Newspaper Page Text
flfljrrling J>sfrr. WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. PvaUSHlKS tsn PHOSRirTVlIUl_ j I AS. B TASKY. UmtiaAL MaNA««« To Mr James E. Campbell, ol Ohio: Bnlly boy. Stick to 'em! Tub Knights Templars carried the Na tional Capital by storm yesterday. W K liKu to inform the esteemed InttllG iitHctr that the plural of Knigbt Templar is not "Knights Templar,” bat Knights Templars. Jr DO ISO from the darried and unintel ligible condition of the Cincinnati Com - Onz '* editorial page, Fora k. kb ia already in theeonp. Yor su America is no respecter of per sona. As Postmaster General Wasa makkr was leaving chnrch in Philadel phia last Sunday an nrchin accented him with, ‘ Hello, John, old boy, how aie yoo?” Mr. WaSamakkr showed bis gcod sense and discreetness by not getting msd. He donbtlees knew he wonld get the worst of it if he did. 1IAL9TKAD still insist* that Toi'P was insane when be wrote hi* celebrated letter to Contractor Campbell Topp wrote it in Jane. Why, then, bas Fokakkr al lowed a lunatic to remain a member of the Cincinnati Board ti Pablic Affairs ever since'? Was it because of his alleged weak mind that Furak sr selected Topp as hie t-ptca! tool? No way it can be put lets FOEUKKU cut. _ The agony « over, and three gcod and capable citizens are elected to till the office of Gas Trustee* for the ensuing term. In fact ail the candidates were of exception ally Rood material so that there can be no rtil.'ction on the unsuccessful Rentlemen. The question of success resolved itself simply into which set of candidates for the offi.-ee within the gift of the Trnsteee had the strongest “pall” upon Council, and it wems that what is known as the Darrah interest has knocked the p»reimmon*. A New YuRKevemog paper has become so exciitd by tho exaggerated stories sent abroad a^ont the Hatfield McCoy f«od, that it calls on the Reneral government to send sddiers down there—not ordinary soldiers, for the excited editor believes these Hatkieles and McCoys to bs snch terrible fellows that they wooid thrash the 1' S Army into mince meat: he wants volunteers from amooR the hardy Indian lighters of the West, lijesn’t this wild eyed editor know that the Reneral govera ment can not of ite own acoord interfere in d-.ate aft'lire? Our cente-nporary should saak bis brad. OI K OKKAT DANOKU In a siirruiR speech in New York recen tly the Hon. CflADHCKY F. Black, of Pennsylvania, raised a danRer signal, of which every pitriotic citizen of the Tailed Sts'ei should take special herd. He said: • What is the fact ? All that is left of iocal 11b ci iv. ol personal liberty, of State rights, of home lie, of freedom tn trade, of purity In elections, -cue to the con*native efforts of the Demo atlc party to defend the Constitution of ITS? aRaiusttho assault* of (.-overt enemies of the na t'.ou now united under the name ol the Republi can party, loudly clamoring tor the public good, • ut all the time workioi! for private gain and In . r.-aaiug the burdens of the many fur the benefit of the few. The maprity of the people are against U to day but (t has become so intrench ed by unjust laws and by ihe usurpations of po'.ver, and the deliberate plot to place the Sen ate a- an struetlon to reform that It is n >w mure apparent than ever that Samuel J. Tli-len was right wheu herald It would rr-jUirv a ms’ r ity of at least two third* of all the people to di* iodge the usurpers from thetr formidable en tnnchmentx" In the result of ths last election the ountry had a foretaste of what must come it the people do not rise np and by a mighty effort crush the life out of the rapidly growing minster, Plutocracy, that oa- their liberties already within its Pght eLicR lolds. With a 100,0ft) majority on the side of Democracy and constitutional covernotenf, id that contest, the minority won throogh the power of money. A few rich men carried the election their way ag inet the people Every victory makes the rich and powerfal few richer and more powerful end the mass of the people vieiker aid pooier. It will not belong at this rate until the prophetic words ot Sami'el J. Tildes will be actually real / <1, and a two-tbirds majority of all the people will be necessary to snatch cunsti tnt onal government from atter destruc tion. This is the drat mission of the Democratic part;. to preserve government by the peo ple, for the people. AN K\ KM I* UK OK FOKTIC JUSTICE. That justice, unaided by ham in law, sometimes overtakes a man on thi*» earth