s benefit iu City Hall cn Saturday right consists of several Kinds of sportieg contests One hundred sleepers will pass over th* It & O. from Ch:c*go to tbe meeting of Kn'ghts Templars within the next two lay*. John Schick waltz'd a young man tc the Ictknp yeetetday for knocking tbe tips iff ot bis iron fence. The •‘Futre Noon” Clnh will give apri vate soiree at the Upera House on Wednes day evening. •‘Casey’s Troubles” will be presented at the F ysian Theatre to-night. The play is a good one. The C., L W. had a little strike for a cent yesterday among the brakemen. Mrs. Clarence Bowerp, who was severely horned last week, is able to be about. Walter Smith and bride have arrived in the city trom Near Jersey. Th-re was not an item at Mayor’s court yesterday. Tbe nail factory has cloetd lor want ot nail plate. Cumberland Coal Trade. Ct>, Mn, October 2.—The shipments trom the mines it the Cumber land coal region tar the wiek ended Sep tember 28, 1MS9, were 38,577 tons, and for the year 2,279,189 tons, a decrease of 173,827 tens as compared with 1888 The shipments to the Baltimoie and Ohio Ridroad and local points were for the 44, .’•■t tons; for the year 1,Oil.793 tons, a decrease ol 217 674 tons as compared with last gear. Toe shipments to ths Penn ^Tlraoia Railroad tor the week were 14 - 313 tons; for tbe year 579 942 tons, an in crease ot 3.628 tons as compared with last year. _ Germany Strength*!* Hi r Navy. Bkbi IN, October 2 —The Government has placed to the credit of the Navy De dart ment tbe snm of 32,000.000 marks, to be expended on tew men-ot-war. Of this amount 14 1*00.000 marks is on account of vessels cow in course cf construction, being the etcond appropiiation tor that purpose. The temaioitg 18,000.000 marks forms the first appropriation toward the bnilding of two new iron clads, three i Cruiser Corvettes, one cruiser and three dispatch boats.__ Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. .Own Baby «a-» sici vre C*T« b' r Carton*. a'hei. she vr a C3i.l t. she cried for I'attor.a. When she became M-ss, ah* clung to Carte ruv, Vben she had Children, she case them LITERARY NEWS. Mote* of the Magazine*, Periodical* and Mew Books. A book of which Weet Virginians should be prond is “The History of West Vir ginia,'’ by Virgil A Lewis. The antbor Italy says in his preface that be has ap proached his work with an intense admi ration for hie subject. The influence of this spirit is sfen in every Hue. None jut a true born son of Weet Virginia, one a ho loved every hillside and valley ol hie lative laud, oold have toiled so earnestly >r wrought so accurately os he has done, rhere is much in the history of West Vir ;ima that is well worth preserving. Pio leer records are full of heroic deeds done >y her sons and daughters. Her later lays have been ss worthy of enduring ecord. though not so brilliant. Piot. lewis’ book thm Alls a place which was conspicuously vacant. It ills it completely. Too high oraise cannot be given to the book as a ‘ompilation of ,valuable and interesting acts. The author reviews the devtlop nent of the State of Virginia, the west ward growth of the pioneer settlements, iod the various movements which result ed iu the settlement of We9t Virginia, rbe French and Iudiau War, The War on he Border, The Virginia Army in the 3hio Valley, West Virginia Daring the Revolutionary War, Military Operation* jn the Bo der, Ac., are the titles cf some of the chapters that treat of this stags of the S .ate’s history. The p irt We»t Virginia played in the war of the Rebellion is covered with especial thoroughness. This is one of the most interesting recoils of history. Noth ing in the convulsions of that stormy period is fraught with greater dramatic in trrest tbun ihe story of West Virginia’s birth, Prof. Lewis has done ample justice to bis theme. The West Virginian who reads those chapters of his book will have a better conception cf bis native State, and a broader dea of the statesmanship which watched at her birth. It is a pleasure to read Piof. Lewis' work, ami a double pleasure to commend it. The book is handsomely illustrated, *ud tie typographical uml mechanical work is good. It deserves to be widely read “That I'kkirv Youno IiIRL, a novel i>v Laura Jeau Libbey. In paper, 25 cents, fut -hoi by the American News Co., New York. Mrs. L'b’oey has become wall known as -i writer of latter day fiction, and her works aredest rvedly popular. The present oue is written with unusual power and vigor. The plot is complicated, bat its parts are fitted to each other with the exactness of a perfect machine. Its de velopment is natural and easy, and the word printing vivid. The book will doubtless be popular. i.reat Words iRon (Jurat Americans. Iu Cloth Published by G. P. Putnam's Sous. As a memento, aud treasure ol Ameri can patriotism, co work of its six scan surpass this compilation in value. Its pages are store homes of American wis dom and statesmanship. AtuoDg the con teats are the Deelaretion of Independence, the National Cmstitution, Washington's first and second inangmal addresses, Lin coln’s inaugurals and Gettysburg nd dresses and some others of like character. It ought to be in the hands ol every Aruer ican yonth. *• Ta rs i rom Blackwood.” In paper 40cents Publishers. White A Allen. Now York “Tales From Blackwood” is, as its name signifies, a collection of standard magazine stories. Tney ore five ia number and all are of rare merit. “A French Specu'a tiou,” “Rains