Newspaper Page Text
Wjfduig J^tsUu. WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. fciuuin isn nunurou Ia-C B. TANEY. GkSkkAL Mas ash TERM.a. m VIAB. BT HAIL, COSTAOk rilBTAlIY UAt-.Y. *li Jay* in the »«vl..•>! W lAll Y, three Jay* In the week .. I l® »A I I.Y lwo Jay* In the week--- S i» >AlLY, oue Jay lu the week.. I W A KEXLY, owe year tn advance.. 1 S> w kKKLY. ui mouth*....~ "f> DELIVERED BY CARRIER. i AJLY, per week k> be paid week y.— i-AiLY auJ SUNDAY ta r week —...... ll will be (Wowed by ewite tn oc (x-r Hath. _ a#-r.(aii*roSD«sci mrOBTisr .IVIIOUmlDnul IVlaV VAST Ok THB *VB aorantss cocstkv. Rejected commaiileaUoni wilt not be returned at m aooom wanted by untOcttnl i-oclaco. nips of the Ja lotninatiou of two cent* amt eecepbtt for amoanta le*t thau oue dolitr. 'HE HKHliT'-. ti iaVo-.w if* *c rrof riufwri». • V ■ literc-< al to Pnttaftct m WkHbmg, W< Vo., a* 'leva nattrr Now foi Happy New Year. Ir’Hsneeiy thing to get, that itiilaerzt. ‘tft Thk stomachs of the little outs will re number Christmas—some with ngret. Jt THitNo by the soaud* yesterday, tb* Weather Bureau thoroughly succeeded in per*aadtng a great many people that it was Fourth of July. Mr. Carrolls McGill, of Baltimore, has just lioieked eating thirty ijnail ic tLirtT days. Wo have fcog* in We«t \ it* ginia tua. can do better than that SltcoTT has been discovered in Mon treal. This is intereetieg information, but that is all. He might as well be perch ed on the top of the north pole, eo far as justice is cotcerned. Has Mr. Jkm Smith, England's alleged c aujpion slogger, ever succeeded in whip ping any body? Col. Sl.AViH, of Anetra iia, thrashed hnn soundly, and would l avs “knocked him ont” bad act Mr. Smith’s gsng, armed with “knnekle dns Itra,” taken a hand in behalf of their idol. However, Col. Slavis can lay the flat tering unction tohw sonl that he honestly licked Mr. Smith, and that the civilzM world iw •gnue the fact that Ue ia renlly the champion brni-er of all the Queen’s dominion. M KAT AND TOBACCO h.mokk According to the meat inspector of Haris tobacco smoke will poison meat. The insoector has made Mime interest ing experiments, with startling results. Cutting Home beef int i thin *licen he ex fused it to tobacco “inoke and offered it to a nnngty dog. Toe animal would not toc> h it. A slice of the meat was then concealed in a piece of bread. This the dog swallowed. In twenty minutes Ue showed symptoms of poisoning, and in a short time was dead. Similar experi ments were tried on other dogs, rahbite and guinea pigs, and the result was the same One poiul in these experiments is nrie wvrtiiy. Coking d-d nri kill tha poison in liio rn-tt. B-ust’ w i* roasted, broiled null starred, but ths n-eriiue prison re mained as deadly as ever. Tne inspector has nude a report, in which h-j ,! • ■ .res that smoking in places whire mr-sis, tats, moist loodi and certain troits are exposed is dangerous and liable to nrolaos fatal i onsequences. Smoking iu or ab>n; a market he regards as oos of the surest and quickest w «ys of prisoning meat. This testimony of the Haris meat inspec tor will Iu nats fir the anti tobaconists. Hot we preier tc wait until his coodosions »re ccr liberated by other scientific men. If every body lielisved everything that every health expeit said, amt acted accoidingly, •verjh>dy would starve to death. Thtie is nothing, frem the air we breath to the bread w» eat, that doesn’t centain death ia larger or smaller quantities, accordirg to these gentlemen. Yet the bn man i*« e thrives. Mils. srOBKh'j WORK. The following interesting hit of informs tina ia from the New York &‘ii. ihe Rookwoed Potteries of Ctaetnneil were e-tab si ■ >eral years ago b Mm. Marla l ;* rib Storer, ft»r tie purpoae if ai:->nliiq anarltstic an 1 lucrative cccuyallon for young Tti» and women compelled to wcikfor their •ug. M-a -toicr spout a great deal o! money ou the kilos ami workshoj on materlalii and on skilled *t>or from abroad, and »he found plenty of iris ready to work and lake tboir wage* home on Saturdays In ihe pro* t-s of se lection w! . -h naturally ensued Ihe pcorer workers gave ay to the - - who dev (loped taste, ability to draw an ' model, and an actual and lute: iert int rest In ihe new industry. Hie work It -roved, technical d’ ".cuttle* were man ured tut-born c’ayi « ere overcome, era, e ar.d v ^ nail!' of dealgn encooriged ard a certain amt l»|y irtlatic standard t-tabUthed. the same it was expensive. Year alter year eiap*isl, and. although the | si Idle was neither in Till tent nor un-euerou*. tlie delicti was heavy. •Mr*. Mow «** not daunted. *he w>>rk. I eighth -a day with her designers ami mt*l elent, superintended the mixture of the clays and tne working oi the kiln* Within the art . w years (hi* work has t>cen rewarded. Th market for the R.okw<x«d pottery baa broadened and grown in about the irotxjrUon In which the pottery itself ha* improved It Is the most ar t. u. an i creditable catemie work Uiat has yet •ecu produced in this country, an t that It I' now i laying industry is a guarantee tint it w II presently expand into a very important in ln* trv. The latenee ol Cincinnati can now hold ita own in technical particulars "Ith the best Kng b*b and 1 mtiaetttal gla ca. while the special direction of Mr* Storet a endeavor has imparted lo It a . 