is tolly ezempitfied to the ease of Dr. Wit M. Baird, which is detailed in another column. Two year* ago last winter Kami' was Speaker of the New Jersey Hoose of Representative*. He la now strogglirg for a livelihood as a driver of a New York street car. i hat B.URD deserves his fate and a much worse one will be denied by nobody who reads his political record in New Jersey. F ading himself, daring the Senatorial fight, in a position to command the situ* turn, to detest bus own party and aid the Republicans, he took advantage of it to sell oat to the highest bidder. He left the position rich, hat thoroughly despised by even the Republicans who bongbt him. He could to longer find a foothold or a triend in all New Jeisey. He separated . ni his family and left the State. Tbongh r -b, his ill gotten gains profitted him nothing, bis fate unrelentingly pursued him, uot'l now he is a penniless street nr driver. And the man whom this traitor defeated for the United Slates Senate two years ago, Lios Abisrt, is now the Democratic candidate for Gover nor of New Jersey, with success within bis grasp. lc is a neat and well ronnded little tale of ooetic justice from teal life. It is pleasant to ndict that even in politics there are tew men eo despicable and altogether base as this Dr. Wm. M. Baird, late speaker of the New Jcreef 11 wuse of Representatives. There is sel dom a close legislature in which bribery is not attempted, hot, happily for our confi dence in mankind, it is very seldom a per son is found who will sell h:s principles lor money, and those who do, meet a fate of a character more or less like that of Baird; they aie at least deep.sed and ostracised by honest men. At the last session of the legislator of this State the parties were divided even more ev.-nly than they were in the New Jersey legislature. Democratic aftcceas hang on one vots. Bat, though great pressure was brought to boar, every Democrat remained as true as steel. The Weet Virginia brand cf Democracy is true bine. SUK1NKA.UK of farm values. There is an alleged controversy going on between the Pittabnrg Post and the Qm mercutl-Gazette relating to the rapid shrink age of farm value?. The Commercial Gazette save that farm values are sot shrinking, and that the farmer is more prosperous than ever noder his high taxes. Since the Commercial Gazette persistently refuses to publish the facts or the records of sale, or to show any part of the other side of the queeticn, we soppose it will be useless to cite any farther instances of the shrink age of farm values with the hope of con vincing that icconviucible j rurcal. Nev ertnelece, the truth is the truth, and al ways is worth airing. The Pktkb Dkla plaix farm on Short Creek, which, geographically, is in the territory under dircassion by our Pittsburg contempora ries, was sold the other day at public sale. It consisted of 249 acres, and broog'it {8,400. This is at the rate of not quite {31 an acre. We have every reason to believe, from the decrease of the value of farm land in the same territory, that as late as fifictu years ago this farm would have brought at least double this amount. A 260 acre farm of tine land, supplied .frith good bnildiogs, situate near Martiosburg, in Berkely ounty, W. Va., recently sold, it is reported, at public sale for {"> an acre! The reason of this Hteady shrinkage ot farm values is apparent enough. The price of everything the farmer sells has been and is on the down grade, while that of almost everything he bays is on the op grade, his taxes likewise. His crops won’t support him. The manufacturer is simply drawing to himself everything the farmer possesses The next thing the lat ter knows he is minus even his farm, which is owned along with thousands of others by Kistern capitalists who hold the mortgages. Under these conditions it is not to be wondered at that the farmer is generally willing at any sacrifice to sell oat and move to town. Hence the shrink age of farm values. So< V»ty Uueh Choice. Spirit if J‘ fir son. Oen. Groff’s friends talk of him for a Cab inet position or seat on the Supreme Court bench. We have seen no expression from President Hirnson on this subject, how ever, and in the meantime the great Gen eral rests nnessily under “the broad shield of American liberty,” aod declares *T will either be rhi-f executive of my State or a private cit'zeo.” As between the two, most certainly the Utter. The General litre Hard. Ft. PUaMint Rtjittir. Goff is still blowiog about