Newspaper Page Text
Piling jfcygfo ^£ST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO Pr*' srtWMt 4W> PiawiiTon. -JA* a TANKY. eottut TKRMS six . 1 M .. 1 » Thk P*. Pieajaui RtyiMtr w ait.tatitu wa*»r works tor that town. This is Co - Tn’PKTT’9 sly bid for tbs prohibition sup port 10 the Aoditorship contest. BALL PLAYS* A.ssu.n s jaw was broker yesterday. Tb s is a revelation. ASehav* always uodersto d that Mr. AssoS i cheek was a little harder than adamant. Asothk* wave of disaster appears to t * sweeping over the coontry. The latest, that which happened the Steamer Corona, Thursday, is »b ot th. worst cf the series. Thk K'tctaie Gazette letlicaly rcxsik*1 that the editor «f the l\.rk*rabar* tie a! me. wm eober last week. It is to bs hcp-c that this is not one o? the Gazette’* b.«et partisan slander*. Whenever any o' Foraker's avpoiat' ten is ebown up as a frsul, FoRakkr *od bis orgtns ho vl that the mac was cm*/. They mast admit, however, that there was plenty of niched in Tofp's madness The ebrr-wdeat and most lucid of koRAKERS dbciplca could not have done the iou more neatly. Th srk are weeping and wailing in Israel The wild-eyed Morgurtown edi’or ia m the damps. His erstwhile sp eid e»gb sheet ib iaroceot of glaring headlines. Tne Morgantown bate ball club bos been de feated, and even natural gaac.ihuot lighten the gloom that has settled down over the modem Athens. Both the New Y> rk aud Beaten bai dabs woo ytsteiday. New *ork mu lose or tie to-day for Boston to win the glorious pennaut, ct'a.rwiae Uethaai will take if. It ia » mercy that th*se two do not have to play this game together. Civil wai would doubtless bs the r*toli and the umpire's life would cot be worth » bad copper cent. - T1IK MANl’HACtl KhK CUOWDING OiriHK FaBMKB Tb? Pittsburg P">•' contains na exceed ingly iatertetirg letter Mom Mr. John H Walla« e, ofN’^w York, upon theenh ct of the shriek*** of firm values in We-<t eiu Pennsylvania. Mr. ^ ALiAt Espeik rf.,iu leugtuy practical experience, and bandl-slts subject in a plant, cjd erve live way, quoting She facts sed figure and tho recerds of eale. Toe latUr shows the ntt?r fallacy of to ‘ home market” Argument, wi.h wlilcb the stumpers tor t'M tariff biren period ically dose the farmer. It was sent t< the editor of t?»« Pittsburg Omwerctof (}<iztUr, one of the prlne:pal organs of the protected wi'lioaairr-. in reapun-e to th d popet’s blustering request for proof to -ob a^aniii'e the troth ot n previous article of Mt Wallai k on the same subject, which it d -;gnst» d ‘ free trade” balderdash Bat ihs Cbwimi*f G«ueffr, tins to its pjlicy < f unfair ilealit-g aud ot never pre seating byh sides of the question, refused to publish it The • abatance of Mr. WALLA* 5 s letter is, to use hia own words, “the and farm interts s are out of balance, and tha m ‘uuisctnrcr u eating up the fi Colons*! fortunes are going op cn one band and shrinkage, decay and abandonment on ihe other.” Instead of the farmer hsmg benefited by proximity to manufacturing, the reverse s the case. Ioetead of reaping equal be‘e titi with the manufacturer from the ta- d, we tiud him barely able to make both eu- s meet, and gradually being drawn towards the prosperous city and swallowed up. That ia the tendency. Mr. Wallace adver tised for a farm recently in Western l’enu sylvAD'a, and the farmers literally tum bled over each other to aoll at almost ary price. Mr W ali ace .ays: At the cl vo of that advert somoni. 1 cautioned correet**!!Jents that "the valuta of to day and uot of 1" year* as* would be considered. ' l row this you will observe that I was then aware of the shr nkaee that had takea place in r*nn» for farming purpoana. Tli • replies to this advertisement, which I b*d previously placed in the f i ' #rio» ttmwr, kept me quite busy for two or three month* hut the advertising paid welt, for in three days ader going Into the held I fund Just what 1 wanted. Tr»«.- replies were uot res rtct-U to the "sou h cm part of All gheuy county an<l the northern part of Washington e unty," as indh aled In the advertisement, bm came from a i ad niulti counties and a few from the casts ru counties ot Oh'o. At the time the article la the t » *y JW was written t had received IN of these ap plications, and s’nee then l ha\o received f ur m re. n.aking 1LI tn alt. These applications varied In price from RiO an acre up to 0 arid a strtkiug feaiure lu a great mauy of them was the u ter dl-regard of a hat was expressed iu the ad vertlsemeot. Taxed to death on all be buys by the tariff, as well as ou h-s farm ncd products by the Slate, while he is craipellyd to sjll in a free market, is It to be wondered at, tbat, mortgiged to the eyes, the larni er takes the first chance ct dropp og eveir thing no uisit*r at wbat sacrifice and breaking for the city where be sets enor mous fortunes being malt Mr. \i.i-Ai c *av«: With tl*e wool Industry practically rxtiuct wiih the markets of the ctUci mpplied wuh Wes era dressed beef, with the talk business "run into the ground and with "heal at so real* and less, what ulheu* left out or which the farmer i ts mtke noiii t' Wuh great Indudiy and self-denial they can !