Newspaper Page Text
Wjftling Jfogistrri WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. nnuwM *.so Baoi-RirroK*. UA B. TANEY. DenrraL MaNaarr TK&MB: FBR YEAR. BY MAIL. FOWTAAB FRRFATO. DAILY. *li day* tu Uhe week.—I» 00 jAILY, three ilay» lu tht week . A CO JAILY two day* In the week...- 1 W jaILY one day la the week... 1 40 WKEKt.Y oaeyear In advauce.. \ * WEEKLY, os month*. .. DELIVERED BY CARRIER DAILY, per week to be paid week y.- 15 DAILY andsCNDAY per week 1* J'he DAILY will be delivered by carrier lu any other city or town at...—.- ‘5 BlNt.LKtxni Sri OK DAILY DR WEEKLY 5 wwlYlbutea of Respect aud Obituary Notice* 0c per inch. TiKRwrosDiNce containino IMFOkTAS»T BIW* Stout ITkP FROM RYRRY FAKT OF TM« HUB aOUNOl.Se COUNTRY Rejected communication* will not beretn-aed liUws accompanied by *u®c1eut po*tagv. stainm of the deiomi nation of two cent* and •»* awP*ed tor amount* lew than one dollar. THK kKHJ.STkk .tahr.uoio u» "lituma. a <H.'er^ l of t»/ I'nttofift m wbtiiHg, W l a., at rioM* uiatir r Thk drought utricktn (Hsirict of Dakota would be a good place for Ru>ta Claoe to distribute a portion of h a store of’ substan tial gifts. ■ ■ —■ -♦ ■' -■■■■■ Ixkli kn/a ban reached our shore*, but don t think you’ve got it because you ve got a cold. You cau scare yoarmlf into almost anything. Conuressmax Penduttox introduced I two lulls yts'erday of decid.d important--1 lo YVheelirg and Wellsbarg. 1 he Inti lit gwr takes a fit u-ntlly wh-n Mr. Pen- | DLKTOX ha* anything to say (it the good or behoof of hit district Its porta yarns this morning will be pun'ul beyond com pare, probah'y. The Governor yesterday issued hie cell of the extra session of the Legislature, to meet ou the third WeJneeday 10 January. It is a remarkably voluminous document, and enumerate* thirty-eight entj'.e.s for the consideration of the ex tin session. They are all important matters, but it is exceeJi»g- j ly Joubttnl if halt of them can be cousid ered iu the t5 days time allotted the Leg islature. • The ruling by whit a low grade of dtgra* i i .aoe to pay a duly of twcn y-five i*'r cent, ad valorem instea ! of ten p;r c ub. as hereto! re. w ill add -(Uite au amount U> the t oat of produc ing finished leather. The arg<-*» upper lest er uixmiiacturiug firm In the w> -t uae- I.VO) bar rel* a year The experiment of importing a few barrel* direct and entering them at the port ot Oticago brought thie burden on the laone-'. - utvl l.ntihrr Jtepw'-.r. The article degras is uot produced in this country. Neither is carpet wool, and the taxes upon both are taxes npou Amer ican industries, which b. nefit only foreign uianulacturcrs and the “pauper labor” c-t Europe. It 1*1 difficult to sec the logic ol the law which prevails in other S'ates besides Illinois, which does not allow the inryiuthe second tnxl of such prisoner* as tbs Chonin aseaaeics to go beyond the hist verdict—that is, the sente nee iu«y he decreased or the prisoner* acquitted, hut the second jury cannot increase the p*n ally. Iu other words, the * invicted pr.s oncr* have everything to gain and nothing to lose hy a new trial. If the CHoSiJf as hic granted a new trial sod addi tional evidence adduce*!, which ou the | tirst trial would have hang them, capital punishment cannot be meted out to them *'HELJKVINU” T1IK PEOPLE. The “agricultural produeta” upon which the Republican pirty propose to abolish* s the Isxe:-, ia Older to t.Iieve the people, are piv»u below. The bill has been already introduc <1 into Cougres*. It follows the Republican national platform, hat the Republican paper* seem lo'b to cnnuitr-ite in their column* these taxes which th^ir party proposes to repeal Here they are: t .areiier wei hlng uot m re than S lb* per l.i*® I* *ret?«■* welfchillC nion* ■* tke per t.wo...—— Cigar*, manufactures ol -- i igsru. of ail kir *1* per l.tM) Huuit or muff Hour, per lb._ Tobacco, chewing. Muokme. etc., per Ik...—.—.. Tobacco, dealer* In manufac tured .-.—..— *’* Tot*' co, mauuractuier* * f ■■ Tol'icco. wholesale leaf >lca er* —- — Tobueeo. retail laaf t’caler* 250 00 T obacco peddl m .. In addition to tbo “relief” aftorded b* the repeal of thee.' taxes, the K* publican party piopoee* to repeal the tex on ' Irnit brandies,” though why the brar.dy t»x should be repealed and the whL-ky tax re tained cannot be corjectnred, onlrrs be cause brandy is tuoro the drink of the rich than i* its commoner brother, whisky. Any hew, the "cigarette duJce” will le pleased with the bill. M t'X AM all | P sl’B'stDlK*. TYuat those who are best informed on the subject really think of Mr. Hi.aisk* sc heme of building np onr cerumen .) by snlwiJies may he gatheird from the com-j meuta of the New York M iritim Rtgirttr. That journal show* what common sen^e and reason teaches, namely, that “luon tietf ’ won.d fail to give onr ship-owners any substantial advantage or advsi ce commerce, and it lurlher points on the fallacy in the proposition lo sib-idix* auxiliary crnisei*, not so mnch tor the uso of the navy as tor gelling sacb vessel* built. There cau be no objection to having the navy enforced from the mer chant service. Ttie plan t* a good one, ic fact, but only a lew vessels and tbo-eol a large aa.l expensive clues, could be so utilized. “There would be,” say the IfoptVcr, “no addition of handy cargo steamer* that form really the bulk ol a steam marine,” and therefore it very wisely concludes that to pash this (cherne “as a cover for a snb*idy scheme is fooliad. The English practice which il i* proposed to adopt was adopted by England for nival paropo«e* alooe, and does not atlcct trade one way or the other. On the general location of government aid to ship owners the Vicri/urn Btj/isfor speaks in pretty plain Isognego. It says j It the National • xvernmout i* to co Into the I business < f ocean transportation, then tt should \ umlv; -ake tt cutirely. tut lo nwiid an Immense amount of money every year la subsidies or !