what he will do if the Democrats persist in relieving him of the imported Virgiuia votes cast for him We suppose the next thing we know he’ll be sounding the bngle note, “To arms!” The General dies hard. Fleming will be Governor. The Republi r m hood It rs and tricksters ure foiled in their attempts to steal this State. MAKTIN’rJ FKKUY. An Interesting Budget of Local News Yesterday there were 675 yards of pav ing laid. M. sers. Cochran & Malone de serve eredit for the manner in which they are doing the work. The carve or slope from gutter to gutter is almost p?rfect. House to R-uL — Five roomed house, and if desired several acres of land. Pos «*-s-*ion given immediately. Apply to Wra. Clark, on premise?. The Ep-.scopauau Church purchased the pews for their new church eo Walnut treet, yeeterdav, from the Grand Kapids Furniture Company. Walter Mason, who has besn working lor 8. W. Vr-nny at the Aetna Mill, leu yesterday for Xenia, O , where he is goiug to attend college. Dr. Helwig, of Springfield, delivered a very able discussion on the prohibition question to an audience of about 600 last evening. Miss L. Reid and Mies Millie Cleaver, of Mt. Pleasant, were in the city yesterday the goes is of Mrs. C. W. Thompson in the Grove. M. H McNabb, of Wheeling, advance agent for the Cold Day Company, was in the city yesterday, snaking bands with his friends. Miss Minerva King, of Mt. Pieasaut, who has been visiting her friend Miss Rosa Ricbison, returned home yesterday. Col. Smylie Sharon, of Mt. Pleasant, and Dr Francis, of Cleveland, were regis tered at the Hotel Maywocd yesterday. J. W. Bemis, cf Grand Rapids, Mich., agent lor the Grand Rapids FomitnreCo., wee in the city yesterday. Quite a number of glass workers left yes terday for Greensbnrg, Pa., where they have received positions. Mrs Ziller and Miss Aahrod, of Hart ford, N J , are in the city the guests of Mrs. G. A. Hoyle. Arthur and Howard Hoyle, of Califor nia, are in the city the gnests of Mrs. B. W. Negus. Misses Marry and Jane Fletcher, of Mt Pleasant, were the gnests of friends yes terday. Dr. Willard Bracken left yesterday for Salt Lake City, U'ab, where he expects to locate. Reserved seats will be on sale at Oag’s drng store to day instead of yesterday, as stated Dr. O'ter man, of Cffutnhus, was in the citv yesterday, on professional business. Mi-s Nr Hie and Stella Seta have re turned to their home tu Jeanette, Pa. John Hoyle and wife of Salem, O., are the guests oi Mrs. G A. Hoyle. T. J Thomas leave? to day for Minerva, to visit frieuds and relatives. Col Soother land, of Smitbtield, is in the city on business. Mrs. Welch will remove to Steubenville to-day. “AGE CANNOT WITHER IIES,” remarked nn ol«l ntli man, as ho jr.i-' vl fondly ii|<on the comely I lit to «>>niun by his ■; "but frankly," ho continued, "at <'no turn I was afraid cosmetics would. The sdlv little woman, in order to api* ar youthful, plastered her ta*s- with differetit varieties of wf ;> ws.-!i, \ol' pt' balms. 'iwhihs,1 *1 lions,’ etc." “ Yes," iuterruptod the little woman, “ 1 did, until my skin became like |*archnicnt and •• > pimply and coarse.” **\V, 11," said tho listener, ""’fiat do vou uso now:" "Use,” was the reply. " nothin*- but common sense h ! Pr. IV n.v'8 Golden Medical Piscovery. Common sense told m that if my Mood was pun', liver active. appetite and durestiou iro<>d, that the outward woman would fake on the hue ef health. The * Discovery ' did ull those I thinkts ami actually rejuvenated roe.” If you I would |'os-- a char. to autiful completion, free from Motciics, pimples, eruptions, yellow spots and n.>u(thn< ss. use the "Golden Med !, d D»overy." It is guaranteed to do . or monel paid tor It will be promptly refunded. ' epy right, l.v', by ohld's Pis. Msix A.s»: proprietors of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Keinedy. U> us nuM, mH'tluuit and hcaimjt propertwlk it ' utvs the worst css* -, no matter of now icn£ standing. By druggists, 50 ceuts. Sweat-Groan-GrowL What else is to bt expected of the old fashioned way of blacking the shoes? Try the new way by using WOLFFS Acme Blacking and the dirty task becomes a cleanly | pleasure. ccpr right WolffsflCMEBlacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Sno^v. Shoes can be washed clean, requiring dressing only once a Week for men, once a Month for women. Ii is a!s . an Elegant Harness Dressing. WOLFF& RANDOLPH.PhiUdelphli bkiuukpobt. Stetl of New Tel«phone Connection*— Personal Gossip. There is a