Hickman,” “Hans l’reller,” “The Fntrto De Medina” and “Jack and Miuory” aro the titles of the several con tents. All are powerful productions, and cue or two arc cot without a touch of the weird aad romantic. The book is equal to any as a source cf entertaing reading Macmillan & Co. publish early in Otto oer Ptn Drawing and Pen Draughtmantihip. by Joseph Pennell. The work will con tain numerous Photogravures and ether il lustrations, including examples after Sit Frederick Leighton (President Royal Acad emy 1, E. J. Poynter, Frederick Walker, Randolph Caldecott, Georgs Da Manrier, Lesley Sambonrne, Harry Furniss, Willi *m Small, W. L Wyllie, Orarles Keens, Ford Madox Brown, Frederick Smdys, E A. Abbey, Alfred Parsons, Walter Crane, Hugh Thomson, Ar.hnr B. Frost, Blnm, Madame La M lire, Rico, Cszsmova, Lher ■nitte, Menz 1, and nnmerens other well known artis's. Tne Atlantic Monthly for October open* ftith a generous installment of Mr. Byn oei’s serial “Tha Begnm’s Daughter,” wh’ch the Londonr&pctator p onounces “a very powerfal story.” “A Non-Combat ant’s War Krminiecences,” by J. R Ken drick, contains Irish statements with re gard to the social and political condition ol South Carolina before and daring the war, and many incident* of pycnliar inter est. The writer wa3 a Union man. O'.hei valuable articles aro “The Monmouth and Newport Campaigns,” by Wrn. F-ske; “Tne Closing Scents ot the Thad,” by Win. Crauston, and “The Government and Its Creditors,” by Henry Lcomis Nel son. Ths whole number is unusually bright and te id able. There are ten articles, all invested with human, popular, and timely interest, in •r e handsome October Magazint of Amen can W'tory. The an ex cellent portrait ot the late Simnel L. M. Barlow, accompanied with a charming poetical tribute from the distinguished luthor, GeorgeTicknor Cartie; also a briei appreciative “ketch of the great lawyer by • he editor. Ths opening article of tin number. “Tue Romantic Beginnings o Milwaukee,” by Roy S.Dgleton, is Birgn larly appetiz ng as well as iu'inning, out of those special contrihations which rtfied the public taste and help to make Ameri can history grow rapidly more real and in vitiug to alf classes; it is illustrated wit! fine portraits of some of the principa founders of Milwaukee. The various de partmenta abound in riches, and it i Altogether a notable issne. The resource* of this splendid periodical seem exbausti ble. It has honestly earned its distinctioi i f being the best wagtzine of its kind it the world. We h »v* received the Ucloocr nuuii) of 7he National Magazine, aa educational and literary magazine devoted to ^corte spondence teaching and University Exten «ion, and the organ of the new Nationa Univi r/ity cf Ohicago. This first nurabr contains the Announcement oftheUoi versity, giving a list of thirty-fire non resident p ofeero:a representing, amoni others, such institutions ns the University of Virginia, Tnlane, Boston, Madison an; Lehigh Universities, who agree to teacl pnpi's at home by coriespondence ant grant them the usual degrees on exmnina tion. The idea seems a good one for per sons who cannot attend other colleges, ant is well developed. The nsual miscellany “Literary Notes,’’ “University Exten eion,” «£:, follow. Subscription price $1 00 per year Published by the Nations University, 147 Tbroop St, Uhicigo, Id. General O. O. 1L ward bas written ai article for the jonrg folks who read Wid Awake, which will also interest and en lighten their elders; we refer to the littli paper in the October number entitle “How many Iadiansin the l nited States.' In the same number MiRS Rose Kingsley Charles Kingsley’s daughter lias a valua ble contribution about “The Boy who In vented the Telegraph”—Claude Ohappe, a little French lad. Mra. Goddard Orpen in her “Fatuous Stones” serieB gives a very different page of French history in telling theetcryof “The Diamond Necklace.” Toe poems include contributions from G.-abam R. Tomson, Mrs. Celia Thaxter and Mrs. Whiton-Slone, all at their best The serials are Margaret Sidney’s “Pep pers” and Susan Coolidge’a “Little Knight of Labor.” The short Btories, all true ones, are “Patrey at 8cotia,” by Leigh Young; “Niobe” by Anna H. Wayne, “Salem Gibraltars” by Elisabeth Merritt Go’se, and “Tom the Star Boy,” bj Miss Risley Seward, the latter a tale of Wash ington and the Rocky Mountains. Beginning with the new volume in Oc tober, The English Illustrated Magazine will be printed in a new type, and the letter press will be printed across the page; the Magazine will also be increased in sizs. During the year there will appear, among other articles, a series of illustrated papira by Her Royal Highne s the Prin ctss Christian; a series of illustrated sport ing articles, written by men who have played a prominent part in the sporting world, amorg which, in an early number, will be issued Yacht Racing, by the Right Hoaorable the Eail ot Danraven; illustra tions tf the yachts “Valkvrie,” “Irex,” “Yarana” and others will be produced. “Tq8 Travellers’ Railway Guide,” known as the “Rsd Guide,” published by the Knickerbocker Guide Company, of New York, is one of the most valuable books of the kind that has been lately is sued. It is complete np to date, fall of valnable information, and no traveller will mike a mistake in purchasing a copy. N. iV G Taylor & Co.’a “Proof Positive” ■ is an unique work of its kind. It is “proof positive” tbat the Taylor tin roofing is one j of the best articles of the kind manufac tured in the country, A^ide from the ad vertising feature the book is well worth nading ae the record ot a great and grow ing industry. N. & G. Taylor & Co., Philadelphia. BltlDGKPOItT. 