*>unU**> l* atm ply to bring into the markets of j the world large aJditiotal cet* • •; *e»»sl* when ti,?rv is uo demau.1 for them. The ocean carry , ing business is a ptcuUar one. U cannot be J ••protected' and it c*naot be controlled by sub Sidle- Modern eMUmerce is managed on differ eul iuts from that ol' th. past. R.*allal»*y or 0:^criminatory or favored nation act-* are bkej bootucruujc*. they msy apparently serve their piirpo*e> for a tmr, bat they re irt upon thol. maters at-! meanwhile watchful outside s* ep tn an-l take away the trade. That a shipping journal should take, so decided a stand sgainst these schemes is enconragieg. ■ ha s.>ul lorn Negro. ihwfim Ulut-' Editor Grady’s Ucliop assertion that the Booth loves the negro hecanse of his close association with all the ties of home and family proluridy t«U strangely upon some partisan ears. Bone excellent people doubtless tind it impo*IMe to Iwliove that thousand-, of mgroea vote the Den.ocratic ticket from choc*. Political prejudice dies bard. >l< i LAl tiHEVTY I’ASE. K-imbllran Journal* Sueced In Showing Th«ir I »u*l Igumaove. AKnui TtUi/ran to thr Rf<jiat(r. ChABLKsroN, W. Va., December 19.— A *Mt aid: nut cl ignorance baa boco dia play..4 by r»r «>n R-oohlieui jiarnala, partita-aily the Wheeling Ja/i/fu/rso.r, io regai.1 lo the late decision of the Saprt'iie Coatt iu disbarring one D. W. McCUugherty, of Mer cer cuoury, or etii.-toree on .Tad*-i Joba s'on, of the Circuit Court. McC. u'cVDy wae a practicing attorney iu .lodge Jobu •ton’a c.nrt, end wrote # denunciatory article to the Wheeling InMIigtncrr, iu which the Judge was harshly criti cised. Far this McCUugherty was liued and disbaml. He appealed tko tare to the Sapr-me Cooit, and the lower Court w*a »u -tailed in it* action. Following 'a th-? aylSabo* in the c«e. It ahowa brefly and clearly ibe ground} «n wbich MoCiaogherty’e disbarment is justi Sl -«i: t. Oar statute, fire 27 Chip. 117, Code, 1 si7, regal .ting the pauishmeut for ibe cla-ws of contempt* therein mentioned. >s c>>u-tital:onsl anil binding upon circuit and o:her inferior t ut <s. 2. A Ciiemt Court has no pow r under the proveioneof'aid sta'-ite'hy gutuainy proceedings, to tine an aticrney fjr writing and can-tug to he jtnb is'tcd in a news paper a libelnna charge sgiiasi the judge cf inch c^urt. A, A Circait Court may,independent and ont°'d- of the piovi i .ne o: s ctiou d. Chap 119 of C s*e, 1*h7. strike the name of an attorney from the rail of *ccb oonrt for sufficient canse, bat it cannot, esc*pt in the manner provided by said statute, sosp-ud or an^nl the licence of cu attor ney. 4. Whec in attorney commits an act, whtth. r u tbo die-baigs of h.s duties a« %n attorney tr not, showing such a want of professional or person..! honesty ns ren der! him unworthy of pcblic confidence, it .» not only the pruvioc- but ihe duty of tus Cooit, upon a prcp.-r presentation cf the ci e, to strike ins name from the toll o' ife attorneys Hut the bail character wbich will justify stu b action mast be sack as .-bows the st toraty lo be an ntieafi arid aotD. pei*-on to h> cn'fasted with the powers of tue pro fession. 5. The Cir»a t Ccurt may, by gammary ptoceedicg-, acc rdiLg to the common law, strike tiom iis roll the natue of an at*or ney who is guilty of wiii ig and lublisb •no iu n ncwi-piper 0 false aud librlcna ebarg - agi'-s' De judge of snc.i court iu r*~p ct (• Lis r tticial condnch and theoia clatruer by the attorLey of intentional wio’-g or-«l'sr-«p-ct to tb.- judge or court wilt not <xcoaw him, when the con*rary appt-.ra upon a tair interpretation of the lxcgniee emp'oyed. *1 Circuit Coirs hive jurisdiction and power opiic thtir own motion without formal complaint or pditron, tnaproprr case, to strike the name of an attorney C om trie red I, provided he has rea-ooabte nottc aud a • opportunity to be heard. Tec Beer Pitcher, 7a 'he Editor of the St pi trr: Siu By pnH'shing the following, fioni the 1‘ tUbnrg Commerce*/ l,‘u~.rUe, von will <h>; !•- a t'avor upon many patrons: THE HUE PIT* HEU. A gnat dial was heard alnnt "workirg the grvwb r” dufirg the htai ii g Oi the fcp pl cations tor Info- 'icetMe before Judge While last spring One of tbe gr. atest evil* connected with the retail hus'nteM \s tbe facility tttorded for carrying beer into the homes oi tbe mid dle or lowerclasses, sod tbe means n-ually employed is a pitcher or bucket in the hands of a child uf tender years. The evil had grown to each large propo'tions ia •hese two cities that theCunrt coo Id not fail to take eegu /. ince of it, and to make it a ru's not to license anv dealer who would «ell to that class of customers. The cftieial organ of the Wholesale Liquor Djaler*’ Association ha-' pined in the cru«»de against tbo beer pitcher as a terribly demoral zing agency, sad it is to he hcp*d that the next step following tie discovery arkoowledg m« nt of the evil w’ll he th? :*dop*ion of wine practical method fur i<* pnporceaiun. Says the HW usd Spirit K’nnc: "Tbe overdone b~er business in what a pspniarly called 'workirg the growbr,’ is the cause of tbe ruin of nney houi“H. It mvk“s sots of the women of the lower ! grades of life. The beer pitcher is keft g ueg from morning nniil night, end tLe remit -s an ulariniug ineieise of intemper ance. Nj one knows this h-t*er than car { Miaowke pern, and ills epeeiillj gntify irg and * bopefnl sign < f improvennut in ) the retail trade that there are I men B-uong oor ns'o*n keep ers who huve the rootage to a* know 1 edge this openly. At the last meeting of ti c E gh'ecuth Precinct L:quar I>b!ers’ Association, ofwh’i’h Mr. William Padian is President, Mr liiley srrwc and said: * I know tba the irerea-e cl ’u'eaipt ranee, of which many complain, is due more to an rxceesive ox* of malt liquors than spirits, ewpecially bv women.” This statement tq»«n!v made, which went nncontradicted in a society of retail liqnor ds,*ler«, should be preelainud from the housetops. It is the irn'.h. ” The courage to o* en!y a.