pressing? need here in Bridge port of having telephone connections with the Mayot's office and police headquarters. As things are fixed at present, if a fight should break out in JEtnaville, or if a burglary ebonld be committed in the West Eud, it would be necessary to (send a mes senger with the news to the police, and much valuable time is in this way often lost on account of having no telephone in the City Building where the officers could be called np. A citizen epeakiDg about this matter yesterday said: "There is no doubt that it would be money well invested for Council to place a telephone in the City Building. We often want to speak to the Mayor on city business or call up the police and find it impossible And if the police want to ring np the Wheeling force they can not do it because they have no telephone of their own and are not allowed the use of any other per ron’s. Council should by all means at tecd to this; it is oae of the greatest needs of town.” The Athletic Association will give a dance on Friday night in the Gymnasium, which has beeu completely remodeled and refitted, and which now has a most pleas ant interior This dacce is the first of the senes ot 1889. Ojo will hereafter be held every two weeks Prof. Charles Killmeyer has b?en engaged. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell and little daugh ter, of Kirkwood, left this morning for Chat'anocgs, Term , and other Southern cities. They will be gone for three or fjur A pleasant euchre party was given last night by Miss Nannie Duncan. A good lunch was ssrvtd and a most enjoyable time was spent by all. The pay car on the Cleveland and l’itts hurg railroad vi-ited Bridgeport yesterday and left a smile of happiness on the faces of the employes. Mr. Harry Cook was taken suddenly ill yesterday morning and was compelled to stop bis work. He had almost recovered last night. Riv C. C. Hays and Mr. C. M. Fisher have gone to Toledo to attend the meeting of the Ohio Synod of the Pretbyteiian Church. Mr. and Mrs. B. Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. C. Buchanan went to Pittsburg yes terday to attend the Exposition. Mrs. Nicholas Kuhn and Mrs. Tipton have retnroed from Delaware, O., alter a fonr weeks’ visit with friends. Miss Elsie Hall, who has been visiting Miss Nannie Duncan, ha* returned to her home in Eta'. End, Pitlsbnrg. Missis. W. L. Cook and C. Leatherwood attended the sale on Barnes’ farm, near sr ctatrsviiie, yesterday. Mrs William Graham has gone to New Lisbon, Ohio, to attend the faneral.of her father-in-law. The base ballists here will take in the Wheeling-Philadelphia game on the Island this afternoon. The police force beams on our people cow with nice new gold plated badges. Mr. Caarlea W. Brocknnier was in town yesterday calling on frierde. Rev. R L Smith, of New Athens, O , was in town yesterday. Mr. W. T Heweteon was down from St. Clairsville yesterday. MARRIED. WfllTAKFR-PARKS - At the residence of Mr Henry K. List, Tuesdav October 8th. at 3 o'clock p. m . bv the Rev. Ur. rushing, Jessie Kpoinoton Parks to AlbkrtCocdos Whitakk*. DIED. KITSON-Monday, Ooctober Ttb. 1SS9, at 8:20 o'clock p m., t harms J, son of George and Evllne Kitson. in his 17th year. Funeral from the residence of his parents, Ful'on, Ohio county, this (Wednesday) after noon at 2 o’clock. Frien is of the family are in vited to attend. Interment at Peuiusula ceme tery. ^wrtisrmfau. We wish to call attention to that great enter prise. »here one can see so much lor to little mo ey We advise our readers to take advan tage of the cheap transportation, and see the great exposition, and w ile visiting the s ster cities do not fail to look for number 82 Federal street. Allegheny, where one of the finest an most complete llutt r -tores can be seen in this country. You will convince yourself at a glance. th»t wheu you give your patronage to such a house yon are s ire to bo well treated and get value for your tnouey. The proprietor of said house- oanuot afford to hvpothcoate his reputa tion and do otherwise He co i'inucs to sell six year old pure rye whiske y at J1 00 per quart, or six quarts for $5 00. HU Silver Age has no equal, which ne a-I s at »1 50 per full quart All kinds of wines <r >m 50c. upwards, ann no extra charge for p> eking or shipping to any place. Send for hi« price list and catalogue and oblige, setl MAX KLEIN. PERSONAL. I MADAME GC GOFF, seventh daughter of h -crenth *oa boru with a Tell, tus arrived in the city from Ea-t, 'Vest ami South