Newspaper Page Text
jealt'a is Wealth! ... >_m__j ^-. . s mi Whx:n T*kat ■ N rout Nccnxlgta 'i. by the i \\ kefaltt***. Menial .>• an-1 bath .. L> a- .>f l“ower . j S;. liu \ u of the brain. .* vv.' **' h box eon or *>X l . a. 1 on receipt m\ : i\!v .. :i - ter r*< eire*5 t l y Jo O' we .. ■ :en emranUe ■ anneal >!« not mr by U' l lIS oj v -iiiu, -trect Wheat fiedaso , H Ml), 1STO. black gin Sfor the kidneys d suie rare for the (Jravel *rd *:•.. of the Mad mii*t<* iro » Mire lb* s**1" ' ami &a<l ererj ", i>*nii-. t:u» raort popular nil1 . *..b, brouthiui • or six for IS lie lhe»*’ g«otls 1 KR.S.* • Mfr I’.i _ | ,0*1, ~ ! i>y iTt—gist*. |s*5£®e i ! »&» %j>U *" * .itic-lv » urc-J ■ • Hr. jUulavV • A « 0-. ' nigKttt*. IS page *"»*< <3c Fonu u, noodiM, C onn. JNLY! rMLiyo XAKBOOSj F) •• M.KVOUS DE3U.ITY * .3 y»e l If id: Effect l -c i 0 Jor Toiing \>» *. FAKI* iUiUY i n. I * * U* hi. i. a-v! ? < cj,. surma. ■■r SCORNS. _ r CONSUMPTIVE \ I - V. . \ 111 aicri as irrnisl A tt all cunu£ I.tvr« riLL» • V >!« • Live bvA»ia Ea to th >a* •* n ' rr. ! :\k*9 m jfmori. he?;ve Combination. 1 :cJ Nrrrino liiicalBln* *■ • TVbilily. ■' > -dor*. It 1.1 tood'tion* of lb* *y* nd » .uiy funcilot.* ' I.- h <«lit;*-»ti*m : r* illl>. »r.d trine* boc k !' !« ploa«ont to !.*» • **;, «Lm ’ 'Ululil. I *nneo>** a«Ml . • ry « :.n (tn;iran* I -Vf ,.;iy other bokii'-i ii h. h i >r > n*.. teea i lt».. 3e. i -i > . n. do n>'» r r ' t. rw wanted. 90 beat . :i the world. 1 aamttle _ ^ JAV BKONSON. l>« I fTMjrrlhun iRnusirr *•» % ^ravelrrs’ $aid*. Arrival asddkparttrk of trains ExPLaMOHOMor skfkrk8cr marks:‘Dally, •Sunday ex--pled. {Monday excepted j.auit isy only (Saturday - xOMplra. d^attinlmy only. —75 Mertdan. Nov lOtn, 1589. Wheeling time, which •» Just cue hour earlier than Central Time: B. A O. R. R Depart. [ Arrive. \t ivhlngton i ity A the Kan • i ;tv a ui *11 C5 ptu «.u>’> City a • Raw • 2 a p m,‘ 'loan Washington City Aihe Kasi *U dp m ‘12 t'pn > tunberLand Accom. t 7 i> a tr + 5 3S p m !ration >ceom.. . •.' W pm *12 i >pm Moundsvtlle worn. t 7 w a m 1 905am WEST. olnrobu* and Chicago. . * - C> a m *12 45 a m '•> umbu*. tin. A Chicago. MtuS am • 6 10 pm Chicago limited. . *10 10 p m • 5 so a m flolanbn^l'klcaoKxpne : 115 pro ;iQ0>a m . ’ot a c\ u. A -t. *10 15 p m * sffl • m ■; ii:e*vtl!e Accom.... + 5 00 p m 111>0 a in -t i lairevt.te Accom_«_ tlOOaam rllOOatn at cla.raviUe Acoom __+ 1 45 pm + 1 Jipn st Cialrarille Accom.t * topm!I UOpn W I*, a B. DIVISION. For Pittsburg, Pul....— • 5 10 a tr «l( 00 a m For Pittsburg, la.—«. • 7 20 a ml* 6 55 ptn i-or t tuburg.Pa .A the Kate • f> 20 p tu *10 10 p m ,'i.r Pittsburg Pa. .. + t«>pe +1250pm , Aaf.lngtou, Pa. Accent. .. + 68f>pm+8l0am P.. C AST. L. RY. -Kast. Pittsburg..♦ 7 » a m 9 20 pm • ltubur* an.1 New York .... + 1 45 p tr 8 50 a in ►itAburg and New York.t 120pm 1100 am Pittsburg and New York Ex 9«pm 815pm WC<T x* press, Clu. and St. Loola + 7 20 am + 6 "dam "xpress. On. and m Louis 1 910 p m ♦ 9 20 pm pro**, StenbcnviUe A Col. t 145pm t315pm 'teubenvlile A Dennison At + in) pm 11 00am C. A P R. R Pittsburg, C'level'dA' ’hlcagt t5 50am'+8 52pm ^ast Liverpool.—. 1 7 11 p m j12 12 a m ateubenvifle Accom .«.. t 9 35 am * 125pm Pittsburg, New York.«... Ill '22 a :i +11 18 a m Cleveland and Chicago.+ 2 12 pai. + 8 53am Pittsburg and New York Ex t 3 51 pm ♦ 5 37 pm C.. L. A W. R. R. txpnsv Cleveland. K. AW 1210pm. 310pm Mane lion Accom.. 5 12 p m 11 '22 a m +t. ClairsTille Acoom.—3 00am 935am c airvnlle Aect .. 10 II a in 12 I'pm ■it ( isirsville A.’com- 20ft pm 530pm it 4 .airsville Aocom .. 821 pm 803pm ocal + reight and Accom. I '25 p m 12 uo m OHIO RIVER R. R. Pa«wnser„... • 7 00 am *10 55 a m pAstergeVi....1155 am' 110 pm •*ajMeuger„..„«....■*... * IStlpm * 515pm 8. Z A C. K R. lellalre and Zanesville. t3 45am + ll5pm Be.litre and Summertleld. + 1 10 pm +11 50 am So Cairo and Wootisdeld.... » 5 .V pm + 9 25 a m STEAMER BKLLAlRE. Dal. v Trip. City Time—6:36, 3:15 and 11:45 a m.: 2:90,1720, 5:80 p. m. an uiay Trip—3 and 10 a m.; 1:30, 3:S0 and 5:30 p. m. __ .irHKIUKti as: elm ubovr kailkuai W On and aT.»: Monday. October .'th 1»9. trains on the w healing and Kim Grove Railroad will ran aa follow*: Luave Wheeling. Leave Wheeling Park. 6:30 a. X. 6:10 A. X. 7 00 “ 7.45 “ 9 00 “ 10:00 " 11:00 “ 12 30 P. X. 1:63 r. X. 2 30 ** I tj ** 4:20 “ 5 “ 6:10 " 7:00 •* 8:00 “ 9 00 11_I 10:10 **_ Nl'SDATNl Leave the City at 8 00 a m. and ran every hoot •mt; * 00 t> tn. Love Wheeling Park at 9 a m. and r\::i every hour uniH !"10 p ra. Kxc< pt Church Train, which will leave Park at 9:41 a tn , and City at l.M p. ra. C. HIRSC'H. Superimendent. THU USFIN18UKD STOCKING. .Surat 5' &0o*m/i'i<taA4i(. L-i-. It astde-fc- r work; no more she sit* Hv open window in the w. su ra snu. Thinking of this ati-l that ’-eloved oue In -Hence a* -lie kni-s. ; as It a- 1-*: the need! - In their place: \ - m<-r»- she vre comi- it tbe eottije door The auinng of her children home once more Wu s.iett and tearl ! face. it asile. b- r » - t* done uni we '.: a w nem'-.s. 5vmpathetlc. CUri-Hsu life: A faithful mother and a no'i'e wife; Her iutluem e w ho can tali? Lav it ,i-:de- «y n t her work i* done: No deed of or goo-ljev- tver die*, Rut in the live*ofolheramu tiplie*: ~ay It ts|u-l t-eguiH DIAZ AS DICTATOR. It ta Said that Ha Has HI* Eye on Uautv mala. City OF Mk\k-o, November 13.—Gen. Kitrnnd'a. the Guatemalan exile reti-Ient here, is receiving assistance from tbe Vltxican government, with a view to fomenting a revolution in his native coun try. That, in brief, is the subs'anee of what is being talked of in whispers just at present in eemi official circles. It is arther asserted that money bus been inr ni.