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Wjttling Jt* gist rr WEST VIRGINIA PRINTING CO. PBBUiram un> UsoraiXTOB*. ■fAB. B. TaSKY. liBSBBAi. MaSamLX ' ~ | TERM' BBB YBAB. BY MAIL, COSTAS* rBVAXD. DAILY, tlx dav» in the week.._.k oc 'JAILY, three day* In the week...i 00 JAILY, two day* In the week.. 8 Or JAILY, one day In the week.... 1 SO A EARLY, one year In advance.. l 26 WEEKLY, ex month*..... 7b DELIVERED BY CARRIER. DAILY, per week to be paid week t_ IS DAILY and SUNDAY per week. W The DAILY will be delivered by carrier lu any other city or town at..... 1“ JINGLE COPIES OF DAILY OR WEEKLY S 4WTribute* of Respect and Obituary Notice* Oc per Inch. JV-CORBBKrONr>BWCB costaisino twroBTAirt ■ BWS SOl.lCTTBD FROM BVBBV PAST 0» THS »OB ■omnino CODNTBY. Rejected communications will not be retnjned q en accompanied by sufficient postage, stamp* of thedeuomiua'.'Oii of two rent* and •*• accepted tor amoor.u '.«■ than une dollar. TUK HKHISTSH. tmOroritou us menu mutant. U cnttrttl at the Paiqfict m W)*u me Mr. Wn. at tetami Sots m alter The cereal crops cf West Virginia daring 1888 were worth nearly $10.(>00,000. No better argument can be tonnd to prove Went Virginia * advantages of a terming Stale. Oar Tallies are free trom drooih, and protected from (rent. The figures of 1*89 should taraieh a leveoc to tbe West . Virginia farmer who is thinking of emi- j grating in 1880. The improvements in the Monwgahtla forte of Coegre»*man W. L. Wilson. That River, which resulted in opening naviga- | tioa to Morgantown, were cue to tbe tf ' gentleman will make a tp-cial effort at the coming session to have theee improve . mentx continued to Fairmont What Mi Wilson undertaken be generally teccro pliabes. In bis own way tbe second dis trict Oongreeeman is doing a great work for the development of West Virginia. TUR SOUIH’S BKCIURRSB The fignrcuof theSmth's indnstrial pro gross daring the year just clotted, ae given by the Baltimore Jfami/uctwrerV Record, i are of great significance. As a matter of fact 1«89 has been a re markable year in many reepec's. I; hae wimessed a material growth and develop ment so extensive aa to amszs the world The fignres given by tbe Record ere start- ! ling enough, bn! they do not by aoy mean cover the whole ground. The industrial progress of the 8>uth tu*i b wn universal throoghont that section Tbs Record sums up the sruount ofevpi tal and capital stock represented by tbe list of new enterprises, and the enlarge ment of old plants daring 1885), end corn pares it with the previous year as follows: lsjfci. live aiabata.... «2» 41 krkansae.. M7*0#0 w 4BS.OOM I Florida .... 4.197 ooo Georgia ..- IS,130,00 11.205,000 Kentucky...- S3.212.00O 'JS.SOLOOO Louisiana ..- 12.141,0» 6 VH.tHO Maryland. M,'2S7.oon MlsasMppl. 2,750.OtO 1,968.000 North Carolina. 8.966.8S0 2 350.001 South Carolina. '.“5O»0 I MJM lennesece.. 19.19“ 000 U.»9.000 Texes it 677,«w I7.9M, oo Virginia. >3>v; 12" I CCo West Virginia. lt.SM).fl» 10.111.UCO Total_g229.sflS.3Ui) |l«\*J«,UtC , IMDU1SON MENT FOR DKBT IN MA8SACHUBKTTS The Boston Globe Dlls of a peculiar case of a woman who has just been relessfd from a Mssiechasetts jail after being im prisoned fourteen mouths for contempt of j c >art. It seems tbat tbe woman was omen a iu pay over certain money supposed to be in her possession. 8be declared that she did not have the money and did not control it, but the court held tbat her failure to obey its order was contempt, and sent her to jail. Now, the committing judge has dis charged the prisoner on the ground that he in satisfied she baa no money and cannot p*y Our Boston contemporary says that no matter by what mine eucb a proceeding ie called, it is in fact imprisonment for debt, and nothing else. It was in tho judge's power to keep this poor woman locked up lor the remainder of her life, but fourteen mouths will ap pear monstrous enough now that her inno cence baa been admitted. To insure respect for the judicial author ity judges must be invested with consid erable arbitrary piw.r, sl-.boogb President MadiisuK once said that tbe power of iodg«e to punish for contempt of court was •‘a power iucoasidcnt with Republican institution* ” Although this wa* an ex trema opinion the Massachusetts cate is s strong argument on that line. THK H K \L-TfT OFFH KU’H BBPOBT Klsewbere will be found the report ot Health Officer GaRKiaoN Ur the year 1889 It is remarkably foil and complete and ■hould be carefully read by every cit./jn of Wheeling. Lis statistics and recomen datioos are, vital and interesting. The feature to which the RttUSTKU wishes to call special attention is the re moval and disposition of garhsge. The present system is grossly inadequate, as tbs KHH9TRR has time and egaia pointed oat and the work is fifty per ««•»■ mo,e costly than it is ia Cleveland, Philadel phia, Baltimore or Boston. I he preeent crematory facilities tor tbe disposal of the city’s night soil will not do one-third of the work required. There is no reason whatever wby this ecu dttion should prevail, or wby " heeling should not lie in the very front rank of cleenly and healthy