-know’edge the fact that tbe beer pilcher s lunu.g many hicues by making tots *1 the women is cor mendah'e iu its wjy, tut it is not enoogb. What is needed on the part of sal uoa ket p -rs is morsl p'ieciple, which shall prevent them Irom delvering int. xicstirg drinks into the hands of childr n to be drank they know not wcere or by whom. Now that the -alcon keep*r* know so w*-U the results of this “overdone bosiuese,” it is not r*a onib'e to exr*eet that the retail l qnor dealers will take imimdiate steps to stop it? Or will L ev eo on tilling the pitcher lor ail comers, *i'h a pre'zd given as a premium to tbe wrecked urchin who is the iuvol notsry agent in tbe ruiu of its home? The Imm’grmtoo Snclitjr. f krr '«■ Stott Journal. T..e We*t Virginia Improvement and IoiiHigralion Societv-doe* any body know what tv* become of it or .is various man ly bracchei? Great thing* were promised and »o ue good was i>roh »My accomplished, bn’ if it era* wor'b orgsn'z cg it i- worth keeping op. Will somebody p’.eese riee and report? “Th i'M <>.\ i' .• \ is vorr !r Iv the ’n tl -t -> whivo; il pel ‘ iv» b .nti :•»»• >* fi in s* ■. is • nits, • r ■ from th,i » To i • :il tl • | • fjont tho Si ;• I o '■ !!• X , .1 x| !1 of .:i i :.l, t \ |il ! . - ; .. . ! . • p tt.o li’i r. > idn« rs ntui tin . v i limit In mul i :m too till i. I ■ I*, l'i in s «,ol . ii M dleiU lh->, i. It ;,r, - a,, tin* > t crettiry i iirm - into nett' ny. tle-roby vteans uur and pant' mr the si st> ,.., trveriiit it from wtint in they t< i in All xiws , a a int,t. : frooi ■ tot,.! , o.mjivd lii ■ r, ot from impure tihxxi. >i id to I * - X. nidvrful n.rulis" in npertu . K r, y Uus l!x stoiu ■ ukunt." mid Ckiunic Iltarrh. i. SMli-rfceut.i, !■ tur. V -*• wt, tr\-.. !'• ScrufuluiM S ris itiul Swi-ilttnrs, F.ii.'.iry d t,t:e;la arid Tu*ii- »ra deaippcar umler its use. “tinhleu Medical I ouMViry*' is tho only til,mxl and liv, r liuilio'n,,*. - . 1 by driiyyi'ta, under :i |KMltltr Kuurantoo of its bein tJimif or etirmir in •• i*ry ,.or uiouey [slid tor it m l lx promptly returned. CapytWht. Ik- >.j Warn. P'S l>;s. Msm ass'*. MAKTIN’a FKltliY. Au liupurisut luilrctlon of Fr#*h News l(cm«. CUtk’d addition has certainly tt nek the rnatiioiotinl boom, th-re b iig two wed •tings »r«Vrd«v Jaru-sMtitn led Miw Sn?>- McGlnmpbrey, djugh'er of Gtor.e MoGln uphrey city coouc ’.man, to th? *1 ar, .ti.d tl y w«i* prantioiiiid mao and wit* by Rev. f'ouawsv. Geifc" Wagoner, » Huinvtr sir«et merchant in.l Mis? Jfii 1 oia Cose *fr. mairitd at the bride’s loine in Chuk’e addition. S ave Htpkiu, Mike Morton slid George B »nkipt«u,i, retort ed yesterday troni Fiud I ley, v.lier<- • uy !p «»••: been showicg tle new Jv moo Ids and -ay that the paints were well pleased ttrd pronenuce i’ a success in every vv.iv, am one of tlie best inventions that win evei made lor tie making of glass ware. There were ahont on? hundred citizens a* the tt. A P, depot yesterday to see Fatty Net!, Baetz-r Con> and Joe Taylor, when the? were taken to Cadiz by Mar shal Borns anti Officers Wagoner end West wood. It raided rooie excitement tliaa a circos would. Mis“ Lucy Frazitr, of this city, and Mr. John Grime?, of Pittsburg, will he married oa Christmas, at the bride's home onNoith I’uird street, aud will leave on the after noon train lor the groom's home where a reception will ba belt! on thetlti.h. La Belle Division No. 87, of the Order of Railway T» 1 graphers. will meet on the u7ih of this month, instead of the 'JOth, as ueoal at Bridgeport. The Gild Society of St Paul’s Episcopal j Cnurch will inset tbi? evening at J. B. j Gilieepie’s, on North Third street L Spence was in Bridgeport yesterday, dteuding the director? meeting of the First [ National Bank. Miss Florence Muldotu, of Wheeling,1 is viriting her sister, Mrs. Bernard Mc Eotee. B. F. Brady is in Pittsburg on business. BK.NWOOD. N#wh lUiui and F«*i«oiml* P!ck«ii Ip In Towo Y* atextUy. Thtw McCormick, on* of the men hurt it the Riverside foruace the other day by i the falling of a scaffold, was able to be | about yesterday. Tima. Mortimer, who was, p«rb-aps, the most seriously irjurtd. was teeling strocg enough yeeter f'ay to bs removed, and he was taken to his borne in l\tts- j burg. The fears are that bis injuries will -fleet his brain. R-ed and Vogt are doing a- well as could be expected, but it will | b * u long time before R'ed will ba able to , n-e bis broken aokie. Rose, the colored j man, when he fell struck the end of a ; large oil hsvrel and crushed it in, and his J ib’gb wss breken by h riking the chime. | O e cau imagine that he uinet have lalien j with terrific force to break in an oil bar rel. I)?pnty Sergeant Seabrght was employ ed by the Towu C-mncil to FCtape the mud off of South Jacob street, from Forty eighth to Hoggs’ run, ar.d he has com pleted ihe job. It is a big improvement, but the mud should ho hauled away be- j t ire it is ccattered over the street again. An tight year-old son of Win. Graves j was struck on the head yesterday with a j stone thrown by a comptniou named J* ff-3rs. The missile cut a bad gash in the boy’s head and the blood tlowed profuwly. [>,-. Ivkey dressed Ihe wnur.d. Mice L-na Niebergsll was the successful contestant for the watch an the Lutheran I •air, she having turn'd iu $lbO to her op ponents $ 10. Mrs. Jacob Strober, Sr , who is quiteau aged lady, is lying seriously ill at her home. Miss Rosa Gv k, of Newrrt, O, is the guts’, of the Miests Gariity, on Watei street. Tint perfume of violets, the purity ol the lily, the glow of the rose, and the fiosh of Htbs combine in Pozzoni'e woo dman Powder. 