■ irvly lie, while the eouniy records show that many of them have their hand*. If not their hea.Ls, In the lion s mouth in theshapeof mortgigw* auJ jtsJgi. nls This picture is not overdrawn, a: t ever* mm who Is dependent ou the product* <•? h.s la: ui f. r a living will verify that it I* true V *w It this be a true picture, ho » • an we avoid tin- tncvc.a. ble sequence of a shrinkage In the varne of farms? The following are among the instanc s coming under his personal notics with which Mr. WaI lack ba'ka his assertion Awsy back about 1H72 my brother bought'the David Dnocan farm, adjoining the village of Florence, io Washingto'r county, at $6Uan acre. He cocaultid with me about it before the purchase He said the soil was tbin, bat it was so much below tbs average price of good farms to that re gion tbat I advised him io bnv it and thought it a great bargain. Us efforts *o improve the noil by caiefnl ullage and narsit g were not very successful and h< determined to sell if- After years of effort and delay he succeedel at last in getting rid of it at a very considerable loss. At the time of tb s pureba-e good farms of strong land were wo:th $**0 to ffK) an acre where well located io that reg on. About the first of laet May I was at the old farm in North Fayetie township au'* then and there it occurred to me that I wool 1 bay a farm for my nephew, J Harp er Wallace. I bad not asked any questions about the price of farms for a good many , vears, aud when I asked Liu what the old tarn, was worth his answer *track me as s 1 c!»p of thunder. He said “not more thar ab- at aixtv dollars an acre.” Thie was a revelation for which I wan not prepared, tor never in my memory had it bee® placed at a lew figure than eighty dollars It bad a’ wav* been considered oue of tht very best farms in the township From other sources 11-nrcud that this estimate j uf what it wonid now brir g was qu te ccr rect. ! sin interested in tht • farm brtog'Pg the h.gheet cent pisnbie, bn: tny ptrson*i | b li-f is it will n t h:iug sixty dollars. The M'Adtma farm lies abjut i»o and « b.i f miles from the »Va>U>-e fa'tn, aad about the sur.e distance from Iinp*,tu») station. on the Montiur Kuircad. It in I ue «f lh gcotl terms iu that region 01 goo3 ■ farms. To divide the estate among the | neirs this firm was offrred at pub’tc sale, and while Ido nnt retail what I was told w«s the highest hid per acre I f-el safe la saying 1 waa less than forty dollar*. This , took place eometime briers 1 concluded j to boy a farm, or I certainly i would have pot a hid on i*. There i«* a farm near Hanhn elation, on I the Pan-Hand le rued, tilled the McGoogb | farm I think, hat as I have not the car j re- pondcncs before n-e I cannot certain. This farm is in the brads of Mr. Kontz i l Wa-hiDgtoo, (I tuink that is the name) si aaaiguee, and it Wo.8 ixteoeivelv advert--ed •o : e sold to the h-gheet bidder. &*■:->« i the day of etls I hid * report os it stating I that it was a good farm, bat without pleu tat outlook and -atruacdicgs The dry •f sale utaie, bat not a single hid wi« mtde upon •*. Ttsi* fsrm had been sp praised at $02 30, and alter the Uilure to get a bid at unian the aeeigoee wro’e uxr that be would take or.eideiable lese Mute the appra'MOitst, bat did not s;ate any piico. Mr. Patterson, cashier at the bank ai Bargettstowo, b-w a farm in hie charge a* negate that I intend'd to vis.t. He ar..?e me that this farm was intrinsictlitr worth *ar more than double that of the David Diiucan farm, the fi st enumerated ve Ir had been appraised a: $75 mi scr.-, and Mr. Patterson wse -xceidiDgly sexi nr to sell it at flit) Freer what 1 t-siued of the irxiet.y of creditors to g-t (heir money «tit of this firm, I givs it s to opinion merelv, that $50 cosh would ; have bought this (a m. The McKennou farm is pleasantly kc - ted cu an excellent ite.adatuized road some two nod a liclf or thtte mike eoatb - eet of Washington. It is in the hands o‘ lilies Le Moyne as aee gcee. Mr. Le Mjvae- wrote me tint the farm was va-ued it $100 an acre, and ke thougut it wes well worth tha*. Ia reply to an irqairy »s to whether the farm woul 1 be to d a» 1 public 8»>, be irp’ied Jane 29 a* follows: “I thick I will not oiler the fatni at pub | lie sale again. At a former atle it *»' •id to }9l p-r a re and creditors objected to ray telling at th it pri e They ’bought > oaght to bring $100 ” I interpreted | tht word “va!ued”a» meaning ‘‘apprai-ed” hence I w«* m error is my article in i t.j Erming /W in stat-Dg that tne farm ■ ;-e n “appraised” at $100 an acre. I The records show that it wjs 4 appraked ’ it S*o {er acre. Mu- h ot the cor rescind* I e-ce al-nt th s farm was ear.kd oe by James C E-icg, E q., and a4 last he wrote me to come and take the farm at i an acre Mr. Wallace cites several other etmi-: Ur iastaacts of tbe depreciation cl farm , vala.-s, ali of which can be paraltlUd in this section. Tae other day a farm of 105 a'ih in Osu cunn'y sc!il for a little over: |t,) per acre. Farm lauds along the river ' in M.