'iiuetaitd Intereati g character that i* who'iy it* own. Theohiccta are graceful in de » go, and the colors of exceeding variety and Wbat Mr«. Stokkk did on a limited scale, industrial, or manual training school# are now doing on a very ex'enn'e scale all over the country. Mis. Stokkk devoted her etbits to training girls in one branch of industry, while the manual training schools take in every branch oi industry and art and science, graduating boys aud girls, who are thoroughly rt|Uipp<d to fight the great hattle of life. The worth of Mrs. Storkr’s system has been proven. The rnannal training school aims to carry ont this system to its perfct lion, and its worth and prtcInability, likewise, have been proven to every to s lance. Educate the whole boy, or girl, the hands as well as the head. That is the principle on which the rnannal training school, the school of the fntnre, is based, and the sooner onr educational onlborittts adopt it the better it will he for Wheeling. Fortune's WIimL /{CofKtro. “I tell yon for a fact, that I once saw Raspin', the millionaire, withoat a pair of shiies to his feet, and not so lorg since, e ther." ‘ Indeed. When was thai ‘'Last summer, when he wss batbiag at Rimini.’* Fur Throat Disease* amt t ough* use ittosN ' BaoM iuaL TtocFts. Like all 'roily good IbiP * they are mutated. The yenuioe ore told only i* ’jote*. THE BAKER LETTER. What suu« of the Near • •> Newspaper* tl»v« H:iif to >»j of' It. Theptop!.’ m this *e. *ioo are thorough ly familiar with (ha Van Baker case and take a deep interest in anything that per tain* to it on acconut of the horror of the (■•■id-blooded murder of the two women, tiie conviction of Baker for the crime, and the remarkable manner in which he bn* maintained hie innocence, and kept Irom making any br*»k since his conviction that won Id show him to he the murderer. So w'oea the letter from a person who signed h»:n*-lf “Man No. 1,” purporting to b - a e«ion of the crime, was recent ly pnu wi in the Register, it etirred np the greatest tx.'i'eaient, both among the adhenni- 01 Baker’* innocence and the people who feel certain he is theguilt t mao. Tbs article* succeeding the prid ing of the l«t er were read with interest also, especially Baker’* talk about the let ter, after it bad been shown him by a Reg ister reporter. Nothing tfcat ha* been published recently ha* itirrtd np so much interest, ard most of the nl,w*paper* in Rittebnrg, Stenben vilie, Washington and other town* printed the article* from the Register in their entuety •Tnat lure >l 1* proper tovay that the only uhjrct tbs Register bad in view wa* to give the new*, a* it a:way* rite*. It the letter wr.s of any valne whatever, in clear ing npa possible mystery, it deserved pub lication. If it were a mere trick on the part of Baker or some one of his friend*, it ulso denerved publication. The public could be the judge whether the letter was a fraud or not. One thing is certain, however, and that is this: The letter was mailed at Columbus, Ohio, and received in dee coarse at this office, and lurtker, there is no one connected with this office either near or remote that ever knew or beard of the contents of the letter until opened and read. Both the envelope and letter are still in the possession ot this office, where any one who desires can see them, a* many bi>\3 done ulready. Toe comments ai some of these journals tire given this morning to snow now the papers regard the now famous letter. The Hancock Imlepemlmt last week printed the letter, aad all the succeeding articles in reference to it from the Keois kk, and then charged the Register with caving faked np ihe letter iD the office. That was amusing, in view of the fact that the Independent would deign to reprint the “f*ke,” bn! it is not more si than the action of the Steubenville Herald, which pnt display Iliads over all the articles tak en from the Register, and then in other parte of the paper, on different occasions, ; commeuted in this manner : “That Baker Matter.