1 Br«ktinen'< Strike on the C > L, Jt IV General News. About fifteen hands have quit work on ■ the C , L & W. railroad on acconat of the j br^kemen’s strike Two brakemtn were otdered to fill the tender with coal, and re ! fusing were discharged. When this reach ed the ears of the other brakemen of the i main line they all strnck to have the men reinstated. This stopped all freight car riage on the read, which cansed a good deal of complaint abont here. An attempt was made to make np a crew from freight con dnctcre, so as to keep the traffic® from be iug blocked. They objected and one ol them was discharged. It is altogether Ukeiy that tbeEe men are out for good, as the company is advertising for more brake men to take their places. Tho river j division was not affected by the strike. S«me people can’t understand why i Oonne 1 is so negligent. Large piles ol brick ere ranged along Bank street to be u-ied es a gutter. They have been there some time and are very unsightly. Conn ed should have them removed cr used. Jacob Schneider, formerly a veteran of lock-np iqn-re, now fireman on the farm I of William Stewait, of Monroe county, was in to wo yesterday selling cider and | seeing old friends. On a recent hunting trip Capt. Clark Hairy Clark and John Giffen ehot 119 t quirt els Of this number Capt. Clark brought down 61. The woods are full of game. Services preparatory to communion were held in the Fresh) ter ion Chorch last night. Bsv. Dr. Alexander, of St. Claire villa, will preach to Light. Mr. Frank Keiias, a former salesman for J. C. Dent & Co., has gone to Balti more to attend medical lectures. Twenty five or thiriy Bridgeport people wilt see the Campanini-Whitney Concert Company to-night in Wheel ng. The ladies of tbe Presbyterian Church are considering the advisability of giving a concert in the near fntnre. Mrs. Olivia Peck and Mrs. Lulu Brown and B.-lle Thompson, of St. Clairsviile, were in town yesterday. B >bert Clayland, Dsmocralic candidate for Treasurer, is out through the county on a vote-making trip. Mr. Frank Fisher has resumed his duties as traveling agent for the drug house ol 1 J. C. Dent & Co. Mrs. E Watters and sisters, the Misses Dobson, returned from Cleveland yester ! day. E i Gilmore has some tnrnips that he says are a sure enre for indigestion. Mrs. Margaret Douglas, of the West End, has sold her dairy. Mrs. Doan has recoveted from a severe sick spell, Mr. John Topping it away on a Hying trip. ujg po:socera are ar.jiu.u. JCT5AVILLE. A roll was broken on No. 1 sheet mill in Ihe JE oa, je.-tsrday. Joseph O'Neil has gone lo work again, after his little sick spell. Mrs. John Oribbel is lyirg very ill at her home here. Her speedy recovery is hoped for. Yoorg William Watkins is very low with typhoid fever, and fears are enter tained tor bis recovery. Harry Wilson, workiog in the -Etna 1 mill, had his hand mashed yesterday. He was attended by Dr. Htialeio, ol Cr dgeport. An .1. naville young man will soon take to himself a batter h .If. The yr.nng lady is the daughter of a prominent Wheeling , musician. Mrs. Harry Evans returned home yes terday from an extended visit to friends i in W Jea. She was warmiy greeted by her fri. nde here. Thomas Morgan, a bar-mill roller ot Bessemer. A'abama, returned to his home hero on W. dnerday, on account of the ■ -ickness ol his daughter. MARTIN'S FERRY. The Hally News Fut in Pungent l’ara graphs. : The notice in yesterday’s Reoister that the paving contractors would com mence to lay brick on next Sunday tnorn i mg caused a good b.t ot talk and some I kicking on Hanover s:reet. The con tractors state that their only objset is to get the job done as soon as possible, and I let the 1’ablic have the street, for as soon as they commfiice no one can nee it until • they are entirely done, and will pat the merchants to a great deal of trouble in I getting their goods to thsir place of busi ness. Mr. Cochran notified a great many , of them if they had any coal or goods to bring in that it had better be done this this wtek. The president of the Ohio Miners As 1 scciation and the Ohio State mine inspec ’ I tor were registered at the Hotel Maywood , yesterday. The president was going on’ d££CHAM ^Piusl, ft- .*3 £SL£iA:» &,^&7.'!?FSS*R55??HiS.,twS /..'.-rift*'. Shortness ol Br«ath.Coitheno*.^unrrBI°tChMon ‘^I^^se'wiLL^vVrE^LIEF IN tifaiWSFVi&xBSP K^ssa^fwS^s^isaa^JEEvJKrt*. KEAK STOMACH; IMPAIRED DIGESTION; DISORDERED LIVER; .rT I.'J- uagic •_« frtr dose* will work wonders upon the Vital Organs: Strengthening UrS««tm: rest.Jir.glong-lost Complexion; bringing hack the kern edge ot appetite, i'-a - with C e ROSEOUD OF HEALTH the whole physical energy of the human Irame. if , ■ a,‘milted bv thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the bcstK'-ma; 7, . ,'. x ^andix; hatedIs that BEECHAM’S FILLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WCRLD. Full directions with each box. Pl.. only by TilOS. BKECHtM, St. Helens, Lancashire, England. Soij Kv bru .yrUls generally. B. F. ALLEN & CO., 365 and 367 Canal St., New York, Sole agents jor :hc United States, who, ;if your druggist does not keep them,) WILL MAIL BEECHAM’S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOl to the W. & L. E. coal mines to try and settle some trnnble that lias arisen there, and the inspector was going to the same place to investigate the canre cf Frank Eooch’s death, who was killed there abont a week ago. Wm. Rouse has been appointed as flag man on the C & P. crossing at Harover street, which he deserved, for he has work ed on the road ever since it was boilt, in fact helped grade it in 1857, and while he pretty well np in yearn he is epiightly and cm get nroond at a pretty lively rate, and is well enited to the position. Officers were in the city yesterday look [ ing for Oeo. Palland, who stole a shanty bint from that city and floated down to Burlington and then sold the boat to Sne*zer Coss for abont forty dollars. They located their man, but at this writing it could not bo learned whether they got him tr not. Dissolution Notice.