-rehsii county, Ur ustauce, which lc»3 tfcau ten years ago sold for $1"0 an acre rtcently hreoght but t“5. Tor? secret of it ail i» teat the mousy tf 'be country i* drifting swiftly toward the manufacturing c*e‘.r«s. TLe I orders are a'owly beirg L x .d to death by the general govern me’t for the be^tli’. of pet million- J v..v man ’.Uc'nrer*. who are rolling op eaorooaa ft»r:noca ia con tinence. Hue abandoning of Urea acd general drift ! tro a the cooatry to taj city is easily on : stood wher we consider tbe tact that toe farmer, who rise ■ at fenre’e ock in 'he morning at A works I'.ai J and acciwirgly ri,l be c n no lorger tea, imk^s less money tiion tbe average city laborer who wjikr fr >m tight ta ten h a*s a day and not near so baid Tnerontver was a greater fraud th-n the * iotue market” fake, which every cimpaigi m dinned into the ears ct tbe f »rnurs. They nra told that the ‘‘home market.'’ is cheap at the price they are pty •rg for if, that t‘is more mann iaC'.urtra there are ia tbe mantry the bet ter it id for the la.niefs, be nose it gives toeta a ’hoiue market.” Experince and tee facto on tbe contrary, show that toe ceerer the farmer is to a niaautxcturicg centre—un 1*~., to b • *ure. he inns a track garden wthia Mixing dw'.auca of th# city raw ket—the worse eff he is. H i rents and ! his lab« and hit taxes are higher. He |Ciou':t compete with tbe inrms l titter away fro a centreeof population, who s tx p. nsts a e loss and their producing capac I ity more. It frtqnentiy costs tbe latter no m?re to traaepwt good* ‘2 000 Cit!ee ! than it does the former to carry them 10 in !e* over bad roads The farmers wiil wake up to th* ?i*ca i dou au as of tbeee days and then there will I te a general si UOOl. UlsCifLlNE. Au In'ernllng Paper Heart ttef'r© th© WhstlluB T«ach«r«* Association 1 tht re i? auy one qualification, that lyoti'it :ui\pjri netd !e caer thicks she | posiesves in a higher degree than aoy ! other, it is the ability to hsve p-rfect t cpline. H-iwso 'n ehe lied* her mis K»en the best t acher dies no- claim I pfileciioa in discip’iuc. I k''ow edaca 1 tiocnl jonruol* tell a* of the iscgelic te. cher wboalwavs licet tbs light thing rtgb' tim-*, has the right authede foe eve jibing, bus perfect order, control* her pnptls w.tb a glares of the eye, and ! -h. oa, bat 1 uo cot believe it. P> y n.' l p-'ftcily agree with onr triemi Mr. floatk, when he *a>d there never was a -chool, and there never woald bj ore, in .hi h there were not s-om* dark days. ! However. I think the bright ones you’.d j p e iotuiea'.e in hia school. In ninety nice cates out el a hundred, ihi, p iw. r" to control by a glance ot the ,i res not iu the pertoual m-rgne'i m rf •he teacher, bat to the knowledge the p ipil has gaitreJ by sad exp-netice, that it I,., glacee ta no: heeded puaishuieat will follow. , , 1h* had hoy will not always be con tittered by kindntaa. Yon can not always • 'icct.l in winning hi* heart o_d creating a love ot study, by getting him lo :at-e or lower the window h r yon. He does all ihe lirtl- acis of assistance wdlingly, Lu. study, oL! uo; that is w* rk 1 have oft u wondered why the tdnev tioi at journals do not Cell ns ot theex ,«.pi oaal tas>s. For irstance, there is the i.. v who dors not want to come to school. H- is not p or, he >s not tuU. H-* i* jnst pmieg to be exprltrJ. H« a prtfn'ily ia fitT rrot to the fact that others are excell ing him. Yon :e»*oa with h ta, try to . ouse a of pride tit him. but ail in v, n. He will not do any geod at school What shall be done with him? Lst s.stne *dc.ati cal j loraalfini a care far hi* cisw Haw often w*»re calUd upon to govern chi drea that their own parents cannot control. J ha obevs bis mottier whrn it • nits him, and is ►urprietd whrn he trad* be csui.i t do in* same with i h Lacier, it u, t reh-Cs cntil he dacs it is useless, l’ne mite mother generally appears on the s-eceabut that time end informs the teacher that sbs does not understand mao %ge »g Johnny at all. It' she woald just c.ittx btm n little; aad it be do nut nnnd at once, he will after a while. Tuat was the wav she managed him. -- fee ttne teacher tries to govern her pupils in soch a manner as to uiske them -sit reliant, able ta control the.r fniptrs aod tongue*, not b.cause the teacher mskee tbeto, bat because it is right, sue dees not remove them fiom temptation, bnt teaches them to resist it It we are to pre psre oar boys and girls for tbe battle oi life, we mast nuke them strong-minded enough to say no when asked to do wrong We bear so much now-a-days oi methods. We have bcoka and books on | V ASICF.P ON TTir T1IAC1S. 1 A little child, tin-d r f I ’■»>-. h:;.| pillowed Uis • The train win afmorf upeii h ::i v.-|ieii a jitc-inif strang' i didn-u t*■ »■ .*■.• ■» ' f*tvcd -m i- in a I humtde death. !’• l:n• ~ • t i-.iv ashcp mi tu8 ♦nuk i<hi. You are, it' mu are neglecting the •• ,. 't.'-t .tilth. the h- i tie tlum, ll:e loss of 1 ... ,» i te glowing weakness and luSfiitude, ,. - ■. .i'i ia n you. Wake up, ir tin* tram will l» nj • n you! i . .,»um['ti‘ ii, which thus in- Ii '-«!y lastena it • H .p 'll its. v i--tin--. We.!- they are un . erits non of its HM'roat h. must 1«- taken, in tune it it is to i - overcome. l>r. riercc s ;. Miein-ai pic-ovcry t. is cured thou . . .,f th.s Hi e iitlitl Of maladies. i. it it guaranteed to U-ucflt or cun* in every «*» . i i r. **r ii.* *.* > ptti't f»>r *1 will tx? • *• _,.. ... ... I r W. - \ I.ling-, spitting of Iilnod. .short* t„ ^ ot l.iuth, lirou hitis Asthma, Severs Coughs a: i kindred V etioua, it is au effl j tie Ut remedy. Cuprrigat. IvSS by Wottt.n's Pis Ass’s. -— \ ' \ of C.tK'rli iii ! v.»