—The alleged murderer’s conteesion which made it t ap pearance in the Wheeling Register this raorn-rg, is reprinted in thin i“sue. What is its object is hardly possible to say, bat it show* the scheming ot the rnott conning and most dastardly mnrderer tvernnhung. V m B. Bilk- r is gnilty of the murder ot h s wife and mother-in-law, and has been ! so proven; any such communication cover ing every detail unexplainable upon any other hypothesis than his gnilt can come itoai no o'her source than his own knowl edge ol the horrible details of the crime.” “A Cheat Fake.—It ia about time that people of this vicinity understood the dee o-rate resorts to which the murderer B» ker aad bis agents are resorting to create a suspicion of his gnilt. One of his attorneys is a potential factor with the Wheeling RkgI- eh, the paper tnnt is giving public ity to the alleged interviews, and ia ap parently trying to create the necessary .'onht to appeal to executive clemency. Van Baker always tboueht he was mure wise and cunning than his attorneys, and he is hoodwtnkiug them again. It is not proper to s iy they believe him gnilty or innocent of his heinous crime, 1ml if they ever had auv doubt of the cold-blooded atrocity of h.s crime, the events ot the past tew days ought to satiety the most impartial minded that the only pnuish meat that wonld meet his'erinie would he hanging anil quartering. The whole al leged confess! n is a great newspaper •take, beongnt abont ny tne rcnemtng or a murderous villain.” The following extracts are irotu the Steubenville Gazette “Tout Van Baker is guilty of the crime tor which he is new bsiug panishtd by the S ale, th-re >s no doubt in the minds of any one; bo1 aim -t coincident with Bs ker’s (torn ug the striped -tilt of the life convict there has < ome into the posets-iou oftheWhee iog Register a loiter of a very remarkable nature—a letter written by a man who says that he ia company with two others committed the crime. “l’o tie people of Stmbenviile it lroks very much like a bungled scheme to cast a doebt on Biket’s guilt with a view lo getting him pardoned. With the papers containing accounts of the murder and the proceedings of the trials betjre the writer, it wai. a very easy matter lo compose the letter.’’ “If the alleged confession of the Holli day Cove murder by a man who wrote a letter from Colntubas to the Wheeling Register is with u view of creating a doubt as to Van Biker’s guilt, it is the mon absurd hnrgle that Biker's friends have yet made, fheobjectof the letter is to corroborate the statement made by Baker that the thru- men who he claimed rented a lot from Mrs. McWha were gnilty ot the crime. This statenunt was made by Biker after he declared to the Gazette representative that the men he suspected were three men from Steubenville who bad rented the stable, bnt ss soou as these nieu tnrned np, he changed his story so as to make it appear that there were time oth er men who rented the lot, bnt no trees of the three others was ever found, and this theory was never dwelt upon by Bik er’s attorneys. The persou who cimmit t»d the murder did not get into the house through the window, and the night cap story is just as absurd as the claim that the trunk was broken open with an ex, tor the trnnk was noiocked and did not have to be forced. The moat surprising thing about the whole bnsine-w in the fact the Wheeling Register is takeu in hy the fake, and almost accepts the confession as evidence that Baker is not guilty. The A IIOHsr WHO PIN TASK! Ever. Nxjjt lw* > •: a a "tami- laugh. | .It wh i~ .A. I eotiin, • "it'• ->t with ti«- power ot «|> ■ ■,! s a h an animal wuuH l .., t : ,t w ihiM the t, ■ an I the t • file:.- i him,Iron years • " :.i. an vc. •ivently a etirv for eon - . v a.'kuuwlo |*eil t- .-.■>• : a'.a all* Mi. the liiiiv-*. trotlM liavu N>. at . s I' e n-ujous but now p«v pi, are !*. - * - nr 1 - I- ii:/- that tlfi .llSi'ilse :n. uia - • It. •; i s«;e>hh'n Medical I*.., a. rv tti.l . a; • u. tax, n ia time an,I c on a '-n trial. This v iwiil-tvn- ,wno,l reia . ,iv v ,| not malt new Hum*, but it will re - i-h ! on - l • t It*aithv ’,t' when 0 • means Uav- tail, I. Th eTHt*1 t iv testify to tvs. It is tl» most |«>tent tieuV, , r strength restorer. alterative, or bi t-> ■ an- i an 1 in trit , or tl, ,h-buUiier, k >wn to i: i e:i -■ nit K r V., . I; Limes, Si ittiiivr of lti,to<L it:-..minus. Asthma. Ca tarrh ut the 11,a t. anil ill i. inform* I'miirlia, i: sau unequal I rvnusly. in ,l> i angemonts . f the st, mil'll, liver . N,w, Is us in lig»W fVmplait'.t.' Phis ■ me lbarrhea, :uu! kimirvd ailments, n is a wnwlftn remedy. 