-hid for the purchase at New Yotk of suns for ts* in the revolutionary move ment, and that three arms are now beirg -h'p^ed to C'iiapas. It will hr recalls 1 tv»tGen. Rirtnudia’s organ FI P'iUHoh .V,t iomii, has bad mneb to eay of «n tnsnrrectton id Guatemala. The propo«ed movement in G internals is ->nly one step, accordirg to this authority, tn a great movement, wb:ch baa for it* ultimate otject the union of all the Cen tr I Asceticau S' at» a with ibe U-prbltcoi 'ffxictx Tbe ambition of Gen. Dirz it is -aid, is to become President or Dictator of s!l that lies between the Rio Grande and the Isthmus of Panama. ■ i -- - ■ FATAL NATURAL GAS. Mv« Hoy* Terribly Horned by an Explo sion Near Mt. Morrl*. Waynesbi uu, Pa., November 14.— News has j jst reached here of a peculiar accident that happened at Mt. Morris Five boys, named El. and F.ilsworth Donley, George Fox, Waltoa South and James Burris rigged op an old feed entter with a system of fans, plae?d it in an o!d chicken house on the farm of D. L Don lev, the oil man, and ran a gas pipe from i well into tbe taonse. When the gas whs nrntd on the pressure caused tbe tans to revolve. It was evening and oue of tbe boys who had not examined the intricacies of the machinery, lighted a match. Instantly there was an explosion. The feed entter was blown to pieces and the bnildirg kindled into dames. The boys rnsheo through the burning g-is and escaped by the door. They were all badly burned, two of them quite seriously, and it is fear ed the accident ia their cases may prove fatal. TILTONVILLE. \ lllikw Kar nry to te Built— Mine Strike Nettled. fptcial QyrrtrpOMUnc* of IA« Reeteter. Tii.TONVILLK, Ohio, November 14 — To**) is a minor afloat that a syndicate from Washington, Pa., have got their eye in this direction with a viewot purchasing the Tiltonville p>ttery and taming it into a glass factory. A MINK STR1KK SETTLED. The strike of the Yorkville coal miters hae been settled by the opera’ors conced ing to the men's demand. They struck lor t>o cents per toe, wh'ch is cents be low tha state price paid for mining. Tbs Hint Ha<l Flown. Special TtU'jram to Hie Toronto, O , November 14 —A tele gram was received here yesterday after noon from Steubenville, requesting the officers to be on the alert for one Peter Winn, better known as B inker Winn. A careful eta'ch of certain premises was made bv Officers Cable, Marray, and epreial c ffioer Bell, bot it was a fruitless one, as be bad left some time before tbe | arrival of the guardians. Winn is wanted at Steubenville for seriously cutting a man by the name of Matthews. A TAVGKT FOUND. The Not Nmokrlea* Powder to be Fired on the Mahouts I LONDON, November 13—It is a com mentary on modern humanity that tbe m tuortd movement of O man D gna north ward baa eogve-ted to time cf tbe powers that this wi l tarnish tbe tirst and u most fortnnateopporinnitv to try the new smoke less powder in actual warfare. .Mi** Towthiurui IVad. Fairmont, W. Va., Noveab.r 13.— Tootbmxn, tbe young woman shot by Clifton Janes, Sunday, died yesterday. A post mortem txaminat on shows the ball struck tbe spinal column, pacing through the liver into the bowels. A preliminary examination of the arrested parties is set for to-morrow. OHIO SENATORSHIP. A Democratic 8lat«»n»i»i* Who Favors Fayue's Ke-elecMoii. C<>U'MBr9 November 14. —Yourcorf*r pondeut Pill.d this tvenirg nt the resi dence of George L. Converse to interview him rn the question of tbe O 'io Senator. flj eoid he is not a candidate, <iad that his professions de ainnded all of his time and attention. He said be conld see rcanv tensors for the rp-t 1 ctiou of Senator Payne. Thai gentleman end his friends have beeu greatly scan si z d by charges that his seal ia the United S ate’ Senate was pur chased with money. A re election by another Legislature would retufe tbi- charge and leave his name unstained by the slan der. The Democratic party of Ohio has an m’frret in tbe character ard good name of i*» Lading men and H-niy If. Psyne for more than a half century hss been rtc g cized as one ot tbe strongest leaders ot our party in this Stale. Tbs character of the party itself is made np of the character of the public men. “I do not forget,’’ added Mr. Converse, “that Senator l’ayre has expressed an in clination not to serve another term. If lie should be of that opinion ore year from tb6 coming winter he could, if he ?o de.-ired, decline the office and tbo same Legislature would thpn elett his enccessor. It ia high ly probable that new and importaot pub lic questions will arLe for the consideration and action of the D-raocratic party daring tbe year which might very prrpeily affect the selec'ion of Mr Pi.yne’s successor. “I b.-lieve that the tariff question wiilbe practically settled this w titer by Copgr+s, and that the great tight in 1892 will be br t ween the S a es and the Federal Govern ment. If Sherman’s bill passes, a ad the Federal G. vdement supervises all elec tions, there wi 1 ba a revolution iu this country. With every chance for manipu lation in the hands ot the Republicans, and also tbe connt of tbe ballots, t would take a two-thirds vote cf the D.