and taken , parlons at So 15 Kl-venth street, where she can he consulted ou the past, pr. sent ami future. Ad vice on *11 matters Tel's you what is best for y ur wellfare in business, love, domestic trou ble or loveattaiis All interviews strictly con tldeniial. office hours from 9 a m. to 8 p. in. Please walk upstairs. ocO c 10AL! COAL! The Celebrated Bridgeport Coal. Clean, Nut and Mixed, delivered to all parts of the city. Order by postal or telephone, from KOKHS UNE BROS, v>pl ieodvb Bn igeport, Ohio. Ju 'ST RECEIVED. CAPK COD CRANBERRIES, SPANISH ONIONS, JAMAICA ORANGES, I.AKK HERRING, FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER F. H&NAUER, seJS 1306 Market Street. GREAT BARGAINS AT HENRY JACOBS’, Psoras’* Bask Bcilpinc. Good Quality Red Blanket* ...SJ 59 a pair Good Qullity White Blanket*. 1 50 “ Good Quilitv Grey Blanket*.-. 1.50 “ Good Quality Carpet at.10 a yr'd Nice Fi wered Carpat at . .20 •* Extra Nice Rugs at.. .50 piece Large Sized Hugs Very Cheap. Comfort*. Pillows Bolsters. Feather*. Mats and Window Blinds, Very Cheap at HENRY JACOBS.' GREAT BARGAINS IN -WHITE BED SPREADS gftc JtoiriUtmittoi._ WASTED —POSITION A8 DHOG CLERK by Registered Pharmacist o! West Vir ginia 24 year- of age, single, a teetotler ca“ iurn §h ihn be*t of reference. Address P- "• 8.,” this office. 0(591 For rent—four room frame hoube. Illuminating and natural gas. Possession given immediately. Enquire at *35 Market cL oc2h_ T 03T OR STOLEN—A LIGHT FRENCH POO I l #le Pup, with brown ears,on Saturday alter uood, from No 131 Virginia street, Is and. A liberal reward will be paid for his return U)D. L. PRAG ER.___ AGENTS Should Write for Illustru ed Circu lars, terms and two weeks’ trial of Missouri Steam Waster Washes dirtiest clothes clean by hot steam wilhoit rubbing. Easily fold and profitable. J. WORTH, St. Louis, Mo. selSWaSat-yb____ IMPORTANT MEETING. A special meeting of the Chamber of Com merce is called for Thursday evening, October lotb. at 7:30o'clock, for ihe purpose oi consider ing the ma'ter of entertaining the gentlemen, who ii is exp.cted will visit our city-within the next few days-in the interest o( projected rail r \ar]t xi. yt'AKKlKKi President. V. M. 0. A. TOUKSE -or— Lectures anil Entertainments, OCT3BER 15-COL. L. F. COPELAND, Lwlara-“WHAT’STO HINDER?” NOVEMBER 1-JAHU DEWITT MILLER, Lecture—l‘l SEH OK I CLINLIH, DECEMBER 3d, The Wentmlmtter Concert Company. JANUARY 21—FREDERICK A. OBfcR, Lectuge—“SPAIN,” (illustrated). FEBRUARY 6lb, The Imperial <lui»rtet of Boston. FEBRUARY 25-IIOJr.SAM’L PUKLPS LELAND, I.eetnro-“STCCESH.” APRIL 1-Dk. JAMES UEDLEY. Lecture—*‘SrSXY NIDI. OF Lilt* Sustaining members ef the Association will be admitted tree. A number can secure a reserved sea* for 16 eeuts. Tick* tt will be sold to non members at ^0 ccets for sacb entertainment. Courte tieketa, with privilege of reserving seats, S’,53. Belt ran le re-erved ferilr-t i enure, Friday, Gctobtr 11th alter 2 p. m , at Y. M. C. A. Building. oCJa __ JpSj REWARD. Valuable Maro Stolen. From the premises of c e undersigurd, on Sat irday nig..t, September 28, 1889, an tight ytar ild light hay Mare, white stripe on nose and vhite . round right hind hoof; short tail, wart on ■aeh fide of breast .nd o eou left fore leg. The ibove reward will be paid for her return. ocSea S M. VtORK, Burgetlstown, Pa HAMBER WARE FINE ASSORTMENT At low prices. EWING BROS.. ocS 1215 Market 8t.. opp., McT.ure House. ’Pqjj? PURE ICE! Our Ice Factory is no* In full and successful operation, turning out thirty-six tons per day of perfectly Pore, Clear Solid Ice, MADE FltOM DISTILLED FILTERED WATER, AND NOTHING ELSE. We are row preparul to supply dealers in any quantity desired. Consumers aie respectfully informed that our Ice can tie obtained from the following dealers: BALL BROS., AUG. KIKCH CK-HNHK. KOEHKLISB BROS. N. KUHN, 10U1S ERNST, in Wheeling and Bridgebort, BONKYSTKEL A BRIDENsTINK and M WAL LACE, in Bellatre, and WM. SHAFER, Martin's Ferry, w'e guarrantee to furnish Ice belter in evtry reap cl than was ever before seen in this market, and at as reasonable a price We re spectfully so iclt the patronage of the community. WHEELING ICE & STORAGE C«. -fyJ-’LAINS’ Pectoral Syrup Is just what you need to relieve a Cough or Colil. and as it contains no morphia or opium, can be taken with perfect safety by the young or old Every person recommends it. Sold by most dealers. Manufactured by sep2i Kiel.AIN BROTHERS. Attention, Sportsmen! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FIE LINE OF BREECH LOADING GUNS, including Rifles of all kinds, and both 81ngle and Double Barrel Shot Guns, ranging In price from BS.AO to gioo each. Our "PRIZE MACHINE" GUNS are the best value for the money lu the world. Call and sec them at I. G. DILLON & CO.’S. *#-Wo arc Headquarters for I/iaded Sheila. Ie8 J U6T OPENED! AN KUCGAST ASI> I.AKiiF. USE OK Tea and Dinner Ware, Chamber Sets, and a great variety of Fancy Goods, at reason able prices. Call and examine goods before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN KK1EOKI, sep'J7 1119 Main & 1122 Water streets. NEW FALL STOCK Now Complete in Eteiy Department. \VK HAVE JCST PURCHASED THE ENTIRE LOT OK A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF Cloth Suiting! at a very low price, and we mean to give you the benefit of this great purchase. Our stock i ever before h»s been so large as now. and we can offer you special inducements now in all lines. Onrline cannot be excelled. Beautiful and Stylish Oarmems You will easily be suned and save money borides Last teason we doubled onr business in this line, and are determined to do better this sea-on. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! in.Inch All-Wool Serge. ;|5c. Scarlet All-Wool Blanket*. 82.00 1.4 Wood liroHn Muslin. Be. Hood Canton rlnunel. Bo. 40-Iucti c loth Suiting. 20c. TJNDERWEAIl. Largest and best s-ock at the lowest prices Best values in Camela’ Hair, l adies’ Sanitary' Men's Na ural Wool. Children’s Natural Wool and ail of the other cheaper grade*. Hen's' Cardigan Jackets All sizes and prices. BLaNKET*—Large stock, from 75c. to $10 00 a pair We advertise no goods at or less than cost, but sell with a small margin. Buy Dr. Scott's Electric Dress Form Corset We have the exclusive sale. 1132 MAIN STREET. OC-lSAd Jiw FALL AND WINTER GOODS! We h»ve Jun received our Fall stock of New Goods and we invite an earl> in spection of same. 0. H. WHEELER & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 1931 Market Street, Tp Stair*. au2<<l BASE BALL The Largest Attractions of the Season! WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Philadelphia vs. Wheeling. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, Pittsburgh vs. Wheeling. Burkett and Haller, and Morrison and Haller will be the batteries lor Wheeling Game called each day at 3:30 o'c.ock. Admis slon, 25c : Grand Stand, 10c. , , . . 1 he riteamer Bollatre will make ?p:clal trips to accommodate Bellalre and Ben wood pa runs. The Steamer Belle Prince and Barge will ferry people to a d from the Island._otodqes NEW FIRM. TtHB UNDERSIGNED HAVING THIS DAY J associated with them our former boot keeper, Mr. S. N. Hlr»t, in the I.aku Ice, Ural. Fish and Oyst-r business, under the tinn name if 0. Crum backer & Co., we solicit for the new lirm the same pstruiiag-; heretofore extended to ns. CRUM tJACIvEK & TEAS DALE, Cor. Sixteenth and Chapline Streets. Wheeling, W. A a. Having associated ourselves together in the Lake Ice. Coal. Fish ami Ojster > wines. we earnestly solicit the patronage of our friends. Prices to suit the times. G. CRUM BACKER At CO.. Cor. Sixteenth and Cba line Streets, Telephone 15. W heeling, W. Ya. notice. All persons knowing th-ms Ives indebted to he late firm of Crumbecker & Teasdale, or K. r. asdale for coa!, are hereby requested to call rnd seule at ^,15,BACKER JkTEASDALR. 0. CRVMBACKKR. It T. TIASDALK S N. HIRST. G. CRUMBACKER&C0, Cor. Sixteenth & Chapline Sts. WHHCUNG W. VA., PRATERS IN Lake Ice, Pittsburgh and Home Coal SLACK HARD COAL, FISH. OYSTERS. &c. Prices to Srrr the Times. Air-Call and see us. 0C5 Telephone 15. CREAMERY BUTTER. We are tole agents for the BARNE8VILL CREAMERY BITTER. It U the finest made. Received dally. Try it. l'Ne our fresli rousted Coffee nnd pure After using a sack you will waut a barrel of our genuine GOLD DUST FLOUR. CONNER A SNEDEKER se!2 Oor. Market and Fourteenth Street* J^OOK TO YOUR INTERESTS To Bnilders and Owners of Buildings. I now have on hand tho beat selected stock oi Slate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep s good assortment of Gas Grates and Tile Hearths, and all goods for making a nice fire place. Cali at my place and yott can see just what you are to get and see the Mantel set up for inspection. B. F. CALDWELL, )e23d*e 1507 Main street HHAW a: knives and forks Rogers Silver Plated Ware. A large line of very desirable styles and at very low prices, at NESBITT & BRO. S, 1312 Market Street. »ep25_ n L S. C. REQUIRED HEADINGS FOR 1-SS‘J 00. BOUND IN CLOTH. Outline of Roman History. Joy.10 70 Preparatory and College I.stln Connn In English, 1 Vol, Wilkinson.1 30 How to Judge a Picture. Van Dyke. Go The Bible and other Literature of the Nine teenth Century. Townsend. to Physic*. Steele.1 00 An Introduction to Political Economy. Richard T. Ely, Ph. D. 1 00 Book* per Set. prepatd.