—The firmo’J. W. Lane ^ Bro., plnmbers, of Martin’s F;rry, 0 , have dissolved bv mutual con sent, O. B Lane retiring on and after Joly 1, 1889. All bills against the firm will be settled by J. W. Lane who still carries on the business. J. W. Lane.* Will Bowman, who has been in Wells bnrg at his parents hone for the past thir teen wetks with typhoid fever, returned borne yes'erday, and to jndge from his ap pearance he has bad quite a time of it. They ran short of iron at the Langhlin nail mill yesterday, and in cinRequenre a number of machines had to knock off in the afternoon. Tbe works have been run ning steady and shipping as feat as made. Tnere were abont seventy-five persons that took advantage of the G. A. R rales to the Pittsbnrg Exposition, and every one returned well pleased with their trip and tbe Exposition. Miss Lillie Hharon and mother, of Mt Pleasant. O., were in town yeeterdny, the geests of friends. They left on the even ing train for Allegheny. Dr. A. R Oag and B F. Brady are packing their goods ready to move into their new rooms in the Opera Housp block. Mrs G L. Lay, of Cincinnati, formerly of tbi« part of the country, was in the city yesterday the gneat of friends. Ex-Mayor Davice Nilroe and Alex Humphreville, of Mt. Pleasant, was iD ths city yesterday. Wm. Medill, of TiltonviJIe, was in town yesterday shaking bands with his (rinds. Anderron Ralston returned from Flash ing, O . yesteiday, where he was attending a golden wedding. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Harrison were in Bellaire yesterday, the guests of friends and relatives. Julies Jacobs’ drygoods store will ba closed .Saturday, October 5tb, till 5 o’clock p. m. Rev. Dr Sedgwick is on the sick list, threatened with typhoid fever. Mrs. 1 K Me Cue was visiting friends on the Island yesterday. Mrs. Wm Reid left yesterday for Alle gheny to visit friends. Rev. Campbell is at Bnrgettstown taking in tbe (air. finance and trade. Money at GalO For Cent.—Government* Onll and Steady—Stock* Lower—Flour Firm and Unchanged—Wheat Du'l. New York, October 3.—Money on call tight, ranging from 6 10 10 per cent ; last loan at 6 per cent; closed offered at ,r> per cent; prime mer cantile paper 5%a7% per cent.; sterling exchange quldt at 4>'3i437%. Governments—Dull and steady. Fours, Registered.127 Fours, Coupon*.„.127 Fours-aud-a-half, Registered...10554 Fours-and a-half, Coupon*.1* 5% Pacific Sixes of 1895..118 States—Dull and steady. Railroads—Dull; sales 3-:'6,000. stocks—The money market settled down to day wiih exasperating slowness, but it had not more influence to-day than during the part few days. The market was dccid y weak through out the entire session The market opened with a steady tone, but the bears got to work im mediately and the pressure was especially severe against Atchi'on, Cotton Oil and other Trusts. As the day wore along the pres sure extended to the entire active list and even such specialties as Pullman were affected and prices steadily declined, but the declines w«re not important. The market closed active and weak at the lowest prices of the day Almost ever)thing is lower Cotton Oil lest 854, Man hattan 234, Sugar 154, Atchison 2%. St Paul, Reading and Pullman l% each. Sales 322,055 shares. Quotations closed bid as follows: Adams Express 150; American Express 117; Canada Pacific70)4; Central Pacific 3454; Chesa peake and Ohio 223-4; preferred do firsts 63; do seconds preferred 39%; Chicago and Alton 120; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy 10654' Delaware and Hudson 15 54: Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, 14454: Denver and Rio Grande 1754: Frie 29: preferred do Os 14; Ft. Wayne, 157; Illinois central, 115%; Lake Shore. I0r>; Michigan Central, U2'i: Minneapolis and st. Louis, 4; do preferred 7%; Missouri Pacitic 73';. Northern Pacific, 3154; do preferred 73?,: Chicago and Northwestern 11254; d° preferred 141; New York Con trill 107; Oregon Transcon tinental. 3254; Pacific Mail, 33%: Peoria. D. rk E. 2034; Pittsburg, 157; Pullman Palace Car, 188; Reading, 41 Rock Island 101: St. Louis and San Francisco, 25%; do preferred 59%; do first pre ferred, UO34; at. Paul, 71 ' . do preferred 116%; St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba, 119%; St. Paul and Omaha. 34: do preferred. 1"0K; Texas Pacific, 2054; Union Pacific, 64' United State* Express, 85; Western Union. 65. FHOUUCB. New York, October ; —Flour, receipts 25 277 pa"k»ges; exports 6,322 barrels, and 3,S3] sacks; market moderately active; sales 26 700 barrels. Wheat,‘receipt* 14".»li bushels; export* 29 818 , bushels; sales 3.2.80,000 bushels futures, a' d 126, 000 bushels spot; spot market dull; ungraded red 7'G89,‘ No. 3 rrd 8l%*83c; options weak ainl lower; No. '2 red October S5,Hc; November 80% 1 ils7c, ch sing at 86%c; De'vmtier 8754c; January ss%c; May ,.