Newspaper Page Text
statists. j ) li. GEO. J. CADDLE, SURGEON DENTIST, Mo. Ui( narkel Mtv«es nr •»«.- Dollar daring* Sank •»&**« Orn (goods. NotlntheShapeof Bails Whenever Goods are so’d at le^s than market value, y >u can epend on it that something is wror g as no Store can atf iro tose 1 Goods that way without makirg you, or some one else, pay for the loss. WHY WE ARE SILLING OUR ENTIRE RETAIL STOCK, REGARDLESS DP t'DST, Is quite a different thing. We are dosing out Our RETAIL DEPARTMENT, And compelled to do this within a Terr short time lienee the Dreat Bargains we are ottering LADIES’ MISSES' AUD CHILDREN'S -WRAPS At half Price, and accept Weekly Payments for same. Call soon. Jacobs & Isenberg, 1154 to 1158 Main St, _ wyM * Gill US A FAIR TRIAL Aud we’ll lve yon a fair deal; and oor fair deal U a deal * ’erihan anv other dealer'* deal. GIVE US A FAIR TRIAL And get the Biggest Bargain* ol your life Our 1 argaiu* outbargain every bargain bought by bargainer* GIVE US A FAIR TRIAL At,d learn what low Prices really are Any other prioe will *eem high alter our small, fciueesed-down prlct*. GIVE US A FAIR TRIAL Iwu't let pre udlee pick your pockets Don't let doubt do you out of a deal. Those who try will always buy of T_*. S. GOOD, ||2'> ami 1127 Mam St.. Wheeling, 'V. Va., The sate*t aud moat popular p'ace to buy staple aud Fancy l'ry i,cod». Drew (ioo,l.s aud Notion* LADIES’& CHILDREN'S WRAPS •pcc'altr. Immense Hue of iEW I II.I, nn,l H I NTt.K ATf KACTIOMM. The heat of everything at prices never beaten. Lj. 8. Groocl, 1125 ami 1127 Main Ntre«t. seS QAVS THE 00B8UMEB. Wantratker A Brown, Oak Hall. Philadelphia, have v.1 nl you t.WO new **mple» of cloth *mic»* merer to select a ryli-h Overcoat and *mt from and »sve over 3 per cent- No lnle’.Ugeni, well informed one doubts, and every 111 guarau J. W. FERREL. Agent. <*•13 No. 2101 Main Street. miHIHE' SKClll Slli UNDERWEAR ! 1 have received from the agent of live large underwear mills, 1*0 Uudershlrts and Drawer*, with Instructions to fell the entire lot at once Re<; a RDLK*S OF OUST 1 will now place on sale this entire lot of rNDKKWEAR AT IIS ACTUAL COST TO MARK. Good White or Grey Shbts and Drawer*. 25o Heavy Brown Merino Shirt* aud Drawer*. 35c (iot*l Canton Flan- el Drawer*. 25c., 85c. and 50c. Heavy Red A1 -Wool Shirts and Draw ere, 50c. glue Camels' HiflV -hut* and Drawer*. 50c. Striped Merino 'hiris and Drawer*. 50c. Strived Wool Shirts and Drawer*. -Oc. English Merluo Striped Shirts and Drawer*. "5c. Mediea’cd Red Wool Shins and Drawers. "5c. Doubh breast Red Wool Shirts and Drawer*. "5c. -snltary" Nature Wool ShlrteA Drawer* SI 00. Imported Striped Wool Shin* and Drawers, SLOG Call and Set* thfsetiivat Bargains J. McFADDEN, HATTRK and FURNISHER, l.VJO wad 1:13 j HarkwlNt., Wheeling *etdl*__ 3DTjffIm3 iRfrjisfrr. TharuiumsMr Hecord. Mr. U Scbnepf. toe Opera Horn* drug <1*1, made the following observation* of the temperature Monday: 7 a. m , 44; 9 a m . 48, 13 m.. 52 S a in., 55; 7 p. m. Ml Weather, changeable >itdes lo New Advertisement* ssceSD rang. llo: for the Merry Go-Rouud—Stelu A Wood ruff. H >me Male Bread and Cakes—Mr*. JennU K rr For R*nt-Furnished Room. For 'a! — Phaeton Buggy. For ->de—U *r*e n sice—11 .bbard A Pauli. For s*!e— Rot h. mmiul 1 homestead. - oand opera House—Victor's Vaudt' Ule Com ptnv. F.’>r -a <» - Drr t. x*!-t and Grocery Store. Rich C:t c **>ware-Rwmg Bros. Wan td—' win. GlrK Wante — Young Mau In S'ore. Slime Bar*am*-Stanton A Davenport. Try Li t s Cough Syrup-R. H List, roe am raos. Fifty Dollars Reward-West Virginia Printing < rupatiy. lMTTSBUlte EXPOSITION. Last Cheap Excursion via the Penns*!, vivula Lines. Toe Exposition will dose on October 19th. the last cheap rxenreion via Pao Ila-dte Route will be run on that date, and excursion tickets, including admission to the Exposition. will be sold at rateot f\> 00 from Wheeling to Pittsburg, good ictarniog until Monday, October 21s* Prof John Mullen’s Dancing Acade my, at Mannaercbor Hall, over City Bank Toes lev and Thursday evenings from 7:30 toll* p. m., is for ladies and gentlemen, and Wdresday and Saturday sternooos, from three to five o’clock, is for ltdiee, misses and masters. Pupils can eater any of the above clauses at anv time. A Witling Witne**. Brilliant. O., Oct. 8, 1989. Jft ssra S. Baer’s Nous Gentlemen:—I fend enclosed twenty five Paa-HaaOle Coffee tickets, tor wb;c i pleAre send me oae of voor pic ore*. No 15 I have need vonr Pan-Handle O ffer for three year*, and rind i» the beet coffee I can g-t in the market. Y on may publish this if yon want to. Respect folly yoors, GLASSO. I 950REWARD- ' Thn undersigned have been so annoyed oflate by thieve* on or about the seveial sun ay morn ing traius leaving the city, that they herewith offer » _ $50.00 REWARD For the apprehension aud convlc’lon of any per son tealiug the Sunday Kiuiktkk News Packs or any portion of the conn ms. WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. ocl5Tu.SaUd IN A SMALL WAY. The Newa of the Day Pointedly Para |rsph«d for Hasty Readers. REQtaiEB TELEPHOSES. 405 —Counting Room 401) —Local and Editorial Rooms. The Gubernatorial Contest Commission will meet a this city to-day. ‘Only a Farmer’s Daughter” at the Opera H use this evening. Chris. Cline wss arrested ' by Officer Hetl, yesterday, for drunkenness. I. R B. Arnold will give a lecture and atereopticoo exhibition at the Female Col lege to night. The ferry fiiat ou the Ohio side, at Besson’s ferry, sprung a leak and sunk yesterday morning. John Abbenz was yesterday appointed executrix ot th* estate ofC»therine Darat. Bond, J'JtlO; J. L Stroehline, surety. There were lonr eas?s in Police Court, yesterday rooming. Jas. Meehan, who wss arre-ted by Officer G»ns on a charge of complicated drunk, got fill and cosis. Several days since a couple of dogs owued by Mr Bursee, of the Eighth ward, bit a horse belonging to Mr. Tapp* rw it was pacing along the street, and Officer Sp-idel shot the animals. Stkin & Woodruff advertise their