cities. Our death rate is moderate, even nuder preeent cir cumstances, and coold be considerably re doced with proper care and attention. Council should lose no time in erec'icg a crematory south of tbe creek. As will he seen by the statistics presented ia the report, that sectiou of the city, by reason, principally, of its distance from the cre mxtorv. euffn*. A, soon as the tinances of the city per mit, the interests of ths Eighth ward .bould be looked otter, as the Health Of ficer soggests. aOMKTHINW MOKK FROM MR. MAC BKTtl. Mr. GBDKitk A. Macbsth, the Pitts burg glass mannfactorer, who has raised »nch an awfnl lumpnsamoogIhepmUced interests by declaring before the W sys Means Committee that he wanted fie* trade and could pay betfer wages noder free trade than he can now under high pro tection. has been interriewed by the fV/f~ burg /W, and gins seme additional aid interest1 og eiews upon the subject o! the tariff as it sff<cts b» imln-try. Speaking of his risit to the Ways snd Means Com mittee, he said: »*Ybe glass men present knew what thought of ths whole tariff business. and their heads together to see how they o>old manage. »o they got the chairman to call on me to state my caao first, knowing very well that theie would b» no po*-ib e oDDortnnity for me to reply to their state afwU; and all 1 did was to tell the troth <“-IPww treated very nicely indeed by alt of the committee, and occopied the tlwr about two hoars and a half, and the only exception that I could take to the whole proceeding was that Mr. Bayne would put Hypothetical questions at me, and other Jtions which mToUed a ..uumiona public of prirate firm basio^s. were altogether immaterial; and I had to 7ay to him. though not in these words, that he reminded me of what Carlisle said boot the Holy Koman Empire, in tbej r*t place it was not holy; in ths second fl oe it wa not Kom*n, and in the thud p!«c- it was not an empire I took the grorn-J that in any consideration of the ! ts’iff, taking it in its entirety, tbe whole system id either right or wrong; it cannot be both. ‘The atcoonte given are very fragmen tary, necessarily, as it would occupy sev eral colnume in a new piper, and ary body in inskirg np thnr minds on the subject shonid coos der the whole of what wae -aid, not a part ot it. Mr. Bayne seemed to ac on the theory that, if he cuald pozze ui«* in answering hypothetical questions he was accomplishing some thing, joat as if it made »nv difference to the pahiic what I thought or what I did, tbe tea! tmth of the matter being 'bn im portant thing for the commit''ee. “I was perfectly astonndrd at the state ments of sortie cf the glass uieu, for some knew they weie not true; and what is more, hey were not true. One Poilacrlohia gla«e maa stated that a certain glass factory in New Eoglsnd bad to go oot of tha busi ness became* th<*v con id net compete with foreign glass. Tuc fact of tbe matter i* the articles made in that factory were not imported at all, and when that kind of good* went oat of ftsb'.oo that glass fac toiy lost its occnpati iu, because it could not compete with Pittsbnrgand with Phil adelph a Tbe factory ivas then c'oeed np, bnt was afterward operated by another ptrty, and the foreman who operated it tcld me not long ago that any man who would a’temp lo op-rate tint factory was a fool. Tee party who tried it closed it op and moved to Philadelphia, and is now actually mana'ae'uiicg goods which are imparted. ‘These man tame down there with de mands of tbe committee to increa e the duty ou all sorts qf things, telling only half tbe tratb, sod any impartial observer after listening to the demands made in that room wentd come to the cocciosioc that the Am* can nation were a ret of babies, always calling on tbe government to help them in <*ome way in carryirg on their business. In place of tbe inannfac ruren of the ccuotiy giving information which would enable the ways and means committee to make up their minds intelli- i nertly, it seems to me three ptople no down with stories concocted so as to de- | ceive the committee. “1 asked Mr. Carlirls bow they man aged to got along, as it was a pnzzle to me. He stated it was txceedingly tire erne and dismasting to see to many miu come down there with a f«lse story, and 1 it was iropo sible for tbecommittee to un derstand every kind of business involved. | While they knew the mao was not telliog the trntb, they did cot know enough about tbe bnsinees-8 involved to com-1 pletely pat him to ti ght. X know several uianctacturirs who 'hick as I do atioat this matter, bat who i have great hesitancy about appearing be fore the committee on accoant of the pub licity of 'h-ir flrtn bneiness. They tried to g«.t me to wrangle over personal matters, aud the malicionsuess of rivals and imita- j bos of car goods w»s very apparent. They never said n word abont the strike to re duce wsges, aid how thsy cussed and have hated me tor not going into it to help them out. All was for lie bene lit of labor. Oh I —yes! a 1 very nice to this case. ‘ Answer uie three ‘tar'll' tints:’ How1 can tn« jroverom-mt protect