<> *!. ■ than, liv the proprietors , r It s. i nrrh !t- im Tv. Out* A) cents methods. Oieauhir pays ITstoryr must b? taught Ibis way, ami another that way, and thus it g;>fs on, each author telling C8 that hia method ia right, and all others wrong. Now, rb?«e methoJs would do very wall, if children were machines, one ; like the other. How many of ns have j found that the method of exp’acation that ia cisar to Tom ia tlreek to Su-an? Tlu : wve teacher culls a litt'e iiom this m***hod and u little lroai ibat, combines the o, and makes a method tor hsrsdf. With what a ruthless hand do some allocators tear oar pet methods to pieo*s. Well do I remember what a quenching I first taught diagramming | rk meth. .1 and liked it v.ry much. I bid a bright class, and they studied well. That winter we had an in stitute, and a celebrated man lectured on gtaoimr I was de!;gbt-;d. I thought, | row I shall get some new points i lor my grammar class. Shattered hopes! j He held up my methods to ] ndirnle, iaugbed at it, compared my dm- , grams to “links of sausage ” I think I could have forgiven him it hs had given a better method, but to erv down our method and give ns nothing to take its place, was | uc pardonable. The great problem now seems to be, j “How caa we make oar teaching mere j practica l' ’ Wo (each our pupils carpet i iug, plastering, and bank 1 i-coan ; yet, i now many of them can tell mother how many yards of catp.'t she will need for a | room, or how much it wili cos', father to plis er the house, or ompote the discount on a real rote? We teach physiology, but row many pupils apply their knowledge of that tcitocs at horn ? Ar-> the paren's not somewhat to b'amt? How few in quire shat their chi.'dreu ore doing, f 1hey think they have done th» ir duty when they have sent th ir children to school regulaiiy. Would cot John and ; Susan try to understand more clearly if | they kurw t!:ey would ba o-ked to pat th*-r knowledge into praetic ? We are progre.-stcg ia practical teaching, j though tlow'v, bat we hope surely. Tske ! physiology far example. In ye olden < lime, w fiat teacber eve- thought ot taking j an eye or a f.e.rt to school to dissict for . ber pnpi!«, or dreampt of ruck audacity , as aekicg ooe of be doctors to hud he.' , uis h ghly-pr z d p.natom cal speciuiecs , wb ch he had pr -aervtd in schco ? Tnen take arithmetic What teacher ! now is rati«ii?d if her papils can woik the , problem” in their books, if they cauco’ apply the tul s they have lenrctd two I practical examples outside of tbe r nrith metice? And to it is it. every study, we arc making our work more and more prac tical. Tbe greattst drawbacks we have aro cur limit* d time and the nicecsity ot p-eparieg our pupils for wiittea examinations Wha* a sigh of re'ief will go up from th** great ."ray of teacrers, wbeu the doing »wf»y with writttn test for promotion he tomes general. I: has betu tried ia C o ciunati and has betn tound sathfic'ory. 1 Whv nit give it a tra’. hete? j Tue intention is cot to make the work in our schools less thorough, but to tav6 our bays and girls tbe nervects etroin that ac- otnpanies a writt u test How often a hr got, nervous child fails to pas-*, not be- . cause he knows lc-s fan his schoolmates but because the mere thought tbr.t his pto- ; atoiion depends upon bis answers r.uders ; him incapable of auswerieg clearly. Writ , lea teem ate good in their piece, hut we j do not want too much of them. We with (o serd our pupils forth when , we graduate them, cot mere bookworms, but real, live toys uni girls, with a right sens* ot tv.nor at d a goodiy share of that ■ practical knowledge so necessary 'o fight I the ba t e of lifs. If by nor echioldi ; c>p!ire, wo can insMil principles into tbe rniods of a nr pupils that will make true, got d men and women of them, we shall feel that oar labjr has not been in vain. Mary Rkppetto. BtUDUKFORT. Snil cf AU Sort* (Ja'hcrot l [> About Town. Several little girl* are ra sing money in a cinteet for a chair, nod in th's way they aree(*si8ii: g theOeman LutheranChurcb R .heit Parker, a colored mau who was well 1 kid and much reeptcled by all of | oar citizens, died yesterday from coneump- ! ' ticn. He leaves a wife to lunnrn his Iocs. The Young People’s Socie'y of tbe Pieibytenan Church have assumed con trol of the Mis-ioo School at tbe Coal Works. Toev have arrarged to send n squad f teacher* each StinJay to instrnct the yoo'h in that region. The Nt w Athens base ball club will plav the O’Neals th's afternoon on the lat- j tet’s giouads ia the West Kid. A large ' ' crowd will doahtltssbe present, as aa un usually fcood game is looked for. C. rain an ion services will tie held ia the Prt-sHyteri*n church to moirow. Mr. J iues H '<*, a former ticket agent et the C L A W railroad, at this plec“, but now stationed at Lorain, wi.s >u town jsererday grrettrg old friends. Tbe weeds growing along the C A P j railroad tracks httween Bridgvpart end ,E aavilleare being renovtd. l’ar dig* on? on the C, L A W. railroad trains yesterday. That menus | that this will be -vy day and ail the men will be hap;y. A>1 tbe strik- rs on the C, L. A W. ruirodd were p. :d oft' in (nil yesterday. Toeir trrvicee will to longer he r'qnired ms other non are coming in lo take their j pUc-s Tee tir*t firuht train fir two days well oni la* ui^h; and no mote trouble is anticipated. J bn 8 debottom. Superintendent of the County I off rosary, was in to vn yester day. A valuable deg brlorgirg to Mrs Timm;.