5iftr ^irtiStBUlltft CELLING OUT TO QUIT BUSINESS. I line e rented my store room an• t Intend to ..nit business. My e’Uire stock oi (‘ss-imeres, ' • .atiags and Gents Furnishing i.KXbtmusl l>e ►old by March 1st Now is ttie time to secure big bargains in above go,«N. Cull e^riy II /INKANN, decnd.teb 1011 Main Street. (WAN'D (tVMNAHTIC Exhibition, Ccncert and Sail, -GIYIN 0Y THE TURNVEREIN OF WHEELING, CNnr.R TUE MANAGEMENT of KROGH, Teacher of Physical Education, Thursday. December 19,1889, at TURNER HALL. Admission, 50 cts, For Gent and Lady, For cvorv extra la ly 25 cents. Children lu company of par.-nta lo cents, otherwise 25 cents. Ihxirs i pen at 7 p m. IVr'ormances begin at 8 p.m precisely. Music under direct'on of Pro!.,,. \V. Spoil, deb.lq.terh ■priQHEST CASH PRICE Paid or Woolen ami Cotton Rags, Wrought and (N't Iron. Copper, Brass, aiul all kindsof old metal and itink. Petsons having any of the ab i\ e will do well by eel ieg on or telephoning ALFRED DIMMACK, 2t . and 2108 Cbapllne street. Who will call for It a1, once. Telephone No. 52H. delTcdb sj BALED PROPOSALS. O Orm e or Watrk Works, > Martin's Fckr* , O , Dec. nth. IS#, i Sealed proposal will be received at this otlioe un. M\oi c* p. in.Of MONDAY, JASl AK1 • tb, 1190, and opened immediately thereafter, f >rth> furnishing of abmt til tons ef Cast Iron Water Pipe,M4 tonsof Special Cajttng-,:>3 Fire Hrdraut- and vj Valves; also, f >r laying **id pipe a’out miles , and letting of said Kire Hydrants and Valve* Blank forms and specifi cation" can be had upon application loth'- oil"'*.*, by o-der of the Board delVA.l toiyt J. 3. MI n ilKI.L, Pcc’y, Railroads. SUPERB TRAIN SERVICE. GOOD CONNECTIONS. FAST TIME -AND 3STO DELAYS CAN ALL UK SKeTRKD BY TAKINO TH« Northern Pacific R. R. BETWEEN THE PAST AND Dakota. Mnuitobn. Montana, Idaho, Washington Territory, British Columbia, Oregon and California, — THIS 18 TUN "Yellowstone Park3 Dining Car Route," 1 he NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD Is the SH.oUT LINK t" HKLK.Sa, TACOMA, SEAT ami PORTI AND. ORE; I- the ONLY 1.1NK running Pl'LLMAN SLEEPING C U.S to j SK-: 1 Fa 1 Lb. 1.8ANII K<'RKS. ORAFTON. WINNIPEG. FARGO. HELENA and Bl TCk Ci 1 Y. an 1 is the ONI V LINK reaching 1AMES- , lO'VN. Bl'MAKCK, MI1.KS CITY. BILUNOi. V '•MAN. Vi ISSOt’LA. SPOKANK KAL1.S TA'*OM A and SEATTLE. — Pullman Sleepers, Dining Cars AND FREE COLONIST SLEEPERS ON EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. _ This Lime Offer* Special Attraction* to California Tourists. For full information concerning rates, time, ete . call on or address your nearest ticket agent, any traveling passenger agent of this company' CXXAS S. FEE. Hen Pass, and Ticket Agt. N. P. R. R., i aeplOTuaSAUg Sf. PAUL, MINN. j » a 7ANTED—A RESTAURANT WAITER AT W HS4 Market Stree-. Only tnose whounder stau 1 me business uecd apply. del9q ’ITT. I .-1.1 I »V for i-, either on Salary or Commission. Address May Brothers, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. <lel9a tlfA.i: l) - * LOA S 01 »3, • O A 1 S PER VV cent loMlve years m urei by tirs Deed of Tent ou <.oo*l Business Property. Cull or ed dre-v L. A. Kolf A Co , 1ft* Market St. del»s WANTED-A YOUNG MAN in m TUBER and attend shop. ACdress "R " this office. ilelTs WfANTED—A GIRL TO DO GENERAL hous<‘work. Apply at 109 Fourteenth street_ del 7 s li'OK SALE-AN ELEGANT NEW ORGAN, l” 13 stop-. verv tine tone. Will beanlJ cheap. Call at No. 10, Fifteenth street. CUAS. KILL MF1YKK._ OrJTyeAd TIIS DBNVIR STATE LOTTERY < 0. « AN 1 Agents, 'rickets •’•<» cents. Address A. 0. ROSS js co , Denver, C 1<>. <lelft*|HA-1 f WISH to employafew lailicsou salary to take l charge of my business at their homer. Light, V* ry fascinating ami healthful. Wages IP) per wreck Keicrence given. Good nay for part time. Aderrss with stamp, Mas. MaMon WaI.KKK, Louisville, Ky. deUThAd CJHJ3MES wanted ai ohi i —A few good O men to -:ell our goo's by sample totbc whole s ,1c ami retail trade. We arc the largest maim fatlurcrs in our liue in the world. Liberal sa - ury paid. Permanent position. Money advanced f r wages, idvertising, etc. For fall terms ad dress, Ccntcuulal MYgCo., Chicago, III., or Cin cinnati, o.__ delSead-eod BAND CONCERT. I have made a trumW of improvement* at my Saloon, having thoroughly renovated and re ap pointed and extended the plat:a and t. a’e an extensive addition, which makes Hie saloon one of the most inviting in the town. I will open ou Friday evening December 20th, with a Grand Concert bv the Opera Ucuse Full Hand. All are invited. ' }. HOBsTKTTKR, del9r 1231 Market Stieet. TpOR SAT.R A ten roofiled lirick house within live minutes' walk of the Mel.ure House,proper y in g ,<>*1 con di ion, fer J2,5C'l. G O. SMITH, del9a 1220Ma'n Street. QH A M BEK OF COMM ERCE Members are remln(2e<l of the regular meeting this (Thursday) levening, December 19, at 7:30 o clock. HOWARD HA/.LETT, del'.Ki Secretary. T AP1NESE GOODS! fr K New floods. Kirn* Rssorlme't. All ”—“ Is aiu-st- (.oods si coir, to dote out during the Holidays. EWING BROS.. do 9 12I5 Mftrkrl 8 ., opp. iVel me House. GEO. W. JOHNSON’S SONS — SKI.I. TUI OLD FASHIONED STONE