carpenters, micfeltyers, blacksmiths, machinists, clerks, hired girl-% and hosts of othert? Don't the tariff make nil their clothes and hcnsehol-1 effects cist them mmi than | they would cos: with-ut a ttriffV” • WOOLS AXI) METALS HeaUtty Conditions freiatllng in Two tra il srtant Maikets. Nkw Yokk, January 3—BrmMreet'x j -ays’ “Com pr rati rely little baa b-endone ' in the le.tding wool markets this week. New York r« ports m ire activity than Bos r-m or X’oiiado phia B >me dee* ripiions I of Territory wool are weaker, but with ■his txcrptioa pries are steady tfcrongh on* tb- list. The tii nation is repined, both b/ urn mist tnnrs and holdei*, »s rathrr u ctrtaia so tsr as iiuiuedute pros ar» i ioi (uni, a uo u.ui:uiiKiujsio fird little to eecourage theca ia the out-i look, i ud dealers urn! producers have to j •rail on them. Much larger stocks ot wool aru heid in the prirdpal markets tbau a year ego. Toe AmerUnn Wool Ex- j porter tniKer (he lot ovmdk estimate of '.be number of ponuds on hands at Boston, New York, Pjiladelpbia and Chicago: Do?. 31 ‘So. Dec. 31, •&* | Boston . «.0S4 65» 21.416.157 New York . 3,078 000 h,.'«5 000 : Philadelphia. .U*7.oOO 8.CW.OOO t'hicsgou..— 1.235,000 2,730.10! I Business is just now quiet at Boeton. Prices are maintained, aa a rule, but the general temper ot' the market ia not so buoyant as a month ago. Few mannfac j turers are buying freely, and none tf them will listen to talk of htgner prices. Fine fleeces are firm, with a diminished inquiry. Combing aod delaiue wools are also strong There is modnate movement ot Texas • appliis, but little to m«u«iou ij Cslifor- . uia and Territory sorts. Carpet stock is inactive. The Boston receipts of wool last y«ar amounted to 100 000 bales of domes tic and 51,000 bales of foreign lees than in 1*87 Carrent quotations are as follows, in cotuputsou with lnet year and the year ] before: Jan. 6. Jan. 4. Jan. 3. 1888. IS!®. 1880 Ohio A Pa. X....315431c. 38W.34C. 32*330. Ohio* Pa. XX SliaAi M*35 83m*.« O. A Pa. XX and above-.-32*33 35*36 34*35 Michigan X.28*2:* AM ‘2‘, : » Delaine, Fine Oh 0-3&IS Jo S.siV* *>**7 Combing No. 1- ,-3?*3l* 40 8*3 W Tex a** »priug, 1 months. ....—17*22 20*24 25*23 The sales of the week at Boeton are re- j ported at 2,760 190 pounds, as against 2,-1 510,0041 pon.-ds lust wtek and 2,264,000 pounds in the corresponding week a year ; ago. Til K MITAh MAKKKTS. HraiiMmt». The year opens with txceptionally fa vorable indications (ortho iron and sletl trades. Tne output cl furnaces east, west and south has been contracted for, and there is a very eirorg inclination among j consumers ol foundry and forge irons, as well at Bessemer, to extend contracts to still more remote deliveries, lest tba pres- J eot strong upward tendency should lead to a still higher rarge of prices. Foundry j aod forge irons have advanced $4a$5 per ion within a year, while at suae points Bessemer pig hai advanced $8a$9 A marked advance has also taken place in lake ores, and the advsuce in these crude materials ixtend to the various finished produc’s Tne fnroace on'pnt is heavier than ever before; the mill production Is also very heavy, and in the opinion of ex cellent authorities will eo continue throughout 1690. The extent of the de mand for steel rails is still cue of the un certainties. Railroad bnilders have not yet decided what they will do. Repair requirements will be very fceivy, bat the demand for the construction of new road has not yet been determined. Billets, blooms anil Slant SUI int erim 1U1 »•»• ! steel porpwec will crowd existing capacity, i anil ample preparations are being made j 'or such extensions 88 will enable con tamer* to supply their wants promptly. Nothing is lining in the foreign copper market. Bu*in<88 is also quiet here, with Lake Saper or ingot quoted at 14*1 tic per pound. The leadiug cypper share* on Swea t- Groan- Growl, $ ? What else h to b< expected ef the old fashioned way i \ of bl-cking the ■ l I shoes? Try the I fif new way by using 7 WOLFFS Acme Blacking and the dirty task heconcs % deauiy <■<& §1 Sm WolffsACMEBiacking REQUIRES NO BRUSH. Sheds Water or Snow. Shoes con be ***** Cleon, requiring only once a Wcob fcr cien. ooce a Month lor .cneo U is also an Elegant Hornes* Dressing. WOLFF* RANDOLPH.PhUadalp** CUPID’S HARNESS. Most women naturally look fortran! to matrimony ns tlu-ir proper sphere in life, but they should constantly bear 1:1 mitul that a fair, rosy fae>\ bright i. iiid u h..ilthy, wiU-di-vehipol form, are th- I* >t passports to a happy marriajfi'. AH thus*- ivuatuig dis orders. weaknesses. and functional irmrulnri ti » peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attractiveness and make life miserable. An unlailme speritlc lor ttu-se mahtdi s .s to be found ill lir. Pe na 's Kai orite Prescription. It • tie1 only medicine lor women, sold by di'. -u, under n positive guarantee fro ii the manufacturers, tint it will give Satisfaction in every eats', or money will In' re funded. This guarantee has n,-eu printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for uunv yea!.