>2a‘J2%c. closing at 92c. Corn, re cei’is '92,400 bushel-: ex(>orts 50 307 bushels; 1 sales 600.000 bushels futures, and 221.000 bushels spot; market fairly active; ungraded mixed 38% aiic Oc t il., r 39'4c; November 4'£4c; December , •11 ur May 1244c. ua'J, receipt* "O.CCO bushels;ex ports 13,713hu‘hnls futures and lOt.OOt) bushels -nit; market firm; spot No. 2 white '233-4*2844e; white do 27a3>c. Hay and liops ipilet. Cotlee, dull and 5al0 points lower; October. Novem ber, December, January, February, March, May. tUFFYS PURE kmTme di cinal' use NO FUSEL OIL This tirnml Preparation is endorse by tlio Highest Medical Anlliorif ie* and used In the leading laiiillien u Hie land. It is a "llonacUold K« in edy.” Its purity is above questloi and every bottle l« precisely thenaini It has been unciI by the best people Ii America for years, and Its repulutioi Is due wholly lo It* merit. He sur and secure tlie genuine, and tab only Holly's, no matter how hard an; druggist may try lo sell you liisowu TIIEDFFFY MALT WHISKEY CO., Rochester. N. V January, February, March, May aud July rang at 15 60.4l5.75c; spot Rio steady at lutfc Sugai st -ady. Molasses, quiet. Rice, stronger. i’etre leum, easier; United 98\c. Cotton-seed oil Tallow, Rosin and Turpentine, quiet. Eggf S'eady; western 21c l’ork and Out Meats, lira Lard, lower; western steam 86 57&October J6 SO November IG 32; March 86 36. Butter, quiet western dairy Dalte; creamery 12t25)$C. Cheese quiet; western sa9%c. Chicago, October There wsb a dullness it market for wheat and during most of the aessioi it was an extremely narrow one. Early cable reported foreign markets as iirm and tending up wards, which lor a time infused a little bullish n- ss Into the dealers. There was very little new ailoat ol'a enaraeter to ailed wheat prices. Cori steadier. Oats moderately active. Provision steady Flour, firm and unchanged Wheat cash No. 2 spring 80a80%c; No. 3 spring 63*63'./' No. 2 red ~'aaoV. 1' -u : d* r -1 s-.*/•. at82c;year81 .*-!• ting at B MejaiyMki 85%C, closing al 84%c Corn, cash No 2, 31*dc November ;U'/4e; Decern) er M%c\ May 33= ,c OaLs, cash No. 2 and November 19>4e; Decern her 13^c; May OMp. Rye, No. 2, tike. Bar ley, No. 65c. Flax Seed at 81 27. Timothy Sect at 81 .-1% Mess Pork, cash 810 50al0 75; Novein her 89 3ua9 10, closing at 83 49; year 83 05; Jan uary S3 22)4. Lard, cash 86 12JJ; Novembei 15 Hi%; vear8.'i 8.5; January 8-5 Bulk Meats short ribs 85 0oa5 10; shoulders II 12%al 25 short clear 15 37'.,. Whiskey at 81 02 Sugars cutloa* saSJ'Je; mushed 7%c; standard A 5,',< Others unchanged Receipts-Flour. 27.000 bar rels; wheat, 63,o00 bushels; com. 287,000 bust els; oats, 264,000 bushels; rye, 10,000 bushels; bar ley, IH-i.ouO bushels, shipments—Flour, 10,00* barrels; wheat, 4*;,'J00 bushels; corn. 584,000 bush els; oats, lls,ou0 oushels; rye, 7,00J bushels; bar ley, 44,000 bu.-heiB. Philadelphia, Pa , October 3.—Flour, nrm Wheat, steady and higher, No. 2 white Oct diei ait-JMa'v; November December &4%c: January s5%«S6c Kye, steady; No : Pennsy vanlu 70c (torn, nominal; No. 2 low mixed 37Utc; No 2 mixed Octobtr and Noveiubei t0a40*<c; December and Janua'y S'J%»40c. Oats a shaue stronger; No 3 white 25Kc; No. 2 white [)ttol>er 2ti)^a2i'>Xc; Novcndier 27%a2v, Decern her 28%a29c; January 29a29^c. l.ggs, tirm Pennsylvania tire's 23c. Receipts—Flour, 2 :'W barrels; wheat. 17,000 bushels; corn, 3 UCO bushels oats, 3,500 bushels shipment*—Wheat, 3,IU bushels; corn, 24,900 bushels; oats, 22,Too bushels Baltimore. October 3.—Wheat, western tirm No. 2 winter red spot 82c; November 82%r: Lie cemlier 84tM*<c; January SSkatfiXc. (kirn western steady; western mlxen spot 40*40%c October 39%»W;c; Novemta-r J9;.s3:'Xc; yea ls’t'82'.*c. oats, steady; western white 25a27%c Rye, tirm at 52a66e‘ Hay, tinner; prime t< choice timothy S14 00al4 50. Butter, tirm; we»t ern picked 15al8c; creamery 23*25c. Fggs, lirrn ir western 22c. Codec, tirm. Klo luj^c Re ceipts—Flour, 11,000 barrels; wheat 31.000 bush L-ls; corn, 13,000 bushels; oats, 8,000 bushels: rye 2,000 bushels. Shipments—Flour 1.SOO barrels com, 170,000 bushels. Toledo. O.. Outlier 3.—Wheat, dull am lower; cash and October slj^c. December s3c Corn, dull and steady: cash 34c. Oats, quiet cash 21c. Clover Seed,steady; cash aud Octo her S3 oO: November 83 25; December Si 00 Receipts—Wheat. 17.700 bushels; com, 13,10 bushels; cats 9 '.OO bushels; rye, 2.300 bushels Shipments—Wheat, 2,200 bushe.'s; oats, 600 bush els; corn, c;o bushels. LtVK STOCK. Chicago, Octobtr 3—Cattle, receipts 17,50( head: sltipraents 1,000 head: market strong- r choice to extra bcevi s Si 35a4 90; steers S3 OOt 125: ftockers and feeders SI 90a3 00; cows, bulb and mixed $1 00a2 «V>, Hogs— Receipts 20,00 head; shipments 8,50( head; market steady; mixed $3 95i4 95; heavj [3 S0a4 25; light SI lOiil SO; skips S3 50a4 20. Sheep-Rec< ipLs 9,o00 head; shipments 2,00. head; market strong: nativi s !3 25a4 40; westen !3 50al 15; Texans fa 9tfa4 20; lambs 81 25a5 70. Cincinnati, O.. October a. Flour, steady Wheat, stronger; No. 2 red 8tH£c; rccelpLs. 4,70( bushels; shipments, 2,000 bushels. Corn, lower No 2 mixed 85c. Oats, weaker; No. 2 m'xec IlaJJc. Rye, dull at 45c. Pors, easier at 81100 Lard, !i'mer at *000. Bulk Meats and Bacon ’Irm. Whisky, sttady at fl.02. Rutter and Sugar, llrm. Hast Liberty, October 3.