* a Bag*«died v-«tndap. Its hide will be stuffed *c;' preserved. A hors* ran away ye*terd*y at .Ena ville bu> did not uo much damage. Miss D-idJridgs, cf rue I land, is iesch ing a painting class here in Bridgeport. The cits meets tvery Fiiday afternoon and is very popular. The kad'.cg society ladies of ibe town a:e members. Tee Belmont County Teschcrt’ A'sccia ticu meets to-day at St. C’a:rsville. A number of the Bridgeport teachers wtl! go op- _ __ Any Druggist In tbe United States will rtcommend E’ixirof Dues if yon need a gentle and rtliablr laxative. If jonr liver ia inactive vou can’, hope for gaod health nutil yon ‘ regulate the regulator” bv taking seme safe remedy. E'lzir of Dates ia j ust what you need. Give it a trial. S.ld in 50 i»ut bottles by W. W. Irwin. W. E Wil liams, John Lacghlin and C. R. Gaetze. J. T. Goodwin A Co. and Logan A Co., Wholesale Agents. | jr*« ywritofarcitte. T1TANTED-A good girl for general YY housework Enquire at No. 116 South : Penn street, Island. oc&I | Tj^OR SALE—POSY, PH A ETON AND UAH I? tiers Enquire at lC.ii Jacob street. o<M_ ! TjiOP. KENT-A NEW K.H'R ROOMED House L1 with hall, liOI Wood street. Apply at MRS. TCCKER, 101 Sixteenth sneer. octr C5TRAYBD—A BLACK HOG STRAYED ON O my farm last week. Owner can have same bv proving property ami paying for I his ad ver tlrement. BENT. BOWMAN, LoDg Run, Ohio, COU- tV. OCAs AITANTKD—BY CLEVELAND. LORAIN A W Wheeling Railway Company. ten experl-, enced freight brakemen at once. Apply to G. W. NORRINGTON, Yard Master, Bridgeport, 0. ocib___j TTTAN 1 ID .'I! CATION AS BOOKKEEPER V V or Eutrv Clerk, Address ‘C.,’’ Kkgistek office.____ oc3s | Wanted-at the elm grove coal Mi e* F..rtv more good I’ulou miners. W. T. CHAMBERS & CO._OClV ! 17X)R~RKST-F0I R ROOM FRAME HOIISE. P Illuminating and natural gas. Possession given immediately. Enquire at 738 Market St. oc2h _j AGENTS Should Write for Illustraed Circu lars, terms and two weeks’ tria1 of Missouri steam Washer Washes dirtiest clothisclean by hot steam wit bo t rubbing. Easily sold and profitable. J. WORTH St. Louis, Mo. sel8WaSat-jb_ ___ (^PIRITUALISM. H. G Fie!d, trance speaker and platform test medium will lecture In Grand Army Hall, on Sunday morning, at 10:30o’clock, and evening at 7 o'clock. All those desirous of hearing the truth oa this great and important mbject are in vit d to attend, ns they can be assured of satis faction. octir ROYAL Semi-Porcelain. The Finest Quality of English White Ware. EWING BROS.. 00.7 1215 Market St., opp., McLure House. PUREJCE! Ol’R ICC FACTORY IS NOW IN FILL ANI) succes.ful ojieration, turning out thirty six tors p.r day of perfectly PORE, CLEAR SOLID ICE! —MADE FROM— DISTILLED Film WATER AND NOTHING EI.SK. We sre now prepared to suoply dealers in any quantity desired. Consumers ar-respectful in t.'rmed that cur lee cau be obtained f-om the fallowing dealer-: B vl.I. BROS , ACG KiRCli* Gi-SsNKit, KOEHNL SK BROS., in Wheoing au-t ic-idgeporq B« > hi- YS I ! KI. A BUI DKNSTINE ami M WA I.I.ACK, in Beilaiie. We guarantee t > mr Dh Ice bi tter in every respect thau wa iver before s.-en iu this ii’k -Land at as reason ai 1* a price. We respectfully solicit the patron- ; age of the community. WHEELING ICE A STORAGE CO 0Ct5q____ NEW FIRM THR UNDERSIGNED H W/NQ THIS DAY asssiciated with them our former boo» eeeper, Mr. S. X, Him, in the Lake Ice, Coal, Kish and Oy*t-r bnsimss, underbid hr in name ,»f G. Crum backer & Go , we solicit for the new :irm the same pstroiiH .• • heretofore extended to ns CRUM BACKER & TKa-IULK, Cor. Sixteenth and Chapline Street*. Wheeling, W. V». Having Bloviated otirvlvcs together In the Lake Ire, Coal, Kish ami CUstcr ' usiue r we earnestly solicit the patronage of our friends, [’riel's to su.t the times. G. CRUM RACKER A C.A., Cor Sixteenth ami Cba liuc Street.*, Telephone 15. w heeling, W, Va. NOTICE. All perrons knowing tin ms-Ives Inhibit' 1 to he late lirru of Cruinbacker A T« asdale, or K. r- asdale for coa , are r.ercby requested to call tud se. lie at one*' oc5 CRUM SACK E R & TKASDALK, I. CEV It PACKER. P. T. TEASOALE S Jt. HIRST. G. CRUMBACKES & CO, Dor. Sixteenth & Chapline Sts. i WHEELING W. VA., DEALERS IN _ake Ice, Pittsburgh and Home Coal, SLACK HARD COAL, FISH, OYSTERS &c Ktuis to Spit the Times. 49-Call and see us. k5 Telephone 15. ! HENRY JACOBS’, People's Bank Bcii.diko. Good i) la’.l'y Red B'ankcts. {.’ *9 a pair Good Out'ity White Blankets.. 1 50 Good'fuilitv Grey Blankets.... 