TEA POTS. GEO, M.SN00K&C0/S CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES CLOAKS. >nly a few Seal skin Barques left. They are the finest London ilyed Alaska Seal'Skins, and will be sold at less than manufacturers’ prices, to close. < >ur re cent purchase of Fine Seal Flush Barques ami Walking Jackets gives you choice from over TOO garments (Ircat reduc tions in Long and Short Cloth Garments. All Children’s Cloaks at actual cost. We have closed the manufacturers’ stock of those Fine Stockinet Jackets, for which we are sole agents in Wheeling. There are about 150 of them, and all will be sold at less than former prices. Dress Goods; 6s£T Plaid, Striped and Figured Dress Hoods—just the thing for Children’s Dresses at reduced prices. All Pattern Presses will be sold regardless of value The most celebrated makes of All Wool Silk Warp Henriettas at the prices of in ferior grades. Although there has been a material advance in Silks lately, we are still selling them at the low price formerly advertised. -FURS have an assortment of !■ urs from which anyone cau make a selection ■ at the low prices quoted. < >ur line con-1 sists of Heal Seal, Imitation Seal, Fur Seal, Monkey, Lynx Paw, Lynx Back, Imitation Lynx, Ked Fox, Grey Fox, As trach&n, Beaver, Thibet l amb, I raccoon. Opossum, etc., etc. A popular line of Children’s Furs. HX) Black Fur MulTs at 45 cents each. MUFFLERS. I~ir 10 Dozen Silk Mutllers at 50c. each,' worth 75c. 10 dozen Silk Mutllers at 75c. | each, worth $1.00. 10 dozen Silk Muff- j lers at >1.35 each, worth >1.50. 10 dozen ; Silk Mutllers at $1.50 each, worth $2.00. j Also finer grades up to $4.50 each. Handkerchiefs 10,000 Handkerchiefs at 2c., 5c., I 10c., 25c., and up to '2 00 each. Pure! Japanese Silk Initialed Handkerchiefs at $1.00 each. -Umbrellas ptf*l00 Gloria Silk Cnthrcllas, extra good quality. 2^-inch Paragon Frame, Sil ver-tipped Handles, only $1.50 each. Also the largest stock of High Grade Fmbrcl la> ever brought to the city. Call Early and Avoid the Rush. — Open in the Evenings Until Chiistmas. GEO, M, m & GO, 1110 Main Street. NALL AND WINTER ROODS! We have Jnst received our Kail and Winter ( *t«i k of New Goods and we lnvtle au t-arlv In , spectloii of name. O. H. WHEELER & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS, !Si». ITU Nurkol S(reel, l |i M-lri. H ... 1 1GSESTB15G1INS lit KIMS PSESEIUS I HENRY JACOBS’. Fine Velvet Carpets. Fine Bui'sets Carpets. All-Wool Carpets. Nice Smyrna Rugs, cod White Bed Spreads. Very Fine t'mnhvts Good Red li ankets. Good White Blankets. Good Gtev Blankets, Nice Cradle B ankets and pillow. Tae Best HisscM Carpet Sweepers, t^uaker City and Maysvii.e Carpet Chain. Be*: live Geese Feat he's, Mat. BoU te s. Window Blin.U. Ac., at JACOBS’. Proplcs Bank Building. MAIN and TWELFTH STS. g cl i USEFUL AT BARGAIN PRICES. Ladies’ Fmbrolderel l.iueu Handkerchiefs at 12V-, i5c., toe.. 55c. and upwards. Lacies’ Pure 1 inen Initial Handkerchiefa at 15c. Gentlemen a Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 6c. C-cuts’ extra Fire Hemstitched Pure Li cell Handkerchief) at I e Gents’ Extra Fine Hemstitched luitiul Haudker chieft at 25c. | Gm s’ Japanese Sit Initial Hand kerchiefs at oOc. and il 00. Fine Towels at 12>je., 20c., 25c , 39c , 6Cc & «0e. Sec our t xtra Kiue Towel at <>5C , worts SI oO. Hands me Table Cloths, with Napkins to match, at and *5 00 pe' «t Pln'u Tui key Bed Cloths, two yard, long, at S5C, Plain Turkey Bed Cloths,2*4 yards *1.00. I Eiderdown . nm'orta, at 1C 5 *, JS.oo, *2.00 a d up wards. Eidirdow j Pillows and Uead-Rtsla at all prices Silk Umbrellas at 11.25, <1 50. *2u0, *T0J and upwards. Full st ok of l reas ' cods, Fhaws, Kid Gloves. Guilts, Skirts a"d Underwear AT POPULAR PRICES, Black Silks marked down for Holiday sales. Fashionable Fur* for Lsdleaand children. Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks marked down to January Prices, COME AND SEE. d"J9 CHILDREN’S BOOKS, GAMES, BLOCKS, School Bags, line FeneilBoxes, Faints. 4c, -AT STANTON & DAVENPORT S tV1.' Xu. i ml Market N»re«*l._ J^gsvNOTlCF. 1 Imve no connection with any cthtr photo graph gallery other than my own at No l'^OX Market street; nor do I employ agents. uoQtdqae J. A, H. PARSONS* TE FIGARO ILLTJ8TRIE, London New' and (.rapine, Holly leaves, Christmas. Ac. London Annuals, Herman and English Almanacs aud Diaries fur, 1'90. Newa papers and Periodicals by the year aPpul Ushers’ ! C. H. QUIMBY. dCJ Nos. ltli and 15U7 Market Street J 1ST WHAT WHEELING WANTS. Family Liquor Store, Where choicest Wines and Liquors for family and medicinal purposes can be purchased at very low |rlc(,j. Here ills; A. (i. lladlich, 10-V7 Market Square. Telephone M3, l'inest Hue of Holiday Ho-.H In tin- At Cost For Holiday Times, DKCOiSATKD TOII.FT, TLA. Dinner and Water Sets. FANCY HOODS AMD TOYS. Large Assortment A BARGAIN IN EVERY PiECE BARNES & MoGREGOR. No. 1319 Main Street, dt-l.Tn I bASai_ AND BKIDOK CORNKR. 1 ^Y1{E A UTIF U If ASSORTM ENT Of Holiday Presents, in fact the lisesl that we have ever bad in stock, and at lower prices than ever. ( all soon an l examine. Mcl.AlX ItKOS.. Druggists, Corner Market nml Twelllh Nlricls. _dccl3j,___ MISS BRACH, Christian Science Healer, j 74 Fourteenth Street Deelltdra _ __ I^^NOTIGE. Kenwood, W. Va., Deceihher lOtb, 1S89 All the dehtors and creditors of the late tinn cf Guinn m McHongh are resiiectfully requested to call at theold stand til Kenwood and leille their account'. NK1I. IJITNN. Smvlvor firm of yl'INN M’HOUGH. Decllcdra._ CANDIES AND NUTS. Wo have the finest Hue of t’ANDi Li and Nl T> in the cit . at the lowest p-tce. Fittest Mixed Cindy, ID Cents. B*>'. Mivtl Nit's in the City. 15 Cents. Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Figs and Da'f*. e > Buy your Christinas Groceries 'ro n us. CONNER <fc SNEDEXE&, dels (lor. Market and Fourteenth Htrants, . / 1UTLERY. We have a large line of Table ami Pocket i tiUlervcf tlie best makes and Knger’a Silver Plated Knives, Forks aul Spoons, which we can offer at the lowest possible prices. Call and ex amine our line. NESBITT & BRO., delftmoAlli 1:112 Market Street. p>AKE DAY. Use List's Excelsior Baking Powder. -KXTRAf.TS—LEMON AND VANILLA. Made From Selected Fruit, at R H. LIST S, lUlO Main Street. dell T^RAFTB OR TICKETS TO EUROPE. I' you want to send a draft or money order to your f.lends for Christmas or New Year, call at H. F. BEHRENS', 2217 Market Street, Or. cor. Thirty eighth and Jacob Su. de6 PERSONAL. L MADAME GOFF, seventb daughter of a seventh ron, him with ave-1, has airivedin the < ity from East, West and south and taken psrlorsat No. Unit Market Street, where she can be eon-iUoI on the pari, present and future Advice on >. 1 mailers. telt» you what l« 1. n tor your weltare in bus! nets, lovo, domestic troubles or love affairs. All Interviews strictly contiden ttal. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 10 p. "m. Ptease walk up stairs, oclltol faints. oMls. T) C. KUBNER, Painter, Graiuer, Glazier, (H«N FAINTER A FAFEK HAKOF.R, Dealer In Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Ac., No. mn market street. Telephone Oonntetlon. \\ heeling, W Va. 1 jelic. | <flfrc ^'urniluri * £® ~~ WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE -FOR A Christmas Present For either man woman or child than article selected from a first class lin- of Furniture? Iu this line, no matter what the a^Uc Hero may be it is almost sure to give satisfaction to;the recipient. We at e prepared to supply satisfactorily, both in quality and price, every class aid manner of people. Being greatly in need of space, wo have determined that our Holiday Goods, which have been ejected from the very best, must go; therefore the face that you will save time and money by cal<ing on ua is apparent. HAMM «£& CO., No. 1Q(>7 MAIX STIIT0KT._ Kumiture and (L'arpds. iml so will you when you see our Holiday Slock. Instead ol laughing in your sleeve yon will laugh in your storking, which w on't seem half big enough to hold llie gifts yon covet. t Will be proud of the fact when they realize the big bargains that will go into the liig stocking. We can't spare space to give a list ol our stock, and louttenipt to judge of our display by samples would lie like lying down on one feather to judge how a leather bed would feel. 1 ou can't PuttheOcean inaTeaCup \ nd we can't pula list of goods in an advertising space, tome and see the goods: that's the only way. Feast your eyes upon the array of girts that are going to make thousands happy. tome! for that s the only way we can convince yon that this is NO MERE HOLIDAY HULLABALOO Hut an unprecedented opportunity lo obtain nselul and ornamen tal gills ut prices flint positively cannot be duplicated, l lie best mid biggest stock, llie greatest novelties and lowest prices are to bo round at Frew Bertschy’s, FURNITURE AND CARPETS, No. 111.7 MAIN STRRKT. Hhrlifd 0ouii .Salts—Mo. 8. sJaplor. Contemplating at an early day exten sive changes and additions to my store building, which will necessitate the dis position of a large portion of my stock to make room for the workmen, I have decided to Mark Down Stock to prices , that will make it move much more rap idly than it would at the regular mar ket values. The first special offering will be my Entire Stock of | i« 1 — -^ustid FURS! Not less than Twenty Thousand Dol lars worth of Desirable Goods Marled Down To prices that will make them go quick ly. It is my intention to continue this Special Sale until Christmas, when the Store will be closed for a few days to make the changes. GEO R. TAYLOR. LOOK AND READ! AN XLEOAKT LINE OF HOODS SUITABLE FOR ^Christmas Presents* -NOW READY. CONSISTIN'!. OK DECORATED Tea and Dinner Ware, Same, Dessert and Fancy Chamber Sets, BRONZE AND BISQUE STATUARY. A CHOK E SELECTION OK FINE ORNAMENTS, Golden Dew and Rich Cut Glassware, Doulton, Teplitz. Royal Worcester, Adderley, Crescent, Jeffroi, Crown Divon, Carlsbad, and CT JLIP-A-ILTIESIE GOODS. Piano Parlor and Library Lamps, and a large variety of Fancy Novelties, Call early. Inspection respectfully invited. JOHN FRIEDEL, No. lilt) MA.IN STREET. j TPOH RENT—THE WBLI.-KNOWN BU8IS*94 P Hand S‘\ to Twelfth street Pcs*, given April l*f, 14B3. For part culari eoqulre ol F. C. MRYER9, at the Fire aud Marino Inru. a nee Co’s olliee _not!b_ .I’nr £all I, UR HAl." -GO'D WAT! -It GAUGE Wl II I* ejcks, 1 ir upright holler. Apply Hi ihU OfflOl. uiul'i ii;' y I. OR EX< HANGE. THREE Bma.l Plate* at Elm Grov.