Merry-Go-Round in tc-day’s Register. The new pltasure resort at Caldwell’s ton is starting cil with wonder toi sncctes. It is a greet place for the children. The strike at the Monndsville Coal Woiks caiue to a sudden end, the striking miners arceptiag the odor of the proprie tors to put on a check weighman, accepta ble to themselveseas well as to the miners Citizens living iu the neighborhood of Foriinli and Jacob streets, wcuid like to know what bits become of the petition needed tho Board of Pablic Works, last August, concerning the sewers iu that vicinity. The PsnHaudleB ekeepers’ Association will bold Kn aunu-tl meeting to morrow af ternoon and evening, in K of P. Hall, on Mam street, aud all interested in bee cul tnre are invited to be present, especially the ladies. The fnoeral of the late Mrs A. Clohar, relict o> the late Justice Cloban, took place yesterday afternoon, and wss very largely a'tenu.d. K v. Dr. W H Cooke, agisted by R-v D . D A Cunningham, officiated. The interment was at Mt. Wood. The Mark Twain Rod and Gua Clnb had a meeting last night and intend togive one of their socials in a week or ten days. Several of the new members were mken in, among ’hern mme of the most prominent hnsme-s men in town. They will give doe notice of the social iu the Register. About six o'clock Monday morning, ns Wash. Martin, a (arm hand, who boarded with his sister in-law, Mrs. Martin, mar the ClaysviPe tunnel ou the B. & 0 , was on his way to work near Taylorstown, he was struck by the “Cannonball” train go ing east, and iDstantlv killed, his body being frrnbly mangled. The B-Uaire steel plant started up yes terday morning with a fall complement < t workmen, and tbey could have hadenongh to run two such plants The mill coal bank, toil, isopen; and the miners are at work there for the lirst time for four years Tbi makes the starting this wtek of still more, and the outlook for a good long inn is very propitious. Catarrh is caused by scrofulous taiut in the blued, and is cared by Hood’sSarsa parilla, which aunties and tuiicher the ’he blood and g vthe whole system h-alth acd strength. Try this “pecnliai medicine.” It is prepared by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Ma-i#. A FEW A(’( ll)ESTS Occurring in the Y)Hjr Yesterday—Falntnl but Nut Sailoni. Casper Wagner, a driver for the Belmont Nail Company, bt.d oae of his legs broken yesterday while at work banting a lot of naild. Michael Henning, an employe of the Belmont ruill, bad his right foot badly niasbrd, ye-ttenlav, by a piece of iron fall irg npon it. A physician was satijnn)n‘’d aud rendered the necessary surgical aid, but it will be some time before Mike will be able to resume work. Harry Foster, son oi Cba*. Foster, of the East End, was pi.ving with a revolver yesterday afternoon, aud In firing of! a blank cartridge, the charg** struck him on tne right baud, inflicting a very psintol wound, which a physician was called upon to dree^. 1*01 NTs* On J*KOI*LK. ioTfiuvDta of Cltl/raa Aud the Corning ami Going of -strangers. Mies Emm * Martin, of Short Cresk, is visiting Mies Magg’e Bloom, of the South S de. Miss Jennie Stoughton, of New Castle, Pa., is the guest of Miss Annie Smith, on South Chapline street. Mrs. Helena Flad’ng, of Sooth E’ff s'reet, returned yrsierday from a pleasant * rip to friends at Pittsburg. Henry Mayers, the well known drug clerk, ol the South S de, returned yester day from a pleasant visit to a friend near liarrieville, O Messrs. Cbas. A. Sadlow and F. E. Marsh, of Indianapolis, of ihe Wheeling I B >nd and Insurance Agency, are at the McLnre House. Mr. Kennady Friend and his sisters will en*erteiu the Progressive Euchre Club, at their home on the Island, Thursday even ing O tober 17th. Mr. Calvert Lewie, of Clark-burg, ar rived in »he citv yesterday. Mr. Lewis ts a prominent youtg lawyer and will lo cate in Pittsburg. Misses Annie Ball and Ella Campbell, of the South Side, returned yesterday from Bellaire, whrre they had been visiting Mise Mollie McKelvey. Miss Ella Crawford, of Cameron, W. Va , and Mise Lucie Robmeoo, of the East End, returned yesterday trom a pleasant visit to tnends at Allegheny, Pa. Mr. A L. White, the genial surveyor, returned yenterduy irom a trip to Bethany. He repjrts 150 studente eniolled at the codege aud everything lovely. Mr. W. A Lynch, cf Canton, arrived the city yesterday and is quarteied at the Me Lure Mr. Lynch came down co meet the Union bridge capitalists to day. Two Funeral*. Tbe funeral* of two old ladies will occur ia the city to day. The remains of Mrs. Caroline Livingstone will be bnried from her la’e re-Heree No. 1113 Charles strett, a 2 o’clock this afternoon, the interment >c tske place at Peainsnla ceme'ery. Tne remains of Mrs. Margiret Oibiin, who died at Bnrtcn will arrive here at 12:30 over the B. & O, and the inneral will take place from the depot, tbe interment to be at Mt. Calvary cemetery. Both ladies were aged 60 years. Very rubecomtng. Lovely tints In the wrong placa are reft of their charm. A lemon colored countenance— the peculiar endowment of our pig-tai’.ed breth ren who • Mt the pipe’ -is unbecoming. It mg gents bile going astray, and the Inference is cor. net Pain beneath the rib* and the »hou der blades, constipation, dyspepsia, furred tongue and »ick headaches supplement this indication [>f the bilious. For liver complaint a id it* mul ufariuu* svmptom* a>Hiet;ers "omach Bitters u au infa ltab e sp- elite. It relaxes he bowel* . ;fi lent t. tut wtbo-it griping or violence. r„ (te secret! >n o’ bile it g v,» a due impulse, it banishet an excess of that saffron colored nitnc p e trom the blood. *lck headache*, *.