11 1 1 SUMINIEEO J W ts 1 —1 > v Iri'inr srs, un,lor a printeal guarantee, front i!.- mamifact atv: that it"..! !■ n ht nr cure 10 every ease ot ,1.x a- t- r whielt n is nvommendts!. or money panl for it will be promptly r> funded. i ; o :..l. f TTlWI tfil mil "Kill S300 OFFERED 1 — l n inifaelur > I - ! r S.| , 1‘af.irrh Kellf .lv, tor UU isv 'arable , am of Catarrh in Uk 11 nil. confession was sa absolutely absurd as to h»* ridiculous. The iurd who wrote it knew very little about the murder.” The Bsllaire Independent comes up this wry: “The Wheeling Register publishes a long letter purporting to be the conferiion of tome fellow who a si‘ttd in t urdet'ng Van Baker's wife and The letter was mailed to the Register at Co lumbus, hot bad no vame to tt. But the letter in itself won’t do—some stronger evident-'- tl-'in that will be needed to re lease. Baker.” The Toronto Tribune takes a psnidrnling view ol the situation aud caustically re marks: “The efforts of the Whaling Register to create sympathy for Biker and n suspi cion of his guilt, (1o»h not have moth ef fect where it is known that Ool. Arnett, one « f Biker’s attorney*, is a prominent owner of the paper that is giving the pub licity to the alleged letters aud interviews throwing tn* crim- on eonte one else, l’eo pie np lb's way are firm in their convic tion of Baker’s gnilt.” [Col. Arcett does net own n dollar’s worth of Slock in the Register.—K» ] The Ohio I'rr»*, of Steubenville, lias ibis opinion of the letter: “The letter that appeared in the Wheel ing Register, purporting to be from one of the alleged murderers of Mrs. McWha and Mr*. Baker, at Holliday’s Cove, and clearing Van Baktr of the crime by a con feestoo, is regarded by the public ns an “ootragnm fake” upon ths people, and as gotten up by Van Baker himself or through his connivance. The whole de tails^ the mnrder are gone over willi tell ing effect, and the points that condemned Baker taken up and explained. The affair is considered a very bungling ono, Had the people are ditgnaied, having hoped that the closidg of the penitentiary upon Vau Baker would settle the question of the mnrder forever. ” MAKIUEII. FAWt HIT—* ox—On Wednesday evening, !)■ emU r . •, at Bridgeport, l>y Rev. .lames H. Rtwei- Mr John A. Kawcktt and Ml» 1-loka L. Cox; both of Bridgeport. DIED. GIK4KY—On Tuefday. December 21 th, IfW), Chahi.iv iufant chi'd of Kdward E. an l Jennie G. Gte«ey, aged 10 months. Funeral from re-ideuce of parents, So. 2912 Kofl' street, this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock. Friend* of the family iuvlted. Inter mem at Greenwood cemetery. CONNORS—On Tuesday, December 21. ISsJ. at 12 o'clock midnight. Mis* Kao:Connors,daugh ter of Martin and Margaret Connor*, Seed IS year-, at the home of her parents. No. t> North Huron street. Funeral from the residence of her parents, No. is North Huron street, this (Thursday) morning at s :0o'clock. Re«|Ulem mass it Cathedral at :• o'clock. Friends of the family Invited to at tend. Intermeut at Mt. Calvary eemetarv. brown Sunday morning, at 5 o'clock, De Icomber22 1"'.'. AsNlk M., daughter of Jdary A. and the late W m. Brown. Fnueral from resilience of her mother. No. lt::7 Chaplina *lreet. Thurslay morning at S::t0. Serv ices at Cathedral at 9. Friend- ol the fam ily invited. In lor me at at Mt. Calvary cemetery. HAG! E—Tuenday, December 24, 1*89, at 5 10 o'clock a. m.. John Has' k. In his tad year. Funeral from residence of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hague, No. 59 sixteenth street, Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Friend* of the family iiiviPd In ailend, lntcn icir at Mt lalvaiv. *Ir«J ^dcfrtisfmrnis. /CONCERT. Persons holdirg season tickets for the series of coni erts liven by PROF 11 ■!. ARBF.N/. and wiki, aaaistedby pkok. Herman sghoc’KEY, will please take notice that the i ihst conckht (Christmas Concert) will be given FRIDAY KY KNING. Deceml-er 27th, at the Macnuerchor IU11. (CraugU - Block , commencing at eight ... , . let • T3EBS< >NAL. JL MADAME GOFF, seventh daughter of a seventh sou, lorn with a veil, has arrived In the uiy fnim lla-t. West and south and taken par.or-at No tb> t Market -Street, where-he can Pc cons jlted im the part, present and future Advice on ad matter*. loll* you what is hnt lor your welfare in 1-uslnes-. love, dome-tic trouble* or love atlair- All interviews strictly contiden ti*. Office hours from ‘.»n. m. to 10 p. ra. Please walk up-tair-. _oelltol NO DUST - NO SMOKE ;-.T5vNlV[R burnTor STAiNS/50* brush rASTE^^^njjgjj^^^SAVES IN TIN