$S 00 W-Ten per cent, discount allowd on cash or derfor FIVE COMPLETE SETS ordired at one time. Expressage not prepaid. Thk Chavtacqchn...12 00 STANTON * OA YEN PORT. O0l No. 13C1 Market Jdreet. |^>NOTICE” To Holders of W. Va. Exposition and State Fair Association Bond*. Notice 1* hereby vtven to the holders c.f Ponds N«.s. 22, 6, 2J, 7, 10 and 16, issued by the West Vir glnia Exposition and SUte Fair Aisociation, that they having been draw n by lot, the money for the payment of the principal and accrued lmeiett on said bonds has been deposited by said Assort ation In the Peoples’ Bank of Wheeling. W. Va The holder* of said bonds aro requt st< d to pre sent the san.e at said Back for payment, on or before Octob r 17th. 1Ss9, when the Interest will cease*, according to the terms of the Deed of Trust. GEO. W. KCKHAKT, Jr., oclei__ _Trustee. Gash Capital Two Mil.ion Dollars. Insure Your Property With the Phoenix-of-HaUfoid. Cash Assets to Jan, 1st, '89--$5,06l,247.l7 Money to loan on Real Estate security. Three roomed house ou lot iOxliK)—51,300. GEO. J. MATHI.60N, sep!7 1210 Chapline Street. GO 5=0 CT> 5=0 to $ 03 '“O to tr-1 to CO WE ARE SHOWING Everything New In DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKS, KNIT AND WOVEN -XJlSriDEIlWEA.Pl All graces in White, Scarlet and Grey, for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Wl>r. Warner’s Celebrated Sanitary Under wear «rEo; makt s of Country Blankets & Flannels GEO, M. SNOOK & C0„ 1110 Main Street, | oclead . Wheeling, W. V . frj (goods—®(o. ?. Sajlor. GEO. R. TAYLOR, 1150 Main Street, Begs to announce the arrival-of his regular fctober pur chase and importation of New Fall and Winter Goods, and ex tends a cordial invitation to the ladies to call and see the choice and attractive Novelties just opened. OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Never presented the same inducements to buyers as at pres ent. Now prepared to show an unusually large stock of Com bination Suits, which for elegance cannot be surpassed in this country. Our lines of Silks, Velvets, Satins, Brocades and Failles embrace the newest and most stylish designs of the latest importation. In plain goods we would direct attention to our recent purchase of a large lot of genuine Silk Warp hemietta Cloths, English make and forty inches wide, in all the prevail ing shades, which we have decided to sell at 95 cts. per yard. This is probably one of the greatest special bargains ever offered in this or any other city. We have also a full line of Priestly Henriettas in black. Also All Wool Serges, forty inches wide, at 50 and 60 cts. All Wool Henriettas in all colors at 84 cts. and the finest and widest made at $1.00. Full lines of Check Suitings, Broadcloths. Plaids and Stripes. CLOAK DEPARTMENT We are now prepared to show the Nrw October Styles in Plush and Cloth Jackets and Newmarkets, and a great variety of new Garments, not to be seen elsewhere. To the fit and finish of all goods in this department, we would invite special attention and comparison of prices. SEAL SKIN GOODS! We show in the same department Alaska Seal Sacques of the finest grade in all the different lengths and sizes, together with a full line of Seal Muffs, Seal Capes. Seal Zouaves and Seal Gloves; also Lynx, Badger and Persian Lamb Muffs and Boas; also Fur Trimmings. In all these goods we confine ourselves to the best, discarding the inferior grades. We have added to the above department Silk Smoking Jackets, and Physicians' Wool Office Gowns, and being our own importation, we are prepared to sell them at less prices than generally charged. THE LADIES Will be glad to know that we have purchased full lines of the original CLEAN FAST HOSIERY! Differing from any other in dye and more satisfactory. Our stock of Ladies’ Cambric Underwear is now complete and will stand the most crilical examination. Merino Underwear of all kinds and sizes of the better grades. Blankets. Eider Down Comforts. Flannels. Sheetings. Table Linens. Towels. Napkins. Hemstitched Cloths & Napkins in sets. OUR FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is