1.50 “ Good Quality Carpet at. .10 a yr'd I Nice hi wered Carpel at.'JO " Extra Nice Rug* at. 50 piece Lart;e Sized Rugs Very Choap. Comforts. Pillows Bolster*. Feathers, Mats and Window Biinds, Very Cheap at liKNKY JACOBS.' GREAT BARGAINS IN -WHITE Btl) SPKE4DS Lots For Sale Id Crawford Heights, l tRAWKORD HEIGHTS IS THE NAME given V to a plat of lar.d containing about forty air; *, situatedon the Dili b«ck of the .Etnaand Standard Iron work* J lie 1 > s v <rv In size f ont half an Rive to four a'vc*, ami will be sold singl. or In blocks Some of the p nperty i« already in vinet, srd all of it Is well ad ipted to the growing of fruit and berrict. The ocatIon. while near the raids, factories and railroads in the va iey. is yet above and to • youd their smoke, notte, and other disagreeable feature*. It is beal'hful, ailords a tine view of river ard the surround! g com try, and Rdmirably com b tits the advantages of town and country. No more desirable location for private resi dences can be found The propeuy will be sold at rkaiocab!e prices and ou easy term* For further particulars Inquire of K. r HOW Ell . Bridgeport, O. ABRAM LASH Martin'S Kerry, O. J J HOLLOW aY, 1st ’'al'l Batik B idgeport. W. ". GRAHAM, at office of Standard Iron Co. W. 11 TAI.LMaN, at oiUceot .Etna iron and i tnpa: . • eb isJClIOOL KOOKS, elates, School Bags, P^ns. Ink, Writing Paper, Pa's. Slate and Lead Pencils Anything nt eded by a school boy or girl Books, New* papers, Magazines and Sta tionery. C. H. UUIMBY, te7 No*. 1414 and 1507 Market Strest. C/3 CD CD CD CO C/3 C/2 M CD CD C/3 mat CD CO CD CD » CD M >• >-o m WE ARE SHOWING Everything New In DRESS GOODS AND’ CLOAKS, KNIT AND WOVEN -•UNDERWEAR All grades In White, Scarlet and Grey, for Ladies, Gen lessen and Children. «rDr. Warner’s Celebrated Sanitary Under wear «c-Be‘t mat;sof Country Blanket*& Flannels GEO, M SNOOK i II, 1110 Main Street, ocleAd Wlieelln*, W. V». __— _I 0C5q__ A PPLE PARERS. We have the b:st Apple l‘*rer, Corer and Slieer on the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GEO. W. JOHKHOH’8 HOWS, rep!7 1210 Main street. TD1NEHAR V A TATUM, Xl gVCOESSOBS TO Wal'er H Rinehart. Real Ps'ate Agents and Brokers. 11G! Market stre.t. heal Estate an • Storks bought and sold. Hons.-* Rented and R nlB collected. Money loaned on Real LsUte General Agents for the Germania Company of New York and the .Etna I'lre In surance Company of Hartford. 1 clepnone 219.___ccl> - TIJST opened: t) AS KLKGAST AND LAEGE LINE OF Tea and Dinner Ware, Chamber Sets, and a great varhly of Fancy Goods, at reason ab’e prices. Cal. and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere.^ % yHlfnru scp27 U19 Main A 1122 Water streets^ GREAMEJtOUTTER. We are tole agents for the BARNESVILL CREAMERY BITTER. It U the Quest made. Received dally. Try It. I’m* our fresh ronaletl C'oflec mnl |.ure Ten. After using » sack you will wantabaircl of our genuine GOLD DUST FLOUR CONNER 6c SNEBEKEB. m;12 Cor. Market and Fourteenth streets. /AFFICE OF THE ^'LERK OF W the > ounty Court, Ohio County, State of West Virginia. In the matter of the probate of the will of Michael O’Leary, deceased. this ttli day of October, A. D. It'S), Kate OL eary. filed tier petition asking for the probate of the will of Michael O’ Leary, deceased; and i: appearing by said petition and an affidavit tifi <1 herein that Cornelius O’Leary. Arthur OLeary. James o’Le»ry, and Patrick <> Lears, are non-residents of the .state of Wist Virginia, it is therefore ordered that the aforesaid person* di appear within one month from the first pub lication hereof and do what is necessary to pro tect tin ir interest in this matter. (Published the first time October 5th, lfv59.) GEORGE HOOK, Clerk. Pawcbi. Nesbitt,Jr .Attorney. cc5oawt Gash CapiralTwo^il ion Dollars. Insure Vour Property With tho Phoenix-of-Haitfoid. Cash Assets to Jan, 1st, ’89--S5,061,247.17 Money to loan on Real Estate rccurity. Three roomed house on lot lOxloO— Sl.ftOO. CEO. J. MAT HI SON, sjpl7 1210 Chanllne Street. fypLAINS’ Pectoral Syrup Is jn-t what you need to relieve u Coimli «r Cold, acd a* it cnita ns uo morphia or opium, cau be taken wills perfect safety by the young nr old Every person recommends it. Sold by most dealt rs. Manufactured by s 'j'2-i Mol.AIN UROTHKRM. 2^U£iEir^iSj^iS*aSSaESaSBiBflB08« EARLY Henriettas, Cashmeres, and Serges, In tho New Colorings, Now Opened by 1152 Main Street. au9 rewimi^Tj«s»aBB= Attention, Sportsmen i WK HAVE JD8T RECEIVED A HIE LIKE Of BREECH LOADING GUNS, Including RlUes of all klnd«, and both Single and Double Barrel Shot Guns, ranging In price from ftt.fio to fcioft each. Our "PRIZE MACHINE" GUNS are (he best value for tho money lu the vrorld. Call and see them at I. G. DILLON & CO.’S. tJ’-Wc arc Headquarters for leaded Shells. led___ rpAHLE KNIVES AND FORKS —asp— Rogers' Silver Plated Ware. A largo line of very desirable styles aid at very low prices, at NESBITT & BRO.’S, ter 25_ 1.112 Margot Street. $*8 _i g UN PRIES. R. H. LIST’S. 1010 Main Street. ocl ______2. -VJUSICAL INSTRUCTION. Prof. H. J. Arbenz will beat his music rooms, 1318 Market street, (Tangle’* Block, on Friday and Saturday, October 4th and 5th, from 9 to 1'J o’c ock in the morning, and 2 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon, to arrange with bis pupils and such persons desirous ot thorough in.truction Will resume 1 attraction on Monday, October 7th. _oc-t Night School! An excellent opportunity for those who cannot attend the day sessions, tu acouire an education The work is so &r ratgedthatno one ever s> deficient need fee l any embar,a*<ment l.adies in attendance. Ca.l COLLEGE. ^^DISSOLUTION. ; sent on the first day of 0< t b?r.]»v in<. Mr Lain retiring. The business will be continued under the same firm name h; Thomas B McLain and Louisa A McLain. Accounts of the* late firm 1 will be settled by the new firm J. G. McLain, ■f. B McLain. T B McLain, oc4erdi| Executor of R- B McLain J. B. ACKER. M. E. ACKER. J. R. ACKER & CO., (JuccoMors to J. R Acker ) i No. 115 Sixteenth Street, —pkalers in— jay Hay. Com, Oats, Mill Feed, k I have associated with me as a partner M. E. Acker. The a> ove business will be conducted under the firm uanierf J. K. Acker d: Co Thanking my enstomets and the jubllc gen erally lor their liberal patronage In i he past, I hen by solicit a continuance of the same for our new firm. J- R- ACKER. OCT. BEB 3,1S.