>ur oe »oi the treatn and fur upon the tongue dis i joeer wnen it is n*e». ft renews d gestion, 'nAifies tne system agaiust malaria, counteract* i rheumatic tendency, and remedies inaction of :he kidneys. ~ A QUEER CAPER INDULGED IN BY MEMBERS OP THB RECEP TION COMMITTKB. A Pre-Arranged Scheme by & Small Squad to Re * venge TnemselTis on ‘-The Register”—A Little Light on a Couple of Matters. The general committee of the Chamber of Commerce having charge o' the recep tion and entertainment of the capitalists interested in the Uoion bridge enterprise, met at the room of the Chamber of Com merce, last evening, to bear the reposts ol snb committees and take the final steps in the arrangement of the programme. About eight o’c’ock a reporter for the Regis TKK entered the room in use by the committee. Messrs. N. B. Scott, P. B. Dobbins and J. M. Belleville were pres ent, the remaining members of the com mittee not having arrived. Mr. Scott said: ‘ No reporters are expected to be present this evening.” "It looks a little as though some others were not expected,” said the man of n ws, as h* looked at the three committeemen "Yes, sir;” continued Mr. 8eott, "re porters are not expected this evening. The Secretary will furnish whatever report i ie desired the papers shall have.” This with the air of a man who was entifely snre cf the groond he stood npoD, and as one having authority to speak for the commit ee. Tbe reporter ventured tne remark that the arrangement suggested by Mr. Scott wa- a very nice thing, especially as tbe Intelligencer would have a representative present to amplify the Secretary’s report, should it not be emire'.y eatisfectory. To this Mr. Scott replied: ‘ Ob, tbe Intelligancer can be depended on. The Register’s publication, the o’ber day, was wrong It stirred np all tbe trouble existing It was not right. S nae of the things printed by the Regis ter had rnnch hetter have hetn omitted ” This was acqnie-ced in by the others, and the conversation came to an end Sev eral other members of the committee to ge'herwith Judg-Cochrau and twofriends, came into the room at this juncture, and the reporter engaged in a private conversation with Judge Cochran. During this cm verna tion Mr. D bbins said something, probably in reply to a remtik the reporter did cot catch, about it being too early to com mence tbe session, and Mr Scott replied: “Oh, it’s time to begin,” but he evi dently did not care to do anything while tbe reporter was present, and hoped to ac celt rate his movements by t’ceobeervicion. The reporter, however, took his time, and tbe gentlemen pmeuf, by this time num ’•erii’g stven or eight, pat in the interval >n looking at one another. Tne manner of the members of the com mittee present was such as to indicate the whole matter bad been rut and dried at some previous time, altboogh, probably, some of the members of the committee were ignorant of tbe anangemeut to bar the Register out Just here a glance backward at this re ception affair will be inorder. The- Cham ber ot Commerce, in response to a call of the Pr*sident through the daily press, met last Thursday evening to talk over the pisject of according the visiting gentlemen a httiogand proper reception. The meet ing was largely tbe result cf Ihe Regis ter’s agitation for action by the business nun and manufacturers of the city. On this occasion a little incident occurred, which was not referred to by the Regis ter, ont of courtesy, it being recogn:a d as being, at least in a measure, a private affair. In view of the treat ment acco'd d it* representative last even ing the Register will now allude to this i cident, and another, that the public may be enabled to come to an intelligent conclu sion as to tbe justness or nnjastmss of Mr. Scott’s strictures. Before Wednesday evening’s session of the Chamber began, and while tbe apart , meat wss well filled with gentlemen, Mr. Hart, of the Intelligencer, nude a very bad break in endeavoring to eecnre from Presi dent Cochran an endorsement for one of tbe schemes bv which Mr HBrt seeks to plsce the Intelligencer in a more desirable -itnation respecting this great enterprise. In bis verbal assault on Judge Cochran Mr. Hart included such language as to con vey the impression he had doubts as to the honesty or integrity of someone, and this point wss quickly taken np hy Judge Cochran, who forced from his opponent tn i he debate a disclaimer that he intended conveying any such idea. Jndge Cochran succeeded iu keeping his temper, under great provocation, hat finally declined carrying on any further conversation with Mr. Hart. Tha Judge had the sympathy of abont everyone in the room. Two or three gentlemen characterized Mr. Hart’s course as abont tbe worst exhibition of bad taste they had ever witnessed, and Presi dent Cochran’s regret at what had occurred was very earnestly expressed. At Friday evening’s session of tbe Cham ber of Commerce Committee, after the action taken by the B lanl of Commission er", in resolving to entertain the visitors acd appropriating $200 to defray ths ex penses, bad been announced, Messrs N. B Scott and others ot tbe committee soundly berated tbe members of the Bwd, six of whom were present, for their coarse. The Buard was subjected to a hanling over the coals which made the members’ ears tingle, the committeemen scolding to tbeir hearts content. How far this wonld have gone cannot be surmised, but after •he members of the B iaid bad squirmed arontid for a while they turned, and made a protest against the reception accorded them. Then it was tbe commi'teemen realized their error, and - he in itter was righted so far as apologies conhl right it. The committee then asked that tho facts b« kept from the public, and even a nt a committee to this office to see the proceedings, so far as the row wss con cerned, were suppressed. The Register made but a icfereoce to the unpleasantness, s lying: •‘There was considerable discussion upon the Board's action, and th* quecta w rt of no h fence and tenor as to put the mrmbert </ the Board man unde* mbit pot Mon Finally. as a way out of the dll mina utn wh'Ch the affair had t>e> u worked, Mr Frank J. He*rue offered a r-solution to the eff cl that the Cham -er of Omimrce assume eat re h»r*e and control of th** reception and elite-tainmi'iit of the visitors, and th-»t the B ut'd of Commissioners