THE WORK J. 1.. I’lttSCOTTA CO..No,Herwiek, VI<• Standard ~~ Flavoring TRACT ^ HOUSEKEEPERS' n pn • , y ‘ -_ JT F. BEHRENS, Grocer and Kuro|'ean Steamship Airenl. Office and Main Store'2217 Market St. Branch Store cor, Thirty-eighth and Jacob St. l argest, best assorted and cheapest Grocery In the city. H. F. BEHRENS. de2t 2217 Market Street, CTt)l* THAT SNEEZING. If you have the ‘ Rtts'ian lntlnc-Dz-t," Hay Fever or catarrh, try the MENTHOL INHALER. Sold by R. H. LIST, Druggist, <le-> t' 10 Main street. J ust'oFened. A t.AKOK A'SuKTMKNT OF sii.akit wakk, I AKVEKS mill I t III.I ( I TI.KKV. offeri I at the most reasonable prices. Call amt examine good*! before purchasing elsewhere. JOHN I KIf.UII . <D:£>No. 111.- Main Street. jrgs»NOTK’E Is hereby given that Certificate* Nos. 411 at d 1st*, of the West Virginia exposition and state Fair Association have been lost or mislaid. The public is warned not to buy ihe same, dcl'cawt Orli'AU SKK1 EY. FALL AND WINTER ROODS! We have Just received our Fall and Winter stock of Sew tioods amt we Invite an early In speetion of same. 0. H. WHEELER & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. tlldl Warhol Street, l'|> Ntalra. allied STEAMERS For Cincinnati, Louisville, Mem phis, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Intermediate Points, Will leave Wharf Boat, foot of Kleveuth Street, Daily. Monday excepted, as follows _ Steamer "RAINBOW," Chris (1. Young. Master: ('has. W. Knox, clerk every Tuesday at 7 a. m - Steamer ■'ANDES,’* K B. Cooper, -t*jcjjMa'ti r; Al. I Blaven, Clerk: every t£il~aSiM Wednesday at 7 a m. . rr—> Si.'inter "HUDSON, J. F. Kllicon, IJ*wajMaiiier Dan Ijicey, Clerk: every M 11 »■ rhnnday at 7 a. m. , mmm, ^ Steamer “W. N. CHANCELLOR U. Chancellor. Master Ira B. Htiu * "• Lngton, Clerk Every Friday at 7 a. in. , fT~v’ % Steamer SCOTIA," John M. Pbil LgyffiEaiips. Mader: Robert H. Kerr. Clerk: every Saturday at.7 a. m. I frrr- «. Steamer "LOUIS A. SHERLKY,” K1. Maildy. Master Jule Wehrmau. 0i i •'"I'lorX; every Sunday at 7a. in. First i-iass fare. Wheeling toCioeinnati, ♦6.00. Round trip. ♦10.00. Meals and state-room in cluded. or- rtf kets transferable and good until used. For Freight or Passage apply on board or Tele phone No. SU. FRANK BOOTH. nolS Agent. rpHR DENVER STATE LOTTERY CO. WANT 1 Agent- T u ills -.0 cents. Address A. C. ROS- A Co . Denver, <' do._tleiagnad M” onky'to LOAN ON REAL ESTATE 8E cur.ty RINEHART A TATI M, lib. Market RUTS . _ 0CC*° Wlsll to employe lew ladles on salary U> take • • haree ' my business at their homes. Ugnt, very formating and healthful. Wages tiu per wi «-k Kcfereuee given. Hood ray Ur part ume. Aden ss with sUim., Mas. Mahion 'V*'k*r’ ■ Ky. _®?,/l l^ftNOTICE. All persons are hereby notilled not to eive any credit on my account without an order from me. 1 will not pay any debts so contracted afu r this da,e. J. W. YANKEI REN. Wheeling, w. Va.. Decentl<et 2'*,lss5 <1c3C i ^ HAND LUNCH. It FltKB 1.1 N« H. ROAST PICS. •pOSSHM AND < OON, AT THE GARDEN SALOON, TO-NIGHT. Don't miss it.dec2B-qj incut at the Hardware u ,d House Furuisbug store of NLSidlTT & BRO., id Market strict. Id Style! We refer to the stone Tea Pots, the kind your grandmother uvdin making lev. Tin lids hinged, and will not fall oil «KO. W. rvOMN. de2C 1210 Main Street. JpOR SALE. A ten roomed Brick House within five minutes' walk of the McLurc House, property in good condition, for $ '.'.00. C. O. SMITH, detsis No. 1220 Main S'reet. FOR SALK OK RENT. « - I ANI'aKY 1-r, 1890, l BEGIN MY FODR *» tcenih year in the Real Estate Buvlnesa iu this t i y. During this time 1 haudled'property in all parts of the city a d am therefore a< qualnted with values, and also who are good tenants. It will pay you to plare y ir properly, either for sale or rent in tho hands of a KKseOKsinu AOI.NT. , . I will give special attention to the general management ot property for most profitable re sults. All property placed in my hands is adver tised thoroughly without charge to the owner C3r. O. SMITH, Real !state Agent and Broker. 