—Cattle— Receipt* tone; shipments 710 head; nothing doing; all ;h rough. Hogs—Receipts soo head: shipments 3,OOt read; market dull; all grass 81 50at 75. Sheep—Receipts l,0oo head; shipments 1,40C read; market dull and unchanged. Cincinnati, O , Oct'her 3. -Hogs, common and ighl *3 25al 00; packing and butchers, go 10a ; 55; receipts, 2,OOU heail; shipments 2,000 head. lMCTKOLKUM. Oil Citv, Pa., Oc'ober 3.—Pei'oleum opened L‘ .. ib;r; highest VJj-iC; lowest 98j<c; closed at is'-'c Sales, 229,000 barrels; clearances, 178,OW nrrels; charters, .2j, -0s batrels; shipments, Sol, 152barrel*; runs, 40,802 barrels. Pittsburg, Pa., Octobcr3.—Petroleum, dull nit steady; opened at 99c; closed at 9***c; high St 93%c; lowest 98! 4C. Bradford, Pa., October 3.—Petroleum opened it 99Xc; clesid at 9skic; highest 991 ,c; lowest isj^c; clearances pio.uou barrels. Titcsville. Pa., Oetol«.-r :i.—Petroleum open 'd Ht W ,c; highest 99He;'^c; closed at »Xc._ Metal Market. New York. October —Pig Iron, tirm. Cop ier, nominal. Lead, dull at 83 97]^ Tin, firm; traits f Ji> 35. _ Electric £ight ^lour. SOMETHING FOR HO THING! Directions For Baking Bread From Electric Light Flour, m (Mil then set to rue One of the great points in making good bread is to have the Hour dry »nd kew the dough wwm when rl«iugt don t let UchlU or get too hot Let the .ponge rise £ve or all hmiM In miking im the dough, wit to suit the taste, adding a little warm water to dissolve the nrli' kt iffiklc I !(*HT HI OUR cuotiKb to keep the dough from sticking to the i*oird, put in i',ter » hi h^ riie it ?or on “hour wheui ready ftr the oven bake one full hour in a medium heated 5ven; do not “t brei sund in oven after it t. done The result will be a most beautiful white and sweet loaf, which will keep rcolat fora long while. ELECTRIC LIGHT FLOUR will work much better by thoroughly drying it out before u»ng. let it set on back of the stove until perfectly dry, but do not allow it to gel hot. •*-FoUow our directiona, Fend us ft report of the result and we will mail you a BhAt lirtis SOl’^ENIttas * reminder that the ELKCIRIC LIGHT FLOUR is the best obtainable. (JOS. SPEIDEL &CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS. WHEELING. W. VA. g^y-PROPRIETORS OF OHIO VALLE> COFFEE.atl!l TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! . __ __ _ _ that the time ha* come when the good people of thl* RE IT KNOWIf,™»^vs^lSSK^n.Wa2ib 13 aS'ss'iSfi FURNITURE and CARPET DEPARTMENTS —of— ARBENZ & CO., 1115 Main St., Wheeling. W. Va., FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS. wou f>LOIS. L»w» nmi •O0«as .no »«"««•» Tir _ _■ ■ TJ'OR RENT-THREE ROOMS-ENQUIRE l X1 this office. oci HHOK SENT—TO GARDENERS s. 10 or I Acre l/>ts, near the city. Apply at one Inquire at this office. sefieadh TJOR BENT-FURNISHED FRONT ROOl L' to one or two gentlemen. Terms tnoderat References given and required. Address or ct at No. Ill South Broadway. Se28h dor £aU. TJ'OR SALE-GOOD WATER GAUGE WIT X1 cocks, for upright boiler. Apply at th officeau2lh WE WILL SELL For OR,000 a Two-Story Brick Dwelling o Chapline street, between Twentieth and Twet ty first ttree s: six rooms; lot ■‘•0 feet front an run* to the alley. •4,000 we only ask for a Two-?tory Brie Building; a so small dwelling In rear, on Mai , street, comer Alley IS; lot :Cxl20. Terms easy. OCRs C. A. SCHAEFER & CO. r 1 SALE OR EXCHANGE. i Mjr founlr) Place at Dim Grove. i Large House, Barn, Ac. Natural gas and run v uing water. Five acre*. Well improved. * H. FORBES, r au30 No. 1142 Chapline Street. ^TOCK FOR SALE. ; I ofler for sale from *12,000 to *16,000 worth o , stock in a long established manufacturing lnstl , tution, which baa been In successful operatioi ' near this cUy for many years, aud pays easily l: percent JAMES L. HAWLEY, ! ap30 142Q Main Street Good Business Properly For Sale H'ORSALE-A FULL LINE OF GEN ERA I Mexcnandice with More room fixtures an* with the same the rent of rooms contalnlni 1 same, embracing a conveuienl. large aud com modtoua store room, office, ware rooms aud ce. lam. The location and surround iogs being th 1 most desirable for mercantile purposes iu th 1 State. > Ample faeiiities for the extensive handling o grain aud wool, being immediately accessable v switch track of B. AO. K. R., and the pnbll road, with large ware room equipped for ihos* purpose*. Iu best grain aud wool surroundings Siorc room has ample facilities for a budnev of thirty thousand dollars per year. Tos< ttle at estate. Location, Burton, Wetzel County, W Va. A iso, a full tigged Baircl Factory for sale. A. V. MrD iNNELL, F. J. BLACK, ocSra • Administrator*. JJ'ORSALEr At low prlcos and on easy term*, Choice Building Lots on Wheeling Island JOHN P. GILCHRIST, laUit.wedAFrl43 Fifteenth Street, yORSALE AT A BARGAIN. Convenient and commodious suburban res. donco, with sixteen acres of land, located li Marshall county, two and one half miles from city line, on Mouudsville road. Railroad station within five minutes’walk. Fine bearing fruli tree*, and grapes, and young orchard and vine yard coming on. All necessary outbuildings, etc. Entire property underlaid with valuable coal vein. Excellent location for dairy. Will he sold at about half value if taken before Jnly 1st. Apply to F P. McNeil No. 1222 Market street. mrtOood-gAilh_ _ you SALE. Twenty-nine acres ol ground belonging to tin Myer’s heirs, in good condition, with Orchard ami