be the guests of the Chamber during the e mtimiaiice ot the gentlemen in the city. This was a-iopod by ihe joint m et ng. and that pad of tbe situation was simplified,” It will be seen that the Register scru pulously obeyed the request, and the only reference made to what was asked to be snppree-ed occurs in tbe tbiea italicized li es Vet, for this, recording to N. B. Scott, the reporter of the Register was ejee'ed from the meeting last night, while a representative of ths Inte'ligencer was permitted to be present Last Night * UeetlDg. Tbe following account of the proceed ing* of the committee, last evening, was famished the KEaisTKB by the Intelli gencer: Invitation to visit Wheeling Park Wednesday a:'i-r »r -vsl ofguests, accepted Committee on Carriages reported arrange ments made. The hollowing programme for visiting, sight seeing. etc: Leave P.. W. & ky depot on Wt dnesdiv evening at 7 o'clock. »Virp, going ’o Rlv« r»ide Iron Works, returning at 10 o'c.ock p. m. Number of iuvi’ations limited to 250. Collation at McLttre House at lOiX't o’clock p. m Wednesday. Number of invi'ations ,1m he 1 to not It as tlisn i2o, cor more than 150. Excursion on Thursd-y. leaving B. A 0. depot at 1 o clock. going ove’r B. A O to Bo a wood, cross to B.-liaire, aud up the C„ L A W. to Martin's Ferry. A Small Blau. A servant girl at the residence of T. F. Porter, No- 2135 Main street, was awaken ed ahont 12:30 o’clock Sunday morning by tbe smell of smoke, acd upon investigation she found a lot of clothes hanging on the wall at the end of the hallway to be ablsz -. S'te immediately tnamioued help and tbe dames were extinguished without farther dama»e It is eu«pec*ed that tbe fire was tbe work of n incendiary as a pane was freshly broken out of a window near by. Slsck Gin for female complaints Black Gin for Bright’s disease of tbe j Kidneys. Black Gin for backache. A POTTERY CHANGES Hr. C W Franzbeim Elected Preildeot ot the Warwick Ohlne Company. Oj Thursday last Mr. Chas. W. Fran zheim, Vice President of tbe Wheeling Pottery Company, severed his official con nection with the establisbmant by resign ing his position, to take effect on Saturday last, his object being to accept tbe Presi dency and full management of the War wick China Company. Yesterday morning the Board of Direc tors of the Warwick held a meeting and Mr. O. C. Dewey resigned the Presidency, Mr. Fraczheim being elected in his stead, and giveu (nil managerial control of the concern Mr. Dewey’s purpose in retiring is a desire to leave BCtive business life in contemplation of an extended trip abroad. Mr. Franzbeim will still retain his in terest in tbe Wheeling Pottery. He ex pects in the near future to make improve ments at the Warwick, one of which will be the erection of an additional gloss kiln, which will give the works an inciessed capacity of 50 per cent. Mr. Franzbeim ►ays tbe pottery business has developed wonderfully in this country in the past fsw years, and be considers that there is a great future for the business. Tbe Warwick’s chief output will ba semi porcelain and china, but of course they will introduce maDy specialties, arnuvg which will ba th'ir fiae decorated ware. Mr Franzbeim bus been connected with ifce Wheeling Pottery Company since Ps organization, and much of the success ot that establishment is dne to bis business ability and ent-rgy. Uoder bis manage ment the Warwick will cyme rapidly to the front, and it will not be long nntil the plant will be running to its full capac ity. amusements. “Only a Farmer’s Daughter” To-Night. This evtniug at the Opera Home that ever papnlar American comedy-drams, ‘‘Oaly a Farmer’s Daughter,” will be pre rented by a company, headed b> Miss Ade laide Cheric, who has scored a great suc cess in the leading rol-s. The plot turns on the ev*>r moving theme of cherished do mestic affection, into which are plunged too deeply limned characters, and abont which revolve strong episodes. Tnc qual ity of artistic contrast is strongly develop td. Mach stress is laid on the natural contrast afforded between the qniet and rusticity of the old farmer’s home, and the atirrieg events which trauspire in the city. The complications which ensne touch near ly every chord of human sympathy, for every element cf feeling, whether arising irg from desire of gain, engernebs for so cial or protessioral recognition, or mere cupidity, is brought into play. It has been produced in Wheeling be fore, and ihuce who jave seen it are very apt to go again, as it is a play that never grows old. Reserved seals can be eecnred at House’s music store. ••Tho Silent Partner.” The engautmeut cf Mr. J. B. Polk at the Opera House Thursday, Friday and Saturday eveniugs of this week, premier b to be a most successful one. ne will pre sent his new end origiral American come dy, “The Silent Partner.” Mr. Polk is supported by a carefully selected company, every member of which was chosen tor special fitness for the character taken. The comedy is novel, uoiqne, bright, spark ling and ent-rtainmg tbrongh-nt, always charming and irresistable, i poataneoaaly fanny, and the andienco langhs from the btgiouing to the end. So says ’he press and so say all who have seen Mr Polk and company in “The S'lent Partner.” Reserved seats will be pat on sale at Home's music store this morning. Vic'd.'* Vaudeville Company. This cefebrated company will commence a three nights’ engagement at the Grand ou Thursday evening, October 17. The company is composed of vccaliaU, dancers and comedians, who give a strictly refined performance, introducing a large narntnr of strong specialties. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. Doe* Ohio County Need a New Jail i To the FAitor of the Rfgitler: The proper decision of this question in terests every taxpayer and citizen. II the present jail and the ground od which jt is built is quite worn out. why tbm we do need a new county penitentiary. Bat so many other pressing matters are be fore taxpayers that it is wise for them to take a deliberate view of this whole mat ter and set if there is r.ot some more rea sonable, some more economical plan for the city aud comity to adopt than the ex penditure of seventy or eighty thousand dollars. It will take at least this sum to purchase the g'oucd and erect a huildiug which will satisfy the oroate taste of some of those anxious for a new penal institution. What is the matter with our present jaii? It is said to be worn out.' but is *bat true? I think not. But, i( w, rn to some extent, can tt nut he renewed and repaired justas you aud I do, when our houses and s’ores become a little worn and shabby? If it is becoming a little too cramped for our increasing ponalaliou aud consequent increase of the crimiual edasses, why cod we not add a story, or even two, on the heightb of the present edifice. The prison proper is built strong enough—of heavy stune masonry—to support three stories, it necessary, on the present foundation. Onr citizens and taxpayers think the present load ou properly bard enough to bear and cannot see the necessity of in creating tbe burden by this large expendi ture of money. What we need, is to have the counsel of a competent architect, who has had exp* tience, and is familiar with the erection and remodeling of prisons—if we have snch a gentleman amongst ns Well, if not, it would he sound economy to seek one in either t f the large States, which are onr neighbors. Let this exuert he accom panied by a good, sanitary plumber, and these two, by onr city Health officer. Let ttie piping and drainage be well done, aud I prophesy that the whole repair and en largement can be completed for from fif letn to twei ty thousand dollars. II this sam is judiciously expended we shall have a good piison, ample for all county end city r*qnireme^ts for the coming quarter century. TAXPAYER. B. * O. l.ast Excursion to the Flttttmre Expo sition. On Thursday, October 17th, and Satur day, Ojtcber 19th, the B. «Sc O R. R wiD sell Excursion Tickets to Pittsburg for all trains on these dates at the following low rates, which includes admission to the Exposition: Bellaire, $2.15; Ben wood, $2.15; Wneeiing, $2 00. Tickets sold on Thursday, good to return until Saturday. Tickets sold cn Saturday, good to return on all trains Monday. Your grocer has Electric Light Flour. Sunday Exrurtlonn on Olilo Klver It K. Until October 27th, 188*, Sunday excur sion tickets will be sold as follower To WoadlaDd, 90 ceute; New Martinsville and S:sU rsville, $150; Wi!lian,8t0wn 1 (Marietta) and Parkersburg, $2 25. Good tor return passage on date of sale only. J. G Tomlinson, Agent. The best—' Ohio Valley” Coffee. The richest davor—Ohio Valley Coffee Can Find None Better. Stki mesville, O., Oct. 7, 1889. Messrs. S Baer's Sotis: Dear §irs:—I herewith enclose yon twetry-five Pan-Handle CVffce tickets, for which please send me a picture of a boy or girl with gilt frame. I can find no better ctff e than Pan-Handle cofLe. Send pic ture in care of Ross Nicholson. Yours respectfallyi Mrs. Wm, J. Campbell. Wanamakeb & Bkown, reaebiog 43 suits a day have concluded to stay at J.W. Ferrel’s, 2101 Main street. GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. Marriage License lotted. The following marriage license was is sued yesterday: Frank II Keder, a native of C'nic»go, and Rea Ella Caldwell, a native of Wheel ing. Enjoined. The United States Court yesterday en joined Justice George Arkle from filing any more suits ngainet the Telephone Com pany. Mr. Arkle has brought ten suits in all. A Contract Awarded.; At last evening's session of the Council Committee on Scales, the contract for the erection of a new scale on Main street, near Bell’s foundry, was awarded to the Fair banks Company, at their bid of $80. There was a great contest between the representa tives cl toe Fairbanks and the Howe Com panies, and the Committee hod a tough time in making a decision. The scaled will have a capacity of tea tors. Pleaiant Anniversary Celebration. Mr. Rinehart Brnbacb, the Sixteenth street barber, waa tendered a very pleasant surprise pRrty last evening, by a large number of South Bide friends, in honor of the anniversary cf bis birth. A very pleasant evening was spent in social amuaemeute, and daring tbo evening Mr. Brab^cb v>as presented with a handsome toilet eet. Transfer of It a I Estate. The following transfer of real estate was left for record at Clerk Hook’s office, yesterday: Deed made August 10, 1889, by D. Lamb and H. M. Russell, ppecial commis sioners, to H 0. Caldwell, for lots Nos. 15 and 7, in iquare No. 26, ixcept a stiip 15 fret wide along th» south ends thereof, in Division L, on the plat laid out by said commissioners. Consideration, $1,130. A Pleasant Altvlr. The German gi’ta at The Wheeling Club, lust evening, was a success. About thirty-five couples were p’esent and all bad a delightful time. The German was led by Mr. Bates Bntler and Miss Al lie McCabe and Mr. Steve Rics and Mihh Helen Dsvries. It was commenced at 9:30 o’clock and ended at midnight. Tne figures were new and pretty, Prof. Ktll meyet’s mu.icrplendid, and the affair was so enjoyable that others will doabtlees follow. Changes In the Optra Uou»e Orchestra. At a meeting of the Opera Honse Orchet tra on Monday evening, Prof. E W. Speil was re-elected director. Louis Feinler re signed as business manager, on account cf hie other business engaging nil his atten tirn. He will, howi-ver, still play with the orchestra. Ptof. Rpiel was also elf rted bnsines-' [manager. Fred Viewig al60 re signed al a member of the orchestra ow ing to other business occupying his time. I' is not. learned who has been selected to fill Mr. Viewig’s place. A Narrow Europe. There was a close call from a bad sranah up out the B. & 0 near Rosby’s Reck, early yesterday morning Tne pissenger train coming west had orders to stop at ihat point, but it seems that Eogineer Ficmii’g came on past, and when some dis tance this side of the Ruck, aa the engine swung around a curve, the headlight ot an approaching freight engine was eeen about a half mile ahead. The danger signal was at once given, the passenger reversed and a bad wreck everted A few momenta either earlier or later would have been fatal. T he Klvtr. The marks on the landing last evening indicated 3 feet 2 inches and rising The marks from above were: Pittsburg 5 feet 9 inches and stationary. Oil City, 8 inches and rising; weather clondy. Greensboro, 7 feet and stationary; raining. Browns ville, Pa., 4 feet 4 inches and stationary; weather cloudy. Lock No. 4. Pa., 6 feet and stationary; weather cloudy. Rice’s Landing, Pa , 4 feet 4 inches and station ery; weather elcudy. Morgantown, W, Va., 3 feet 2 inches and rising; weather clondy. Parker, Pa., 3 feet and rising; weather cloudy and cool. Col. Or |»slat.