now supplied with choice Laces. Embroideries. Handkerchiefs, India Novelties. Silk Nets. French Fans. Embroidered Handker chiefs, Silk Initial Handkerchiefs for gentlemen. &c. This de partment will be constantly replenished by our new Novelties, as they appear iq the Eastern Markets. All Departments will be kept full and attactive during the season. Geo, R. Taylor. Jrur & gertschg-Jurniture and (Carpets. _ SHOW US THE MAH WHO SAID “THERE IS IMS ROOM AT TIE TOP," LEADING THE TRADE STANDING HIGH ABOVE ALL COMPETITION, WE FIND THE CROWD IS STILL WITH US Yet we cry for more. Our NEW FALL STOCK is immense, our BAR GAINS unlimited. In the quick rush cf Fall trade Everything Goes at a Rock-Bottom Price! Come in Everybody and for once in your life see what Quality and Style really means in FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS, -AMD household decorations. These Goods Are as You Like Them in All Respects. PRICES PARTICULARLY PLEASING. -WE GUARANTEE SOLID SATISFACTION—WE GIVE IT Frew Sc Bertschy, Ko. 1117 MAIN STREET. ONC OUB STORE and you will be convinced that our claims ot superi ority are based upon tacts as solid as the stubborn rock. One trial will prove that -Our Goods Are The Best There can'be no more said. Nothing can be better than the best. On top of that we put the undisputed tact that our prices are down below any prices that can be put on a like grade of goods. WE WILL GIVE YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY than you ever did get, or ever can get elsewhere. W e propose to prop our business with the two pillers “most’ and “best” on the foundation of lowest prices. G. MENDEL & GO., -DEALERS IN furniture and Qarpets, NO. 1124 MAIN STREET. DttTlXDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. STOKE OPEN* I'STIL *J P. M.^S* Juttnilun? anti dCarpets GET INSIDE OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONU Wedn-sday, October • I Wouldn't it For Nine l)n||ar«. THK POPULAR aRTIsT. HALLEN AND HART Under the Management of Mr HAKK . hink in the Superb Paree Comedy r < ::. t.. GRATTAN DOsNtLLY, entitled LATER ON! Pparkling Mu»lr! Brilliant Marche : , Dance*! 8x<iulalte ('.mime*! P’rmy < cal Sonic*! The Mexican Scrctiadi i .. y.. natlag Gavotte: THE GREATCOMPANY. Mr. Pred Halim. .Mr. Jar Hart M!*» Annie Lewis, Mis* Mollie vuiN Mlsa Joslc Hal', Ml-a K.ora Zarfreua Ml** Lillie Mach', MU* Jotie Sad let y is* Jcanm He Bageard, Mi>s < amlle ( > t n • Ml** Virginia Karl, Mia* Kate M r bn • r. JohnT. Kelly. Mr KoLi Brod^n , Xr.CbaaT Vincent, Mr. G. Du*tin p,: Mr. ffred'k Gagel, Mr.Ums.Kctf • ir.'dmis>lon, and to c. ut*. P . Beat*. 11.00 Kale of sea-a coo. Bene - Ocl ber Tib, at C. A. Hou>e'» hum • GRAND OPERA HOUSE O. C. OKNTHEK : Three Sights ami Wednesday v »t. log Holiday Kerning <*. r ., ' THK COMKhlAN —HERBERT AMI JOE (’WTHyUN Under the direction of Khaim * > ■ .. ; •entitle the Mmicai Cmuedv ► i • ■ LITTTLE NUGGETl Rewritten f m-warn 1.V‘ * Near si b Kua Pretty Lad e- Novel Sp,.- ealne-1 P iluj - log*' W underfill Scenic Ptr<ct» Lornor, Greater,Stronpcor 1 ban Ever seals oil Snlv at Mi ..ore House Hat and t Ing S ore. TOIL HARE A SON, rr.AcncAi Pltmben, GasandStet 33 Twolilli St. ill work done promptly at me :• a- t TRIMOLE & LUTZ Gcke Ov;n & Engiaa Suppfe. Iron Pipe and Fittings. Brass Valves and Cocks. Injectors and Syphons. Steam and Water Gauge . Plumbing Gas and Steam Heating 1418 A HU Maikcl rtiroit, Wheeling, W s-pZI EARLY FALL Henriettas, Cashmeres, and Serges, la the New Coloring?, Now Opened by J.S.RHODESMO. 1152 Main Street. xammmmmmmammmmmmmmmamm Ohio County Bonds V OTIOB IS HKRKBY (JIVKN Board of Coimnmaloncr* . : t s low Ohio, htaicof Wwt Virginia. will o(Vr ln> I1SO.OOO, 45-, per c»nt Uj.mi Honda. dated ISS',1, loUTi kl jiajable aannall) July 1 f • • which will be delivered October 10 I December 1,18*9, aud IVUH) Kebr accrued lnteteat to t»o added. healed bld« for (•all Bondi "in ' ■ domed ' 1'ropoaalh or Bondi" 1 at 11,• Board of Commlwloneni of the 0»'i; until Thu■ inlay. n< olier 10. 1— ' at m So blda will be rwetred for • 1 The right 1* rtiervod to rejn 1 ao> > I' H DUBBISr l’r< • u; Cm*. 1 V00M, Clerk Bote—Thr above Boiu*i aren'<t t>.' conn1 y for county pnr.< ■ *e,.»Vi.nWt.i> PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM 1 • ' ■ t Nevr Fail* to Rrttora G'»y Ha • to ita VootHfyl t A PPLE PARERS. We have the trrt Apple l'<r,i Corcr *u<l Biicer ou the market. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Ul.o. w. JOII.MMIVHSO.%**, »CDl7 I