1223 MAIN STREET. t PLEASE TO TAKE NOTICE. | E great bargains in Christmas and New Year's Presents HENRY JACOBS’. Fine Ottomans and Hassocks at £0 ami 75 cents. Fine Runs at 50 nnJ 75 cent" Nice White Be,1 Spread" at 7c. A SI "0. Table Hid Floor Oilcloth at lsc. A 2"c. Good Red and White Blanket* very cheap. Kino Comforts at the cheapest prices at JACOBS', People’s Bank liuililinjf. Ilisl Velvet, Itriiaaels mid lloucrcd Ciirpoi*. ill COMMISSIONERS' SALE — OF Valuable Real Estate. I Jl ksPAST TO A DECRICK OK THE < 1 It 1 mu t’.iurt of Ohio county. West Virginia, mndceu tin- lath day uf St'ptciiibtr, lss'J. ill the Chancery causes of George W. McCord, adminis trator vs. Thomas McCord and others, and John W. Cooper vs. Jame» c. McCord and others, the undersigned special commissioners will, on Nmnrilny, the .'Hull of November, A. I>. ISM*. commencing a' ten o'clock a. m.. at tlie north frontdoor of the Court House of Ohio county West Virginia, proceed to sell, at public auction the tract of land containing about one hundred acri". and another trai t known ns l*ikc Island, of which Thom i- McCord died scizid. The first mentioned tract lies on the Ohio River, distant about live mile- north of the city of Wheeling, and was bounded and described by the said Thomas McCoid, deceased, in a deed between himself and Thomas B. McCord, dated Beptcm it-r :5th, 1*79. of record in the Clerk's office of the County Court of Ohio county. Went Virginia, as follows: On the north by the lands of James Lyle and John B. Lyle ami Rev.-McLure, on the East by the lauds of Mrs J. B Wil son, on the south by the lands of the Reilly b' rs and Jacob Zills, and on the west by the Ohio river, being the home farm, when he died, of Thomas McCord, deceased. The tract known as Pike Island lies in the Ohio River, about one mile above the first men tioned tract. TERMS OF BALE— One-third, or as much more of the purchase money as the purchaser tnav elect. In cash, and the balance in two equal instalmchts, atone and two years, respectively, from the day of rale, with interest from day of "ale. upon the credit instalments, the purchaser to give liis notes for the same with apprbved se curity, and the legal title to be retained as a further security until the purchase money is paid in lull and coiiv< yancedirected by ihe Court. ' GUY K. C. ALLEN. GKO. B. CALDWELL, Special Commissioners. Given under my hand this 2fith day of Octo ber, V. I), lss'.i. JOHN W. MITClfKl.L, clerk of the Circuit Court of Ohio County, in the state of West Virginia, oeiiloawt The above sale is * hereby, 1 h is .ItOth day of November, I8S9, adjourned until 10 o’clock a. m., on the 7lh tiny »l December, istii*, tote then continued and resumed at public auction at tho north front doorof the court House, iu Wheel ing, .\\u-t Virginia. GUY R. C. ALLEN, GEO. B. CALDWELL, de'Jv S|>ecial Commissioners. The Rlmve sale is lids 7th day of December, 1".'. adjourned to Siitiirilav, t lie ~l»l liny ot December, issti. at the same place and hour as in the above notice named. Gl’Y R. c. ALLEN, G B. CALDWELL, delJAPJ Special Commisdoners. The atiovc sa'o is thi* 21st day of December, Batardsy, kite isib liny ill JimIIwry , I mm*. at 'he same place and bei inning at the seme hour as in the above notice named. G. B. CAI.DWELL Gt V R. ('. AI.I.KN, de-'bjanJ.'.'.lC Special Commissioners. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE OF KENTUCKY UNIWERS! U:\IMITON, K 1. Mishit Aw«J >t WorU • Ftp<Httl*-r. Haiti Write., .-.t ■ ■ ■■ >. ■ •>. t I* tntki v H ILItl It K. aSII I II, IWi. le vlacluo, .-»> FOR SALE. rpUK BEST FRT'IT FARM IN THIS PART OF 1 (he country, Rett for ago of trees, vines and location, a chance ft step into a paying business. Ibice much less than cost Building Lot*. m all parts of the city, from 5100 up. 10 Roomed Dwelling, within live minutes walk oi center pot of the city, l'or5.’>0 A new Double Rrick House that will pay o . or 10 per cent, on -rid investment. t Money to .end. stocks bought aud sold. FOR REMT. Will have Dwelling Houses, large and small, t >r tent from April 1st, l.'.HJ. A Iso <tore Rooms. Call early, as the demand will exceed the sup ply this coming year. O. O. SMITH Broker and Real I-slate Agent, l-JO Ma’u street. Selling Out At Cost TO QUIT BUSINESS. T_T AVISB MADE ARRANGEMENTS TO KN I I in other 1 itsiness, I offer ray entire stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hals and Caps, at actca i cost. Call earlr and secure bargains. Will sell whole sto<,. to one person at great <se S. H. KA.SLEY, _de20v_Nq lftft MAIN STREET. OEALED PROPOSALS. O Okf:< i: ok Water Works, I Mabtis's Kerry, O . Dec. nth, 1889 j Sealed proposal will be received at this otiieo until tixodet p. Et. of MONDAY, JANfARY r>iU. 1990, and opened immediately thereafter, for the furnishing of about 111 tons of Cast iron Water PIpe.N*, tons of ?i>ecial Casting., :; Fire* Hydrant* and N) Valves: also, for laving said Pipe, .aront 51, miles', ami setting or said Fire Hydrants aud Valve* Blank forms amt specifi cation* can be had upon application to this cilice. By order of the Board. deiseadtolyi J. 8. MITCHELL, SeCy. ^dvertismints. $40,000.00. WE HAVE NOW IN STOCK OVER 1 OK H THOUSAND DOLLAR'S