*. FOUR Lar.c Dwellings in ihe city. Several Small Dwelling”. low price* and loug time. Enquire of H. FORBE*. ,tt<j No. 1143 CinpUne Street Cl TOOK FOB 8AI E I oiler forta'e four ll‘i 0T0 to 116,000 worth of stock in a long esta'ili-hcd msnuf,during iriH' union, whlc has been in sutcessful operation near this city for many year*, «nd pays e sily 12 percent. JAMES I. HAWI KY, 1420 Ma'll Street. rjSOR SALE ONE OF THE FINEST UOJfV. P n. ads in the ct y, one lot 30TX/.00 ah ele. glint propert* on Twelfth s'reet, lOlOoxIzV 'three i-ulMIng., witn .lore rooms, on Market street Throe tine dwelli its on chapllne strict. three viiii) 1 dwelling* on Market street, easy terms, two good house* on Hihlrteettlh itrtet Hve building lotion Eofl' street Two c’ega"t brick house* on Jacob strert Oocd brick house, Iglit rooms, on twenty-second street. Three smalt houses on ihelslaud Three tlrsl-c'*** bouse* on I Ifteililh sire t. 1 liree small Douse* on Met Ini lough street. Two small houses on Foil stie tt. Six l.ots on Me ill lough street Four good Id's on ti e Island Two homes ard seven lots on Charles street. A four roomrd hot. • on Worst stftit. Some choice lols in lower end of .Sty. Only four lot* left of a plat of IS put on the market last week. A good investment tor the early caller. I2S0—a good live party with this amount can make money—for particulars call early. WMoney to Loan. Always insure your properly with the PtuBnix of Hartford, lime tried and tiro l.std GEO. J, M&THI. SON, R< al Estate and irotirnnce Agent. del2 TRUSTEE’S SALE. HY VIRTUE OF a DEED OF TRUST MADE bv M R Hold), and wife to the undersigned trustt e. dated the Ufllh tl .y of Novi-nth- r, in the year 1*75, ami r -corded in the Uicrk’a office of the County Cou t of Ohio county. West Vir ginia. lu Deed ot Trust Book No. 9, folio 47", 1 will on Tiietdrsy, llaarmberitSt, ISHt), at 10 o’clock a. m at the north front door of the Court House iu the city of Wheeling II ut pub lie aucllou tr,e following property, tlia' nui.aj part of lot numbered ’!’•• entv (I/»t No ’20) ol the iiddltlon to the city of Wi eeliug laid out by W W Shriv.r, situate on the nor h side of Fifteenth i street aud < avt ot Wood s’reet, bounded and de scribed as follow*, viz: b>ginning at the snulh westcomer of saltl lot. thence cast along the1 noitb lino Of Flttcenlh street thirty-six feet (116 feet) for a field: slid of a mdf< rut width ot s id front northwardly and parallel with the east and west b uii.da y line of sa-d lot to lac ie.«r o’ sain \ with lhe bit.Mil cs there*) i. IEuMu OF HALy.-Ooo.lbim, or *« much moreof the purchase runny a. the purchaser may elect to pay, In < a- li, anil the ri sldite In two equal nstalluieuls at six a id twelve months ( from the day of sale, tlcj purchaser to give hi* 1 notes for Middefetr d installments with tuter. st on the same from the day of *ale nut the pay ment of fan! notes ard interest shall be ireortd j to Ihe satisfaction r l lh- undersigned. JAME*> P. I«>,Fit*, Trustee. 1 \v li HAI LI K. A net 1 once i not w COMMISSIONERS’ SALE — OF Valuable Real Estate. I }t R8UANT TO A DKCRKK OK TDK • ilt A. cuit Court of OUto com tv, Wed Virginia, made ni the JStli day of foj.tcmhcr, "-*’J in il.t | Chancery com of f'ieorpo W. McC< nl, adminis trator vs Thomas McCord aud Others and Jo -mi j VV. lonpirvs Jamest* McCord and others, the [ undersigned s|x-riHl oommluloners -sill, nil Naflirituy, lltc TOfli lias ul .Novcmli- r, A. It. I HSU. commencing at ten o’clock a in . a' the north front door of Ihe Court House ol Ohio county We*l Virginia, pita etd lo sell, at public auction, tin tract of laud containing about o to hundred acres, and another tract known ax Pike Island, of which Thomas McCord died seized. The lirst mentioned tract lb-- on the Ohio Kivrr, itislnnl alxiul live miles norm of tin- city of Wheeling, amI was bounded and described by l he said Thomas McCn d. dervased. in a deed between h mself aud Thomas B. McConl, daUrl Bop’em her l >th,l*79. < I record in the clerk’s othce of Ihe County Court of Ohio county. West Virginia, 1 | as iollows- Otr the north by the lands of James i l.yle ami John B. I.yle and Rev.-Mel.ure, on the Fast by the land' of Mrs J. 11 Wil- 1 son. on the south by the lauds of Hie Reilly heirs aud Jacob /.Ills, and ou lire west by the i Ohio river, being the home furm, when he died, a of Thomas McCord, deceased. lire tract known as Pike Ixla’d Inn in the I Ohio River, about one mile above the lirst wen- | . tinned tract. I KKMH OF SADX-Oue-lh’rd, or as much] more of the ir.oney as the purchaser ] may elect, in cash, and the balance in two equal • ltn,talraebl«, atone and two years, resjieetlvely, from the day of sale, w th interest from day of sale upon ihe i rellt instalments the pu chaser i to give Ills note4 for the same wuh approved se eerily, and the legal litle to bo retained as a further security until the purchase money Is raid iu lull and conveyancecirei ted by the Court. HUY K.C. ALLEN. C.hO. B CALDWFI.L, I Special Cmnrrltslom-rs. < Given under my hand this »t,.li day of Octo ber, A. D. lx>'J. JOHN w. MfTcliBl.L, Clerk ol the Circuit Court of Ohio Onuipy, In i the State of West Virginia. cc.'llcawi The above sate Is hereby, ’Ms it Till <l»y of - Novemlier, lw, adjourned mi'll 10 o', lock a m., on the Till doj- ol Iter-ember, Ishitt. to la then continued and resumed at public auction at the north front doorof theCutitiliouse, In Wheel ing, We t Virginia. GUY R. C. AI.LF1N, GKO. B.CALDWELL, de’Jv Special Commissioners. 1 T heslmve tale Is tills Tih dsv of December, ISsj adjourned tohi»riir«li%y, Hie Jbl l*»y ol IFeecniber. I SHU, at Ihe same p ace ate! 1 hour as in the above notice named. GUY K. c. AI.LKN, (, B CALDWKLL, ( ih-:.’>i *>p. i-1at ciit.i’__ cuiiholfsaie Croce M. Reilly, -WHOLESALE GROCER. PORK PACKER\ AND CURI E OF THK Celebrated “Strawberry Hams.". FLOUR! (’ll ItlHTl % \ llltON/ •* I RftH A ” ' lirnnd. MiniienpoliH Fitfcnl. TAYI.ORV FATE NT Mini * H CST" Tit Hilly. M | i.M t >1 S’ 4 Loire Ohio Tituilljr. And many other oho ce I rands of Fauily Hour 1 v In M ck and continually receiving. * i 11 ROASTED COFFEES' : n ■ Alaroma," ‘ Arbtiekle’s," "Lion," and my , own roast > 1 "Old Woman," "Horse Head," ami t loose roast. 4*-sole Agent 'or the Celclirol* it Hu- * Foul Fowdor Mill*. A hill supply of Kit’, v Biaxuug and Sporting Powder of every kind r constantly In magazine. Orders solicited from dealers only Also Patent Hemp, Co.ton. and Water proof Safety Fuse. selS (Educational. MT. DE CHAHTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. iidlrtTFBd OF TliK VlhlTATlOVl A school of m ora thau national repotaUcn, ot fir* exceptional adveiitag-'*' for thorotu U isicca Cuii oi young ladle* 10 all d' panir.