-9. °c3s c.hTcr REQUIRED READINGS FOR I&S9-90. BOUND IN CLOTH. Ontlineof Roman History. Joy.SO 70 Prt paratory and College Latin Couras in English, 1 Vol, Wilkinson. 1 39 How to Judge a Picture. Van Dyke..... CK> The Bible and other Literature of the Nine teenth Century. Townsend.-.. 40 Physics. Steele ..1 00 An" Introduction to political Economy. Richard T Ely, Ph. D.1 00 Bonks prrSct. prepaid.S5 00 #e*Ten percent, discount aliowd on cash or der lor FIVE COMPLETE SETS ordtrej at one time. Ex prevssgj not prepaid. Tub CtfAUTAUitUHN. 82 00 hTA.M O.N A l>4 VHM’OKT, o d No. 11Cl Market Street |^*NOTI< E, To Holders of \S. Va. Exposition and Stale Fair Association Bonds. Notice ts hereby given to the holders of Bonds NV P. 22, C, 29, 7,10 and 1C, issued by the West Vlr glnia 1 xposlUon and Slate Fair Association, that they having beeu drawn by lot, the money for the payment of the ptincipalan.l acniucd Interest on said bonds has been deposited liy sa d assort at!.ui intho Peoples’ Bank of Wheeling. W. Va The holders of said bonds are Tequtslid to pro Rent the 'HCDeatsaid Back for payment, on or before October 17th. ISM), when the interest will ccasc, according to the terms of the Deed of Trust CEO. W. KCKHAKT, Jb., oclei Trustee. Proposals For Convict Labor. Moc.ntwviu.e, W. Va., Beptembrr 25. IkS?. CJEALED PROPOSAL WILL BE RECEIVED O bv the Superintendent of tha West Virginia Penitentiary,until 12o’clock meridian otiTnea il»j, Oi'.oIiit *3, for the lal.or of from fifty to one hundred convicts for a term of three or rive veara. Th- Board reserves the riRht to rsjcct any or all bids. By order of'lie Board of Directors. Forfurtlirr particulars address, THOS. J. JOHNSON, se28,29,005,0,12,13,19,23 Superintendent. PURELY VEGETABLE. CURES and PREVENTS Dyspepsia, Milaria. In digestion, and .-II Bowel Complainls. 'Jnequaled is an Appetiser, and as a Tonic fer the Weak. S-i!,I hi/ Crnrrrx, liriii/i/istx. it ml Ifi al IT!I rrrrf/irin ri , 'SFF»Rf" i\0 fOttCD OkLT E> Hie Ifi.fTbrinirr |!i«tillin-r f». CINCINNATI. O. the. Illttpra Itroulr.* No l.luiiur II.-I ler*. !.I. ECHAEFER & DKlKtlORST, anJOeodsb Agents, Wheeling, W. Va. HINDERCORNS. Th* only suro Cmv for Corn?. Stop? all p.iln. Fn«nrc? oomfort to the foot, 15c. at Urnggirt*. I Unco x& Co.. N. Y. "^YOTT CONSUMPTIVE! FTavp you Cough, I it* 1 iti , /-Mima. Indlfrt .-tion J Uco PARKER’S GINGER TONIC. It ha* cared the worn cn * 4 arm h t]*•? o* *. remedy fur nil ills arnuff Xruia (lcliclivo nutrition, lake m time. 60c. and fl.uu (Educational HPHE STEUBENVILLE, O., Young Ladies' Seminary Opens geptemhpr tTIli. With best of ad vantages tu Social. English, Music and Art I e pertinents, acd with an experienced native French teacher. Address REV. DR. and MR*. A. M. RFID, Principals. MRS SANFORD, Co-Principal. oc2a Boarding; and Lay School for Yitun^ Ladies and Children. Thorough course ok instruction in English, Mathematics, Ancleut and Mod eru Languages, Music, Drawing, Painting. Klo union, and Calisthenics. Advantages of homt it ■ and training. Kail session begins Wednesday, September 4tb. 18<y. Address MISS PAKKAN. Principal, JyleAdtb No. 100 Twelfth street. Ivon luiiori'S. HEAVY SIli-iKT IRON WORKS, Chimneys, Britohens, Tanks, Lifeboats, and ail kinds of Rolling Mill, Glasshouse and Steamboat work. Estimates fu uished on application. C. H. MILLER, my!5 1126 Water Street fjhotojrHghg. ARgenso PHOTOGRAPHEB. Atelier, No. 1205 Market Street. Attention Given to *!1 JInwlri?5. VfyTM HARE A SON, KSACTICAi Plumbers, GasanfiSteam Fitten 33 Twelfth Str eet. 1U ~otk don# prompU7at mot: riJL*onab:u prtrt | Urb» C. Sfa^sBAiieta. Chit. R. KcKcw? Joe kps Lcn. tfausbarger, Lotz &. McKown -PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, m ana STEM FUTFIB 37 Twelfth St., Wheeling, W. T*. **-Es<iisa'.o« furnished. All work dons ai reasonable rates. oc-lead TRIMBLE & LUTZ. Gcka Ov;n & Engine Supplies, Iron Pipe and Fittings. Brass Valves and Cocks. Injectors and Syphons. Steam and Water Gauges. Plumbing Gas and Steam Heating. 1116 A HIS Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. ( sepr. 1 JUic ^dwrtisfnuuts.___ GEO. E. STIFEL & CO. ANNOUNCEMENT. Saturday, Oct. 5. To all persons in any way interested in SEAL SKIN GARMENTS, or fine Fur Novelties, we respectfully announce that we have a representative of the house of A. E. Burkhart & Co., renowned Furriers of Cincinnati, with us THIS DAY ONLY, with a full line of Seal Skin Ul sters, Sacques, Walking Jackets, \ ic toriennes, Muffs, Capes, &c. Also, Fur Sets in Otter, Beaver, Polar Bear, &c. o one should miss seeing this line of eoods—all warranted. Re o member, this is the last dav. SEE THE ELEGANT -Turk - Satin - Umbrella 28-inch Paragon Prame and Nat ural Wood 1 Iandles, F0R$2.50 r ■ 1114 MAIN STREET. 