WORTH OK DIAMONDS And not a dollar's worth oa corn miss ion. The i nods are ours and we arc bound to “'"ejhriu Call ai d see our stork, make a m:U< lion, and we will make the price extremely low. I. G. DILLON & CO., JEWELERS.. reserved for RINEHART & TATUM, Ileal Estate, Storks, Eire Insurance, 1161} Market Street. | Any person having a bouse to rent may have the same advertised nr this spar o ntrx or ciiakok if they will report lo ns ou or liefoa Tnunday of each week lietweeu now and April ut, l^io. | deaaueh USEFUL AT BARGAIN PRICKS. Ladies' Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs at I2>iJo., 25c., 60c , 75c. and upw ards. Lac ies* Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs at 15c. Gentlemen's Fine Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at' Sc. Gents’ extra Fi e Hemstitched Pnro LUen Handkerchief* at 2 c Gents' Kxtra Fine Hemstitched Initial Handker chiefs at 25e. Gens’ Japanese Sit Initial Handkerchief*at C.Oe. and Si 00. Fine Towels al U^c., 20c., 28c , Site., 50c A bOe. See our«xtra Fine Towel at esc , worth 21.00. Hands me Tstdo Clotlis, witli Napkinsto match, fttSl,;oan>lS.''OOpe- set. pia'n Turkey Red Cloths, two yards ions, at Sr>c. Plain Turkey Red Cloths.’.'K yards long, at S1.00. Eiderdown tom'orts, a'. !'"• 5', |8.0<i. 2'J.OO a d up wards. Eid.rdowa Pillows and IL ad-Rcstsat ail price*. Silk Umbrellas al 21.25, 21.60, f-’uO, 2L00 and upwards. Full strek of Dress Goods, Rhaws, Kid Gloves. Quilts, Skirt* a-d I’ndenveur AT POPULAR PRICKS. Black riilks marked down for Holiday sales. KashlonaUe Furs for Ladles and Children. Ladies’and i bildren's Cloaks marked down to January Prices, COME AND SEE. y -1 CHILDREN'S BOOK?, GAMES, BLOCKS, School Bags. Pine Pencil Boxes, Paints, &c. —AT— STANTON & DAVENPORT S dels >,*. I t01 Market S'reel. CUT GLASSWARE Kor the Holiday*. New Arrival. Choice Pieces. EWING BROS.. de20 1215 Market S* , opp. Mol me House. CELLING OUT TO QUIT BUSINESS. I have rented my store room and intend to .pin Inuinesa. My entire sici-a hi Casslmeres, Coatings and Gents I nrnishing Gtodamtod ho sold by March 1st. Now is the time to secure big bargains in above goods. Call e rly. II. /.INKANN, decl5d.teb 1011 Main Street. B^tNOTlC'IS. I have no connection with any ctlier photo graph gallery other tt:an my own at No. 1206 Market street: nor do 1 employ agents. no24dqAe J. a. H. parsons. TE FIGARO ILLU8TRIE, London News and Hraphic, Holly Leaves. Christmas, ,Vc. I-ondon Annuals, Herman and English Almanacs and Diaries for 1.H90. News papers and 1'eriodicals hy the year atlputltshers’ C. H. QUIMBY, dc'J Nos. 1414 and 1507 Markei otroel ^BEAUTIFUL ASS( )RTMENT Of Holiday Present*, in fact the tinest that we have ever had instock, and at lower pi ices than ever. ( ill soon and examine. llel.AIN ItlCOS.. Ilriiggisls, Corner Market anil Twelfth (Street*. dec 13. _ <Sfc. ^aglor. TO THE PUBLIC. In order to make the contem plated alterations in my store build ing, I am necessitated to close my store from this date until MONDAY MORNING, 30th inst. GEO. R. TAYLOR. <^in;niture and (farprts EVEN SANTA CLAUS IS ASTONISHED AT OUR DISPLAY -OF -BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS Hurrah For The Holidays! Right now we are ready for business with an IMMENSE ASSORTMENT 1 'F CHRISTMAS GIFTS The New the Novel and the Beantiful are all included in our Splendid Line of Furniture of All Kinds. AVe offer a great variety ot appropriate PRES ENTS FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHIL DREN. AVe can supply a suitable gilt for old oryouifg at any sum you desire to expend. Our Elegant Holi day Stock is a popular stock in all respects, selected to meet all requirements. $^*AVc are glad to welcome visitors, pleased to show our goods and ready to make close prices to all 1 myers. G. Mendel & Co. 1124 Main Street. (Jfurnilurf and (Carpets. SANTA SMILES lud so will yon when you see our Holiday Stock. Instead ol laughing in your sleeve you will laugh i n y our stocking, which won't seem halt'liig enough to hold tin* gifts jou eovel. People With Big Feet Will he proud ol Ihe fuel when they realize the hig bargains llial will go iulo tin* hig stocking. We can't span* space to gi\e a list ol our slock, and to attempt lo judge of our display by samples would lie like ly ing down on one feather to judge how a feather lied would feel. You can't PuttheOcean inaTeaCup And we can't pul u list of goods in au ad vrrlising space. tome and se«* the goods: that's tin* only way. Feast your eyes upon the array of gi Ijs I lial are going lo mu ke I housands happy . tome! lor that s Ihe only way we ran convince you that lliis is NO MERE HOLIDAY HULLABALOO Itul au unprecedented opportunity to obtain iisclnl and ornamen tal gifts at prices that positively cannot be duplicated. The best uud biggest slock, llir greatest novelties and lowest prices are lo lie found a I Frew <fc Bertschy’s, FURNITURE AND CARPETS, No. 1117 MAIN STREET. EXTRA! OPERA HOUSE. Thursday Night, Dec. 26. MH. AK1KI. BARNEY PRESENTS MR. THOS. W. KEENE In Bbakespeare'ii Sublime Tragedy, I I George Learock And a Strong Dramatic Organization of Recognized Ability. PRICES. 