-mocracy to win This propo e 1 law of 8henn; n’s is nit new It is tha old Hamilton idea of a‘sin govcrnmi iP,’iu fid, a men archy. I saw it comirg years ago whin I wits in C n tic a The people tnnst fight it to the bitter end, or onr republican form ot government willBoen he gone.” CONG UK’S OPINION. The Republican Ohalriun Says McLean, then Hrlce or Thomas. Chicago, November 14 —Chairman Conger, of the Ohio Republican Executive Committee, laid to-day in regard to the probable outcome of the Ohio election: * ‘It is hard to -ay who will be Senator. John R McLean can have the place if be wan's it. If he does not take it Brice can have it. Chairman Neal and John Thom as are other probabilities. We think in Ohio that McKinlev will be the Speaker. I believe he is the best qualified man in the House. He is a splend il fighter. The contest will be a hard one. Wfen they once settle down to the tight 1 think the West will take :b» stand that it will go no further east than Oaio; the East will say that a Speaker shall not come from a point farther west than Ohio, aid Mr. McKinley will be eltct;d. He Favors McLean. Washington, D. C., November 11 — C. M. Baker, a prominent Cincinnati at torney, in an interview here to day, said that John R. McLean, of the Cincinnati Enquirer, can have the.United S atea Seca torepip if he deeires it It is believed Mr. Biker’s mission to Washiogt «n is to se cure Mr. McLean’s cousent to the use of bis name as a candidate. MARTIN’S FERRY. It lcoks as if the Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad is an assured fact, f»r the right of way men, Dr. Cook and Major Anderson, have secured rooms at the Hotel Maywood, and say they have come to stay uniil the road is completed to this place They have been circulating among our business men to day, and say there is quite a warm elirg and that most all are willing to subscribe something towards bringing the road here. The Mait u’s Ferry Terminal Railway Company pnt on a gang of men yesterday to pnt the gravel on Hanover street and the road crossing to Beabrigbts, where they have graded for the road. There have been numerous complaints from these having to cross the line as it bus been a very ngly place to drive over. Henry Eberlm, Jr , a grandson of enr well known hardware merchant, Coaratl Lorg, is quite sick at his grandfather’s, on Washington street. M tl:n Oog and w-.f-1, of Scaithfield, are in the c ty the gueet of Mr Gag’s brother, Dr. A. Ii <>ig, on North Fourth street. C >1. Sutherland, of Smithfield, was iu the city yesterday in the interest of the Cleveland and Wheeling railroad. A M. Olell, of Toledo, represext'ng a heetieg and ventih t ng company, was in the city yesterday. Mayor Mitchell and Marshall Barns bpgged fonrtteu birds and one rabbit yes terday. The chest of tools belonging to the late A. M, Shipman was drawn by ticket No. 127 Flicker Coss was locked up yesterday for drunkennees and disorderly conduct. Mrs. J »mes Brand was ia B.-lUire yes terday visiting friends. MACK NETTLED. The Old Champion Want* to Pnt on the (jlort «t with Mitchell London, Novemb?r 14.—Jem Mace is ashamed of the poor showing made by English pngilists, ntd to show how men of the ring hsndled themselves in days gonebyeffars to box Charlie Mitchell cr anv body else for three rounds. S avm goes into active training to day for bis fight with Smith for £5 COO a side He «ays he will ll^ht Sallivan for 11,000 a side if Snllivau will come to England. MRS. FOSTER’S FBIBN0L The Iowa W. O. T. U WIU Probably Sa» t*ln Her. Chicago, November 1-1 —A dispatch to tbe Xeui from Djs Moinss, lowi, says: Tbe news of the withdrawal of tbe Iowa Women’s Christian Temperance Uoion, nnder the leadership of Mrs. J. K lun Fos ter, from the Xitioaal Convention, did not create ninch of a sensation, ns it was not nnexpec>d. It is believed that the lows W. C. T. U. will enstain Mrs Foster. More Chicago M»r»h G»*. Chicago, November 14—A morning paper says that while boring for water a man owning a farm about 25 miles south west of Chicago has struck a vein of natu ral gas which tl iws with such force as to tfcrow dirt and gravel fifty feet into the air.____ Scott's Mine* Shut Down. Shamokin, Fa., November 14-The Hickory Kidge coal mine, which is owned by W. L. Scott, bas enspended operations indefinitely. It is expected that tbe link ory Swamp mine will also shntdown. The cfinse ia tbe dullness of tbe coal trade in tha We-t _ A New Vork lkirk List. London, November 14.—A dispatch from Rio Grande, dated yesterday, says that the Swedish Bark Hilma from New Yi rk, Aognst 27, for Felota*. went ashore near there and became a total wreck. 1 art of the crew were saved. A Scrap ol Paper Save* Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping pep-r, bnt it saved her life. She was in the last sieges of consnmption, told by physicians that she was incurable and c mid live only a short time; she weighed less than s. vtn’y pounds. On a P'«» «• wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New Discovery, end goto sample bottle;i helped her; she bought a large bottle, »* helped her more, bought another am < 'rew hetter fast, cont-nued Ha use and is now strong, healthy, iosy, plump, weigh ing 140 pounds For fully particulars send sump to W. H. Cole, Druggist for Smith. Trial bottles ol this wonderful Discovery free at Logan & Co.’s drug store. BRIDGEPORT. Personal Fararraplis and News of a Gen eral Nature. Religions services are btiog held this wetk by the Y. M. C. A This evening h proyer meeting will be held in the M. E Church. Au address will be delivered by the pastor ol the UbtichsviUe M. E. Church. The next dance of tha series by the Kirkwood Athletic Association will be men on next Taesduy evening, at the Gymnasium. R-v. Henry Overmao in vititing friends in 1‘ittebu'g. Thete will be na services iu the Lutheran C lurch on next Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. K. Borharo, of Parkers burg, W. Vn , are the guests of Mrj. Bot ha u’s broth; r, Hon. Riss J. Altxauder. Mr. John Young was recently presented with a beautiful gold watch on the 57th anniversary of his birthday. R v. J H Rogers, accunpinied by his wire and daughter. Miss Rstta, left yester day for Uurichsville, Ohio. James Quirk, a conductor on the A’cbi soo, To;K«a and Hinta Fe railroad, was in town ytsteidsy. C nncil will rcc»ivs sealed proposals for jobeboats. Totse will be ijiite useful to onr cit’zjns. J. E Clark speat yestetdsy afternoon hunting, und brooght in a fine, large rabbit. Mr. R T. Howell, who has been visiting in Pittsburg, has returned home. Council met iu adjourned session last night. Handle **3,000,000 Without Surety. Chicago, November 14.