-. $1.00 per 1 kittle, or Six Bottles lor {i.UU. Copyright. I---, by World's luMan. ass's. DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS Purely Vegetable ! Perfectly Harmless ! UNEQUALED AS A LIVER PILL. Munllfst. ( lieapest, Easiest to take. One liny. Sugar-coated Ivllet a done. Cures Se n lleaihii he, Uilious Headache. Cnnatipu ti",i. Hi Updion, ItHious Attacks,and all *!•* i.UUP-menu ol the Stomach uud Bowels. . ■.’ - i p i . ."ii' the Barton Stock Exchange continue) s'rung, though inquiry is not unneually active. Iron or steel prices (at mill or furnace). Jan. 3, Dee. 37, Jan. t, Umtut 1S90. 1889, 1889. 1884. Pig Iron, antli., __ _ No 1 .ton .119 506810.0*1 818.50sMO.00 818 00 818.00 Steel rails, ton.. 8-. 835 82sca,.0 830.00 Comparative prices of other metals in store. Copper, lake. lb. 14 4CC. lk'<c. 17.30c. 10Xc. Lead, common domestic, Ih. 3.931-'c. 3 vrt*e. 3 93c. 3*-Mc. Tin. straits, lb. 21 20c. 31.00c. 21.85c. 16'ac. Spelter, common domestic, lb. 5.45c. 5.00c. 4Hc Hurlw(tuii News. Prof. A. H McFaddeu gave a grand on tertainment here on Monday evening. Mr. L Wooster is able to be about again after tin severe attack of pneumonia. Mrs. T J. Smith who hae been layed up for some lime was reported some better yesterday. Alfred Barton, a coal miner, residing rear the Laoghlin mill, met with a vjry painful accident here on Tatsday evening while rcr ftHog with a yourg man by the name ol Hoover who says he went to grab nim as he tnned around, striking him in the eye, patting it ou*. Wnile it was merely accidental, Hoover regrets it very ranch. HIED. BASHAR -Ou Sunday. January 5th. 1893, Charlan Bashar, toa of Christian and Barora Bashar, In hW twentieth year. We miss the husband from our home, We miss tliea from thy place to dear. A shadow o’er our life fs cast: We miss the.'Jnshlueof thy face; We miss thee, thy kind and wiUiuj hand. Thy fond and earuist care. Our home is dark without thee. We miss tbee every where. Funeral at hts la*e residence, No. 2149 Main street, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. DELBRCGOE—At Martins, O.. Sunday morn ing, January 5,1890,stCo'clcck. W’m. Dbi.brusok, lu his 63d year. Funeral from residence of his daughter, Mrs Henry Llndemau. -Etnaville, Tuesday afternc on at 2 o'clock. Friends of the family ate invited lo_ attend. Interment at Mt Z'.oi cemetery. Hfx ^dSirtisrmrKli. POCKET AND DESK DIARIES —FOR 1890— Killers ior old covers in great variety. STANTON & DAVENPORT, j«3 Ko. 1301 Market 81re«t. ^ 'Losing out. FANCY GOODS At greatly reduced prices. JOHN FRIKIkKL. delis No. 1119 Main Street. $40,000.00 ~ WK HAVE NOW IS STOCK OVER FORTY THOUSAND DOLL AH'S WORTH OK DIAMONDS A ti.l not a dollar's worth on commission. The goods are onrs aud we are bound to move them. Call and see our stock, make a selection, and we will make the price extremely low. I. G. DILLON & CO., dels JEWELERS. QOAL! COAL! The Celebrated Bridgeport Coal, Clean, Nut and Mixed, delivered to all parts ol the city. Order by postal or telephone, from KOEHSL1NK BROS., seplteodvb Bridgeport, Ohio. Old Stifle! We refer to the Stone Tea Pots, the kind your grandmother used in making tea. Tin lid« hiuged, and will not fail off WKO. W. JOMNIsON’S (MSNR, ,je26 1210 Main Street. J E FIGARO ILLUSTRIE. London News and nraphic, Holly Leaves, Christmas. Ac. London Annuals, Herman and English Almanacs aud Diaries for 1S90. News papers and Periodicals by the year atlpuhllshere’ prices. C. H. UU1MBY. jt .i «os. HU and 1507 Market Street EOR SALE OR RENT. I ANT ARY 1ST, 1890, I BEOIN MY FOCK teenth year tn the Kea! Estate Badness in j this ci y Daring this time I handled property j la all parts of the city a :d am therefore ac qnalnted with values, and also who are good j tenants. _ It will pay you to place your property, cither for sale or rent In the hands of a responsible | "i^wVlI give special attention to the genera! j management of property for most profitable re m't*. All property plscod In my hands is adver tised thoroughly without charge to the owner Q-. O. SMITH, Real Estate Agent aud Broker, dei'xa 12JJ MAIN STREET. $tca»b:afs STEAMERS For Cincinnati, Louisville, Mem phis, St. Louis, New Orleans, nnd Intermediate Points, Will leave Wharf Best foot of Eleventh Street, Dally, Monday excepted, as follows : I Steamer "RAINBOW," Chris, ti Youug. Master; Chas. W. Knox, Clerk every Tuesday at: a. m. , , Steamer “ANDES.” E. B. Cooper. IJ^&JMa'ter: Al. J. Haven, Clerk; every -aSJRs® Wednesday al 7 a tn Sieamer ”HrDSON," J. F. Ellison. I^^S^Master: Dan Lacey, Clerk: every jHHHKthursday at 7 a. m. __ Steamer“W. N. CHANCELLOR. I njr- p. Chancellor. Master; Ira B Hun dfi^BBungton. Clerk; Every Friday at7 a m. rrr> ■. Steamer "SCOTIA,” John M. Phil fJt—vjIUjw. Master; Robert H. Kerr. Clerk; * vi ry Saturday at 7 a. m. «-r> % Steamer “LOUIS A SHERLKY." IjJt *<; F Ed. Maddy. Master; Jnle 'A ehrman. , -iwg: every Sunday at 7a. tn. First clasa fare. Wheeling to Cincinnati. *6.