(I To-night. * What’s to Hinder,” is one of the most popular as well ns the most instructive of Gol. Copeland’s lfctnrc?. Its excellence may be judged at the Young Men’s Cbii6 tinl Association to-night. Col. L. F. Cope land will open the Association’s coarse of lectures and entertainments, aud he should be heard by a large number of the mem bers and friends of ths Association. He is one of the brightest, luppiest aud mo-t genial lecturers in the field. He is well known and admired alike in the East and the West, aud is heartily commended by the press. Sirgle admission 50 cents. Tickets for the course of seven, $2 50 Membeiu of the Association are admitted tree or may rtseive seats for fifteen cents. .Quite an Aid to Subscribers. The new list ot snb-c lbera to the tele phone exchange, gtviug the numbers and names of nbsoribers in alph -helical order, and in tub-divisions by letter, has been published, and will be distributed to those entitled to receive them to-day. The ar rangement of the book is on the most con venient plan, and the subscribers in Bel iaire, Bridgeport, Mutin’* Feiry and Monndsville are included'ti the same list wi>h Wh:e ing, thus facilitating reference Many names, liable ta be given in various ways, snch r.s ‘‘Tbe Register,” ‘‘Wheel ing Register,” and ‘ Register,” are given in all tne varions wordinga. The book is accompanied by a ready reference card, for numbers and names of frequent ly need connections. Got to the Wrong Red. A good siory is told on one of the Wheeling Knights Templars who partiei pated in the Triennial Conclave at Wash ington, D. C , last week. It seems that at the hotel the Wes* Virginians were stop ping, it was found necessary to separate tbe ladies and gentlemen in order that they conld all be accommodated with sleeping apartments. The gentleman referred to wondered into the hotel one evening, tired oat with the day's exertions, and without taking ranch thought about the matter he went to a room and retired. Presently the wife of another Temp ar entered the room, to which she had been assigned, and prepared for bed. Before getting in, how ever, she went np to the bed and shook what she supposed washer lady bedfellow. When tbe tired Knight awoke and turned over there was a scream and a rash of white, and it was some little time before tbe matter was explained and peace restored. The Cedar Grove Loan A'eociatlon. A certificate of incorporation has been issued to the Cedar Giove Loan Associa tion, organised for the purpose of raising money to be distributed among its mem bers, and doing such business as is usually carried |on by similar associations. The principal office is to be kept at Cedar Grove, and the charter is to expire on Sep tember 30, 1939. The sum of $2,730 has been subscribed to tbe capital stock, ten per cent of which has beeu paid in, with the privilege of increasing 9aid stock to $130,000 in all. Tbe cepital is divided into sbaree of $130 each, which are held as follow-: A- C. Tomkins, W. F. Morris, John Banister, J. G. W Tompkins, H. P. Norton, Clark Hudnall. H. P. Tompkins, J. 8. Miller, Joseph P^rung. Robert A. Saeed, Dtvid Girdcn, James Phillips, C. J Hansel, and P. 8 Banister, of Cedar Grove; A. G Montague and John W. Mc Coribay, of Hampton; E C. Pit rung and Wil!i*m Porter, of Hawks Nest; J. M. Mc Arthur, of Dayton, Ky., and J. D. Blaines and W. W. Tompkins, of Charleston, one gbare each. 8 8 8 S S THB YBRY 8KR10U8 TURN A JOKE TOOK. 1 A 8fDsaticn in Local Political OitcIm. Growing On of tbt Election of Gas Trustee#—'The Board to Meet To-Day. There was quite a flutter among the local politicians yesterday, over wbat at first seemed to be an attempt to use money in bringing about a change in the member ship of the newly-elected Board of Gas | Trustees. The story gained a wide circu lation, and created an immense amount cf talk. In brief, it km related that an at tempt had been made to secure the with drawal of Mr. A. J. Scbnlizs from lie Board, through an offor of f 100, the pro position being made by Mr. Henry Seamen und purporting to come from Mr. E. Buck man, who was credited with an nccontroll ahle’ambittoa to have a place in the trian gular b dy referred to. Mr. Scbultze re j eted the alleged attempt to pnrchaee him with proper scorn, and meationing the matter to a friend, it was soon public property. Huaning across the rumor early in the day, a Rkgistku reporter called upon Mr. Schultz*, ana asked h:m if the story w«s true He said: ‘ It is a fact that an altemp1 was n ade to secure my withdrawal by au offer ct money. The thing came about in this way: The day after the ilec'.iou Mr. Henry 8eamon came to my place of business and paid he would like his sen to remain in the Board, and asked if I oonld not fix up a deal to that end with Mr. Shaffer. I went to M% Shaffer, and sonsded him by asbiDg if he wunitd to make a place for his son. He said no I then dropi»d the matter. About last Friday ^received a telephone to call at Mr. H Seamen's store, as lie wished to see m? on a matter of great irn portatce. I went up to the store, but he was uut there. I at his residence, ami be then informed me that he had a matter of great importance to cot fide to me, but fint desired a