—The will of the late John Crerar was admitted to pro bate to-day in the County Court, and in accordance with its terms his friends Col. llantington W. Jackson and Mr. Norman Williams, both of Chicago, were recognized as executors, without surety other than their personal recogn/.tnces. The will disposes of personal property scheduled a! $3 500,000 and real estate valued at $50,000. _ Some Ho) ill Osculation. • Berlin, November 14.—The Emperor and Empreee of Germany arrived at Iun sprock at noon to day. E nperor Francis Joseph received them on the platiorm of the railway station and embraced and kissed Emperor William. He then kissed the hai-d of the E nprese. The Emperors retired to the saloa of the station where they conversed privately for some time. Alter pxiUking of lnrcheon, the imperial party reintned their journey to Berlin. Am®r!<*n Live Cattle for Germany. Washington, D C , November 14.— Commercial Agent Smith, at Mayenc?, Germany, reports that the prevalence ol h’gh prices for meat in Germany has censed a firm in Majence to try the exper iment ml importing live oxen from the United S ates. * Very I'hllanthrr|» c PhUftdclpMiBI. Philadelphia, November 14 —George Kennan, the well known S berian t aveler, delivered an tx eedingly interesting lec tu-eat Association Hall last night. A movement has bepn begun to induce th* Foiled States to ask that the snU'drings of S berian piisoners be lightened. Archduke John s Hold Conrie. Rerun, N'vember 14.—The Tageblatt gays that the Emperor Francis Joseph has permitted Arckdnke JohD, of Austria, to s-nme the name of Johann Orth. Th« ex Archdnk», the paper says, will enter a ship building yard in London. N« Kro t)olonl*®m In M» t'co. City «'k Mexico, November 14.—Tht Official Gazette publishes a colonization ouctusnn to Ellis an 1 Fergn-ioo, the ne gro colon- /irs. The VnivetMil (oeweoaper) publishes an open letter to Mr. Ellis iD which it predicts many evils to the conn try and to U. 9. Attorney for Ohio. Washington, November 1-1 —Attorney General Miller to day appointed Henry Hooper Assistant Faited Statet D strict Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio, rice Harlan Cleveland, resigned. FINANCE AMD TRADE. Honey ai .*>«<• Per Cent.—Government* Doll and Steady—Stock* Ulghcr-Flonr Firm and I’uchanged—Wheat Strocg. NkwYork. November 14.—Money on cal! ea»y, ranging >a(i percent.; closed offered si at 5 per lent.: prime mercantile paper ■'>7,4 per cent.; -i.-i ling exchange quiet aud steady at 481*4* 4*1%. Govr.BNMitsTs-Dull and steady. Fonts, Registered.127 Koura. Coupons...127 Fours-aud-a-balf, RegislertxL.—.10a Four-and a-half, Coupons.lf54 Pacific nixes of 1895.1174 States—Dull and steady. Raii.boaiis—Moderately active: salts $1,52*, uOO. Stim-k*—The ?t ck market was quiet today though ih ; dealings extended to an unusually large number of *har s and the temper from the poniug to the close was moderately bullish. The movt incut of prices after Ihc first half hour was steady, though tending slowly upwards well iuto tne afternoon, when the buying ns .ilined larger proportions and the rise was accol . r.-te-l l'be Southern st«a*k> wt® the most nd able nature, though Richmond and West point seem- d to drag after its sharp advance of tho past few days and the grangers followed with marked movements In the specialties. The Trusts with the exception of < )tlOU Oil. were dull. Sugar was the omy one which made any material litial advance aud that was com paratively dull throughout the day. The final prices show uniform gains throughout the list and Sugar and oregtn Traiwontiuental are up 14cacti, Tennessee foal a like amount, Jersey I'eutrai 14. Louisville and Nashville 1 xj-. Roi k Island, D over, Texas and Forth Worth, 1 ackn wanna, Norfilkand Western preferred and St. Paul 14 each, ('ousoidated Gas 1'., Hocking Valley a- d ra- ana Pacific 1 per eeir.. each, oth ers fractional amount*. S4ls*2lV>,977 shares. Quo tations closed bid as follows: Adatns Exores-s 152'..; American Express Ilf.; Canada Pacific 72*,: Central Pacific 3l'4; Chesa peake and Ohio 25%; preferred do tirsta 61.4; do seconds preferred 434; Chicago and Alton 133; Chicago, Hvirllngtoti and Quincy 1064; Delaware and Hudson 117%; Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western, II.1,; Denver and Rio Grande 174: Erie 28%; preferred do 62: Ft. Wavne. 157; Illinois Central. 116%; Lake Shore, 1(6%; Michigan Central, 97%: Minucapolia and *t Louis, 4. do preferred 74: Missouri Pacific, 694; Northern Pacific, 83; do preferred 76; Chicago and Northwestern 112%; do preferred, 112 New York Central ICCH; Oregon Transcon tinental. 354: Pacific Mail, 34; Peoria, D. ft E. p< Pittsburg, 156; Pullman Palace Car, 1*74; Reading ll' ; Rock island - .-*i. lamisaud San Francisco, 24%; do preferred 55; do first prefer red. 167. 9t. Paul, 69 4; do preferred 1124; St. Paul. Minneapolis and Manitoba, 11'4. St- Paul! and Omaha. 334 do preferred, 97; Texas Pacific, 20'4; Uuiou Pacific, C6%; United Status Express, 85'. Western Uuiou. 84.4 fKOmJCK. Nkw York, November 14 -Klour, receipt* 42, 518 packages: export* 1.75'. barrels, ana 5.1".' sacks; market firmer; salts 22,150barrels Wheat. receipts 219,350 bushels; exports 61,568 bushels; sales. 