(H). Roornl trip. *10.00. Meal* and state room in *#-Ticket* transferable and good until used. For Freight or Passage apply outoaMor Tele phone No. S42. FRANK BOOTH, nolS A*em ^uamiuseuu* HX>R BENT-TWO OFFICE ROOMS, Second Boor, No. 30 Twelfth Street. A Iso one arse hall, third fi lot, whicn can be used as a lodge room, etc. Apply to EMSHEl.MER A CU., No. 34 Twelfth street. Jalcadh F'OR SALE—S350 BUYS A FINE BUILDING lot on the Island, South Wabash street. If [ taken this week, 25 by 125. L A. ROLF A CO., R»al Estate Agents 1520 Market street. Tele phone No. 566. WANIEO-A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE • nd competent man as Bookkeeper and I Puymas er in a large manufacturing establish ! ment Must be well recommenced. Address MANUFACTUk ER, tills office, giving references. Is«h__• ___ WANTED-TO BUY A HOUSE AND LOT, about 7 rooms, on Fourteenth, Fifteenth or Sixteenth s reel, with modern conveniences L. A. ROLF A CO, Real Estate Agent*, 1520 Market stieet. Telephone No. 566 1STOTIC* A FALSE RUMOR—NOT A WORD IN of trail ’it it that the OH, Gas aud Coa Is reserved in Die Marylynn addition to Benweod. If you buy a lot everything under it belongs to you. Mk3 A. (’. McMECIIEN No 9*1 Main rtreet. 1.. A. RO! F A CO , No. 152J Mark t St., aud JAS. McMAHON, Bouwood Janction. her agents. jaldAeh QALKSHEN WANTED at once—A few good O meu to sell our goojs by sample tothe whole ! s le and retail trade. We are the largest manu facturers In our Hue In the world. I.lbpra! sa ary paid. Permanent position. Money advanced f»r wages tdvertjsing, etc l or fu l terms ad ! dress. Centennial MTg Co., Chicago, 11L, or CIn ' cinnat‘* O. _delitead cod WANTED—A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE and compe'ent man as Bookkeeper and j Paymaster iu a large minufactnring establish ment. ,vus' be well recommenced. Adilress MANUFACTURER, this office, giving references. ' j*4h AGENTS Should Write for Illustra'ed circu lars, terms aud two week.’ trial of Missouri ! Steam Washer Washes dirtiest clothes cleau by i hot steam withoit rubbing. Easily sold and profitable. J. WORTH, SL Louis, Mo. selfiWASat-yb_ Wanted -an id -nest, ambitkirs man for a permauent position, with an old es tablished firm a- their repress* tative in his own I State. Salary increased with exp“rieuce. Kef ; erences required Manufacturer, Lock Box l.’MS, N. 4 . de80oawb A TTENTIQN, DEMOCRATS! : All Democrats are invited to site’ll a meeting I of the Y. M. D. C., at the Hall, corner Water and Tweltt - streets on Tuesday e vening, January ! 7th, ls90, 11 make final arrangements to attend ' the Inauguration of Governor-elect Campbell, at i columbub, Ohio. January 13,1390. By order of the Club. r". A. WOEBKR, Jr., i JaAdqer Secrelary. TH" U. u. SOCIETY^ The regular monthly meeting of the Womcn’b Union Benevolent Society will l>e held at the t rooms of the Y. M C. A. on Moudiy, January 6th, at 3 o'clock p. m. As this Is a meeting of importance all members are urgently requested to attend. MRS. W. J. W. COW DEN, ja6qSecretary. FOR SALE. Aten roomed brick house, no. *2 Thirteenth street, at a gre»t i argaln. Building lots lu all parts of the city at last year's prices. FOR RENT. Store Room 1223 Main street. 10-Rootnei Dwelling, w ith all medern tonveu ieiires, at 848 Main street. 7 Roomsd Dwelling, at 165 North Front, has all modern improvements. 4 Roomed House. 28 Indiaua -11061, possession given at once. Roomed Brick House, 97 North Huron, l ga-es and water. Other small bouses from three to five rooms in Has'. Wheeling, Island and Booth Wbecliug. G. O. SMITH. JiG _1220 Ms'll Street. Dinner sets i The Finest Quality of English Ware. 100 phees-$13.00 l*f set New Goods. Beautiful Decoration. EWING BROS. )a4 1215 Market St., opp., McLure House. A BEAUTIFU L AB8()BTM ENT Of Holiday Presenls, in fact the flaest that we have ever bad lu stock, and at lower prices than ever, t 'all soon an 1 examine. nt'L.UNi KltOS., DriiRgiKN, Corner Market null Twelfth Ntreeta. dec 13. SALE. In order to reduce our stock as much as possible before taking in ventory, we announce a clearing up sale in every department. Ladies';Children's Furs AT SLAUGHTER PRICES. Lillies' snd Children's -WRAPS At about half their value. i Remnants! Remnants! Turing our great Holiday rush they have accumulated in every j department, and we will now dis pose of them, if reasonable, at! your own price. libs Choice Ceese Feathers For Sale. 11*2 MAIN STtffcjFT. de29>*d rPETLEY’S TEA. Fragrant, atisolatelv Pure. Delicious. From India ami Ceylon; 100 per cent stronger than China or Japan Tea. For sale at H. F. BEHRENS’, 2217 Market Street, or de31 Cor Thirty-eighth and Jacob Sts. NutTracks and Picks in sets, and • 'racks an.l Picks scpar.te. A large assort ment at the Hardware and House Furnishing ] store of NESBITT & BRO., 1312 Market Street. 1852. 