Vice-yard, n Dwelling witli eight rooms i Barn and good outbuildings, situated about one half mile upBogg’s Hun. For further partial lure enquire of A. B. MYERS, or HENRY MYKKS, sep30eodv _ Ou Bogg s Run. [fustee's Sale of Valuable Real [state, I )Y VIRTUE OK A DEED OF TRUST EX I') edited to the undersigned by Isaac 8nedck< ' and wife aud Sarah K. Snedeker, dated the firs day of January, 1S81, aud recorded iu Deed o ’ Trust Book No. 17, page 319, records of Ohii county, West Virgl la, I will proceed to sell, a the front door of me Court tlcuseof said county at public oulcry, on Nalnrilay. November via*. IWH!», at lOo’clo.'k a. m.. to the highest and best bid drr, the valuable farm situated in said county 2'.j miles from West Liberty and one hall mil( from Potomac, adjoining lands of Josepl O. Cnrtis, JohDston Garrison, Junius Curtis and others, aud now and for many years li possession of B»id Isaac Snedeker, contaiuini two hundred acres, more or less, the same be log made up and compose 1 of several t'aets, al contiguous, acquired uy said Snedeki r as recite* 1 in said trust deed, substantially as follows : The first and second tracts, containing, respec lively, 132% acres, 30)4 poles, and V2% acres. 1 perches, ou Cartlemairs inn, devised by will o Jacob Soodeker. 1 lie third, containing 7 acres 2 roods, 2 poles, conveyed by deed of Wm. Pal tenon ana others. The fourth, 122 per. hes, bi deed of Wm Cox and other*. The fifth, Al acres 63 pile« (loss about 15 acres subsequently sold b deed of W B. Patterson Tho sixth, 11 acre* 113 75-100 perches, by deed of Clark Crlss and wife. For a more particular description of said tracts, so making up anil constituting the sing]* fract of about 200 acres to be sold, reference u hen by mace to said trust deed. Upon the property arc first-class Improvements, new two-story dwelling good bam and other out buildings, and the whole is In a fine state of re pair and cultivation TERMS OF SALK-One third, or so much more a* the purchaser may elect to pay. cash In baud on the day of sale, and the remainder Iu two equal instalments, at one and two years, re spectively, the purchaser giving notes therefor I with approved security, the title to be retained until payment in full. JOHN 8. BEALL, oc2i Tiusteo. TRUSTEE'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OK TWO DEEDS OK TRUST made to me as Trustee, by R S. Taylor, aud Ju ia A. Taylor, his wi'c, the one dated Septein ber 1,1887, and recorded In theofliceof the Clerk of the County Court of Ohio county, West Vir ginia, in Deed of Trust Book 26, p*ge IS, and the other dated July 28, lss-;, and reccrded in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Ohio County, West Virginia, in Deed of 1 rust Book 27, page 236, I will sell at public auctiou, on Woilueulsy, October 16, 188U, commencing at lOo’eloek a. m , at the nortli front door of the Court House of Ohio County, In the City of Wheeling, th' following property, to wit: Dot uumbered six (6) in square numbered one (1) of Csircll and Baler's addition to said City of Wheeling, and situated on the east side of Me Cohort! street, in s,l<l city, together with all the buildings and appurteuanees situate thereon or belonging thereto, being the samo property con veyed to Robert s. Taylor by Rudolph A. Ilnde muth aud wife, by deed dated Sep'ember 1, 1887. Terms ok Sack.—One-third rash or so much more as the pureba er my elect to psy, aud the balance in one aud two years, with Interest from the day of sale, the purchaser to gi«e his notes, with good security, forithe deferred payment*, and the legal title to be retained as further sc cur i tv Selling a» Trustee, I will convey only »nch title as Is Tested In me by sa'd de< ds. EDGAR H. BOYD, Trustee W. H. Haller, Auctioneer. aeplCeadu; TRUSTEE’S SALE Highly Improved Short Creek Farm, BY VIRTUE OKA DEED OF TRUST MADE by Florence V. Delap atn and Peter Dda plain, Ler husband, lo me a- trustee, dated on the 2f>th day of January, K. D. 1880. and duly record ed in the office of the Clerk of Ohio County Court, West Virginia, In Trust Deed Book No. t>. page 47'J. I well proceed to sell at public auction, at the north front door of the Court House for Ohio county, W'est Virginia. In the City of Wheeling, Ohio county, West Virginia, on NATl'KIkAY, OCTOBER 5lh, IHHii. commencing at 10 o'clock a m., the following property, that i* to say 218 acr. Mroods and 27 perches of land on the waters of Short Creek. Ohio County. West Virginia, thus bounded and described, to wit: Beginning at a wild cherry tree a comer to Samuel McLuer, Wm. Busby, and Joseph aud M Waddle; thence with said Waddle's Hue north lOV.0 ea‘t 12 4 IV pole* to a atone; thence sjuth 64° east 8 8 10 pole* to a stone thence south 17° east 16 MO pole* to a stone thence no’th 35*4J ea*t <5 pole* to a atone, formerlv an ash; thence with a line of Llvlna Taylor south 88V4° west 11 2-10 pole* to a while oak- thence north llk° east 207 pole* to a beech snag a comer to raid Taylor, W If. Braydy and Edward Rouse; thence with said Rouse s lines south 46^° west 42 8 10 to a stone; thence south 24* *° west m poles to a stone, formerly a locust, oh the north hank of Short Creek: thence down said ere k with it* meander* 198 2 10 poles; thence leaving said creek and with land of Jesae Weils south 65*4° west 51 3 lo poles to a stone in Wells' line, foraer to R. Trimble thence south 25^4° east with hi* line 54 pole* to a stone , thence south 4*K° east poles to a stone; i