9,'WO"*1 bushels fa ures, and 261,000 bush els spot, spot man it unsettled; No. 3 red 81S* s.'c; ungraded red 77^a>9’4c; steamer N *. 2 red siVjjHic; options active ai.d irregular; No 2 red November sl'sc; December S4y4c; January s6i e closing at 86c: February S7'<c; March S' *v>'4c, closing at s' May 90c: June 89Ka S954c, closing at syW. Corn, receipts 83 200 bush el,: sales, 1.041.000 bushels futures, aud 165,000 bushels spot; scot market moderately active and easier ungraded mixed 404fRll'4c; November I,*„e• December 4.’H»427'c, closing at 42%e: Jan uary 12Wc; May 42c itats, receipts 67,:10J bush els-’exp >rt* 16 000 bnshe's; sales 720,000 bushels fuliir. <• ami 171.0-X> bushels spit; market irregtt lar and easer; No 2 spot white 30Sc: mixed western 26a29c; wnite do. 3oa35c; No. 2 Chicago ■ , , Hay quiet aud weak. 1 oilee op tions steady ana 5alt) poln-s down; November, 15j0e- December, 15.l0al5 25c; January 1505a 15 20’; February, March. April. May and June 15 0 a 15 25c; July 15.00al5.ftoc; September 145(ia 14 80c- stmt Rio strong at 19H3. Sugar, rellned firm anil fair!'' active. Mol.sses, moderatjiy active Rice, steadv. Petroleum, .|Uiet and s-eadv United *110H Cotton Seed Oil, weak. Tallow, steady Rosin, qntet. Turpentine non inttl Eggs, firm: we*tern. 23a24c. Pork, active and’firm Cut meats, firm. I-ard, easier and inlet- western 'team. 56 45: November. 56 35; December 16 24. January 56 25; Februa-v, *6 30; Match. 56 35. Rutter, quiet and steady; Elgin *1> w< stern dairy 9il8c: creamery 18a23c. Cheese, quiet; Western 7Sal0c. Chicago November 11.—A large business was tran'iicud In whoa* on speculative account and the market was quite strong most cf the session. There was active buying by shorts, and at the same time the adv.ncid prices Induced con siderable realizing by the long Interest. The wl eat however. *eem«d to be all ab orbed withoutcau*lng much if any reaction in prices until a!.wit half au hour befero the close, when a weak feeling set In. In corn a gxtd business wr s transacted, with the feeling weaker. Oats utet at inside figures. Provisions ca-icr prices snowing little chat g». Flour firm and un changed. Wheat, cash No. 2 spring siasi'.c: No 3 spring 6ia66c: No. 2 red SlaSi'-.c; Dec m ber sj *.*82”,c, closing at Sic; year 81c: Jan uary Mttfnsjc, closing at Sl'-^c; May 84 ./-, c'winga 85-. ( out,ca'h No 2,31c. Dec-mrer -cats’- . closing at >2'.-; Janaary 31’>31 if, o’o*i*ng at US*-: Mey 83;fc. Oats, cash No. 2 hi d Decjmber 19-'ic; January 20'„o: May, 22 ,i. live. No. 2, 44Sc. Barley, No. 2 at 57c. Flax I Seed, at *1 33. Timothy Seed at SI '7. Mesa Pork; cash |9 60; year, 89 20a9 50, closing at 39 22%; January 19 32%; May $9 67%. Lard, cash 16 00; rear aud January S' 85; May, {6 05. Bulk Meats, ihort rit« |A 25a5 60; shoulders 81 37%i5 00; short clear 85 5Ca5 62% Receipts — Flour. ‘24,000 barrels; wneit, 121,001 t^shels; corn, 144,000 bnsbels; oats, 62,0C0 bushel : rye, 11 000 bushels: bailey, 47,000 bushels Snip menis-Flour, 25,60o barrels wheal. 61.000 bush els; c >rn, 14 I.0CO bushe>; oats, 91,000 bushels, rye, 3,00J bushels; barley, 67,000 bushels. Haitimore, November II. — Wheat, western firm; No. 2 winter red spot aud November mi* n)%c; December 81%a81%c; January 8 83c; February, H!faH>,c. Corn, western ea'v, mixed sprit and November Dative. December 4t%all%c; year39%a,9’‘4c;January 3-»%a39<ac; February 39%a40c; M.rcli 4u%*40%c; April 41«41%c Oats, firm; western white 28a23c; mixed 2>a27e. Rye, easier at 5la53c. Hay. du 1 at 812 5 )al5 00. Butter, lirm; creamery 24a25c. Eggs. firm; western 25c. Or t!e<s, s’cady; Rio. iulr at I9''„c. Reco pts— Flour, 10,d00 barrels: wheat, 41,000 bushels: corn, 57,0<>0 bushels; oat*, 3,000 bushels; rye. 1 90J bushels. Shipments—Flour, >2,000barrels; wheat, 64,000 bushels; orn, 43,000 bushels. Philadelphia, Pa., Novembei 14.—Floor, lirm. Wheat, quiet aud higher; No. 2 red No vember 8%a8lc; December 81%a82c: January ■V".,as3:': February 83%«.s(c. Corn, strong; No. 2 yellow 42c; No 2 high mixed 42%c; No 2 mixed November 19%e41%c: D cember 40)fa41r; Janu ary 39%at0%c: Feliruary IOhIOJ.jC. OaLs, lirm; No. 3 white 28%c;N\ 2 white November 2'i,a December 29a.9%c: January 29' ,aJ91,Jc. K gs, dull: Pennsylvania firsts 26«7c Keceipls —Flour, l,7f0barrels; wheat, 10,600 bushels; corn, HJsjO bushels; oats, 27,100 hu-hels. NbipmeuU— Wheat, 6,'200 bushels; corn, 9,900 bushels; oats, 16.300 bushels Toledo.O.. November 14.—Wheat, active and weak; cash 83%c: December 8372c; Mav 87%c. Com, dull; easti 35c; Deceiub'.r 3i%c; January 3>'„o Oats, quiet, cash 20%c. Clover Heed, activj and easier: cash and November $3 70: Dec mber f:i 75; Febmary S3 80; Match 13 85 Receipts—Wheat, 12,665 bushels; corn, 1,42-1 bush els; oats, 991 bushe s, rye, 1,611 bushels: clover sAed, 760 bags. Shipments-when-, 5.1U0 bush els; corn, G,6u0 bushels; rye, 27,200 bushels; clover seed, 590 bags. Cincinnati. Ohio, November 14.-Cot on. lirm; middling 10c. Fleur, easy. Wheat, easier and lower; No. 2 red 76i77c; receipts, 1,600 bush els: shipments, 6,000 bushels Corn easier; No. 2 mixed 37%*38c. Oats, easier; No. 2 m'xed 22 a'23c Rye, steady: No. 2 46c. Pork, dull at 810 00 Lard stronger at 35 90a5 95. Bulk Meats aud Bacon, s eady and uni hanged. Whisky, sc ive arid lirm at $1 02. Bmter, Sugar aud Cheese lirm. Eggs, linn at 19%a20c. laVK STOCK. Chicaso, November 11.