* IMiiz.f of tlx ihouawid Tolumwi P'-.e pnilMOPMrc chemical and astronomical apparatus M itieai ' Department specially noted, t«rp» of p'anc lea, hen trained by a leading profes-of f< u> l-ot* aervatory of tHnte&rt Von.1 culture accord'u» (o the method of the old Italian maverx. he» lloa nuk,iipAiisod for beauty and health. l“ti aci. «-)f ploaeare grounds. doard Maf-otleiit. For -AtH-cpucs. and reference* to 1i all the principal Clrt«.addr»«a *,p, th* DiRWnv.Kss GR ATEFUL.--OOMFORTIN J Epps's Cocoa. BREAKFAST. "Hjr a thorough knowledge of the natural law* whirl) govern the oi«.r*llotu of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful appdcauon of me 3ne propertie* of wel!-*electe«i co-'*oii. .Jr Y.\>\+ ha* ptovloed onr breakfee. table* With a delicate ly flavored beverage which may save us many ueavy doctor*’bills. It 1* by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a<» ttltutloxl msy U gradually built up until strong enough to reals, I every tendency to disease. Hun'lred* of sunlit maladies arc floating arouud ua r> ady to attack wherever there is a weak point We may escaf-c many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly uour jJied frame.''—(Xni Soviet GauUt. | Made simply with bolting wateror milk. Sole only lo calf pound tin* by Grocers, labe ed thus mis bis i ti, ■■■wffiXa. aulsd*Tu,Tt*gc V.ftfruTW OPERA HOUSE’ Salurday, Dec. 2ist. and Saiurdajfcatinee. STETSO HIO SPK l it | A:; Uncle fora's Gsiiin So. The Barnmn <>f tie ra all T HIP. i y 1'mnbl ? PhiI'I b’..1 Ore* «• ir*. i and color. .1 miul('la"». A I'. Bl'KXllioii iils i \Kl.O-, Hu ^ World f I '«0 '.or r,;t. «>|>u|. i It TWO MAH KH KV l Hint I. r I*,, ' nan HUi O'Mrli lt Ame-lcat • „ era. “I'lNKhK. Tli« Kmnou- Tfi * NKW HOX8H ! XKW J)AX( I M-:w MI’S I ' KKW KVH:ViH; a Hpreial Cat Load O’ Hi Mil,Jill . , firm'd H'eani c» '!•>;« i<.r. «i i . . rctne. The Cotton Pickin' H.. He III Kvx’h A-Hli'iilli. I" • ■ ... Calelum I ieht«. The IkldsORIi: I'll'forill* l Ver Cl No exception!. •d’HVi nlhir Price- I, H I ienv«l >o«t» <5 r. nt* pr . . i’ll,; .’j o IS centr. lUwe ved seals .Vjienl* wmj euro Thursday, Dee. mot r . Hoj«c'i ► orr GRAND OP O. C. fiKKTIIKB.Lessee an 1 V A GREAT ATTRACTION Three MjhU xml Haloids) Matiner. ■, mi Thursday, lirtmlirr ID. The fireat MiHesI Qiufdy. -my SISTGR Intrulucing th j c' arming ou! i. ZS1 iss C'hii*ii r. Siipl-pjtul hy a 't eng Company ul , . bi <1 Mns;eul -lar-’ Prlr-> - Oallciy _• e. Ch'blre" I • I ZV'\ Ophes ru Chsira livnt »•, Mclure House hut ani Knrnph guilders and .Nlatfr-al. J OOKTO YOUR IKTK!’i:-*is Th Hniitim ami ' wm-ntil KuilitUsv I now haie on hand ih» ln-at aelwt(*l -n ■ i.ate Mantel* ov. r I rougl,; i» the t i;jr l>. , t <od H->i itn’i nt iif i>.i> .rapt and T t; ami an .nods A»r leaking a mi e rrv pin.. c, V my nlu e at’il von i .til a., JI >t w 1 I tr, , • ?et «-;.J -,s- •*.«. M-ti'iel t»-| : fo- iroi. . ■ H. K. I’AI At.' H7C *. .«jv v . . mil in:* nni Viquorb. nme wines! Mnrrohi nnrr, I l.l.lntu Nilrh. Krharlirr. Nflr Nlrlm r, I.nil !•«'u lift in <r. -CliAMI'AON KS I'oiniTj <1 Ore no Ihir ill* «•••! «-l»» 1|„ ti. If. tl niiaiia'v. I ••» 11 • * *m- « s,, Ool » Culiforn a Wiuey ami 01;*. P. W F ! .1 Y . < V* IIOI I S \ 1.1. f.a<|| OK*-. STIC A M KHS ... __ ! For Cincinnut , I. mievillo, M. n I thin, St. Louie, Now Orleaiir, and Intermediate Point.* , Will Iiiti' W harf Bolt, ftii! of I .,»*vi-iilIt ftatly. Moudty vXivpted, at folloa* mmff. Ht4 amt r MBA ;. BOW 1 Ltaf*■*».? Yount: Ma*tfi t ta«. \\ t ■=■ ' - * • rleili t vi 1 y Tti«**tlny mmj. LJJgjiJf M t It r. tl J - ■&.. f\-«C. .Vodnewlay iu 7 a 1 Nt% ^ S't'tmir "III 11 t* . I KJjgSttg'A iM' i In 1 t ■mitl... ■ !>' ['imisitay a, 7 a I f.*—. .. I ally*,fty i I' t'ha"i Mol-' it, ■"»K««a»liligtoil,U III. I .v 1 y Ml ' i» 1.' .1 l Kti-aiUOl ' .till,,," 1 tint I p JJlil*, Mailt ! I: 11 rt II K»rr, t i lk ""pt-iTy .“KUrtlay at 7 a in . ITT- s St. if«r "I 1"I ■ -II! It! ' . Jj^/iJkI M i l III. U.Iiiit 1, fe*"“t,.|Hk. ft'ery sir day at 7a. in. KirU flan far". WIn*. 111*101 . •: at ft. ml Boot'd trip, fin.tio Mialv »•..! >ui. ... m , clU'lcil. awl :r In'* ir*;i*fi a'If and •»-1 Vo'Kri'ia'hi or I'a'ttav apt * uti -oat.l •• 1. [t. ii-N.. .«!.•. prank BOOTH. noia Ai 1 Oruggisls. Logan Drug Co. Ar. always lothp front with New and Seaionablr Hoods. CREST PROTECTORS. HOLIDAY GOODS! New Style v. jign-lv mo (joniF 1*4-1 fnnil***, i'nlli | Nrl«i, I’lirar*, I'm In l lluoltB, 4 ologMf Ito11 |« s 14imI I o(l< I <hhmIb Gencr* I y, • t romarkaMy ]/• % l*i > SHOW CASKS! SHOW CASKS' 1)3 you want Hl:oir Caw* lo »>MI. Holiday (toed. If »>. la ; pr. "ipl Wo art) MANl'KACTI'HKIt'ri A uii* A’mo I’ro|irietom01 Logan's Genuine Ticelsior Baking Powder! I*I. i».ii 111 Worm Sirup. I’alaia . tfl't ftlTf 1.11} I'rrain, fur 1 I apt- 111! rt. tbe vain. Ilttnif*1foil rill*. I.i**I pill ■ ur ... 1 LOGAN DRUG CO.. noi.i iiRima: ( oiim h. The Hero of the World! Wne unto tli vm> u tio at* In tni-< -> and < r*-<i with ill«aMF mi i-urili. mil. rniir P.r tin- want * cure whifh alt inulmsl *ki!l and |«>w*r 1 ri man ttmli in tlila world Inti fail- -I to >u.j May the ilu-vavi' li in man •>' vrnma < yotU Rornpln ycat', 1 hare tin- i-n-a'. i- ‘ that rrer wa* k-own »i innl in* iinel te drain direav - aiuo- K III* p •>, .■ k.. 'i a> Kin u mailim, Coo-uwpti ii. *• ''«. H««rt !>!*• «■<• l.'vt-r Complaint ami <ah*r« p. • nninr r..i. n> imi.tim - nr-l m Un pra.-i tun.-* v. r ki >« " reaw.nahe. f sr r„AK1,y- «(,TKI • Itn and Water Htrw