1889. BLANK BOOKS and STATIONERY l)nr Hooka. I.eilgera. «'i**h Books, In,oit-c A Trlol Bttlnnre Hooka, lulls. PensA Pencils, l.egul, l etter mill BUI f»p». Letter Files. Bill Files, Document Files. &c. Wall Papei, Boidefs iCeiling Decorations Bat-v Carriages, the largest ft n-k an.l greatest variety, bold retail at w bolesale price* by JOSEPH GRAVES, No. 26 TWELFTH STREET. Telephone No._2IO^ _de28 for rent. rpHE FINE BASEMENT, WITH ALL AP A pointmeuts, under C. Schnepf's Jmg store, and best stand tn the city. Posseasion at once. Also, a number of fine office rooms in Reilly Block, corner Market and Fourteenth streets. P. --session at once for some. othersArril 1st. Ad ditional rooms and finest elevator will be added by 1st April nett. . Also, ihe fine store room. No US9 Main stret t, west fide, at present the office of the (' U A ». K K Co. This isone of the Tiest located retail business stands in the city. __tITV For urms ap; ly to M. keilli* del6eodh _ _ No- '^1 Main Street JnnnA MONTH. Agents wanted. 90 best •j U II seiliug articles in the world. 1sample / ll Free. Address JAY BRONbON. I* *•u u troll. Mich. JUsu ^iicniisemenU. BARGAINS Seal Estate and Stocks FOR SALE. I,«rge Brick House, containing fourteen rooms, on Thirty first; Lot 100 feet frout by 220 feet deep. Brick House, contatntug nine rooms, on Fif teenth street; Lot 30 feet front by 130 deep Brick House, containing twelve rooms, ou Fif teenth street; Lot 30 feet front by 120 deep. Four Brick Homes, containing from six io twelve rooms, on Twentieth street. '• he above list of houses have all the modern conveniences aud are Hi a No. 1 repair. Two Brick Store Rooms, w ilii r orns above, on Market street, very cheap, and a No. 1 invest ment. Kiarne Cottage, containing fix rooms, cellar under the whole; situated ou South York street, Isiaud. I-ot :» feet front by HO deep, with sin Mo in rear. No 1 condition Lorge Frame House, containing ten rooms, Basement Laundry, situated ou North Front btree ; lx>t CO feet front by 312 deep. Large Frame House, containing nine rooms; Basement Laundm situated ou South Fenn St; 1 Lot 40 feet frout 120 feet deep. Frame House, containing eight rooms; Base ment Laundry; situated ou Souili Penn street, 11-land; lot 33 feet iront by 120 feet deep. l.arge Frame House, containing nine rooms, large cellar, situated on South Front St., Island; lot CO feet front by 400 deep. Frame House, containing six rooms, nice cel lar; lituateon south Front street, Island: Lot 35 feet frout by 120 deep. Brick House, containing tone rooms, large cel lar, B’tualed on Virginia street. Island; Lot 40 feet front by 120deep. All of th* above houses have hot and cold wate aud illuminating aud natural gas. Frame Cottage, containing four large rooms, situated ou Zaue street, Isiaud. Lot 30 feet Iront by 132 feet deep. Natural gas and water iu the house. Fiame House,con ainiug six roomi and hill, cellar under the whole; illumin and nat ural gas l«cli room and store room; situated on south Broadway. Isiaud. Lot 35 feet frout by 120 feet deep. Three Houses ou Zaue street; large io'; paying a go^d rate oi interest. A bargain for some one. New Frame House, containing s vei rooms, with stable aud chicken yard, aud oue acre of ground situated three miles west of Bridgeport, on the Pike. Cheap. Sixty-three Acre Farm in Wellsburir, W. Va., fifteen minutes' wa k from the 1‘ostofliee. Plen ty of fruit and shade trees. Frame House, containing three r.otns in Wellsbujg, W. Va.: I.ot ,50 feet front by 14 i deep. v.coo Acres of We't Virginia I.and. Plenty of Timber. Fire Clay. Iron Ore and the celebrated New River Gofcelng Coal. Railroad goiug through it. Tnis Is a birga'n. 49 LOTS. II you waut to bny b lot on the Island I can suit you »s to price and location; also city lots. No. 1 l ot on Mfteeuth s reel cheap, with house iu rear. FOIL RENT. Two Nice Booms. Parties having proper y for rent may have the same advertised free of charge from now until ihe first of April. STOCKS. I have A number of GOOD STOCKS FOR SALK H.J. Mendel, No. G4 TWELFTH ST., 2d Floor. Telephone No. 38- JaMqes THE INDEMNITY BOND OF TUE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OK THE UNITED STATE? Issued to run either 15 or 20 years. Payable at maturity in cash, or extended at interest. Paid for in instalments and therefore of special advantage to young men whose savings are small, and to men of wealth who have surplus in come to invest. A safe investment, com bined with the most liberal form of assurance extant. Other important benefits, explained elsewhere. Send for particulars. ASSETS, - - - - $105,000,000 LIABILITIES, - - - 82,500,000 SURPLUS. --- - $22,500,000 SWEENEY & EDWARDS, GENERAL AGENTS, No. 1308 Market Street, j>:t?Ada WUKKLINIi, W.VA. BUY YOUR —op— J.S.RH0DESAC0. m Mil PRICES! Ladies' Newmarkets AT LESS THAN COST TO CLOSE. ___ - ■ini's Mirs it cost FURS AT COST. J. S. RHODES & CO. Ja« I please to take notice. great bargains in Christmas and New Year's Presents HENRY JACOBS’. Pin? Ottomans and Hassocks at to and 175 cents. Pine Russ at 50 and 75 cent* sice White Bed Spreads at . c All 00. Table and Floor Oilcloth at 1*2. A 2>v. Good Red and White Blankets very Clpfne Comfort* at the cheapest prices at JACOBS’, People’* Bank Building Heat Velvet. Brnwel* aad Flowered C»rpem. (Sinful m rf g^»8TOOKHOLDE«8’ MEETING. The anunal meeiing of 'he Sto< kholdcra of ihe Nstional Baakof Virgin a. «t Whee' ing, will be held at the Banting Hous-jon Tues day January 14lh. 1»20, between the hours or me (1) and three (3)o'clock p m. lor the elec tion of Directors and the transaction of any ether builnrps that mar enmo before them. JOHN' WAGNER, Cashier Wheeling, W. Va J nuary I, lS'JO. _if1 j-^saSrOCKHOl.DEIin MEEIING. The a' nuai meeting of the Stockholders of the Wbce leg and Belmont Bridge Conpany will be held at the office of the f'omi any on Monday the 1.1.D day of January. 