—Cattle, receipts 13,OCo nead; shipments 4,000 head; market steady; beeves ft 50a5 90: st“crs |2 75a4 25: flocker- and feeders 81 7oa2 90; cows, bulls and mixed 81 20a 2 60. Texaus #1 50a2 75; western rangers 82 00a3 40. Hogs—Receipts 32,WO (lead; shipments 6,'O.J held; market slow and 5c lower, mixed 83 66* 3 90; heavy S3 60a3 90; light 83 70a3 90; skips 83 20 O3C0. Sheep—Receipts 6,030 head; shipmenw 1,000 head; market steady to strong; natives 83 0"a 5 20; western 83 50a4 20; Texans 8' I0d4 10; lambs 84 50a5 70. New York, November 14 —Beeves, receipts 50 cm: no call for cattle lodiy; dresstd beef very dull at 5a7%e per lh for native sides; 4a5%c for Texas and Colorado do. Sheep—Receipts 3,500 head; market dull; sheep 83 50a5 25 par 100 pounds; lambs 85 00a6 50. Hogs—Receipts 5,100 head; market steady at 8i 25a5 30 |>er 100 lbs. East Liberty, November 14.— Cattle— ReceR ts 630 head: shipments 240 head; market fair; closelnt Monday's prices. Hogs—Receipt] 3,500 head; Rhlpmen‘8 2 800 head; market slow and all sold; 1-est 5'orkers 83 90; common 13758385. Philadelphia*51 00. Sheep—Receipts "JO Dead: shipments 400 head; rnarktt stioug at Monday's price]. Cincinatnci O., November it.-Hags, ‘inner; common and light 83 00a3 75; packing and butchers, 33 60a3 65. Receipts, 3,450 licnl ; ship ments, 2,530 head. P-KTKODKOM. New York, November 11—Petroleum opened strong at 81 1 u% and advaue d to II 11% Steady selling O'ders at that point broke the market and the prioe declined to 81 0S% A rally followed, on which the market closed steadv at 81 09' *. etoek exchange opening at 81 10%; highist 81 11%; lowe-t 81 0*%; closing at 81 09% tales, 1.119.000 barrels.,Pa..NovemberIt. -Petroleumopened at 81 10%; highest 81 12%; lowest 81 09%. closed at 81 1 %. Sales, 780,000 barrels; clearances, 1.110.000 barrels; charters, 07,857 barrels; ship ments, M,211 barrels; runs, 41,1120. PrrrsBuao, Pa., Noyember 11.—Petroleum Active and Irregular; opened at 81 1'j%; closed at 81 10; highest 8112%; lowest 8109% Bradford, Pa., November n.- Petroleum opened at 81 10%: closed at 81 10; highest 81 12%; lowest 81 09% clearances, GJl.oou bar rels Titcsyii.i.b Pa, November 11—Petroleum opened at 81 10%; highest 81 12%; lowest 81 09; ■ closed at 811(%. l ltY 0001)8. New Yokk, November It —The dry goods market is iu a strong position and a I'w agents ate seeking trade. Some are qtt te indifltren'. C ilton Roods are in more improved condition than otherwise, though some colored descrip tions are slow of sale and low in price. Metal Market, New York, N. vetnber II— Pig Iron, firmer tendency; American -G 50*18 80. Copper, quiet and easier; lake 812 70. head dull; domestic 83 SO Tin, heavy; straits 821 75. NO LONGER IN DOUBT. It is no longer a question but an absolute fact that merit is a winner all tbe time Thrust an article of merchandise In the market and if it has not the qualities claimrd for It, It will livo but a little while. Soou, yes very soon, the peo ple whl brand it ti g. rot so, however, with ihe real ihiug. but quite to the contra v. If it is * hit it is claimed u. h \ that same public will indor e H by continuing its purchases. So i Is with "Klein'* Sliver Ag« Kye." No better In dorsement can he obtained than tbe continued •ale to those who have bten using it for years. Doctors a id hospitals have tried it and are still us ng it, pro dor which, if wanted, can and will he furnished abundantly, silver Age Kye be ing the only displayed whisk? at tit.- HxposHion is another proof of its fearless position as a standard old and reliable stimulant We do not claim that it cures all discs* •*. but we do know ihst It is an excellent remedy formally It is sold everywhere at 81.53 t er lull quart. We a so keep all tbe leading Pennsylvania rye whiskies lull quart* six year o d. your choice for 81 CO I>er quart, or fix quart* lor 85.00, Wines, bran dies and gins at from 50 cents an 1 tin ward All goods noaliy packed ami sent any whore. Send for price list, or call on Max Klein, sj Federal strict, Allegheny. j.I„ lMtHM’OTTiV CO., No. Her wick, Mr x^mNETTfe Standard Flavoring c<? H!GHLY 0 ^tracts HOUSEKEEPERScan prove by a single trial that these Extracts are the cheapest; they are true to their names, full measurei and highly concentrated. Fives' ,y'>JBEST dfcF°H BLACK Ll c)TOCKlN(5S Fine(5lorsThat ^■".hEiTHER Smut Wash out nor fade ONLY BE MADE BY Sold by druggists. ,.1-vri >ss BROSZK !'UNTS-0 Colors, •1 Mtl hSSMVM»i:V ItH'IN«- , , t*| I |.| | ,s INK row Dl i;> •* Klnils . (nlnrv [•Kltl I Vi >!IOK AM* II AUM v> IIKKSSINU Vv ' 111 *v> Hiti PVI'H—S i'nl.'rfc -TOPS :T|Adopted hytheGsr miTiTtiinl- manG >vernmeiUlor discharges is Hospital* Vnayuse 24 P.8.C. — ., —— --T A tr C N 3 N '1 sureJ sno The Von Mohl Company. Cincinnati, Ohio, j Au*wriw»-Aflcu;». au22eod-eAJc THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. M lint it Prominent York Doctor has t#*nj- upon llie Subject \*htcll In At Imt-ting so iiuicli Attention. "D.. you believe In the Klixtrof Life?" I asked °*a prominent New York physician, re ently. Theu «‘»r thought a moment, carefully, and said: "Certainly I do tut not in tbe way in which Doctor* Brown Sequatd or Hammond have been describing It. Ail that has been said In the press of the land for the pas' m- nth* proves tnat somethin? is needed to assist and Rust ijo the vtta! and oft n failing forces of life, but Na ure never Intended the t umau tody for injcc.iotu end they are always injurious because unnatural.” "Rut is it not often done, Doctor."' "I am so>ry to say it is Morphine injections ate far too common and they are the great cause of that fearful living death known as the opium habit. Therp is but otic w*y top optrly retell or sustain the vitality and lif*, and that i< through the sumach, and there is no discovery of modern times, which, if rightly used doe’s 'his so thoroughly, keeps back disease and pro longs life, as