hence routh 29>4° east 13% pole*; thence •ou'h 7° east 22 pole* to a stone; thence south 23° cast 70 pole* io a stone; thence with Wm. Busty's Hue* south 54° esst 16)f poles to a white oak stump, thenfe southwest to a stone In road tnerce south t0\f east 33 4-10 pole* to the be ginniug. being the same land conveyed by Lewti . Delaplain »nd wife to said K o-euce V. Delap lain by deed dated September 26th, 1877. and re ceded In Deed Book So 67. page 288, In the office of the Clerk of the County Court for Ohio county . West Virginia, to which deed referere* is hereby had for a fu 1 description of said land. Paid farm is improved by a good Brick Dwell ing House, bam and out bull lings, orchard and fruit of all kinds; is well watered, rich Hmeatoue soli about 7o acres creek bottom and about !0t acresofcosl Two and one half miles fro n Short Creek Station, on F. C. A St. L K. R and Ohic River, and eight mile* from Wheeling. TERMS OF SALE—One-third of tne purchase moner, or so much more thereof as the pur chaser may desire to pay. In cash on the da* oi aale and the reaidue In two equal paym-nt* with interest from the day of sale, payable In one and two year* for which the purenaser 1* u give M* notea, secured by deed of trust on said land. WILLIAM V. HOGB, Trustee. W. H. Hallbb, Auctioneer. seS ftolinfs and liquors. I RHINE WINES! ■areobrnner, l.lebrran Mllert, - Erbaehor Nelr Hteiner, f,anbe eluier. u —CHAMPAGNES— “ Foniery A 8reno Nee, I>uc Me Montebello, 8. U. atmmn's, Boiirbee Nee, Hold Neal, tj California Winoe and Olaretu, - P. WELTY & CO., WHOLWllLK LiuroaN 4al a —1 " "■ M" ■ ■■ ! W“- HARE & 80N, niCTJCAl Plumbers, Gas audSteam Fitters 83 Twelfth Street. . AIT work dons promptly At most r*uon*bl» pi ire ruiH 0. Vaimbabobb. cju. b. XcK:)*t Josiru Lon. ttansbarger, Loiz & McKowp -V&ACTICAJ-— PLUMBERS, ffi sna STEAM FITTHi, S' Twelfth Nl,, Wbeeltus, W. V*. o*-R«mm»tes fnnUciisd. AH work den; it roafccneble rate*. octeid TRIMBLE & LUTZ. Ccka Oven & Engine Supplies. Iron Pipe and Fittings. r Brass Valves and Cocks, ! Injectors and Syphons. Steam and Water Gauges. Plumbing Gas and Steam Heating. 1416 A 1418 Market Street, Wheeling, W. V». gxttks. T>AHKOF THE OHIO VALI Bute and City Depository. Stockholder! Doubly Liable. CAPITAL!.......•I7C.OO* Government and Local Bonds bonglu aud mid Drafts lsanod on any point In Kuropo, ss •« : as on the principal cities of tne Called •. A general banking bnstner* Iransacted. V/M. A. I8KTT, President, WM. B. SlMPbON, Vice FrteZU».i' mil_r^i*. JKPSON, Otahlar J^XCHAUGE HANK. CAPITAL.-....V’-lOO.Vi/O. J. N. VANUB....Wrea lent L. b. DKLAPLAJN...Vice Preai.U > DZB1CT0BS ’. J. N. VANCK. 8. HORKHKlMICl, JOHN M. bROWN, W. KLLINUHAJ, L. S. DKLAPLAIN, A. W. KELLEY, JOHN FREW. Drafts issued on England, Ireland, Booilau* and all points In Knrope. rnvi JOHN t. JGN > ‘ JTATIONAL BAN K OF W AT WHKKUNU. CAPITAL.....~*itMV « '• BontLwtet comer of Main aud Twel'th - 1 DO KB A GENERAL BANKING BILIi. - . niBSCTOlil AUGUST ROLF. JOHN WA IF Z MICHAEL KElt-LY, K W, 1UZLP.1 . K. W. OGLEBAY, J. R. Mr* 01 .TNill OHAb. W. BROCKUNlKE. EARL W. OGLEBAY, President. OHAB. W. BKOCKCMEK. VicePresldtat i JOHN WAGNER, ( ashler i LAWRENCE K BA SDH. Assistant Caghrer druggists. | Logan Drug Co. Are always to the front with New aud beasouablc Goods. MOTH MARBLES for preserving Furs and Clothing front the rav ages of Moths. Is superior to Camphor, Toiml. o or any other Moth Destroyer In the market. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES Syrups, Fruit Juices, Mexican Sherbet, Malto, Moxle, Ac. Agents for Bedford Spring Watar In pints quarts and one half gallon bottles. Turkish Life Titlileis for Nervous Ex haustion, Want of Bleep, Headache, Ac. 0 SUTHERUNO SISTERS’ HAIR 6R0WER, 1 SUTHERLAND SISTERS’SCALP CLEANER. Proprietors and manufacturers of the original Slid OXNL'INI KXreUllOK IIAKlNU rilHIHIt. A U-anllful chromo give n win each pound of tho genuine Excelsior Baking Powder purchased at retail Akk your grocer for the chromo. PLEASANT WORM 8YRUP—Palatable and effectual LOGAN’S EYSENCK JAMAICA GINfiKP.. HOMESTEAD PILLS. Do uot be mislead by any Imitation. l.Ily Cream—the most elegant pre paration in the market for chans and roughness of the skin. Cinderella Corn (lure holds Its own with all other corn euros offered FRRNI CURB POLI8H. WOLF’S TRANSPARENT PAINT Is Just the thing housekeepers want at this season of the year. LOGAN DRUG CO.. apIS) HKIIMJK POKHRH. 'POWDER Recommended by the Hrhi '.t r *i ,n.f i hemic.»l wuthorp.. its nl.*.dute purltv, »!•••;. ■ . uondcrful »lrtiu!th. I 'cry t.. .1 to do th- "• rk of m> '•'lx t ' iHaudi-r oMtlltiK twice t.* ti '*•'I' call cuanintcul to ■ ‘.iti'..c'‘ pimliasc motley i funded I Hi. < .ill i>< I1- : If jfimr <1« »ler ' » r : t trt In tti istmis ! >'• u I- * claim* l<- i>el'» t* -■■■"• ini lx you by getui.k . OIETEltS I UOWN BtKINil ixit\ l ■ .TheJ0EST cFo* BLACK ! ArJ.UTOCKINQS. f)7AV fiNE(OLOR5THAT Tv ^'*<v:'#hrn;-r’SMUT / ^tfrf-WASH OUT I l> m.rAllNOR FADE only be MADE BY piips^fP Sold by druggists. : ai>o I»KEBMSP. Bltnsn: PAlNTs.-!! Colon, 1*1.1 i t l Mill) BI.ll.Ml. H.I.Ul.lssIMt POU Bills .‘.Kind*7Colors , l*1 1 III Iss SHOE ami II Illll.sslMi. I M l.lll.lss H.t, DVCk-H Colon. jttBt F4 I 3 B S£.Ml '• n*l Whl»kOT Ill's STB 1 «y§ □ If 3 UK, lUenredat home with I t! ¥3 ^ l£ R BbI oat pain. Book of r-ir. •E, S5 «. J% (vz? cWE ‘..cola.- ■ »ei t FitFE. ffi ffSiwi in i . " !*. M WOOI.LKY. m.i>. .uiaau, Oa v&CC a.i'i WtiioaoU st.