18M, between the hour* o 2 an.) lot. ook p. m for ilia election or Niue Managers to serve during the ensuing year. JOS LAWtON, Secretary Wheel! g. W. Va., December :<0. Dtflf. deOi proposal'. gEALED PROPOSALS. sealed proposals will be receivel from citizens of Ohio County, at tee office of the City Water Board, until 12 o'clock m., Monday, January Slh, lsyO, f..r furnishing Coal for the year lSyo. Information regarding quality of coal required will be furuished by the Superintendent of the Wde2s* THK fitTY WATER BOARD. <$tholfsaI$ ftrocers. M. Reilly, m -WHOLISALK GROCER, PORK PACKER AND CORKS OK THK Celebrated “Strawberry Hams.’’ FLOUR! CHRISTIAN liRUV.' “CROWN” liritnil, Mliuienpoll* Potent. TAYLORS' PATENT null •■BENT'' t'nniily. WILLIAMS' Choice Ohio Family. I And many oilier choice brands of Famly Hour iu aim continually receiving. ROASTED COFFEES ‘‘Alaroma." "Arbuckle's," “Lion,” and my I own roa»t if “Old Woman," “Horse Head," and loose roast. #*-Sole Agent 'or the Celebrated Hu* Pont Powder Mill*. A fall supply Of Rifle. Blasting and Sporting Powder of every kind constantly in inagizlne. Orders solicited from dealers only. Abo Patent Hemp. Cotton, and Water-proof Safety Fuse. sets ^glints and liquors. RHINE WINES! Mnrcolirniier, l.iebfrnu Milch, Erbncker. Nelr Nleluer, I.nn benlictuicr. -CHAMPAGNES I'oincry A (4 re no Sec, Hurtle Monfrbellfl «. II. Muniiii'ft, Itoiieliea See «oli* Neill, California Wineu and Clarets P. WELTY & CO., WHOLFJUI.E I.KtroKN. liuildcrs and PaUriai. TOOK TO V< OB INTERB8T8 To Bnildcrs anil liworrs uf Building*. I now have on tiaml Uie lx*t selected Ftocfc o Slate Mantels ever brought to the city. I keep. good a>eoiUnen, of Gas Grates at'd Tile Heartbi amt all gissls for making a nice Ore place. Cal at my place and von call “ee just what yon are U vet anil vie mo Mantel Bel up for lrfpeciloo. B. K. GA I.DWELL, ]e2S<Us 1507 Main Htreot. Jaints, &c. C. KURNER, Painter, Gralner, Glazier, lies A PAPER 1IANUKB, Dealer in Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Brush*. “, Ac, No. 1727 M\BKET STREET, Telephone Connection. W heeling, W Va. ielAo_ |^s*NOTICE. I have no connection with any other photo graph gallery other than my own at No. 1205 Market sttcet; nor do 1 employ agents. no.Mdq.te J- A. H. PARSONS. CANDIES AND NUTS. We have the fined line of CAN 1)1 Mand Nl!T.> in the ell , at the lowest p ice. Finest Mixed Candy, 10 Cents. Bfft Mix'd Nnts in the City, 1"> Cents. Oranges, (ira|ies, Bananas, Figs and Ita'es, WBuy your ChriftmM Groceries fro n us. CONNER tfc 8KEUEKER, dels Gor. Merkel and Fourteenth Mtraalf. •pq~lGHESTCA!5H TRICE Paid 'or Woolen and Cotton Rags, Wrought and Cf ft Iron. Copper, Brass, and all kinds of old metal and junk. Pers-nis having any of the alnve will do well by cal'lng on or telephoning ALFRED DIMMACK, 24 (V, and 2403 Chanline .street. Who will call for it ai once. Telephono No. 526. delTedl* gELLING OUT TO QUIT BUSINESS. 1 have rented my store room ami intend to quit liufiuesa. My entire stock of Cajedmeren, Coatings and Gents' Furnishing G xxl* must be sold by March 1st. Now 1b the time to secure big bargains in above goods. Csll e rly. II. ZINKANN, declMaeb toil Main Street FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Wo have jUFt received our Fall and Winter j stock of New Goods and wo invito an early in spectlon of same. 0. H. WHEELER & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS, Wo. mi Market Street, Fp Stair*. allied_ _ ___ (Jfuii'-Uarr and (farprts “WE ARE THE PEOPLE” YOU ARE LOOKING FOR I We Are Offering Genuine Bargains in F - CMS! Chamber Saits, Reception Chairs, Corner Chairs, Divans, Standing Cabinets Ranging Cabinets, Mantel Mirrors, Pedestals, ChifToniers, Dressing Tables, Shaving Stands, 4c. Axminster, Wiltons, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, Turkish Rugs, Angora Rngs, Sheepskin Rugs, Daghestan Rugs, Wilton Rngs, Smyrna Rngs, Ac. DON'T T1 A TTi TO CADLi AND SEE US. G. Mendel & Co, 1124 MAIN STREET. «*-Undertnkinu and Arterial Embnlming n Specialty._;i>l <6ru. #. iJaglor GEO. R. TAYLOR. GREAT I, El p -In All Kinds of -ESPECIALLY C leaks, Blankets, Comforts, Furs and DRESS GOODS GEO. 0. TAYLOR. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM -OF ARBENZ & CO. ARE OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Furniture g Carpets, _at their old stand No. 1115 MAIN STREET, • - WHEELING, W. VA. Star Undertaking and Arterial Embalming Given Special At tention. _ JlfW JJmrnitnn j)nnse—JSamm & Co. WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE -FOR A Christmas Present For either man, woman or child than some article selected fr om a first class line of Furniture? In this line, no matter what the selec tion may be, it is almost sure to give satisfaction to the recipient, we are prepared to 6upply satisfactorily, both in quality and price, every class and manner of people. Being greatly in need of space, we have determined that our Holiday Goods, which have been selected from the very best, must go; therefore the fact that you will save time and money by on us is apparent. HAMM CO., No, 1Q(>7 MAIN STHKT^T. G2H J^atnifKiflUb OPERA HOUSE. FHDAY AND SATURDAY. JANUAnY lot AND MTI HII U M ATI m i MU E 0. HlONB anncuace* a l'mlt.