pure whiskey. Mind you, I ray pure whiskey, tor all else is injnrions. The ef fects of a pure article like DuftV's Pure Malt Whiskey, are p recti call y those of an‘elixir of life’ Iltoiicsup ami 'tret's'hens the system, without inturiou* reaction or without ’ho form ation of any habit it touds to renew life in the aged and restore it to those In middle life. For women especially, who are weak, languid or suffering as most women are, it is almost invaln ab.e. All physicians learn these things from their practice, and cannot but be believers in a true aud sensible ‘elixir of life’ like this pure article of which I have been speaking.” The Doctor himself seemed to he a good ex ample of the troths he advanced for his itroug frame and clear eye showed him to be in perfect health, and I left h in much Imprased by the clearness, truth and common-sense of his state ments(!) ALL KINDS OF PRINTING NEATLY AND.PROMPTLY EXECUTED —AT TH1 — REGISTER OFFICE, 12» MARKKTRTRKET. druggists. Logan Drug Co. Are always to the front with New and Seasonable Goods. MOTH MARBLES for preserving Fun and Clothing from the rav ages of Moths, Is superior to Camphor, Tobocot or any other Moth Destroyer In the market. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES Hyrupe, Fruit Juices, Mexican Sherbet, Malto, Moxle, Ac Agent* for Bedford Spring Water In pints quart.1- and one-half gallon bottles. Tnrklsli Life Tablet* fur Nervous 5x haiution, Want of Bleep, Headache, Ac. Jf SUTHERLAK9 SISTERS’ HAIR 6R0WER, I SUTHERLAND SISTERS’ SCALP CLEANER. Proprietors and manufacturers of the origin a Mid GXSOIN* KXCKI.NIOR HA KINK POWDER. A beautiful chromo given wit! each pound of the genuine Excelsior Bakin Powder purchased at retail. Ask your grocer to the chromo. PLEASANT WORM SYRUP-Palatable anC effectual. LOGAN’S ESSENCE JAMAICA GINGER. HOMESTEAD PILLS. Do not be mislead bj any Imitation. Lily Cream—the most elegant pre paration in the market tor chan* and roughne** o! the skin. Cinderella Corn Cure holds Its own wi.h all other corn cure* offered. FURNITURE POLISH. WOLF’S TRANSPARENT PAINT it Just the thing housekeepers want at thl* seafior of the year. LOGAN DRUC CO., •n19 RKIDUK CORN PK. anil Whiskey linb lueured at home with Ioot nun. Book of par ticular* nei.t FltFE. m B. M.WOOI-LKY. M.D ' Wco t.;*i Whitehall HI JfUJ ^duerlisfments. FIRST ARRIVAL! DIRECT FROM SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA. —ALL FANCY STOCK— 1,0111 Botes California Pranes, 50s,Sis, 70s, 09s, 90s, 100s to Pound. 600 Bags Choice California Lima Beans. 300 Boxes Choice California Layer Raisins. 200 Boxes Choice Cali fornia Muscatel Raisins. DIRECT FROM NEW ORLEANS, Fancy New Crop Molasses. Also in stock at all times a full line ot everything in the Grocery Hue and always first to receive new goods In season. JOS. SPEIDEL &CO-, WHOLESALE GROCERS, WHEELING, W. VA. IqTPROPRIETORS OF OHIO VALLEY COFFEE.‘usfi HOLS AGENTS FOR EI.KrTRIO LIGHT FLOCK. <lo4 WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THE PLACE TO BUY Furniture) Carpets, Bed Lounges k Parlor Suits, THE CHEAPEST, IS AT J, W. BLATCHLEY’S, Corner Market and Twenty Second Streets. Undertaking and Arterial Embalming at Prices as Low as the Lowest. Us^CASH OR CREDIT-g# ROp24COdC4d* gear Jfmroftorj lioase—iianun & (To. NEW FURNITURE HOUSE <S& CO. -DEALERS IN Furinitui10,-:-Gai1pet0,-:-OiI-Glot;h0, Window Shades, Mattresses, Parlor and Chamber Suits, &c., No. 1067 Main Street. - - WHEELING, W. VA. Nperial attention given to I'ndertak lug and ArlerlallEnibalmlug. Telephone ealtx answered nl any linnr of the ilitf or night. »pr2eodC “WE ARE THE PEOPLE” WHO ARE OFFERING SUCH GREAT BARGAINS IN Furniture H Carpets. Curitcck is onequalltd In Design, Style, Quality, Durability ani Pi ice. Special Bale THIS WEEK in order to make room for oor I.urgc Choice Christmas Block. ARBENZ & CO., 1115 Main Stroot, Wliooliua. W. Vn WE CAN WRAP EM ALL ON -WRAPS FURNITURE! **~We deliver at once. You luive Ilie u«e of our i;oodl while l>i«yinic for the Name. hT^hT Clininher null Pari »r Suit*, I Folding Bed*, ButrettN. Wnrilnilirn, tilenernl -AND | JHSTILMEITS- | Astonishingly Low Prices. Bay from a*. Wo allow yon to n«o ilm I look or Wrap while pay ing lor It. 'IllIw Is an atlvonlnice Ihitl IIioho who »oll ret; aril le«<i of roNt with nnlilrrlfliwl hand* for prolll<i ilo not offer. CARPETS. 44-It ■■ y from 11*011 the ph»Ip*I term* no<l ot tlie loweNl |ii»**lble price*. H. & H. Move*. Heaters, l.amp*, I I.aee Curtain*, (OHirnil*. lilnnket*, 1EB0IIE Of III urn I Jtailronds. gALTIMORE AND OHIO R. R. Departure and arrival of Train*, at Wheeling, Eastern time. Schedule In effect Nov. 10, 1889. MATN LINE EAST. For Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, 4:85 a. m., 2.25 and 11:80 P. m.. daily. Cumberland Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. dally, Except Sunday. Grafton Accommodation, 2 25 p. m., dallv. Monndsvllle Accommodation, idia m', Ex cept Sunday. ARBI7A From New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore, 9 30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. and 11<5 p. in., dali Cumberland Accommodation, 5.85 p. m l • cent Sunday. Graffou Acooramodatlon, 12 r, p m., dallv. Moiindsvlllo Accommodation, 0 05 a. m| Ex cept Sunday. Tit A NS-OHIO DIVISION. For Chicago, t>.S5 and 10 05 » tn. *nd 10:10 p. m. dally, * d 1:15 p m d lly, Except Monday. Cincinnati lixprv*. 101 < a in. and iO.n u. m., dally. Columbus aud Chicago Express, Except Mon day, 4:15 p m. Zanesville Accommodation, :> 00 p. m., Excel t Sunday. St. Clalrartlle Accommodation, .0.05 a m. and 1:45 and 4:10 p. m., Except Sunday. ABBIVX. Chicago Express. 