50 and 75c«nU: Reserved Se»K $1 OP The mo o' reserved real* wi 11 0|h-ii at < . A House's musiu storeou Tuesday, Dec. 24 deil OPERA HOUSE. Saturday, December 28. J. pjflET In Ida Kutirc'y New and Natural Drama, UNCLE JOE! Or. FRITZ IN A MAD HOUSE. Which ran Tlirec Moil 111 at the Kourtfei.t.i Street Theatre, New Yoik. BXCKLLKNT (’OMPANY! ( Alt LOAD OF SCKNm PliINLIMMON, THE $5,000 1)00. The I.a’gesl and Handsomest Cog in the World. Entire New .-Songs •Wl’rii'es. and 75ient«; Reserved Heats. » Sale of seats commence* Thursday, Decern 26th, at l.\ A. House s music store. de2 OPERA HOUSE. Nt*\\ Year’s Fir! New Year’s Day! New Year’s Night! DECEMBER Hist JANUARY 1st. -HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL— The Sparkling and Popular Ciunmedlenne LIZZIE EVANS ANIl AS KM’KMiANT COMPANY, iu her three iHtesl < omedy Saa**t*. Tufsday Night -‘ 01 K ANHKL,” A Romantic Comedy Drama, New Year's Matinee “KINK KKATIIKKS, ’ A Story of Kugli«h Rural Life. New ^ear s Niirlil- “TilK bl l KEYK.' A ijuainl Picture ot Ohio Life. a*-i i/.Zli KVANS iu her great taraeterof ‘ MARY JANI NEW SONGS. MEDLEYS, DANCES. &c.. Introduced In all three play*. commence* Moiulay, Deccmlar l.-lh. at i A, Hoiimi'j mti(>lc store. d* 2Ct GRAND OPERA HOUSE. O. <,’. fiKNl HKR la-ssec and Manager. THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Cuiuiueni'itiL' Thursday, Drrrtnlirr 2Mk. ai l? S, Matlme Saturday Altcrncon at 2 1‘. M. The Brightest and Kin ideal Comialy I:vi-r Written 7V\u^g s Cundiny t The Play that has Made all America I ► Beautiful Music' Kti-gunt Dam I Specialties' New Hours’ Pretty < Homs of Solid Kuu ! Prints-(ialtory 25c. fihtldrcn 1 25c: orcliecraf liana '-<*■ Kiser at McLttrc House Hat and Kurui ^cr Aleut. H’ORRKNT-TIIKWKI I Vt-w 1’ INF stand No. M Twelfth .. Pi given April 1st. ]suj. I ■ pa le. C. Mr. VI K-\ ai tli-- ! . a lice Co’s oilice. Jor Sale ITOIt HA I.It (iOOD WATKIt r - »t- •- B|right office. TpOR SALK OU K.\( IIANfil THRKK Small Places at I KOI’R Large Dwelling* I 1 Several small Dwellings, Low prices and long time. Ktpjuireof II K<*RW ■ de'J No. 111.1 f'liapi ic ’ - VJTOt'K FOK SALE. I ofler for rale from flit,000 to! 1 • -urn sux-k iti a long established maunfa. ' g talion, whlc lias been in sucer-'i •: "I” near this elly for many yeti*. and pays > ja-r rent. J A M H 6 I.. HA ’VLB ’• ap3o Il-U Main-i • rpOK BALI OMB OF THI FINEST I stea l* ill the ei V. Oil-' lot A gaul propertr on Twelfth *lrw>t. lot'■Ox liV I nulMing*. wltn store room*. <•!» Market Three title ilwellii gs on t'hapltne strret small dwellings on Market street, easy l'wn good houses on Tbl.lrt* • -nth sire.' building Iota on Koff Mreet I w e eg a houses on Jamb street. Coidtnna h • - rooms, on Twenty -•■cond sire*1 1 • • houses on the Island Three first a** - Mlteenth street. Three smai, h«m-— m lough street Two small hoti»- - n Mix I/itsoii M<- ulloiigh -1r# et. on tie Island. Two ho,is- * ••• d ►• •• u Charles street A mr room- noi w - street. Mime choice "it* m *,-r e“ : " ' only four lot* •ft *•' » 1 •' I'11* ' .' ' ■ »• OEO.J MATHI SO IT, K trustee s sale. II hi " li Ho • and ».!•• 7‘ ... . ‘ ; ^r^i-orfrud ^sN.. -Mdo. I r lilt, l*W a':'..-.*.-" court House In the «. > ••■ , ,, lie auction tee bo <iw ’ f > s , .. s - rrns , f ... 1 • tl • 'lle • ast a.i ”, ' • ■' ' Ofi‘fc. ;,'for a fro : and «>f • uniform hid front north war li> and parm.ii ■* ' east and west umndary Hue ol sai l «* t ^ar of same will, tin- Hiding-IhcfeoO TKH-MS (il -Al t'. One-third, or a* more of the pur. !.»»•• moaey a* the I* • mar to pay. in ia-li. and m- rt» u r.iua nataltmrntt at sis and twei * fr.m the day of *a'e. tr.r ; nr- ■••--• uoti-for aald defei r<**I InaUmeiiUwiU on the same from the day of sale and 1 'l' • ati.l of said nrtraan l intrreai -h- I »• » U) the latlslaetloo ef the under. - I JAMM K ItOwr HA if W, H H.U.I.IKr Aui-tionrrf ^ I TJI(iHKKT< \>H I’HM K Fatd ’or Wou.' U and 1 otton Kag» * au.| Iron. loppsr nrasa * 11 oM met*, and uni Frr-on atesfe wlii *»> **H by ■ ai tog «'• <*' ai IIH" tllMM* MU and *«• • hatsune 1 Who Will rail tor it at o-*' • •*** U«.