4[r$ir & Sertochip-^urrtuur* and Ca^ftg. SHOW US THE UAH WHO SAID "THERE IS ALWAYS 11 ST THE TOP," LEADING THE TRADE STANDING HIGH ABOVE ALL COMPETITION, WE FIND THE CROWD IS STILL WITH US Yet we cry for rrore. Our NEW FALL STOCK 15 immense, our BAR GAINS unlimited. In the quick rush of Fall trade EverythingSoes at a Rock-Bottom Price! Come in Everybody and for once in your life see what Quality and Style really means in FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, •--AND household Qecorations. These Goods Are as You Like Them in All Respects PRICES PARTICULARLY PLEASING —WE GUARANTEE SOLID SATISFACTION—WE GIVE IT— Frew <fc Bertschy, No. 1117 MAIN STREET. Jur!*itnrc and o’arprts ONCE INSIDE OF OCR STORE and you will be convinced that our claims of superi ority are based upon tacts as solid as tlie stubborn rock. One trial will prove that -Our Goods Are The Best There can be no more said. Nothingcan be better than the best. On top of that we put the undisputed fact that our pr ices arc down below any prices that can be put on a like grade of goods. WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE FOE YOUR MONEY than you ever did get, or ever can get elsewhere. Y\ e propose to prop our business with the two pi Hers “umst and ‘‘best” on the foundation ot lowest prices. G. MENDEL & CO., -DEALERS IN Furniture and (jjarpets, TSSC. 112-4 MAIN STREET. ®cTUNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. STORE OPEN' UNTIL 9 P. *•*«« | i _ - Jmaimnitj. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday, October 5, )889. New and Sc eamlugly Y' miy, JT. O. BTEWAIlT'a FAT MEN'S CLUB COMEDY COMPANY, In J. C. Stewart's latent mtisLsl comedy in 'our acts, entitled the FAT MEN’S CLUB -Z<—URTISTS—Z4--ARTISTS—Z4 IncldiMtal operatle selection*. Nov, mental soloa 1‘arlor acrobatic ent< r Me’leys, Ulecn, Dances d > mechanical ctfe<’ mrAdmission,75au 1 -'<0Ct•• • • k . SI 00. Sale of sea's t omn: tober?d. atC. a. liou-e n r: OPERA HOUSE. -LIMITED ENCAGEMLN1 ■ TWO NIGHTS ONLY Munday and Ttte«ilay Ktenin^s, (it t ; The Idol of the Fun-loving PuMic Ami Hep Splendid Com i|> (’oMij.iiiv. UNDER THE Mt.\j , MR. HARRY PHILLPS, In the Latest Laughable >> -■ (Consancted for Laughing I'c All the I.atoet .-'engs, MeJl. > „ Sparkling Mimic, Funny Co. ... ^Pretty it (^irls‘;» IAe-iilvanc'' *a!e of ‘tan open, K 1 lug, October l:h, at < A H. iKi am*., ■ Admliedon, and V) eta Kifomd • »t ; • 'OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. ,Wednesday, October 91k, * I Wouldn't Mist it For Nine Dollar*. TIIB POPULAR ARTISTS, HALLEN AND HART It’ndrr the Mn*iarem< nt nf Mr HAKRYII SK in tbe Siijx-r!, I-arco Conidy f cm :, c I • . ,•( '! GK.vTl'A \ ROdNHLi.Y, emit c l LATER ON! Hparkllng Mudc' B;lIliaM Marche*' I ■ -antIf Dance*' KxiiUlHle C< Kumo' ProtyGIrb In cal HougC Trie Mexican K'tiuadi Ifco Kiu>, tinting Gavetu THE GREAT COMPANY. Hr. Fred Halim Mr. Jor Hart th i a I a M!h* Jorlo Hal , Mi r I ,<*ra ZnufrvUit, MIm Liilie Maehl, Ml ' • - Ml*, j, amn c.u Pageant Me* ..mi • c v.ianl, Ml** Virginia Karl, M'- Kulekt uhn Mr.JohnT.Kelly, Mr Kobe.Broderick, Mr.Cha«. T Vitu cDt, Mr. <1. lbi*tui ,m, Mr Frcd'k Gagi 1, Mr. I Ima. KetCef. aa-Admliribn, and Ml r • t- R< m-«v, *■**111,(100 bale iif s. a * roirmci <*•* Mon ay, October 7lh, at C. A Hoilac'k innate *mn GRAND OPERA HOUSE. O. C. GKKTHXB 1UKKK milllTS AND SYTITillAY HHIVM Cuuiiumi'lng on Thurvlay Earning, iMaher I HOWELL & OEBERT Comedy Company. In tic Kunul -to.' > Mm ai Come die?, A Great Company if Ci.medlar*. Vo< a -t- < their own GRAND ORCHKSTKA arid LKA-B HAM 4*-Admin-ion. I.*.. il. and ftO r» tit* lb*, teal* on nale «t McLuro Hi ii"'Hat and Kur: Ing biore •, i GRAND OPERA HOUSE. o c ■ 1 liirf \’i*:hN aii’t Unlaf'«1a, Nutlufi*.« umiufB* to^ MotuUy Kvrnlnjr,0« tuber 7ffc. 1 UK COMKDI Ah>, -HF.UBEKT AMI .UiK IAWTH0KN Under th* direction of Hkad\ a iuruuod, pn* svntinic the Bfutical Comedy w»* • ^ LITTTLE NUGGET! Kewrlltrti f r ». **<>ti !*• * 1 New and S|.srii i:i,i Mn-u < «' • ■>' • • * Pretty i ad e»! N log* Wonderful betide HI- * Larger. Greater.Stronger flian Ever **-Adini-Mnn, I ' sent* on kale a*. MeLurc Hm • Hat and KuniDh lug B ore. n,,> dolholfsalf t>»r rtrr M. Reilly, —WHOLESALE— GROCER. PORK PACKER AND COKER OF THE Celebrated “Strawberry Hams, FLOUR! I CHRISTIAN IIIIOS/ lirauil, 31 iuiH'.'tpnlin FHlriil. TAYLORS* PAT LYT ami “ill'* Fami'y. WILLlAWS’Oioli'eOlil© I itniily. A:; I nuny o$hr,r < ho »l.-nin!, i.f l.i. j in rto-.k an<l nc Ina?. ROAS 7EQC0FFEES “Alafom*,’’ “Arbackfc*-* “Lion.” *' ' own roaaiol ‘Olil Woman, ' 'florid H”* ' 1 [ !oc*e :oa*t. wSo* Aaent f.r the PMlNwdcrfetlia, ■ ^ • cnutiantlr In roanazin • OnVr« ■ ilt-altra oiiiv. A.wi Taunt Htmj>, < •' WHtfrrwiiorj-aVty E _. guilders and tflaierial r>_ XI- bayha, Maiiufaeltrer o' and lkaltr in 6ALVAMZKD IKON t.'UKNK'K. Window Cape, Ac. Sheet Metal < ■ Tin Ecoflug, Spouting a:<1 al! kind!' SHEET IRON rir 2 Mo. 1817 Nod Hi nic • Wheeling, w ; Telephone i-.nnoctlon. _ 1 • ‘ - J H. ROSENBERC , CONTRACTOR AND ST* NK MASON ■ Sill Nod ill Nlroel, Wli cllinf. s Sole Agent for the Celebrated UK ■ <iIt IDE POETI.A I* » EDI * 1 ___— ^Iramship (TicMs rpo EUROPE, Via the Azores. S g vicTOKIA. *f the Anchor ' •«„ tol.T Ihlh.from .New Aork v N“t aninwn,iM imwi m® For further Am at. H. F. BhUKENA. street