12:45 and 8:3: a m.. aud 6:10 p. m . dally, aud 10.16 a , daily Except Mon day. Cincinnati Express, 5.35 a. m. and 6:10 p ns., daily. Zanesville Accommodation, 11 01 a. m , daily Ex Sunday. St. Clalnvllie Accommodation, 11.00 a. m. ai d 135 and 4:30 p. m., Except Sunday. W. P. A B. DIVISION. ForPttUbnrg, «:40 aud 7:;0 a m., and 6 J)p. a, dally, sud 1:40 p m. daily. Except Sunday. Washington Accommodation, 5 p. ia., JU oept Sunday ABBIVX. From Plttabnrg, 10.00 a m., dally, 12:50 p. m., Except Sunday, 6:55 and 10:10 p. m , dally. Washington Accommodation, 8:13 a w., dally, Except Sunday. CHA8. O. SCTLL, nolO_General Passenger Agent. QHIO RIVER RAILROAD. Tims Table taking effect May 26, 1889. Fat ten gei trains will ran as follow*—Central Time. All trains dally except those marked thnif which do not mn 0:1 Sunday: SOUTH BOUSil. |N0.71|N0. 6.|No.3l 4 ,1 ---- a. m p. si. a. m e. n. l-eave—Wheeling—. 8 » | 10 56 6 '« Benwood... S 45 11 10 8 15 Moundtvllle...-.. 4 06 11 88 6 85 p. m. New Martinsville..— » 10 li 25 7 42 Wllllemttown-... 8 65 l 51 9 40 Parkersburg..—. 5 45 7 8. 2 i 10 15 Karans wood-... 7 08 8 45 11 60 p. m. Mason City..—.......... 8 Z ...— 4 55 1 05 Clifton-.-. 8 80- 1 5S 1 10 Ar've Point Pleasant... 9 05 ........ 5 85 1 44 “ Gallipoli! Perry... 9 26 . 5 4 i os •• Guyandotte.. 10 45 7 15 8 27 " Huntington.-.. 11 017 Sc 8 40 " Charleston KAO.—. 8 28 8 28 p. m " Charleston, OA O.............. 158 10 22 " Portsmouth,...— 1 80 .—-... a. m. a. m. " White Sulphur..— . 6 JO ....— " stannton.-.-. 9 as.. BOBTH BOU2ID, <0. 2.1NO. ljNO,8'|M ,M a . a ei. P.i. rr . *. 'a. Leave— Huntington. 4 16 10 00 8 l i. cjyandotte.— 4 J. 10 16 3 2t.—. Gallipoli? Ferry. & ST 11 36 4 40 — p. m. Point Pleasant-.—... 6 55 tl 55 4 67 — CUfton.... 6 281 12 26 j 4 27|. Mason Oily.6 83 12 2> 5 82 .... Bavenswood-... 7 48 1 .V 6 4C . warkerabnrg.. 9 10 2 55 8 0C 6 00 william stown..^.... 9 40 3 3t.— « 80 New 5)A-t1niTlll*!T?_11 U' 5 4' . a 15 Moandsrlll*12 05 6 46.—. 9 00 Benwood.12 Z 7 Ot1..—. 9 40 Wheeling—.. 12 40 7 16|......... 9 56 Portsmouth.. 9 68 ...— —. Athlana..—. 10 66 .. —.— • p. m. Stannton..—.—... 5 OP 3 15.. White .Sulphur. 8 6C 6 48 —-— a. m. C'harlueton, K 40. 6 4a .-.— Charleston, CAP—. 1 58 11 17 —. Through tickets and baggage checked to alt points. For rate* and other Information, addrw* FERIJ HC-IKMKN Tray. Pa**. Ag'L Wheeling, w v». W. J. RCB1N80N, Gou’i Pas*. Agent. Parkerrhurg W V W. H. OSBORN. R. T A.. Pomeroy. O. ennsulvanjBLjiu& _ r i' n Erldgf jtcit file Icn. Truin'via the Cleveland at >1 Plltshingh Rail road leave Bridgeport lor PlUabumli. Chicago and Cleveland. 4 0u m. For PI tsbursh. 10 22 a m For Chicago and Cleveland, 1:12 p. m. For Pittsburgh and New York, 2 54 p. m. ror Steubeuvlle. 8:33 a. m. Trains arrive at Prldgcjrort at 7 :a m..10 — a. m , 12.28 p m . 4 37 p. m . and 7:52 p. ra. On Saturdays only - ror Kwt Liverpool, 6:11 p. m.: ficm Ktst Liverpool, 11:12 p. m FROM WHEEL! 5G STATION Trains via the Pitwbure, Cmclnn ti and St. Louis Railway Pan Handle Route, leave Wheel leg ror r-mbenvllle, Pittsburgh and the K»st, a-20 a m , 12:45 p m., 3 20 p m , mid 8.10 p m. For Columbus, Cincinnati. indlgnapoll' and St. Louis 0:20 a m and 8 4" p 111 1 or Cohimbtii and Chicago 12 I - p. in Trait-s airlve at Wheel ing at 5.40 a m.. lOtTO a m . 2:15 p. m , and s ju p. in. Trains leaving at '-.A) a. m. and arriving at 8 20 p. m. run solid b-lwceu Wheeling and Pittsburgh. All trains daily eveept Sunday. imlO TT ANAWHA A OHIO KAJL Jlv Way. |Robt. W. Kanunr, Receiver.] (Karawba Short Line.) Schedule in effect Feb ruary 8d, 1889. (subject to change without nodes.) Trains leave Wheeling 10 :10a. m. via Ohio ltlver tt. K., arrive Charleston 8:30 P. m. Leave Charleston 6:15 a. in., arrive Wheeling 7-4.4 p. m. viaO. R. R. R. Leave charleston 12:30 p. m. arrive Wheeling 3:44 p. m. via Columbus and Pan Handle, dally except Sunday. "Central standard Time.” Huudavs, only trains ■ ave Charleston 8 00*. m., arrive W heeling 7:45 p. m. vl* ^ R' **' UFO I V KM I 1*H <• »■ * M. HAKE A SON, rsAoncat Plumbers, Gas andSteam Pitteri 8f3 Twelfth Sti'eot All work don# promptly at most reaaonahl* price fAKM 0. M «?H AS. K. MOkOWB JOUtPH IjOT*. Wansbarger, Lotz & McKown, -PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, CP.S and STEAM FITTFfiS, *7 Twelfth Nl„ Whwllnj, W. V». «#-K.'tlmate« funCahed. AU work don# at reasonable rate* nc4it*4_ TRIMBLE & LUTZ. Ticks Ovei) 41^8 Supplies. Iron Pipe and Fittings. Brass Valves and docks. Injectors and Syphons. Steam and Water Gauges. Plumbing Gas and Steam Heating, 1416 A 1118 Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. - Inks. 12AHK0F THE OHIO VALLEY Buts and City Depoaitory. BtockLoiditJ Donbly Liable. CA P11AL.—..ei7d.*»«>' Goreramant and Local SoDd*bought and w-id. Draft* leaned on any point In Europe, a* »»l ta oa the principal cltlcaof the Dotted state*. A general banking butlno**. uainuacied. WM. A. I8KTT, President, WM. B. SIMPSON, VloaPrecUem mil F P. JEPSON. Caahler._ gXCEANGE BANK. CAPITAL...—....—.—. J. N. VANCE.-...—..PrvWeLt L. 8. DELAPLAJN.-Vice Prwddeal maacroK*: J. N. VANCE. 8. HORKHEIMKR, JOHN M BKOWN, W. KI.L1 NGHAM. B. DRLAPLAIN, A. W. KKLLKT, JOHN ERKW. Draft* l»t,ed on England. Ireland, -toniccl and a!) points In Europe. BJV? _JOHN J IONKS. Oaaht Rational bank of w. va AT WHEEZING. CAPITAL____#200,t*ot Southwest comer of Main and Twelfth Su. .DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINJCiH Dlkkctoa* AUGUST BOI K. JOHN WAGNER, MICHAEL RE1I.LT. B. W. KATI.r K. W. OGLKRAY, J R Be(»n T.-P CHA» W. BBOCKTTNIEK. KARL W. OGLEHAY. President. (JBAB. W. BROCKPNIKK. VlewPruald.. JOHN WAGNKR, Cashier - LAWRENCE K. BANDS, Aa*!«*n‘ C* u »r.