promise that I would say nothing abant it. I flatly re fused to be bound by anv 6uch promise, and then, after some hesitation, Mr. Bea mon told me be would tell me anyhow He then confided to me tha' Mr. E Bock man was very desirous of obtaining a place on the Board, as it would he of great valne to bioi in his bn*ineas. He said Mr Buck niau would pat up money for a place, and if I would refase to qualify, Mr. B would pay me filOO. I told him I was not in the market, and could not be bcught, and at once left.” Mr. Buckman was seen, and was inter rogated a* to about the figure be was offer ing for t ffices. He denied that he was grat ilytng hi“ ambition by the use of green back s, and eaid: ‘The matter started as a joke, and baa been taken seriously; that’s all. A day or ao after the election of the Trustees by Council, I was talking with Mr. Seamon and one or tso other gentlemen in front of ibe McLare Hons?, about the result, and dropp d a rematk to the efi' cl that I wouldn’t have b?en beaten for $500 Mr. Sramou said Mr. Schubzs would re sign for that amount cr iess, and I suid, laughingly, ‘All rigot; just offer it to him.’ That’s tbe last I thought about it until I heard the star/ to-day, and it is the only oothoii'y Mr. Seamon had for his action I -aw Mr Seamon to day, and the wbule affair is fnllv explained ” It was thus tbe political monntaia la bored and brooght Curb a mon o. Tho new Trustees will meet this morning to qualify and give bond, and the old Board will meet this evening, at which eetsion it is probable tbe new Board will be present. There was sumo talk of a special session of Council for this evening, to pass upon nominations by tbe new Board, but whether or not it will be held is uncertain. A Heartless Wretch, A dispatch from Findlay eays: A few months ago ‘ Dick” Boston came here from Martin’s Ferry and found employment in one of the g’ass factories. He was young, dreteed well, and a few weeks ago his engagement to so estimable young lady of tbia place was announced. Saturday, however, his wife followed him from Martin’s Ferry, bearing in bet arms a fonr months old babe. When confronted by his wife, Boston left the bouse, went to tbe factory aud drew bis wages end has not been beard from since. His wife end child were left without a penny. T lie poor woman is nlmcst crazed with grief. They were married, she says, at Wheeling last March. A collection was taken up among the glass workers to (end her to her home at Marietta. Wants n Handsome Mctore. Steiuenvili.E, ()., Oct. 2, 1889. Messrs. S. Baer's Sons: Gentlemen:—Enclosed yon w:ll fird twenty live Pan-Handle Coffee tickets, It r which please Bend me one tf yonr hand tome pictures. I have been using Pan FI sudle Coffee for a long time, and think it is the best in the market. 1’ e»ee tend me a nice picture. Yours respectfully, P. Gokman, 130 North ThiiJ stieet. Be sure yon get E ectric Light Flour. A Matron** Good Opinion. Wheeling, Oct. 5,16*9. Messrs S. Baer's Sons: Gentlemen: — Enclosed please find twenty-five l*an Handle Caffes tickets. I must say that I never bad auy c* ffee tha1 pleased me better than yoors. I alwayp buy it at H W. Hchrebe’s grocery, where 1 cau set it fresh. Please send me the Lit tie Boy picture No. 20. Yours, respectfully, Mbs. W. Jefferson, First Ward, Benwood. Btrv Electric Light aid hsve good bread Klixlr of Hate** Is a combination of the active properties of dates, figp, pruned aod other tropbical fruits. Its pleasant taste and beneficial • fleets have rendered it immensely popu lar. It cures habitual constipation, indi gestion bdiousnets, sick headache, piles, etc. So>d in 50 cent bottles by W. W. Irwin, W. E. Williams, John Lnnghlin and C. Ft Goetzs. J. T. Goodwin & Co., and Logan Sc Co., Wholeanlo Agents. * • dssssss^a Hood'* Mnr.npni illn j urines the Hood, builds up weak and dcbilitatdfl systems, gives strength to weakened Hood’s nerves, overcomesthat tired I feeling, tones the digestive Sarsapa- i.r. -ns. invigorates and reg rilla ulates the kidneys and liver, expels disease, aud gives vigorous health. Young 1j.le •:■>: - It is the best MakOS ever Old i t . pie say: •• It makes tft© Weak 8 A. oti on{, be called *• the true Klixlr of Life." Ilond's MnrsaparHln Is sold by nil di ug gists. $1; sixforf.'i. Prepared by Cl. Flood Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass Th« Finest Flavored. Mousdsyillk, 0.;t. 11, lfi69. Messrs 8 Baer’s Sons: Gentlemen:—I herewith tnclcae yen twenty-five tickets taken from packt'geeof the Otl'ee, the beet, I think, on the market. It is the Surat flavored and the BtioEgest, therefore the cheapest. Please eend picture in care of S. W. Dick, oar grocer. Yount respectfully, Mbs L Jobes. Tby Electric Light, yon will u«e no other Ohio Valley Coffee. Ekkcham’s Pills act like magic cn a weak stonneh. L. 9. Goon sclle Dry Goods the cheap? ! Use Ohio Valley Ct ffee. It’s the best. I’ilrs! I*tle»! I*Ue»! Dr. William’s Pile Oin'ment is the only ?nro care for Blind, Ble-Jirg or I'cbing Pries ever discovered. It never fails to care old chronic cases of lory. Btacding. Judge Coons, May«ville, Ky , soys: *‘Dr. William's Indian Pi'e Ointment careri me after years of suffering.” For sale at L^gaii & Co V. Betcrr thi.n all—Electric Light Flonr. Ask for Ohio Valley Cfffee. ijfir AilDfrns«n»snis. NEW FALL STOCK Now Complete in Eray Department, WE HAVE JUST PURCHASED THE ENTIRE LOT OF A MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF Cloth Suiting! at a very low price. au<l we mean to give you the benefit of this ereat purchase Our stock > ever before tus b un so large as now. and we can offer you special inducement* now in all line*. Our line cannot bo excoilcl. Beautiful and Stylish Garments You w ill easily be sui'e’d and save money be*ides l ast teasou we doubled our cusiiies* in ibis line, and are determined to do better this sea* on. SPECIAL BARGAINS ! iff.I licit All-Wool Serge. IJflc. Nt'srlel All-Wool lt<,iiik.