-d , I of appeanuir cof America * Iinim-itt a, ' MR. JOSEPH HAWORTH, IN 8TEKIK MAf KI.V 8 IiKaMA. * *g~KveDlng price* to and i n;, k . | Seal«, It 00. ««-Matinee pinh, 25 and K Seats, 75c. 1 Sale of Kata commence* Thur*day, January 9th, at C. A. Houae’f miwlc store. Ja -I. • GRAND OPERA HOU: E. | O. V. URNTHEK ....lauuwe and Mauag, r Three Sights aod Wednesday Matinee, i»iui • lag on Monday Ktenlag. January Sth. THE PEOPLE'S FAVOMTE ACTOR, 3V. S. WOOD, IN HIS LATEsT St’CCK s, ‘OUT IN THE STREETS GREAT SCENIC EFFECTS SPECIAL SCENERY ' HI WILLIN'. HITIATIoN PRICRS-'lallery. 25c: A’lilldreu, IV lrr<-. dice, Ytc.. Orcht «tr» n- at*. Vc Kis. rvi.1 *. «n sa.e at Mi Lore Home Hat and FitruD 8 ore Ja GiiAlS D OPERA HOUSE. O. i 8 HITHER U am aid Maaa Two.Nights Only and Saturday Matinee. Iobiim.«. lag Friday Mrniug, January 10. McCarthy & McCall Co. TRUE IRISH HEARTS -1 IIK — Greatest of all Irluh pie urc*.yue play* I’r e l wltn its original Few York Cast, Si» r . crate Rteuary Mechanical* » ,t Properllt's. New Music New Snugs New 1 ranees stair in Irlah Language. A '•••mime Iri'h Hag Pipe Player. Prices Uailery 25c, < htl'lren IV; lire**' ircle 2SC; Oichd ra ( hsirs 'Ntc, Jat, cjfcr Sent. ANY PERSON Having prope-ly KOK KFST may have .auit* ail erlfned la tbU»ptc« »»«* run from now until Apr I tat, Iv.n if tin y will r., U> iik uu or la-fore Thursday of eat li wi < k FOR RENT. fW •/.I». '. No. XU Cbapllne ‘t., C room* t So :l' Twtnlletb Hi.. 7 room. So. 122 Kereniet ui It at, t n "in« So lt9 Thirty-third Ht, 6 r obi No. 211st Mam HI. 3 root],'- At tor.. u No #H Tinny flrU't , V2 room* ir. I. ,, . So 9lti Market - t , • mom No ‘'la Manet HI . ! rot-in No. alt Market Ft. S room* K evident at Leaib- wood 4li At re of Ground and 7 n«-i i l... i Mm Grove. ........ Farm of -W Acrtt. !*»•- .'Hr,, RINEHART & TATUM, Real t'slale, Stmkv Fire Inmnnre. 1163 Mui'kot Str^wt. ja-Man J;or $nle Ij'OK HACK GOM WaTkK Hint r CA-ki, for upright i»r Apply ai it • office. JJESIDENCE FOR SALE. My rea'denre. No 77 > iternib »lrtet Tlie bouKe Ik In peifcttorVr. Furnished with Natu ral and lltnmlt alluy Ku and all the water rou venleuret. Puanilou April l»t, or roouer if wanted. de'llh B. K. <'A COW KM.. J^OR 8ALE. At low print*. And on • a*y t-jrma, Choice Building Lots on Wheeling Island. JOHN V. GIU'HRUT, JpORSALK OR EX< MANGE. * THhKK Hmal! ITafev at Kim drove. KOI'lt Large Dwelling* In the my. Several small HwelllugK. l ow prlcet and long time. F.ntjulre of If KOftBM. de9 No. 1142 Cbapllne i-lreel (JTi'CK FOR SALE. I oiler for tale from »|2 *0 Pi »!C.t»« worth of ■lock In a long ertabli In -I mauufai ('iring I nail - tuiion, wblc ba* teen lit ft ■ • r . operation near tbla city for many year*, and |-ay» e»»ily 12 jier cent. JAMUL IUWLIY, gp3n U20 Main Street FOR HAIjE. OMAI.L HARDEN SAKM 1 >K J t A' KM IN il R.-lmt tit i nnnty,<>h o a t »* room) ' hoaai Stable and Bam. plenty of water, llmlwr and mal; all In *• •«! ordir; II CW «me *li rw ed house al II.WO one at II.MO One tire r.niiiid home at 11,770, o e al I 11,JX'. One four roomed house al |I,JU; t: roomed one at ll.wxt. Three loti I roomed house at ti.JUO: four lou and "to roomed house |1 WO one lot on Virginia *tm fWO. on* on Thirty-ninth. I'O nine on Jam! JOOO; two on Kolf 11,700 oaeh one on Knit, W.01 i t ■ t H 0 OCh, It.MOeam. ttiree on J». • f:i,.70O; one on t'hapllue. 11,700. FOR RENT. Three atory brier, nine rooma, on t'haplln St, water, natural and artltb'l i gas "it all :'•»«. . Bmall'fann, in acres, mliea from Bridge). '. OEO. J. MATHISON, dejW_^^_^i__^_^^l£IO_*tba£llneJRree«^ Orngqisls. Logan Drug Co. Are always 'othe front with New and Seasonable Hoods. 1HE PEflfECT MEITHOL 111111! HaTFoK KISSIAN INKLUKM W THE NEW MODEL —VERTICAL FEED— AIK Tl'ilir, RUBBER TIC, PEARL MUCILAGE. The Perfection cf Mucilage Bottle mmi CLEANER fcTKOViKR THASf (UK V) I'OKh Ml HKI 'H ' MJ W JSTJ *0 MMLI.IMi! CHEST PROTECTORS. Logan's Genuine Fxcelsior Baking Powder ! Plmannl Worm frjrrup, PtUUble a effective. I.lly Cream, for <b»p* »n<l rou#liD • ltie atin. Huuietlead PIIU, beet pill ever LOGAN DRUG CO.. ,1(27 HKIUUK 4 OUNKK. (fduralional. I MT. DE CHANTAL, Near Wheeling, W. Va. (BISTJtSB OF THK VHUTATION ) A reboot of more than national repatati'1 ®* fere exceptional adTai.unjea for thoromb » lion of young ladle# In all deparur.eutA U » of tlx thousand eolnmi* Fin# phDoa.'l * | chemical and a.*uon©miual apparatua. Mb** Department »T>*«iaiiy noted. '■on>aof l ‘ tealdiera trained by a leading profe-er from « ■> •errat/irr of Bluutart. Vocal oulium aooord -4 A ui the met hoi oftt.e oMluUtt m-Mm. Lo«^ 1 tton uneurpawed for beauty and health, d acleaof pleaanre gtonadi Board eiceltant. j Kor catalog t.a, and referetice# to pa trod "tJ