|» SJ.tttl 4-tt.ooil Itrowo Muslin. Hr. Iloml ('union ••liinncl . Hr. 4u-iuch < loiii Suiting . Me. UNDEnWEAIl. Largest and best » ode at the lowest price* Best values in Camels’ Hair, ladies' Sanitary Men's Na ural Wool, children's Nu'u-al Wool and all of the o’her cheaper grade*. Gen's' Cardigan Jacket* All si*csatid prices. BL, t NKhT—Largo stock, from 7"«c to S .O.'W a pair We advertise no go «ds at or lias than cost, but sell with a ‘mall margin. Buy Dr. Scott's Electric Dress Form Corset We have the exclusive tale. I im foASW STREET ocl*ad QOAL! COAL! The Celebrated Bridgeport Coal, Clean, Nut and Mixed, delivered to all part* of the city. Order by postal or t lephnne, from KOKHNUNK BROS , sepUeodvb Bridgeport, Ohio. C/2 Q C/2 c/2 w oc; Q Q «=rj i -=£ CP CP P=> CP po M •—3 1 C/2 Pd CP er-1 >“-3 53 p2> WE ARE SHOWING Everything Sew In DRESS GOODS AND CLOAKS, KNIT AND WOVEN -UNDERWEAR All grades in White. Scarin' and (ircy. for | Ladies, Gen Icmen and Children. W-Dr. Warner's Celebrated Sanitary Coder wear .«•-Best makes of Country Blauktts Flannels _ 1110 Main Street, ocleAd WIi^IIok* H - V • TO THE LADIES. wheeling maim. No. 1153 MARKET ST The ever ircreasing popularity of th* heme under onr now end exclusive uih>. sgement in a matter of conprMulatiou i0 o*.-Judging from t’uecrov.,'. tbutdatly throng onr Store-Th 3 people Cf Whed. iog end Sairom dirgTowns c videotly ap. precisteoar efforts to eervp Pci* interest* — ai d in another proof that <.y.lfm of Doling—Lou- p,i«..,_J_an(j Sm It l’n fi’s areSnrot*. Wm - The iir»* of ihe r-F.-.t Deal 1 g— is Kai(je to Soccers.-1* hiiH pnt a wlo,.- <v- ,U8 io-(lay in the (runt | l>u iL .8 house*— It ha= rn-de uerccogniz-d li ad ds in the trade-and already lie bed onr bonse as the mo t r .-liable_u rbort, it is nor motto, — hm we are etroeg believers in that grand old maxim ‘ I)a uuto ethers as yen woild they rhonld do unto you.” Wheeling Instalment Co. Low puce is oas of our chief tbarao teiieMcs.-Since we have t'ke ^ this place we have labored uruvv ngly t0 place within vonr reac • n comp'ev ;:ne of House Furnishing Goodi 1 r , 7 cash prices on th. In*talm< __ That we hnve aucceerted ».i'r v ■> Q! mg-To Ibis onr very t> ome'r, in this city and State cau t. k-iij_j onr Rumens-stock is a sab t .at"-d pr ,/ of it.-We bn the Obami People’s Champion* of Low Pru •*— we hsvo waged war-jm-w*r koifj —wi'h that terrible mori-i-r— that tobbtr of ivuy man-High Pa, s. Wheeling Instalment Co. Small profits ate a proimn.-l f a:nr* here. Oar policy of bo -, lug 1 <i< f r ,• cash, tbeiibv saving d'sconnt-i— Com • with onr rtea 11 j iuc |e_ Justify n* in selling oar in> - .. inal 1 lest margin of profit-B ;,i seare. os well as )0D >■ r.• ., . | , ,!i, — •‘Live and let live p ogle. Wheeling Instalment Co. To live and let itvo w« Rre a. rrnid. d -And to live comf.>rtakly vrr pnt within 5 onr reach everything ni< - ry 10 make home coinf rlahie-Bn . .1 i« net all.—We til r yonder 1 • ... that you emnot procur,"1 el rs in r j ) worth of g x*d* for $1 ini down and 50 centa per we-k, or $2 f>0 per r • — or $22.i 0 wo. 1 h 11 got.!« 1 ti and 00 per we. k, or $100 t. . ■ 1 — Remember, you can pay a 11 -qHh yon-Weekly, S-rni Monthly. M< nth ly), and our goods at Srictly Ca-h Pr,<n. -Then why deny ronreelf ol anything in house furnishing g cdsef any dr.-cep lion wluu we oflVr >i 11 such lihtral t» 1 Wtiy do without Furnilu e- - Caip is -Oil-Cloth*-Si v>* Heater* tor tout or gar.— Com er's-Blankets 1 Red, White or Giey) an.l Bed.ling of ail kinds - Lsirp"-Clicks-P etnreN D»cora'ed or Plait. China. Tea and Toilet Sets, Ac , Ac, or any other article yon may stand in ce»d of whin yon can pro cure it from n- tor 11 sma1! cash o.i'lay :,J on easy weekly or montlny (i.yniert1 — Cinrider this will-A-k jiiir-t! the (jritstion-Why do without ■ i.*-*• ir>ode yon are actually in need ■-t When the Wheeling loetalnicut : > 11 • J Market Street, put them wi ymo t ... !i on easy payment-?-Why do without them when yin can have the osti of '.bem while payirg for them?-Why wait to pav ca»h when you cm buy tlum ou In stalments fir !e.-;i money than cash bon-rs a-k? — Rome ruber thi- is The Wheeling Insisliuent Co-W mako a epenalty ot the Iodtalment business-Th- .* ;* noth ing you want rea-eeaiv to fornixii yonr home from cellar to nt i • that s. haven't got—There is to hQuinem accommoda tion that y n may <*.<n: toat we will not most cheerfully give. WHEELING INSTALMENT CO, *153 STarkot St. NEW YORK DENTAL OFFICE, 1050 Main St. TEETH ON EASY PAYMENTS, IllMMl tJ II Ml hl'lN .. .N S OO Kent I• iiii■ Hi ta.... IO OO Kxlrni'lliii; . iifl Teeth Extracted Without Pain ^ Electricity • * - All Work llral-l lima. HINLSRCORNS. Thconlr I * Ill - \ .\ ( ■ ,s V, Ayott CONSUMPTIVE FT»to |*M| « • i f I PARK £ f< 'S Cl f* TONIC. >’ thn %».•; !■ * , • nil-.i * frututlcfixU'c r.i;l* • . . aim! $L$k ddtt rational. MT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. in-rrKBaoF this Visn/aiOf..) A seno. of Don. than nation .n .epniaUr . oi f >r* CKitplionaJ a i--a.stavi »•'a: ... tl>u of yomiK mile* 1 i a.l department* ! »sy of an thousand volume* Flue phlloaop sir*., chemical and astronomical apparatus M’lCi-il Department « noted, Dorps* ,f piano teachers traint*1 by a lihvlfna professor from • hi. lerritory of Stolnrt Vocii onltnrc toontfinc to the me'bod of the -.i.1 Ita an riurti r* I/s a lion uumirpaMtocl for beastly ard health. Tea Wien of nltssaro crniindi. Hoard uxceletit Kor »lai.>K»e-. an 1 reference* to patron* In all the principal 'it's . *s'1ri ^.pi ••■•tv istHim-nstv*. i BE — WE CAN WRAP EM ALL ON -WRAPSH “ ■Tub “ onrtoods while ....... a lewe.ipos.lblt =111 n INSTALMENTS H* & £Ta . *** ^ - ” -AT Mto*«s. Chamber ami Heaters. Astonishingly Low Prices, .. Buffetts, R from wallow yon to < ouif»rt«. Wardrobes, MIM. the Cl wait or Wrap w hie pay • HI .ub* »« Ueneral lot Tor it. This Is an advantage ■ nnrrrticaicailpe fhol those who sell regardlessI of |£|| 1. 1 ■* IllStr InliSni lb S— nmi hHIi outstretch'd In* oft» for ■— 1 1 ■ pruliH (lo not Oiler. HOUSE&HERP I 1300 Main Street.